
With what they drink martinis and what they eat. What do the main types of martini drink with: the correct serving of the drink. Species nuances and features

Martini (vermouth) is an alcoholic drink that an impressive army of fans prefers to drink. Since vermouth is, first of all, an aperitif, it is drunk at evening events that do not involve a large-scale feast. It will be quite appropriate at a romantic meeting, a cocktail party with friends, a buffet table. Martini cocktails are popular in nightclubs, so this alcohol has rightfully gained fame as the “king of nightlife”.

Vermouth won the greatest popularity in our country:

  • Bianko (bianco) - white vermouth with a spicy taste and delicate hints of vanilla.
  • Rosso (Rosso) - red vermouth with an amber tint obtained from caramel. It has a bright aroma and a slight bitterness.
  • Rosato (rosato) - pink vermouth, consisting of white and red wine.
  • Extra Dry (extra dry) - dry vermouth with a strength of 18%.

There are several options for serving this light aromatic drink. Let's take a closer look at how martinis are served and what they eat.

Serving pure martini

Martini in pure form, served:

  • With olives that can be put on the bottom of the glass or strung on a decorative skewer.
  • With an onion.
  • A slice of lemon.
  • Pieces of ice.
  • Fruits and berries (cherry, strawberry, pineapple, orange, kiwi).

Serving diluted martini

Berries can be frozen, act as an addition to a drink instead of ice. Pairs perfectly with Bianco berries. Vanilla notes combined with berries give a pleasant aftertaste. In combination with citrus fruits, it perfectly harmonizes Rosso. Lemon is a classic appetizer for Extra Dry dry vermouth.

Drinking vermouth diluted with additional ingredients is a more popular way to consume it. There are many options here that can fill the drink with the desired accents.

The easiest option is dilution with water or fruit juices, often citrus. It is better if the juice is freshly squeezed. Juice is added in a 2:1 ratio, or you can replace one part of the juice with ice. For fans of strong drinks, there are options for diluting a martini with vodka, tequila, whiskey or gin. Mixing with carbonated drinks (tonic, cream soda, lemonade, cola, schweppes) is also possible.

The most popular way to consume a martini is to make alcoholic cocktails based on it.

Appetizer for martini

An important question that may arise for a person who is poorly versed in the intricacies of serving alcoholic beverages: “What do martinis eat with?” Due to the low strength, a martini appetizer is not necessary at all. However, it is not forbidden to serve salted crackers and nuts, as well as mild hard cheeses (preferably several types). Also, an olive or an olive from a glass is a great appetizer for a martini. You can serve fruits with vermouth, citrus fruits or peaches are better suited, as well as any berries.

Martini glasses

To fully appreciate the merits of vermouth and enjoy its taste is possible only if the right glasses are selected for it in the shape of a cone rising on a long thin stem. The use of glasses and glasses intended for other alcoholic beverages indicates a lack of drinking culture and is considered bad form. the only alternative low wide glasses (for whiskey) can protrude.

Tasting process

Vermouth should be drunk chilled. Optimum temperature at which the maximum bouquet of wine is revealed, is 10-15 ° C. Enjoy the drink slowly, drinking it in small sips. If vermouth is part of a cocktail, then it is better to use a straw to drink.

Wine good quality, juices and fruits, as well as the right martini snack will create a great festive mood and surprise guests with unusual alcohol combinations.

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Martini is a well-known fortified wine. in which spices and herbs are added. In our country, it is not customary to drink it in its pure form.

Therefore, many try to change the taste and strength by adding all kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Martini has a light taste, a small degree, because of this it was called a woman's drink. You need to drink slowly, savoring the spicy taste in small sips.

note! Pure martini should be consumed from a special glass. If you are mixing with other ingredients, then you can use a straw.

An ideal drink for a quiet drink in a small company or alone.

By the way, true connoisseurs know how to taste and color to distinguish the original vermouth from the fake.

Martini is a grape wine, which is insisted on special herbs that give a bright unique taste and aroma.

Therefore, connoisseurs can always determine when the traditional herbal flavor is missing from the drink. The composition includes a huge list of all kinds of herbs and spices.

Like, ginger, cloves, coriander, immortelle, cumin, violet, orange and walnut. As well as yarrow, rosemary, juniper, lemon balm, lemon, calamus. This combination gives the drink a unique flavor and aroma.

On sale you can find several varieties of vermouth, each of them has a sweetish taste, diluted with various notes.

Sweet martini has a specific smell, as it contains honey, cinnamon and vanilla. You can add caramel and sugar.

If you drink at home in small doses, it has a positive effect on the state of the body. At the same time, it is important to beware of fakes, as they can bring irreparable harm to health.

note! If the Martini has turned yellow or darkened, the reason for this is improper storage. Wine changes color with frequent drops. temperature regime and the taste will also change.

Juice combination:

What to drink Martini with and what to eat?

For Martini, as for any other wine, it is customary to serve a variety of snacks.

You can eat the following foods:

  • Pieces of hard cheese.
  • Pitted green olives.
  • Seedless olives.
  • Nuts.
  • Salted cracker.
  • Fruit cut.
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Berries.
  • Ham.

note! Olives and black olives are strung on skewers before use. A variety of canapés are made from fruit and cheese.

Important! For Asti, snacks of a different kind are suitable: ice cream, cake, cakes, sweets and other sweets.

An appetizer is needed only to better reveal the tart herbal taste of the drink, so do not overdo it. Only then can you emphasize the original taste of vermouth.

How Martini is diluted: proportions

Dry Martini can be drunk neat, as many connoisseurs prefer. Vermouth is also diluted, which allows its unusual viscous taste to open up brighter. Martini is often found in a variety of trendy cocktails.

note! The classic option is to mix Bianco or Rosato with vodka. In this case, it is extremely important to observe the proportions when diluting. To 4 parts of wine you need to add one part of vodka.

Ready-made cocktails are diluted with a few drops of lemon juice or a green olive is put there, which will be an excellent snack. Don't forget to add ice cubes to your cocktails.

Below are the most popular combinations of herbal fortified wine with other drinks:

  • martini and tequila. Martini should be exactly 4 times smaller than tequila. A glass with a cocktail is decorated with an olive or a slice of lemon.

    Tequila is most often mixed with a green martini and eaten with olives.

  • martini and gin. This cocktail is especially liked by men. It is important to observe the following proportion of 4 to 1.
  • Martini red, pink, white. Often it is diluted with juice in the classic ratio of 1 to 1. In this case, juice should be chosen based on the type of vermouth.

Can be mixed with soft drinks: cola, sprite, pepsi and schweppes. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the exquisite taste.

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Martini Bianco (white) - vermouth with a strength of 15 degrees of light straw color, recognizable by the light aroma of vanilla and spices, sweetish taste with hints of wormwood and other herbs. Often, when people talk about martinis, they mean Bianko. We will consider the nuances of its use.

1. Temperature. Properly serve Martini Bianco chilled to 12-15 ° C or in a glass with ice (frozen fruits: strawberries, cherries, melons, pineapples). At higher temperatures, vermouth develops excessive bitterness and a strong smell of wormwood. Too much chilled white martini "freezes" the tongue, the unique taste is lost.

2. Glasses. In its purest form, Martini Bianco is drunk from cone-shaped glasses with a long stem called cocktail glasses (see photo). If the drink is served with ice or juice, you can use any glasses with a volume of 120-250 ml (fill a maximum of ¾).

The main thing is not to pour martinis into glasses and piles (shots) intended for strong alcohol, this is a sign of low culture.

3. Temp. Fussiness in the aristocratic world of martini looks strange, so Bianco is drunk slowly in small sips, enjoying the taste. A straw is not needed, it is more of a cocktail accessory.

4. Snack. Martini Bianco is served with light salty snacks and fruits. Hard cheeses and salted crackers are considered classics. A more satisfying option is sandwiches with white bread, cheese and ham. From fruits it is better to choose oranges, pineapples, kiwi, strawberries.

In some countries, it is customary to eat Bianco martinis with peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds. But nuts clog the receptors of the tongue, the taste is not felt so bright, it cannot be said that this is a good snack.

Nuts clog martini taste

Aesthetes drink a white martini with an olive or a pickled cocktail onion, it looks beautiful, but everyone likes the taste.

5. Combination with other drinks. To reduce the sweetness and strength of martini Bianco can be diluted with sour juice (orange, grapefruit, lemon, apple). The classic ratio is 1:1, but many people like to add more juice. After several attempts, you will find your ideal proportions.

Most popular option

It has become fashionable to dilute Bianco with sweet nectars - peach or mango. The taste is cloying, it is more of a feminine version. Men like to mix martinis with vodka or gin (1 part martini to 5-6 parts of spirits).

Bartenders dubbed the martini "the king of club life." This alcoholic drink is an indispensable attribute of social events, fashionable parties and youth parties. People who suddenly plunge into such an atmosphere may not know how to drink a martini, demonstrating ignorance of the rules of etiquette. And the taste of the drink, which has become almost a cult, will be distorted if used improperly, it will seem unpleasant. In order not to get into an awkward position and not be imbued with dislike for exquisite vermouth because of an unsuccessful first acquaintance with it, it is necessary to know in advance what kind of treatment it requires.

Types of martini

Martini is a variety of vermouth, it is based on grape wine and wormwood. The fortress is slightly higher than that of ordinary vermouth, it is 16-18%. Its bouquet depends on the grape varieties used in the manufacture of the drink, and a different set of herbs. There are only 7 types of martinis, which have different colors, tastes and aromas, which leaves its mark on the specifics of their use. The following are the most popular:

  • Bianko ("Bianco") has White color, spicy taste with vanilla notes. Diluted with water, tonic, soda in a ratio of one to one, often served with ice, frozen berries and fruit pieces. At least served with olives strung on a skewer or pickled onions.
  • Rosso ("Rosso") has a red color due to the presence of caramel in the composition, a sweetish-bitter taste with a pronounced aftertaste. Juices with sourness help to soften it. It's a good idea to add a slice of lemon to the glass.
  • Rosato ("Rosato") is characterized by a peculiar taste and pleasant pink. It is customary to dilute it with juice or water.
  • Extra Dry ("Extra Dry") - the strongest type of martini, belongs to dry vermouth. It can be recognized by its straw-yellow hue, delicate taste with distinct notes of raspberry, toffee and citrus fruits. It often serves as a component of complex cocktails; it can be mixed with stronger alcohol (gin, vodka, whiskey). Pear juice sets off the taste of the drink well. Some people prefer to put a piece of onion at the bottom of the glass when drinking this martini in its pure form. This is the only type of martini that can be eaten with fish.

Other varieties of vermouth do not require special conditions for serving and drinking; when using these drinks, you can be guided general rules martini treats. We are talking about D'Oro (a dry white martini with caramel-citrus notes), Fiero (a red drink with hints of orange), Bitter (a ruby-colored alcohol-based martini with a bittersweet taste).

Basic rules for drinking martini

With all the difference in the use of martini, depending on the type of vermouth, there is general rules, which do not depend on the type of martini. Knowing them is especially important so as not to lose face.

  • Martini is served in special glasses resembling a cone-shaped funnel on a thin high leg. Bartenders call such vessels “watering cans”. In the absence of a special martini glass, the drink can be poured into ordinary wine glasses, it is only important that they are on a high leg: the drink should not be heated by a person’s hand.
  • The ideal temperature for a martini is 12 degrees, the acceptable temperature is 10-15 degrees. It is at this temperature that the rich and harmonious taste of vermouth is best revealed. If the bottle did not have time to cool to this temperature, frozen berries (strawberries, pitted cherries) or ice cubes are added to the glasses. This has a positive effect on both taste and appearance drink.
  • Martini is usually diluted or used in cocktails, but it is acceptable to drink it in its pure form. In this case, a slice of lemon or olives is placed in a glass. The latter option is considered preferable.
  • When serving a martini in its pure form, do not put a straw in the glass - the drink does not need it. If you are served a martini with a straw, simply take it out of the glass and put it next to you. The tube will be appropriate, although not required, only in a glass of cocktail.
  • Martini should be drunk in small sips, fully enjoying the multifaceted taste and aroma of this exquisite vermouth.
  • Traditionally, martinis are served as an aperitif. Recently, it has been used at parties that do not provide for the subsequent invitation of guests to the table. You can drink it before meals or separately from eating.
  • You can drink a martini without any kind of snack. If you can’t do without it, it’s permissible to eat vermouth with fruits, olives or olives, crackers, hard cheese, nuts.

The rules for drinking a martini are simple, easy to remember, and fun to follow.

If you could not appreciate the taste of martini in its purest form, it makes sense to try cocktails based on it. There are so many recipes that everyone can find their favorite option.

Cocktail "Medium"

  • martini "Bianco" - 10 ml;
  • martini "Extra Dry" - 10 ml;
  • gin - 40 ml;
  • lemon - slice.

Cooking method:

  • Mix two types of vermouth.
  • Add gin to them, mix lightly.
  • Place a lemon wedge in the bottom of a martini glass.
  • Fill a glass with a drink.

The cocktail has a fresh taste and aroma, will appeal to those who prefer strong alcohol.

Cocktail "Agent 007"

  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • martini (any kind) - 20 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix alcoholic drinks.
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  • Pour in the cocktail.

Judging by the frames of the films, the legendary James Bond was a lover of the drink, the recipe of which is presented above. You should not think that it turns out to be deadly strong: ice, melting, makes it softer and easier to drink.

Cocktail "Martini Sweet"

  • martini "Bianco" - 10 ml;
  • gin - 20 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Fill a martini glass with ice cubes.
  • Mix gin with vermouth.
  • Pour into glass with ice.

This recipe is simple, but one of the classics, so it's worth remembering it.

Cocktail "Manhattan"

  • whiskey - 20 ml;
  • martini "Rosso" - 20 ml;
  • cherry juice - 10 ml;
  • ice - 2 cubes;
  • cocktail cherry - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Mix alcoholic drinks.
  • Add juice, stir.
  • Put a couple of ice cubes at the bottom of a cocktail glass, pour in the prepared mixture.
  • Decorate the drink with a berry by threading it with a decorative skewer.

An umbrella is often used as a decoration for this cocktail; in this case, a cherry is not needed. Cherry juice in this case can be replaced with cranberry or pomegranate.

Martini cocktail with cranberry juice

  • cranberry juice - 20 ml;
  • martini "Bianco" - 15 ml;
  • orange fresh - 15 ml;
  • pitted olives - 3 pcs.;
  • crushed ice - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour crushed ice into a glass.
  • Pour in orange juice first, then berry juice, then vermouth.
  • Mix the ingredients with a straw.
  • String olives on a wooden toothpick or skewer, place it in a glass.

This version of the cocktail will appeal to those who do not like strong drinks.

Absinthe martini cocktail

  • absinthe - 30 ml;
  • martini "Doro" or "Extra Dry" - 35 ml;
  • tonic or mineral water (Sprite is also suitable) - 35 ml;
  • mint liqueur - 5 ml;
  • strawberries - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place strawberries and martini glasses in the freezer for a quarter of an hour.
  • Combine alcoholic drinks, mix, dilute with a chilled tonic.
  • Pour the drink into glasses, put 1-2 frozen berries in each.

It is customary to serve this cocktail with a straw, although this is not required. Mint liqueur gives a bittersweet cocktail a unique taste.

Martini is the most popular drink among fans of club life. You can drink it neat or in cocktails. Most often, martinis are diluted with juice or soft drinks in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1, but there are more complex options cocktails with these vermouth.

On the shelves of stores you will find a popular vermouth called Martini Bianco. Despite the sweetness, it is adored not only by the fair sex, but also by men. It can be drunk neat or mixed with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. What to choose as a snack and what juices are combined with vermouth?

Martini Bianco: with what and how to drink?

Vermouth is so popular due to its quite affordable price and pleasant taste. In addition, it can be added to many cocktails. Not surprisingly, the drink was adored by the famous James Bond. But in order not to spoil its taste and aroma, you need to know what to combine it with.

The drink is based on wine made from white grapes. The birthplace of Martini Bianco is Italy. It can be recognized by its clear color and vanilla aroma. In addition to grapes, the composition contains herbs and spices.

How to drink Martini Bianco correctly? It is traditionally served as an aperitif, at the start of an event, before a meal is served, or as an appetizer. Its main function is to improve mood and increase appetite. Beverage is not served during main courses. Bianco is served slightly chilled, the optimum serving temperature is from +10 to +15 degrees.

If you are serving pure vermouth, pour it into an old-fashion glass, add a couple of ice cubes, a slice of lemon. You can serve it in other glasses if you wish. It is necessary to use Bianco not in one gulp, but in small sips. In clubs and at festive events, vermouth and cocktails from it are served in a cone-shaped glass.

What do they drink Martini Bianco with and what snacks are suitable for a drink? Served snacks should not be too fatty, sweet or salty, such dishes will "kill" the taste of the drink. Berries and fruits, ice cream, sorbet, jelly, and other light desserts are ideal. In no case do not serve cake or pastries to Bianco.

If we talk about more satisfying snacks, chicken meat and ham go well with Martini Bianco. Universal options for all occasions - olives, hard cheeses, tartlets or canapes with vegetables, fish, ham.

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to mix vermouth with vodka or gin, and even rum. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the taste of the martini will be lost.

Since vermouth is sweet, before serving, many prefer to dilute it with water in equal proportions, or add sprite instead of water.

What juice do they drink Martini Bianco with?

As we said above, vermouth can be drunk not only in pure form, but also diluted. It goes well with many juices - for example, with cherry, grapefruit is also suitable. If you wish, you can experiment and add the juice that you like - apple, grape.

Cocktail "Bunueloni"

You need to take 25 ml of gin, 35 ml of Rosso red vermouth and 35 ml of Bianco vermouth.

Preparing a drink is simple - mix it in a glass, add a few ice cubes. Garnish with orange or lemon zest.

Cocktail "Berry Splash"

It will delight you with a soft pink color and berry flavor. For six servings you need to take:

330 ml vodka, 650 ml orange juice, cranberry juice, 12 ml sugar syrup, 5 raspberries, 330 ml Martini Bianco.

Grind raspberries, mix with sugar syrup. Then add vodka, martini and crushed ice. Shake, add orange juice, mix again. Add cranberry juice, but do not stir it to create a two-tone effect. We pour into glasses.

How to drink Martini Bianco with vodka?

This simple and strong cocktail will surely appeal to men. You only need three ingredients - vodka, vermouth and orange juice. Mix 50 ml of vodka, 80 ml of martini and the same amount of orange juice. Add ice and garnish with a slice of lemon/orange if desired.

Well, now you know what snacks and drinks to combine Vermouth Martini Bianco with. It remains only to invite friends!

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Basic rules for using martini "Bianco"

There are certain rules for serving and using white vermouth, which include the Bianco martini. At the same time, etiquette requirements do not always coincide with club traditions.

  • Martini "Bianco" is a classic aperitif, according to the rules of etiquette, it is served before dinner. The rules of etiquette do not prohibit serving it after a meal. Club regulars consider it a drink that can be drunk throughout the day without reference to lunch or dinner. Today, this is not considered the norm.
  • In clubs, martinis "Bianco" are served in cone-shaped glasses with a high stem, calling them "martins" or "martiches". In fact, these glasses are cocktail glasses, it was once customary to serve a cocktail called “Martini” in them. Vermouth, on the other hand, was served in old fashion glasses, from which they drink whiskey. Nowadays, it will not be a mistake to serve a martini in a wide glass, as well as in a rocks glass, and in a cocktail glass. The same applies to containers for cocktails, which include the Bianco martini. But drinking vermouth from shots intended for strong alcohol would be bad manners.
  • For cocktails that include vermouth, it is permissible to serve a straw, but when serving a martini in its pure form, do not put a straw in a glass - it is not supposed to drink this drink through it. If your glass has been “decorated” with this accessory, simply remove it and set it aside.
  • Often, a slice of citrus fruit or olives on a skewer is dipped into a martini glass. They affect the taste of the drink, which not everyone likes. It is wiser to serve the appetizer separately, unless the guest himself expressed a desire to see it at the bottom of the glass.
  • Before serving, the Bianco martini is slightly cooled. The optimum temperature of the drink is 12–15 degrees. If you cool the drink more, you will not feel its delicate bouquet. In a warmer form, it has a slightly harsh taste with bitterness, which makes it less pleasant to drink. You can cool the drink with ice, frozen berries and pieces of fruit.

  • Drinking martini "Bianco" is taken slowly, in small sips. The ideal option is to stretch the glass for the whole evening. If you drink glass after glass, you may be considered insufficiently cultured person.
  • Martini "Bianco" can be drunk neat, diluted with ice or water, fruit juices, tonic or soda. It is permissible to mix it with alcoholic beverages (vodka, gin, whiskey and others).

Martini "Bianco" is permissible to drink without a snack, as is most often done in clubs. However, the rules of etiquette prescribe to offer guests a light snack for this drink.

What to eat martini "Bianco"

Martini "Bianco" serves as an aperitif and digestif, made on the basis of white wine, herbal extracts, which determines the choice of snacks suitable for this drink.

  • Cheeses serve as a good snack for Bianco martinis. This is the drink to which cheese can be served not only with a neutral, but also with a pronounced spicy taste.
  • Olives and black olives go well with white vermouth. They can be pitted, pitted, stuffed.

  • Salted crackers are a simple but extremely successful appetizer for Bianco vermouth.
  • A slightly less successful, but extremely popular snack for a white martini are nuts.
  • If you want to have a drink with something more satisfying, you can choose cold meat canapes, ham sandwiches, although this snack option is more suitable for red vermouth.
  • Not too common, but at the same time a harmonious snack for "Bianco" - shrimp.
  • A win-win option would be to serve fruits and berries to the martini. Strawberries, pineapple, apple, orange and other citrus fruits give a good combination with this drink.

The absence of a hearty snack for the Bianco martini does not threaten with intoxication, since this vermouth is not too strong, and drinking it in large quantities is a sign of bad taste.

If the taste of vermouth seemed too sharp or sweet to you, try cocktails based on it. You will almost certainly be able to find an option to your liking.

Cocktail "Light martini"

  • martini "Bianco" - 50 ml;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • grape juice - 80 ml;
  • ice cubes - 2-3 pieces;
  • cocktail cherry - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Place ice cubes in the bottom of a cocktail glass.
  • Pour in the martini, then the vodka, adding the juice last. It is not recommended to change the sequence of adding drinks.
  • Stir the drinks lightly with a straw.
  • Decorate with cherries.

A cocktail is served with a straw, but you can drink it without it.

Cocktail "Orange martini"

  • martini "Bianco" - 60 ml;
  • orange juice - 60 ml;
  • orange - 1 slice (for decoration);
  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice from the orange, pour into a shaker glass.
  • Add alcoholic drinks and ice.
  • Shake the shaker for 30-40 seconds.
  • Strain the drink into a cocktail glass.
  • Garnish with an orange slice.

The cocktail has a refreshing taste and is easy to drink. Like both ladies and men.

Cocktail "Laguna"

  • cognac - 60 ml;
  • vodka - 10 ml;
  • martini "Bianco" - 10 ml;
  • bitter "Campari" - 5 ml;
  • ice - to taste;
  • cocktail cherry - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Mix drinks, pour into a shaker container.
  • Shake with ice.
  • Strain through a strainer directly into a martini glass.
  • Decorate with cherries.

Martini "Bianco" is not dominant in this cocktail, but largely determines its taste and aroma. Despite the romantic name, the drink is not strong like a lady. When using it, you should know the measure.

Cocktail "Dirty Martini"

  • martini "Bianco" - 60 ml;
  • gin - 60 ml;
  • olive brine - 2-3 ml;
  • olive - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Pour gin and martini into a shaker with ice, add olive brine, shake.
  • Pour into a cocktail glass.
  • String an olive on a skewer, lower it into a drink.

This cocktail is extremely popular. It is impossible to remain indifferent to it: either you don’t like it, or it causes delight and a desire to drink it again and again. The ratio of martini and gin can be changed at your discretion. Some refuse to use brine, but put 3 times more olives.

Martini "Bianco" is extremely popular with clubgoers and nightlife lovers. Almost no social event can do without it. If you drink this vermouth correctly, the impressions of getting to know him will remain exceptionally good.

Martini "Bianco" is a fairly common alcoholic drink, which is quite popular with a large number of people. Interestingly, this drink can be consumed in various variations. What is a Bianco martini? How to drink this drink? What is customary to serve it? You will find out the answers to these questions by reading this article.

It is probably impossible to find a person who has never heard of a martini, but not everyone has an idea of ​​​​what this drink is and how it can be consumed. Even fewer people are aware of what is served with Bianco martinis and other varieties of such a wonderful drink.

At the moment, there are many stories about where the martini came from. Some believe that this drink appeared in the city of Martinez, others - that we all owe the appearance of martini to bartender Thomas D., who allegedly invented it back in the 19th century.

Now martini is quite a popular drink all over the world. It is a brand of vermouth, which is produced in Italy. It can be used both in its usual form and as part of a variety of cocktails.

The most popular varieties of martinis are:

  • "Rosso" - it is characterized by a caramel-red color and a slightly bitter aftertaste.
  • "Bianco" is a white vermouth with a vanilla scent.
  • Rosato is a pink vermouth containing various spices in its composition, and red and white wine is used for its production.

The Bianco martini is the most popular among all varieties. How to drink this vermouth will be described below. As a rule, representatives of the charming half of humanity prefer this drink more, however, there are also men who like the taste of Bianco.

The composition of absolutely any variety of this drink includes only dry wine, a huge number of different plants, such as chamomile, orange, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, coriander and many others. One of the main ingredients of vermouth is wormwood, thanks to which the same "Rosso" has its own unique and slightly bitter taste.

Since the most popular type of martini is Bianco, it is further recommended to consider in detail the composition of this particular drink. The Bianco martini contains dry white wine with sugar, while herbal tincture and vanilla, in fact, give this vermouth an exquisite and unique taste.

It should be said that on the Internet about the martini "Bianco" reviews can be found different. Everyone in their own way prefers to use this drink. In general, vermouth is ideal for various cocktail parties, romantic dinners or receptions, where the main thing is not drinking or food, but communication and a pleasant pastime. Martini of any kind, including Bianco, is recommended to be used as an aperitif, that is, before a meal.

Martini "Bianco" is recommended to be served moderately chilled, but in no case should you try to freeze it in such a way that the bottle begins to become covered with frost. Of course, there is no point in warming vermouth in the hands either. A suitable temperature for drinking this drink ranges from 10-15 degrees. It is recommended to drink a martini at this temperature, otherwise its taste and aroma may simply not be revealed.

Bianco martini can also be served with ice, pieces of fruit or berries. There is only one drawback of this method of use - this is the strength of vermouth. Along with Bianco, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, cheeses, olives, salted crackers and other light snacks can be served as snacks.

Martinis are usually served in glasses. small size, with a slice of lemon or orange. Sometimes "Bianco" can be served in glasses that are intended for whiskey.

Vermouth can be consumed in various variations. Bianco martinis with juice or water are considered classic. Grapefruit or cherry juice is the perfect complement to Bianco. Representatives of the incomparable half of humanity like this combination, since for most of them the taste of the drink seems harsh. Plus, in this case, intoxication will not come immediately.

The other thing is men. To most of them, on the contrary, the taste of vermouth seems not saturated enough, so mixing this drink with liquors, vodka, gin and rum is allowed. Of course, intoxication from such a mixture will come much faster, but you can get enormous pleasure from all this.

To date, there are a lot of cocktails, one of the ingredients of which is the Bianco martini. How to drink and how to make similar cocktails? We'll talk about this further.

The Orange Martini cocktail is easy enough to prepare, so you can easily prepare it even at home. To prepare a cocktail called "Orange Martini" you will need:

  • 100 ml of vermouth called "Bianco";
  • 200 ml of orange juice;
  • orange slice for decoration;
  • a couple of ice cubes.
  • 30 ml martini;
  • 60 ml tequila;
  • as a decoration - a slice of lemon;
  • a couple of ice cubes.

Easy to prepare and a cocktail called "Jasmine". To enjoy its taste, you need:

  • 20 ml "Bianco";
  • 50 ml of chilled green tea;
  • 20 ml of vodka;
  • for decoration - a slice of lemon and 5 grams of ginger.

Much more complicated is the Marionette cocktail, since its preparation requires a fairly large amount of alcoholic beverages, which are not always at hand. To prepare this cocktail, you need to mix:

  • 50 ml of Extra Dry vermouth;
  • 50 ml "Bianco";
  • 10 ml of white rum;
  • 10 ml banana liqueur;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • 30 ml orange juice.

Another wonderful and fairly strong cocktail is Vesper. To prepare it you will need:

  • 15 ml of vodka;
  • 40 ml of gin;
  • 5 ml of vermouth "Bianco";
  • 5 ml of vermouth called "Extra Dry";
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • as decoration - a small slice of lemon.

In principle, you can experiment with cocktails, there is no need to dwell on any one. The main thing is not to overdo it. Martini "Bianco" is a completely versatile drink that will appeal to both men and women.

How and with what to drink Martini Bianco (Bianco)

This is a sweet white vermouth that used to be called Bianchissimo ("the finest" or something like that). For the most part, when it comes to Martini, they mean exactly Bianco. Successful marketing has made this vermouth the most recognizable and desirable in the world. It is made from white wines such as Trebbiano, and extracts of herbs and flowers are used as a fragrant base. Very pronounced vanilla. So, how and with what to drink Martini Bianco? Let's figure it out.

By itself, vermouth is a good aperitif: light, drinkable, fragrant. It was as if it was created in order to arouse the appetite. Hence the ways to drink it:

  • You can drink Martini Bianco both in pure form and in cocktails.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, vermouth should be served in an old-fashioned glass (old fashion, rocks), no "martins". You can add a little to the glass clean water or a few ice cubes, as well as a slice of lemon (you can squeeze a little lemon juice).
  • Bianco is drunk chilled, 10-15 o C. You can cool it in the refrigerator, or you can simply add ice. Instead of ice, you can use frozen fruits and berries - cherries, strawberries, pineapples showed themselves well.
  • You need to drink it, like any aperitif, slowly, in small sips, enjoying the taste and aroma of the drink.
  • A snack is welcome, but very light and in small quantities. Most often, salted crackers, spicy cheeses, nuts, olives and olives are served with Bianco. From the exotic: Italian canapés with cold meat, heavily seasoned with basil and oregano.
  • They drink a white Martini with juices (cherry and grapefruit will be just right). You can add tonic. They did not immediately interfere with Bianco cocktails - for these purposes, of course, other products from the Martini & Rossi family are better suited. But mixed drinks are still made from this vermouth. It goes well with vodka, rum, gin and sweet liquors. The main thing is not to overdo it with other ingredients, so as not to drown out the floral aroma.

How and with what to drink Martini Rosso (Rosso)

He was the first. The world saw him on the sunny days of 1863 thanks to the same Luigi Rossi. Until the beginning of the 20th century, Martini Rosso was the only one in the Martini & Rossi line. It is based on red wine and herbs, where not the last role is assigned to wormwood. Saturated dark amber color vermouth owes caramel. This is the same sweet vermouth, but more refined, with a bitter aftertaste of wormwood. Martini Rosso should be drunk like Bianco, without any exceptions (well, except that instead of grapefruit it is better to take orange juice). Vermouth goes well with salty snacks. A large number of cocktails are made with it, where Manhattan is undoubtedly the king, and Negroni is the prince. But there are others.

How and with what to drink Martini Extra Dry (Extra Dry)

This vermouth was presented to the public on January 1, 1900. Dry (only 2.8% sugar), aromatic, with bright notes of raspberry, lemon and iris. Martini Extra Dry became a real cocktail king of the early 20th century (along with Noilly Prat vermouths). By itself, they rarely drink it, but you can make a good Dry Martini or Bronx. If you like its dry taste, drink it neat, chilled or over ice. Martini Extra Dry is already a digestif and can be accompanied by various dishes. It goes very well with red fish generously flavored with lemon juice (and other seafood), as well as French onion soup. Well, a couple of cocktails for a snack:

How and with what to drink other Martini vermouths

Martini & Rossi never cease to amaze and delight their customers. In 2012, Martini Spirito, a male vermouth, entered the market with a strength of 33%. It contains bitter wormwood, the famous Lapsang Souchong tea, vanilla, several peppers from Indonesia, orange, aloe, thyme, raspberry and nutmeg. Such a brutal, which immediately pounces on the taste buds with tart oak bitterness and smoky tea tannins, then comes the attack with aggressive black pepper and other spices, but it all ends with a pleasant vanilla with a lingering bitter smoke.

The culture of drinking Martini Spirito has not yet formed. Excuse me, experts believe that you need to drink it in its pure form, slightly chilled, as one should drink such drinks. Culinary experts are still thinking about the best way to accompany such an exotic drink, while they agreed on cheeses and unsweetened fruits.

There is also the Rosato Martini, which Martini & Rossi has been producing since 1980. This is a kind of symbiosis of Bianco and Rosso, pink vermouth with cinnamon and cloves dominating in taste. Accordingly, you can drink it this way and that way. Salvatore Calabrese advises mixing it with pomegranate juice or fresh orange juice and flavoring it with honey a little. Martini & Rossi marketers recommend serving grilled green vegetables with Martini Rosato.

How to store Vermouth Martini

Vermouths are something between strong alcohol and wine, so storage should be treated with great attention, because over time the taste of the drink in an open bottle is lost. An open bottle of any Martini vermouth should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two months. Within a month, vermouth can also be stored on the shelves, but then it is better to bottle it in smaller volumes to reduce the contact of the drink with oxygen. Compliant guys fill open Martini bottles with helium, thanks to which vermouth retains its taste for up to 3-4 months.

Types of martini

Today there are several types of martinis:

  • Rosso

This martini is the very first, the start date of its production is one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three years, that is, more than a century and a half ago!

Distinctive features of this vermouth are its impressive aroma and slightly bitter taste.

  • Rosato

Vermouth Rosato includes two types of wine at once - red wine and white. The appearance of this drink was noted in the eighties of the last century, relatively recently. Distinctive feature becomes tender pink color obtained by mixing two types of wine. Fortress - 15 degrees.

  • "Doro"

Swiss martini. The date of appearances is 1998, that is, exactly eighteen years ago. Pretty young drink. The basis of Doro was white wine combined with various citruses, coriander, honey and nutmeg. The fortress is small - only nine percent.

  • "Fiero"

The same age as Doro - the same eighteen years ago. Glorious for its bright aroma, in which sharp citrus is most noticeable, and even upon closer examination, all other notes. And one and a half times stronger than Doro - 15 degrees.

  • "Extra Dry"

Raspberry, lemon and Iris are what real vermouth needs. Vermouth Extra Dry has been in production for over a century and boasts a high alcohol content – ​​and a low sugar content. Great for cocktails.

  • "Bitter"

The same vermouth, which does not consist of wine, but of alcohol in its purest form. The bitter red drink, however, has as much as 25 percent alcohol in its composition, and the real composition has not become known to the general public.

  • "Bianco"

Quite old and strong vermouth among its fellows. Appeared about a century ago, spicy, softer than Rosso, gives a vanilla flavor. Strength - 16 degrees, stereotypically considered a female drink.


Currently, the composition of the martini includes 30-40 various herbs, such as chamomile, St. John's wort and mint, and, of course, wormwood.

In the preparation of vermouth, both stems and leaves, as well as seeds, roots and flowers of these and other plants are involved.

The alcoholic component is most often wine, red, white, or some other, but there are cases when alcohol is used, an example of such vermouth is Bitter.

How to submit

There are several nuances:

  • Temperature.

It is necessary to cool the martini to about 13 degrees Celsius, or provide it with ice.

  • Tableware.

Martini Bianco is drunk from cocktail glasses. These are such glasses in the form of a cone on a long stem. Do not pour vermouth into shots, it is uncivilized.

  • Temporal.

How to drink martini? You need to do this in small sips and without haste, only then you will be able to feel the whole taste of the drink.

What to drink with? What to eat?

Martini "Bianco" is served with pickles or fruits. Crackers, cheese, peanuts, oranges, kiwis, pineapples and even watermelons are a great addition to the drink. Less exotic options are apples and strawberries.

To enjoy the divine taste, you need to drink Martini from the right glasses - glasses that have the shape of a cone with a long stem. Take your time, savor every sip.

Like all drinks, martinis also need to be snacked on. It can be served with salted nuts or crackers. You can serve olives, olives, lemon wedges and cheese.

How to store

In the place where the bottle of vermouth will be stored, it is necessary to provide a temperature within five degrees Celsius and darkness. Under these conditions, martinis can last for several years. Simply put, even the most ordinary household refrigerator will do.

cocktail recipes

  1. bianco orange
  2. You only need a little to make this cocktail. Vermouth Bianco, orange juice and ice. Everything is very simple. One - fill the cocktail glass with ice, two - add juice and vermouth in a ratio of three to one, three - stir. Everything, the cocktail is ready, you can serve.

  3. Bianco Lemon
  4. Ingredients: Martini Bianco, Martini Bitter Lemon, grapefruit and ice.

    Fill a glass with ice, pour vermouth and tonic into it, stir.

  5. Bianco Sunrise

Cranberry juice, Martini Bianco, orange, its juice and ice.

Fill the glass with ice, pour juice, martini and fruit drink into the glass, stir.

How and with what to drink Bianco martini, see expert advice in the following video:

What do they drink martini Bianco with?

    First of all, we must remember that martinis (including Bianco) are not served under standard vodka snacks. It is considered bad manners to serve martinis with jelly, or with smoked fish and salad.

    It is good to serve Martini Bianco with chilled fresh peach slices, or with citrus fruits.

    You can also with berries, or with various juices. But only the juice should be chilled, and preferably freshly squeezed. Martini Bianco is ideal for such juices - orange and cherry, pomegranate juice can also be used.

    Martini Bianco in its purest form is not very pleasant for me. But with the addition of ice, fruits, citrus juices or sparkling water, it is quite pleasant and great for a party. The drink is not cheap, but its quality in our stores is good.

    Previously, they often drank martini bianco, and other vermouths, mixing with different juices. But the most delicious combination was obtained with apple-grape juice. Also delicious pure vermouth with ice.

    And I like the option of martini bianco mixed with highly carbonated water (for example, bonacva) and a slice of lemon there.

    As a rule, martini bianco is drunk without a snack or eaten with fruit.

    The advantage of vermouths is that they can be used both undiluted, that is, in pure form, and mixed with juices. Orange and lemon juices work best for this. Cherry is also suitable - the main thing is that the juices interrupt the taste of alcohol.

    Martini is drunk with a slice of lemon or lime, but this is most likely just an attribute, a ritual, so to speak, because alcohol is alcohol and its effect is essentially the same, whether a person drinks vodka or martini, it doesn’t really matter.

    It should be remembered that martini Bianco " it is recommended to serve in small glasses moderately chilled and use it at a temperature within 10-15 degrees. You can also serve it with ice, pieces of fruit (with a slice of lemon or orange) or berries.

    Great snacks: almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, cheese, olives, saltine crackers and other light snacks. It is believed that this vermouth can be consumed with juice (the best juice is grapefruit or cherry).

    However, most men prefer to mix this drink with liquors, vodka, gin and rum.

    Martini Bianco to drink in its pure form - only translate an expensive drink. It is good to combine it with freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice. I like it best when the juice is half the volume in the cocktail, you can add ice.

    Martini Bianco can be drunk on its own or added to cocktails. If served as a separate drink, but it is advisable to put a few ice cubes and a slice of lemon in a glass. Martini Benko drink chilled.

    Instead of ice and / or lemon, you can add any frozen fruits and berries, they give the drink a new flavor.

    Drink Martini in small sips to better feel the taste.

    Juices are also added to martini, but the main rule here is not to overdo it, you don’t need to clog the delicate taste of vermouth with juice.

    An appetizer that goes well with Martini Bianco: salted crackers, nuts, various cheeses and olives.

How to drink martini bianco

The famous vermouth is associated with luxury and social events. It is an aperitif that is drunk before meals to increase appetite or to eliminate thirst. It is not recommended to make it the main alcohol at a friendly feast. This alcohol will be more appropriate at a party that involves communication rather than food.

Before serving, the Martini bottle should be kept in a cold place. The optimum temperature for vermouth is 10-15 degrees. A warmer or icier option is a miss because it won't allow guests to experience the special taste and aroma of the liquor.

It is customary to drink Martini Bianco slowly, savoring every sip. Guests of a secular party take one glass of alcohol and spend the whole evening behind it. Drinking a lot of vermouth is considered bad form.

The classic serving of the drink is in old-fashion glasses with ice and lemon. Sometimes frozen fruits are added to alcohol, which emphasize its exquisite taste. It can also be garnished with olives on a skewer - this is one of the classic combinations.

In nightclubs, bars and at social events, another serving option is more common - in a cone-shaped glass with a long stem, which the bartenders jokingly dubbed "Martinka". Some ladies like to drink vermouth through a thin tube.

Martini Bianco is usually eaten. Light food is served with it: non-hard, non-sharp cheeses, salted crackers, nuts, olives and black olives.

Cocktails based on your favorite vermouth

Martinis are often drunk in cocktails. Many vermouth aficionados find that it is more palatable in its various variations than in its pure form.

To prevent alcohol from immediately hitting the head, it is customary to drink it with orange, grapefruit or cherry juice. As a rule, the ingredients are mixed in the following proportions: 1/4 alcohol and 3/4 juice. The resulting mix is ​​served in a cone-shaped glass with a couple of ice cubes.

In American bars, Martini Bianco is diluted with soda in a ratio of 1: 1. One more interesting option mix drink - alcohol with Sprite.

The famous vermouth is part of many popular cocktails, where it is mixed with strong alcoholic drinks: rum, gin, vodka and even cognac. Here are some recipes:

Dirty Martini

This is one of the most famous mixes in the world. Take 60 ml of gin, 10 ml of vermouth and 2 ml of olive juice. Mix in a shaker, strain into a pre-chilled glass, garnish with an olive on a skewer.

Vermouth with vodka

Mix 30 ml of vodka, 60 ml of Martini Bianco and orange juice in a shaker. Strain into a glass, add a few ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of lemon or orange.

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