
What is the chair made of? DIY easy chair. How to make a chair - the manufacturing process

You can buy any thing in modern stores. A little imagination, a mouse and keyboard with Internet access, and a huge number of offers from social networks and online stores. It also happens that the financial situation is not the best, and purchases in online stores are considered elements of luxury. And sometimes you just want to do something with my own hands, they really itch. Here we have a small selection of examples of how you can make some furniture with your own hands.

DIY bean bag chair

In the first example, we will look at the production of frameless furniture; the most popular item in stores today is a beanbag chair. A photo of the DIY chair is presented below.

The materials cost for one bean bag chair is $40. This includes: polystyrene balls (filler), inner cover, outer cover.

First, the inner cover is sewn and filled foam balls, then external. Then we simply insert the inner cover into the outer one and we get a finished chair bag.

The hardest thing is to collect the balls in the bag, they are still trying to jump out of it, I had to use a vacuum cleaner. This brief instructions how to make a bean bag chair with your own hands.

DIY home chair

Now let's look at making a regular home chair with our own hands. Unfortunately, there were quite a few photographs; there was no time to take photographs. The main stages were recorded in a timely manner, switching from a tedious workflow.

I wanted to get an ordinary chair, and not just some incomprehensible rookery. So that it is strong and stable, like store-bought options. I had to look on the Internet for views and drawings of chairs in order to correctly assemble my structure. I suggest you immediately look at the photographs of the chair assembly process itself.

At the first stage, a base-frame for the future chair in the form of a semicircle is made. Chipboard with timber is used. The base of the chair was 10 centimeters thick. This will be just enough to secure the walls. And the uprights have the same ultimate function.

Hardboard was perfect for the back, and plywood for the front wall. I drew out all the curves and outlines of the future chair by eye from the remaining wallpaper. Children's wooden cubes were used for the base.

The next step was to glue cardboard to fill the interior space. During the work, we even had to change the glue; the initially chosen PVA did not work. The walls swelled and became like a wafer, the glue was replaced with ordinary wood glue. Turned out to be the most best choice from everything offered. There was even an idea for a rocking chair with my own hands, but I will implement the idea a little later.

After looking at the photo, you can immediately easily understand how the finished walls were obtained. For leveling I used a regular knife; the material is easy to cut and can be deformed.

At the next stage, work with instant adhesive and foam rubber, seal the entire surface with a layer of foam rubber, leaving no bald spots or uncovered areas. A cover must be sewn onto a monotonous surface.

Well, we have reached the final stage, when we stretch the cover and get a beautiful finished chair. The product turned out to be quite heavy, but it will be completely safe for children, which can be considered a plus. As for the fabric used, nothing was bought anywhere. We used scraps and sewing scraps available at home.

We wanted temporary furniture; no one planned to make a chair that would last forever. The fabric on the armrests, despite being well tacked with glue, will peel off over time. If we say a little about the design of the chair, it turned out to be simply indestructible.

Chair made from plastic bottles

What people don't do with plastic bottles. And rafts in their youth, and bird feeders in kindergarten. This material has excellent potential for creativity.

Plastic bottles are a real find; in everyday life, brooches, scoops, curtains and buckets are made from them. They are used to decorate flower beds, laid out instead of pipes, and made into a hanging chair.

We wanted to try making a chair out of bottles, why not? At first it all started with great enthusiasm for collecting bottles, and then everyone unanimously realized that there was simply nowhere to store them in such quantities in a small home area of ​​the room.

Even at the initial stage of storage, it immediately became clear that the necks of the bottles were not needed, or rather half of the bottles did. We decided to stack them in blocks of two bottles, carefully cutting off the neck and fastening 2 pieces to each other. The neck of one was cut off, turned over and inserted into the second bottle. Of course, a wooden chair looks much more attractive and solid.

To completely make the chair, it was necessary to collect approximately 90 bottles, fasten them together with tape, and cover them with stretch film on top. It will not be possible to talk about the entire process of assembling the chair; at the time of writing, the chair was in finished form.

In short, we can say that you should not skimp on securing the bottles with tape, because... during assembly, they may simply diverge from each other; you will have to spend a lot of time to redo the design later. In this regard, I had to resort to stretch film and modify the chair to the final stage.

Photos of armchairs with your own hands

When creating the interior of their apartment, each person not only strives to make it multifunctional, but also to introduce a piece of individuality. Therefore, the furniture that makes up the interior should be as original as possible. Nowadays, designers have developed completely new forms of furniture that can decorate a home and fit perfectly with many styles. For example, an unusual round chair can be placed in a nursery, living room or country house.

Image 1. Pattern of a frameless chair.

If we talk about a frameless chair or a chair in the shape of a round bag, it can rightfully be considered the best product option for a children's room. The main advantages of the bag are that it is soft, comfortable, and easily adapts to the shape of the body. In addition, such furniture is very safe: even if a child falls on it, there is no chance of injury.

Domestic stores offer a large selection of similar chairs, shaped not only like a round bag, but also like a pear and an egg, but the cost of such goods is sometimes very high.

There is nothing complicated in the design of this product, and if you wish, you can make a frameless chair with your own hands.

Materials and tools

First of all, you need to decide on the form and color scheme furniture. It is desirable that the color of the chair fabric matches the interior of the apartment. But if you are sewing a bag for a children's room, then the children's theme should be of decisive importance. You can choose fabric with stripes, polka dots, flowers, with images of fairy-tale and movie characters, the main thing is that it is bright and cheerful. If you plan to install the bags in the living room, you can give them the color of the wallpaper or another upholstered furniture.

When the choice is made, prepare everything you need to create one or more chairs:

The round frameless chair is completely safe furniture, so it is suitable even for small children.

  1. A roll of graph paper (scale-coordinate paper for creating drawings).
  2. Durable fabric for the inner bag for filling. This could be inexpensive satin, water-repellent polyester, fabric for mattresses or sewing workwear. The amount of material depends on the size of the future piece of furniture. Thus, a bag with a height of about 1.2 m and a diameter of 0.9 m will require for its manufacture 2.5 m of material with a width of at least 1.15 m. But such a large chair will also support a weight of up to 100 kg. To make a larger bag, you will need to purchase about 3 m of fabric.
  3. Fabric for sewing the outer cover. The amount of material is similar to that needed to make the inner cover. In this case, you can use fabrics such as velor, jacquard, flock, tapestry, artificial fur and suede, chenille and other furniture materials. According to experts, flock is most suitable for a children's room. It is very pleasant to the touch, does not irritate children's skin, does not fade in the sun and has water-repellent properties.
  4. 2 zippers measuring 30-100 cm depending on the size of the furniture. The zipper on the inner cover is necessary in order to add filler, which will lose its shape over time. The outer cover has a zipper so it can be removed for washing and cleaning. If desired, the zipper can be replaced with durable Velcro.
  5. Pencil for drawing a pattern.
  6. A ruler from 1 m long.
  7. Tailor's chalk.
  8. Scissors, pins, needles.
  9. Reinforced or other strong threads that allow you to make reliable, strong seams.
  10. Bag filler. There are many options for filling such chairs. This could be: straw or hay, rice or buckwheat husks, cotton wool, padding polyester or scraps of fabric. All these fillers have many disadvantages and are quite expensive. The best option for filling is polystyrene foam, produced in the form of balls with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 cm. Balls of a smaller diameter will make the furniture too heavy, and larger ones will be unevenly distributed inside the cover, causing the bag to lose comfort. For a chair of the specified size you will need 1.5 kg of polystyrene foam, that is, about 250-300 liters. Try to buy quality material, preferably imported.
  11. Sewing machine.

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Stages of creation

All work begins with drawing the pattern on prepared graph paper. The pattern elements should look like this and have the dimensions indicated: image 1.

If you make a chair with your own hands for a children's room, it can be sewn in smaller sizes. To do this, all the details of the pattern must be reduced in proportion to each other. In the same way, you can increase the size of the future piece of furniture.

The pattern pieces are then cut out and transferred onto the fabric. To do this, you need to lay the material out on a flat surface and attach the pattern to it using tailor's pins. All details are outlined along the contour with chalk or a piece of soap. Then the patterns are removed, and the material is cut out so that there is a 1.5 cm allowance around the contours. As a result of cutting, you should get 9 parts: 6 side wedges, 2 parts for the bottom, 1 upper part. A similar procedure must be done with the material for the outer cover. It must be cut according to the same patterns and get the same number of parts.

Then all the details should be outlined. They are pinned together and hand stitched with a basting stitch. At the same stage it is necessary to mark the zippers. They are sewn between the wedges, from the bottom to the top. After basting, you need to sew all the parts with reinforced threads using a sewing machine. Upon completion of work, the basting should be removed. To ensure that the seams are as strong as possible and that the furniture lasts a long time, you can add another line next to the first one or use an overlocker for finishing.

After the covers are sewn, you need to turn them right side out. A very important moment comes - filling the inner bag with polystyrene foam. This material tends to become electrified and scatter at the slightest movement, so it is recommended to remove children and animals from the room so that the balls do not accidentally enter their respiratory tract. Have a vacuum cleaner ready in case you need to collect scattered balls.

You can fill polystyrene foam through a paper funnel, large plastic bottle with a cut bottom or a garden watering can. At the same time, it is necessary to fill the inner cover to no more than 2/3 of its part, so that the furniture has the ability to adapt to the person sitting. The last stage of work consists of putting the outer cover on the inner bag filled with polystyrene foam.

If the process of creating a frameless round chair is successful, you can sew a larger piece of furniture yourself, namely a bean bag or a frameless sofa.

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Egg-shaped product

Another piece of furniture that is hard not to call original is shaped like an egg. Such chairs were invented quite a long time ago, but they are still considered a fashionable and modern addition to the interior. They, like frameless furniture, can be successfully made with your own hands. The process requires some skill, so experts recommend first making small items for children or pets. If the result is successful, you can begin making chairs for adults.

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Preparing for work

To make a round egg-shaped chair, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. The fitness ball is as large as possible.
  2. Newspapers.
  3. Flour, water, salt.
  4. Plastic pipe.
  5. Threaded stud with a diameter of about 1.6 cm, nuts.
  6. Putty.
  7. White matte paint in cans.
  8. White epoxy paint in cans.
  9. Sandpaper.
  10. Foam rubber with a thickness of at least 40 mm.
  11. Textile.
  12. Spray glue.
  13. Roulette.
  14. Scotch.
  15. Hacksaw or jigsaw.

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Stages of creation

The basis of this round piece of furniture will be papier-mâché, which must be made as follows:

  1. On the fitness ball, visually determine the central section line. Then stick a strip of tape along it with a slight offset. This will be the papier-mâché border.
  2. Cut or tear the prepared newspapers into strips about 4 cm wide. It is not recommended to make strips that are too wide, as they can create an uneven surface when gluing.
  3. Prepare a paste for gluing newspapers using 1 cup of flour and 2 cups of water. After mixing the ingredients, add a little salt to the container with the paste. This will eliminate the possibility of mold appearing in the solution. The consistency of the resulting composition should resemble yogurt or low-fat sour cream. First, prepare only 1 portion of the paste, make the rest as needed.
  4. Secure an exercise ball in a basin or large bowl to make it easier to stick newspapers on it.
  5. Apply a layer of paste to each side of the paper strips and cover the ball with them within the boundaries outlined with tape. First lay the strips parallel to each other. When the entire surface is covered, place the next layer of newspapers perpendicularly.
  6. Once the entire ball is covered with a layer of paper, leave it to dry for approximately 12 hours. Then repeat pasting with stripes from 6 (if the chair is intended for a cat or a small dog) to 10 or more (if the chair will be used by a child) times. After applying each layer, the item should dry for about 12 hours.

While the product dries, you can prepare the base. To do this, you will need to mark a circle with a diameter of about 40 cm on a sheet of MDF and then cut it out. A hole is drilled in the center of the circle, equal to the diameter of the nut for the threaded rod. The nut is inserted into the hole and the pin is screwed into it. You need to put a piece on the hairpin plastic pipe. When changing the height of the pipe, the height of the finished product will be adjusted.

Every person wants to make the environment of their home or apartment as cozy and comfortable as possible, but at the same time unlike any others.

You can achieve a unique interior with the help of hanging chairs. They can be purchased at furniture stores or made yourself.

Today on the Internet and in specialized magazines you can find drawings of the chairs of the different designs and shapes.

In our article we will look at how to make such a chair with your own hands.

Types of hanging chairs

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of hanging chairs, including those that you can make yourself.

Such furnishings can become an unusual accent in the design of a room. Below we will look at several options for chairs that you can create yourself.

Chair in the form of a swing

In the manufacture of original hanging swing chairs, the most different materials. Such models are characterized by an elegant appearance, a fairly simple design, and a hard or soft frame. They will perfectly decorate the cottage.

They can also be used as an original piece of furniture for a bedroom or children's room, or terrace.

Chair in the shape of a cocoon

This is one of the most common models of hanging chairs. The difference between this chair is the presence of walls hiding the inside of the chair.

This product was created to enjoy solitude; children also really like it, as it looks like a hanging house. To make a cocoon, only natural materials are used.

Chair in the form of a nest with a frame made of hoop

These chairs are the most popular. They can be equipped with a large amount of decor and perfectly complement modern interiors. For such models, a variety of weaving techniques are used.

What are the chairs made of?

When choosing materials for a chair, it is necessary to take into account its specifics.

If you decide on the swing chair option, then you will need thick fabric, different types artificial ropes and blocks of wood.

To make a cocoon-shaped chair you will need rattan, willow twigs, bast, bird cherry or willow branches.

For a chair in the form of a nest, a hoop made of plastic or steel, durable fabric that is resistant to wear, synthetic filling, special cords for weaving, and various pieces of wood are suitable.

For the seat itself, the following techniques are used:

  • Macrame;
  • Patchwork technique;
  • Knitting;
  • Tatting.

Do not forget that the selected materials and fasteners correspond to the planned load.

Pay attention!

Master class on creating a chair

This is the simplest type hanging chair of all the things you can do yourself. To make it you will need:

  • dense material – 2 m;
  • wooden beam - length 1 m, radius 3 cm;
  • several carbines (0.11 m), designed for a weight of up to 0.16 tons;
  • cable with a diameter of 1-1.15 cm with a tensile load of up to 3200 kgf;
  • paints, brushes, nylon threads.

The tools you will need are a drill, a sewing machine, an iron, scissors, and a ruler.

Step by step we create miracles

Step 1. Fold the material in half, measure 0.18 m from the top and cut off the resulting triangle.

Step 2. Fold the edges of the fabric by approximately 1 - 1.5 cm and carefully hem them.

Step 3. Make pockets for the cable. To do this, you need to bend the edges on the long part by 4 cm and stitch them on a typewriter.

Pay attention!

Step 4. On each side wooden beam make 2 holes. There should be a gap of 5 cm between two adjacent holes, and approximately 0.8 m between pairs of holes.

Step 5. We insert the rope into the central holes and secure it with knots. First, we make a knot for the carabiner in the middle of the rope.

Step 6. Pass the ends of the cable through the prepared fabric, insert them into the free holes and secure with knots.

Step 7. We attach a pair of carabiners, which are connected to each other, to the hook previously attached to the ceiling. This will add reliability to the design. We insert the rope into the last carabiner.

You can decorate the swing chair with bright pillows.

Pay attention!

Hanging chairs are a fairly popular piece of furniture. They can easily become the highlight of your interior.

We hope that this article has convinced you that sewing a stylish bean bag chair or a fashionable hammock chair with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Such self-made products have a unique charm. They will definitely amaze your guests with their uniqueness.

DIY chair photo

Not only craftsmen know how to make exclusive, comfortable furniture from scrap materials. The advantage of such an activity is obvious - it is the opportunity to translate into reality the most daring ideas for diversifying the living space. An additional bonus is the low cost of making home soft chairs with your own hands. Following the advice of designers, you can make an upholstered chair for a pleasant time in your own home. At home, you can exactly repeat all the stages of factory production of this modern and convenient attribute for decorating a children's or living room. On the Internet you can find both the simplest and most complex schemes.

The first step in the manufacture of home upholstered furniture is the choice of fabric for the external design of the soft parts of the structure. Each master selects upholstery depending on physical properties and price aspects and features that different drawings have. Let's consider the most common fabrics for decorating chairs in our time:

  • velor – velvety to the touch, gives the furniture a certain charm;

Velor upholstery

  • flog is a distant analogue of velor, easy to clean, so designers use it to decorate children's upholstered furniture;

Upholstered flog

  • chenille - a fabric based on a combination of natural and synthetic fibers, has particular wear resistance (a well-thought-out structure prevents the formation of pilling);

Chinille in upholstery

  • jacquard - the upholstery is considered durable, but over time the loops turn into puffs;
  • natural tapestry is the most expensive and beautiful view upholstery fabrics;

Upholstered jacquard

  • artificial suede is a universal option for chairs in a sunny room, resistant to UV rays and easy to clean;

Faux suede upholstery

  • leatherette is a durable material that allows you to play with decorative embossing.

Leatherette upholstery

Material, fittings, tools for frame attributes

Creating a frame chair from scratch presents some difficulties. But the finished product will have a more respectable appearance. You can verify this by looking at photos of finished homemade products. You can also use an old Soviet “grandmother’s” chair for the base.

To make a simple frame for an upholstered chair, you need to select durable sheets of 20 mm plywood for cutting out parts yourself. A standard set of repair tools with an electric drill, jigsaw, steel ruler, emery cloth, metal rims, masking tape, pencil, tape measure, thin nails, self-tapping screws, wood glue, stain, and glossy paint will also be useful. For upholstery you need: artificial leather or fabric, foam rubber (filler).

Step-by-step creation of upholstered furniture with a wooden base

  1. If you don’t know how to make a drawing for the base, then look for ready-made diagrams on the Internet. As a rule, they are transferred to a cardboard template with a pencil. Only after this they begin to perform the operations of the described algorithm. This will help you save on excess material, or vice versa – avoid purchasing missing parts.
  2. Using a cardboard template, future constituent elements are cut out from plywood sheets:
  • banana-shaped sidewalls;
  • cross bars.

It is important to determine the required angles of inclination, bending and dimensions of the future frame. A photo of the finished chair, created according to your design, will help with this.

  1. The next stage is surface treatment of wooden parts by stripping and grinding. The ends are worked with special care to improve the quality of the work done. These parts are first impregnated with heated drying oil and only then bends are formed with a hammer, if they are provided for in the sketch. Each component element is cut out with an electric jigsaw.
  2. The sidewalls are painted or treated with varnish-stain. The ends of the side parts are reinforced with metal rims.
  3. The further course of action is related to the covering of the frame. Using an electric drill, make the required holes. The rims are fixed with screws.
  4. First, the back part of the back is covered with artificial leather or fabric, then the remaining fragments of the structure, incl. and seats.
  5. The upholstery material is secured with wallpaper nails, which are characterized by large heads. In the back of the frame chair, the upholstery is fixed along the edge, along the transverse parts, to better cover the slats.

Pattern of a round chair Wooden frame We cover the frame with fiberboard cardboard

Experienced furniture makers recommend additionally treating the fastening points with wood glue. This move is needed to increase the durability of the furniture you create with your own hands.

Secrets of reliable upholstery: how to sew

The process of stretching the upholstery of soft chairs has its own nuances:

  1. Foam rubber is cut to the size of the seat (average thickness - 5 cm). The part is glued to the surface of the plywood sheet.
  2. Horizontal and vertical fabric straps are secured to the back with a construction stapler. Similar belts are added to the armrests and sides from the inside along the shape.
  3. A piece is cut from a piece of foam rubber 0.1 cm thick, which will be larger in size than the area of ​​the seat (the difference is 4-5 cm). Take a piece of synthetic padding fabric of a similar size with an elongated front part and fasten it with your own hands.
  4. After the manipulations have been completed, the upholstery is covered with furniture fabric. Using a stapler, the textiles are secured to all corners of the cover and the synthetic foam layer to the frame of the chair seat.
  5. The sides and armrests are also covered with padding polyester, secured with aerosol glue over the entire surface. Only after this the parts are sheathed with fabric, securing the flap along the staples.

We cover the chair with foam rubber. Additionally we put padding polyester

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How to make a chair from wood with your own hands: drawings and dimensions, plus assembly instructions and explanations for working with lumber

For a comfortable stay at the dacha you need a comfortable chair. However, the same furniture is necessary in the apartment. It’s not difficult to buy a good chair, although it won’t be cheap, but you can save money and assemble it yourself from wood. In this article you will find simple instructions making a wooden chair, and in addition, you will learn the rules of working with lumber.

Wood as the main material

Have you decided to make a chair and don’t know what materials to use? Best material- this is wood, namely, boards, beams, furniture panels and other solid wood lumber. There are several reasons for assembling furniture from wood and among them:

  • Easy wood processing. Working with wood is easier than with other materials from which furniture is usually made. Again, the tools found in most home workshops will suffice for woodworking;
  • Affordable price. Boards, timber and other lumber are still inexpensive considering how much is needed to make one chair. Moreover, you don’t have to buy lumber new, because there are used pallets;
  • Great appearance wooden furniture . The texture of the wood has a beautiful grain pattern, which, of course, will decorate the chair you assemble, provided that you cover it with a clear varnish;
  • Durability. Solid wood furniture is superior in reliability to furniture assembled from plywood or particle boards. With proper use, a chair made of wood will last at least ten years.

Which type of wood is preferable? For assembling furniture, I recommend lumber from hardwood: aspen, linden, birch and fruit trees. Coniferous wood is knotty and resinous, which will complicate cutting materials and finishing the finished product.

Model selection

Now that you know what materials to make a chair from, all that remains is to decide on suitable model. I offer a brief overview of popular options.

Regular chairs with armrests– essentially, these are chairs, but more massive and more comfortable

Chair for the garden

Illustrations Furniture options for furnishing a summer house

From pallets. This best option in terms of ease of assembly and low cost of materials. Again, with a competent approach to the assembly process finished goods will look modern and stylish.

Shell. Despite the complexity of the design, this chair looks great and provides the greatest comfort compared to other models. The only drawback of this option is the need to bend a lot of wooden parts.

From an electrical cable reel. Cable reel with a back made of edged boards- this is furniture that is not only cheap, but also quickly produced. It will be even easier to make such a chair than from pallets. In addition, thanks to its rounded sides, you can make a rocking chair from the bay.

A set of standard questions for a self-taught furniture maker

Before we start making a chair, I will comment on the questions that self-taught furniture makers most often ask.

What to cut with? For longitudinal cutting we use circular saw, for transverse and curved cuts we use a jigsaw or a hacksaw.

How to fasten wooden parts? The design of the seats has heavily and lightly loaded joints. For heavily loaded connections we use bolts with washers and nuts. For lightly loaded connections we use wooden dowels or furniture confirmations.

Paint or varnish? The choice of coatings depends on the quality of the lumber. If the wood has no visible defects, it can be tinted with stain and coated with clear varnish. If there are pigment spots on the surface or it was necessary to eliminate defects with putty, it is preferable to cover the part with primer and a continuous layer of paint.

How to reduce paint consumption? We noticed that when finishing the chair paint and varnish materials absorb into the surface and leave unpainted areas? The problem is that lumber has a porous structure and in order to reduce its absorbency, preliminary application of a primer or drying oil will be required.

Why do cracks appear? Often, novice craftsmen, having made furniture from wood, discover cracks appearing over time. The reason for cracking of lumber is uneven drying. The solution to the problem is to use initially dry wood.

Preparing for work

On preparatory stage We select a suitable drawing, prepare materials and prepare tools.

I suggest using wooden pallets rather than new purchased boards as materials. One and a half pallets will be needed for one country chair. Considering that used pallets are sold for about 300 rubles, the price of assembled furniture will be low.

Now let's select a drawing. The diagram shows the dimensions oriented to the structure of a person of average height. If necessary, the dimensions can be revised up or down.

This drawing shows several views of the chair, namely top, front and side views. The location of the fastening hardware, which ensures a reliable connection, is also shown.

The process of making a chair with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

I offer a step-by-step assembly instructions. To make it easier to repeat listed stages, the instructions are presented in the form of a photo report. The steps are listed in the order in which the work needs to be completed.

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