
What is amaranth oil used for? Amaranth oil or a deep breath for the body. Amaranth oil - its benefits and harms. All properties and methods of using amaranth oil in cosmetology and medicine

In recent years, amaranth oil has appeared on sale. Reviews of those who used it characterize this product as very tasty, nutritious and even healing. Many people do not know about the properties of amaranth and do not pay attention to its oil, but in vain.

This plant has been known for thousands of years. Even the ancient Incas valued it more than gold and considered sacred. Amaranth was popular with many peoples and was used for food and for treatment, but then it was forgotten for some time. Only by the end of the 20th century, scientists realized what amazing properties this plant has. Now it is cultivated in many countries. Seeds and amaranth oil are most often used for food.

Benefits of this product

1. Among many peoples, amaranth was considered a medicine that gives youth and longevity. After all, even its name is translated as "immortal".

2. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties and regenerates cells.

3. It helps to normalize blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

4. Amaranth oil is also suitable for external use. Its benefits for the skin are enormous. It has a bactericidal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

5. This product is effective for weight loss as it burns calories and helps break down fat, as well as regulates blood sugar.

6. Has amaranth oil and antidepressant properties. It can stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin in the body.

How butter is made

Now amaranth is grown in many regions of Russia, even in Siberia. Previously, it was known to us under the name of amaranth and was considered a weed.

Amaranth is a broad-leaved plant that reaches a height of 3 meters and has beautiful bright inflorescences with seeds. It is they who are used in food, and also go to the preparation of oil. These seeds contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as many vitamins and minerals. The oil is obtained by cold pressing, which allows you to save all its useful properties. Only such 100% amaranth oil can treat various diseases. But sometimes they do it in a different way. Insist seeds in olive oil. This product has almost no useful properties.

What substances are contained in this oil

Examining the composition of amaranth, scientists found that this plant is unique: it contains rare substances that are healing for the human body. Therefore, amaranth oil receives only positive reviews. What is included in its composition?

1. Squalene - very the right substance for the health of our skin. It not only has antibacterial properties and keeps her youthful, but also participates in the synthesis of vitamin D. And a record amount of squalene is found in amaranth oil. Other foods that contain it are shark liver, olive and palm oils, and bran. But there is very little of it.

2. Vitamin E is found in amaranth oil in a very rare active form. And in such a concentration of this vitamin is not found in any other product. This can explain the high anti-aging and anti-cancer properties of the oil.

3. Calcium, necessary for the formation of the skeletal system, is found in amaranth in in large numbers. There is even more of it than in milk.

4. What other substances is amaranth oil famous for? Its health benefits are due to the presence of a large number of phospholipids. They are involved in metabolism and help regulate blood sugar levels.

5. The presence of sterols in amaranth oil helps to better adapt to physical exertion and restore performance after overwork and serious illnesses.

In what cases is amaranth oil used

The product may be useful for:

Gastrointestinal diseases, even with an ulcer;

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;

iron deficiency anemia;

Various injuries and inflammatory diseases of the skin;

obesity and diabetes;

Gynecological diseases;

Oil well relieves toothache and inflammation of the gums;

It is used for sleep disorders, depression and overwork;

To restore immunity after serious illnesses and taking antibiotics.

How to use amaranth oil

It has a pleasant smell and delicate nutty taste, so it is widely used in cooking. Best added to salads and ready meals, because during heat treatment it loses some of the nutrients. Treatment with amaranth oil can be internal or external. For such purposes, it should be taken in a teaspoon twice a day. The course of admission should be long, at least 3 months, so that the functions of the organs are gradually restored. You can also

additionally add oil to food. There are no contraindications for this. The harm of amaranth oil can be observed only in cases of individual intolerance to its components. True, at first some people may feel nausea or dizziness, but these phenomena quickly pass, because they are associated with the therapeutic effect of squalene.

Oil results

You can use it yourself, but some alternative medicine centers also use amaranth oil for treatment. Reviews of patients confirm that many got rid of dermatitis, sinusitis and stomach diseases. With prolonged use, adenoma, cervical erosion, diabetes mellitus and hypertension are cured. Patients improve cerebral circulation, improve metabolism and normalize blood pressure. The use of amaranth oil is effective even for oncological diseases: it enhances the effect of drugs and speeds up the cure.

External use of oil

It is also very effective in various skin diseases and inflammations of the mucosa. It can be rubbed into the affected area, made into oil compresses, instilled into the nose and ear, or gargled in the mouth and throat. Oil heals fungal diseases and psoriasis, eliminates acne and heals wounds, helps with cervical erosion and herpes. It perfectly relieves tooth and ear pain, treats sinusitis and sinusitis, is used for osteochondrosis and arthritis. Amaranth oil helps with stretch marks and scars, improves muscle elasticity and fights cellulite.

Oil compress effectively relieves itching from insect bites and pain from wounds and burns. But most often it is used to improve the condition of the skin and its rejuvenation.

Poor-quality food products, drugs that cause a lot of side effects make modern consumers return to the use of natural gifts of nature. Natural oils without chemical impurities and preservatives are becoming increasingly popular.

Amaranth oil is not yet so well known, but meanwhile its unique composition gave the plant the name "bestower of immortality". It is made from amaranth seeds. The plant was known for its healing properties since the time of the ancient Incas. In Europe, its healing properties were not immediately discussed; the plant was forgotten for many years. Once again, the discovery of the beneficial properties of amaranth oil allowed the discovery in its composition unique biological compound squalene.

Until recently, mining squalene has been a difficult and costly task. It was extracted from the liver of a shark. The squalene contained in amaranth oil is not inferior in its beneficial properties to a substance of animal origin.

Amaranth oil: useful properties for your beauty and youth

The plant has served man for more than eight thousand years. Bread was baked from it, pasta and baby food were made from it, the stems and leaves were used as pet food. But it has found its main application in folk medicine.

The composition of the oil includes various useful elements.

  1. Squalene- a substance that contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, prevents oxidative processes in the body, stimulates the production of vitamin D. After 25 years, the natural level of squalene in the body begins to decline inexorably, and the body gradually ages. Renewal of the required amount of squalene allows a person to maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin, increase the body's defenses, and improve overall well-being.
  2. Vitamin E. It is also found in other vegetable oils, but nowhere does its concentration reach such a high level as in amaranth oil. A sufficient amount of vitamin E protects against the appearance of malignant tumors, increases efficiency, improves vision, and slows down the aging process.
  3. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. They protect the heart and blood vessels, strengthen bone tissue, support the functioning of the nervous system, improve appearance hair and nails.
  4. Caratonoids. These elements turn into vitamin A, which is rightly called the vitamin of youth. With it, there will be no problems with withering and flabbiness of the skin, tooth decay, thinning and brittle nails.
  5. VitaminD. This is the main necessary element for the successful absorption of calcium. Without it, beautiful nails and strong teeth are impossible, as well as the successful work of the immune and endocrine systems.
  6. Phospholipids. Elements to support natural metabolism and stabilize blood sugar levels.
  7. Sterols. The intake of amaranth oil will be of interest to athletes taking various chemical additives for building muscle mass and the formation of relief muscles. The product will be an excellent alternative to synthetic anabolic drugs, which often cause side effects.
  8. Calcium. There is hardly a person who doubts the need for this extremely important element for the body. It is necessary at any age: in childhood for the formation of bones, during pregnancy for the proper development of the unborn child, in old age for the normal state of the bone muscular system.
All the beneficial substances contained in amaranth oil are absorbed much faster than similar synthetic supplements in the form of tablets or capsules. In addition, useful properties make it possible to use it for external use.

Amaranth oil in medicine: an effective assistant

The list of diseases for which the healing properties of amaranth oil can be used is impressive. Doctors and nutritionists recommend it for heart pathologies and joint diseases, low hemoglobin, skin problems, and a decrease in the protective functions of the body. It is indispensable in the treatment of burns, ulcers, inflammatory processes of the skin. With it, you can successfully deal with the state of psychological crisis and loss of strength.

Consider which diseases are successfully treated with the use of this product:

  • stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis, kidney disease;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • excess weight and diabetes mellitus, due to the accelerated burning of fat accumulations and a decrease in glucose readings;
  • painful conditions of the teeth and gums - the oil has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system - helps to reduce the risk of blood clots and lower blood pressure, serves as a prevention of heart attack or stroke;
  • diseases of the endocrine system - the elements in its composition improve lipid metabolism;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis) - the product is known for its ability to kill painful bacteria and heal wounds;
  • diseases of the genital area - the oil serves as a source of vitamins A and E, which are vital for women during menopause, with fibroids, ovarian cysts, inflammation;
  • diseases of the organs of vision - providing the body with vitamin A helps a quick recovery and reduces the risk of complications;
  • nervous and mental disorders, depression, a state of chronic fatigue - has an antidepressant effect, fills the body with energy, improves its endurance and performance.
  • Immunodeficiency caused by severe long-term illnesses, prolonged use of antibiotics, periods of intense physical work, psycho-emotional overload.
The use of amaranth oil activates the production of a very useful hormone in the body - serotonin. It is called the hormone of joy or happiness. It is necessary for a person during a long period of work or in a state of protracted crisis.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology: turning into a beauty

The miraculous composition of the oil with the optimal combination of fatty acids, vitamins and squalene in the composition is able to work wonders with the skin. In cosmetology, it is used both undiluted and as a basis for masks and other cosmetics. Its beneficial properties help to treat dermatological diseases and take care of the skin daily.

Amaranth oil is used in cosmetology for:

  • toning and softening of the skin;
  • accelerating the regeneration of skin cells;
  • relieve inflammation, irritation and peeling;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen;
  • removal of acne;
  • restoration of firmness and elasticity;
  • protection against premature aging and wilting.

A big plus of the product is that with its help it is not difficult to prepare facial masks with the addition of products that can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

Wrinkle mask

A medium-sized banana, mashed into puree, 15 drops of oil, a tablespoon of natural yogurt are mixed and applied to the face. After half an hour, the remnants of the mixture are removed with a napkin, the skin is additionally moisturized.

Rejuvenating mask

A small amount of white or blue clay is diluted with warm boiled water, add 20 drops of oil, mix well. The mixture is applied to the face and removed with a cotton swab after 30 minutes. The mask is recommended for regular use.

Toning mask for lifeless skin

Egg yolk is thoroughly beaten, mixed with a teaspoon of oil and the same amount of honey. The resulting mixture is distributed over the face, kept for a quarter of an hour, washed off with warm water. The mask is recommended for weekly use.

Whitening mask

Oil and natural orange juice are mixed in a ratio of 1:2 and a few drops of lemon are added to the resulting mixture. The resulting mass is applied to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Regular use of the mask will help get rid of freckles, age spots and enlarged pores. You can keep the mask for no more than 15 minutes. Before using the product, make sure that you are not allergic to citrus fruits!

Amaranth oil is useful not only for facial skin. A small amount applied to the lips before going outside will protect them from chapping and flaking on frosty days.

Mask for sensitive skin

From amaranth oil and fatty cottage cheese, taken in a ratio of 1: 2, a cosmetic gruel is prepared, which is evenly distributed over the face. After a quarter of an hour, the remnants are removed with a paper towel or cotton pad. The procedure is recommended several times a week. At the same time, the skin becomes less sensitive to various external stimuli.

Amaranth oil copes well with the problem of dryness, brittleness and excessive hair loss. Regular application of it to the hair before washing allows you to ruthlessly fight the appearance of dandruff. Hair acquires the lost natural healthy shine.

Oily pleasure for true gourmets

How to use amaranth oil in cooking? What foods does it pair well with? First of all, it is used as a dressing for vegetable salads. It is an ideal substitute for the traditional sunflower and the famous olive oil.

If your menu includes cereals, it is preferable to add amaranth oil to them instead of the usual butter. In this case, the benefits of the dish will double.

Dishes fried in amaranth oil preserve vitamins and other useful substances as much as possible. The product can also be used in baking. It is added to the dough for making pies, pancakes, buns and other goodies.

How to take?

It is better to use a product produced in glass containers. After opening the container, the product oxidizes quickly, so it is better not to purchase bottles with a capacity of more than 100 ml.

For the treatment of internal diseases, oil is taken twice a day in a tablespoon before meals for a month. The course of treatment is repeated several times a year. In the treatment of skin diseases or joint problems, it is rubbed into problem areas or apply oil compresses to them.

If the oil is used for prevention, one or two teaspoons a few minutes before meals are sufficient. It is even better to fill them with salads, add to various dishes.


Despite the proven benefits that amaranth oil brings to a person, it should be noted that in certain cases it can harm the body. In some cases, individual intolerance to the components of the product is noted. In particular, the same squalene can act as a strong irritant, the action of which can be excessively intense.

Excessive oil consumption may cause allergic reactions such as itching, redness and irritation of the skin, the appearance of an allergic rash. Such negative phenomena can be aggravated by nausea, vomiting, indigestion, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach during meals.

Usually, side effects go away after a few days and do not require additional treatment. There are also a number of diseases in which the intake of amaranth oil is highly undesirable. These include:

  • high cholesterol;
  • chronic diseases of the pancreas, including pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • ulcer duodenum.

Amaranth oil is not recommended for people with a weak stomach, as the plant has a pronounced laxative effect. Even a small amount can cause stomach pain and diarrhea in such people. In any case, even if you feel satisfactory, you should consult a doctor before taking it.

Amaranth oil is one of the most generous gifts to humanity from mother nature. The use of the product in many fields of medicine, cosmetology and cooking allows you to successfully fight many chronic diseases and restore vigor, energy and efficiency to the body.

The birthplace of amaranth, which is one of the oldest grain crops on Earth, is considered to be Central and South America. Before the discovery of America by Columbus, amaranth seeds and green leaves, along with maize and beans, were the main food of the ancient Indian tribes (which is why this plant also received other names - "sent by God", "Aztec wheat" and "Inca bread"). Among the ancient Greeks, amaranth was considered a symbol of immortality (translated from Greek, amaranth means "unfading flower"), and in ancient Chinese medicine, this plant was used as a means of giving youth and longevity.

The Aztecs, who have long revered the sacred and magical power of amaranth, widely used this plant in ritual ceremonies, ate it to increase vitality and physical endurance, strengthen the body and spirit.

Currently, more than 90 varieties of amaranth are grown in America, Asia and Africa. In our country, amaranth was known for a long time only as a garden weed - amaranth. But in recent decades, special cultivation of decorative, food and fodder varieties of amaranth has become quite widespread in Russia.

Due to its high nutritional value, unique therapeutic and prophylactic properties and high yield, amaranth is recognized by experts from the UN Food Commission as the most promising grain crop of the 21st century.

Processing products of amaranth seeds are quite diverse - these are amaranth oil, amaranth flour, starch and cereals, as well as the substances lysine and squalene obtained from this plant, which find the most wide application in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Seeds and flour of amaranth in cooking in many countries of the world are most often used in the manufacture of various confectionery and bakery products, are used in canning vegetables, and are also used as a nutritious vitamin and protein supplement for various vegetarian and dietary dishes. Amaranth leaves also find wide culinary use - they are most often added to salads, casseroles and omelettes.

Rich in vegetable protein and biologically active substances, amaranth greens and silage prepared from it have long been successfully used in the production of valuable, ecologically clean agricultural fodder.

The composition of amaranth oil

High-quality and most valuable in terms of its useful properties, amaranth oil is obtained by cold pressing (pressing) crushed amaranth seed (amaranth seeds contain at least 10% of this vegetable oil, unique in its biochemical composition and therapeutic and prophylactic effect).

The composition of amaranth oil contains: more than 70% mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids(linoleic (Omega-6), oleic (Omega-9), linolenic (Omega-3), arachidonic, palmitoleic acids, etc.), over 9% phospholipids(in which phosphatidylcholine dominates in quantity), squalene (more than 8%), about 2% vitamin E, phytosterols (more than 2%), carotenoids (vitamin A precursors), vitamin D, bile acids, various macro- and microelements (microelements (potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper, etc.).

The unique healing properties of amaranth oil are largely determined by the presence in its composition of two powerful antioxidants - squalene and vitamin E (contained in amaranth oil in a rare, especially active tocotrienol form).

Part of the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous fat squalene is an important participant in the synthesis of steroid hormones, cholesterol and vitamin D in the human body. The squalene contained in amaranth oil actively contributes to the saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen, has a powerful antitumor and anticarcinogenic effect, and also significantly increases the resistance of the human body to various viral, fungal, bacterial infections and exposure to harmful radiation. Interfering with the development and spread of malignant tumors, activating metabolic processes squalene also contributes to the rapid and effective restoration of damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes (due to the pronounced wound healing property of squalene, amaranth oil containing it has been very popular in folk medicine around the world for many centuries).

vitamin E, just as squalene prevents premature aging of the human body and helps strengthen the immune system, and in addition, it has an anti-inflammatory property and has a complex beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system (reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and contributes to the normalization blood pressure). Vitamin E contained in amaranth oil, in addition, improves the functional state of the muscular system and plays an important role in the functioning of the human reproductive system (participates in the processes of spermatogenesis and embryonic development, helps maintain normal hormonal balance).

The high nutritional value of amaranth oil is also determined by its constituent polyunsaturated fatty acids, among which the leading position is occupied by the essential polyunsaturated linoleic acid(the share of this Omega-6 acid in the fatty acid composition of amaranth oil is more than 50%). Linoleic acid, like other unsaturated acids in amaranth oil, improves fat metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects, improves skin condition, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems, and also plays an important role in cleansing the human body from toxins, salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Amaranth oil contains carotenoids, which are converted in the human body into fat-soluble vitamin A, which, like squalene, is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and largely determines the wound healing and immunostimulating effect of amaranth oil. Necessary for eye health, the full formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel, vitamin A takes part in the natural synthesis of keratin and collagen fibrillar proteins (which are structural components of the skin, hair and nails), normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, regulates blood glucose, and also plays an important role in the reproductive system.

Part of amaranth oil vitamin D helps to strengthen the immune system, improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the human body, which are necessary for the formation and restoration of bone tissue, and also reduces the risk of developing certain oncological, cardiovascular, endocrine and dermatological diseases.

The anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antitumor and immunostimulating properties of amaranth oil are also largely due to the high content of amaranth oil in the composition. phytosterols, which help to reduce the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, prevent the development of type II diabetes mellitus and play an important role in the synthesis of vitamin D, hormones and bile acids by the human body.

By content calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium amaranth oil is significantly superior to whole milk (moreover, calcium and iron in amaranth oil are more than 3 times more than in wheat grain). You can learn more about the benefits of these macronutrients for the human body in the articles "Amaranth flour", "Pumpkin oil", "Balm for the heart and blood vessels "Shuster".

Therapeutic and preventive properties of amaranth oil

The introduction of amaranth oil, rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances necessary for the human body, into the diet is recommended as part of prevention and complex treatment:

  • diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholecystocholangitis, pancreatitis, fatty hepatosis (liver steatosis), alcoholic and viral hepatitis, cirrhosis). Amaranth oil contains a complex of substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive system and have an effective wound healing effect in case of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach (such substances include squalene, carotenoids, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, phytosterols ). The squalene, phospholipids, amino acids methionine and arginine contained in amaranth oil have a hepatoprotective effect, protecting the liver from fatty degeneration and the damaging effects of toxins of various origins.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, varicose veins, stroke, heart attack, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis, vasculitis, etc.), diabetic angiopathy, etc.) . Squalene, vitamin E, phytosterols and magnesium present in amaranth oil prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of blood clots, and also help to reduce the content of low-density lipoproteins in the blood, which provoke the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, magnesium and vitamin E, which are part of amaranth oil, have a vasodilating effect and help reduce blood pressure. Potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium contained in amaranth oil help to normalize the strength, rhythm and speed of myocardial contractions.
  • Dermatological diseases and traumatic skin injuries. Thanks to such biochemical components as squalene, phytosterols, vitamin E, carotenoids, Omega-6 linoleic acid and magnesium, amaranth oil has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antifungal and antiviral effect on the skin. That is why regular consumption of amaranth oil in combination with its external use in the form of rubbing or applications (compresses) will greatly accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin areas with radiation and sunburn, cuts, abrasions, as well as diseases such as psoriasis, dry eczema, fungal infections, herpes, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers, acne, etc.
  • Anemia. Amaranth oil contains iron, the amino acid lysine, copper and other substances that play an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin blood protein.
  • Diseases of the mouth and throat (tonsillitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.). In the treatment of such diseases, it is most advisable to use amaranth oil both internally (using it regularly in food) and externally (in the form of rinses).
  • Obesity and type II diabetes. Phospholipids, squalene and phytosterols contained in amaranth oil help to improve fat metabolism, and carotenoids, vitamin E, isoleucine and methionine amino acids, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are part of amaranth oil, play an important role in regulating blood glucose levels.
  • Gynecological diseases and diseases of the male genitourinary system. External use of amaranth oil, which has pronounced wound healing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, in combination with its regular internal use, is very effective as part of a complex treatment of cervical erosion, ovarian cysts, inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), fibroids, colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, vaginitis and other diseases female genital area. Also, the introduction of amaranth oil rich in phytosterols into the diet will have a beneficial effect on the hormonal status of a woman and the functional state of the female reproductive system. during pregnancy, premenstrual or menopause. Due to the high content of vitamin E, magnesium and phytosterols and polyunsaturated fatty acids, amaranth oil will also bring tangible benefits in the treatment of male and female infertility, prostate diseases, erectile dysfunction in men, and inflammatory diseases of the male genital area.
  • Eye diseases (cataract, dystrophy yellow spot retina (macular degeneration), diabetic retinopathy, blepharitis, hemeralopia (“night blindness”), conjunctivitis, xerophthalmia). Amaranth oil contains a complex of substances necessary for the full and coordinated work of the visual apparatus (among such substances are carotenoids, vitamin E, magnesium).
  • Diseases of the nervous system, for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, with psycho-emotional disorders, headaches and insomnia caused by nervous stress, as well as to improve memory and mental abilities. Amaranth oil contains lecithin (a mixture of various phospholipids), with the participation of which the human body synthesizes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which optimizes the transmission of nerve impulses in different parts of the brain. Amaranth oil also contains magnesium and the essential amino acid tryptophan, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, from which the “happiness hormone” serotonin is produced in the human body (in fact, it is, like acetylcholine, a brain neurotransmitter).
  • Tuberculosis, various infectious viral and fungal diseases(squalene, a rich source of which is amaranth oil, has an antifungal and bactericidal effect, and the amino acid lysine present in amaranth oil is very effective in combating various viruses)
  • Oncological diseases. Amaranth oil is rich in antioxidants (squalene, carotenoids, vitamin E), which protect the human body from the harmful effects of carcinogens and free radicals, which are the cause of the development of malignant cancers. The introduction of amaranth oil, which has a radioprotective property, into the diet of patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, contributes to the effective restoration of their physical strength and strengthening of immunity.

Regular consumption of amaranth oil is also very useful:

  • With muscular dystrophy(amaranth oil is rich in vitamin E and phosphorus - substances that help strengthen muscles and improve muscle function).
  • As part of the prevention and complex treatment of diseases of the bones, spine and joints (osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, rickets, etc.). Amaranth oil is a source of substances necessary for the full formation of bone and cartilage tissue (among such substances are vitamin D, phytosterols, calcium, phosphorus, copper, amino acids lysine, methionine, threonine).

In conclusion, we note that amaranth oil, which is the most useful and has no contraindications for use, can rightfully take its rightful place in the diet of the elderly, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology

Helping to nourish, moisturize, soften and rejuvenate the skin, amaranth oil is a common ingredient in various cosmetic products for face and body skin care. Amaranth oil, which has a wound healing ability and is rich in substances that stimulate the natural production of collagen, is also often used to eliminate postoperative scars and scars.

Amaranth oil is also used in anti-cellulite massage procedures and use for UV protection when visiting the solarium or when sunbathing on the beach.

Ways to use amaranth oil

To strengthen the immune system, as well as as part of the prevention and treatment of diseases listed in the section, amaranth oil is recommended to use 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 2 times a day (morning and evening) with meals (shake the bottle with amaranth oil before use). Therapeutic and prophylactic courses of taking amaranth oil (lasting 1 month) are best done 2 times a year - in autumn and spring.

For dermatological diseases or skin injuries amaranth oil is recommended to be applied to damaged areas of the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening (10 minutes after application, the remnants of amaranth oil should be removed with a paper towel).

Amaranth oil, which has a pleasant aroma and delicate nutty taste, is excellent for dressing vegetable salads, cereal cereals, bean, soy, pea dishes and successfully combines with other vegetable oils in cooking.

Amaranth oil tolerates heating to high temperatures well (in connection with which it can replace any vegetable oil when frying), but use this most useful product in cooking, it is most useful when cold, without subjecting it to any heat treatment.

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to the product. In some cases, in the first days of using amaranth oil, mild nausea and dizziness may be felt, caused by active saturation of the body with oxygen. People suffering from acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis or urolithiasis should consult a doctor before eating amaranth oil.

Storage conditions

Amaranth oil should be stored in a closed bottle in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 o C. After the first opening of the bottle with amaranth oil, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

Popular goods.

We know the beautiful plant amaranth under other names - amaranth, cockscomb, velvet. With its bright flowering, it adorns variegated decorative flower beds, and in ancient times it was considered a unique source of longevity and beauty. Amaranth is eaten as a condiment, oil is produced from it, and its wild species are grown to decorate lawns. However, not everyone knows that the benefits of amaranth oil for humans are enormous. A magical drop of amber oil contains a huge amount of rare substances and microelements that can rejuvenate the body, energize it and help in the fight against dangerous diseases.

The composition of amaranth oil

The unique properties of amaranth have been known since ancient times. This plant has been the main crop of South America for more than 8 millennia, and the ancient Aztecs considered it sacred and used it in their magical rituals. And today, in southeastern and western countries, pasta, buns are produced from its seeds, they are added to baby food, and in Russia amaranth oil is most often used.

The benefits of amaranth oil have not been fully studied - pharmacists continue their research to this day, improving the methods of its production every year. During the examinations, it turned out that amaranth contains a special hydrocarbon squalene, a powerful antioxidant, and in such a high concentration it is not found in any plant. And the content of the unique lysine amino acid in amaranth is twice as high as in wheat.

Amaranth oil includes a lot of useful substances:

  • Vitamins E, D;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Squalene;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Styrenes;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium, iron.

By the amount of the unique hydrocarbon squalene, amaranth oil ranks first. Its amount can be in the range of 6-15%, while in healthy olive oil this substance is only 1%. Squalene is necessary for the body to protect against harmful radioactive radiation, to activate metabolism. This substance has an anticarcinogenic effect, helps the body cope with bacterial and viral infections.

Amaranth oil: contraindications

When used properly, this oil does not threaten human health. The harm of amaranth oil can occur if there is an individual intolerance to one of its components. We should not forget about a reasonable measure - with an overdose of the drug, allergic manifestations are possible in the form of a rash, itching, irritation and rashes.

When using amaranth oil for the first time, the following side effects may occur:

  • Dizziness;
  • Vomit;
  • Migraine;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Nausea;
  • Heartburn.

Such signs are a consequence of the high content of squalene in amaranth oil, which rapidly saturates the body with oxygen. Over time, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own, without the use of additional measures.

Oral administration of the drug sometimes leads to negative consequences. This is mainly due to the presence of the following diseases in the patient:

  • Ulcer;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • Disruptions in the digestive system;
  • Urolithiasis disease.

In the presence of these ailments, the harm of amaranth oil for the body can be significant. However, this is not an absolute contraindication to the use of the drug. In order to avoid negative consequences, before the first use of amaranth oil, consultation with the attending physician is required.

Amaranth oil: benefits

This unique oil is used in many areas: in folk and official medicine, in cooking and cosmetology. The benefits of amaranth oil for the body are enormous, and with its systematic use, you can nourish the tissues with useful substances and overcome many dangerous diseases.

Amaranth oil is rich in biologically active substances, minerals, vitamins and is recommended for use in such ailments:

Dermatitis and skin injuries

The presence of squalene, vitamin E, linoleic acid and magnesium in the oil has a bactericidal, wound healing, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on damaged tissues. The systematic use of oil in combination with applications or compresses helps to accelerate skin regeneration in case of sun and radiation burns, abrasions, cuts, as well as mycoses, eczema, herpes, acne.

The unique amaranth oil has a rich composition and is suitable for the treatment and prevention of various ailments, such as diabetes, ulcers, varicose veins, oncology Important!

Ulcer, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis

Due to the high concentration of substances in amaranth oil that stop inflammation in the internal organs, it is recommended for the treatment of any ailments of the digestive tract. Useful trace elements envelop the mucous membranes, have a wound-healing effect and protect internal organs from the damaging effects of harmful toxic compounds.

Type II diabetes and obesity

The presence of phospholipids, phytosterols and squalene in the oil improves lipid metabolism and normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood.

Hypertension, angina pectoris, varicose veins, ischemic disease, stroke, heart attack

Amaranth oil has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory system human, prevents inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of blood clots, has a vasodilating effect. Beneficial amino acids and minerals help regulate heart rate, give strength and elasticity to the heart muscles.

Gynecological diseases

The benefits of amaranth oil are manifested when applied externally during the treatment of cervical erosion, inflammation, ovarian cysts, vaginitis. The use of oil rich in phytosterols inside has a beneficial effect on the hormonal balance of a woman, improves reproductive functions. Healing amaranth oil is recommended during menopause, during pregnancy, and a huge content of useful amino acids allows the drug to be used in the treatment of certain diseases of the male genital area and infertility.

Oncological ailments

This life-giving oil is a powerful antioxidant and protects the body from free radicals, carcinogens, which are the cause of malignant tumors. It is also used in the recovery period after a course of chemotherapy to renew strength and strengthen immunity.

Diseases of the nervous system, migraine, insomnia, prevention of Alzheimer's disease

The invaluable benefits of amaranth oil are manifested in the treatment of tuberculosis, cataracts, conjunctivitis, diseases of the oral cavity and anemia. Regular use of oil has a beneficial effect during the treatment of muscular dystrophy, for the complex and preventive treatment of diseases of the bones and joints (arthrosis, rickets, osteochondrosis).

How to take amaranth oil

This unique drug is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, externally and internally. However, in order for the body to receive only benefit from taking amaranth oil, and not harm, before the first use, it is necessary to undergo an examination by the attending physician, adhering to his recommendations and prescribed dosages.

For preventive purposes, the oil is taken orally 1 teaspoon during each meal. Shake the bottle of amaranth oil well before use. A wellness course of treatment is best done in the off-season, for a month. V medicinal purposes the dosage and course of treatment is prescribed by a specialist.

For external use as a healing agent, you need to apply a drop of oil to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, rub it in with light movements, and remove the residue with a dry cloth.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology

Amaranth oil is a natural and environmentally friendly product, so it is very popular in cosmetology and is used for the production of effective cosmetics. It is mainly used in the manufacture of caring creams for the face and body. Unique trace elements and vitamins prevent photoaging of the epidermis, retain moisture in its upper layers, protect against chapping and the influence of harmful external factors.

Amaranth oil is used as nourishing masks for hair and body, in anti-cellulite massage, to protect against harmful sunlight. Our readers recommend! Many of our readers are interested in the question. How to lose weight without debilitating diets, rejection of a number of products and time-consuming exercises. At the same time, people are looking for a way that is not harmful to health. We did not know how to answer this question until one of our readers recommended an effective and completely natural remedy for weight loss. This tool has no side effects, contraindications and does not harm the body in any way and consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Weight loss is achieved by removing toxins, toxins and split fat deposits. In a couple of weeks you will notice the first stunning results. Choose a weight loss program (free) →

Amaranth oil is also used:

  • For UV protection;
  • As an ingredient for nourishing and rejuvenating masks;
  • During anti-cellulite massage.

This healing oil helps to remove signs of pigmentation, rejuvenate the skin, and effectively fights scars after acne and burns. The active components of the oil stimulate the natural production of collagen, perfectly restore the structure of nails and hair and prevent their fragility.

To make the effect of using amaranth oil more pronounced, it is recommended to use a cold-pressed product, since its beneficial properties are slightly lost during heat treatment.

Amaranth oil will help improve the body, cope with many unpleasant diseases and prolong youth. This healthy oil is a storehouse of valuable substances that will give health, well-being, inner harmony and beauty!

Amaranth oil. Benefit and harm

Amaranth oil is a product that gives strength and longevity. A plant called "amaranth" has been known to mankind for eight thousand years. It has gained wide popularity as a grain crop. Amaranth seeds were used by humans to make bread, the stems and leaves were used as food for animals. In western and southeastern countries, you can find a large number of products that are still made from amaranth. Mainly pasta, baking, baby food. Many varieties are grown, each used according to its nutritional value.

In Russia, oil, which is made from amaranth grains, is in the greatest demand. It has great nutritional value, contains unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, oleic, linoleic), which are necessary for the life of the human body. The oil is very nutritious and is used in many areas of activity, which indicates the most valuable qualities of the product. What is rich in amaranth oil, its benefits and harms when eaten and where it is better to purchase this product - we will consider all these issues later in our article.

All about the benefits of amaranth oil

Medicine and amaranth oil - we treat diabetes and cancer

You can talk endlessly about the healing properties of this type of oil. Surely you have heard only positive reviews about amaranth oil, with reference to its use in traditional medicine. Consider what actually useful substances are contained in amaranth, and for what diseases you can eat oil made from this plant.

  • Squalene

The first thing I want to highlight, speaking of amaranth oil, is the amount of squalene content in it. Of the total mass, its content is almost 10%. Squalene plays a huge role in protecting our skin from aging. Thanks to him, the skin retains its elasticity, maintains the optimal amount of moisture, provides softness and velvety to the skin. It also protects it from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, due to its antibacterial properties. The concentration of squalene in the skin begins to gradually decrease after the age of 25, so from the onset of this age it is worth thinking about additional sources of obtaining this substance that preserves youth.

  • Vitamin E

This vitamin is found in amaranth oil in such a concentration that it cannot be found in any other vegetable oil. It is a natural antioxidant that protects the body from harmful environmental factors. It is vitamin E that reduces the risk of cancer. Its regular use keeps the whole body in good shape, including this is reflected on the skin - it becomes toned and elastic, wrinkles tend to smooth out. Also, vitamin E plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the visual apparatus, improves vision and helps the eyes to work fully.

  • Calcium

We all know how important calcium is in our life. It plays a big role at any age - in childhood it is necessary for the proper formation of bones, during pregnancy it ensures the normal development of the fetus and supports the body of the expectant mother, in the mature age period it helps to transfer all the loads on the spine, in old age it is necessary to maintain the state of the skeletal system. The amount of calcium in the composition of amaranth oil is such that it is even more than in whole milk. Therefore, to replenish calcium, include this wonderful product in your diet.

  • Phospholipids

The presence of a large amount of phospholipids in amaranth oil helps to maintain normal fat metabolism, improves metabolism, metabolism normalizes in the body, and if any failure occurs in the organs, these substances rush to restore the established work. Phospholipids also help regulate the amount of sugar (glucose) in human blood. This means that with type 2 diabetes, this product is required to be included in the patient's diet.

  • Sterols

Sports people will be pleased to know that amaranth oil contains a large amount of sterols. These substances are added to energy drinks, sports supplements, bars. Sterols are used as anabolic agents that help the body adapt to physical stress faster. When using amaranth oil, your feedback will only be positive, because this natural remedy is generally available, natural and good for health.

What diseases should be included in the daily diet of amaranth oil:

With a lack of iron - anemia;

Diseases of the stomach, gastroenteritis, ulcers - oil suppresses inflammation and restores cells;

Heart disease, hypertension, myocarditis, varicose veins - oil prevents the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;

Skin damage of various origins - burns, cuts, as well as dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema, acne - the oil has a bactericidal effect, you need to rub it into damaged areas of the skin or apply compresses for a guaranteed result;

Dental diseases such as stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease - the oil effectively fights inflammation and relieves pain, rinsing the mouth twice a day is indicated;

Obesity and diabetes - oil actively improves the work of burning calories and fat, maintains blood glucose levels;

Female and male diseases of the gynecological direction and the genitourinary system - cervical erosion, cystitis, endometritis, fibroids (in women), male infertility, inflammatory and prostate diseases (in men) are treated more successfully when amaranth oil is included in the diet;

Diseases of the visual system (conjunctivitis, cataracts) are less acute and without complications when amaranth oil is ingested daily as a dressing for vegetables and cereals;

Diseases of the nervous system, sleep disorders, depression, psycho-emotional overwork. Amaranth oil has an antidepressant effect, activating the action of serotonin in the body - the hormone of joy, which has a positive effect on the nervous system as a whole and fills the body with energy.

Also, amaranth oil can be consumed in its pure form in case of loss of strength, restoration of immunity after protracted illnesses and antibiotics. If you decide to try amaranth oil, its application will not cause you any difficulties. Daily rate - 0.5 tsp. three times a day with meals. The course of admission is 2 weeks.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Since amaranth oil is a completely natural and environmentally friendly ingredient, it enjoys well-deserved popularity in the production of cosmetics. It is mainly added to face and body care products, because the oil contains unique substances that moisturize the skin, retain moisture, and protect against dryness and chapping, which is very important in the off-season and the cold season. Of considerable importance is the fact that amaranth oil in cosmetology receives only good reviews. Many luxury brands use amaranth oil in their creams and lotions.

You can try to prepare healing mixtures with amaranth oil yourself at home, which are not inferior in effectiveness to expensive purchased products. Consider the most popular ideas for using oil for skin care at home.

Mask for dry skin

We need 2 tsp. amaranth oil, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face. Keep for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water without soap. The skin after such a mask will become moisturized, velvety, pleasant to the touch.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese

If you have sensitive skin that lacks moisture, then this mask is for you. 2 tbsp ordinary cottage cheese of any percentage of fat content mixed with 1 tsp. amaranth oil. Apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Hold for ten minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat two or three times during the week, and by the weekend you won't recognize yourself in the mirror.

Citrus mask for whitening the face and narrowing the pores

Before applying this mask, make sure you are not allergic to citrus fruits. 1 tbsp amaranth oil mixed with 2 tbsp. orange juice, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply to face, neck and décolleté. Fifteen minutes of application will be enough, you may feel a slight tingle from the acid contained in the fruits taken for the mask. Wash off the mask with warm water. Great for removing age spots and freckles. Can be used daily.

Also, amaranth oil is used for tanning, perfectly replacing purchased oil. Just before going to the beach, apply the oil to exposed skin and let it soak in for 10 minutes. Blot excess oil with a paper towel. Your skin will not only be protected from ultraviolet rays, but will also receive a portion of vitamins and will be perfectly moisturized.

The use of amaranth oil helps well if your lips are chapped and chapped. Apply a few drops of oil to your lips. Amaranth will have a healing effect, restore the delicate skin of the lips and prevent peeling.

Important note: when applying, be sure to consult a specialist. This information is for informational purposes only. There are contraindications for use.

Amaranth oil in cooking

In the diet of a person who cares about his health, this wonderful product must be present. How and in what dishes to add amaranth oil? Let's consider this question in more detail.

  • Amaranth oil is an excellent dressing for salads. Vegetable salad seasoned with this oil becomes ten times healthier and, more importantly, tastier.
  • Do you like cereals? Make it a rule to fill them not with butter, but with vegetable oil, mainly amaranth. The taste will not suffer from this, and the benefits will double.
  • If you have already decided to cook a fried dish or something deep-fried, let amaranth oil be your companion in cooking. It does not destroy vitamins during frying as much as in other vegetable oils, so it is more preferable.
  • In those vepechka recipes where you need to add butter to the dough, add amaranth - and your pancakes, muffins, buns will turn out delicious, and most importantly - healthy.

Amaranth oil - is there any harm?

Let's say right away - there is no direct harm from the use of amaranth oil in any form, inside or out. There are categories of people for whom amaranth oil shares benefits and harms equally, purely on an individual basis. So, who should use amaranth oil with caution:

People with high levels of cholesterol in the vessels;

People suffering from chronic diseases of the pancreas;

Chronic pancreatitis is also one of the contraindications to eating vegetable oil (fried foods);

Suffering from duodenal ulcer;

If your body is prone to frequent indigestion, diarrhea, diarrhea, as amaranth oil has a mild laxative effect.

As you can see, there are few contraindications to the use of amaranth oil, and they are associated with diseases and individual intolerance to the oil. Therefore, if everything is in order with you, or you want to improve your body and alleviate the symptoms of the diseases described in the second paragraph of our article, then you can and should use amaranth oil for health, external and internal beauty.

Eat right and be healthy!

Amaranth oil - its benefits and harms. All properties and methods of using amaranth oil in cosmetology and medicine.

Amaranth oil is extracted from a plant that for eight thousand years was the main crop of Mexico, as well as South America and was called "Inca bread" or "Aztec wheat". Amaranth was considered sacred. It was used not only for food, but also in secret rituals. Amaranth contains protein, unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, starch, etc.

Amaranth oil itself differs from many similar products of plant origin in its rich and balanced amino acid composition. It has healing properties and is used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology. You can read more about all this below. You will also have the opportunity to learn about the magical masks of amaranth oil for the skin.

Obtaining and properties of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is obtained from seeds by cold pressing (by pressing). For the production of oil, light amaranth seeds should be used. The finished product has a nutty taste and aroma. It was found that this oil has analgesic, epithelizing (wound healing) properties. It is widely used to accelerate tissue regeneration. Amaranth oil is often used in the treatment of peptic ulcers and other serious ailments. Amaranth oil is an antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic agent. It replenishes oxygen deficiency and prevents oxidative damage to cells, thereby preventing premature aging of the body.

This oil contains essential fatty acids, including polyunsaturated ones. They reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, normalize cholesterol levels. Also in amaranth oil is a unique substance - squalene, which was first found in shark liver. Experts have determined that it is squalene that has antioxidant and fungicidal effects, strengthens blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of cholesterol (atherosclerotic) plaques and, of course, saturates the body with oxygen.

Some scientists claim that in ancient times people who constantly ate amaranth lived for about 300 years. The fact is that amaranth and its oil greatly rejuvenate the body. Amaranth oil contains minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to the action of the oil, people's vitality and mood increase. They can treat sore joints and remove toxins. Amaranth oil is suitable for use as an immunostimulant.

It is said that amaranth oil also contains sterols, which are so necessary for athletes. They are able to help athletes adapt to serious physical exertion. Amaranth oil also lowers blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots, suppresses pathogenic microorganisms, and improves the functioning of the endocrine glands.

The use of amaranth oil

Amaranth was the main food crop of the Aztecs, Incas, Mayans. It was also popular in Russia, but over time, the sowing of amaranth, from the fruits of which oil was extracted, was forbidden by Peter I according to his personal convictions. But today, amaranth oil is again being actively used in cooking. In addition to butter, greens and flour, extracted from the seeds of this ancient culture, are used as food.

Pharmacologists are also interested in amaranth oil. This popularity was primarily due to the aforementioned squalene, which has antioxidant properties. Amaranth oil is used in the treatment of anemia, gastroenteritis, etc. It restores cells and eliminates inflammatory processes. Experts recommend using amaranth oil for people with varicose veins, hypertension, myocarditis.

Amaranth oil is used in cosmetology. It can be seen in the composition of anti-aging products. Amaranth oil moisturizes the skin, makes it supple and well-groomed. It will help to cope with skin diseases (eczema, acne). The oil has a bactericidal effect, quickly heals cuts and burns. It can easily replace a high-quality store-bought tanning oil.

Amaranth oil is used in dentistry. By rinsing your mouth with it, you will relieve toothache, cope with many inflammatory processes. Amaranth oil proved to be especially effective in the treatment of dental diseases such as periodontal disease and stomatitis.

Since amaranth oil promotes calorie burning, it can be used in special weight loss programs. It also maintains blood glucose levels, which is suitable for people with diabetes. Patients with diseases of the genitourinary system should not hesitate to use amaranth oil. Moreover, it is suitable not only for women, but also for men. Women can increase the success of treatment of fibroids, endometritis, erosion with the help of amaranth oil. Men who included amaranth oil in their diet were quickly cured of prostate diseases, infertility, etc.

If you add amaranth oil to cereals, salads, you can also reduce the likelihood of diseases of the visual system or alleviate the course of recent eye ailments, preventing the development of complications. Amaranth oil is also suitable for the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. It easily copes with psycho-emotional overwork, depression, etc. Amaranth oil should be taken after protracted illnesses different nature, long-term use of strong antibiotics, in case of reduced immunity. They can cure chapped lips.

For your information: By consuming amaranth oil regularly, you prevent oncological diseases, and also slow down the growth of malignant neoplasms that have already arisen.

If you drink amaranth oil to get rid of developed serious diseases, then you need to use it three times a day, two large spoons. To maintain health, that is, for preventive purposes, it is enough to drink a tablespoon of oil. In the latter case, amaranth oil does not have to be consumed in its pure form, strictly monitoring the amount of product consumed. It's easy enough to put it on a salad. But frying in such oil is a stupid idea.

Important: having serious diseases, one should not take amaranth oil as the main medicine for their treatment. This oil is only an auxiliary and supportive tool.

Amaranth oil: skin care

Such a natural component as amaranth oil is included in skin care cosmetics. This product will especially appeal to women with dry skin, because amaranth oil perfectly moisturizes it, protects it from chapping, dryness, and retains moisture. Optional to buy finished products with amaranth oil. The mask is easy to prepare at home.

Amaranth oil for dry skin

Preparing a homemade moisturizing mask from amaranth oil pretty quickly. To make it, you will need to get a tablespoon of oil and the same amount of natural liquid honey. Also, the yolk should be put in our cosmetic product for dry skin.

The ingredients are mixed, applied to cleansed skin and washed off after 15-17 minutes. You can remove the mask with ordinary raw water. It is better to use warm water. Soap should not be used.

Nourishing butter-curd mask

To nourish dry skin, making it smooth and tender, use a curd mask with amaranth oil. Oil needs about a teaspoon, cottage cheese - a widow more. You can use cottage cheese with any percentage of fat content. But if your skin is prone to peeling, then, of course, it does not hurt to get fatty cottage cheese. You will not need other ingredients other than cottage cheese and butter.

Make an oil-curd mixture and spread the mass on the areas of the skin that require replenishment. You can apply a curd mask all over your face. Wash off this home remedy with warm water approximately 10 minutes after application.

Attention: you can make cottage cheese masks with butter three times a week.

Amaranth oil for stretch marks

Completely get rid of streak-like atrophy of the skin using folk remedies, unreal. But it is possible to make stretch marks almost invisible. You just need to lubricate the changed skin every other day with amaranth oil. In the remaining days, rub into the stretch marks a mask from a mummy tablet dissolved in water and a hypoallergenic baby cream, selected in equal amounts. After a month, it is enough to lubricate the skin with oil twice a week.

By making such masks systematically, you will definitely notice an improvement. But don't expect quick results. Apply amaranth oil after scrubbing. It is also better to make a scrub from natural products, such as coffee grounds or sugar, salt and vegetable oil.

Amaranth oil for narrowing pores

Let's make a mask that not only tightens pores, but also whitens the skin. To prepare this remedy, in addition to a tablespoon of oil, you will need natural orange juice (2 tablespoons). In fact, by mixing these ingredients, we get not quite a mask, but rather a lotion.

You need to soak a swab in the orange-oily liquid, and then wipe your face well with it. Such a composition has a beneficial effect not only on the face. They can lubricate the décolleté and neck without any hesitation. Wash off the lotion after a quarter of an hour. Wipe it off with warm water.

Harm and contraindications of amaranth oil

Many experts are sure that there are no contraindications to the use of amaranth oil. The only thing that can prevent you from being cured with amaranth oil is intolerance to this product. Although some people claim that they could not evaluate the effects of the oil, because it caused them unreasonable nausea, dizziness. But this is a completely normal phenomenon, which occurs because the body, thanks to the oil, begins to actively saturate with oxygen. Taking the oil for a couple of days, you will notice that the ailment goes away.

In general, they say that amaranth oil is a real salvation for your five true friends: heart, stomach, liver, brain and skin.

Important: if you have urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, then do not take amaranth oil without the permission of a doctor.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is a product that gives longevity and strength. This product is made from the grains of the amaranth plant and has a high nutritional value. The composition of amaranth oil contains such fatty acids as oleic, linolenic and linoleic, as well as a large amount of vitamin substances. They are a necessary element for the normal functioning of the vital systems of the human body. Amaranth oil benefits and harms, which are divided equally, should not be used uncontrollably.

What is the benefit?

The benefits of amaranth oil are endless, since it contains not only unsaturated fatty acids, but also phospholipids, organic acids, vitamin and mineral substances. Among the main bioavailable substances contained in the oil are:

  • Squalene - synthesizes cholesterol, vitamin D and steroid hormones. This substance has a pronounced antitumor and antioxidant effect, due to which immunity improves. Squalene also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
  • Vitamin E - this vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, taking an active part in activating the protective properties of the body from the negative effects of free radicals. Thus, vitamin E prevents premature aging of tissues at the cellular level, and also has a beneficial effect on all body systems. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, takes part in the metabolism of fats, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the vascular walls. Without this element, the functioning of the reproductive system and the normal development of the child in utero during pregnancy is impossible.
  • Fatty polyunsaturated acids - cleanse the bloodstream of cholesterol, normalize the work of the heart, nervous, immune and endocrine systems.
  • Riboflavin - increases the vitality of the body and transfers the energy received to the muscles.

The substances included in the composition of amaranth oil are enough for this product to be recognized as the best medicine of natural origin. The structure of the oil also contains such irreplaceable substances as phenylalanine, arginine, valine, threonine and histidine. It is thanks to these components that this tool has found wide application in cosmetology.

Indications for use

Amaranth seed oil is a unique cardioprotective agent. With its help, you can effectively normalize the hormonal level in the body, as well as restore the functioning of the immune system. Cleansing the body with this oil is not comparable to other natural or medicinal forms. Amaranth oil has a pronounced antimicrobial, antisclerotic, hepatoprotective and bactericidal effect. Due to the wide range of positive effects that amaranth oil has on the body, it is recommended to use it for medical purposes in the treatment of the following diseases and pathological processes:

  • gastric and intestinal pathologies;
  • psoriasis, cuts, burns;
  • obesity and diabetes;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • varicose veins, myocarditis and hypertensive crises;
  • male and female gynecological diseases.

Amaranth oil should be taken in courses in autumn and spring. Therapy should be no more than 1 month in time. It is recommended to take 1 tsp per day. natural remedy.

Is amaranth oil harmful?

It should be noted that there is no direct harm in the internal and external use of this product. It is important to consider the contraindications that a natural remedy has. In the presence of individual intolerance or diseases in which it is not recommended to use this product, the benefits and harms of its use are divided equally.

With caution, amaranth oil should be used in the presence of the following diseases:

  • elevated blood cholesterol levels;
  • chronic pathologies of the pancreas;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • frequent indigestion and diarrhea.

In accordance with statistical data, in the absence of pronounced contraindications, amaranth oil is absolutely harmless. Despite this, it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting treatment in order to exclude the presence of hidden forms of the disease and prevent the occurrence of undesirable effects from the use of natural medicines.

The cost of treatment with amaranth oil

The price of edible amaranth oil varies within affordable limits. The cost of 200 ml of natural remedy is from 260 to 390 r. Taking into account the fact that for a full course of treatment it is necessary to use about 1 liter of this oil, you should buy 5 packs of a natural preparation.

The price of treatment with an effective natural remedy varies from 1300 to 1950 rubles. Before you buy the medicine in full, you should conduct a sensitivity test by taking a small amount of oil inside or applying it to the skin in the elbow area. In the absence of any negative reactions, treatment can be carried out.

There are many vegetable-type oils that are suitable for health promotion. One of the highest positions in the list of the most successful options for such products is amaranth oil. He has an incredibly many interesting qualities that allow you to get serious benefits. But also about possible harm such an interesting tool should not be forgotten either.

What is amaranth oil

It is well enough known that a product of this kind allows you to achieve a solution to many health problems. But first, amaranth oil, whose benefits and harms are very interesting, should be studied in general terms. For the manufacture of the product, a plant called amaranth is used. The history of the application of such a culture is great. Once upon a time, ancient civilizations used it extremely widely. Shiritsa came to Europe from South America.

At the moment, amaranth is mainly grown for ornamental and fodder purposes. But amaranth is also cultivated in many states. This is one of the types of amaranth, suitable for food. Amaranth oil is made from it. Due to the unique composition, such a tool brings great benefits. It is to her that it is worth turning further.

What determines the benefits of amaranth oil

To find out how great the benefits of a product are, it will turn out if we consider its composition. The following components contained in its composition have the most serious useful characteristics.

1. Squalene is a source of moisture

Amaranth oil is especially highly valued for the fact that it contains an increased amount of squalene. This is the substance of which amaranth oil consists of 10%. The primary purpose of squalene is to maintain normal skin moisture. Therefore, by using such medicinal plant manages to keep the skin in good condition.

Another benefit of squalene is that it prevents harmful bacteria from entering the body. The incredibly positive properties present in this substance make it possible to minimize the harm from so many negative factors. Those people who use squalene after the age of 25 benefit especially. It is at this age that skin aging begins.

2. Vitamin E - a protector from external influences

There are few products in which the concentration of vitamin E is as high as in amaranth oil. Such a useful component eliminates the potential harm that various environmental factors can cause.

Vitamin E is also known to reduce the risk of cancer. Its capabilities and benefits are reflected in the whole on the skin and body. Wrinkles do not affect the skin for a very long time. In addition, vision improves if you use amaranth oil.

3. Calcium is a source of bone strength

There is also a lot of calcium in amaranth oil. The benefits of this mineral are incredibly high, especially for children. But at any age, such a component is needed by the body. Therefore, amaranth oil, the benefits and harms of which are considered in this case, allows you to maintain the musculoskeletal system and the entire bone structure in good condition.

Surprisingly, even in whole milk there is not as much calcium as in this product. And because of this feature, it is necessary to include amaranth oil in the diet of any person who lacks such a useful mineral.

4. Phospholipids - a substance to support fat metabolism

Phospholipids are also of great benefit to the body. One of their most important purpose is the acceleration of metabolism. But in general, phospholipids are also able to answer for fat metabolism. Amaranth oil is rich in such substances. Therefore, the harm that may occur due to a violation of fat metabolism or glucose processing can be reduced with the help of amaranth oil.

5. Sterols are a natural energy booster

Athletes will benefit greatly from the use of amaranth oil. Since this remedy contains many sterols, it will be possible to improve the adaptive capabilities of the body. This can be confirmed at least by the fact that sterols are part of many sports supplements. Thanks to them, artificial anabolics can be replaced at least to some extent. The harm of the latter, by the way, can be colossal.

When is the best time to use amaranth oil?

Based on the similar capabilities of such a product, we can name those cases in which it is best used. With this tool, it is possible to reduce the harm in different situations. The most suitable conditions for its use will be listed below. Amaranth oil becomes a great helper in the presence of the following problems.

  1. Anemia. The ability of amaranth oil to compensate for the lack of iron is well known. With anemia, this is especially useful. The benefits can be assessed almost immediately, since there is quite a lot of iron in such a product. It will not be possible to fully cope with anemia, but positive changes will appear.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The harm that an ulcer or gastritis brings is extremely significant for a person. But amaranth oil is different in that it can drown out inflammation. Also, under favorable conditions, it is possible to restore the cells of internal organs.
  3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is very difficult to fully appreciate the harm that the body can receive when blood clots appear in the vessels or in the case of a constant increase in pressure. Everyone who has similar problems will benefit, because amaranth oil prevents blood clots and promotes the expansion of blood vessels.
  4. Violation of the integrity of the skin. It's not just cuts and burns. A person receives great harm if he cannot cope with psoriasis and other skin diseases. Since amaranth oil has a bactericidal quality, it is perfect for treating such diseases. Although amaranth oil, the benefits and harms of which are incredibly diverse, can also be used to create compresses.
  5. Diseases of the teeth and gums. Even dentists say that the benefits of using this product in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity are extremely high. Amaranth oil relieves inflammation, numbs pain, eliminates bacteria. To reduce the harm of these problems, you need to rinse your mouth twice a day.
  6. Diseases associated with the genitourinary system. There is also a huge benefit of products, which is explained by its antibacterial qualities. Both men and women will benefit.
  7. Overweight and diabetes. Those who want to get rid of excess body weight will also notice great benefits. The possibilities of amaranth oil in this regard are due to the fact that this product improves fat metabolism and glucose absorption.
  8. Emotional disorders and problems psychological nature. It is also interesting that amaranth oil has an antidepressant effect. Its benefits will be observed for the reason that this natural doctor promotes the release of serotonin. Thus, with the help of it, it is possible to minimize the harm received by people under the constant influence of stress factors.

Also, the benefits of such an interesting natural medicine are observed in the complex. The fact is that amaranth oil as a whole improves immunity, restores the state of the body after taking antibiotics, and restores the former strength lost due to a long illness. As a result, it turns out that the benefits of this product are extremely high.

The benefits of oil in cosmetology

Due to the fact that amaranth oil exhibits such a huge number of benefits, it is often used in the creation of cosmetic preparations. Mostly it becomes one of the elements during the creation of products intended for face and body care.

This is possible for the reason that amaranth oil, the benefits and harms of which are practically impossible to compare, contains many components that allow you to achieve noticeable skin hydration. Thus, cosmetic products created with its use are able to retain moisture, protect against dryness and cracking, and the effects of negative atmospheric factors.

In confirmation that products with a similar element in the composition are effective, one can name the use of amaranth oil even by the most famous cosmetic concerns. You can independently prepare a lot of interesting cosmetic preparations using amaranth oil. For example, it can be masks, lotions, even shampoos. The main thing is that such products are used on skin or hair that is dry or normal oily. Otherwise, the damage may be too significant.

Amaranth oil and cooking

Unlike many other oils, amaranth does not cause serious harm, even if food is fried on it. The vitamins contained in the latter will be maximally preserved after heat treatment. Even as an ingredient for cooking, amaranth oil can be used if you need to pick up a salad dressing.

The benefits of dishes in the end will be much higher than when using other ingredients of a similar purpose. But the taste is not lost anywhere. Therefore, it will be possible to protect yourself from potential harm, as well as enjoy the pleasant gastronomic qualities of food.

What harm does amaranth oil cause

Naturally, before using any folk medicine, it is important to find out its potential harm. With regard to the product in question, it should immediately be noted that, as such, there is no direct harm from its use. It is not observed either internally or externally.

But still, there are situations when amaranth oil, the benefits and harms of which must be taken into account, can still have some negative effects. But they usually occur individually. There are problems in the presence of which the use of this natural doctor must be treated carefully. This is true in the following situations.

  1. High cholesterol. It is not recommended to use amaranth oil in this case due to its high fat content. But this also applies to many other means of this kind.
  2. With chronic problems with the pancreas, amaranth oil can be harmful. Therefore, it is better to refuse to use it.
  3. People suffering from chronic pancreatitis, amaranth oil is also contraindicated. Like any vegetable oil, amaranth oil with such a problem causes harm more serious than the likely benefits.
  4. Harm can also be caused in such a situation when there are acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Only in remission is it recommended to use amaranth oil, which can then be beneficial.
  5. Another harm of such a product may lie in the fact that it can sometimes lead to indigestion. The occurrence of diarrhea or diarrhea is quite a common situation. It is due to the fact that this natural medicine has some laxative effect.

Do not forget that almost any product of this kind can be observed individual intolerance. Thus, before the first use, you need to be especially careful. Based on this, it will become extremely clear that the benefits and harms of amaranth oil are completely incomparable. The substance brings much more useful results than negative ones.

Amaranth oil is a great health product Refined oil benefits and harms Oil sucking benefits and harms Grape oil benefits and harms how to take

History of amaranth oil

Amaranth in many parts of our planet is known as the "find of the twentieth century." He will receive a second birth around the seventies of the last century. Its roots can be traced very far - in the depths of millennia. Various sources say that his birth dates back as far as 4-6 millennium BC.

South America can rightly be considered the birthplace of this amazing plant. Its history is very rich and dramatic.

Even in those distant ancient times, people already used amaranth for their own benefit. Amaranth leaves were used for food, but its seeds were generally considered the "golden grain of the gods." The ancient tribes of the Maya, Incas and Aztecs, from babies to adult warriors, used it as a staple food along with corn and beans. Even then, people knew and successfully used it in the treatment of many ailments.

For many, it is not news that the Indians have always been considered almost magicians, using the pantry of nature to one hundred percent. They believed that amaranth, in addition to strengthening the spirit and body, also, when used daily, has a truly wonderful and amazing property - it is able to create people with almost unlimited possibilities.

Once upon a time, the last Aztec emperor accepted amaranth seeds as tribute. At that time, they were valued on a par with gold, people used them as a payment document, just like we have money now.

Moreover, amaranth in those days was considered a sacred plant, the Indians used it in their rituals. It was this fact that caused the plant to be forgotten and lost for many centuries, unlike beans and corn, which successfully migrated from the New World to the Old. The conquistadors forbade the cultivation and cultivation of amaranth, use it for food. They were not even allowed to save its seeds. However, the conquistadors did not take into account that amaranth perfectly “propagates” by self-sowing. The name he received from the Greek "amaranthos", which means - immortal.

Academician N.I. Vavilov in the thirties of the last century, while studying the flora of South America, came across and became very interested in amaranth, actively promoted it in Russia, but after his arrest in 1940 and death 3 years later, this amazing plant was forgotten again.

Cultivation of Amaranth

The sharply increased popularity of amaranth is due to American scientists. They found that it belongs to plants with a special type of photosynthesis, which explained its enormous productivity. First, in the USA and Canada, and then also in India, Australia and China, they were closely engaged in the study and implementation of it in the food industry. Abroad, amaranth was highly appreciated by specialists in baby food and nutritionists. That's how he got his second birth. It is now increasingly referred to as "the culture of the present and the future." And, I must say, by right - high yield, nutritional value and dietary properties.

Amaranth has not bypassed Russia with its popularity either, at the moment it is massively cultivated in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions, in the south of Siberia and in the Volga region. Many well-known doctors of St. Petersburg conducted research and studied the pharmaceutical properties of amaranth. They have proven the clinical effectiveness of this plant. The study of amaranth in scientific centers Russia and the introduction of its derivatives into the industry is in full swing. Well, its scope is the most diverse - from the confectionery and baking to the pharmaceutical and perfumery and cosmetic industries. But not only people use it for food. It makes very nutritious animal feed.

Yes, there is industry. Amaranth is increasingly found in flower beds and gardens of Russians. It should be noted that in itself it is very diverse: it can be low (the so-called border varieties), and it can also be a real giant, reaching two meters in height. Amaranth has excellent decorative qualities: pyramid-shaped bushes, emerald green leaves and huge lush paniculate inflorescences of the most diverse colors - from white to maroon (almost black). Well, it grows from July almost until the frost.

Amaranth processing

Well, what are the advantages of amaranth in production? When it is processed, there is practically no waste left! Flour, cereals, butter, starch, lysine, squalene are produced from it. Amaranth leaves can be used in a salad, they are very tender and healthy, they taste like spinach, they perfectly complement other vegetables in a salad. Amaranth seeds are a very good substitute for poppy seeds in homemade cakes. They just need to be lightly fried. From its seeds, a very tasty and nutritious porridge is obtained. But amaranth flour is an excellent ingredient for baking, desserts and sauces.

The greatest value is such a product from it as amaranth oil. It is produced from amaranth seeds, on average, there are about fifty to sixty thousand seeds per plant, albeit quite small, but amaranth oil can be different! The method and process of its production is important. Amaranth oil "Oil King" is produced by a single cold pressing method, due to which all useful substances, vitamins, microelements are preserved and concentrated in it.

The composition of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is an inexhaustible source of substances useful for the human body. What are these substances? And here they are:

  • Fats: omega-3 (about 2%), omega-6 (50%), omega-9 (24%), as well as saturated fatty acids (palmitic (about 19%), stearic (4%));
  • vitamins: B1, B2, V3 (vit. PP), B4, B5, D, E (choline), P;
  • Macroand trace elements: calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus;
  • Amino acids: arginine, alanine, valine, glutamic acid, histamine, histidine, isoleucine, lecithin, leucine, lysine, methionine, proline, series, tryptophan, threonine, tyrosine, phenylalanine;
  • Biogenic amines: serotonin;
  • Phospholipids (near 9%);
  • Carotenoids;
  • Squalene (before 8%);
  • Phytosterols;
  • Quercetin;
  • Rutin (Vitamin R);
  • chlorophylls;
  • Biliary acids;

It is indisputable that amaranth oil is one of the outstanding products with a complex of useful substances. But only two of them make it truly unique. It is squalene and vitamin E in a particularly active tocotrienol form.

Squalene was first isolated from the liver of deep-sea sharks back in the 1930s, and until recently it was thought to be the only source for this incredibly powerful antioxidant. Only the content of squalene in shark liver is only 1.5%, while in amaranth oil its share reaches 8%.

Thanks to such a successful combination, amaranth oil becomes simply an invaluable gift for human health.

The benefits of amaranth oil

The use of amaranth oil in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

Amaranth seed oil is a real gift of nature, which has a complex of useful substances, unique properties, which have long been used for prevention and as a component in the complex treatment of various diseases. The spectrum of its action is very wide:

  • antivirus,
  • antioxidant,
  • anti-sclerotic,
  • bactericidal,
  • hepatoprotective,
  • immunostimulating,
  • cardioprotective,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antitumor,
  • wound healing,
  • ulcer-healing.

Nice list, isn't it?! And now we will consider each of them in a little more detail, but without delving into the subtleties.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems

Amaranth oil has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole. Due to its balanced composition, this oil prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, actively fights against thrombosis, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In general, amaranth oil helps strengthen blood vessels and restore the elasticity of their walls, which means that blood circulation improves. In addition, magnesium and vitamin E contribute to vasodilation, and hence lower blood pressure. The complex of trace elements of amaranth oil normalizes the rhythm, strength and speed of heart contractions. Vitamins, chlorophyll, iron, copper present in amaranth oil are directly involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. From the foregoing, it follows that amaranth oil is indicated for use as part of the complex treatment and prevention of the following diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia, cerebral circulation disorders, stroke, heart attack, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels , anemia, etc. Of course, people with chronic diseases should coordinate the intake of amaranth oil for medicinal purposes with their doctor.

Digestive system

Amaranth oil contains the amino acids methionine and arginine, phospholipids and squalene, which have a pronounced hepatoprotective effect. This oil actively protects the human liver from the harmful effects of toxins of various origins and also fatty degeneration of the liver. Amaranth oil prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. This oil promotes the speedy healing of ulcerative-erosive damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. In addition, this amazing oil suppresses pathogenic microflora and removes toxins, radionuclides, slags and salts of heavy metals from the body, in a word, cleanses the body of everything unnecessary and harmful. Amaranth oil can be successfully used in the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, food poisoning, including alcoholic, hepatitis, fatty liver hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholistocholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, internal and external hemorrhoids, as well as in order to prevent the above diseases.

Type 2 diabetes and obesity

Amaranth oil contains large amounts of squalene, phospholipids and phytosterols, which help improve fat metabolism in the human body. Amaranth oil is recommended for use in the diet of people who are obese or overweight. Recommended for weight loss low calorie diet with the complete exclusion of any animal fats and other vegetable oils.

Amino acids methionine and isoleucine, vitamin E, carotenoids, as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, which are part of this oil, play an important role in the regulation of sugar in human blood. Amaranth oil is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes.

genitourinary system

Amaranth oil is successfully used in gynecological practice. First of all, these are cervical erosions and erosive and ulcerative colpitis, endocervicitis, adnexitis, vaginitis and endometritis. In folk medicine, amaranth is little used as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding. Amaranth oil is included in the diet of women during menopause to improve the general condition and relieve the negative manifestations of hormonal imbalance. It is recommended to take amaranth oil and women in the premenstrual period. Amaranth seed oil has a beneficial effect on the functional state of pregnant women, including reducing the manifestation of toxicosis. Amaranth oil will be of great benefit to women who are breastfeeding. It will not only improve the quality of mother's milk, but also the mother's immunity, and will also help to recover after childbirth. In addition, amaranth oil is an excellent prophylactic against tumor diseases of the female reproductive sphere: fibroids, fibroids, fibromyomas, ovarian cysts. Latest Research showed the effectiveness of the use of this oil in the complex treatment of these diseases. Amaranth seed oil is used in the complex treatment of mastitis and mastopathy. The biologically active substances contained in amaranth oil inhibit the growth of existing tumor formations and prevent the emergence of new ones. Remember, it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Due to the rich composition of substances necessary for a person, amaranth oil has found application in the complex treatment of female and male infertility.

Amaranth oil is extremely useful for men as well. It brings tangible benefits in the complex treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the male genital area, diseases of the prostate gland and erectile dysfunction in men.

Amaranth seed oil can improve kidney function and normalize performance

Skin diseases and damage to the skin and tissues

Amaranth oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E in the active tocotrienol form, magnesium, phytosterols, carotenoids and, of course, squalene, substances that have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral effects on the skin, it is not surprising that this amazing oil is used in the treatment many skin diseases, such as psoriasis, herpes, fungal infections, dry eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, trophic ulcers, lichen ... In the complex treatment of skin diseases, amaranth seed oil should be used, combining external use, in the form of applications and rubbing into the affected places, with the use of oil inside. Only such an application of oil can give tangible results.
Various skin injuries are also successfully treated with amaranth oil: cuts, bruises, abrasions, bedsores, insect bites, wounds, burns of 2 and 3 degrees ... Good results are obtained by using amaranth oil for sunburned skin.

Ear, throat, nose and mouth diseases

Amaranth oil proved to be excellent in the treatment of throat: tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. Of course, in the complex treatment of these diseases, the external use of this oil is combined with its internal use.

Amaranth seed oil is also shown in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease.
Amaranth oil is successfully used in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis, rhinitis. When oil is instilled into the nose, it is absorbed very quickly, and after 15-20 minutes, an abundant secretion of secretory mucus from the nose begins. The process lasts 2-3 hours depending on the stage of the disease. Instillation must be continued for 10-14 days to completely destroy the infection. With prolonged, for 4-6 months, regular instillation of this oil into the nose twice a day, the risk of relapses in chronic sinusitis and sinusitis decreases.

Amaranth oil also successfully copes with ear pain. By the way, in addition to instillation or oil-soaked tampons, be sure to take the oil inside to help the body cope with the infection and boost immunity.

Disease of the organs of vision

The composition of amaranth oil includes substances necessary for the organs of vision, primarily vitamins B and E, carotenoids, magnesium and zinc. Regular consumption of amaranth oil is recommended for cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, night blindness, conjunctivitis, bleforitis, xerophthalmia. Amaranth seed oil, due to the presence of squalene and unsaturated fatty acids, improves blood circulation and enriches the blood with active oxygen, which has a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems of the human body, including the organs of vision.

Colds and viral diseases

The use of amaranth oil increases the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment. In addition, it reduces the negative effects of drugs on the human body. Amaranth oil has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. It is recommended to take amaranth seed oil in the complex treatment of various viral and fungal infectious diseases. The use of amaranth oil can help with influenza, SARS, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, and is even used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis. Good results are obtained by the use of this oil in the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes.

Nervous system

Amaranth oil contains substances important for the coordinated work of the nervous system: phospholipids (lecithin), the essential amino acid tryptophan, magnesium, the “happiness hormone” serotonin. Therefore, amaranth oil, when used regularly, optimizes the transmission of nerve impulses, strengthens nerve fibers, improves brain function in general, improves memory and mental abilities, and actively resists stress. The use of amaranth oil is recommended for psycho-emotional disorders, nervous exhaustion, great mental stress, overstrain, insomnia and headaches caused by stress, senile dementia, neurosis and depression, vegetovascular dystonia. This oil can serve as an excellent prophylactic for Alzheimer's disease, characterized by a progressive decline in intelligence.

Oncological diseases

Amaranth oil contains a huge amount of antioxidants. These are squalene, vitamin E in a rare, especially active form, carotenoids that perfectly protect the human body from the negative effects of carcinogens and free radicals. Modern science believes that it is carcinogens and free radicals that cause the development of cancerous tumors. Squalene, contained in large quantities in amaranth oil, has a beneficial effect on cells, which explains the high effectiveness of amaranth oil in the prevention of cancer. Of course, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. An excellent assistant in this is amaranth oil, besides a completely natural product, presented to man by nature. The preventive use of amaranth seed oil is especially indicated for people from a high oncological risk group. It is also recommended to include amaranth oil in the diet of cancer patients during the course of radiation and chemotherapy. This oil promotes the speedy restoration of physical strength and strengthens the immune system. In addition, this oil is an excellent radioprotector. The use of this oil before and after the passage of radiation therapy sessions is shown. It is noticed that an intensive course of treatment with amaranth oil slows down the development of the tumor.

Diseases of the joints, spine and muscular system

Amaranth seed oil contains a whole range of essential amino acids, vitamin D, phytosterols, as well as phosphorus, copper, and calcium. These substances are involved in the formation and maintenance of the optimal state of bone and cartilage tissue. Amaranth oil can be used in the complex treatment of various diseases of the joints and spine: osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis ...


Amaranth seed oil is an inexhaustible pantry of substances useful for humans. Biochemical analysis confirmed that this oil is one of the most saturated with substances beneficial to humans among all vegetable oils. It successfully improves immunity, has a general health and tonic effect.

Recently, amaranth oil has been used in the treatment of victims of the Chernobyl accident, as well as patients with the "plague of our time" AIDS.

Amaranth oil has an extremely beneficial effect on the entire body. It normalizes metabolic processes in the human body, has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. Unfortunately, Russian doctors rarely use natural remedies in their practice, and amaranth oil is no exception. Abroad, this oil has long been successfully used by doctors in the complex treatment and, especially, the prevention of many diseases, but everyone can take care of the most precious thing - their health. Use amaranth oil and save your health for many years! Use it in complex treatment to enhance effectiveness medicines and minimize their negative impact on the body, it should be noted that amaranth seed oil is combined with any drug treatment and has virtually no contraindications.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Amaranth oil is successfully used in the industrial production of elite cosmetics. What is interesting about this oil for cosmetologists.

First of all, it is, of course, squalene, the record for the content of which is amaranth seed oil. Squalene is the main component of human skin, maintaining optimal skin moisture, enriching its cells with oxygen and protecting against free radicals. Thus, squalene slows down skin aging and actively contributes to the rejuvenation of skin cells. Vitamin E, which is especially active in the composition of this oil, helps him in this process. As in other vegetable oils, amaranth oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins of groups B and D, and carotenoids that are beneficial for human skin.

First of all, amaranth oil must be used in the care of mature and aging skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Regular use of amaranth oil in this case helps to rejuvenate the skin. By the way, this amazing oil is actively struggling with the manifestations of age-related skin pigmentation.
Amaranth oil perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, therefore it is recommended for dry, flaky, sensitive and rough skin. Regular use of this oil makes the skin supple, soft and velvety.

This oil normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, therefore it is successfully used in daily care for oily and problematic skin. Great for fighting acne and pimples. In a word, it restores a healthy look to the skin.

In case of damage to the skin (scratches, cuts, abrasions, burns, hematomas), immediately lubricate the damaged areas with amaranth oil, of course, after washing the wound .. The effect is instant and just fantastic! Pain is removed almost immediately, and healing occurs 5-6 times faster.

It should be noted that squalene, being a component of the skin, contributes to the rapid absorption of oil and practically does not leave a greasy sheen. And that's not all. This unique oil provides extra antibacterial protection for our skin.

For cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to use cold-pressed amaranth oil, which will provide the most effective skin care. You can use amaranth oil both on your own and by adding a few drops of oil to ready-made cosmetics. When preparing ready-made cosmetic masks, add 1 tsp. amaranth oil to enhance effectiveness, apply the oil to the previously cleansed skin of the face, neck, décolleté with light massaging movements, and after 15 minutes, simply blot the skin with a cosmetic tissue. You can use amaranth oil mixed with other oils that suit your skin. Amaranth oil mixed with cosmetic clay has an excellent effect on the skin.

Masks to improve complexion

Dilute 1 tsp. cosmetic clay in warm water to a mushy state, pour 1 tbsp. amaranth oil, mix thoroughly, apply the mixture on pre-cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2 times per week.

Prepare the mixture in a 1:1 ratio and you will get an excellent anti-wrinkle mask. The method of use is similar.

Of course, amaranth oil is useful not only for the skin of the face and neck. Our hands also need care. Try using amaranth oil in your skin care, or simply add it to a ready-made hand cream. For rough skin of the heels, this remedy is also applicable.

Amaranth oil is an excellent massage oil. With regular use, it will help increase the elasticity of the muscles of the chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, and actively fight cellulite deposits. Massage procedures with amaranth oil are recommended to be carried out at least 2 times a week.

Probably everyone has heard about negative impact ultraviolet light on the skin, but still few people are ready to give up tanning. Amaranth oil will successfully protect the skin from sunburn and harmful radiation, and will also give your tan an intense color and longevity. According to scientific studies, squalene is converted into vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet light, which explains such an effect of amaranth oil. To do this, you need to take amaranth oil 2 times a day, 1 tsp. inside, and after solar procedures, lubricate the body with a moisturizer or balm with the addition of this oil.

A positive effect of amaranth oil on nails has been noticed. Warm baths from a mixture of amaranth oil (2 tbsp) with lemon juice (1 tbsp) will help strengthen nails. Dip your fingers in the tub. The procedure can take 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to do it before bed. After taking the bath, put on soft gloves on your hands all night so that the oil is better absorbed. Brittleness of nails can also be eliminated by baths with pure amaranth oil. After the procedure, treat the nails with alcohol with the addition of iodine.

Amaranth oil has a beneficial effect on hair. To strengthen the hair, you can use amaranth seed oil in its pure form or mixed with other oils, simply applying to the scalp 15-20 minutes before washing. Then wash off with regular shampoo. You can add amaranth oil to shampoo or balm just before use. The products must be applied to the hair with light massaging movements and kept for 5 minutes, then the hair should be thoroughly rinsed.

An effective hair strengthening mask

You will need 1 avocado, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. amaranth seed oil. Peel and pit the avocado, chop in a blender. Add oil and honey, beat the mixture until creamy. Apply the resulting mass to wet hair, soak for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Hair shine agent

You will need 6 liters of live beer, 1 tbsp. amaranth oil, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 yolk. Mix the yolk, lemon juice and oil until smooth, pour into a slightly warmed beer and mix. Rinse your hair with the mixture. After the procedure, the hair can be rinsed with water to remove the smell.

Balm for dry and brittle hair

You will need 30 ml of amaranth oil, 2 g of lavender essence and 60 ml of rum. All ingredients should be mixed and rub the mixture into the scalp, leave overnight. Rinse your hair in the morning, preferably, do not use shampoo.

Dry dandruff mask

You will need 4 tbsp. liquid honey (can be melted in a water bath, but do not heat above 40 degrees) and 2 tbsp. amaranth oil heated to 40 degrees. Mix the ingredients and immediately apply to the scalp, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a warm towel. Leave for half an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Probably, it will not be news that problems with the skin, hair, nails are often caused by problems inside the body. Therefore, to enhance the effect of cosmetics, we recommend taking amaranth oil inside.

The use of amaranth oil in cooking

Have you ever tried to use amaranth oil in cooking? Not? Then you lost a lot, because until now you do not know what kind of "fruit" it is. It has an unusually pleasant aroma and delicate nutty taste. However, it, like other oils produced by the Oil King company using the single cold pressing method, should not be subjected to heat treatment, otherwise the oil will lose all its beneficial properties that we have saved for you. And a lot of money spent on its acquisition will be thrown to the wind.

Therefore, it is better to use it in cooking for dressing salads, cold sauces, adding to various dishes immediately before serving.

Amaranth oil is an amazing biologically active food supplement, thanks to which your dish will be endowed with many useful properties. For the best digestibility, it is better to use amaranth oil in combination with vegetable salads, pure vegetables, cereals and bean porridges.

The use of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil for a cold (acute rhinitis)

With a runny nose: it is recommended to instill two drops in each nostril, continue the course for 10-15 days.
With sinusitis and sinusitis: the course of treatment is more serious and prolonged - at least 4-6 months. Such a long period is due to the risk of relapse.

It is desirable to accompany any of the courses with the use of amaranth oil inside, for example, in salads.

Amaranth oil for inflammation of the lymph nodes

It is necessary to rub amaranth oil into the skin over the inflamed lymph node, or simply make dressings moistened with oil, compresses on the skin. It is recommended to accompany the treatment process with the intake of oil inside. This is due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area

In most cases, the complete disappearance of inflammation is observed after 10-15 days of using amaranth oil. Abundantly moisten the tampon and insert into the vagina a couple of times a day. It is recommended to accompany the procedure with the intake of oil two to three times a day, two teaspoons half an hour before meals.

Amaranth oil for ear pain

It is recommended to moisten the amaranth oil with a swab, drip a little warmed oil into the sore ear and close the ear canal with the prepared swab. This procedure must be continued for five to seven days even after the pain has disappeared.

Amaranth oil for preventive purposes

For preventive purposes, the course is considered optimal twice a year, for example, in spring and autumn, one teaspoon 20-30 minutes before meals without drinking. This course usually requires 150-200 ml of oil.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of skin diseases and injuries

You can do both oil dressings on the affected areas for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, or simply apply oil at the same frequency to the lesion itself and a little around it. Then just wipe off the unabsorbed oil with a napkin.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of psoriasis

But on this ailment we will linger a little longer and write down the method of using amaranth oil for a week. The course of treatment includes both external and internal use of oil. So!

First week of treatment: twice a day, one dessert spoon half an hour before meals (without drinking). Lubricate the affected areas with oil four to five times a day (if possible), two times is the minimum required. It is very important to lubricate not only the lesion itself, but also the skin around it.

Next three months: We increase the dose of oil intake by mouth up to two or three times a day half an hour before meals, one tablespoon. The method and frequency of external use do not change.

Next three months: While eating, we no longer need amaranth oil, but the internal use still remains, only its method changes. We bury it in each nostril 2 times a day. At the same time, the method of external application does not change again.

Amaranth oil to lower cholesterol

To lower cholesterol levels, it is enough to take amaranth oil in the morning and in the evening, two teaspoons with meals.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

The usual rinsing of the mouth with amaranth oil is suitable here, with only one difference - the oil after rinsing (you can even just hold it in your mouth) is swallowed and not spit out.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine

In this case, both the use of amaranth oil inside and external use are suitable - while eating inside, two tablespoons (or season vegetable salads with it) and rubbing into painful joints, respectively.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

In order to reduce the risk of recurrence and in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to take amaranth oil one teaspoon twice a day half an hour before meals, until you use 200 ml. oils.

It is desirable to repeat the course every quarter.

Amaranth oil for weight loss

The optimal rate of consumption of amaranth oil for weight loss is one tablespoon three times a day two hours before meals for three weeks. The diet during the course of consumption provides for the complete exclusion of meat products and other fats.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of cancer patients

2 tablespoons of amaranth oil 2-3 times a day before meals - this method of application is recommended in the treatment of cancer patients. For a full course of treatment, you may need from one to seven liters of pure amaranth oil. We repeat, it is used as part of complex therapy, and even then only after consultation with the attending physician, for example, before radiotherapy procedures, the skin over the tumor is lubricated with amaranth oil. Due to this, the radiation dose can be increased without the risk of radiation burns to the skin.

Amaranth oil for chronic diseases

People whose diseases have already passed into chronic form, it should be noted that in their body changes have already occurred at the cellular level. And this implies a long and patient treatment. It is not worth waiting for a miracle and healing in a few tricks. Amaranth oil in this case should be taken for a long time and continuously.

Contraindications to the use of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil has practically no contraindications. For the sake of exception, it is worth noting only individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Often at the beginning of the use of amaranth oil, there are discomfort, which are taken as a side effect and interpreted as a contraindication, in fact this is not the case. Dizziness, liquid stool, nausea and even a possible increase in heartburn, which can occur at the very beginning of use, are due to squalene, which actively contributes to the rapid saturation of the body with oxygen. But these manifestations are short-term and, as they say, "out of habit." They pass quickly and do not appear again.

Before using amaranth oil, it would be right to consult a doctor, especially for people prone to chronic diseases.

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