
Which of the signs of the zodiac is the most harmful in the world. The most harmful signs of the zodiac: what to expect from your man? Worst zodiac signs

It has long been known that the fair sex can get on your nerves, but our men are far from angels. Experts have compiled a rating of the most harmful men of the Zodiac. Of course, we exaggerate a little, collecting the most tricky character traits in one bottle. But for sure, some of these negative qualities will be inherent in your chosen one. So read on and don't say later that we didn't warn you!

Aries: Joker (Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight)

Having met an Aries man on your life path, you can safely make an appointment with a psychotherapist. The sign of the Zodiac is not named so by chance, believe me. Aries are stubborn and selfish. They do their business with a childish smile on their face, considering their behavior sweet and spontaneous. Believe me, if something comes to your chosen one's mind, he will stubbornly prove to you that the Earth stands on three elephants and a turtle. On this list bad traits character does not end. Aries has his own opinion on any occasion, he is quick-tempered and disposed to a bad mood.

Taurus: Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey, Bruce Almighty)

The Taurus man believes that he is Bruce Almighty. “And since I’m so gorgeous, why strain over trifles?” - most likely, this is how he will answer your request to take some initiative. Taurus is pleased with himself even when he works as a janitor and lives with a friend who lives with an elderly mother. And he's also stubborn. Together with the previously considered Aries man, they will make the perfect duet, which will definitely prove that the Earth is flat. The final chord in the portrait is a tendency to save money on a girl and pessimism.

Gemini: Lestat de Lioncourt (Tom Cruise, Interview with the Vampire)

Gemini - that still "vampire". At the end of a relationship with him, you run the risk of finding yourself on the sidelines of life with a terrible manicure and facial wrinkles on your face. But how could it be otherwise, because you spent time not on yourself, but on a man-orchestra. With Gemini, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build some kind of normal future. Home, children and a stable job are not about them. Well, the final chord: even if you ring them, Gemini can easily and directly cheat on you.

Cancer: Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton, Harry Potter)

If you look like the mother of your chosen one, then he is a Cancer. It is on this basis that the Cancer man is looking for a mate. Such a man is easy to wrap. Make friends with his mom to find out her favorite dishes of this man. Lure him under some pretext to your home and give him a drink. When he wakes up in the morning and sees you in an apron with a plate of cheesecakes in his hands, he will not leave you until the end of his days. So, if you decide to ruin your youth, the Cancer man is the perfect candidate.

Leo: Darth Vader (Star Wars)

The lion is the king of beasts, who sees only himself and no one else. Arrogant, quick-tempered, touchy, prone to idle life and waste of money. And, believe me, the list of shortcomings can be extended indefinitely. The Leo man is jealous, but he himself is not inclined to fidelity at the same time. He never puts the interests of his beloved girl above his own. If you meet a Leo, run away from him. It is impossible to build a family relationship with him, nor a beautiful and pleasant romance.

Virgo: Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving, The Matrix)

If you dream of dating a real pedant, Virgos are a great choice. Virgo-man will bring his beloved girl with his nit-picking and notations. It won't be long before his "Oh my God, how expensive everything is" or "There is so much cholesterol in butter that clogs my blood vessels" will bring you to a boiling point. And Virgos are lazy, but they never admit it. Their perfect day off is the couch, Game of Thrones, a bottle of beer and crackers. They are lazy in love. Do not expect bouquets of flowers, romantic dinners and passion in bed from them.

Libra: Loki (Tom Hiddleston, The Avengers)

Lovely Libra is actually a secretive, petty and vindictive sign. If their mood deteriorates, they will easily and naturally vent their anger on a loved one or on one of their relatives. And, believe me, they will not feel any regret about this. Libra men too often look at the world pessimistically, from the category of those who have "a glass half empty." They are friendly, but because of the eternal distrust of close friends, they practically do not make them.

Scorpio: Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen, Casino Royale)

If you need a loved one who gets annoyed over any trifle, which is vindictive and disgusting - look for a Scorpio man in your environment. Having won it, you will find next to you a constantly dissatisfied type with a gloomy look and furrowed eyebrows. And if you decide to “fly away” and start looking around, he will immediately nail your wings. Scorpios are very jealous.

Sagittarius: Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt, Fight Club)

Unlike other signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius man does not lie. The fact that in a Roberto Cavalli leopard dress, perfect stilettos and red lipstick on your lips you look like a girl of easy virtue, you will learn from him, and not from grandmothers on a bench at the entrance. Sagittarians are jealous, but sometimes they allow themselves too much. Get ready for the fact that one fine morning you will have to answer the phone call of a "cunning" rival.

Capricorn: shopkeeper Colignon (Urbain Canselier, Amelie)

The Capricorn man is a real Capricorn. Do not try to convince him of something, you will just waste your time. And also your beloved man or admirer is boring, does not like companies, does not know what recreation and entertainment are. His favorite pastime is to retire from everyone somewhere in a shell, find a victim and lecture her on the topic of the right life. And, believe me, in this "correct" life there is no place for leopard dresses, red lipstick and the joys of shopping.

Aquarius: Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves, The Devil's Advocate)

Compared to other zodiac signs, Aquarius is a harmless cutie. IN

in his dreams he takes office CEO Gazprom, lives on Rublyovka, and during the holidays anchors a snow-white yacht somewhere along Cote d'Azur. Believe me, these dreams will remain dreams, no matter how your Aquarius man insists otherwise. If you still decide to build a relationship with him, you will probably pull the house and family on your “hump”.

Pisces: Joe Bornowski (Sylvester Stalone, Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot)

Do you dream of a man who will build a house, plant a tree, and raise a son? Ruthlessly cross out all fans who were not lucky enough to be born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces. Representatives of this sign hover in the clouds and live in their "magic world", which you will definitely not be allowed to enter. Men are indecisive and dependent, need constant guardianship. If you dream of becoming for a man not a lover and a muse, but a mother - welcome!


If you happened to meet an Aries on your life path, you can run to the pharmacy in advance for antidepressants. This representative of the sheep family, with its stubbornness and selfishness, manifested with childish spontaneity, can bring you to the grave in no time. Even if he knows that he is wrong, he will still argue, just out of principle. He always has his own opinion on any subject, even one in which Aries is poorly versed.

Sharp outbursts of aggression and bouts of bad mood are the decoration of this sign. True, it departs as quickly as it flares up.

Taurus believes that he can do whatever he wants, and if so, why bother? He is always pleased with himself. Even in the case when there is nothing to be proud of, in general.

Taurus considers his exorbitant stubbornness to be the hardness of character of a real man, stinginess takes for reasonable frugality, and a tendency to pessimism - for a realistic perception of the world.

No sign of the Zodiac has such a gift to turn everything upside down, like Gemini. You won’t get bored with them, but already in the second week of intensive communication you will feel like a sprinter among the stayers, hopelessly lagging behind the rest and tortured to death.
If you can handle Gemini and their mind-blowing tendency to change (given that you are not a Gemini yourself), then you should erect a monument.

This bore and whiner in every girl is looking for the continuation of her mother, and if she finds her ideal, she will certainly try to marry. Cancer
-active lover of family hearth and comfort -ahead of time will bring his wife to the grave with his eternal claims about how to properly wash dishes, feed his beloved cat and cook scrambled eggs. Marriage with Cancer -lost youth.

a lion
Fixated on his own person, Leo does not notice anyone around except himself. Well, maybe even those who admire him. He is arrogant and considers himself too generous to remember insults and promises.
The royal person loves to spend money, lead an idle life and surround herself with beautiful girls.

Insanely jealous, quick-tempered and touchy. He himself cannot stand it if he is jealous, because he cannot even admit the thought that someone can consider him his property.

He should always be in your first place, and if you suddenly reschedule your date for another day because of the need to visit a sick aunt, you may be mortally offended.

What the hell, auntie?

This is a terrible pedant. He (it would be more correct to say “she”) will plague you with trifles and notations. Virgo will grumble that there is a lot of cholesterol in the oil, and fried food is very harmful to the stomach. He is lazy to the point of disgrace, but considers himself hardworking, as he sometimes sways to do some little things. He is tense with emotions, he is very wary of love.
Scales are suspicious, secretive and petty. They are irritable and can vent their anger at the first thing that comes to hand if things do not go the way they would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then solve them for a long time. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.
A nasty, corrosive and vindictive scorpion gets annoyed all the time if something is not done the way he considers right.

Constant nit-picking and a gloomy look, capable of almost driving waist-deep into the ground with its weight, will drive anyone crazy. And when this insect starts to be jealous, it won’t seem enough to you.

He does not count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift.
He doesn't lie. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He does not lie even when it is inappropriate to tell the truth.

If he catches you in a lie - expect trouble. Sagittarius is madly jealous, but he does not miss a single skirt. Even his inherent sense of humor is not able to compensate for his shortcomings.

Capricorn - stubborn for all two hundred and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions coincide by chance, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls in front of pigs.” In the latter case, be sure - in the depths of his soul he does not doubt his innocence. Capricorn is still a bore, he can hardly endure noisy fun parties and in general can be lost to society if educational work is not done with him. However, to convince, as was said earlier, is almost unrealistic, therefore it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to some idea very carefully so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore he can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. So it's best to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.
Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even start. He will promise you a lot of everything - and at the moment of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plan - but you do not believe his sweet words. In serious matters, it is better not to count on Aquarius, and even more so, you should not dream in order to place responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders, rely primarily on yourself.
Do you need a normal guy, confident and firmly on the ground, and not hovering somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong place. Fish live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, they are absolutely not adapted to real life.

Fishes - children at heart, they are indecisive, unusually sensitive, and they need to be constantly taken care of, otherwise they may disappear due to their lack of independence.

The most harmful girls according to the signs of the zodiac.
The cherished word for Capricorn
-"self-control". Outwardly, she always tries to control herself, while inside her a real fire of passions can blaze. She dreams of meeting a real man and is scared to death of falling in love. Because of this excessive caution, he often makes the wrong choice, and then naturally suffers. Do not expect violent outpourings of feelings from her. -even if Capricorn loves, it will still be from last strength try to pretend that she doesn't care about you. Melt her icy facade -it is for the professional psychologist or the blindly loving and hopeful doer. Therefore, if you dream of an ardent romantic relationship with tender declarations of love -then you went to the wrong address.

But at least you can rely on her.

The Aquarius girl is impulsive, irritable, but quick-witted. He treats men easily and sees them as friends rather than husbands. A better friend than an Aquarius girl, a man cannot be found. She is afraid of heavy passions, therefore, by actively expressing her feelings and even hinting at manifestations of possessiveness, you can only ensure that Aquarius gets scared and hides in an unknown direction.

And it’s certainly not worth counting on its constancy, it’s better to prepare in advance for the worst.
The Pisces girl lives in a world of her own illusions, she is very sensitive, whiny and constantly suffers because of the feeling that she has been betrayed.

The fish is constantly waiting for confirmation of your feelings for her, otherwise she will exhaust herself (and, perhaps, you at the same time) with eternal doubts. But even receiving these confirmations several times a day, she eventually gets used to them for granted, and everything continues in a new way. In general, a vicious circle.
A selfish and independent Sheep girl (or rather Sheep) loves to push guys around. She loves to be idolized and fulfill any whims.

And she is very capricious. In a quarrel, the Sheep, like a child, can stomp his feet and sob until, finally, it is done the way he wants. But even if you manage to please her so much that she confesses her love to you, do not believe and do not expect loyalty from her. -as soon as she sees a new admirer on the horizon, she can instantly forget about you.

Are you lucky to run into a Taurus girl? Oh, then by all means expect dramatic scenes, screaming and smashing dishes (perhaps on your head). And do not hope, you still can not argue it. And beg for forgiveness
-occupation is completely hopeless. You better accept the inevitable and admit she's right. When the steam comes out, this girl will become more accommodating.

The twin hates consistency and tends to change guys like gloves. If you are
-her boyfriend, get ready for her to flirt with your friends right in front of you. Even if she swears her love to you, sooner or later she will demand freedom, but in return she will gladly provide it to you too.

If you want to keep the Twin, you will have to accept these conditions. And, by the way, she always prefers a career to housekeeping.

There is nothing more boring and whiny than a Cancer girl. To the one she loves, she is devoted to the depths of her soul and is ready to go with him even to the ends of the world. And from a loved one, respectively, requires a similar return. But not everyone will like that such a shadow drags behind you everywhere, even to the ends of the world ... If it seems to Rachonka that they have cooled down to her at least one iota, the girl will close and go into depression. She is touchy, and in this state can be vindictive. Absolutely nothing can be achieved from her by shouting, caress and only caress will help here. Tons, megatons of affection and tenderness. Then you can twist ropes from it.
a lion
The lioness is vain and domineering, she will not almond with someone who does not meet her standards, which are about the level of Everest. The girl imagines herself to be the center of the Universe, so a Decent Guy should be nearby.

Yes, yes, with a capital letter. When her pride is hurt, she will not hatch evil cunning plans, but will simply express in her face everything that she thinks about the offender. And after her tirade, it may seem that a hurricane or a tsunami -These are flowers drawn in a children's notebook. To win this fury, you need to give her an expensive gift (preferably a gold jewelry with a diamond) and convince her that she -better than anyone you've met before, and generally a goddess. But do not lose your courage, otherwise the Lioness will walk over you and not notice.

Do you think only Lionesses have high standards? Virgo
-no less high. That's why it's so hard for her to settle on someone. However, the selection criteria are somewhat different than those of the Lioness. For example, Virgo can communicate with idlers and losers, whom the Lioness will not even look at. Virgos are usually frivolous.

Favorite Answer - objection. Favourite hobby -criticism. In a word, take care of nerve cells and stock up on valerian.

Libra girls are sure that they are irresistible. They love company and attention. Moreover, the girl is more likely to be interested not in men themselves, but in admiring fans and applause. Life for Libra
-more like a game than everyday life, so they play all their lives. They love luxury and hate unpleasant duties.

If you decide to get yourself a Scorpio girlfriend, then consider that you have gone to war. With her, either very cool, or very bad, or both together, alternately. No middle ground. This is a constant stress situation.

So if you are not the owner of iron nerves and steel masculinity -this copy is not for you. The insidious Scorpio, even if she strongly wants to impress as sweet and docile, naive and meek, she will not be able to wear a mask unusual for her for a long time, -her essence will take over sooner or later. And how will he take -so little will not seem to anyone! And if suddenly something is wrong with you, in her opinion, -I don't want to get it. Hates stinginess and is very -Remember -Very jealous! If she finds a text message from another girl on your phone -you want to eat your phone. And what will happen if she suddenly suspects that she is being cheated on, let me not, okay?

The Sagittarius girl is more of a man than a woman. Do you want tenderness and reverence from her? Ha! You'll have to accept her for who she is and not complain. However, you will complain anyway. She loves to spin in a male society and in front of you, as she loves attention. So you can shove your jealousy to hell in advance, otherwise it will simply run away, frightened of your passions. But don’t flap your ears either: at a party, Strelchikha will not sit quietly in the corner, like a floor lamp, so keep your eyes peeled, otherwise the attention of this Casanova in a skirt will switch to someone else.

Which women are the most harmful according to the sign of the zodiac? The stars give the answer (see our list), but we know they can be wrong. Therefore, our "hit parade", as they say, divide by ten. Bad girls can represent any sign of the zodiac, that's a fact.

12th - Libra

11th place - Capricorn

Women born under this sign are control freaks. More specifically, self-control. Inside Capricorn there can be any storm of feelings and experiences, but there will be no way out. Or it will, but when the woman herself wants it. Do you want open feelings? You've come to the wrong address. Then you will get used to the restraint of the Capricorn woman, but then she suddenly decides that she wants to open up, and will arrange a real whirlpool of passions. And when you get a taste, it closes again and freezes. And so it will be all the time.

10th place - Aquarius

Representatives of this sign love to ride and ride partners on an emotional swing. They will scream, stomp their feet, piss you off, and in a minute they are already climbing to hug. And when you decide that you have true love with her and let her know this, Aquarius will get scared and run away. Because he can't stand possessiveness. Then she will return, turn your head, you confess your love to her, and then she will run away again. Here is the bastard.

9th place - Pisces

With Pisces, things are completely different. They are whiny, sensitive, looking for love and affection, and they are never enough. In addition, Pisces has a developed fantasy and increased suspicion. They will harass you with whining, lamentations in the spirit of "you do not love me" and accusations of adultery invented by them (for you). This constant babbling of Pisces is very harmful to mental health.

8th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius wants adventure, movement, passion and bright colors in life. If a partner cannot give this to her or will not keep up with her pace, she will begin to harass him, to ruffle his nerves. It is almost impossible to resist the charm of a Sagittarius woman, so the partner will really try to match her, even if he is not physically capable. After a 10-hour day at work, can't you keep her company for the night - hang out well in three places? You are weak, my friend.

7th place - Taurus

Taurus is the light version of Aries. Taurus love scenes, make excessive demands and ask partners to go there I don’t know where, but they are more interested in the process itself than in the result. Simply put, they like to make scenes and mischief, but just like that, without selfish intent. You only need to play along a little, and that's it: the performance will end, the curtain will fall, the steam will come out.

6th place - Aries

The Aries Woman is not a bit like a Sheep - it is rather a real Sheep. Her element is whims. She will take out her partner's brain, demanding to get the stars from the sky, and when the stars are in her hands, wrinkle her nose and say "not that, not those." All a man needs to do in such cases is either run away or act tough. Enough, they say, there will be nothing for you until you stop being capricious. Here the Aries woman will turn into a natural sheep, deceive your intuition and, when you relax, will attack with new whims.

5th place - Gemini

The most harmful women according to the horoscope are those who like to intrigue. This is definitely true for Gemini. Some of them - not all, of course - love intrigue, head-on clashes and having a lot of guys. Therefore, even if you have love, you should not relax: dramatic scenes, showdowns and tantrums are inevitable. As well as regular flirting with others, perhaps in front of you. And there is a reason for that, something like “you pay little attention to me, and I am looking for it on the side.” Brr.

4th place - Virgo

Virgos are easy on life, just as easy on relationships, and they also love to swear and argue. Conclusion: they will easily break up with a partner after a couple of scenes. They will be charged with energy from him and will go further, to look for another unfortunate one. And even if true love happens to them, it will be difficult for Virgos to resist constant disputes over trifles. Or to question and criticize all your actions. What to do in such cases? Be silent. Save more nerve cells.

3rd place - Cancer

Representatives of this sign are amorous, devoted, focused on the object of their love so much that they do not let him breathe easy. From feelings they are so wedged that love turns into something tiring. And just try to ignore it: Cancer will be offended, withdraw into itself and begin to make plans for you, such a heartless one, to take revenge. And he comes up with it. So, if you want to be sure that you don't spit in your soup, love Cancer with all your might. Even if the strength is gone.

2nd place - Scorpio

Scorpio will plague a partner with bile, a snobbish attitude towards everything and everyone, and mood swings. It can be very good and unbearable at the same time. And all because the sharp mind of Scorpio feeds on irritation for any reason. Let's add deceit and fierce jealousy and we will get a nuclear cocktail at the output. To endure the brain is the vocation of a Scorpio woman, she is a real pro in this matter. Our advice - try to be affectionate with her. Constantly. This can upset her so much that it will make her change for the better. Just be patient, okay?

1st place - Leo

The most harmful zodiac signs are Leo women. Lionesses are regal, arrogant and always waiting for something. They will not openly demand, it is petty and unworthy, so the Lionesses rely on your intuition. Which they assume will tell you what to do. Let us work with your intuition and tell you what the Lionesses are waiting for. Always delight and surprise. All the time. If you do not do this, the Lioness will shower you with contempt and demand to atone for your guilt. Preferably diamonds.

There are no ideal men, and there are no zodiac signs that would endow their owner with exclusively positive characteristics.

And yet, astrologers have noticed that some representatives of the zodiac circle have a certain pattern that allows them to name the heaviest signs of the zodiac among men.

It is extremely difficult to build successful romantic, love and family relationships with them.

Fourth place

The last place in the ranking of the heaviest signs of the Zodiac is occupied by Virgo men. Virgos have many extreme qualities. Their extraordinary mental abilities border on tediousness, self-criticism - with an inferiority complex, fidelity - with pathological jealousy, tolerance - with an extreme degree of resentment.

It would be unbearable to live with such a partner if it were not for his pragmatism and ability to smooth sharp corners in critical situations. But again, Virgo's pragmatism is always closely intertwined with mind-blowing pedantry.

The most difficult relationships in marriage are experienced by couples in which there are two Virgos. Being masters of analytical research, they are able to harass each other with irrefutable arguments of anything, claims and accusations.

The main thing is that both Virgos will be right, but the woman will be the first to take a time out and give in, since the Virgo man is a big stubborn and moralist. In addition, he is too prone to all sorts of doubts about partners and compatibility with them, which makes this sign a leader among inveterate bachelors.

Moreover, internal contradictions, self-restraint and seclusion lead to the fact that Virgo men take first place in the ranks of impotent men.

Only women with the zodiac sign Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus can endure the difficult nature of Virgo men. But with Sagittarius and Aries, their marriage is doomed to continuous trials and family battles.

Third place

Of course, they create families, but they occupy the role of an overseer or tyrant in them. As wives, Capricorns choose those women with whom they will have the greatest benefit (including material), and the least number of problems.

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    I have never met a more harmful and disgusting person. I'M CAPRICORN! my quick temper, my constant tantrums and tears! That's what my husband has to endure. Plus, I generally go to compromise very rarely. And all familiar Capricorns are like that.

    Probably, harmfulness does not depend on the sign of the zodiac. But we, indeed, are already so accustomed to arranging people in the table of ranks (or rather, signs), that we involuntarily attribute character traits for belonging to them.

    In my life I met harmfulquot ;, quarrelsome people, of different signs. Most of them were according to the Virgo horoscope. For a long time, everyone who is interested in astrology has been aware that Virgos are the most pedantic, corrosive, picky people. They should have everything on the shelves, perfect order. They have an excellent memory for various trifles, and are able to spread rot on the offender for a hundred years, recalling his sins to him.

    Virgos have a lot of good, wonderful qualities, they can be excellent specialists, husbands and wives, parents, everything grows with them (flowers, vegetables). But to live with them - it is necessary to have a huge supply of patience, not to argue with them and to approve in every possible way.

    Of course, not all Virgos are like that, far from all. There are just angels. But also a lot of them among them.

    Among other signs for me personally, the most harmful — Cancers, Scorpios.

    Zodiac signs only show common features person. And about whether a bad sign or not, you can argue forever. So, many people think that there is simply no more harmful than Scorpio, but I know a person, according to the sign of Scorpio, this is the kindest person who always yields and helps. This can be said about any sign, but at the same time 2 people of the same sign will be completely different. Do not harm yourself and it doesn’t matter what zodiac sign you are.

    Of course, I myself am a Scorpio, but if I do harm, then I quietly and do not interfere with anyone's life. But here is my friend and mother-in-law - FISHES. It's something with something! They are unceremonious, somewhat rude, assertive, they have 27 Fridays a week (and if you tell them about Fridays, they will both answer that much more!). Therefore, I truly consider Pisces to be very, very harmful.

    But even with GEMINI fig enjoy! I have 3 familiar twins at work + another twin (and they were still born on the same day!) - of course, you won’t get bored with them, but they are terribly touchy. Slightly something not according to them, they immediately begin to harm. Very difficult with them!

    There are only 12 signs of the Zodiac. And there are so many people! 🙂

    The option that the harmful person you come across will be Scorpio, as well as Virgo or Aries, is only 1 to 12. And most likely, his harmfulness will not depend on how the stars were formed at the time of his birth. Here, probably, upbringing has a greater influence, circle of friends, relationships in this circle, age.

    Although it is interesting to collect statistics, of course) I’m a plus for Capricorns 🙂

    Horoscopes somehow do not particularly stipulate harmfulnessquot ;. But, if you figure out what harmfulness is in detail, then you can pull a couple of signs by the ears. The desire to do everything in your own way, despite the opinions of others, is a trait of lions. Vindictiveness and petty scolding are virgins. Well, listen carefully, nod your head and still do everything in your own way - one hundred percent sign of fish.

    About myself I can say that I am a Taurus. A very soft and flexible sign, according to horoscopes. But it's still a bug. Although I try to keep my under control

    From my life experience it has been established that it is Sagittarius and Scorpio who are the two worst signs of the zodiac, people born under which are very harmful and able to love only themselves, indifferent to other people's suffering, emotionally cold and sometimes even cruel.

    In general, these are people from the opera and there will be no mercy and do not wait!

    I consider Scorpio the most harmful sign of the zodiac, I know from my sister and other acquaintances, they are very prudent, vindictive, act on the sly, know how to pretend well. I don’t do harm, but I just immediately say no or yesquot ;, and who is offended by this is not my problem. Cancers are also very similar to Scorpios, but they act not so brazenly, but more gently, you will never suspect them of a bad deed for the time being, but they also act stealthily. And all their inflated resentment is just a pretense for some purpose. Both stingy signs, only profit can distract them from harmfulness.

    According to my observations, a lion can be a very harmful sign. Of course, not all lions are harmful, but some of them are considered harmful. Lions they are narcissistic, require heightened attention to themselves, they feel important and want everyone to obey them, they can growl, they are strict, therefore they consider that the lion is the king. This is how they act royally.

    For me, the worst sign is cancer. Fate always confronts me with people of this particular sign (even my husband is cancer), but for me these people always remain incomprehensible and to some extent repulsive. Infuriates their desire to teach and teach life always and everywhere, moreover, if you do not agree offense! Resentment in crayfish, this is the most beloved state. They spend half their lives in resentment, at me, at the whole world! Terrible homebodies, it’s better to lie on the couch than go somewhere else, and in general - it’s always better at home, the main thing is that there would be plenty of food! They are jealous of every pillar, they constantly check where and with whom! Frequent mood swings and self-care! I am Aquarius.

    Maybe someone loves crayfish, but not me! I put up and endure as much as possible. Moreover, they are all the same, like a carbon copy. I define them, after some time of communication, I guess and I'm not mistaken)

    What is the most harmful zodiac sign?

    Well, about those signs, I can say with full confidence that they are harmful Rakquot ;, Virgoquot ;, Scorpio. I may be wrong, since I myself am Leoquot ;, and they say that a lion and a scorpion are not compatible at all. I can assure you that there are no incompatible zodiac signs.

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