
Diffuse changes in the pancreas what to do. Treatment of diffuse changes in the pancreas. Diagnosis of such changes includes

Most patients, having read in the conclusion of the ultrasound that they have diffuse changes in the pancreas, begin to come up with non-existent diagnoses. This wording does not always mean the presence of a disease. She informs the doctor that there are deviations from the norm, which should be paid attention to if there are other complaints and symptoms in the patient. Let's see why these changes occur.

Where and how can you see it

Any organ, including the pancreas, reflects ultrasonic waves during ultrasound examination. The key signs of diffuse changes in an organ are a decrease or increase in its ability to absorb an ultrasonic wave compared to normal parameters. This is due to the fact that the number of functioning cells of the pancreas decreases, and they begin to be replaced by adipose or connective tissue.

Echo-signs of changes may concern the entire organ or its separate area (local focus). Such ultrasound signs may indicate a past or acute inflammatory process or signal a violation of the blood supply to the pancreas. Certain changes in the pancreas occur with age, so this factor has to be taken into account.

Causes of this problem

There are more than a dozen different reasons that contribute to a change in the structure of the pancreas. Most often, such changes indicate a violation of metabolic and hormonal processes in the body. They can be observed in patients with chronic and acute pancreatitis, tumors, cysts and other diseases of this organ. In addition, the causes of diffuse changes can be:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hereditary factor;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • beriberi and nutritional errors, an abundance of fatty and fried foods;
  • transferred surgical interventions on the pancreas;
  • the effect of certain drugs.

This condition is rare in children. It may be associated with a burdened heredity in a child, as well as with a congenital stricture of the pancreatic duct. In the elderly, mild and moderate diffuse changes in the absence of other symptoms are considered a variant of the norm, since with age, degenerative-dystrophic processes are observed in all tissues and organs.

What does the detection of such a rearrangement of the gland mean?

The appearance of such signs on ultrasound is not a diagnosis, but only indicates that a change in structure is observed in the tissue of the organ, and it is necessary to find out what caused this. Changes can only affect the parenchyma of the gland. This suggests that there are no neoplasms, stones and other local foci in the organ, but the parenchyma of the entire gland has undergone restructuring. Changes in the pancreatic parenchyma may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • diffuse lipomatosis.

In these cases, in addition to the appearance of diffuse changes, there is an increase or decrease in the density (echogenicity) of the pancreas. In cases where these signs are determined by ultrasound, the patient is referred for additional examinations to verify the diagnosis. Changes can also affect the structure of the body. It reveals individual foci of increased or decreased echogenicity, which may indicate a cyst, tumor, or local lipomatosis.

With changes in the pancreas by the type of lipomatosis, ultrasound reveals diffuse or local foci of adipose tissue, which are characterized by increased echogenicity. With focal lipomatosis in the pancreas, a diffusely heterogeneous structure is determined, and with diffuse lipomatosis, the echogenicity of the entire gland changes evenly.

What are the symptoms of this condition?

The clinical picture and symptoms depend on the underlying pathology that caused the restructuring of the organ. The patient may feel heaviness in the stomach, pain in the epigastric region on the left, belching, heartburn and problems with stool. Diseases and their symptoms that may be accompanied by this ultrasound sign:

  1. Acute pancreatitis. The patient complains of severe pain in the left hypochondrium. Repeated vomiting does not alleviate the patient's condition. The temperature rises and the pressure readings change. There is bloating and diarrhea with a fetid odor.
  2. Chronic pancreatitis. Outside of an exacerbation, the patient may be disturbed by heaviness in the abdomen after eating and occasional discomfort in the left hypochondrium. During the period of exacerbation, the attack resembles an acute form.
  3. Lipomatosis is a systemic pathology in which gland tissues are replaced by fat cells. Symptoms appear in the last stages. Ultrasound allows you to identify changes in the initial stages and take the necessary measures to treat and stop the progression of the process.
  4. Fibrosis (sclerosis) is a condition in which gland cells are replaced by connective tissue. Initially, the patient is concerned about general symptoms: nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, discomfort in the region of the gland. Then signs of endocrine insufficiency join, and diabetes mellitus develops.

Principles of therapy

Treatment of such changes is carried out only in the case when the patient is concerned about some symptoms or the process is pathological.

  • In acute pancreatitis, the patient is recommended cold, hunger and rest. In parallel, painkillers, antispasmodics and enzyme preparations are prescribed. Then they put him on a special diet and continue drug therapy.
  • Chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation forces the patient to constantly follow a certain diet and take enzyme preparations if necessary.
  • With diabetes, the patient rebuilds his diet and controls the level of glucose in the blood. With decompensation of pancreatic function, insulin preparations are prescribed.
  • With lipomatosis, diet and lifestyle control are of primary importance.
  • For neoplasms, cysts, or blockage of the duct, surgical treatment may be necessary.
  • Age-related diffuse changes are not treated, the patient is advised to adhere to a healthy diet and proper lifestyle.

It is impossible to cure changes that have occurred in the pancreas. Treatment is aimed at maintaining the function of the organ and eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

What you need to know about nutrition

The choice of diet for problems with the pancreas depends on the diagnosis. General principles of nutrition in pathological processes in this organ:

  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • restriction or complete exclusion of fried, spicy and salty foods;
  • fractional meals in small portions;
  • restriction or exclusion of sweets, pastries and confectionery;
  • drinking the optimal amount of water.

The diet is selected depending on the severity of the pathological process and the individual characteristics of the patient. Diffuse changes in the pancreas are not a sentence, but a reason to pay attention to your health and lifestyle. Normalization of weight, nutrition and habits will help prevent their occurrence and maintain the functional activity of the body.

ICD-10 classifies diffuse changes in the pancreas as a symptom that accompanies pathological processes that are observed in the activity or diseases of this organ. This is the interpenetration of diseased and healthy cells, which occurred under the influence of endogenous or exogenous factors. This phenomenon is found in the study of the pancreas on ultrasound.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas, expressed in a change in the natural structure of the organ, are a process in which diseased cells mix with healthy ones under the influence of certain negative factors. The process is triggered by diseases of the organ and is its symptom. The signs are of a general nature, and are differentiated, depending on the stage of development of the pathology, and its pathogenic factors. General and common signs of the changes that have occurred appear in the form of vague signs that may initially cause the doctor to suspect a disease of any digestive organ. Fatigue, indigestion, dyspepsia, and disturbances in the normal process of bowel movement will not tell anything even to a gastroenterologist without additional research.

The negative process that provoked diffuse changes in the parenchyma (divided into lobules by the connective epithelium of the specific tissue of the pancreas) is manifested by complex symptoms that force the doctor to refer the patient to the examination of a vital organ. Features of parenchymal tissue, and its specificity lies in the fulfillment of a functional purpose: the release of hormones and enzymes that are essential for the human body. Transformations occurring in parenchymal cells can start under the influence of variable factors inherent in its metabolic processes or external influences on the gland. If we are talking about focal changes, the rebirths affected only some segments, but when it comes to diffuse changes, the entire organ will be affected, and the pathological modification affected the entire endocrine gland.

The replacement of cells in their natural state with connective and lipid ones, and the gradual interpenetration of degenerated and physiological cells of the parenchymal halo, indicates that pathological changes have begun in the organ under study, the main symptom of which is digestive disorders. The presence of negative changes in the pancreas is clearly demonstrated by:

  • echogenicity, which shows the study of ultrasound (the degree of reflection of ultrasound from various types of tissue), which is the higher, the more modified, dense cells;
  • radiation absorption coefficient (it is higher in malignant neoplasms, and can give an idea of ​​the nature of the transformations that have occurred);
  • blurred outlines of the organ itself, which is not clearly displayed on the screen;
  • hemorrhages and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • pain symptoms, manifested during the rapid passage of the disease process.

The signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas found during an ultrasound examination and indicated in its results are not an independent diagnosis, but only a statement of the fact that such a process is present.

Changes in the parenchyma could occur for various reasons and as a result of diseases of the gland itself or other organs of the digestive, hepatobiliary system (hepatomegaly, stones in the bile ducts), unhealthy lifestyle, age-related degradation and the presence of a systemic disease.

Diagnostic measures

The main diagnostic method to establish the presence of diffuse changes is ultrasound. The data obtained using ultrasound is the reason for the initial conclusions about the presence of a pathological process. To confirm the assumptions, a number of diagnostic measures are carried out, in which laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods are used. The hardware methods include endoscopy of the pancreas, endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract, computed tomography, ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, without which a complete study of the hepatobiliary system is impossible. To obtain other objective data, it is necessary to conduct a blood test (general and biochemical), feces and urine. The main goal of the complex of diagnostic measures is to determine the amount of enzymes and glucose in the blood, and to make the main diagnosis, which led to tissue modifications in the organ.

How to cure diffuse changes in the pancreas?

Treatment of changes in the pancreas and liver is determined by the nature of the pathology that led to the progression of cell degeneration and the stage of development of the main provoking factor.

Medical tactics are determined on the basis of the diagnosis and the obtained objective data, which serve as the basis for making a reliable diagnosis. The main diseases that cause modifications of the parenchyma are:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • spasmodic smooth muscles of the ducts of the gland;
  • sclerosis of the pancreatic parenchyma;
  • fibrosis of the pancreas;
  • lipomatosis.

Each individual pathological process has its own principles of therapeutic management and surgical elimination of negative signs.

Acute pancreatitis

There is a whole range of measures that allow you to eliminate the pain syndrome, start the natural mechanisms of self-healing and removing the functional load. Medical treatment is used (correction of homeostasis, antibiotics, the introduction of inhibitors and painkillers), diet therapy. In certain cases, surgical intervention is also indicated, for which there must be prerequisites: the presence of stones in the bile ducts, necrotic areas or abscesses, abnormal accumulation of fluid. Conservative therapy and inpatient treatment can bring the disease into remission, but the final cure does not occur.

Chronic pancreatitis

The patient is prescribed a strict diet, by taking medications, permanent pain is eliminated, the level of enzymes rises and the inflammatory process stops. The restoration of normal digestion and the start of regeneration of affected tissues depend on the stage of development of chronic pancreatitis.

Spasmodic smooth muscle of the gland ducts

For treatment, moderate antispasmodics such as no-shpa, atropine to reduce the level of reproduction of enzymes, cryotherapy (applying cold at the site of pain) are used.

Sclerosis of the pancreatic parenchyma

The main therapeutic method is the normalization of metabolism, which is carried out by the appointment of enzymes, correction of the diet and the introduction of certain components necessary to restore functionality. The etiological factors that caused the pathology are eliminated.

Fibrosis of the pancreas

The production of proteins is stimulated and the consumption of carbohydrates is limited, the reasons that contributed to the progression of fibrosis (alcoholism, papillostenosis, blocking of the biliary tract or bladder with stones) are excluded.


A significant proportion of medical interventions are for the treatment of the underlying disease, which may be diabetes mellitus, hepatitis or thyroid disease. It is recommended to give up bad habits, correct weight, switch to the right diet and treat the digestive organs.

Diet for diseases of the pancreas

Permitted foods include dairy and sour-milk, lean meats and fish, vegetable dishes, and cereal dishes. You should simply forget about alcohol, sour, spicy, fried, smoked, containing preservatives and stabilizers. Diet is the only way not only to maintain the body in a normal state, but also a way to prolong life.

Folk remedies

To alleviate and stabilize the condition, recipes from natural herbal ingredients, dietary restrictions, restorative procedures, and specific recommendations using non-traditional means are used.

The pancreas (Pancreas) is of great importance in the body, it performs the following functions:

  • the secret of the gland contains enzymes (enzymes) involved in the digestion of the main macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • The islets of Langerhans produce hormones involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

According to the anatomical structure, the structure of the pancreas is a capsule filled with parenchyma, consisting of glandular tissue. Connective tissue (stroma) separates them from each other. The secret of the glandular tissue, accumulating, is excreted into the common duct into the duodenum. Endocrine glands (Islets of Langerhans) do not have ducts, they secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system.

Normal parameters of the pancreas

The structure of the pancreatic parenchyma is examined using an ultrasound machine. The doctor determines the following parameters:

  • compliance with geometric norms;
  • clearness of borders;
  • size;
  • homogeneity and echogenicity.

Homogeneous fine-grained structure is characteristic of a healthy pancreas. A coarse-grained structure is also a normal option. The contours of the organ are even, without additional formations. The sizes correspond to the norm. Echogenicity is normal. An increase in size, blurring of outlines, heterogeneous echogenicity suggests the presence of neoplasms.

What does echogenicity mean? This is a specific term that refers to the property of dense tissue to display the acoustic signals of an ultrasound machine. When the structure of the tissue changes, the signal changes and on this basis it is possible to draw conclusions about the state of health of the organ.

When cells degenerate into adipose tissue, the sound signal or echogenicity will change on ultrasound. However, in some cases, there is a transient change in echogenicity, which has a nutritional factor, during constant fatigue or stressful conditions.

Reasons for structural changes

Violation of metabolic processes in the human body, diseases of bacterial origin lead to pathological changes in the gland.

The structure of the pancreas changes with the following diseases:

  • hyperemia and inflammation in the pancreas;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diabetes disease;
  • neoplasms;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Structural changes in the pancreas

Diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas are characteristic in the following situations:

  • irrational, unbalanced nutrition;
  • unreasonable use of medicines;
  • bad habits (alcohol, tobacco use);
  • continuous stress;
  • heredity;
  • advanced age.

More on the topic: Pancreatic Surgery: Planning and Preparation

If the structure of the pancreatic parenchyma has uneven disturbances, it is reasonable to assume that cysts and various neoplasms are formed. With a uniform change, the following states are possible:

  • pathologies of the digestive tract of infectious and non-infectious etiology;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • age patients;
  • excessive physical and mental stress;
  • drug and alcohol intoxication.

There are 4 stages of diffuse pathologies:

  1. In the first stage, there is hyperemia and swelling of the tissue, signs of extrasecretory insufficiency (diarrhea). In the ultrasound picture, enlarged forms of the organ are clearly expressed, a decrease in the echostructure is noted.
  2. At the second stage, the size and configuration of the gland remains within the normal range. Echo structure is reduced. Enzymatic activity drops.
  3. The third stage is characteristic of patients with diabetes and patients after 60 years of age or more. During ultrasound, the contours and shape of the organ are preserved, but the echogenicity of the pancreas is increased.
  4. Changes in metabolism in the gland, due to pathological processes, leads to the formation of fibrous tissue, which gives an increase in echogenicity on ultrasound. The size of the examined organ is reduced or normal.

Minor diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas are inherent in the following conditions:

  • Irrational, unbalanced nutrition;
  • violations of the daily routine;
  • Stress and nervous exhaustion;
  • Overwork.

Specific treatment for this condition is not required, however, it is necessary to exclude the causes that cause them.

Moderate diffuse changes.

At the initial detection of diseases of the digestive system in patients, during an ultrasound examination, a moderately altered state of the pancreas is established. For complex treatment it is necessary to conduct additional studies and examinations.

Unexpressed diffuse changes

Unexpressed diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas are characteristic of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis;
  • heredity;
  • diabetes;
  • advanced age;

Unexpressed violations do not pose discomfort to patients and threat to life. However, they can provoke a slight increase in blood glucose in diabetic patients.

Pronounced diffuse changes

Pronounced changes are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of pain syndrome;
  • feeling of fullness in the abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea).

More on the topic: Reactive pancreatitis in children is manifested in an acute painful form.

The listed signs are characteristic of inflammation of Pancreas in the acute phase. It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination and treatment.

Reactive changes in the parenchyma

Reactive changes in the parenchyma occur in diseases of the digestive system, located in close proximity. Having a common excretory duct with the liver, the parenchyma is involved in the inflammatory process in cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis, exacerbations of cholelithiasis. Pain, dyspepsia, increased blood sugar, violations of the proteolytic function accompany reactive changes in the tissues of the gland.

Heterogeneous structural changes

The heterogeneous structure of the pancreas is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the Pancreas in the acute and chronic phase;
  • pseudocysts, consisting of dead cells and blood;
  • purulent focal tissue lesions;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • fibrosis.

Diseases of increased echogenicity

An increase in echogenicity indicates the localization of pathological processes in the tissue, fatty deposits, and the presence of neoplasms. Diseases in which there is an increase in echogenicity:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • degeneration of glandular tissue into adipose tissue (lipomatosis);
  • oncological diseases;
  • tissue fibrosis (there is a hyperechoic structure);
  • pseudocysts with accumulation of gland secretion;
  • calcifications, showing a characteristic shadow and causing vascular calcification;
  • false cysts. Over time, they can lead to the development of an abscess, bleeding. Areas with bleeding and abscesses on ultrasound are viewed hyperechoic;
  • fibrinocystic degeneration of the gland, is a complication of chronic pancreatitis, or as an independent disease. In the course of the disease, atrophic changes in the gland and its replacement with fibrinous tissue are observed;
  • age changes.

Acute inflammatory diseases occurring with hyperemia and swelling of tissues, during ultrasound examination, are characterized by reduced echogenicity of the organ.

Diseases in the compaction of the structure of the pancreas

Compaction of the structure is not a disease, but indicates disorders in the body. The consequence of what diseases appears compaction of the structure of Pancreas:

  • long-term chronic pancreatitis with frequent relapses;
  • timely treated acute pancreatitis;
  • cysts;
  • neoplasms of various origins.

If the compaction of the gland structure does not bother the patient, and is detected during the control ultrasound, treatment in this case is not carried out. However, some patients show signs of discomfort in the left hypochondrium.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are signs of the presence of the disease, which can be detected using ultrasound. It is also possible to determine changes in the echo structure of the entire gland, which are accompanied by changes in size.

These changes are not considered an independent diagnosis, but only speak of pathology, presenting it as a separate symptom. The presence of such changes indicates a decrease in the size of the gland or a compaction of the structure of its tissue. This is provoked by inflammation, sclerosis, and can also be a harbinger of aging without being associated with any diseases.

How to treat diffuse changes in the pancreas?

The need for and volume of treatment is determined by the attending physician. When there are no symptoms that are characteristic of gland diseases, therapy is not required, but it is necessary to continue the study for the presence of a cyst or neoplasm.

Treatment of the pancreas is carried out only if there are complaints characteristic of diseases of the digestive tract and after confirmation of the diagnosis. Therapy in this situation is aimed at correcting the main disease.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

  1. During the acute form of pancreatitis, the gland must be allowed to rest.
  2. For these purposes, food is reduced or completely canceled for a certain period of time.
  3. To reduce inflammation, ordinary nutrition is replaced by intravenous. In such a situation, the symptoms of malfunctions in the functioning of the gland should decrease.

To remove the causes of the disease, in certain cases, surgery is used to remove stones that block the bile duct connecting the gland, gallbladder and duodenum 12.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

During chronic manifestations of pancreatitis, in the absence of exacerbations, the patient may experience dull pain, constipation, nausea, poor digestion of fats, and intense stools may appear. In chronic pancreatitis, the gland tissue is destroyed over a long period of time.

A complete cure does not occur and the main task of specialists is to prevent further destruction of the gland:

  • An important role is played by diet in inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Eliminate caffeine and alcoholic beverages
  • eat light meals with a low concentration of fats,
  • take vitamins,
  • treat diabetes, if present.

Treatment of spasmodic smooth muscle of the ducts of the gland

To relax the spasmodic smooth muscles of the gland pathways, antispasmodics (no-shpa, platifilin) ​​are prescribed. This helps to improve the outflow of pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes, into the intestines.

To reduce the production of digestive enzymes, atropine is used, local therapy as cold on the site of the gland. Black elderberry is characterized by a slight choleretic and antipyretic effect, reduces muscle spasm. Elderberry inflorescences are included in many collections.

Treatment of sclerosis of the pancreatic parenchyma

Moderate diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma may indicate the replacement of glandular tissue with scars or fat cells.

When sclerosis of the parenchyma progresses and is associated with a severe deficiency of enzymes:

  • Protein is administered intravenously.
  • Introduce nutrition from amino acids.
  • Prescribe vitamins and hormones that improve anabolism.
  • Drug therapy is used only in the fight against pathology.
  • Assign enzymes. These drugs are taken with food. Thus the patient somewhat compensates for the impossibility of the gland to produce the required number of its digestive enzymes.

Treatment of fibrosis of the pancreas

It is necessary to treat gland fibrosis in order to replenish intra- and exocrine insufficiency:

  • Assign a diet No 5p, which includes stimulating the secretion of enzymes, foods with a high concentration of proteins.
  • Limit carbohydrates.
  • When cachexia is expressed parenteral meals.
  • Etiotropic therapy is to eliminate the causes of the pathology (to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, the implementation of cholecystectomy during cholelithiasis, surgical operation of papillostenosis).

To replace exocrine insufficiency, enzymes are prescribed: pancreatin, creon, lipase and others. When the insufficiency is absolute, then such drugs are used regularly in the highest doses. The criterion for the effectiveness of such treatment is to stop weight loss, reduce dyspepsia, and eliminate diarrhea.

Correction of carbohydrate metabolism failures is carried out:

  • With the help of oral hypoglycemic agents;
  • Rarely, insulin treatment is needed.
  • When there are no exacerbations of the disease, treatment in sanatoriums or resorts is recommended.
  • Surgery. When pain is expressed, conservative treatment is ineffective, weight is rapidly lost, constant relapses of pancreatitis.

Treatment of lipomatosis

Most often they try to treat with conservative methods.

These include:

  • Review and adjustment of nutrition.
  • Counteracting overweight.
  • Eliminate bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Active lifestyle.

In addition to the above, additional treatment is prescribed, aimed at normalizing digestion and in order to restore the lack of hormones.

Conservative therapy refers to the treatment of associated diseases:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Disease of the thyroid gland.
  • Therapy during diabetes.

When conservative therapy does not give the desired effect, the areas of lipomatosis are eliminated by surgical intervention.

Diet food

  • Nutrition during the period of diffuse changes is adjusted according to the diagnosis being established.
  • Treatment is long and requires strict adherence to dietary recommendations.
  • Regardless of the disease, a patient with such changes should remember that the pancreas, in principle, does not perceive alcohol. Alcohol consumption leads to acute forms of the disease and worsens the overall tone.
  • It is necessary to follow a low-calorie diet, where the main role is played by plant foods, cereals and sour milk.
  • Smoked meats, pickles and spices, which enhance taste and appetite, should be completely removed.
  • Food should become moderate, prevent intense secretion of juices, as this provokes attacks of pancreatitis.
  • This symptom may indicate progressive diabetes mellitus. You also need to completely remove easily digestible carbohydrates from the menu: sweets, some fruits.
  • Diet food should include cereals and vegetable dishes. Food is adjusted depending on the disease that led to these changes inside the organ.

Forbidden food:

  • Alcohol in any dose.
  • Spicy, fatty, sweet, salty, fried, smoked foods.
  • Juice in a package, canned food, spices, sausages.

Allowed food:

  • Vegetable dishes and fruits (citrus fruits should be reduced as they contain a lot of sugar).
  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Dairy and dairy products.
  • Cereal products, cereals.

Other tips:

  • Portions should be kept small.
  • It is advised to eat often, but little by little.
  • Cooking food should be steamed;
  • Overeating is prohibited.
  • Salty intake leads to the deposition of salts in the tissues, so it is advisable to remove it from the menu.

About that, read here.

Causes of diffuse changes

The reasons for such changes in the gland are diverse. Often they occur during metabolic-dystrophic processes. It also develops during a malfunction in the blood circulation in this area, with diseases of the endocrine system, malfunctions of the bile ducts and liver.

In old age and in people with diabetes, pancreatic tissue becomes smaller in size. The deficiency is filled with adipose tissue. Such changes are not pathological and do not require treatment.. But after ultrasound, diffuse changes in the gland with increased echogenicity are diagnosed with normal dimensions.

This can also be observed during the uniform replacement of the destroyed tissue of the gland with connective tissue. Body dimensions are normal or slightly smaller. A similar pathology appears in connection with chronic metabolic-dystrophic disorders or during an acute form of pancreatitis. If this disease is not confirmed, then such changes do not need treatment.

The causes of various changes in the gland are:

  • Inappropriate diet, excessive intake of spicy, sweet, salty, floury, fatty foods.
  • Constant stress and genetic disposition.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Incorrect use of medications.

Often such changes appear in diabetics due to a lack of insulin production. The concentration of sugar in the bloodstream increases, and glucose enters the urine. In such a situation, special therapy is needed to eliminate the underlying disease.

It is necessary to remember about the acute and chronic form of pancreatitis, leading to these changes in the gland and requiring treatment.

Signs and symptoms of changes

Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas are associated with the underlying ailment that led to the occurrence of this phenomenon. The main symptoms are as follows:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Persistent constipation and diarrhea;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

For acute pancreatitis

During an acute form of pancreatitis, high pressure can build up in the pancreatic ducts, which can cause damage and release of digestive enzymes through the tissues of the organ. This can cause destruction of the tissues of the gland and provokes intoxication.

The person feels:

  • Sharp pain near the left hypochondrium;
  • Regular gag reflex
  • Nausea.
  • Symptoms of progressive heart palpitations
  • Low blood pressure.

The patient does not get better, sometimes intensive care or surgery may be needed.

During the chronic form of pancreatitis, the pathology becomes more protracted:

  1. At the preliminary stage, the gland is damaged, which leads to edema and minor hemorrhage.
  2. After, the gland becomes smaller and sclerosis occurs, leading to malfunctions in the production of enzymes.
  3. In the process of the development of the disease, the patient experiences pronounced pain.

Early stages of pancreatic fibrosis

  • When diffuse changes are provoked by fibrosis, then at the initial stage of the disease there is no pathology. During fibrous inflammation, the normal tissue of the organ is replaced by connective tissue. This can lead to a decrease in the production of enzymes and hormones that support the processes of metabolism and digestion within the body.
  • At the next stage, the pathology of the disease is similar to the symptoms of pancreatitis. The patient feels constant pain near the left hypochondrium and nausea.
  • Due to the lack of enzymes, nausea, diarrhea, gag reflex, sudden weight loss occur.
  • Then, as a result of the depletion of protein reserves, an allergy occurs in the body and malfunctions in the production of insulin, which leads to diabetes.

With lipomatosis of the pancreas

When changes in the pancreas are provoked by lipomatosis, this will be an irreversible process. Healthy tissues of the organ are replaced by adipose tissue.

Due to the fact that fat cells are not able to perform the functions of the digestive glands, the body feels a lack of substances required for proper functioning.

The pathology of lipomatosis depends entirely on the severity of these changes in the gland. Thus, when the disease is characterized by a limited spread of the focus of symptoms, the process will proceed without symptoms.

During uncontrolled progression, the parenchyma is compressed by a large accumulation of adipose tissue, which provokes pain and leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the gland.


To know how to treat diffuse changes in the pancreas, you need to make the correct diagnosis. Diffuse changes in the gland can be diagnosed using ultrasound. Using this method, the specialist detects an increase or decrease in tissue density, a change in uniformity, and the detection of foci of inflammation. But it is possible to finally verify these changes only by using additional examinations.

About that, read here.

The patient is doing:

  • Blood chemistry;
  • Endoscopic diagnostics;
  • The specialist can collect an anamnesis, starting from the claims of the patient.
  • Mandatory palpation of the gland with fingers
  • Research with tools.

Diagnosis of such changes includes:

  • Detection of the concentration of enzymes and the content of glucose in the bloodstream.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Detection of enzymes in urine and inhibitor/trypsin ratio.
  • Ultrasound of the pancreas (dimensions, the presence of seals and edema, the general condition of the viral pathways).
  • Implementation of CT and ERCP.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas - a concept that is not related to the diagnosis. This term is the conclusion of a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics, indicating that the patient has pancreatitis of various forms or its consequences. The degree of diffuse rebirth varies depending on the stage of the pathological process.

What are diffuse changes

Diffusion in the context of anatomy is the process of replacing some components of cellular tissue with others. A similar phenomenon is diagnosed in the pancreas, where affected areas coexist next to normal cells. Therefore, such manifestations are detected using the ultrasound method.

Under the influence of factors such as advanced age, diabetes, circulatory disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, there is a loss of pancreatic cells with the formation of adipose or connective tissue in their place. Experts do not recognize this condition as a disease. Persistent modifications are observed in violation of blood circulation and the functioning of endocrine organs, failures of metabolic processes.

Changes in the structure of the pancreas are characteristic of pancreatitis and dystrophic disorders occurring in the metabolic system. Such processes can proceed for a long time, without being accompanied by any painful symptoms.

Moderate diffuse changes

In most cases of painful symptoms, this condition does not necessitate therapeutic intervention. Moderate diffuse changes are transformations evenly located on the parenchyma. Medical specialists call the parenchyma the union of the main functioning cells of the glandular organ, the transformations in which affect the level of density.

If the patient has complaints, then it becomes necessary to conduct an additional examination of the pancreas, gallbladder, digestive organs, and liver. These organs are interconnected, and the failure that occurred in one of them may be similar in symptomatic picture to the pathology of the other.

Unexpressed changes

Minor diffuse distortion is not a cause for concern. The identification of such a symptom may indicate recent inflammation, improper diet, and often stressful situations. One of the causes of pancreatic dysfunction is a malfunction in the nervous system. Regular experience of stress leads to an increase in the level of excreted secretion, and depression inhibits this function of the gland.

Eliminating the cause of such violations, which consists in observing the rules of nutrition and maintaining a positive emotional mood, allows you to correct the changes. If the initial stage of an unexpressed pathological process is left without due attention, then there is a high probability of the formation of reactive lesions, which can lead to dangerous diseases.

Pronounced diffuse changes

Transformations in the pancreas indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or disease in the body. When the modification of the organ is expressed, the doctor conducts additional studies of the digestive system. In difficult cases, diffuse transformations are accompanied by pain, a feeling of compaction in the pancreas zone, and digestive disorders.

The most common cause of the formation of pronounced changes is pancreatitis, which manifests itself in several forms:

  1. The acute stage of the disease causes stagnation of pancreatic fluid in the glandular organ. The patient is in critical condition and is in severe pain. In this case, doctors recommend taking drugs aimed at relaxing the digestive muscles and inhibiting the function of the gland.
  2. The chronic course of the pathology can be determined by both pronounced and moderately pronounced changes. With this type of disease, stages of remission and exacerbation are recorded. The acute phase requires therapeutic intervention.


Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas depend on the underlying disease. The list of clinical symptoms includes the following conditions:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • regular constipation.

Pancreatitis in acute form and dystrophic changes are characterized by a significant increase in pressure in the duct of the gland, which leads to deformation of the organ. Enzymes necessary for digestion penetrate the cellular structures of the pancreas, causing intoxication of the body. Such poisoning is accompanied by pain localized under the sternum on the left side. Also, the patient experiences nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, tachycardia. The condition requires surgical intervention.

The initial stage of chronic pancreatitis is manifested by the formation of edema, hemorrhages in the pancreas. With the progression of the pathology, there is a decrease in the size of the gland, the growth of connective tissue, which replaces the enzyme-forming damaged cells. As a result, there is a violation of the production of digestive substances.

With the development of fibrosis, the displacement of healthy pancreatic cells with the formation of connective tissue is diagnosed. Thanks to this replacement, there is a sharp decrease in the production of enzymes and hormones. The onset of the disease is not accompanied by a bright symptomatic picture.

Lipomatosis is characterized by the replacement of normal gland cells with adipose tissue. The patient has a deficiency of hormonal and enzyme substances. The severity of the pathology depends on the volume of diffuse transformations. With minimal changes, the disease does not manifest itself. With the progressive growth of lipoid cells, there is a malfunction of the gland with painful symptoms.


The causes of diffuse changes vary considerably. Elderly people are often diagnosed with atrophy of the gland, which is expressed by a decrease in its size. In this case, echogenicity (a situation where the pancreatic tissue reflects ultrasonic waves) is within the normal range. Patients do not experience pain and do not need treatment.

Another cause of diffuse modifications of the gland is pancreatitis, in which enzymes and toxic substances are released. Getting into the blood, toxins cause the destruction of all organs and systems, including the pancreas. Patients complain of severe pain, fever, vomiting, rapid pulse. In this disease, the gland has an enlarged size and a fuzzy structure. Echo signs are reduced, the diameter of the ducts is changed, neurotic areas are revealed.

Inflammatory processes that occur for a long time in the pancreas cause the development of fibrosis, accompanied by the growth of connective tissue that replaces damaged cells. Pathology is detected during ultrasound diagnostics, echoscopically determined by the increase, increased density of the organ. In the absence of complaints of malaise, the patient does not require treatment.

Lipomatosis, characterized by diffuse distortion, occurs in the elderly and diabetics. The disease is manifested by the growth of fat cells, as a result of which the tissues of the gland are pinched. Steatosis, which belongs to the category of diseases caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, can lead to excessive formation of lipids.


Various pathologies accompanied by DIIP can lead to serious consequences:

  • abscess - penetration of pus into organs and systems, leading to the development of an inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms in the form of cysts and tumors;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pleurisy, pneumonia develop as a result of infection entering the circulatory system;
  • duodenal stenosis - excessive pressure of the pancreas on the duodenum leads to a narrowing of its lumen.

You can prevent the formation of complications with the help of detailed compliance with the doctor's prescriptions, proper diet, and lifestyle revision. Identification of diffuse rebirths at an early stage allows a person to avoid the formation of severe consequences.


Examination of changes in the gland is carried out using ultrasound diagnostics. This method allows you to determine the level of density of the gland and the change in uniformity, to identify the area of ​​inflammation. You can confirm the presence of diffusion using a comprehensive examination, which consists in carrying out the following activities:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • clarification of patient complaints;
  • palpation of the pancreas zone;
  • complete blood count (performed to determine the level of pancreatic substances);
  • urinalysis (allows to identify pancreatic enzymes);
  • CT scan.

Determination of echographic signs of diffuse changes occupies a leading position in the conduct of ultrasound examination. The method, based on the ability of the tissues of the human body to reflect ultrasonic waves, allows you to get an objective picture of the state of internal organs. First of all, the specialist pays attention to the decoding of the following echo signs:

  • heterogeneity of the structure of the organ with the definition of areas of increased echogenicity;
  • change in the size of the gland;
  • the degree of expansion of the ducts;
  • the presence of neoplasms.

The pancreas on ultrasound is defined as an organ with a homogeneous structure and unchanged echogenicity. The level of density may vary from normal values ​​in the direction of decrease or increase. A decrease in echo characteristics and density is detected with the formation of cysts, the presence of fluid in the organ. Increased echogenicity indicates the development of fibrosis.


Diffuse changes in the pancreas do not require treatment, since this condition is not an independent disease. Modifications of the organ indicate the natural processes occurring in the body, or diseases suffered in the past. In such cases, the changes do not cause pain and anxiety, so therapy is prescribed when the diagnosis is clarified.

Treatment in both children and adults is aimed at correcting the underlying disease. It is impossible to eliminate the formed diffuse degenerations, since there has been a significant replacement of healthy pancreatic cells with adipose or connective tissues.

If the cause of the changes is diabetes mellitus, then the therapeutic effect is aimed at maintaining the level of glucose. Such treatment involves following a specialized diet, taking hypoglycemic medications. Elderly patients who have had gland modifications are advised to do gymnastics and follow other rules of a healthy lifestyle.


The diet in diffuse metamorphoses is determined by the final diagnosis, since the condition is caused by various pathologies, including pancreatitis, moderate hepatomegaly, and diabetes. Regardless of the identified disease, alcohol is contraindicated for patients. Alcohol-containing drinks cause deterioration and exacerbation of painful sensations.

The basis of the diet of people suffering from pancreatic pathologies is dairy and vegetable products, various cereals. Smoked and salty dishes, spices, preservatives are excluded from the diet. Portions should not be large, contributing to the increased production of digestive juice.

The list of prohibited foods includes alcoholic beverages, foods with a bright salty, smoked, spicy taste, sausages, canned food, seasonings.

As the most suitable foods for eating, experts recommend the following dishes:

  • cereals;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • fruit;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables.

Steam cooking is the preferred cooking method. Dry food should be avoided, as well as excessive consumption of salt and sugar, as this can lead to the deposition of unnecessary substances in the body.

Prevention and consequences of the disease

Prevention of diffuse changes occurring in the tissues of the pancreas consists in observing certain principles:

  • in order to increase the efficiency of the body, it is necessary to exclude the impact on the body of fatty foods, alcohol, nicotine;
  • the use of teas based on medicinal herbs;
  • moderation and fragmentation of nutrition;
  • conducting regular examinations of the whole body.

Compliance with preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of diffuse transformations, as well as severe consequences, expressed in severe pain and the need for surgical intervention. By themselves, diffuse rearrangements are not a disease and do not require specialized therapy.

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