
Breeding crayfish in natural conditions. Organization of a farm for breeding and growing crayfish at home. Recommendations and business plan. Features of crayfish breeding technology - selection and preparation of reservoirs

is a business that can be successfully developed in rural areas, all an entrepreneur needs is patience and a desire to increase the financial resources invested in the project, that is, to earn. Reservoirs for breeding crayfish can be organized on your own site, if its area, geographical features do not prevent this. In this case, a businessman can reduce the size of the initial investment to a minimum.

First of all, this type of business involves the presence of a natural or artificial reservoir, a habitat for crayfish. Breeding crayfish involves at least the use of at least two or three reservoirs, each with an area of ​​at least 40 square meters. If these are not natural reservoirs, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of water in order to create natural living conditions. The entrepreneur will have to equip the reservoirs with a water communication system, purchase one or two water pumps, pipes, and other special equipment.

It is desirable that the bottom in reservoirs consists of a rocky-sandy base, so that it is easier to maintain the purity of the water, to clean the bottom of silt. You can cover the bottom of the nursery reservoir with a thick plastic film so that less silt forms at the bottom. It is advisable to put a few snags on the bottom of the nursery reservoir so that the crayfish have a place to build their homes. It is necessary to create a habitat for crayfish as close as possible to natural conditions. It is not necessary that the pond be too deep, a depth of one and a half meters is enough to make it easier to maintain the pond. Naturally, you can make a pond even deeper if you plan to breed such lake fish as the same along with crayfish. The water in each pond must be systematically renewed, therefore it is necessary to provide effective system drain, equipped in such a way that caviar does not get there.

An entrepreneur needs to purchase several dozen individuals of crayfish, so to speak, for brood. Experts say that 50-100 individuals for the first case will be quite enough, because crayfish multiply quite quickly, very productively. Crayfish can be caught in the nearest river, lake, that is, in their natural habitat, or bought from competitors who have been breeding crayfish on an industrial basis for several years. The average cost of a kilogram of live crayfish of various calibers is somewhere between 400-650 rubles. Given the average weight of an individual (210 grams), there are five crayfish per kilogram, that is, in order to start a business, you need to purchase at least 100 kilograms of these same crayfish, that is, invest 40-50 thousand rubles in business.

The best breeds of crayfish for breeding:

"Red Swamp", is characterized by small size, but good adaptability to all regions of their breeding. Not picky about care, the minimum water level in the pool with crayfish should be 15 cm;

"Marble" single-sex breed of crayfish, a large individual, keep them in warm water with a temperature of up to 28 Cº;
"Cuban Blue" artificially bred breed grows rapidly within one year. Habitat sandy ponds with hard water, unpretentious care;
"Long-fingered European" prolific and fast-growing breed of crayfish, both in artificial and in natural conditions;
"Australian" this breed of crayfish is in great demand among restaurateurs, but it is very demanding in care, it is necessary to keep it warm and a large number of water (20 liters) water per crayfish, grows well in pools;

Crayfish are bred quite intensively, the annual increase depends on the population size, that is, the more individuals in the pond, the more significant the growth of crayfish per year. You can feed crayfish with vegetables, meat, raw fish, and so on. In principle, crayfish are not whimsical in terms of food, the main thing is to maintain the purity of the water, regularly change the water in the pond.

An equally important stage is the development of a marketing system for crayfish grown by the entrepreneur, the products of his private farm. You can sell crayfish through retail outlets in the market, catering establishments (restaurants, snack bars, cafes), wholesale enterprises specializing in the purchase of this kind of product (seafood, fish, crayfish, and so on). The latter option assumes a high volume of production. It is enough for an entrepreneur to find one or two reliable customers, after that you don’t have to think about finding distribution channels. Crayfish can be sold without intermediaries, for example, through retail outlets (trays in the market, food stalls), or you can trade crayfish directly from the farm, after notifying potential buyers through the local press, the Internet, and radio. Especially crayfish are in demand on the eve of the holidays, which the entrepreneur must take into account. If desired, you can organize the production of semi-finished products, dishes based on crayfish, lake fish for customers. All this will provide the businessman with additional income. In this case, it does not hurt to study better the technology and recipes for preparing dishes based on the above-mentioned crayfish.

As a result, we can say that crayfish breeding is a great idea for entrepreneurs living in rural areas, away from noisy cities, where the environment has not yet been spoiled, there are conditions for the development of such activities. It is better to start a business with a small population, even if at first it will not be a business, but only a hobby, in order to minimize commercial risks. It is necessary to study the habits of crayfish, to delve into all the intricacies of this not simple, but interesting business, to develop a clear system for marketing products. If everything works out, the crayfish successfully overwinter, you can safely proceed to the phase of creating a full-fledged cancer farm, and invest in business development.

Breeding crayfish in: why do they die?

All diseases of arthropods are divided into 2 groups:

  1. invasive

2. infectious;

Cancer is most common for the following reasons:

  • binge eating;
  • unfavourable conditions;
  • sharp temperature changes;
  • poor water filtration.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to invest at least 100-150 thousand in the business. This sum includes the arrangement of three reservoirs, the purchase of a water pump, drilling of wells, thick polyethylene film, work related to the arrangement of the bottom of reservoirs (stones, sand, installation of sewers). If the entrepreneur decides to purchase the first batch of crayfish (for brood) from competitors, this amount will increase by at least another 50 thousand. the second year the farm achieve a profitability of 300%. These figures indicate the high profitability of such a business as crayfish breeding, significant commercial prospects for this activity. Good luck!

Farms for breeding crayfish in our time no longer surprise anyone. They successfully work and develop on the territory of the country and bring considerable income to their owners.

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Choice of growing method

The amount of profit depends on which method of breeding crayfish is used at the enterprise: in an aquarium, in a home pond or

In aquarium

Today, crayfish can be grown for sale not only in rural areas, but also in the city. Now the city dwellers will smile with a smirk and go to evaluate the size of their bath. Only here they breed crayfish not in the bathroom, but in special large aquariums.

To begin with, it is better to rent a business premises and buy it out over time. Only after you have settled all the points with the lease, you can start buying aquariums. It is better to start with 10-15 pieces and if everything works out, then in a few months buy more.

Pros of breeding crayfish in aquariums:

  1. Easier to control the condition of pets.
  2. Less feed consumption.
  3. Water temperature control, which contributes to the accelerated development of young offspring.
  4. There is no long period of cold wintering, which allows the young to grow more efficiently, and the entrepreneur to get the first income faster by 3-4 months;
  5. You can populate crayfish larvae in aquariums and save on buying young animals or adults.

The process of growing crayfish is quite capacious and it is possible to make a profit only a year after starting the business.

Features of choosing an aquarium for crayfish:

  • The volume of the aquarium should be chosen from 250l.
  • The walls of the container must be made of strong plastic, or attached to the pool so that the metal does not come into contact with water.
  • It is better to choose products with low (up to 1m) walls and a wide bottom. This makes it easier to care for crayfish and keep the bottom of the aquarium clean.

At the current stage, the cultivation of crayfish in the pool as a business has proven itself well in urban and rural areas, where there are problems with water supply.

At home (artificial reservoir)

Growing crayfish in an artificial pond is considered by many to be the easiest and most inexpensive option for starting commercial crayfish farming. This option does not require a large investment. Provided that you have your own land: country cottage area or a house in a suburban or rural area.

In order for the business to work, you must:

  1. Build a reservoir (optimal depth 1-3 m) and lay out the bottom with large stones and create conditions for crayfish to dig holes freely. Recommended pond area 30-60 sq.m.
  2. Make several concrete pools for overexposure and fattening of young livestock.
  3. Launch breeding stock or larvae.
  4. Stock up on the necessary feed.
  5. Provide the household with an additional source of water and a reliable stack so that water can be freely drained if necessary.

Growing crayfish at home has its own characteristics. In an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to change the water every 2-3 weeks. For the winter, it is better to completely catch all the livestock so that the crayfish do not suffocate under the ice, or to build a reservoir, which immediately increases costs. If the crayfish successfully overwinter, then the additional costs for insulation can be compensated for by the breeding stock, but you can take risks only if the depth of the reservoir is more than 2.5 meters.

A reservoir cannot be built in a sunny place!

In a natural reservoir

The easiest and most affordable way to breed crayfish in household- to launch the mother tribe or larvae into an ordinary natural pond. First you need to find a reservoir that meets the necessary requirements:

  • the presence of a rocky bottom and sandy shores;
  • suitable bottom for the construction of holes;
  • the reservoir should be environmentally friendly and have shaded shores. It is good if weeping willows grow on the banks of the reservoir, which create shade and coolness.

When growing crayfish in artificial and natural reservoirs, the main problem for farmers is poachers, who not only spoil and steal livestock with the help of crayfish, but also greatly reduce product prices. The way to deal with them is quite simple:

  • On your own and artificial ponds, you can stretch the net to the surface, install streamers with bells and hire watchmen.
  • You can create a group of farmers that will control the markets of the region and block the access of poachers to the wholesale buyer.
  • Guaranteed product quality and regular delivery is what all customers value and what poachers cannot guarantee.

To grow crayfish in a natural pond, it is necessary to allocate money for the purchase of livestock and feed. With this method of growing, feed costs are significantly reduced, but there is no way to control the temperature of the water, as a result of which crayfish will be 30% inferior in weight to their relatives who grew in a home pond or aquarium.

Preparatory work

Before investing a considerable amount in a business, you need to familiarize yourself with the cultivation of crayfish and the conditions for their maintenance in practice. In order to better understand and see everything, you can invite yourself to visit a similar farm and ask the owners as much as possible about the life and habits of their pets.

They will not reveal all the secrets to future competitors, but they will already have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork and how the farm should look like.

Today there is a lot of literature on the Internet and good advice, which will help to cope with problems in the course of work, but the recommendations of professionals are always very valuable.

Residence preparation

Crayfish live in burrows. This is their natural habitat, and before buying breeding stock, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for crayfish and bring them as close as possible to natural ones.

The rocky bottom, a lot of sand, pebbles and algae - this is what will allow the crayfish to feel at home in a new place.

If it is planned to grow crayfish in aquariums, then the day before the settlement of living creatures, it is necessary to start the entire system (if planting algae is planned, then a week before, simultaneously with planting greenery).

Adult female crayfish can eat their larvae and young. To avoid this, it is recommended to separate the adult stock from the young. This will require additional containers (aquariums or pools).

Proper preparation of a place for keeping and growing crayfish will greatly facilitate the process of settling and make the adaptation of the mother liquor painless and comfortable.

Acquisition of cancer families

Do not immediately buy a large number of breeding stock. If the farm is small, then you can start with 100 females and 20 males. They can be bought at a farm that is engaged in a similar type of business or caught in a river. It is better to buy crayfish from specialists who can advise a species resistant to diseases and stress and tell you how to properly care for it in the first months.

Among the industrial types of crayfish, there are:

  • Australian crayfish (the most fleshy species, requires special care, suitable for growing in aquariums, uses small fish, compound feed, greens as food).
  • Blue Kuban crayfish (fast-growing species of medium size, does not tolerate temperatures above 26 degrees, loves stony, sandy soils with a lot of snags and burrows, omnivorous).
  • Marble crayfish (demanding to water temperature and prefers large aquariums, pools or artificial ponds). 20 adults will require neither less nor more - 100 cubic meters of water for their full growth and reproduction. The peculiarity of this species is that it reproduces by parthenogenesis (to itself and a female and a male). It is necessary to separate adults from young animals.

Enterprise start

In order for a business to work and bear fruit, it is necessary to take into account several important factors that are the key to success.

When to start breeding?

Starting a farm is very important in this type of business, as it is seasonal and most cancers do not tolerate wintering well.

The best time to lay a farm is the beginning of April, with the arrival of the first warm weather.

By the beginning of summer, each female will have eggs under the tail, which will detach after 10 days, and the process of laying eggs will begin in the female in a new circle. The offspring from these larvae will be ready for sale in a year. It is because of such a long period of growth that experts recommend starting a farm with young crayfish, which can be grown and sold this year, leaving a few individuals for reproduction.

Business registration

Every self-respecting entrepreneur and manufacturer registers his company before starting work. What does it give? Buyers have the confidence that they are clients of a reputable company, and the entrepreneur himself has the opportunity to calmly sell his products on the market and cooperate with shops and wholesalers.

This type of business is registered under the OKVED code 01.21, which indicates that the company is engaged in breeding pets.

For the right to retail, code 52.23 must be added, which indicates the right to retail fish and shellfish.

Purchase of feed

Crayfish are happy to eat feed, larvae, earthworms, greens, small bottom fish. It will not be difficult to buy compound feed - it is always available at the economic market or feed mills, which are full in every city. It is not difficult to stock up on greens on your own, but you will have to look for suppliers of mosquito larvae and earthworms.

The earthworm is often found in greenhouses, and mosquito larvae are grown by companies that are associated with the fishing business. Ask the sellers of fishing rods and tackle who delivers bloodworms to them, and arrange regular delivery with this supplier.

Summing up

We have this type of business relatively young, as it is mistakenly believed that the development of a crayfish breeding farm requires huge investments. The fact that it takes about a year to wait for the first sale of goods is not inspiring either. But fears go away and everything falls into place, if you understand the features of this business and calculate all the costs and approximate income.

How long does it take from inception to the finished product?

Raising crayfish is a business for people who work for results and know how to wait.

And you need to wait about a year from the first laying of the mother liquor to the sale of finished products, if livestock is grown in a pond.

With the aquarium breeding method or in indoor pools, where it is possible to control the water temperature, the sale of finished products is possible 3 months faster. This is due to the winter period, when crayfish are in a state of dormancy and eat very little. In a closed room, this process can be regulated.

Estimated costs

Considerable start-up capital is required in order to launch a large farm with modern equipment, but you can start small and divide the development of your business into several stages. To get started, you need to draw up a business plan for breeding crayfish and focus on several important factors in the calculations:

  • The value of the breeding stock, which fluctuates from 200 to 1000 rubles per 1 kg. depending on the type of crayfish and the season of purchase.
  • Way of breeding crayfish: indoors in aquariums, in an artificial reservoir or in a natural aquatic environment.
  • Purpose of goods: sale for breeding stock, sale of live products on the market, processing.

For the construction of one pond with an area of ​​60 sq.m. necessary 80-150 rubles(depending on depth). The bulk of the costs go to drainage pipes, waterproofing materials, drainage construction. For a year in this reservoir, if you run about 500 females (80 kg of breeding stock), can be grown up to 13 000(about 3.5 tons) of young animals, the market value of which ranges from 200-250 rubles per 1kg.

The minimum annual income from growing crayfish in a pond is 300-450 thousand rubles and fully covers the expenses for the construction of the pond, pools, the purchase of feed and mother liquor.

In order to run this type of business indoors, you must:

  1. Large high (up to 4 m high) room (the price varies depending on the location);
  2. Aquariums for keeping crayfish (the optimal size is 2m wide, 3-4m long), sand and algae for filling the aquarium + compressors, pumps and thermometers for heating water. The cost of one aquarium equipped with everything you need fluctuates around 50 000 rubles.
  3. we must not forget about the food for crayfish. Bloodworms or earthworms are best. They can be bought from wholesalers who work for fish and fishing shops. On average, it takes about 20 thousand rubles.
  4. And, of course, the crabs themselves. One pool is designed for an average of 50 individuals (1 male for 4-5 females).

If it is not possible to invest a lot of money, then you can try the old-fashioned, long-proven method and grow a population of crayfish in a small natural pond. In this case, you will have to spend money only on breeding stock and additional feed. But to control the reproduction and migration of their pets in this case, alas, will not work.

Profit calculation

Growing crayfish on a home farm is a rather long and laborious process, but the farmer receives a hundredfold for his work. Even with the most costly method of growing crayfish - aquarium - all the costs of purchasing equipment and breeding stock pay off after the first year of cultivation.

If the river way of growing crayfish is less expensive, then when comparing “costs - profit”, preference, nevertheless, should be given to growing crayfish in a home pond.

With the right approach, despite the considerable costs, the profit is about 300 000 rubles from a 60 sq. m. and several small pools or small ponds. With the aquarium breeding method, it is very difficult to achieve such a profit in one season, even though the products are ready for sale several months faster.

Pitfalls of the crayfish business

Each business has its own secrets and pitfalls that must be taken into account in the work and included in the calculations of the business plan.

The following factors have a great influence on business development:

  1. Crayfish go for wintering under water, but do not hibernate. This means that severe freezing of water should not be allowed.
  2. Not all types of cancers are tolerated cold water and are intended for cultivation in a pond without heating.
  3. We must not forget about infectious diseases. Need to be done in a timely manner preventive work and stock up on medicines.
  4. Water for a pond or aquarium should be soft and not contain salt.
  5. Females with eggs should be immediately transplanted into a separate container and ensured that they do not eat them after they lay their eggs in the sand or mule.

If there is no experience in breeding crayfish, then it is better to start working with river breeding stock.

There are not so many pitfalls and they can only be recognized when independent work Or if there is an experienced adviser nearby.

Where do crayfish hibernate?

In the natural environment, crayfish hibernate in their burrow. They do not fall asleep, like frogs, and even crawl out to hunt. But they are very slow and consume a minimum amount of energy, do not gain weight.


Weak competition and stable demand for crayfish guarantee a good profit for those who decide to breed arthropods. Business does not require serious material investments, its organization is not such a difficult task. With the right approach, the activity will soon begin to make a profit.

Crayfish farming as a business

Large-scale cultivation of arthropods in our country is not common. In most cases, crayfish enter the consumer market from natural reservoirs, which leads to a decrease in the number of natural individuals. Demand for delicious deli meat remains consistently high. This makes the crayfish business attractive financially. The main costs are for initial stage when you need to buy equipment, the individuals themselves and arrange a place for them.

A modern cancer farm is a special heated indoor pools. A large amount of feed and heat allow you to raise animals much faster. If the pond has an area of ​​only about 50 sq. m, then a crayfish farm can occupy up to 1000 sq. m. To arrange a cancer "plantation" the owner will need to purchase several pools. Polypropylene bowls are often used for this purpose.

Farms are the most profitable, but not the only way to breed arthropods. Aquariums are installed indoors to maintain a constant temperature. The farm will be smaller than the pond, but the animals will grow faster. The process of molting of crayfish takes place 3 times a year when planted in an aquarium, while in nature they change their shell 1 time in 12 months. Frequent molting is the best evidence of arthropod growth.

If you are thinking about how to breed crayfish at home with minimal investment, then you should consider the option of a farm from an artificial or natural pond. The natural keeping of animals does not require specialized equipment, the costs of the entrepreneur will be small. The first income from such a business will not be received soon, because the arthropod will need several years to reach marketable weight.

Breeds of crayfish for breeding

The success of the business depends on the right breed of crayfish for breeding. The most interesting varieties from the economic point of view are:

  1. Cuban blue. This is a breed of arthropods, bred artificially. The main feature of the species is rapid growth. After one year, individuals reach adult weight. Cuban blues require hard water and sandy bottoms. The diet of these individuals does not differ from any other species.
  2. Australian red claw crayfish (RACC). This breed is suitable for breeding only in closed reservoirs with additional heating. The demand for this species is very high, as the Australian red flare is distinguished by the largest amount of meat. The nutrition of Australian arthropods is varied: dead fish, bread, aquatic vegetation are suitable for their diet.
  3. Narrow-toed (long-legged). This breed breeds quickly, feels great in open and artificial reservoirs.

Breeding crayfish at home

A stable income that provides a high demand for arthropods makes breeding crayfish at home a profitable occupation. It is possible to keep river and lake arthropods in different conditions: as close as possible to natural or artificially created for the best development and rapid growth. It is important to choose the right way to grow crayfish, to provide them with optimal conditions for growth and reproduction.

Breeding crayfish in the pond

To grow animals, you will need a natural or artificial reservoir in the country. Breeding crayfish in a pond requires a sandy or clay bottom, the presence of silt. The water supply and sanitation system should be considered. Such conditions will help to grow a large number of arthropods, the natural lake habitat has a positive effect on the adaptation of animals. The method of breeding individuals has a significant drawback: in winter they fall asleep and stop growing.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium

In small volumes, breeding crayfish in an aquarium is a great option. You can set a constant temperature, favorable for growth and reproduction, animals do not hibernate, but constantly gain weight, it is convenient to catch them for sale. The disadvantages of aquarium breeding include an increase in the cost of production due to the cost of heating and limiting the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Also, worries with this method of keeping are added: aquariums should be cleaned.

Growing crayfish in the basement

A clean and dry basement without fungus and pests is suitable for housing a cancer farm. Aquariums with animals are placed on the shelves. These conditions will not allow to accommodate a large number of individuals, but for a small production basement is enough. Growing crayfish in the basement has its advantages:

  • for the life of individuals in winter, the natural temperature of the room is enough;
  • there is no need for intense light, one light bulb is used for the entire area.

Crayfish breeding in RAS

A recirculating water system (RAS) is the ideal solution for rearing arthropods. Filtered, heated and aerated water is the best environment for good growth. Breeding crayfish in a RAS requires the presence of a room whose temperature in winter will not fall below 1 degree Celsius, in ideal conditions- below 15 degrees. Raising crayfish in recirculating plants is becoming increasingly popular due to its high profitability and year-round income.

Crayfish breeding technology

Growing arthropods is a process that requires compliance with a certain technology. Only by following the recommendations of specialists, an entrepreneur can count on a good result of his activity. Crayfish breeding technology includes the following stages:

  1. Adults are placed in prepared ponds, aquariums or containers. They can be caught or bought from other farms.
  2. At temperatures above 7 degrees, animals should be fed with fresh or cooked food ( daily rate- 2% of the body weight of an arthropod).
  3. When annual individuals appear, they are caught and transplanted using another reservoir.
  4. In the second or third year of life, arthropods reach a commercial mass, they can be sold.

Crayfish breeding equipment

In order for a cancer farm to be highly profitable, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the growth of arthropods. The following equipment for growing crayfish will help provide a comfortable living environment:

  • Greenhouses. To maintain a certain temperature, not only industrial, but also the simplest greenhouses are used.
  • Air compressor. The device will help prevent stagnant water.
  • Oxidator. This device is designed to prevent oxygen starvation of animals in the tank where they will spend the winter.
  • Filtration system. To remove food debris and life processes, it is not enough to change the water in a timely manner. The filter is necessary for the formation of a favorable habitat in which individuals reach the desired size.

Arthropods are prone to cannibalism, so unpleasant situations should be prevented. Keeping crayfish at home requires the resettlement of adults and large individuals. For this, a separate reservoir (aquarium) is used. Otherwise, adult arthropods can destroy weak young. Strong individuals are much easier to get used to the new environment, but young people are more sensitive to changes and may die during relocation.

How much do crayfish grow

It is difficult to answer how much cancer grows. The growth rate of an arthropod depends on many factors, such as:

  • temperature and composition of water;
  • type and amount of food;
  • the density of individuals in the reservoir;
  • kind of crayfish.

Under conditions close to natural, individuals grow to normal sizes for 4 years. With a more favorable environment this process is accelerating. When growing animals in an aquarium, after a year you can get arthropods ready for sale. They will have to be dealt with all year round: cleaning aquariums, preparing food and seating individuals, etc.

Breeding crayfish at home brings a stable income, which is provided by stable demand. The competition in this business is weak. Large fish farms do not want to deal with crustaceans closely, since at the initial stage the payback does not give the desired profit with large amounts of investment. It is quite difficult to sell large quantities in a short time: the most delicate cancer meat is an expensive product that can be offered to a limited circle of customers.

Consider two ways to organize a business on crayfish. The first one we will conditionally call “home production”. The second method involves breeding in conditions close to natural.

Crayfish breeding in RAS

The essence of the business idea for breeding in RAS (Recirculating Water Supply Plant): technology for breeding crayfish indoors.

Content conditions:

  1. The presence of a room or a separate building where in the winter season the air temperature will not fall below -1 ° C (but it is better - not lower than + 15 ° C; in the first case, the crayfish will remain alive, in the second, they will continue to grow and gain weight).
  2. At least three containers of large volume from safe material(metal will not work, we take plastic or plexiglass); stones, sand and clay are poured to the bottom (the layer should be sufficient for digging holes). Polypropylene pools for RAS will cost $ 400 / piece.
  3. Cleaning filters (crayfish farm 24 hours a day must be provided clean water, and with frequent manual changes of water, claw-like ones grow and reproduce poorly, and small crustaceans can die altogether).
  4. Devices for catching and transporting crustaceans.
  5. Oxygenerator with oximeter $1500.
  6. Feed for $ 300 is enough for six months.

Why do you need multiple containers?

Under artificial conditions, the stocking density of individuals is too high. Naturally, large and strong crayfish will eat small ones. To prevent this from happening, after the appearance of a new offspring of adults, we plant them separately. NOT SMALL BUT BIG. Adults quickly adapt to new conditions. Babies can die.

What to feed? Suitable pieces of vegetables, meat, some cereals. There are also special foods for crayfish.

What type to breed? River crayfish take too long to acquire a marketable appearance. The best option for a home farm is blue crayfish. We buy them in a specialized fish farm.

How many individuals to start growing crayfish at home? It all depends on the size of the room, volume and number of aquariums. The ratio of males to females is 1:3. It is better to start with a small number of individuals. Observe, gain experience - then expand the business. In a container of 300 liters, you can plant, for example, 80 individuals.

Breeding crayfish in the country

The essence of the idea: breeding crayfish in a pond and other natural reservoirs.

Content conditions:

  • own lake, made independently or rented (it needs to be cleaned, freed from predatory fish, and the bottom prepared);
  • the reservoir will have to be divided into three parts with a strong mesh, or a separate nursery pool should be built (in one part, crustaceans are born, in the second they grow up, in the third they gain pre-sale weight);
  • you will have to figure out how to provide a change of water in the lake; it can be a drain and supply pipes; if a river flows nearby, then you can put a powerful pump;
  • stocking density of individuals - 5-7 per square meter(in practice, these indicators are exceeded, but at the very beginning of your activity it is better to comply with the natural requirement).

It is better to start growing with fast-growing breeds specially bred for artificial reservoirs. Then you can plant and river.

To gain marketable weight, cancer requires an average of at least three years (under ideal living conditions). Do not believe when they say: planted in the spring - caught and sold in the fall. This business pays off only after a while. If crayfish grew quickly, they would cost a penny.

Crayfish of the best breeds for brood

In this business, success depends on right choice breeds of cancer females, especially in the initial stages. The most interesting of them:

The Cuban Blue is an artificially bred breed of fast growing crayfish that reaches adult weight in less than a year. Cuban blue is not whimsical in the diet. It breeds well in sandy ponds with hard water.

"Australian" is the most sought after breed by wholesalers and restaurants. Requires chic and warm conditions for keeping. One individual needs 20 liters of water. But the Australian crayfish is very well adapted to pool cultivation.

The European Long Toed is a fast growing and very prolific breed. Bytsro breeds both in piece and natural reservoirs.

"Marble Cancer" - Large-sized same-sex breed. It reproduces by parthenogenesis (female cells develop without fertilization). But for the maintenance of this breed, a water temperature of +28 degrees is required.

"Red swamp crayfish" - small in size, but perfectly adapted species on all continents except Australia. Not whimsical to the content, and the minimum water level for maintenance is only 15 cm.

Crayfish for brood are sold by fish, farms by weight and even by the piece on average $ 5 per female. Broodstocks are also offered under the order (300-500 individuals for $3/piece). The cost of females of the most expensive breeds can reach $ 100. Also, crayfish can be caught free of charge in natural reservoirs, but they will grow up to 4-5 years.

What do cancers need?

To successfully grow crustaceans, it is necessary to take into account their natural habitat, reproduction and growth. Let's outline the main points:

  1. Crayfish love reservoirs with a low-silty dense bottom (sandy, clay), where calcareous rocks are present. A prerequisite is the presence of roots, snags, fallen trees, stones, where you can hide from predators.
  2. Crustaceans are very sensitive to water quality. No wonder they are considered indicators of the purity of the reservoir. They will not live and breed where there is waste from industrial production, chemicals, where there is a lot of silt, overcrowding.
  3. Water should be rich in oxygen (5-7 mg/l) and hydrogen (7-9 mg/l). Adults feel great at temperatures from +18 to +21 degrees. Small crustaceans need more heat - 21-24 degrees above zero.
  4. Crayfish mate annually. Time varies by region. As a rule, this is the end of October - November or the end of February - March. One male can fertilize up to three females. She lays from 110 to 480 eggs. Of course, not everyone survives. From one female per year, up to 30 crustaceans are obtained.
  5. Crayfish feed on both plant and animal food. These can be mosquito larvae, worms, small, “weedy” fish or weak specimens of medium-sized fish and algae. Cancers don't hunt. They grab whatever is nearby. They hold prey with claws and bite off piece by piece. The volume of food is 2% of its own weight. There is a special feed for crayfish, but they are not picky eaters. Crayfish can be fed with regular porridge.
  6. Predatory fish, waterfowl, otters, muskrats prey on all species of the crustacean family.
  7. The most dangerous are cancerous individuals that have shed. The lack of a shell makes them vulnerable. Therefore, during this period, cancer tries to hide deeper. And it comes out only in extreme cases, when it's time to eat. But molting is required. At this time, cancer cells grow.
  8. If there is not enough food, the crustaceans eat each other. The strong eat the weak.
  9. In nature, crayfish do not hibernate in winter. They burrow deeper, continue to feed in the same mode.

If the conditions are suitable (a good reservoir, enough food, warmth, no one to hunt), then the cancer reaches the “edible” type by the age of three. This circumstance also stops many businessmen. But there are breeds of fast-growing crayfish breeds that reach adult size in a period of up to 1 year such as the "Cuban Blue". In addition, in specialized stores you can buy one or two year old crustaceans for brood.

Ways of implementation

The most difficult thing in the cancer business is to grow this same cancer. Implementing it is easy. For example, you can submit finished products wholesale buyer, so as not to wrap up with transportation, storage and sanitary documents. Even at low wholesale selling prices, profitability will be firmly held above 100%. There will always be customers for this product. Offer claws at live weight.

  • grocery stores;
  • restaurants, cafes;
  • beer bars, outlets;
  • individual individuals.

The retail price in live weight is $10/kg. (this is about 5-7 pieces of small sizes). Grown products are easy to cook and sell already in ready-made. The popularity of such a snack exceeds even the popularity of fish and pizza.

In many countries, the business of breeding and selling crayfish is well established. This is due to the relatively low costs of opening, which are significantly reduced over time, while the turnover increases several times. Breeding crayfish is not only a large-scale production, it can also be set up on a small scale, for example, at home. Such a line of business will certainly bring profit after a certain period, if all the norms of crayfish cultivation are adhered to qualitatively. This is a pretty good idea for a business that is not expensive, but one that requires diligence and patience and time. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about such a line of business as growing crayfish and their further implementation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Crayfish Farming Business

Of course, before talking about the essence of such a business, let's highlight all the strengths and weak sides ideas for growing crayfish, both in the "field" conditions, and breeding crayfish at home.

Pros of crayfish breeding as an idea for starting your own business from scratch:

  • Breeding crayfish does not require any extremely close attention and is a business idea with minimal labor.
  • Start-up capital investment is really one-time, de facto, after the initial opening procedure, your cancer farm (you have your own business) will function with little or no additional financial working resources.
  • Growing crayfish is an unconventional line of business and can serve as an excellent "anchor" for the organization of agritourism.
  • In connection with the physiology and the process of growing crayfish in such a business, as a rule, there are no problems with the sale of products, we will talk about this in more detail later.
  • The crayfish business fits perfectly into the concept of organic products and has a good chance of being positioned as an exceptionally pure natural product.

Cons of breeding crayfish as an idea for starting your own business from scratch:

  • A long "start" period, in fact, the period from the launch of your cancer farm to reaching full capacity and, accordingly, the planned profit is three years. It can be noted that with home breeding of crayfish this period may be shorter, another option to reduce the time from investing money to receiving revenue is growing. But all these options can only act as “support”, while the real payback period for a cancer farm is at least 4 years.
  • The need for significant financial resources to launch the project. All stages of starting a crayfish breeding business will be discussed below.

Of course, at first glance, there are much fewer cons, but they are very significant for a novice businessman, so, from our point of view, there is objectively only one reason for growing crayfish as an option for quickly opening your own business - this is the idea of ​​​​creating a rural tourism object. On the other hand, there can be many subjective reasons, and if you just want to do business with crayfish breeding, then we can state that, in general, the business is profitable and promising, and if it is possible to wait a few years, plus required space then you can earn money.

How to grow crayfish for further sale

There are two main forms of growing crayfish:

  • Growing in water bodies, while not fundamentally means a large full-fledged lake, it can be either a cancer pit dug independently or rented rates.
  • Growing crayfish in pools, or it is also called the factory method of growing.

Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is worth noting only one thing, if we are talking about home breeding of crayfish, then the priorities are clearly on the side of the factory method of cultivation.

And so what to choose if you decide to do business on crayfish? Your own pond or pool, or maybe it's easier to rent rates? Let us briefly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of individual areas.

Rented or own pond (estimated area from 20 acres).

Such water bodies have both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of commercial breeding of crayfish in the finished bid:

  • This is the water mirror itself.
  • There is a food base for feeding (crayfish eat everything from algae to small fish).

Disadvantages of ponds:

  • Difficulties with water quality control. Crayfish are very demanding on water quality.
  • The need for clearing and deepening. The minimum depth should be at the level of 2 meters, plus the presence of a hard bottom, sand bars, clay cuts and so on. In the absence of natural water circulation, most ponds have a muddy bottom with a whole range of problems in the form of hydrogen sulfide, lack of oxygen in the deep layers, etc.
  • Presence of natural predators.
  • In the end, growing crayfish in such conditions becomes very expensive pleasure, due to the reclamation of the rate and the provision of such a large water surface with a constant circulation of water.

Having made simple calculations, one can come to the disappointing conclusion that it is possible to do business on crayfish in this way, if there is a natural flow of water (for example, a diversion from a river) and plus, together with fish farming. Taking into account the fact that today such “ideal” places have been occupied for a long time, it is almost impossible to start a business in such water bodies.

Watch a video about crayfish breeding in the USA, in open water:

Under this option for growing crayfish, it is understood that the cultivation will take place in a small water body with an area of ​​​​several acres, or even less. By and large, this option is a compromise between factory cultivation and cultivation of crayfish in ponds. By the way, this option is also suitable for home breeding of crayfish.


  • The main advantage of this home breeding of crayfish is the ability to control the quality of water and ensure circulation, by creating systems for draining and pumping.
  • The second big advantage of such breeding is the ability to control the population of crayfish, that is, crayfish of the same age are launched into one pond, which ensures a decrease in cannibalism and, as a result, an increase in the yield of commercial crayfish.

In the context of such a system, it looks promising to create a series of small-sized pools located in a cascade, while the maximum depth should be at least 2 meters. Having arranged a row small ponds in a cascade, natural circulation and filtration can be achieved through the use of mechanical filters using sand and fine gravel.

The main disadvantage of such breeding is the need for very significant investments at the initial stage of construction, plus additional costs for the operation of pumps to return water to the starting point. Roughly speaking, such a circulation system is used in the construction of fountains. By the way, the use of the principle of pressure difference (as in a jacuzzi) allows in this way to achieve not only the movement of water, but also full aeration.

This is what homestead ponds look like in which crayfish are grown

Conditions for breeding crayfish indoors or in a full-fledged industrial way.

By and large, everyone who breeds crayfish is advised, with any method of growing, to use closed way breeding for the initial stages, that is, at the stage of breeding larvae and growing them. There are several reasons for this:

The first is rather banal, the survival of larvae in natural conditions (even under optimal conditions) does not exceed 40-50%. There are many reasons for this, ranging from natural predators (not only fish) such as dragonfly larvae, which are unrealistic to get rid of in the open, and active cannibalism by adult crayfish, ending with natural selection. With a closed method of growing crayfish, the survival rate of larvae reaches up to 90%.

The second reason is not so obvious, but at the same time plays a huge role in determining the profitability of the entire business. The fact is that from the beginning of spawning in crayfish and until the larvae hatch in natural conditions, it takes from 7 to 8 months, and indoors at the optimum temperature, the period is reduced to 3 months.

Another factor is the growth of the larvae themselves, while maintaining optimal temperatures and diet (of course, the quality of the water itself), the growth rate of the larvae doubles, plus they grow all year round, which will significantly reduce the growing time of underyearlings.

Actually, it is precisely the ability of cancer not to hibernate, but to grow all year round, that makes the factory method very attractive when opening your own crayfish breeding business. In fact, such cultivation allows you to reduce the time from 3-4 years with the usual method, to 2 years.

An additional plus such breeding is the possibility of planting a significant number of crayfish on small areas, which is possible through the use of so-called cellular structures with a small depth.

Using multi-storey pools in home breeding of crayfish allows solving the problem of not only area, but also feeding. With this breeding, crayfish are placed in small sectional pools located on racks with a height of up to 2 meters, the depth of a separate one is about 60 cm. At the same time, due to the use of a difference in height and pressure, both water circulation and aeration are carried out.

minus such breeding of crayfish has very high costs for initial stages opening a business, plus relatively high operating costs for growing.

If with the open method of breeding crayfish, we invest money only at the beginning, in the future, feeding and additional care is practically not required, then in the case of the closed method, we will have to pay additional costs for electricity and buy equipment and maintain the temperature in the room. True, the result of such work is the reduction of the period of growth of crayfish to a marketable condition, since in fact, in greenhouse conditions, the crayfish grows all year round and is ready for sale within two years.

It is worth noting that in closed conditions it looks profitable to grow and sell adult crayfish in the winter, at this time prices rise due to a significant drop in supply on the market.

The second "horse" of indoor cultivation may be the sale of rare and expensive broad-clawed crayfish, since it is now difficult to find a commercial crayfish of this species in Ukraine, the natural population has greatly decreased both due to poaching and due to the natural displacement of the same crayfish by competing species. And most farms are open-farming and prefer to breed crayfish, which are less whimsical and grow faster.

It looks like a farm where crayfish are grown in a closed industrial way

And most importantly, when breeding crayfish at home in a closed way, this makes it possible to receive income not only from the sale of the crayfish itself, but:

  • Sales of underyearlings for rearing;
  • Agritourism organizations, especially to show that with this method there really is something;
  • Selling not only ordinary crayfish, but also breeding unusual for our region or rare types of crayfish, the same blue crayfish, signal crayfish or Australian crayfish.

What crayfish to buy and where?

Crayfish themselves are needed directly for breeding, or rather their females and males. You can buy only one female with caviar on legs. In order to grow one ton of crayfish, approximately 400 females should be purchased. Of course, 400 females is a lot to start with, it will be enough to purchase forty.

With a strong desire, you can catch them in natural natural reservoirs. Small domestic ponds with good water changes and aeration will be an ideal place for further hatching of embryos in the female.

You can buy crayfish for breeding in industrial companies that specialize in breeding broodstock for sale. There is another option - to purchase from lovers of river fishing.

Features of growing some types of crayfish

Australian cancer. Breeding Australian crayfish requires special conditions. This is the "meatiest" type of crayfish available. It can only be grown in closed ponds in heated rooms. They are unpretentious to food: they eat dead fish, algae, compound feed, bread crumbs well.

Blue Cuban crayfish. This type unpretentious, has a medium size shape. They need water with a temperature not higher than 26 degrees and high hardness. They eat everything that lies badly at the bottom. With proper feeding and care, they reach the size of an adult in six months. Required for reservoirs sandy soil, coarse and hard plants, good filtration and aeration, the presence of grottoes, minks and small shelters.

Marble Cancer. Just like Australian crayfish, they require special conditions in breeding: warm water at 20-28 degrees, its good processing and hearty feeding. They reproduce by parthenogenesis, that is, in a same-sex way, where cancer acts as both a female and a male. An adult bears larvae on the abdomen for about four weeks. Grows up to 15 centimeters in length.

Ways and sources of realization of crayfish

Such a business idea does not require large expenses and can bring a stable income for six months - from May to October, and if you use the closed method of breeding crayfish, then a whole year.

If you have already firmly decided that you are opening a crayfish breeding farm, then first you need to determine what is the demand for such products in the market. Does it exist in principle, and if it exists, will it be large. Of course, you can breed crayfish only for your own consumption, but it is much more pleasant not only to enjoy the end product, but also to have a stable income for a long time.

Therefore, it is advisable to first call restaurants and supermarkets, both large and small, with the offer of a constant supply of crayfish and related products from your farm.

Large supermarkets have fish departments that sell not only fish, but also crayfish, but many wholesale hypermarkets do not have such a product, so here you can offer them to expand their assortment and become the only supplier. Here it's up to you - by calling all the major points of sale, you probably get customers.

Implement crayfish can be found both in supermarkets and on the market

In general, there is a few places where you can implement crayfish:

  • Large hypermarkets (as practice shows, in the conditions of our country, it will not be so easy to “enter” there without a certain “protection”);
  • Smaller supermarkets;
  • Specialized fish shops;
  • Restaurants;
  • Beer bars and pubs;
  • Implementation in wholesale markets;
  • Retail sale of crayfish in the markets, etc.

Always a working method of creation initial customer base - the so-called "word of mouth".

That is, you sell crayfish first to your friends, they, in turn, will tell their friends, and the glory of you will spread. But for this, your product must meet certain conditions, such as the quality and prices of crayfish must be lower than in hypermarkets, etc. Alternatively, you can arrange delivery to restaurants or even to individual customers at home.

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