
Antiseptic for the bath so that it does not smell. How to get rid of humidity in a bathhouse and remove unpleasant odor. Independent study of the geology of the site

A real Russian bathhouse has long been a full-fledged symbol, along with bears and vodka. The time when it was used only for its direct sanitary purpose has passed. Today, the bathhouse is a place of relaxation, communication with friends, which is accompanied not only by washing and wellness procedures, but by various cultural events. If earlier the sewage system in the bathhouse was arranged at the most primitive level, now, in order to create comfortable conditions, it is necessary to approach this issue more carefully.

There are several ways to drain water from a bath, the choice of which depends on:

  • availability of sewer networks,
  • soil's ability to drain water.

The most the best option This will, of course, drain water into the central sewerage system. Unfortunately, this option is only suitable for places with well-developed infrastructure. Therefore, in many cases, when deciding how to make a sewer in a bathhouse, you have to resort to other solutions. An autonomous sewage system, which many country houses are now equipped with, can provide a similar result. The cost of such a system is quite high. Water is drained from the bathhouse using standard sewer networks, which are installed using conventional technology.

Water removal using local drainage is the most common sewage system in a bathhouse. Water is discharged into local drainage wells, which provide cleaning Wastewater. Can be used in soil conditions that absorb moisture well. If the drainage qualities of the surrounding soil are poor, water is discharged into special pits, from which water is simply discharged through laid sewer pipes outside the bathhouse. In this case, all sanitary requirements must be met regarding the distance from the place of water discharge to other buildings.

Installation of internal sewerage in a bathhouse

In a traditional Russian bath, the steam room is usually combined with a washing room. True, modern trends are reaching such a primordially Russian building, so it’s quite common now to find steam rooms with showers or even a swimming pool. Let's consider the installation of bathhouse sewerage for various cases. IN traditional bath Water drainage is necessary only from one room - the steam room. This is done as follows. The flooring is laid with a slope towards one of the walls.

A special gap is left between the wall and the flooring, where the water is drained.

Under the floor, along the entire gap, a special gutter is installed, which previously was usually made of asbestos-cement or steel pipe. The first of them cannot be called healthy, and the second quickly rotted. Nowadays, plastic or other composite pipes that are resistant to corrosion are most often used. The gutter is installed with a slope towards the sewer pipe exiting the building. If it is necessary to drain water from several rooms, it is advisable to install a similar gutter under the partition separating the rooms , this will simplify the installation of the bathhouse sewerage system. A more modern method is to drain water from washing areas through specially constructed drain holes, the so-called drains. They can be mounted on any type floor coverings, the main thing is to correctly plan the slope of the floor so that the water gets into the drain and does not stagnate in the room.

Eliminating sewer smell in a bathhouse

Mistakes that an incompetent sewer installer can make often lead to the appearance of an unpleasant sewer smell in the bathhouse. In order to avoid such a problem, you must follow the following recommendations.

Each water drain point must be equipped with a so-called water seal. Most often it is performed using a drain siphon. It can have different shapes and sizes, but the principle of operation is the same for all models.

Such a device always contains a kind of water plug, which prevents system odors from penetrating into the room. For the same purpose, ventilation of the bath sewer must be provided, in addition, such a system ensures drainage of water without unnecessary noise effects.
Ventilation provides air flow into the sewer system when draining water. If there is no such influx, when water moves through the pipe, a vacuum zone is formed, which leads to the so-called failure of the water seal. At the same time, water from the valve goes into the system, and the smell of sewage begins to enter the room. The easiest way to make such ventilation is from an ordinary 50-mm plastic sewer pipe; it is advisable to lead it to the roof of the building, covering it with a special cap.

Construction of local drainage wells

As already mentioned, very often water is discharged into drainage wells. Therefore, before making a sewer system in a bathhouse, you need to take care of its arrangement.

The area of ​​such a well depends on the volume of drainage, but for a bathhouse it should be at least 1 square meter.

The well is installed at a distance of 4-5 meters from the building, its depth should be at least 1.2-1.5 meters, and should be at least 60-70 cm greater than the freezing depth.

Top part The well and its bottom are covered with a layer of clay, then backfilled with expanded clay, crushed stone or other similar drainage material. Water will be discharged from the bathhouse through sewer pipes into this layer, passing through which the wastewater will be purified and absorbed into the ground.

Connecting the sewerage system to a central or autonomous system

IN modern design sauna drainage system is installed from standard plastic pipes and fashions. When laying external sewer lines, it is necessary to maintain the slope angle to ensure normal operation of the system.

For pipes with a diameter of 50 mm minimum slope should be 0.03, and for 100 mm pipes 0.02 (2 cm per 1 meter).

Do not forget also about the installation of inspection and rotary wells. Typically, the walls of such wells are made of special concrete rings, although it is quite possible to lay them out of stone, brick, or other similar material.

The outside of the well must be waterproofed to prevent sewage from entering the soil. If the sewer line passes through the central system in a straight line, it is necessary to make one inspection well, with installation of an inspection (cleaning) on sewer pipe

Any building that requires the disposal of domestic wastewater requires a sewer system. And, of course, this includes the bathhouse. For its normal, uninterrupted functioning, it is necessary to think through a sewerage plan before construction begins. If the site has a central sewer system, then the waste pipe from the bathhouse can be inserted into the general scheme and this will immediately resolve the issue. But not everyone has such amenities on their site. Then you have to think about where to put the wastewater from the bathhouse?

Many companies offer their services to solve this problem. But not everyone has the financial opportunity to take advantage of their offer. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with in independent ways local devices treatment system for a bath.

Do-it-yourself sewer system for a bathhouse

Exist different kinds sewerage. To choose the most profitable option in terms of all its characteristics, you need to consider a number of conditions:

  • the peculiarity of the soil in the area where the bathhouse will be located;
  • how much the soil freezes in winter;
  • how intensively the bath is supposed to be used.

If the site has sandy soil, then the best option would be to build a drainage well. How to build it?

  1. A hole is dug next to the bathhouse. Its depth and the upper level of wastewater filling the pit must be greater than the freezing level of the soil. This is necessary to prevent wastewater from freezing.
  2. At the bottom of the hole you should lay a layer of clay, then small crushed stone, then a layer of earth and compact everything well. This is necessary so that wastewater does not enter the soil, but passes through this filter and is purified.
  3. Dig a trench from the well to the bathhouse. Its bottom should also be lined with clay. Moreover, the trench should be located with a slope from the bathhouse to the well so that wastewater can move freely into the pit.
  4. For safety reasons, the top of the well can be covered with a lid made from boards. The drainage well should be cleaned periodically to prevent wastewater from overflowing and entering the area.

When building a bathhouse on clay soil, a pit should be built to collect and periodically clean it from sewage.

The pit is a small hole located in the ground under the washing room. Having reached a certain level, the wastewater is discharged from the pit outside the site through a sewer drain pipe. The walls and bottom of the pit must be waterproofed using waterproof non-shrinking cements.

The drain pipe, as when installing a drainage well, should be located with a slope of 1-2 cm per linear meter from the pit to the drainage point. But this type of sewage system is not very practical. Since the pit is located directly under the floor, the smell of sewage will penetrate into the room.

This problem can be solved by constructing a water seal. To do this, the drain pipe is placed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bottom of the pit. A plate is attached to it on top. In the space that is formed between the plate and the bottom, a water seal is formed, which does not allow unpleasant odors to penetrate outside.

You can also equip the pit with a siphon. Then the water accumulated in its bend will trap the smell of sewage. You can supplement this entire structure with ventilation hoods.

When building a large bathhouse and using it frequently, the sewage system should be more solid. A good solution here would be to build a septic tank. It can also be built from scrap materials. For example, two plastic barrels or polyethylene eurocubes.

Of course, installing a septic tank is the most labor-intensive process, but using it does not require cleaning the container from excess wastewater. To build a septic tank for a bathhouse, you need to dig a pit, install 2 plastic barrels in it and connect them together with an overflow pipe.

Place a sewer pipe into the first barrel through which wastewater will flow out of the bathhouse. Place a layer of crushed stone or gravel at the bottom of the container. This is a kind of filter in which excess fats and suspended matter will settle. After that, the cleaner wastewater will flow through the overflow pipe into the second barrel. Their defense will continue there. Gardeners use treated wastewater for irrigation.

When installing any of the above types of sewerage, you should also pay attention to the choice of waste pipe. So, cast iron pipes are too heavy and expensive. Steel ones tend to become rusty, so their use will be short-lived.

The best option is plastic pipes. They are low cost, easy to install and will last for many years. The diameter of the pipes must be taken into account. The smaller it is, the greater the likelihood of blockage. After all, in the washing department, along with wastewater, leaves and twigs from a broom, soap, threads from a washcloth and other objects can end up in the sewer.

Taking into account all the features of building a bathhouse, including the installation of a sewerage system, it will bring a lot of benefits, health and Have a good mood. Enjoy Your Bath!

Owners of private households sometimes face an unpleasant situation when the bathhouse smells like sewage. Experienced plumbers will tell you what to do when such problems arise, and what methods of combating are the most effective.

Chemical compositions

If the causes of sewer odors lie in the accumulation of waste and the proliferation of bacteria inside the drainage system, then it is advisable to use special chemical compositions, cleaning drain parts and removing body fat from the pipe walls.

The following tools cope best with such tasks:

  • Mole.
  • San Clean.
  • Odorgon.
  • Domestos.
  • Chirton "Clean Gutters".
  • Expel Bio.
  • Deboucher Active.
  • Mr. Muscle in granules.

Household folk remedies

Time-tested and user-tested products can also eliminate sewer odors in the bathhouse.

  • For this purpose, ordinary table salt is poured into the pipelines, which should be washed off after a quarter of an hour with plenty of running water.
  • A solution prepared from 1 tbsp will be a worthy replacement for salt. l caustic soda and 500 ml boiling water. The resulting seething mixture is poured into the waste pipe.
  • You can also pour a small amount into the pipe for cleaning. baking soda, then pour in 9% table vinegar, plug the hole and after a quarter of an hour open hot water.


In some cases, the cause of an unpleasant odor in the room is defects in the drainage system and a violation of the integrity of the sewer system.

The problem can also be caused by improper joining of pipe elements. The presence of gurgling noise inside the structure indicates problems with the water seal or vacuum inside the riser.

You also need to make sure that the length, diameter of the water drainage pipes and the level of their slope are correct. All identified defects should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Sewer bath systems, as a rule, include pits, chambos, as well as drainage wells and other elements that defend and purify water, so the failure of even one unit can cause the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Where does the unpleasant smell come from in a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna? The answer to this question is both clear and unexpected. This stove smells along with the stone. It may or may not smell. Why? Expert conclusions. I’ll add a little adjective and put in 5 kopecks about this topic, because I have more than once heard from people who went to the bathhouse with me (including a public one) that they smell an unpleasant odor carbon monoxide. I started with this question so as not to return to it again.

Carbon monoxide has no smell, so you can smell anything but the smell of carbon monoxide.

As a rule, this is due to poor draft into the pipe from the furnace, or, worse, the presence of holes in the structure of the pipe or furnace.

Although this is also doubtful. Even if there are holes directly in the stove, due to the draft force in the chimney, air from the steam room is drawn into these holes, and not pushed out of them. Because in the combustion zone there is a reduced pressure, which sucks in air not only through the blower, but also through these holes.

The situation is more complicated with the unpleasant odor in the steam room of the bath, which appears during steam procedures or at the stage of preparing the bath. It looks like this: before you light the stove there is no smell, but immediately after lighting the smell appears. What reasons?

Why does an unpleasant odor appear in the steam room in the bathhouse?

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. a bad stone, which inside contains inclusions of minerals and salts with the “sulfur” component. It is the cause and will spoil your mood for a long time - until you simply replace the stone in the heater. Loose rocks of self-assembled stone are especially prone to this.
  2. the use of paints and varnishes and finishing materials not intended for high temperatures (their smell is different from others and its nature is immediately clear)
  3. heated air reveals faint odors more strongly (enter the steam room clean...)
  4. the second reason is the most tricky and not always clearly manifested. Symptoms of bad odor look like this:

You purchase, for example, a certified soapstone stone and line your furnace mesh with it on the outside, covering all sides steel furnace. Every week you steam, water the stone with oil solutions and herbal infusions and then you begin to notice. that the unpleasant smell in the bathhouse is intensifying. What's the matter? – you make a claim to the seller of the stone. And he has nothing to do with it. The mode in which you use the stone is very important.

Soapstone is good for use in batch ovens. Those. where the stone is licked by fire directly, and not heated through the sides of a steel firebox. Characteristic soapstone at high temperatures - to form a strong crust on the surface that is resistant to aggressive environments. It is thanks to this that it does not crumble and can withstand many cycles of fire exposure.

When the stone is placed outside the firebox, the heating temperature of the stone is unlikely to exceed 300 degrees and a protective crust will not form. The stone absorbs moisture well with low evaporation. And water contains tiny particles of herbs and roots, berries and other organic matter, which I saturate solutions and infusions with. A weakly heated stone and particles of its dust absorb this organic matter. So it provokes an unpleasant odor the next time the stones are heated. When particles of biomass fall on the hot metal of the bottom of the furnace at a high temperature, they begin to burn, smolder and emit an odor.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to have a very high temperature of the stone so that these particles do not have time to absorb or settle during evaporation, or to use exclusively oils that provide completely transparent solutions for bath procedures.

As you can see, the presence of a certified and “correct” stone does not always save you from an unpleasant odor in the steam room and bathhouse.

Pay attention to the flowability of your stone. When exposed to heat, stone dust is released and scattered - this is the first sign that an unpleasant odor may soon appear. But if you are not lazy and move the stone once every six months, this dust can be removed from the bottom of the heater’s firebox.

Protection against unpleasant odors in the bathhouse

In a way, I also use this preventive method of protecting the stone from precipitation of plant residues - a thick canvas bag in which I infuse herbs. The water has color, but the remains of chamomile, mint and other herbs do not float in it, which crumble and sometimes turn into dust.

This is how I prevent an unpleasant odor from appearing in the steam room in a bathhouse or sauna. Hope. These simple tips will help you get only the most pleasant sensations from steam and bath procedures. I try to scent the steam room by laying out brooms and branches of herbs directly on the shelves. Enjoy your bath, friends!

Other causes of bad smell from sauna stove

  • remnants of unfired factory paint
  • factory lubricant inside pipes
  • not completely removed and burning protective film from scratches from stoves with a stainless convector
  • use of mineral and stone wool to seal chimney junctions instead of asbestos and other cords
  • poor-quality filling of sandwich chimneys
  • smoldering broom leaves fallen between the heater stones
  • presence of mold under the steam room upholstery and poor drying

Secret life hacks for bath attendants: in stoves with steam generators, place stones on the sides of the firebox walls in the form of plates so that dust from them does not fall into the gutters. removing it from there is very difficult and you need to disassemble the convector.

Video about the first firing of the kiln before operation

Sewerage in a bathhouse - how to do it right? How to eliminate odor in a bathhouse from a drain hole

Question about sewerage in the bathhouse? | Page 2

Xolod423 said:

Besides smell, does communication with the atmosphere have any other function?!

Click to expand...

Unpleasant smell Sometimes it appears from the sewer in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen due to various reasons. Unfortunately, it is not possible to single out any one of them. Often, only by checking and eliminating several possible sources smell, you can achieve results.

  • Hydraulic seal as the cause of odor A hydraulic seal or, simply, a siphon is a specially curved pipe or device filled with liquid, designed to separate two adjacent gas environments in this way, while preventing their mixing. That is, siphons are precisely designed to prevent penetration of an unpleasant odor into the living space. And if nothing interferes with the water seal, then it copes with the task. However, due to pressure differences in the sewerage system relative to the room, all the difficulties arise:
  • if the pressure in the system after the siphon exceeds atmospheric pressure, then air from the sewer system, sometimes almost imperceptibly - in the form of small bubbles, and sometimes with a large and loud splash, will penetrate into the room along with an unpleasant odor;
if the wastewater moving through the pipe completely fills its cross-section, then the siphon will be emptied under the influence of rarefaction (vacuum), thereby establishing free access of gases from the sewer into the room.
  • How to get rid of the smell from the sewer in this case. So:
  • Sewer pipes of the maximum (within reasonable limits) diameter should be laid, because the smaller the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, the higher the likelihood of it being blocked by drains and, accordingly, the occurrence of vacuum.
Sewage ventilation in a private house is represented by pipes that are connected to the sewer network and are needed to ensure an air flow for the constant pressure system and to ensure that household waste is removed silently. In the event that there is no ventilation, air rarefaction occurs at the moment when wastewater is drained.

Why is this happening? To understand this, you need to imagine how liquid is drained from a container with a hose that is inserted from above, for example, like in a car gas tank. In order for the liquid to flow, you need to make a suction from the hose and the gasoline flows out.

The same thing is observed both in autonomous and urban centralized sewers, when wastewater is drained. A plug forms in the sewer, which, moving down, thins the air. As a result, water is sucked from the siphons.

That is why ventilation is necessary to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. It is also worth noting the fact that if the house has a local sewage system, then without ventilation it will not work at all.

device and installation of the system, how to do it yourself?

A real Russian bathhouse has long been a full-fledged symbol, along with bears and vodka. The time when it was used only for its direct sanitary purpose has passed. Today, the bathhouse is a place of relaxation, communication with friends, which is accompanied not only by washing and wellness procedures, but by various cultural events. If earlier the sewage system in the bathhouse was arranged at the most primitive level, now, in order to create comfortable conditions, it is necessary to approach this issue more carefully.

There are several ways to drain water from a bath, the choice of which depends on:

  • availability of sewer networks,
  • soil's ability to drain water.

Water drainage methods Water removal using local drainage is the most common sewage system in a bathhouse. Water is discharged into local drainage wells, which provide wastewater treatment. Can be used in soil conditions that absorb moisture well. If the drainage qualities of the surrounding soil are poor, water is discharged into special pits, from which the water is simply discharged outside the bathhouse through laid sewer pipes. In this case, all sanitary requirements must be met regarding the distance from the place of water discharge to other buildings.

Installation of internal sewerage in a bathhouse

In a traditional Russian bath, the steam room is usually combined with a washing room. True, modern trends are reaching such a primordially Russian building, so it’s quite common now to find steam rooms with showers or even a swimming pool. Let's consider the installation of bathhouse sewerage for various cases. In a traditional bathhouse, water drainage is necessary only from one room - the steam room. This is done as follows. The flooring is laid with a slope towards one of the walls.

A special gap is left between the wall and the flooring, where the water is drained.

Under the floor, along the entire gap, a special gutter is installed, which previously was usually made of asbestos-cement or steel pipe. The first of them cannot be called healthy, and the second quickly rotted. Nowadays, plastic or other composite pipes that are resistant to corrosion are most often used. The gutter is installed with a slope towards the sewer pipe exiting the building. If it is necessary to drain water from several rooms, it is advisable to install such a gutter under the partition separating the rooms, this will simplify the installation of the bathhouse sewage system. A more modern method is to drain water from washing areas through specially constructed drain holes, the so-called drains. They can be installed on any type of floor covering; the main thing is to correctly plan the slope of the floor so that water gets into the drain and does not stagnate in the room.

Eliminating sewer smell in a bathhouse

Mistakes that an incompetent sewer installer can make often lead to the appearance of an unpleasant sewer smell in the bathhouse. In order to avoid such a problem, you must follow the following recommendations.

Each water drain point must be equipped with a so-called water seal. Most often it is performed using a drain siphon. It can have different shapes and sizes, but the principle of operation is the same for all models.

In such a device there is always a kind of water plug that prevents the penetration of system odors into the room. For the same purpose, ventilation of the bath sewer must be provided, in addition, such a system ensures the drainage of water without unnecessary noise effects. Ventilation ensures the flow of air into the sewerage system during drainage water. If there is no such influx, when water moves through the pipe, a vacuum zone is formed, which leads to the so-called failure of the water seal. At the same time, water from the valve goes into the system, and the smell of sewage begins to enter the room. The easiest way to make such ventilation is from an ordinary 50-mm plastic sewer pipe; it is advisable to lead it to the roof of the building, covering it with a special cap.

Construction of local drainage wells

As already mentioned, very often water is discharged into drainage wells. Therefore, before making a sewer system in a bathhouse, you need to take care of its arrangement.

The area of ​​such a well depends on the volume of drainage, but for a bathhouse it must be at least 1 square meter.

The well is installed at a distance of 4-5 meters from the building, its depth should be at least 1.2-1.5 meters, and should be at least 60-70 cm greater than the freezing depth.

The upper part of the well and its bottom are covered with a layer of clay, then backfilled with expanded clay, crushed stone or other similar drainage material. Water will be discharged from the bathhouse through sewer pipes into this layer, passing through which the wastewater will be purified and absorbed into the ground.

Connecting the sewerage system to a central or autonomous system

In a modern design, the sauna drainage system is installed from standard plastic pipes and fittings. When laying external sewer lines, it is necessary to maintain the slope angle to ensure normal operation of the system.

For pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, the minimum slope should be 0.03, and for 100 mm pipes 0.02 (2 cm per 1 meter).

Do not forget also about the installation of inspection and rotary wells. Typically, the walls of such wells are made of special concrete rings, although it is quite possible to lay them out of stone, brick, or other similar material.

The outside of the well must be waterproofed to prevent sewage from entering the soil. In the case of a sewer line passing through a straight line before inserting into the central system, it is necessary to make one inspection well, with the installation of an inspection (cleaning) on ​​the sewer pipe. This is necessary to clean the system in emergency situations.

Sewerage in a bathhouse can be done with your own hands if you have even a little construction experience, and there is a real opportunity to save money on these, in principle, simple works, for which most contractors will charge a considerable amount. Self-installation sewerage in a bathhouse, especially a small one, provides a wide field for gaining experience in such work. And since in many cases the bathhouse is the first building on the site, you can consider it a training, construction site for laying sewer networks.

Bath drain

Before starting construction of a bathhouse, it is necessary to carefully consider the water drainage system. It is important to design the sewerage system in accordance with building rules and regulations. Installing a drain structure helps prevent the appearance of fungus and rotting of materials. It also helps eliminate unpleasant odors. Before draining the bathhouse, you need to calculate everything in advance and familiarize yourself with the rules for creating a sewerage system.

A real Russian bathhouse has long been a full-fledged symbol, along with bears and vodka. The time when it was used only for its direct sanitary purpose has passed. Today, the bathhouse is a place of relaxation, communication with friends, which is accompanied not only by washing and wellness procedures, but by various cultural events. If earlier the sewage system in the bathhouse was arranged at the most primitive level, now, in order to create comfortable conditions, it is necessary to approach this issue more carefully.

There are several methods for draining water, each of which can be used for any similar structure. But in order for water removal to occur more efficiently, it is necessary to choose the most suitable option:

Installation of a drain pipe

The efficiency of water drainage largely depends on proper installed pipe. The pipe is laid at the stage of creating the foundation for the structure, since after completion of construction this will be problematic. The drainage hole is usually dug at a distance of about 5 meters from the bathhouse. The depth of the pit and its width depend only on the number of people who will use the structure at the same time.

The edges of the created pit are protected from collapse with the help of reinforced concrete rings. To install the pipe from the bathhouse towards the well, a trench with a slope is laid. After this, the pipe is laid on a sand bed.

Important! The drain pipe must ensure unhindered passage of water throughout its entire length.

Creating a drain well

When creating a bathhouse, it is recommended to make a well below the freezing point of the soil. Drainage is made at the bottom, for which expanded clay is used. When laying a pipe to a well, it must be insulated. If this is not done, the wastewater will freeze at sub-zero temperatures.

When choosing pipes, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for such products:

  • they must have a diameter of at least 50 mm;
  • asbestos-cement and cast iron pipes are more reliable;
  • hardware cannot be used as rust appears on them;
  • the most common are PVC pipes, as they are quite durable and have a low cost;
  • After connecting the pipes, the joints are connected with a compound that allows them to be sealed.

It is worth remembering that a sewer well has one significant drawback - some time after the start of using the water drainage system, the soil becomes clogged with soapy water and it begins to accumulate in the well. After this, cleaning must be done. The best option– tap drainpipe into the sewer network, which is located nearby.

Floor installation

As a rule, when creating a water drainage system in a bathhouse, a concrete floor with a drain hole is created. After this, it is covered with tiles or wood. To prevent the hole from becoming clogged, a mesh is installed on it. Typically, floor insulation is not required. This is due to the fact that as air temperature rises finishing material warms up quite well.

If the tiles heat up too much during use and become hot, wooden grates must be used. Such products can be dried after each use of the room so that the wood does not begin to deteriorate.

Septic cleaning method

Since the system needs to be cleaned periodically, the most practical method is to use the septic method. Cleaning is carried out in several stages:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. At this stage, wastewater is purified from lime and other impurities.
  2. Filtration and biological treatment. It involves the use of septic tanks.

Local septic tanks are installed for a group of plots. If a water purification system is installed for one area, autonomous septic tanks are used. To prevent unexpected blockages, it is necessary to make an inspection well at a distance of about 5 meters from the bathhouse.

Standard drain pit

Creating a drainage pit is the easiest way to drain and dispose of water. A pit is created a few meters from the bathhouse, the walls of which are lined with bricks or reinforced with cement. The disadvantage of this drainage method is that if there is a slope in the soil, the water from the pit will flow to lower areas. When the pit is filled, it must be cleaned.

It follows from this that the place to create the pit must be chosen in such a way that a sewer truck can drive up to it. It is worth remembering that periodic cleaning of the pit will entail additional costs.

Leaking wooden floor

The most simple option To create a drain in a bathhouse is to install a pourable wooden floor. It is created from inexpensive materials, which significantly reduces the cost of creating a bathhouse. When choosing this option, the boards are laid so that the distance between them is at least 5 mm. Thanks to this, water quickly flows to the ground and leaves through the ground or through the drainage system. The installation of a drainage system is not required only if the soil does not interfere with the rapid drainage of water. In this case, the foundation for a bathhouse with a drain is made of a strip.

Depending on the type of foundation, you can choose several types of crawl space under a leaking floor. This is necessary in regions with clay, loam and other types of soil that do not allow water to pass through. In this case, a pit is created in which a system designed to remove wastewater is located.

If the soil is sandy, it is enough to dig a hole about 400 mm deep and fill it with a mixture of sand and crushed stone to a height of about 250 mm. Thanks to this, the water is purified and removed through the soil.

Important! The distance between the created sand cushion and the logs should be more than 100 mm.

Creating a pouring floor

When creating a poured floor, the boards are not fixed to the joists, but are nailed to additional bars. This allows you to take out the flooring to dry after using the bathhouse.

Important! The foundation for the stove in the bathhouse is created only after the floor joists are installed. This is necessary to accurately determine the floor height.

Before creating a floor, there are some points to consider:

  • the drain hole must be prepared before the floor is created;
  • the distance between the boards must be at least 5 m, otherwise when the wood swells, some of the cracks may overlap;
  • support posts for logs must be waterproofed with a double layer, since one layer is not enough to protect them.

The support columns are made of brick. They are installed on a concrete or sand pad. The distance between them should be about 1 meter. After installation, the columns are plastered, and roofing material is laid between them. If the soil is sandy, this material is not laid, since all the water will immediately go into the hole.

The lags are secured to the posts using metal channels, which are then covered with bitumen. This is necessary in order to protect them from corrosion. Logs are usually made from larch, since this material is less susceptible to moisture. Before installation, the logs are coated with protective compounds.

To create a leaky floor, a 40 mm thick board is usually used. It is worth remembering that pine boards are not suitable for creating floors, since this wood is resinous. After preparing the boards, they are either attached to the logs or connected to the bars, which will then be laid on the supports.

How to make a sewer in a bathhouse

One of the issues that owners face country house when building a bathhouse, is: how to make a sewer system in a bathhouse. The fact is that solving the question of how to install a sewer system in a bathhouse is one of the most important, ensuring, with proper installation of the system, the normal functioning of the entire bathhouse complex.

In order for the sewerage system to function normally, all design parameters must be carefully calculated. To know how to properly install a sewer system in a bathhouse, you should study in detail the basics of installing various sewer systems, think through the design of the system and install it correctly, in accordance with the developed drawing.

In order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor when using a wastewater disposal system, you need to study the question of how to make the sewage system in a bathhouse odorless. Most often, a sealed septic tank is used for this purpose, or the wastewater collection system is connected to a centralized wastewater disposal system.

Types of wastewater collection systems

To know how to properly make a sewer system in a bathhouse, you need to study all types of modern waste systems. At the moment, several sewage systems can be used to equip a bath complex.

The main systems among them are the following:

A gravity system is a system that operates on the principle of gravity. Wastewater is transported without pumping liquid into a septic tank and drainage well using special devices, where the wastewater is settled and cleaned, after which the water is discharged into the ground. For normal operation of such a system, a drain pipeline slope of at least 2 cm per 1 m of pipe is required. This wastewater disposal system is the cheapest.

A pressure wastewater collection system is a system for transporting waste water, the design of which uses special pumps that pump wastewater and redirect it to the wastewater discharge system, and then to a drainage or septic tank. Discharge of wastewater after treatment is carried out using a forced method. This system is used when the ground water level rises.

The complex's discharge system, as part of a centralized wastewater collection system, represents the most optimal option for arranging a wastewater disposal system. The use of such a sewer allows you to eliminate the installation of treatment facilities during its installation. The disadvantage of such a system is the need to obtain permission to connect to the centralized system.

Construction of a drainage sewer system

If a bathhouse complex is being built for the use of a small number of people, a good option for creating a sewerage system would be to create a drainage-type sewerage system.

The construction of such a system can be carried out independently on your own. During the construction process you need to adhere to certain building codes and rules.

For correct installation It is required to dig a drainage well in a pre-selected place near the bathhouse complex. The size of the well on the surface of the earth should be 100x100 cm. The volume of the prepared well depends on the number of users of the bath complex using it at the same time. When preparing a drainage hole, the depth of freezing of the ground should be taken into account. This figure in mid-latitudes is about 70 cm. At this level of freezing of the soil layer, the drainage hole should be dug to a depth of 1.5 m.

After the drainage pit has been prepared, the soil located around the foundation base, the bottom of the drainage ditch and the bottom of the pit are compacted with a clay composition. The thickness of the clay layer must be at least 10 cm. The clay at the bottom of the trench must be laid and compacted in the form of a tray and at an angle in the direction of the drainage hole. This is required so that water does not seep into the thickness of the soil layer and pollute it. In addition, the presence of a slope will prevent the foundation from being undermined.

After laying the clay layer at the bottom, the well is covered with a layer of gravel or crushed stone, which acts as drainage and must have a thickness of at least 50 cm. After the drainage field is constructed, the well is filled with earth and compacted. When using the drainage method of wastewater disposal, you will need a septic tank to clean it.

In order for the drainage system to function correctly, it is extremely important to comply with all requirements during its manufacture. technological processes. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in sauna wastewater accumulating under the flooring and increasing the level of dampness in the sauna. In winter, these drains will freeze, disrupting the normal operation of the sewerage system. An increase in humidity in the premises will contribute to the rotting of the material used in the finishing process.

Arranging a drainage gutter

Before making a well-functioning sewer system in a bathhouse complex, you should remember that the flooring of the bathhouse should have a slight slope directed in the direction of the sewer grate. A gutter is installed under the floor grate to receive waste, which is a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and above. Pipes can be used from asbestos, cast iron, concrete, ceramics or galvanized iron. It is not recommended to use steel products, as this material quickly becomes unusable under the influence of corrosion processes.

Water entering the gutter is quickly drained through it into the sewer system or drainage well.

Sewerage in the steam room can be arranged differently. For this purpose, the floor in the bathhouse is arranged with small gaps between the boards; in this case, a pit with concrete walls is installed in the underground to collect wastewater. To prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer system into the premises of the bath complex, a movable metal plate is installed in the pit, which prevents the penetration of odors. When arranging a toilet in the bathhouse premises in the system autonomous sewerage It is mandatory to have a septic tank designed for wastewater disinfection.

Arrangement of an inspection well for the bathhouse sewer system

In the process of arranging and laying a sewerage system for a bathhouse complex, the construction of an inspection well is required if the length of the sewerage pipeline is more than 10 m. Inspection wells are also installed in places where height differences occur and in places where the sewage transportation system turns.

These structural elements are required in order to inspect and clean pipelines if necessary.

The distances between inspection wells are regulated by special construction regulations and depend on the diameter of the pipes used in the installation of the sewer pipeline.

When installing a sewerage system for a bathhouse complex, pipes with a diameter of less than 155 mm are used, which makes it possible to install inspection wells at a distance of 35 m from each other.

To install wells, concrete and plastic rings are used, through which the pipeline is passed. During the installation process, it is better to use rings made of concrete, as they more reliably protect vulnerable areas of the sewer pipeline. Installation of rings involves making holes for pipes in the concrete body. The prepared rings are lowered into special holes dug along the pipeline route. Pipes are inserted into the holes of the rings so that the joints between them are inside the ring. The joints between rings and pipes, as well as between individual pipes, are sealed using special sealing compounds.

The space around the installed ring is sprinkled with a dry mixture consisting of sand and cement in a 1:1 ratio.

In some cases, when arranging the system, it is possible to use ready-made inspection wells, which are made of plastic. The advantage of such components of the sauna complex sewerage system is ease of installation and low weight of the product. These system components are equipped with special pipes for connecting pipelines and sealing joints.

To collect sewage, you can make drain hole, consisting of waste car tires. In order to correctly manufacture this element of the sewer system, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the videos and photos located on the pages of specialized thematic resources that are devoted to the topic of organizing sewer systems.

Properly made sewer system will allow you to operate the bath complex for a long time without thinking about the need for repair work.

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