
10 tarot coins meaning in relationships. In combination with the suit of Wands. Ten of Pentacles upright


Ten Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - take a child from orphanage.
With the “Mag” card - business contacts.
With the “High Priestess” card - a family archive.
With the “Empress” card - a heraldic tree; waiting for a new addition to the family.
With the “Emperor” card - a family clan; family business.
With the “Hierophant” card - parish.
With the “Lovers” card - creating a family.
With the Chariot card - confusion in the house; moving.
With the “Strength” card - show tolerance in the family.
With the Hermit card - a scam; leaving home.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - changes in the house.
With the “Justice” card - equal relationships in the family.
With the Hanged Man card there are family fetters.
With the “Death” card - inevitable changes in the house.
With the “Moderation” card - adapt to each other in the house.
With the “Devil” card - a vicious family.
With the “Tower” card - destruction of home, family; divorce; loss.
With the “Star” card there is hope for improvement in the family.
With the Moon card - deception in the house; rival; relationships based on deception and mistrust.
With the “Sun” card - an addition to the family.
With the “Court” card - family help.
With the “Peace” card - a happy return to the bosom of the family; creating a family.

From other sources:
V.Sklyarova " Great book combinations".

Ten denarii (pentacles, coins) in upright position with the Major Arcana

Mag pr and per - The need for protection (apartment, person, company, etc.)
Priestess - Overcoming material temptations
Empress - House - full cup
Emperor - Gift for a lady - apartment, mansion, limousine
Priest - Lucky Chance
Lovers - Fullness of life, choosing the path of abundance
Chariot - The desire for permissiveness, crazy spending
Justice - Discoveries that expand your horizons
Hermit pr and per - Oblivion of the soul, joy of the flesh
Wheel of Fortune - Growing bank account, capital growth
Strength - Monogamous, attempts to captivate are unsuccessful
Hanged Man - Success, luck, money
Death - Death on a trip, far from home
Moderation - Happiness in the family
Devil - Opportunity Denied
Tower - Uncertainty about who is causing harm, analysis needed
Star - Hopes will not come true soon, especially for material things / Hope for enrichment is in vain
Luna - Paid clinic, the operation will be successful
Sun - Income. Discoveries, expansion of horizons
Court - Abundance, wealth, rich parents
World - Success in Management
Jester - Money falling on the client

Ten denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with Minor Arcana

5 of Wands - Possibly treasure

Ten of denarii (pentacles, coins) inverted with the Major Arcana

Wheel of Fortune - Difficulties with income

Description: old man sits in an expensive robe in the castle, next to him are hounds, and his heirs stand in front of him.

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:
1. a person who has found peace;
2. wisdom;
3. success after a long business;
4. good relationships between parents and children;
5. family stability;
6. prosperity of personal affairs;
7. wealth, success;
8. wonderful period of love;
9. hereditary abilities;
10. marriage of convenience;
11. good family health;
12. family help;
13. house;
14. emotional calm.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:
1. a very long path to success;
2. something interferes with a good relationship between parents and children;
3. family troubles;
4. loss of honor or prestige;
5. financial losses;
6. lack of motivation;
7. illness of one of the parents;
8. problems with pension or inheritance;
9. marriage of convenience;
10. happy or unfortunate event;
11. weakness of family ties;
12. risk;
13. death.

A gray-haired man in a beautiful robe sits in the garden near the castle; he watches the lovers who do not notice him. Ten denarii are placed on the card as decoration.

This is a man who has finally found peace. He understands what young people do not yet understand: life is just a game. It can be won or lost, but it doesn't really matter. Only the wise are able to abandon the game and return to themselves, to their true home. However, wisdom comes only with age.

In the scenario - the success of the planned business, although the path to success is long and difficult, and a feeling of peace and happiness after its completion. Good relationship between parents and children.

Inverted - also success, but the path to it may be so long that the questioner himself will not see it. Whether to take up the matter in such a situation is up to him to decide for himself. Good relationships between parents and children are possible, but until they are realized, something gets in the way.

In the Aquarius Tarot, the Nine and Ten Denarii should be swapped according to their meaning.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: Two dogs are located at the feet of the seated patriarch. On the nearby arch is his coat of arms. Nearby, two other family members - a young man and a woman - are chatting animatedly with each other. This scene demonstrates clan, or family, cohesion based on long-standing tradition. The ten pentacles are added to the medieval family setting and are arranged according to the spheres of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Element: Earth.

EXPLANATION: In a sense, this card symbolizes material prosperity, prestige and family stability. Having pulled it out, you can be confident in the prosperity and security of your personal affairs, and also enjoy the newfound recognition of your merits in your chosen field of activity. However, the presence of this Ten of Pentacles in the form of the Tree of Life reminds us that we are members not only of individual families, but also of a community of spiritual seekers. It is important that in our daily lives we strive not only for material well-being and prosperity, but also for spiritual self-realization. The Ten of Pentacles shows that lasting prosperity is based on spiritual wisdom and understanding.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: Family troubles. Loss of honor or prestige.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: Having achieved success in the material plane, one must strive for higher spiritual spheres. This card represents the culmination of our current worldly existence and the entry into new realms of spiritual consciousness.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step by step guide on studying")

Ten Denarii denotes a period of wealth, stability, fullness of life and confidence in the future. At the same time, wealth and completeness can manifest themselves both on the external and internal plane. However, to achieve inner fullness, you need to keep your eyes open all the time. Thus, the card warns that in the midst of business troubles and diligence one should not forget about spiritual and everyday matters. Behind everyday life, which at first glance is so gray, you need to be able to see the miracles that it conceals within itself.

JOB: Advice to take a closer look at your current and already a little boring work in order to discover something new and interesting for yourself in it. This can enrich our experience. This card speaks of the stability of our position at work, about interesting tasks, a good salary, about successful deals, about success both in material affairs and in spiritual development.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Wealth of thoughts. The flow of thoughts and the discoveries associated with it expand our horizons. Individual, long-known facts finally add up, like a mosaic, into a coherent picture, becoming the basis for our further actions. Now we realize how much wealth we have.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Here, this card foreshadows a wonderful period during which the smallest details of our relationship with our partner begin to sparkle with new amazing facets. This is where our inner wealth begins to play a key role: we notice the slightest manifestations of attention and self-love that were previously lost behind the veil of habit or vanity everyday life.

Tens in Tarot

Number " ten” is associated with the Wheel of Fortune, the planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio and the eighth house. Pluto is the planet of death, birth and transformation; in the cycle, a period of growth and decline is replaced by a new period of growth. Like the Wheel of Fortune in the Major Arcana, Pluto speaks of big changes that fate is preparing.

Ten of Pentacles upright

Key words and phrases: Strong family ties. Traditions. Comfort. Money. Well-being. Financial stability. Success. Safety. Stability of life. Insurance. Production. Responsibility. Financial assistance. Sound advice. Accumulation of wealth. Family matters. Connection of generations. Family tree. Prosperity. Salary increase. Strong financial position. Cozy home. Happiness. Own. Large purchases or financial transactions. Good investment. Taking care of parents. Family well-being. Inheritance. Pension. Crossing the line. Hereditary abilities. Trust. Confession. Reputation. Start family life. Commitment to a traditional way of life. Family celebration such as a wedding or christening. Marriage of convenience. Arranged marriage. Corporations. Big business. Government service.

Situation and advice: The Ten of Pentacles depicts representatives of several generations located next to a cozy and reliable home. This is a positive card that indicates financial stability, inheritance, profitable investments, transmission of family traditions, serious changes in life, a successful real estate transaction, the health of all family members, solid foundation family life. The work is going well, and a salary increase is possible in the near future. A parent, close friend, or family friend will help you. Cash receipts in the form of an inheritance or pension are possible. It is likely that marriage and the beginning of family life will occur. It is possible that the upcoming marriage is dictated by family requirements, monetary or business considerations. You want to pass on your family values, everything that you have accumulated and learned in this life, to the next generation. Perhaps you will work in a large corporation or in the government service.

People: Family members. Dynasty. Wealthy people.

Ten of Pentacles reversed

Ten of Pentacles reversed: Financial losses. Quarreling. Disapproval of family members. Problems with money. Unstable financial situation in the family. Lack of motivation. Concerns about older family members. Illness of one of the parents. Heavy burden of wealth. Problems with inheritance. Family quarrels over money. Home problems. Possible litigation. Death in the family. Problems with large corporations or government. Unreasonable financial speculation. Financial restructuring.

Situation and advice: You may feel that your stability is under threat. Now is not the time to take financial risks. You will have the opportunity to increase your income and gain job satisfaction. Perhaps ka something At some point, the money situation will be tense and you will have to partly reconsider your financial affairs. You may even have to sell some shares, home or property to make ends meet. Perhaps you are concerned about the health or condition of one of your parents or one of the older members of your family. If one of your parents is sick, medical intervention is necessary.

During this period, you bear the burden of responsibility for your loved ones. Problems may arise with registering a pension or inheritance. Quarrels with relatives may arise over inheritance. You may be irritated by your family's demands regarding marriage or choosing a partner: it seems that you are being rushed into an arranged marriage. Unreasonable financial speculation will lead to losses. Problems may arise if you need to contact corporations or government officials. Sometimes, falling upside down, the Ten of Pentacles can mean a complete collapse of material and any other well-being on the essence of the question asked.

People: Busy with solving family problems. People who have financial problems.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Ten of Pentacles lasso

The meaning of the ten of pentacles in the upright position:

  • Home, Household, Saving, Saving.
  • Dwelling, Dwelling, Residence, Landed House, Apartment, Regiment, Building, Ship, Vessel.
  • Archive, Castle, Hut.
  • Family, Extraction, Race, Offspring.
  • Entrance, Cave, Nativity scene.

Other meanings of the tarot ten of pentacles in the upright position:

  • health, wealth, prosperity, secure position
  • prosperity, close ties, inheritance
  • financial well-being, abundance in the home, family history, family nest

Material prosperity and emotional peace most strongly characterize the Ten of Pentacles Tarot in the correct orientation. In this case, the card speaks of the reliability, first of all, of family and friendly ties. Probably, the basis for the current prosperity of the Client was laid by previous generations of the family, and perhaps the Client has received or will soon receive an inheritance. Commitment to these connections is expressed in fruitful mutual assistance, both with advice and money.

The Ten of Pentacles tarot card speaks of a strong position in the family and in business. Confidence and reliability, profit and honors. Attention to the family. With a strong position in business, there is time for personal life. Inheritance, gifts, pension, wealth.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Lot, Happiness, Game, Chance, Chance (luck), Ignorance, Fate, Fate, Destination, Fatality.
  • The case is happy or unlucky.

Other meanings of the reversed ten of pentacles tarot:

  • family quarrels, financial difficulties
  • loss, disaster, family instability
  • the need to refrain from risky financial transactions

The inverted ten of pentacles tarot card, in contrast to the correct one, speaks not of strength, but of the weakness of family ties. Family members or close friends impose restrictions and responsibilities on the Client (often unknowingly), and sometimes cause financial disagreements and problems.

The Ten of Pentacles reversed means risk, uncertainty, loss. Possible death. Robbery, loss, damage. Don't rely on luck, it's fickle.

Inner meaning

The prediction described by the step back Nine of Pentacles is coming true. You have taken a strong position both in the family and in business; what you worked for is in your hands. The ten of pentacles tarot card describes the well-deserved feeling of confidence of the Questioner and promises worthy honors. The Ten of Pentacles also speaks of the possibility of receiving an inheritance.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov "The ABC of Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis “Tarot is simple and clear”

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In the classic Rider-White deck, the ten of coins shows a family idyll. This family is represented by three generations of people who live happily among themselves. These are very respected people, they are surrounded by material wealth, they have a strong, reliable home, and have a family coat of arms.

The colors that represent the lasso of ten pentacles are bright and rich. Yellow, orange, red and green shades symbolize the joy of life. The dogs shown in the picture act as a symbol of loyalty and devotion to the family.

The Tarot of the Age of Aquarius shows in the image of the lasso 10 coins of a wise man who sits on a throne. He looks at his house. Next to the old man are picture frames with which he will decorate his home. It becomes clear that he is a master of his craft who has achieved perfection in it.

The inner meaning of the lasso

Let's consider the inner meaning of the 10 Pentacles Tarot Arcana. The sacred meaning is better reflected by White’s classic deck. In the picture, all three generations of the family interact perfectly with each other. This is a rich family that knows how to take care of what they have acquired, passes on benefits from generation to generation, and honors their home and loved ones.

The symbol of financial independence here are the coins that are scattered throughout the picture. The young family is comfortable in each other's company. They have achieved a lot and can be alone without being overwhelmed by work. The couple relies on the strength of the family.

The eldest member of the family is also at peace. He had to work hard to achieve a respected position in society and now he can rest.

However, he is driven by the understanding that the family will go further and it is necessary to pass on knowledge and experience. He is talking about something with the boy, who in time will inherit the family wealth and position.

The coat of arms on the lasso once again emphasizes that the family has not only material wealth, but also authority in society.

Everything acquired must be inherited and remain in the family, otherwise all the work of the eldest family member was in vain.

Direct position of the card in layouts

The Ten of Pentacles of the Tarot symbolizes a strong financial position and prosperity. The lasso shows that the person worked hard for a long period of time. He saved, denied himself to achieve his goal and now enjoys the results of his work.

The lasso testifies not only to material wealth, but also to the high level of spirituality of the fortuneteller. A dozen coins promises the favor of good luck in any area of ​​life, without denying possible difficulties. She says that the fortuneteller will be able to overcome obstacles and reach the goal.

On the one hand, the card symbolizes the peak of opportunity, on the other hand, it warns that you will need to look for motivation and a new goal to move forward. The card speaks not just of wealth, but of family prosperity, showing what can be passed on by inheritance, for example, a family business that will pass on to the next generation.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the lasso loses its positive meaning and becomes negative. It indicates that a person does not use the opportunities given to him, time is wasted, chances are missed.

Unjustified risks, financial adventures, big losses. For layouts for specific situations, the 10 of Pentacles warns not to enter into contracts, refrain from financial investments and large purchases. But this is not the only interpretation.

The card may indicate a lack of support from loved ones, conflict within the family due to financial issues, disrespect of a person for his family and clan. Another inverted ten coins indicates that the fortuneteller is not ready to start a family or get married.

Personal Description

Ten denarii shows a person who has developed self-esteem and self-confidence. As a rule, such a person was born into a wealthy family and this gives him a sense of financial security. He is well-mannered, intelligent, even aristocratic.

Such a person has a sense of style, understands art, is educated, and is not so easily knocked down by troubles. He has developed self-control, his sense of dignity does not allow him to make trouble and throw away his emotions.

He loves money, beautiful things, but pathos is alien to him. He would rather spend time looking at paintings than at a social party. He knows how to think deeply and is ready to help close people.

In an inverted position, the lasso shows a person who likes to go against generally accepted rules. Although he is given many opportunities to earn and increase capital, he prefers to “waste” money. His conflict leads to alienation within the family. Adventurism can ruin his life.

Love, relationships, marriage

In the upright position, the 10 of Pentacles shows a strong love relationship in which the partners are happy with each other. They enjoy not only financial success, but also each other's company and the time they spend together. In such a family, family traditions and foundations are respected.

Its members are provided with material benefits for their children and grandchildren and can help each other if necessary. For a single man, the Ten of Pentacles tarot card portends entry into a rich and wealthy family. There will not be one cold calculation in this relationship.

Both will love each other. For women, the appearance of a lasso in a reading promises a long-awaited prince. Most often, both partners are equal with respect to their financial position in society.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, ten denarii speaks of discord and conflict in the home. There is a tense atmosphere in the family, anger and hatred between spouses or parents and children. There is no place for family and traditions here.

Each family member lives alone without the support of brothers, sisters, or parents. If the alignment is made for a specific person, it means that within his family he feels like an outcast and harbors a grudge against his parents or relatives.

The fortuneteller would like to be born into a wealthier family and hates his “low” origin and position in society.

Finance and career direct position

A prosperous business, wealth, professionalism, a person enjoys authority among colleagues and management, receives a high wages. Indicates receipt of a bonus.

In an inverted position, the lasso says that the fortuneteller is incorrectly distributing income, participating in an unprofitable project, and risking money in vain. Sometimes it shows that the help he was counting on was not provided.


For health readings, the 10 coins card shows that the person is in excellent condition and is thriving. In an inverted position - warns of hereditary diseases or a tendency to them.

Combinations with other tarot arcana

Let's consider how the 10 of pentacles of the tarot behaves in combination with other arcana of the deck

10 coins+ Interpretation
Mage Conclusion of business contracts
Lovers Marriage
Chariot Trouble, fuss, moving
Strength Patience will be required in relationships with loved ones
Hermit Breakup, divorce
Death The inevitability of changes in the home
Moon Treason, rival
Court A person can count on family help
Jester Pregnancy, child adoption
10 swords Family grief, illness, death of a relative, or severe consequences of a breakup
10 cups The joy of a marriage proposal, news of a new addition to the family

Card of the day

A straight ten of coins promises a successful day, work will be easy, relationships with people will please you. Spend time with your family and parents. An inverted lasso speaks of a quarrel; remember that the day will end, and relationships can deteriorate for a long time.

Card of the Year

The year will bring financial prosperity. You can enter into contracts and make profitable purchases. In business, you can count on the help of your relatives.

In an inverted position, the lasso shows a difficult year, where the fortuneteller will have to reap the fruits of wastefulness in the past and get out of the situation on his own.

Arkan gives advice: Live a full life, but remember that money loves counting. Don't spend it on gambling and entertainment. Help your loved ones.

Tarot is one of the most best options explanations of situations and predictions. These cards have special powers. Each image carries its own prediction. Quite often, the card of 10 pentacles appears in layouts, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Its appearance in the reading is a good sign. A person can be confident in the future and calm about his future. It is also a symbol of home and family.

Tarot cards have special powers

General value

The Ten of Pentacles foretells stability and financial confidence. Wealth can be not only external, but also internal, on a spiritual level. The main meaning of the symbol is the fulfillment of any earthly desire, a feeling of security and reliability.

This card belongs to the arcana of good value. She says that all the efforts of a person were not in vain. He will achieve his goal through work and perseverance. One more step has been overcome and ahead new level. It portends good times, a bright streak in life. It also foretells success in all endeavors and finding peace after completing all trials.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that to achieve your goal you always need to be attentive. The card does not forget to warn that in the hustle and bustle of things one should not forget about the spiritual world. In ordinary everyday life you need to be able to find and create miracles. The Ten of Cups characterizes the family tree. The entire inheritance of the ancestors remains to the offspring.

Personal condition

Ten coins speak of what has already been achieved. There is a maximum level of wealth and well-being, as well as opportunities. Here are the sides of the two medals. One of them speaks of the result achieved, and the second, that there is nowhere to strive. This indicates a dead end and the need to move to a new level. It is very important to understand here that this concerns not only the financial sphere, but also the spiritual one.

  1. When such an image appears in a reading, we can say that there is a feeling of confidence, which is well deserved, as well as love for life and the perception of wealth to the fullest.
  2. There is a gift to see magical manifestations in every day of life and is in harmony with nature.
  3. In the case when a person does not want to take part in the manifestations of worldly life, not counting the most ordinary ones, then his entire existence is connected with a series of events around him.
  4. The card indicates that all the things that a person cares about are connected only with what he loves. He is completely immersed in it and does not notice what is happening. There is a possibility that he will miss something important that can give him much more than it is.

Deep level

The Ten of Pentacles signifies the test of wealth. Not every person can go through it without losing their humanity. Real wealth is hidden in the mind. If a rich inner world is projected onto the outside, it is reflected on the material aspect and at all levels. It is very important to share your income, otherwise it will be wasted. Attachment to money arises from lack of money and poor thinking.

The wisdom of this card suggests that you need to appreciate everything you have. You shouldn’t complain about life, you need to learn to see spirituality in the material things that exist. This card is quite strong. Its image is the Tree of Sephiroth, symbolizing the whole world. Every person in this world matters and is part of it. It also depicts different periods of human and animal development.

Ten of Pentacles signifies the test of wealth

When interpreting the layout, the card speaks of improvement that occurs every day. It is not the world that gives us meaning, but we it.

  1. The tree indicates that each of us is at a certain stage of evolution. Only a wise person can consider the next step.
  2. To fill your inner world, you need to be observant. There is magic in every day, you just need to look at it.
  3. The card gives respect to all manifestations of life. The advice of the ten is that to be happy you just need to be happy.
  4. A person must learn to notice the richness of life, only then will the attraction of similar things occur. We need to strive for stability and confidence.

There are also caveats. You shouldn’t get too attached to what you have and hold on to it greedily. This will lead to an obsession with wealth, and it does not last forever. Sometimes the card warns that you need to take care of your family, as there are threats.

Work and finance aspect

The Ten of Pentacles is associated with love of work, experience and intelligence. There is also success in achieving your plans. A business that grows will prosper. It is important to make large investments and start large-scale projects. A promising job opportunity may also arise. The card characterizes a person who has achieved a high position in his business. There is also negative side when wealth makes a person dependent. Ten gives well, providing favorable working conditions and confidence:

  • improvement in material condition is predicted;
  • investments of a promising company are also foreseen;
  • capital that has been acquired throughout life;
  • peak of prosperity and prosperity;
  • income can be in the form of inheritance and family capital.

Personal relationships

The Ten of Pentacles Tarot is a symbol of happiness and completion.. Family is considered in terms of good spiritual connection. This can be a profitable marriage, as well as adoption into a family that is quite rich and has a high position in society.

The card is also associated with:

  • education and development;
  • good mutual understanding between children and parents;
  • strong marriage union;
  • an opportunity to be an example.

It also reveals the aspect of social ideal and model. Anything that indicates a lack of tradition does not apply here. This card characterizes the unity and unification of people. The expression “My home is my castle” is appropriate here.

There is also a reading of traditions and orders, knowledge of one’s origins and attachment to ancestors. All holidays are spent with family. Satisfaction with love and strong feelings may also be present.

Reverse card meaning

An inverted card may indicate that there is a risk that is unjustified. Also, upcoming investments will be unsuccessful, leading to loss of capital and losses. It is possible that everything that has been collected over the years will be lost. One of the most common meanings is the loss of an inheritance and its waste. When a ten appears in a reading, it is better to hold off on major investments and purchases.

An inverted ten may indicate that:

  • the person lacks support from his family, there is misunderstanding;
  • traditions are not respected;
  • a person denies his belonging to the clan;
  • has no contact with relatives.

A reversed card can indicate success

If such a value appears in the scenario, it can also characterize the absence of one’s home or leaving it. Bad housing. Understanding between children and parents, but it has not yet been achieved, for some reason. Another meaning is lack of reliability, insecurity.

A reversed card can indicate success in the future, but this requires a lot of effort.

Meaning of a card with others

The Ten of Pentacles, when combined with other cards, can have several meanings. If in the layout there is an empress next to her, it means that the appearance of wealth and an improvement in comfort are foreshadowed. The Emperor characterizes family capital and business development.

The Hierophant, together with the ten of pentacles, indicates that all actions are performed according to the rules, taking into account traditions. If lovers appear in the scenario, we can talk about a long marriage and strong family ties. Its appearance in the world chart indicates material wealth and the emergence of great wealth.

The Two of Wands symbolizes originality and the application of an individual approach to business. The Five of Wands speaks of possible savings in the house that are hidden somewhere. The Eight of Cups does not have a very good interpretation. There is bad luck here not only financially, but also familyly. A break in relations with family is possible. The Five of Pentacles indicates possible difficulties with money.

The presence of a chariot indicates a possible move and commotion in the house. Strength advises to show tolerance towards relatives and family. If the card is combined with the wheel of fortune or an ace, and is turned over, the person will receive a win. The world in combination with the ten symbolizes the creation of a new family or the restoration of a lost one. The appearance of a jester in a reading indicates that a decision will be made to adopt a child. The presence of a magician indicates the establishment of business connections.

The Ten of Pentacles tarot card with the hermit symbolizes the divorce or leaving of a family member. Death is a sign of changes in the family that cannot be avoided. The tower promises the collapse of family ties, dissolution of marriage and loss.

Moderation suggests that it is necessary to seek compromises and try to accommodate each other if you are in the same house. The court card indicates that the family will receive assistance in some way. The world is not without good people. The appearance of a star always symbolizes the emergence of hope. Everything will fall into place and harmony and understanding will appear in the house. The sun portends a new addition to the family.

The Ten of Pentacles of the Tarot, a meaning that is very good when not reversed, symbolizes prosperity and wealth, but not only in material terms. You just have to turn to the cards for help, and they will show you the right path.

Considered the ruler of abundance. The card depicts a large family in which the older and younger generations get along well with each other. Their faces radiate happiness and love, they can rely on each other in everything.

In the astrological aspect of the arcana, Jupiter is located in the second house of the horoscope, symbolizing a strong, stable position in the family and at work, and a sense of confidence in one’s own future. The Tarot meaning of the 10 of Pentacles changes depending on the position of the lasso and how it is combined with other cards.

Card meaning

Straight position

The Ten of Pentacles will indicate stability and harmony in a person’s life. He is absolutely confident in his abilities, mainly thanks to the care and support of loved ones.

He never feels lonely. He knows that his family will help him no matter what happens. This is the lasso of close family ties and prosperity.

In the Thoth deck, the Arcana of Ten Disks means great success, wealth, stability, and good business connections.


Lack of mutual understanding and trust between loved ones. The person is depressed and unbalanced. Things are not going well either at work or at home. He no longer knows what should be done to correct the current situation. All his connections with those around him are broken due to ridiculous quarrels and accidents.

Interpretation in layouts


In the upright position it will speak of good health. By and large, dangers and illnesses bypass a person due to the strong energy background. It is fueled by communication with loved ones, protecting the fortuneteller from accidents and negative influences.

In an inverted meaning, the lasso will indicate serious problems with the nervous system, intestinal obstruction, and severe changes in hormonal levels.

Love relationships

The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes strong family ties, the ability to trust and accept a partner for who he is. A person likes to spend his free time with relatives and close friends, prefers communication. He is open to new acquaintances and gets along well with others.

Inverted lasso means the fortuneteller’s reluctance to communicate with his family. He devotes little time to close people, caring only about his own interests.


Everything that a person secretly dreamed about is about to happen. He easily achieves success in any business he undertakes. Knows when to act independently and when it is better to seek advice or help from colleagues and family.


Ten coins will become a symbol of success and prosperity in professional situations. This is a sign of a clear, confident position that the fortuneteller takes. He does not strive to take on new responsibilities and projects, however, he does not give in to difficulties.

The reversed meaning of the card indicates that at the moment a person is on the verge of a financial crisis.

With other Tarot

Combination with the Major Arcana:

  • With the card "Jester"- it will be difficult to accept other people's rules of the game.
  • With the "Mage" card— a patriarchal order will be established in relations with relatives and loved ones.
  • With the "High Priestess" card- very soon you will meet a like-minded person.
  • With the Empress card— you have to attend a family holiday.
  • With the "Emperor" card- you will begin to strive for solitude.
  • With the Hierophant card- don’t test your partner’s feelings, you won’t like the result.
  • With the card "Lovers"- will be changeable, and therefore you should have time to catch your happy moment.
  • With the Chariot card- in relationships with loved ones there will be confusion, minor quarrels and clashes are possible.
  • With the "Strength" card- you will have to spend a lot of nerves to understand the feelings of a loved one.
  • With the Hermit card- do not give in to your emotions, even if it seems to you that the situation cannot be changed.
  • With the Wheel of Fortune card- interesting news will come from relatives, you will be surprised by the turn of events.
  • With the "Justice" card- in difficult times close person lend a friendly shoulder.
  • With the Hanged Man card- you will experience a strong desire to break all ties with relatives, do not give in to a momentary impulse.
  • With the "Death" card- no matter how hard you try to maintain the current state of affairs, you cannot avoid change.
  • With the “Moderation” card- you will have to make concessions to a loved one in order to maintain harmony at home.
  • With the "Devil" card- one of your friends is hiding important information from you, trying to mislead you with false facts.
  • With the Tower card- parting with a person who has played an important role in your life for a long time.
  • With the "Star" card- if things haven’t been going well at home lately, rest assured that everything will change soon.
  • With the Moon card- relationships with your loved one will be built on deception.
  • With the card "Sun"- there is a high probability of an addition to the family.
  • With the "Court" card- difficult times are coming, you will need the help of loved ones.
  • With the "World" card- relationships with relatives will become even stronger than before.


  • With Ace of Wands– a dangerous relationship with a person much older than you.
  • With the Two of Wands– there will be an opportunity to occupy a higher position in society.
  • With the Three of Wands– your health may be at risk.
  • With the Four of Wands– do not give in to the desire to reveal someone else’s secret to a loved one.
  • With the Five of Wands– you should not think about benefits if a loved one asks you for help.
  • With the Six of Wands– receive financial support from an unfamiliar source.
  • With the Seven of Wands– attention to your family will help restore lost peace of mind.
  • With the Eight of Wands– despite your busy work schedule, you will be able to devote enough time to your loved one.
  • With the Nine of Wands– you should trust more.
  • With Ten of Wands– there will be financial disagreements with your partner that could easily have been avoided.
  • With the Page of Wands– those around you will begin to admire your ability to make money literally out of thin air.
  • With the Knight of Wands- Not best time If you rely on your luck, you will get the opposite result than expected.
  • With the Queen of Wands– you may become a victim of violence or robbery, be extremely careful.
  • With the King of Wands- You will be given great responsibility.


  • With Ace of Cups– feelings in a relationship with a loved one will sparkle in a new way.
  • With the Two of Cups- a new acquaintance may show mercantile interest in you.
  • With the Three of Cups– you don’t notice how someone around you shows strong sympathy for you.
  • With the Four of Cups– in the near future, if you cannot avoid small expenses, then at least postpone large purchases.
  • With the Five of Cups– you shouldn’t expect recognition from your loved one, it’s better to do it yourself.
  • With the Six of Cups– your spiritual development has been in one place for too long, it’s time to fix it.
  • With the Seven of Cups– there is a high probability of severe illness.
  • With the Eight of Cups– the financial issue plays a key role in your life.
  • With the Nine of Cups- you will not be able to realize any of your plans.
  • With Ten of Cups– you are at the limit of your own capabilities, allow yourself to rest.
  • With the Page of Cups– the big one will very soon be replaced by disappointment.
  • With the Knight of Cups– do not forget that sooner or later you will have to pay for any opportunity.
  • With the Queen of Cups– do not act contrary to your own principles.
  • With the King of Cups– think more about today than about your future.


  • With Ace of Swords– the inability to hide your own feelings will cost you dearly.
  • With Two of Swords– your desires may affect the interests of other people.
  • With Three of Swords– don’t rack your brains if you find yourself faced with a serious choice, but simply act on a whim.
  • With Four of Swords- have relatives on you big plans, and therefore your desires and hopes will have to be put aside for now.
  • With Five of Swords– meeting a person who, from an early age, was accustomed to luxury and permissiveness.
  • With the Six of Swords– you risk losing the position you currently occupy.
  • With the Seven of Swords– You shouldn’t count heavily on financial help from others.
  • With Eight of Swords– thoughts about the past will ruin your mood for several days.
  • With Nine of Swords- your confidence in the future is not supported by anything.
  • With Ten of Swords– uncharacteristic behavior on the part of colleagues.
  • With the Page of Swords- the time has come to collect the fruits of your past labors.
  • With the Knight of Swords– meeting a person with whom you will spend a lot of time.
  • With the Queen of Swords- your reputation may suffer.
  • With the King of Swords– meeting a man much older than you.


  • With Ace of Pentacles- difficult life circumstances.
  • With the Two of Pentacles- unwillingness to change anything in your life.
  • With the Three of Pentacles– risk of ruin, losing the lottery.
  • With the Four of Pentacles- you will get easy money.
  • With the Five of Pentacles– failure to manage your income will lead to financial ruin.
  • With the Six of Pentacles– unforeseen trips, relocation.
  • With the Seven of Pentacles– you will have to realize your partner’s dishonesty.
  • With the Eight of Pentacles- give new opportunities.
  • With Nine of Pentacles– a romantic date with a new acquaintance.
  • With the Page of Pentacles– relationships with a partner for personal gain.
  • With the Knight of Pentacles– complete lack of life values.
  • With the Queen of Pentacles- finding a female patron.

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