
Zucchini - what kind of vegetable is it, the benefits and harms, how to cook delicious dishes in a pan, in the oven or in a slow cooker. What are zucchini zucchini: get acquainted with the view, grow it on our site and use Zucchini description for delicious dishes

Zucchini is a type of zucchini brought to us from Italy. We can say that zucchini is a green zucchini. The Italians affectionately call it "zukina", which means "pumpkin". Belongs to the gourd family, like squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons, watermelons. Interestingly, it is more correct to call zucchini a berry, but we are more accustomed to referring it to vegetables. The natives of South and Central America knew this plant in ancient times. The first mention of zucchini dates back to 7000 BC, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations in Mexico. The vegetable came to Europe in the 16th century and, like most curiosities, was grown in botanical gardens as an ornamental plant. We cultivate more than 10 types of zucchini.

Compare the appearance of plants and fruits of zucchini and zucchini

Vegetables grow in bush form. Only - in the form of a compact bush 70-120 cm in height, with little branching. It does not scatter, like a zucchini, long lashes, which makes caring for it much more convenient.

Zucchini does not have long lashes

Zucchini has larger leaves, over 25 cm in diameter, indented, often patterned, with silvery stripes and stains. They have a slight prickly pubescence, but there are also non-prickly, unlike zucchini leaves.

Often there is a silvery pattern on the leaves of the zucchini bush, gardeners even mistake it for a disease.

The sparse bush, formed from a few leaves on long petioles, allows bees to easily pollinate zucchini flowers. Zucchini has an oblong shape, zucchini grows not only in the form of a cylinder, but also a small ball. The white-fruited squash sometimes grows to gigantic sizes, like a pumpkin, and the maximum length of the Italian species is 25 cm.

Zucchini don't grow that big

Zucchini differ in color. Zucchini can be light green, whitish and light yellow.

The color of zucchini is usually monochromatic

The skin of zucchini is very diverse in color scheme: dark green, black, yellow, gray-blue, striped, mottled. But in any case, it is edible and contains vitamin C.

Zucchini varieties Kuand large leaves with silver pattern

In a mature zucchini, the seeds are large; before cooking, the entire core is removed. Zucchini seeds are small, they are almost invisible in the pulp, and the vegetable is consumed whole.

In the fruits of mature zucchini, the seeds are large and inedible, and zucchini seeds are invisible in dishes.

The yield of zucchini is higher

One bush of zucchini gives 5–9 fruits, in zucchini the yield is higher - 15–20. Large yellow flowers zucchini are mostly located in the upper part of the bush, male bunches, female - singly. Like the squash, they are dioecious and pollinated by insects. A characteristic feature of zucchini is the ability to form more female flowers.

It also favorably differs from zucchini in its precocity, it ripens earlier - the fruits can be removed 5-7 days after the formation of the ovary. The fruits begin to appear in June, they are harvested 2-3 times a week with a growth of 10-15 cm. At this stage, zucchini have the most delicate skin, the weight of the fruit does not exceed 300 g.

Features of growing zucchini as a zucchini variety

Zucchini is a type of zucchini, they have a common agricultural technique, although there are nuances here. The vegetable is unpretentious, it grows better on loose sandy loamy soil of medium acidity. Likes well-lit areas. It is not recommended to plant it after pumpkin to avoid diseases.

The best predecessors of zucchini are legumes, cabbage, tomatoes.

Zucchini is a very thermophilic culture. For seed germination, a temperature of + 12 ... + 14 ° C is required, for the successful development of plants - + 22 ... + 25 ° C. Seeds that have been in cold soil for a long time germinate poorly and later weakened plants grow from them, unable to give a good harvest. Therefore, when growing on a site for the first time, it is advisable to cover the planting site with a film, because even with short-term slight frosts (up to -1 ° C), the plants die.

Zucchini is less picky. It is enough to water it 1-2 times a week, when fruiting, increase watering up to 3-4 times. Zucchini, unlike zucchini, prefer to grow in moist soil. The vegetable especially needs moisture during the formation of ovaries and the ripening of fruits. The advantage of zucchini is that they do not need weeding: their long lashes spread along the ground, and weeds simply do not survive in the shade under them. Zucchini forms a neat bush, does not grow much, so you need to regularly loosen and weed the soil around it.

Zucchini, like zucchini, are responsive to fertilization. Plants are recommended to be fed at least three times per season with liquid mullein or bird droppings. In order for more ovaries to appear on the bush, experienced gardeners cut off 25% of the leaves when the fruits ripen.

It is better to cut the zucchini fruits with a knife so that new ovaries form in their place.

Culinary nuances

Few zucchini, unlike white-fruited hard-skinned zucchini, have good keeping quality and can be stored until the next harvest. They will only last a couple of weeks in the fridge.

Ripe Zebra zucchini fruits can be stored for several months, but this is rather an exception.

But, unlike classic zucchini, they can be eaten raw in the form of a variety of salads, canapes, snacks and additions to second courses. Zucchini has a thin skin that is not cut off. Even flowers are edible, which are stuffed with cheese, bacon and fried in oil.

Zucchini can be eaten raw, make delicious salads and snacks

From zucchini you can make pancakes, green smoothies, roasts, soups. Traditionally in Italy they are added to pasta.

But raw zucchini is tasteless, they must be subjected to heat treatment, while cutting off the rough peel. Zucchini is a dietary product, it is recommended to include it in the children's diet and for people with diseases of the digestive system. There are only 16 kcal in 100 g of fruit. The vegetable contains carbohydrates, vitamins of the PP group, carotene, potassium, phosphorus. They have more vitamin C than white zucchini. Like ordinary zucchini, zucchini is useful for liver diseases, atherosclerosis. It removes salts from the body, cleanses the blood, strengthens the body.

From the flowers of zucchini, a decoction is prepared that helps with allergies. Zucchini seeds, rich in vitamin E and proteins, are used in cosmetology to create creams.

Zucchini is the same zucchini, on the appearance of which the breeders did a good job, but in the end they got a tasty, fruitful, early ripening fruit. The compactness of the bush, high productivity favorably distinguish it from the usual zucchini. Bright miniature vegetables, taken directly from the garden, are good for health. They can be used raw, baked in the oven, grilled and enjoyed with their delicate flavor.

Very often lately one has heard about such a vegetable as zucchini. Today we will figure out what kind of vegetable, whether it can be grown at home, what kind of care it needs and how it is used in cooking.

What it is?

Zucchini is a product popular in the West. Refers to squash varieties, a variety of Pumpkin. By appearance oblong and green. One of the obvious advantages that is worth noting is that the vegetable ripens already 3-7 days after flowering and is ready to eat. There are only 16 kcal per 100 grams of this product.

In terms of taste, young zucchini will be the best. Due to the fact that they are quickly digested, they are even added to the menu for children and people who are on a diet, recover from illness and go to recovery. The vegetable is also suitable for those who have any digestive problems. And, of course, as mentioned above, zucchini is often used by people who are on diets and want to lose weight, and all because the product is easily digestible and low in calories. Optimal size the fruit reaches 15 cm, it can be consumed both raw and cooked according to any favorite recipe: fry, stew, use in salads. The vegetable goes well with various herbs and seasonings.

The vegetable also found application in cosmetics. Its seeds are added to creams to regulate the sebaceous glands. If you wish, you can grow a plant right at home, just remember that it loves warmth and even a positive temperature of up to +2 degrees is considered frost for the plant and can lead to death. The main recommendations include storage at room temperature and washing the product only before eating.

How is it different from zucchini?

Zucchini is a vegetable that is not easy to confuse with zucchini, because outwardly they do not look very similar. The taste, storage conditions, care and principles of their growth are also completely different.

You can find the difference between these two vegetables by the following signs:

  • Zucchinis ripen much faster than zucchini. Already for 4-7 days you can collect ripe fruits. During this period, zucchini has a thin skin and excellent taste.
  • Even a novice can tell the two vegetables apart by color. Zucchini has a dark green color, and there are many variations of it. In zucchini, on the contrary, the color is rarely green, more often there are variations of yellow and white.

A noticeable difference can be seen based on the size of the vegetable. Zucchini grow small and do not exceed 25 cm in length, which cannot be said about zucchini. You can grow a large squash, but in doing so, you will lose other ovaries that will appear on the bush.

As for the seeds, compared to squash, zucchini seeds will be difficult to see, as they are so small that it is difficult to see them in the pulp.

as mentioned earlier, zucchini ripens faster than zucchini, but care must be taken with them, because the vegetable requires a lot of heat and sunlight.

Zucchinis grow in the form of bushes and will not take up much space in your garden, and the zucchini, in turn, shoots out and they diverge in different directions.

In terms of storage, zucchini can be stored at home at room temperature for only 4-5 days, while zucchini can last quite a long time.

Zucchini also wins in taste, as it has a delicate, slightly sweet taste and a decent aroma. And the pulp of zucchini is quite rough and therefore it is better to eat it only in processed form.

Having understood what kind of vegetable disappeared under the interesting name of zucchini, it is worth talking about which varieties are the most popular today.

Popular varieties

There are varieties of zucchini such as "Tsukesha", "Diamond", "Yellow-fruited", "Zebra", "Jade", "Starling", "Pharaoh", "Banana", "Ronde", "Gold", "Black Handsome" , "Negro", "Tiger". Let's talk about the most popular next.

Let's start with the variety that got its name from the color: skin "Yellow-fruited" When ripe, the vegetable has a dark yellow color. The variety has a high yield and does not require special care. You can get a good harvest already after 40 days after planting the seeds, of course, observing comfortable conditions for its growth. Inside the fruit of a dense structure, juicy and has a light yellow color. Keeps a worthy trade dress at movement and long storage. Gardeners advise planting it in the ground in late May and early June. It is worth eating the fetus carefully, as people who suffer from kidney disease can develop a disease such as hyperkalemia (increased levels of potassium in the blood) when it is abused, which can be life-threatening.

If you don't have any health problems and just want to lose weight excess weight or switch to proper nutrition, then use zucchini as the basis for dishes, and you will get the most necessary trace elements for your body.

The next variety of zucchini worth talking about is "Negro". Like the previous variety, it ripens quite quickly - for only 43 days. The bushes look compact, and the color of the zucchini becomes dark green, which is why the variety got its name. The pulp inside is also dense, quite tender and light in taste. The vegetable is suitable for transportation, despite the fact that it has a fairly soft outer crust.

As for such species as bush varieties, this is an excellent option for growing zucchini in open ground. Despite the fact that the bush looks compact, its leaves grow quite widely. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant such species close, their roots do not go deep into the ground, but try to take a place under the foliage. If you leave not enough space, then the zucchini will start to fight for a “place in the sun”, and not only will they lack nutrients, the vegetable will simply slowly begin to die.


As for the composition of the vegetable, both zucchini and zucchini are almost identical in terms of the content of nutrients, only the former are absorbed much easier and faster. Zucchini consists of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, as well as acids, albeit in small quantities. Among the mineral components in the composition, you can find a lot of calcium, as well as sodium, magnesium and iron.

After eating such a vegetable, you will be able to notice how digestion has improved, thanks to which the metabolism will speed up, which will help you get rid of extra pounds faster. Another secret of zucchini is that the smaller it is, the less time you spend on cooking it. The vegetable is good in any form and with any side dish that you prefer. Cooking it for a long time is not worth it, as it can simply boil soft and become tasteless.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Now let's move on to the question that worries many of the fair sex - this is calorie content and the nutritional value this product. To a greater extent, the product consists of water - 92.7%. Proteins are contained per 100 g of product 2.7 g, fiber and carbohydrates - 1.1-2 g.

In terms of vitamins, here you can find vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and, as mentioned earlier, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.

If you eat 100 g of zucchini, then the body will receive only 21 kcal.


Like any product, zucchini has not only good qualities, but bad ones are also present.

The product can negatively affect those people who have diseases associated with gallbladder or kidneys. Zucchini contains a large number of oxalate, it is he who can provoke the development urolithiasis. If you know that your calcium output is impaired, you should also give up this vegetable. In addition, teeth can also suffer, since zucchini contains seeds that are harmful to them, so tooth enamel can be at risk.

Can you eat it raw?

Zucchini belong to the genus Zucchini, but differ from them in that they can be safely eaten raw. However, you should be careful, since not all types of this vegetable are beneficial for our body. Zucchini is a species that is able to defend itself against the effects of environment through the release of toxic substances on the surface of its peel. For example, cucurbitacin can cause a complex food poisoning which can even lead to death. Therefore, if you grow zucchini in your garden, do not plant them next to other vegetables and berry crops, since the poison can spread to them.

In appearance, it is extremely difficult to determine whether a vegetable is poisonous or not, but as for taste, it will be so bitter in affected fruits that you won’t even be able to swallow it, and, sadly, this dose is already enough for body damage. But, fortunately, it is almost impossible to get poisoned from zucchini grown on your own plot or bought in a store, only those products that have been on the bush for a long time and are simply overripe are dangerous. It is in them that a toxic substance can be produced.


Many people deny themselves the purchase of certain fruits or vegetables in the market. After all, no one knows how these plants were fed and protected at the stage of their maturation. It is much safer to grow food on your own plot with your own hands. If you are going to start growing a vegetable such as zucchini, then it is worth remembering that there are two ways to plant it - seedling and seed.

So, the first way is seedlings. Zucchini - thermophilic plant, so if you live in a fairly cool climate, it is better to refrain from planting seedlings in open ground. A favorable period for planting seeds will be April, more precisely, the end of the month, however, the seedlings should be planted in the ground after 25-30 days.

This option is suitable for those who have their own plot and the ability to grow more than one bush. If you want to grow zucchini on the windowsill, then here is a slightly different principle. Before planting plants, it is necessary to sort out all the seeds, discard the empty ones and dry well suitable for planting. This can be done either on a battery, wrapping the seeds in paper, or for 4 hours in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. After such drying, it is worth doing a number of procedures.

The first step is to wash the seeds. This can be done with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. Boric acid at a concentration of 0.002% will help increase germination and yield. If you do not want to prepare such a solution, there are special stimulants on sale that provoke the rapid growth of the plant.

Next, the seeds begin a period of so-called hardening. To do this, place the seeds in a damp cloth and leave at an average room temperature for 6 hours, after this time, move the package to the refrigerator for a day on the lower shelf.

While the planting material is going through the hardening stage, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, mix turfy soil, humus, coarse sand and peat in equal proportions. If you do not have such components, then you can purchase soil for seedlings in the store, but sand will still need to be added to it.

The container in which you will grow the seeds can be completely different, ranging from a plastic cup to special tablets that must first be soaked in water. Now consider the principle of planting seeds in the soil step by step.

First of all, collect the soil in the container prepared for seedlings, make a small depression for the seeds and water the soil well. It is worth spreading 1-2 seeds in each hole, after which you need to cover the container with a plastic bag and put it in sunlight. The approximate temperature should vary in the range of 20-22 degrees Celsius. When the seeds begin to germinate, the bag can be removed.

If you live in a region where there are rather difficult weather conditions or clay soil, then it is better to plant zucchini on high beds. So your vegetables can warm up well for fast and comfortable growth. When choosing a site where zucchini will grow, you should give preference to where cabbage or peas used to grow.


One of the basic rules for growing zucchini, which is worth remembering, is the constant monitoring of soil moisture levels. The vegetable will bloom well in the presence of a pollinator - a bee or a bumblebee. To attract it, prepare a honey-based solution and spray the future crop in the morning. To do this, take 1 tsp. honey and stir in 1 cup of water. If you do not do this, then there will be no pollination, which will cause the plant to start to hurt, turn yellow and eventually dry out. It happens that there are no insects, for example, when grown on a windowsill, then you can pollinate the flowers yourself. To do this, you will need to take a male flower and gently lean it against the female ones. This action will allow the pollen to move and fertilize the pistil.

When the zucchini begins the growing season, the bush may become overgrown with leaves that will interfere with the airing of the fruits and their further pollination. This happens even though the vegetable itself looks quite compact. To get rid of excess greens, cut 2-3 leaves. So the plant will begin to grow and develop better. If you suddenly notice that the growing fruits have begun to touch the ground, then place a plank or plywood under them, in which case your crop will not start to mold and rot.

As for harvesting and directly storing the crop, in order to enjoy a good and high-quality crop, it must be harvested on time. When the fruits reach a size of 10-15 cm, they can be safely harvested, it is at this stage of growth that the fruits are most delicious. The skin of zucchini is so thin that you can safely eat it, the flesh is also very soft. If you harvest on time, you will create an opportunity for new ovaries to appear and re-harvest, especially since you can harvest vegetables almost every week in summer.

Fruits harvested with a thin peel can be eaten immediately, which cannot be said about zucchini. They have a slightly thicker skin and can be stored for quite a long time. During storage, it is worth adhering to a temperature of 3 to 10 degrees above zero, humidity of at least 60%, but not more than 70%. Constantly ventilate the room where vegetables are stored. In this case, it is better to cover the fruits with a cloth so that the light does not fall on them. When storing zucchini in the refrigerator, put them in a bag. In this form, they can be stored for about a month. Best of all, the properties of a vegetable are preserved in a frozen form. You can pre-cut it the way you like and fold it in this form in the freezer.

Use in cooking

As mentioned earlier, it is better to eat young fruits and early harvest. You can do whatever your heart desires with them: bake, fry, boil, just pickle or preserve. Soup, mashed potatoes, stews, or even smoothies and zucchini jam are a great solution. For the winter, you can even cook caviar. There is squash caviar, the same can be made from zucchini, it will be a good option as a snack. If your diet contains a fairly heavy protein food, then a side dish of zucchini will be a great addition to such a dinner or lunch. In this case, you can add baked zucchini to the main dish and lightly sprinkle them with cheese on top, this will make them even juicier.

You can also pickle this vegetable. The taste of the dish will be delicious, because the zucchini itself is sweetish, and the marinade can be made sourer.

Gourmets will love the zucchini dish, which will be stuffed with meat and garnished with rice. The combination is simply amazing. In this case, the zucchini is cut into thin layers, after which the minced meat is wrapped in them like a roll.

Mediterranean cuisine is simply impossible to imagine without such a vegetable as zucchini. But before sending the product to the pan, the Italians make a marinade from lime juice and olive oil. The combination of these components helps to feel the whole range of flavors of this pickled vegetable.

Zucchini can also be eaten raw. To do this, simply salt them, add pepper or sauce to taste. Also, zucchini is often added to summer salads, as it perfectly complements the first summer vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, cherry tomatoes.

If you subject the vegetable to heat treatment, it will not take much time. For example, in order to boil zucchini, just one minute is enough. The peel is also a controversial issue. Someone prefers to eat zucchini with her, and someone cleans the vegetable before cooking.

Try battered zucchini with herbs, parmesan cheese and butter. Even on the festive table, a dish of these components will look very dignified and will be an excellent light snack for the main holiday menu. You can also use a recipe such as zucchini rolls with the addition of soft cheese and herbs. Such an appetizer will definitely not leave guests indifferent.

Excellent product is also suitable for those who play sports and adhere to the rules proper nutrition. After all, there are only 16 kcal per 100 grams. However, those people who suffer from kidney disease should be careful when eating this vegetable, as zucchini is mostly water.

What is the difference between regular zucchini and zucchini, see the video below.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


If you are thinking about cooking vegetable pancakes, then pay attention to which zucchini you have in your hands. Or is it not a zucchini at all? How to distinguish zucchini (zucchini or zucchino) from its cousin zucchini? From both vegetables you can cook delicious snacks and lunches. They are baked in the oven, fried, sautéed, stews, casseroles are made from them. It has a lot of useful properties, one of which is the low calorie content of zucchini, which is indispensable for weight loss, as evidenced by positive reviews.

What is zucchini

If you want to have a delicious lunch, but at the same time not worry about how eating will affect your weight, then this vegetable will become the best choice. Its energy value is lower than that of zucchini, it is only 16 kcal / 100 g. Outwardly, this vegetable, 15 cm long, has a rich green or yellow peel, stripes or specks. The pulp is tender, the fibers are inseparable, the seeds are small, almost invisible in the core of the vegetable.

Growing features

Zucchini is a heat-loving plant that belongs to the pumpkin family. It blooms with large bright yellow flowers. If you want to achieve a good harvest, then you need to create suitable conditions. Grow a plant in a site where there is constant access sunlight. Vegetables should be regularly watered and fertilized. Frosts are contraindicated for the plant, if the temperature drops below 5 degrees Celsius, it dies. Under good weather conditions, this vegetable gives a rich tasty harvest.

Vegetable composition

The benefits of this type of zucchini are not only in taste and low calorie content. The composition of the vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins, essential trace elements, minerals. It is rich in carotene, vitamin C, folic acid, pectin, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium. The composition is as follows:

  • water - 90%;
  • fiber - 2-2.5%;
  • protein - 1.5-2%;
  • carbohydrates - 3-4%.

Benefit and harm

If you add a vegetable to the menu, then after a while you can notice how well-being improves. It removes toxins from the body, improves the condition of the skin and hair, makes muscle tissue elastic, teeth and bones are strong. Fiber promotes good digestion, it cleanses the intestines of toxins, improves liver function. A big plus is that this variety of zucchini does not cause an allergic reaction.

The vegetable helps to normalize the amount of sugar in the blood, produces a diuretic effect on the body, and soothes with nervous breakdowns. Recommended for use during pregnancy due to folic acid in a composition that has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the fetus. There is a group of people who should not include this vegetable in their diet. This:

  • Patients with impaired renal function. This delicious vegetable contains a lot of oxalates, which can provoke urolithiasis.
  • People who have been diagnosed with a particular disease of the gallbladder. The reason is a large amount of oxalates, which affect the production of bile.
  • People who have poor absorption of calcium or a lack of this substance. Oxalates interfere with the good absorption of calcium.

Difference between zucchini and zucchini

Zucchini is a zucchini, or rather, it is an "elite" variety or a delicious hybrid of this vegetable. If the zucchini was brought to Europe from America, then the Italian breeder brought the zucchini. Here are the main differences between these vegetables:

  1. Size. The zucchini can be called gigantic.
  2. Color. An elite variety of zucchini is easy to identify by its bright color, while its ancestor has a light green color.
  3. Peel. In zucchini, it is more rigid, it is recommended to clean it.
  4. Seed. In zucchini, the seeds are inconspicuous, while in overripe zucchini they are hard and large.
  5. Growing. Zucchini requires a delicate approach to cultivation, zucchini is not so capricious.
  6. Taste qualities. Zucchini has more tender, juicy flesh.

Do I need to peel zucchini

In order to cook this or that dish, you do not need to peel the zucchini. It has a very thin and soft skin that does not spoil the taste sensations. Cooks do not recommend peeling this vegetable for another reason. Studies have shown that it contains beneficial vitamin C, which helps maintain good immunity. If the vegetable has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals, then it is better to peel off the peel.

Can vegetables be eaten raw?

There are many recipes that include raw zucchini. Due to the tender and sweet pulp, this vegetable can be consumed raw, without prior heat treatment. In a dish, it will crunch nicely. It absorbs salt well, while releasing a lot of juice, therefore, it is better to first salt the vegetable in a separate bowl, drain the liquid, and then add it to the composition of the dish.

Zucchini Recipes

The descendant of zucchini is prepared in different ways. Zucchini is eaten raw, fried, salted, marinated, stuffed, dipped in batter, decoctions and juices are prepared. It goes well with other vegetables, which allows you to make delicious stews and sautés from it, and harmonizes perfectly with meat, especially with varieties such as poultry, beef, lamb. This vegetable can be simply fried in a pan and then served with boiled rice or spaghetti for a delicious hearty lunch. Vegetarians will love it baked on the grill or in the oven.

Zucchini baked with cheese

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 servings.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 120 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This recipe is perfect for summer lunches and dinners. The dish is light, but satisfying thanks to baking in the oven. Cheese has beneficial properties. The amount of protein in this dairy product is greater than in meat. It contains amino acids, vitamins and essential trace elements such as zinc, phosphorus, calcium. A pair of "cheese plus zucchini" will cover the daily need of the body in trace elements and vitamins.


  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • parmesan cheese - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 5 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • greens - a small bunch;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the zucchini with tomatoes. Cut the vegetables into rings or half rings of 0.5 cm each.
  2. Sweet before chop into sticks.
  3. Cut the onion and carrot into cubes, fry in olive oil until a golden color is formed.
  4. Take a baking sheet, grease with a little. Turn on preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
  5. Lay the zucchini on the bottom. Salt, pepper.
  6. Make a layer of tomatoes on top. Don't forget the salt and pepper.
  7. The next layer will be fried onions and carrots.
  8. Next, sprinkle everything with sweet pepper. Drizzle with olive oil.
  9. Put in the oven for 20 minutes. At this time, grate the cheese.
  10. Remove the dish and sprinkle with cheese, put back in the oven for another 10 minutes.
  11. Garnish with herbs before serving. Pairs well with mashed potatoes.

Sauteed zucchini and bell pepper

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 servings.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Mexican.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This dish is loved by housewives in Mexico. The main feature of the dishes of this country is an abundant variety of vegetables and spices. Sauteed zucchini and bell peppers will appeal to vegetarians, as the composition does not include animal ingredients. The source of protein here is beans, which for a long time dulls the feeling of hunger and gives a feeling of satiety.


  • canned red beans - 450 g;
  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • green pea- 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper- 3 pcs.;
  • basil greens - a small bunch;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • chili pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • thyme - to taste;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut zucchini and pepper into cubes, tomatoes into slices, onion into half rings.
  2. Throw the zucchini into the hot skillet. When frying, add some spices and salt. Transfer everything to a separate saucepan with a thick bottom.
  3. Repeat the process with the pumpkin, onion, and bell peppers.
  4. Put beans, peas, tomatoes, herbs and the rest of the spices to them. You can take raw beans, but before using them, they must be cooked separately. When boiling, do not forget to salt it.
  5. Add lemon juice.
  6. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat covered.
  7. Serve with rice or potatoes.

Vegetable cutlets with zucchini

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 servings.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

When the harvest ripens in the garden, it's time to cook a hearty and light dinner with healthy ingredients in the composition. Fragrant cutlets are perfect for this, but not simple ones, but with the addition of a descendant of zucchini and cheese. For cooking, it is recommended to use ground beef or chicken. The dish will turn out dietary and tasty. Tip: to make the cutlets as useful as possible, it is better to cook them in a double boiler, and add garlic for taste.

Zucchini, unlike zucchini and pumpkins, is still rare in the garden plots of Russians. Meanwhile, this remarkably tasty and healthy vegetable can be a real find for the gardener and a worthy addition to the table. You just need to decide in advance on the variety (modern selection offers very wide choose) and learn about the rules for growing crops.

What is zucchini

Zucchini (namely, “zucchini”, and not “zucchini” or “zucchini” - this is recorded in all Russian dictionaries) is often considered zucchini, but in fact it is one of the varieties of pumpkin. Actually, the very name zucchini in Italian - plural diminutive of zucca (pumpkin). That is, zucchini is "pumpkin". Vegetable can be called one of the important components of the diet of the inhabitants of South and Central America. In Europe, he appeared after the discovery of a new continent, at the beginning of the 16th century, and quickly fell in love with the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, especially the Italians. It is believed that they were the first to discover that the smaller the zucchini, the better it tastes. They started cooking this vegetable. For a long time, it was simply grown in gardens and greenhouses as an exotic crop.

Russia got acquainted with zucchini only in the 19th century. This vegetable came here in transit through Greece and Turkey. Perhaps this is precisely why it is not very popular among domestic gardeners. Meanwhile, it has a number of significant advantages over the well-known zucchini - the compactness of the bush, the absence of sprawling lashes, non-thorny leaves, a larger number of female flowers, high yields, short fruit ripening.

Zucchini Tsukesha is one of the most popular early ripe varieties.

Video: storing zucchini Tsukesha


Ronde is a variety of zucchini with an average ripening period (55-60 days), the main advantages of which are high yields and a long fruiting period. The vegetables themselves are nearly spherical in shape, about the size of a tennis ball or slightly larger (8–12 cm in diameter). The skin is bright green with a grayish tint, covered with a "pattern" of darker blurry stripes and spots. Small white specks also fit into the norm. The taste of marinated zucchini of this variety is especially noted. The average yield is about 12 kg/m².


Zolotinka is an old variety of zucchini, known since the 80s of the XX century. The first fruits from the bush are removed 40-42 days after the emergence of seedlings. Zolotinka, which in principle is not typical for culture, has a sprawling bush, so it will need more space in the garden. The skin color of the ripe fruit varies from sunny yellow to bright orange, the flesh is slightly darker, almost terracotta. It is very dense, but juicy and crunchy, with a slight sweetish aftertaste (sugar content - 4.2–4.5%). Bright coloring is not lost during heat treatment, so homemade blanks look very unusual and festive. A mature zucchini is 12–15 cm long and weighs 700–900 g. 15–18 fruits ripen on one bush. They can be stored up to 30-45 days. If the summer is rainy, wilted flower petals must be removed from the fruit ovaries, otherwise the zucchini of this variety may rot.


Aeronaut is an early ripe variety of zucchini, 40–45 days pass between emergence and harvest of the first harvest. The bushes are very compact, when planting, the gap between seeds is 40–50 cm. Ripe fruits are painted in rich green color, have an even cylindrical shape. Their length reaches 15–17 cm, weight - 1–1.2 kg. The skin is very thin and smooth. The presentable appearance is preserved even after long transportation. A significant advantage of the variety is resistance to powdery mildew. The average yield is 7–8 kg / m². These zucchini are relatively unpretentious, successfully adapting to a wide range of climatic and weather conditions.

Zucchini Aeronaut is unpretentious and resistant to powdery mildew


Zebra is a zucchini variety characterized by a short fruit ripening period (35–40 days after germination) and high productivity. Their skin is salad-colored, covered with longitudinal dark green stripes - hence the name. The flesh is creamy yellow, sweetish. The shape is an even cylinder with slightly pronounced ribs. About 15 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush, in years that are especially successful in terms of weather in summer and with proper care - up to 20 kg. The average length of a vegetable is 18–20 cm, weight is 0.8–1 kg. The undoubted advantages of the variety include transportability, versatility of purpose and the almost complete absence of seeds. There are also disadvantages - the almost complete lack of resistance to rot, powdery mildew, viral diseases typical of the culture.


Negro is another popular variety of early ripening (vegetation period - 40–43 days) zucchini. The bushes are compact, there are few leaves. Fruit ripening is friendly. Ripe zucchini reach 12-15 cm in length. Their skin is very thin, but they tolerate transportation surprisingly well. It is painted in a dark green color, which from a distance is easily mistaken for black. The flesh is white or with a slight greenish tint. The plant adapts well to different weather conditions, without much harm it can survive a short sharp drop in temperature. The Negro very rarely suffers from root rot and powdery mildew.

Zucchini Negro owes its name to the dark, almost black skin

Black handsome

Black handsome - a variety of medium ripening (vegetation period 50–55 days). The bushes are compact, the fruits are cylindrical, dark green in color, at the base with a silvery tint. One bush gives more than 10 kg of fruits weighing 0.8–1.5 kg each per season. The pulp is firm and juicy. The advantage of the variety is resistance to phytoinfections.

Fruits of zucchini Black handsome dark green color with tender juicy pulp

tiger cub

Tiger cub is a variety of early ripening zucchini, the fruiting period of which stretches for two months or even a little more. It is distinguished by high yields and a long (up to one and a half months) shelf life of fruits, and in the process, the taste of creamy pulp only improves, and its density and juiciness do not suffer in any way. The name of the variety is due to the unusual color of the skin - clear longitudinal light and dark green stripes alternate on it. The plant is compact and tolerates drought well. The average yield is 6–8 kg / m².

Jade F1

Jade F1 is one of the most productive hybrids of medium ripening zucchini (vegetation period - 52–60 days). It appeared on the market a little over 10 years ago. If the summer is warm and sunny, 20-25 fruits (15-20 kg / m²) are removed from one bush. The average weight of each is 750–1100 g. It owes its name to the bright even color of the skin. Only occasionally on it there are vague spots a little lighter. The pulp is creamy, fibrous, but juicy. The variety adapts well in cold regions with short rainy summers, although, of course, there is no need to wait for the maximum possible yields. The plant is extremely rarely affected by diseases typical of the culture and never by powdery mildew.


Kuand is a zucchini variety that stands out primarily for its yield. 22–25 kg of fruits are removed from 1 m². The growing season is 55–60 days. The fruits are cylindrical, slightly thinning at the stem. The skin is thin, salad-colored, with blurry intermittent light stripes. The average weight of the fruit is about 1 kg, the length is 20–28 cm. Plants almost do not react to sharp, short-term drops in temperature. The variety is not affected by gray rot and powdery mildew.

Zucchini Kuand - one of the highest yielding varieties


Pharaoh is a variety of zucchini, the main advantages of which are precocity and cold resistance. In Russia, it can be grown in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to the first fruiting, 38–43 days pass. Unripe fruits have a dark green skin, while ripe ones are almost black. The average weight is 0.7–0.8 kg. Productivity - more than 10 kg from one plant. The bush is compact, at the same time 4-7 fruits are formed on it. If you create suitable conditions for vegetables, they will last until next spring.

Zucchini Pharaoh is cold-resistant, it can be grown almost throughout Russia

Diamond F1

Diamant F1 is a German zucchini hybrid. This is one of the earliest varieties, the growing season stretches for 38–40 days. The fruits are smooth, leveled, cylindrical shape. The average length is 17–20 cm. The flesh is snow-white, dense and juicy, the taste does not change even during long-term storage. The skin is very thin. Resistance to the vast majority of fungal infections is genetically determined. Fruiting lasts 5-6 weeks. From one bush during this time, 18–25 fruits are removed. The average weight of each is 600–800 g.

Salvador F1

Salvador F1 is one of the best achievements of Russian breeders. Its undoubted advantages are precocity (35-38 days pass from germination to the first harvest), a long fruiting period, resistance to powdery mildew, transportability and the possibility of long-term (3-4 months) storage. The plant has the appearance of a compact bush. Cylinder-shaped fruits with dark green glossy skin. The approximate weight of each is 500–900 g, the length is 15–17 cm. But if the summer is hot and dry, zucchini can stretch out while becoming thinner. There are practically no seeds.

Zucchini Salvador F1 - the achievement of Russian breeders

Oilman's breakfast

The oilman's breakfast is a variety of early ripening zucchini. The growing season is 40–45 days. Bushes are compact, open. The fruits are removed when they reach a length of 20–22 cm. The skin is rich green, thin, but very durable. The flesh is pale green, tender, literally melts in your mouth. The undoubted advantages of the variety include keeping quality and transportability.

Zucchini Oilman's breakfast is valued for its keeping quality and transportability

small zucchini

All zucchini compared to zucchini are small in size, but among them there are those that stand out noticeably even against the background of "relatives":

  • Milanese dark green, aka dwarf zucchini. The average length of a mature fruit in the form of a cylinder is 10–12 cm. There are slightly pronounced ribs on the surface. The bush is quite spreading. The skin of the fruit is a rich bright green color.
  • Banana. From a distance, the zucchini fruits of this variety really look like bananas, and not ordinary ones, but miniature ones. The average length is 12–15 cm, the skin is bright yellow, the flesh is the same color, but lighter, very juicy and tasty. If you create the right conditions for them, zucchini will keep for 7-8 weeks. The variety is resistant to most infections caused by pathogenic fungi.
  • Starling. The variety is distinguished by friendly fruiting and good resistance to most diseases typical of the culture, cold resistance. The average length of zucchini is 8–12 cm, weight is 250–300 g. The peel is a very interesting bluish-gray hue.

Photo gallery: varieties of small zucchini

Zucchini Milanese dark green is almost officially called "dwarf" Zucchini Banana is somewhat smaller than this fruit, but otherwise very similar
Zucchini Skvorushka stands out with an unusual shade of skin

How to grow zucchini in the garden

There is nothing difficult in growing zucchini in the garden. The main thing is to remember that this is a southern plant, and, accordingly, thermophilic. Gardeners living in temperate regions need to choose cold-resistant varieties.

Landing procedure and preparation for it

Zucchini is planted with seeds or seedlings. Seedlings appear quickly, so in the first case, the growing season is extended by only 5-7 days.

For the beds choose a warm place, well lit by the sun. It is advisable to raise it at least 25–30 cm. Another suitable place for zucchini is a pile of compost or humus, sprinkled on top with a mixture of ordinary earth and coarse river sand (a layer 3–5 cm thick).

The soil should be fairly loose, light. The best way- sandy or loamy substrate. The pH is neutral or slightly alkaline. If this is not the case, it is introduced into the garden when digging dolomite flour, powdered eggshell, fluffy lime, sifted wood ash. Nitrogen (25–30 g/m²), phosphorus (20–25 g/m²) and potash (10–55 g/m²) fertilizers are also required to be added. The easiest option is urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. An alternative is rotted manure (10-15 l / m²) and wood ash (half-liter jar). Then the bed is shed with boiling water or a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, covered with something waterproof and left until spring.

Bad predecessors for zucchini are any plants of the gourd family. They suffer from the same diseases and pests. Fungal spores, viruses, bacteria, eggs and larvae gradually accumulate in the soil. It is better to choose a site where any cabbage, legumes or nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants) grew before. It is also very dangerous for them to be close to any pumpkins, especially decorative ones - pollination is possible.

Zucchini seeds are planted when the soil at a depth of about 10 cm warms up to 12-15ºС, and the probability of return frosts is minimal. A reliable sign is the beginning of flowering dandelions. Initially, the seeds are kept for 1.5–2 days in gauze moistened with a solution of any biostimulator (Ideal, Rostock, potassium humate). If you wrap them in a denser fabric, the roots that appear will grow into it and will inevitably break when unfolded. Some gardeners also recommend hardening them by keeping them in the refrigerator for two days, and then for a week on a windowsill well-lit by the sun.

Seeds are planted in the ground two by two, deepening by 4–6 cm, no more. The substrate removed from the hole is preferably mixed with humus and wood ash. The norm is two plants per 1 m². So that the soil on the surface of the hole does not harden, it is mulched with peat chips or humus. When planting two seeds in a hole, one of the sprouts must be pulled out or dug up for transplantation.

If the temperature outside is kept at 20–25ºС, seedlings appear in 4–7 days. It is important to keep the soil slightly moist all this time, without turning the bed into a swamp.

Seeds for seedlings are planted in mid-April. After about a month, the bushes are transferred to open ground or a greenhouse. During this time, they are fed twice with any complex fertilizer. When planting between bushes, 60–70 cm are left, between rows - 80–90 cm.

Important nuances of caring for zucchini

Zucchini blooms and sets fruits only at a temperature of 25ºС. In the future, they can develop in cooler weather - 22–23ºС. This culture will not tolerate even minimal negative temperatures, it does not bear fruit well in cramped conditions, with “crowded” plantings. Most varieties equally suffer from drought and excessive watering. Water deficiency often leads to a noticeable bitter taste. However, you can get rid of it by holding the fruits for 2-3 hours in salt water (2-3 tablespoons per liter).

Correct watering is critical for zucchini, especially during flowering and the formation of fruit ovaries. At the same time, it is impossible for drops of water to fall on leaves, petals and future fruits. The plant may become sick. Even a short-term drought provokes the fall of the ovaries.

During the growing season, zucchini is fed twice with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, mineral or organic. The first time - when the first pair of leaves appears, the second - after 15–20 days. You can use an infusion of fresh cow dung or bird droppings, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea. When fruiting begins, any chemicals are excluded. Plants are watered weekly with infusion of wood ash - this is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus. The norm per bush is 1.5–2 liters.

Video: growing zucchini in the garden


You can not let the zucchini outgrow, the pulp becomes cottony and almost tasteless. They need to be collected at least once every 3-4 days. This stimulates the formation of new fruit ovaries. At the same time, the stalk is carefully cut with a sharp disinfected knife, the fruits are not torn off or unscrewed.

Zucchini 12–15 cm long and weighing 150–200 g are best suited for fresh consumption. For stuffing, preparing baby puree, other dishes and home canning - 20–25 cm. They have already gained weight, but the seeds did not have time form to the end.

The yield of zucchini is higher than that of ordinary zucchini

Delicate, tasty and healthy zucchini has become an indispensable product for everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle. Many gardeners became interested in this vegetable, and even though zucchini is very thermophilic, it is grown in areas with difficult climatic conditions. Zucchini has very few requirements - enough moisture and heat. And the yield of a small bush can exceed any expectations.

Description of zucchini

We learned about zucchini relatively recently - in the 80s. At first, this vegetable with an unusual name caused wariness, but having tasted this most delicate vegetable, gardeners quickly found the sunniest beds for it.

Zucchini is a type of zucchini. Its name, zucchini, comes from the diminutive zucca, which means pumpkin in Italian. And in the people this vegetable is called "Italian zucchini."

Thanks to the delicate taste of zucchini, it quickly won fans.

Zucchini refers to annual plants. It has a compact bush, without branching. That is why zucchini is convenient to grow in small areas, as it takes up little space. The leaves are raised up, do not creep along the ground. They look decorative - a large dissected leaf blade has a wrinkled surface and is sometimes covered with a pattern in the form of a silver mesh. There is practically no pubescence on stems and petioles. The color of the leaves is green, deep and juicy. Zucchini flowers are large, bright yellow-orange in color, which attracts many pollinating insects.

Zucchini plant - a small shrub that is convenient to grow in any sunny corner of the garden

The fruit is oblong, but there are varieties with rounded shapes. The optimal size for harvesting is 10 - 15 cm, the maximum length that the zucchini reaches is 20 - 25 cm. The peel is mainly colored in dark green or rich yellow-golden colors. The surface of the fruit can be decorated with a variety of strokes, spots and stripes. The pulp is juicy, elastic, crispy, but very tender.

Zucchini fruits are very similar to zucchini, but smaller.

Zucchini is, without a doubt, a versatile vegetable. It is fried, steamed, pickled, stewed, stuffed - that is, subjected to all types of culinary processing. Young fruits are eaten raw, adding to vitamin salads(You don’t even need to peel off the skin, it’s so tender). Containing only 21 kcal per 100 g, zucchini is an excellent dietary product that is indispensable for people seeking to gain slender forms.

In many cuisines of the world, even Italian zucchini flowers are used as food. They are stuffed with soft cheese, minced shrimp, fried in batter.

Stuffed zucchini flowers are not even a dish, but a work of culinary art

A wonderful vegetable is also used in cosmetology. From the pulp, masks are prepared that soothe, tone, moisturize and soften the skin of the face. Moreover, in combination with various ingredients, zucchini is suitable for any skin.

Zucchini is extremely useful. By chemical composition it is close to zucchini, but unlike it, the substances contained in zucchini are more easily absorbed by our body. Everyone can eat a vegetable - both the elderly and the young.

Useful substances contained in zucchini - table

By mineral composition should highlight the high content of potassium, as well as phosphorus and magnesium. Among the vitamins, A and C are in the lead. In addition to them, the vegetable contains vitamin B6 and useful elements:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • thiamine;
  • zinc;
  • sodium.

Due to the diverse content of trace elements and vitamins, zucchini is an indispensable product for improving the body, preventing, treating and improving the condition of various diseases. This healthy vegetable helps:

  • activate the processes of digestion;
  • improve the secretory and motor function of the intestines and stomach;
  • remove toxins and excess water from the body;
  • alleviate the condition with gout, nephritis, urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis and metabolic disorders in the body;
  • improve vision and condition of teeth, hair, skin.

Vegetable is useful for people suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis, hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • duodenal ulcers;
  • anemia.

Perhaps the only contraindication, in addition to individual intolerance, is kidney disease, in which potassium excretion from the body is impaired.

The beneficial substances contained in zucchini are absorbed very quickly and this makes the vegetable beneficial to health.

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini

Despite the resemblance and family ties, zucchini and zucchini have many differences.

  1. External signs. Unlike zucchini, zucchini has a large bush and long branched shoots. The color of the zucchini is not so colorful, its peel is pale green, sometimes almost white. And the flower is smaller and more modestly colored than that of zucchini.
  2. Fruit. Zucchini has the same shape as zucchini, but the latter has a larger fruit size - up to 40 cm. The peel is more rigid, so it has to be removed during cooking. The flesh of zucchini is denser and coarser. Zucchini seeds are small, do not ripen for a long time, so the fruit picked on time does not need to be cleaned. In zucchini, the opposite is true - there are a lot of seeds, they are coarse and must be removed when cooking.
  3. Growing conditions. Zucchinis are very warm and light-loving, but zucchini can easily put up with a little shading.
  4. The rate of maturation and fruiting period. Zucchini ripen almost a month earlier than zucchini. But zucchini is able to bear fruit longer, for example, late varieties are harvested at the end of September.
  5. Storage. Zucchini is a perishable vegetable. But the zucchini, thanks to its dense skin, can be stored for a long time if all conditions are met.
  6. Productivity. Everyone knows that zucchini is a fruitful vegetable. But zucchini, even despite the small size of the fruit, is almost 2 times more productive.

Zucchini and zucchini - what are the similarities and differences - video

Popular varieties

The popularity of zucchini has aroused interest from breeders. Many varieties with different characteristics and colors have been born. Let's consider some of them.


Approved for cultivation in the Central, Middle Volga and Far East regions. Recommended for spring film greenhouses. Fruits reach technical ripeness 51 days after seed germination. The bush has no side shoots. The main lash is short. A large dark green strongly dissected leaf has a five-lobed shape. The fruit is cylindrical, up to 40 cm long. The average weight is 890 g. The skin is thin, smooth, dark green with light green speckles. The pulp is white, juicy, has excellent tastes. Productivity is good - up to 12 kg per 1 m². Gray rot is affected to an average degree.

Zucchini Tsukesha - an early ripening popular variety

The new variety of zucchini Tsukesha is distinguished by its bushiness and this is exactly what I like. I don’t have a lot of land and every scrap is worth its weight in gold, so the appearance of this variety allows you to collect a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden.



In 2007, it was included in the State Register for the North Caucasus and Far East regions. The growing season is short - 43 days. The bush is compact, with small heavily dissected leaves. The surface of the plate is spotted, with slight pubescence. The fruit is of medium length, cylindrical shape with a small diameter. The skin is dark green with diffuse spotting. Weight from 400 to 900 g. Taste qualities are excellent. Productivity is good - 464 - 777 kg / ha. It has a relative resistance to low temperatures.

Zucchini Negro has excellent taste qualities

Negro is dark green, glossy, the fruit is leveled, elongated, the taste is the best of all that I have tried in appearance similar to the Aeronaut, but not so large


In 2010, it was approved for cultivation in all regions of the country. Recommended for open ground in private farms. It starts fruiting 40-45 days after germination. The plant is medium-sized, with strongly dissected leaves of medium size. The surface of the plate is dark green, with a slight spotting. The fruit is in the form of a cylinder, with medium or strong ribbing. The skin is yellow, there are small dots. The pulp is tender, dense, slightly sweet in taste. Fruit weight from 700 g to 1 kg. Yield 5.2 kg/m².

Zucchini Zolotinka is well stored due to its dense peel

I have grown this variety several times. Yields are really good. But I can't say the same about disease resistance. Much more susceptible to rot than dark green zucchini.

tiger cub

Year of inclusion in the State Register 2008, approved for cultivation in all regions. Recommended for growing in private farms. From the stage of germination to fruiting, 60 - 65 days pass. The plant is a slightly branched shrub with small strongly dissected leaves. The fruit is long, curved, cylindrical. The surface is ribbed, the color is characterized by alternating dark green and light green stripes and strong diffuse spotting. The pulp is dense, tender, has a pleasant light cream color. The mass of a ripe fruit is from 720 g to 1.2 kg. Productivity is 5.7 - 7.4 kg / ha. Differs in drought resistance.

Zucchini Tiger cub - drought-resistant variety

Zucchini is just for food, like Tiger Cub and Murzilka. I plant 2 bushes in 2 leaky barrels, but 1 bush is better, as they crush each other


Approved for cultivation in the Central and Volga-Vyatka region in 2009 Recommended for private farms. The period from full germination to technical maturity is 46-57 days. The plant is bushy, compact. The leaves are medium, slightly dissected. Having reached technical ripeness, the fruit acquires a curved pear shape. The surface is slightly ribbed, green, decorated with a pattern in the form of specks. Pulp of average density, gentle, with excellent taste. Fruit weight from 700 g to 1.1 kg. Productivity is higher than standard varieties - 580 - 735 kg / ha. It is drought and cold resistant.

Zucchini Skvorushka withstands cold snaps and dry periods

I sowed Skvorushka this year - some kind of horror. Not just NOT soft, but also didn’t really have time to fade, but already a wooden skin. And about 3 years ago I planted - they seemed to be softer.



The regions of admission are Central, Volga-Vyatka, North-Western, Nizhnevolzhsky, Ural, Far East, East Siberian. The year of entry into the State Register is 1987. From full shoots to the collection period, 46 days pass. Compact bush plant with a short main shoot and a few lashes. The fruit is cylindrical with a smooth dark green surface. There is a pattern in the form of small dots of light green color. The pulp is crispy, dense, juicy, tender, whitish-yellow in color. Taste qualities are noted as good. Fruit weight 1.3 kg. Yield 7 kg per 1 m². Resistance to viral diseases is strong, to powdery mildew - above average. Has excellent transportability.

Aeronaut zucchini is prized for its disease resistance

In general, I liked the Aeronaut most of all - they grew up before everyone else, very fruitful and tasty.


planting zucchini

Zucchini can be grown in two ways - seedling and seed. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Planting for seedlings

A tender and heat-loving crop in regions of risky farming is best grown in seedlings. But it’s better not to rush with sowing seedlings, especially if you live in regions with a cold climate. As a rule, sowing is carried out in the middle or end of April, expecting that transplanting into the ground should take place in 25 to 30 days.

Zucchini seeds do not lose their ability to germinate for 10 years. But the highest quality are considered 2 - 3-year-olds.

2 - 3-year-old seeds have good germination

Seedlings on the windowsill

Before planting, treat the seeds to improve their germination. But first, go through them, separating the empty seeds. Then warm up the selected material. The easiest way is to wrap the seeds in cotton cloth and put them on the central heating battery, let them lie there for 3 days. But you can hold them for 4 - 6 hours at a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C in the oven.

In my opinion, this method is more dubious. There is a risk of simply frying them or not warming them up enough, because not everyone's oven accurately shows the right temperature.

  1. To disinfect the seeds, hold for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse.
  2. The next day, the seeds will spend in a solution of boric acid (0.002%). This procedure will increase germination, enhance the initial growth, increase the yield by 10 - 20%. You can buy various growth stimulants in a specialized store, they also give excellent results.
  3. Then hardening follows. Leave the seeds wrapped in a damp cloth at room temperature for 6 hours. Then for 1.5 days place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

In order for the seeds to please with friendly shoots, they must be processed before sowing.

While the seeds are being processed, do not waste time, but prepare everything you need for sowing. Prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing equal proportions of soddy soil, humus, coarse sand and peat with low acidity. Do not forget to disinfect the prepared composition by spilling light pink potassium permanganate. If the necessary components are not at hand, you can purchase soil for seedlings at a flower shop, but sand should still be added to it.

It is advisable to plant seeds in separate containers, as delicate roots can be damaged during picking. You can prepare any container you have at hand - disposable cups (but not the smallest), seedling pots, peat cups or special planting tablets, after soaking them in water.

Landing and care

  1. Fill the container with the prepared soil mixture. Pour abundantly and sow 1 - 2 seeds in each container. Close up to a depth of no more than 3 cm. Place the seeds flat.
  2. Cover the cups with a plastic bag and place in the brightest place. For normal germination, seeds need a temperature in the range of 20 - 22 ° C.
  3. After 5 days, the seeds will germinate. When all the seedlings come out, the bag can be removed so that the seedlings do not suffer from high humidity.
  4. To avoid stretching the seedlings for the first 10 days after germination, lower the temperature - during the day from 15 to 18 ° C, at night from 12 to 15 ° C. Humidity is not lower than 60%, but not higher than 80%.
  5. Water moderately, keeping the soil moist, but do not flood. Water only with warm water (25C°)!
  6. Lighting should be maximum so that the seedlings do not stretch.

Sowing seeds for seedlings - video

I grow seedlings on the south window. The Crimean sun shines brightly, so I always shade the seedlings at noon. Refracted in window glass, the rays can lead to withering of tender plants and overdrying of the soil.

During the growth of seedlings, feed it twice. The first time, when the seedlings are 8 - 10 days old, the second - after 2 weeks. As top dressing, complex fertilizers are usually used. You can prepare a solution of superphosphate - 2 g per 1 liter of water.

Seedlings in a greenhouse or under a film

If you follow all of the above rules, then in a greenhouse or under a film you can grow strong seedlings in cups. Of course, you have to tinker, especially on hot days. So that the seedlings do not rot, it will be necessary to slightly open the shelters, but do this only from the leeward side. But on the other hand, such seedlings will be more hardened than indoor ones.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

The time of transplanting seedlings to an open bed should coincide with the weather conditions suitable for this. Tender seedlings cannot stand the cold, so the ground should be warmed up to 12 ° C at a depth of 10 cm. This weather occurs in late May - early June. Do not forget to harden home seedlings 1.5 - 2 weeks before transplanting into the ground, taking them outside and gradually increasing the time spent in the air.

If you are guided by folk signs, then the timing of planting seedlings is determined by blooming dandelions.

Zucchini beds are prepared in a special way. Choose the most illuminated area, since the plant must be provided with the maximum amount of heat and light. Thanks to this, the seedlings quickly start growing and overtake even fast-growing zucchini.

  1. Italian zucchini prefers loams with low or neutral acidity, the main advantage of which is fertility and good friability. Since autumn, the selected place is cleared of the remnants of vegetation. Plan the direction of the beds - from south to north. Landing pattern - 70/70 cm.
  2. According to the planned scheme, pits are dug 25–30 cm deep and 40/40 cm wide. Collected plant residues are placed on the bottom of the pit - weeds, tops, fallen leaves, twigs. Do not use the remains of diseased plants! Such a substrate during decomposition will not only warm root system, but will also become an additional source of nutrients.
  3. In the spring, when favorable conditions are formed for transplanting seedlings into the ground, take 1 tbsp. l. double superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate (it is possible without it), a half-liter jar of wood ash. Mix everything well with the earth and fill the pits. It turns out a small mound.
  4. The middle of the mound is shed with a warm solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per bucket of water), the earth will settle, and seedlings are planted in a creamy mass. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment, so as not to damage the fragile roots.
  5. After that, cover the landing with a film. But condensation often collects under the film and humidity rises. For seedlings, this is detrimental, so carry out airing regularly, lifting the film in the warm season.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground - video

I do a little easier in my opinion. To close the beds will need a lot of film. Therefore, I plant seedlings under 6-liter plastic bottles from under the water, after cutting off their bottom. I bury each bottle in the ground while it is wet; this is very easy to do. To ventilate the seedlings, I simply remove the lid. When the young plant takes root and gets stronger, I remove the bottle.

Instead of covering material, you can use plastic bottles

In regions with severe weather conditions or in areas with heavy clay soil, zucchini is recommended to be planted in high beds. In such structures, the soil warms up faster, which means that the zucchini will feel comfortable.

Planting seeds in the ground

This method of landing is quite suitable for the southern regions and for the Middle Strip.

Before planting, seeds undergo the treatment already described above, but before planting in the ground, they need to be allowed to hatch in order to speed up the process of sprouts coming out. To do this, wrap the treated seeds in a damp cloth, preferably gauze, and leave for a couple of days at room temperature. Be sure to check that the seeds do not overgrow. It is necessary to plant in the ground as soon as a tiny green sprout appears from the seed spout. Overgrown seeds, in which the rudiments of cotyledon leaves appear, develop more weakly.

Sprouted seeds will germinate faster

Sowing seeds in an open garden begins from late May to early June, when the earth is warm enough. The landing pattern is the same.

Step by step process

  1. Add a handful of humus and ash to the dug hole, mix well with the ground and spill with water.
  2. Up to 2 seeds can be placed in one hole.
  3. The depth of the seed hit the soil depends on its density. In loose soil, a seed can be buried up to 5 - 6 cm. If the soil is dense, heavy, then planting is carried out at a shallower depth - up to 4 cm.
  4. After planting, each hole must be mulched with dry earth so that moisture evaporates more slowly.

In loose soils, you can plant a seed deeper, in dense soils - on the contrary, it is not recommended to deepen

When choosing a site for planting seedlings or seeds, do not forget about crop rotation. Good precursors are:

  • cabbage;
  • solanaceous;
  • peas.

Zucchini Care

Italian zucchini is not too whimsical plant, but needs good moisture.

Caring for transplanted seedlings

Zucchini is a moisture-loving vegetable, so watering should be timely. Do not let the soil under the bush dry out, otherwise the zucchini will drop the ovaries. But it’s not worth flooding the ground either, roots deprived of oxygen can begin to rot.

In each region, the irrigation regime varies depending on the precipitation and the number of sunny days, but standard irrigation is carried out 1 time in 5 days. During fruiting, it increases - 1 time in 3 days. The norm of water under a bush is 10 - 12 liters.

Water only with warm water. Try not to get moisture on the leaves and ovary, so pour under the root. It is advisable to carry out the procedure early in the morning.

Water zucchini only with warm water under the root

The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after transplantation. Complex mineral fertilizers are used, which are applied strictly under the root after preliminary moistening. Zucchini is very responsive to organic matter. A solution of mullein 1/10 or chicken manure 1/20 will come in handy during flowering. But if there is no such fertilizer, wood ash will help out. During the period of fruit formation, zucchini needs phosphorus-potassium supplements. The working solution is prepared according to the instructions.

Keep Italian zucchini beds clean. Weeding and loosening after watering are the rules of care, which should not be neglected. And do not forget about the beneficial properties of mulch. It will help maintain a normal level of moisture in the soil and protect the roots from overheating.

Zucchini loves clean beds

Caring for zucchini from seeds

When shoots appear, the strongest plant should be left in the hole. Weak should be cut or plucked. If you try to pull, do it carefully so as not to damage the roots of the remaining seedling. A month after planting the seeds, top dressing is applied to the soil - 40 g of complex mineral fertilizer dissolved in 10 liters of water. Otherwise, care is carried out in the same way as for plants grown from seedlings.

General rules of care

No matter how the zucchini is planted, there is general rules caring for him.

Harvest and storage

To appreciate the taste of zucchini, they need to be harvested on time. Fruits that have reached 10 or 15 cm in size are the most delicious. They have the most delicate flesh, and their peel is so thin that it can be eaten.

A feature of zucchini is the fact that if you do not harvest on time, new fruits will not be tied.

As a rule, ripe fruits are removed every week. But in the height of summer it has to be done much more often. Cut the zucchini along with the stalk, the longer it turns out, the longer the vegetable can be stored.

Harvest zucchini on time

For storage, select only whole fruits, the peel of which does not show signs of mechanical or other damage. Early maturing varieties are usually eaten immediately. But varieties with a dense peel (Skvorushka, Zolotinka) can be stored almost all winter, laid out in one layer. The main thing is that they do not touch each other. Storage conditions:

  • temperature from 3 to 10°C;
  • humidity 60 - 70%;
  • constant ventilation of the room.

The place of storage must be deprived of access to light. Therefore, if the fruits are in a box on the balcony, they must be covered with a thick cloth on top.

Zucchini can be stored in the refrigerator by placing them in perforated bags. So they lie for a month. Frozen vegetables are perfectly preserved. Cut into circles or cubes and packed in tight plastic bags, the fruits can lie quietly until the next harvest. And zucchini preparations - The best way diversify the winter diet.

Gourmets will appreciate the taste of canned zucchini

Diseases and pests specific to zucchini

If you correctly fulfill the planting conditions and take into account crop rotation, then a healthy harvest is ensured. But troubles with the weather and some mistakes in care can lead to the spread of the most common diseases for zucchini. If you recognize the disease in time and urgently apply control measures, nothing terrible will happen.

To prevent diseases from disturbing zucchini beds as little as possible, be sure to take preventive measures:

  • properly till the soil before planting;
  • collect plant debris;
  • follow the planting pattern - thickened beds are most often affected by diseases;
  • observe the irrigation regime, especially with possible temperature differences;
  • do not overfeed zucchini with nitrogen fertilizers.

In addition to diseases, pests can also annoy the plant. The most dangerous are scoop caterpillars, which burrow inside the stem and feed there, as a result of which the plant dies. Trouble can bring aphid colonies and sprout fly. For pest control I use Fufanon. As a preventive measure, the bushes are treated with infusion of horseradish. To do this, the leaves or roots of the plant are ground in a meat grinder, the container is filled by 1/3, the rest is topped up with water. Insist hour and filter. Sprayed in the evening so as not to burn the leaves.

The scoop caterpillar is dangerous because it affects the plant from the inside

Knowing the features of growing zucchini, even a novice gardener can get a decent harvest. And given the excellent fruiting of the Italian zucchini, you can enjoy all summer fresh vegetable. And in the winter, prepare delicious sunsets. Some varieties, with proper storage conditions, can replenish the body's vitamin supply during the winter.

Good day! My name is Irina. I live in a wonderful place - the Crimea. By education - an educator. I love nature and animals very much. I have been fond of floriculture for a long time, and garden wisdom has just begun to master. My motto is live and learn.

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