
Ficus elastica Robusta: home care. How to organize the care of rubber ficus robusta Ficus robusta home care pruning

Rubber-bearing ficus (or ficus elastica) has long gained popularity among domestic flower growers. However, there are also varieties of this plant, one of which is the rubber-bearing ficus Robusta. Ficus Robusta is very unpretentious in care, and also has a very attractive appearance. In this article, we will tell you what kind of care is required for ficus Robusta to become a real decoration of your home.

If necessary, shortage sunlight more than compensates for artificial lighting. The optimum temperature for these ficus trees is in the range of 18–25 degrees. It is forbidden to place the flower close to batteries and other heating appliances: so it will dry out and die very soon. In addition, during a hot period of time, it is recommended to maintain humidity indicators at the proper level by spraying the tree with a spray bottle. In winter, make sure that the Robusta ficus does not freeze - the temperature should be 16-18 degrees. If it is below this mark, the leaves will begin to fade and fall off quickly.

The plant likes light soil. You can use a special soil for ficuses or take a universal one and add perlite to it. Also, do not forget to fertilize the flower as needed, especially when it is actively growing.

Features of care

Home care is a simple matter. You just need to take into account a few aspects so that the fate of the home tree turns out to be prosperous. The main issue that worries the owners of this plant is the issue of ficus elastica.

Propagating a green handsome is easy. For propagation, as a rule, cuttings are used - this is the simplest and most fast way breed rubber baby. Since it propagates by cuttings, we will need to cut them off with a sharpened knife, lower them into water and wait for a while until they take root. It is better to build some kind of greenhouse, covering the sprouts with a bag. After the roots have appeared, the cuttings are placed in separate pots. Ficus is also propagated air layers, but this method is suitable for professionals, not amateurs. In addition to reproduction, it is worth observing several more important aspects.

Watering mode

  1. Putting a newly acquired flower in quarantine. Never put a newly purchased plant in your flower garden - from the store you can bring not only beautiful flower but also several diseases. The best option the flower will be placed in quarantine, where it will stay for about a week. Then you can place it with other colors.
  2. Do not be lazy to inspect your flower garden. This way you can recognize a disease or even harmful insects before the process has gone too far. In addition, by devoting a lot of time to your plants, you can notice in time when they need to be transplanted, watered or.
  3. From time to time it is worth wiping the leaves of the plant with soapy water. This is a kind of preventive method that will help avoid the appearance of pests.

Video "Ficus Robusta"

In this video you will learn about the rubber ficus Robusta.

You can find Robusta in almost any of the countries of the East, but China and Indonesia are considered to be their homeland. One of its features is a relatively small growth, which distinguishes the plant from other members of the family - the average height of a flower does not exceed 60 centimeters. Although, of course, some specimens grow up to 2 meters in height.

For several hundred years, ficus has been grown at home. Due to its unpretentiousness in care, this houseplant can either replenish the collection of an experienced grower, or settle in the house of a beginner without any problems. Moreover, it perfectly cleans the air., has an interesting appearance, does not take up much space and will enliven even the most boring interior.

Characteristics of Ficus elastica Robusta

Like the entire mulberry family to which ficuses belong, Robusta (lat. Ficus robusta) is evergreen perennial plant. It is noteworthy that some scientists distinguish it as an independent species, while others attribute it to only one of the varieties of elastic ficus, the main characteristics of which include massiveness. The same word can describe the plant itself, because despite the small size Robusta looks quite powerful.

External characteristics of home ficus:

How to organize plant care at home?

Ficus elastica Robusta belongs to those indoor trees, the maintenance and care of which is extremely simple. Even as an absent-minded or careless novice grower, they are not so easy to ruin. But still there is a small list of recommendations that must be followed so that the plant can please its owners for many years.

To begin with, it is desirable to plant ficus in nutritious soil. It is good if it will freely pass water and air through itself. Excessively generous watering can provoke rotting of ficus Robusta, so there should be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot - it will protect the plant by taking away excess moisture.

When looking for a place in the house, you need to take into account the fact that the elastic does not tolerate direct sunlight - they can cause burns and leaf fall. Therefore, the flower pot should be in a light shade. But a window sill is also suitable if the window is located on the west, east or north side. When the pot is placed in too dark corners of the room, they can be equipped with lamps. Although often such tricks are unnecessary, because Robusta ficus easily adapts to different conditions. But let's look at the nuances of care in a little more detail.

pot and soil

The container in which Robusta grows must be spacious. Otherwise, the roots, and the plant itself, will be cramped. In addition to the soil, a thick drainage layer must be present at the bottom of the pot.

As already mentioned, land for planting ficus elastic needs nutritious. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to scrupulously calculate the elements necessary for the development of the plant, bit by bit. The flower is not so demanding on this. If you are not a florist and do not understand a huge range of nutritional supplements, then you can, without much concern, abandon the self-preparation of the mixture in favor of purchased soil. It is enough to pay attention to one single nuance - it must be “equipped” for planting deciduous or exotic plants.

But you can’t tamp the earth in a pot! On the contrary, it should be loose and crumbly so that the ficus roots can not only easily absorb moisture from the soil, but also breathe.

Temperature and lighting

The ideal temperature for ficus Robusta should be between 18-25 degrees, in no case less than the lower mark. But at the same time, strong stuffiness in the room can cause the plant to lower or even shed its leaves. Therefore, they should not be placed near batteries or other heating elements.

But ficus is not demanding at all for lighting. The main thing is not to put it under the scorching sun. Well, it is also undesirable to “hide” it in the darkness - the lack of light will have a bad effect on its external characteristics. The rest of the lighting can be:

  • scattered sunlight;
  • penumbra;
  • artificial, due to lamps.

How to water ficus Robusta, room humidity

When caring for a plant, water it with settled water at room temperature. As with other indoor flowers, this should be done much more often in summer than in winter. But even in the hot season, it is not necessary to fill the tree with water and is even contraindicated. Watering is required only when the drying of the top layer becomes noticeable.

And here is the humidity level of the room, in which Robusta is located, must be constant and sufficient - at least 50%. But it would be foolish to say that this condition is special. After all, the same percentage of moisture in the air is necessary for a person.

In addition, in the summer it is recommended to sometimes wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or periodically spray Robusta ficus with water. In winter, such care can be neglected., giving preference to a water-based air freshener or a special device - a humidifier. The latter will create excellent conditions not only for the plant, but also for the inhabitants of the house.

Top dressing with fertilizers

It makes sense to do top dressing only when the Robusta ficus is actively growing. This time usually falls on the first days of spring and lasts until November. Absolutely any mineral complexes for home plants sold in flower shops can be used as fertilizers. You need to add them to the soil in small quantities., with breaks of 10-15 days.

The most effective for ficus are top dressings based on nitrogen components.

Transplant and pruning

Young Robusta grows quite quickly. So, if he was originally planted in a small bowl, he will soon need a larger pot. Such “scheduled” transplants, like the growth phase, occur in the spring and are preferably done in a year. Otherwise, the root system will begin to be oppressed in cramped conditions. But at the same time, an adult plant does not need a transplant at all - replacement of the top layer of soil will be more than enough.

Pruning ficus Robusta is also not needed. It is relevant only if further growth of the plant becomes undesirable. With its help, a lush crown is also formed - after pruning, the tree begins to expand due to the appearance of lateral shoots.

Carefully! Ficuses in the places of the cut emit poisonous "milk". It should be excluded in advance the possibility of contact with the skin or mucous membranes at the time of trimming.

The best time for the procedure is the end of February or the beginning of March. Just before the active growth stage. Ficus not reaching the required height no need to cut. Or do it very carefully, only slightly pinching the top of the main shoot. If the goal is the development and formation of the crown, then experts advise cutting the branch 7 cm above the required leaf or branch.

Important! Trimming and pinching the upper part of the central "trunk" of the ficus completely stops its upward growth.

Thin branches should be cut straight, while the main shoot is only diagonal. Moreover, the upper half of the cut should be above the kidney, and the lower half on the opposite side should approach its level.

In work, you can use both a special pruner and an ordinary sharp knife, previously disinfected by incandescent fire or alcohol tincture without additives. After cutting off the unnecessary part of the shoot, the milky juice is removed from the pruning site with a rag or sponge moistened with water.


For these purposes, it is easiest to use plant cuttings. The tops of branches and shoots almost always take root, doing this very quickly. Another way to propagate ficus is to use aerial roots.

And summing up, Robusta really belongs to those indoor plants that are difficult to harm even with careless care. Yes, under or over watering and lack of light can cause it to droop or even shed its leaves, while direct sunlight can burn it and cause it to wither. But otherwise, the ficus is extremely picky and, if you don’t forget about it at all, it will decorate the room for a long time, purifying the air and delighting those around you.

Ficus Robusta is one of the many varieties of ficuses. Another name is rubber-bearing, elastic (sometimes el). It is considered unpretentious to care, has beautiful view- in the form of a branching tree, with large shiny leaves. Therefore, it can often be found both in offices and at home. Many appreciate the plant for the ability to purify the air from phenols and other harmful compounds.

Ficus Robusta is an evergreen upright plant that has the ability to branch. The leaves are oval, dark green and seem to be varnished on the outside. From the inside - light green. The central vein runs along the middle part of the leaf. This type of ficus is fast growing.

Greenhouse ficuses

To form an aesthetic appearance the top should be trimmed periodically. This is done with a sharp disinfected knife, the cut is made 1-2 sheets from the top. Thanks to pruning, you can give the ficus the look of a beautiful tree with side branches.

How to form a trunk and crown

To give the ficus an unusual spectacular look, you can plant several plants in a pot, for example 2-3, and twist them carefully, without damaging the trunk. First, remove the leaves from the bottom. You can fix this position with a wire or a thick thread. The trunks will grow together, and you will get a thick tree.

You can weave trunks only on young ficuses with flexible trunks, no higher than 15 cm.

form a crown possible in the following ways:

  1. pruning;
  2. pinching (only for young plants not higher than 10 cm);
  3. by bending (the top is gently bent, fixed, the upper kidney begins to develop and grow, will give an escape);
  4. stimulation of the growth of new branches by piercing the trunk 1/3 deep.

Carry out manipulations with a puncture, pruning a flower only sterile disinfected instruments.

The flowering of rubber ficus has no decorative value, and at home it rarely happens. In nature, the plant blooms in spring or summer, the inflorescences are small, collected from yellow-green flowers.

The subtleties of caring for ficus elastic

This type of ficus not picky about the conditions of detention, but certain rules must be followed if you want to grow a healthy lush plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Ideal Temperature for the summer season - in the range from 20 to 25 degrees. In extreme heat, the leaves of the plant may sag and turn pale. In winter - not lower than 18 ° C, with draft protection.

Humidity is required at least 50%, optimally 60-70%. Dry air, especially in winter when the heating is on, can cause yellowing of the crown. Therefore ficus should be sprayed regularly- at least 2 times a day in winter, in summer in the heat - more often. It is convenient to spray from a spray bottle with soft filtered water.


Everything is easier with lighting - a flower not afraid of shading. But it cannot grow completely in the shade. It is better for a permanent habitat to choose the eastern and western windows, or the northwestern. Direct sun damages the plant, causing burns and leaf fall.

Ficus in sufficient light


Watering the ficus is plentiful, but without overflow- this is fraught with rotting of the root system. It is better to choose this mode:

in summer - once every couple of days;

in winter - once every 4-5 days.

After watering, be sure to drain the water from the pan, otherwise mold will appear, the plant may get sick.


The soil for Robusta is light, but nutritious. Acidity is neutral. It is better to buy special primers for ficuses, or a universal primer. You can add sand to it - for better breathability, and vermiculite.

You can and should fertilize the plant. Especially during the period of active growth and development - November to March. You can buy any top dressing in liquid form for decorative leafy plants, preferably with a high nitrogen content. Ficus should be fed no more than once every 2 weeks.

There are several methods of plant propagation:

  • cuttings
  • from a sheet
  • sowing seeds
  • air and horizontal layers.

Reproduction of ficus at home

The most affordable and popular way- from a cutting. How to do it right:

  1. cut cuttings from the tops with 2-3 leaves
  2. wash off the milky juice, soak in clean water for a couple of hours
  3. dip the cut in the root
  4. put the stem in clean water, changing it periodically.

Roots form in 3-4 weeks. Then the plant is planted in a small pot and looked after according to all the rules.
You can immediately plant the cut shoot in the soil mixture; for better engraftment, build a mini-greenhouse on top.
About transplant

Ficus needs to be repotted, because it grows quickly, and its roots too. When the plant begins to drop leaves quickly after watering, and the roots are visible both on the surface of the soil and at the bottom of the pot, it's time to transplant it.

The transshipment method is better suited - planting in a new pot with an old earthy clod. This is less traumatic for the root system and the plant as a whole.


How to transplant a ficus into a new pot:

  1. water the ficus more abundantly, so that the whole clod of earth is wet;
  2. gently shake the plant together with an earthy clod;
  3. put drainage in a new container, put the plant and add fresh soil;
  4. water the ficus, put it in place and do not disturb with frequent rearrangements.

New pot (preferably clay) should be 2-3 cm wider in diameter former.

About pests and diseases

Signs that the ficus is not in order:

  • leaves turn yellow and fall off;
  • the appearance of spots of different colors on the foliage;
  • leaf wilting.

If the ficus suddenly turns yellow and crumbles, possible reasontoo dry air, or low room temperature, or drafts.

Sick ficus leaf

Brown spots indicate that the flower was flooded. How to help - carry out transshipment with inspection of the roots without watering.
Among the pests, the ficus is often attacked by a spider mite, less often by a scab.

Signs of defeat:

  • leaves are covered with a sticky transparent coating
  • visible cobweb enveloping the plant
  • with scab - red spots on the sheet.

How to deal with pests by special means , and folk methods. One of them is washing the leaves on both sides with soapy water (preferably from laundry soap). For prevention, this can be done once a week, the solution is weak. For the destruction of scale insects and ticks - a more saturated opaque solution.

There are other problems that can be encountered when breeding ficus Robusta.

Robusta at home

Ficus Robusta does not require huge cultivation efforts from its owners. But if you treat it with care, the plant will thank you with its well-groomed appearance. Moreover, according to the signs, this the flower brings positive to the house, family happiness and helps couples to have offspring.

Ficus elastica is a widespread indoor culture. Since ancient times, the plant has been considered a symbol of family comfort and well-being. It got its second name (rubber-bearing) because of the viscous thick juice, which contains a large amount of rubber used in the production of rubber.

Ficus rubbery native to South Indonesia. It often grows up to 30 meters. In these regions, the plant is revered by Buddhists. AT indoor floriculture Ficus elastica are widely used for decoration.

In our country, after the revolution of 1917, the flower was ranked among the notorious "seven elephants", and declared a symbol of philistinism and bad taste. However, true connoisseurs natural beauty plants have never renounced ficuses, and in the last decade they have increasingly begun to appear in the homes of our compatriots.

Types of ficuses

Rubber-bearing ficus is represented in modern floriculture by numerous varieties that are more compact than natural varieties. The most popular and common are the following types:


A completely unpretentious variety with wide shiny leaves, painted in dark green.


A plant with tricolor leaves (white-pink rims along the edge and a green center). Unlike Robusta, this ficus is more demanding on lighting.


Spectacular flower with very beautiful maroon leaves. The plant does not require care.


The original type of ficus with leaves covered with irregular spots of green and white color. The plant is more finicky in care, needs good diffused lighting, regular watering, top dressing and pruning.


The variety often bushes and has dark green leaves (up to 20 cm). Unpretentious in care.


Differs in pinnate light leaves with light stains.

Black Prince

The plant has very dark shiny leaves. Unpretentious and ideal for home keeping.

Description of ficus

A young plant initially has one unbranched stem. Gradually, aerial roots appear on it and the branches, which in a natural moist and warm environment reach the ground, forming new trunks.

Ficus elastica have large elliptical leaves with pointed ends. They are arranged in order. Only the leaves that have appeared, as well as the stipules, are painted in a rich dark brown color.

The benefits of ficus

Today, many grow ficus elastica at home, in offices, in summer cottages. This plant has a positive effect on the microclimate of the room, purifies the air of harmful substances, in particular, trichlorethylene, phenol and benzene.

In the Indian teachings of Ayurveda, it is recommended to grow ficus elastica to improve the energy background of the room, clean it from negative energy. The plant is harmless.

Ficus elastica at home

Like most indoor plants, ficus loves diffused bright light, but the direct rays of the sun can harm it. Elastic ficuses also develop in partial shade, but in this case the flower grows slowly, and after a while the plant begins to shed its lower leaves.

Temperature regime

Rubbery ficus feels comfortable in spring and summer at air temperatures up to +25 ° C, although it can endure summer heat without serious consequences if it does not last too long.

AT winter time, in the room where the flower is located, it can be cool, but the temperature should not be lower than +15 ° C.

Ficus elastica: watering

The plant needs regular moderate watering. This should be done only after the top layer of soil has dried by about five centimeters. In summer, water no more than twice a week, in winter - no more than once every seven to ten days.

It is impossible to allow ficus elastica to be waterlogged. The leaves of this plant fall for many reasons, including an increased amount of water in the soil. It is also necessary to maintain the desired air humidity for the flower. In the summer, it is increased by spraying with water and washing the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge once every ten days. Once a month, the plant will need a warm shower. But first you need to cover the soil in a pot with a film.

In winter, elastic ficuses are not sprayed, but only wiped with a damp cloth. It is advisable to keep the plant away from heating devices in winter.

top dressing

In the warm season (from April to September), the rubber-bearing ficus needs top dressing, and at least twice a month. It is advisable to alternate liquid mineral and organic fertilizers, in which nitrogen predominates. For example, water the moist soil in a pot with a nutrient solution (1/2 spoon of nitrophoska per liter of water). After fifteen days, treat the wet soil with mullein infusion. Try not to get fertilizer on the growth buds and leaves.


If you do not want your ficus to reach its maximum size, then regular pruning is necessary. The crown is usually formed in the spring, when the most active growth of the plant is observed, so it is easier to tolerate this procedure. It must be remembered, when starting pruning, that elastic ficuses have poisonous milky juice, which can irritate the skin.

When the plant reaches the height you need, pinch the main shoot. If you think that it is necessary to shorten the flower, then first cut the shoot five centimeters above the desired mark, and then pinch. This will stop the growth in height and help form a lush crown.

Don't forget to sanitize your tools. Before pruning, the secateurs and the knife should be calcined on fire or treated with alcohol. After finishing work, remove the milk juice from the blade with a damp cloth or sponge. The spring formation of the crown activates the growth of new shoots and lateral buds.


If you notice that ficus elastica has grown out of its old container, it should be transplanted into a larger pot in the spring. It is advisable to transplant in one year, and pruning the next season. It is difficult for Ficus to adapt and recover immediately after two procedures.

A small young plant should not be planted in a large pot, as this can cause increased growth of the root system, and the ground part will freeze for a long time. For transplantation, a pot is used five centimeters deeper and three centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

A drainage layer (about five centimeters) is poured into the bottom of the container. First you need to prepare the soil mixture. For ficus, it should consist of peat, soddy soil, leaf humus and river sand in equal proportions. Today you can buy ready-made soil in specialized stores or cook it yourself.

Young plants are transplanted by transshipment in order to injure as little as possible root system. It is much more convenient to keep adult plants in tubs, periodically replacing the surface layer of soil.


Most owners try to leaf. It takes root well and can live alone for a long time. But the stem will not emerge from the leaf, and the plant will not develop.

To get a new plant, you need to find out what features ficus elastica has. Propagation of this plant is most effective with the help of cuttings. For this, the upper share of the stem with 2-3 leaves is used. The bottom sheet is removed, and the top sheet is shortened by a third. Before planting, the cutting is placed in water to drain the milky juice. Then it is planted in the ground and covered with polyethylene. The duration of rooting is twenty days.

Reproduction by layering

Ficuses can be propagated by air layering. To do this, bind the stem under the sixth sheet with plastic wrap, which must be filled with moist soil. Polyethylene is needed to retain moisture. To make roots appear faster, make an oblique cut on the stem.

Diseases and pests

These are quite powerful and strong plants. Ficus elastica disease is a rather rare phenomenon. With proper care and proper watering, the plant actively develops and grows.

Dry and shriveled leaves may appear in ampelous and bushy varieties due to the drying of the soil and low level humidity. It is necessary to normalize watering and spray more often. The same symptoms can appear with sunburn. In this case, it is enough to rearrange the plant in a more suitable place where direct sunlight will not fall on it.

If you notice that the leaves of the plant have begun to turn yellow, then experts believe that there may be several reasons for this: drying out or waterlogging of the soil, drafts, insufficient lighting.

Some leaf diseases can be caused by pests. Most often they appear in rooms with a high level of humidity (fungal infections) or too low (aphid, nematode, spider mite, scale insect). To prevent pests from injuring the plant, preventive examinations should be carried out.

If you notice small spiders on the lower part of the leaves, then you should know that this is a spider mite, which multiplies rapidly at high temperatures and dryness. To destroy it, the plant is washed with a weak solution of tobacco dust with the addition of soap.

To get rid of shield aphids, you can use the same soap and tobacco infusion by adding a few drops of alcohol or kerosene to it.

Why are the leaves falling?

This question is of interest not only to beginners, but also to experienced flower growers. Most often this happens with a lack of moisture. In addition to watering, ficus must be sprayed with water, but its temperature should not be lower than +15 ° C.

Plants with large leaves are less whimsical to moisture, and small-leaved species need to be sprayed often. During heating season place a container of water near the plant and regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

fungal diseases

These diseases can appear as spots on the leaf plates. Poor ventilation can lead to the formation white plaque. This disease is well known to experienced flower growers and is called "powdery mildew". With extensive damage to the plant, treat it with a fungicide, covering both the crown and the root system.

Ficus elastica is a magnificent plant that can enliven any interior. It does not require time-consuming maintenance, and subject to the simplest rules of maintenance, it pleases the owners with a beautiful view for a long time.

Rubbery or elastic ficus (lat. Ficus elastica) is one of the most popular indoor plants. It has many species that vary in size, pattern, and leaf color. Due to its decorative effect, this flower adorns both living quarters and offices, shopping centers, libraries.

The genus Ficus (Ficus) is the most interesting representative of the mulberry family (Moraseae). It occupies a special place in the unique variety of shapes and colors, the number of its species and its prevalence in the world. More than a thousand species of this genus are found in the tropical forests of the world.

These plants are native to northeastern India and southern Indonesia. They grow in tropical forests. Ficus growing at home is visually different from indoor.

The average growth of this tree reaches 30 meters, and the tallest specimens grow up to 60 meters.

The diameter of the ficus trunk reaches 2 meters. The plant grows and develops for 50 years, then dies.

At the beginning, the ficus looks like a single-trunked tree. Branches appear as they grow. Aerial roots form from numerous branches, they hang down and, touching the ground, go deep into it, thereby providing the ficus with additional nutrition.

The leathery leaves have an ellipsoid shape, the tip is pointed. Their length reaches 30 centimeters. Width - 15 centimeters. The color of the outer side of the leaf is green. It may show various shades and patterns. The color of the underside of the leaf is matte, pale green. The central vein is pronounced, slightly pressed into the leaf plate. The leaves are arranged in order.

Young plants growing indoors need support, as they can break. A thick white liquid containing isoprene oozes out from a broken stem or leaf. When a wound appears, it must be lubricated with petrolatum, sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or bandage. If the milky juice gets on the skin, it can cause a burn, in order to avoid this, it must be immediately washed off with soap and water.

Flowers and fruits give only very large plants. Ficus inflorescence (syconia) looks like a pear-shaped or capitate axis, with a hole on top and a void inside. Small (about 1 mm long) flowers form on the inner surface of the walls. After pollination, they turn into fruits. They fuse with the wall of the inflorescences and form infructescences. The fruits are similar to figs, but not edible. They have a small, rounded shape and small seeds.

In the store, most ficuses do not exceed half a meter in height and have about 5-7 leaves. You can find older plants, reaching 1 meter in height. Indoors, the flower grows up to 10 meters.

Under favorable conditions, the plant grows by 60-100 centimeters per year. Variegated varieties grow by 25-30 centimeters.

Types and varieties of rubber ficus with a photo

Variety Small-leaved

This ficus differs from other varieties more small leaves and downturned stems. It tolerates pinching, pruning and is suitable for crown formation.

Variety Variegated

In addition to ficuses with green leaves, variegated varieties are also known. large leaves painted randomly in white, green and even purple, pink shades. Pink, purple tints are more noticeable on young shoots and emerging foliage. On some varieties, this color disappears as the leaves grow.

There are also tricolor ficuses, their upper leaves are dark green. They have a bright pink vein. And the lower leaves turn bluish-purple.

Variegated ficuses include the Shriveriana variety. Ellipsoid leaves grow up to 25 centimeters, the width reaches 18 centimeters. Their color is marbled (light green, interspersed with yellow, gray and cream). A light vein in the center in the light becomes reddish with time.

Variety Melanie

Among the miniature varieties of ficus, the unpretentious variety Melanie stands out. It has dark pointed shiny leaves, about 20 centimeters long. Young shoots grow well and form bushes. The leaves are painted in bright reddish-brown colors.


Robusta variety

Ficus Robusta is a large attractive flower with little branched shoots and large dark green elliptical leaves. Young leaves and stipules are red-brown. The stipule quickly falls off, forming a characteristic circular scar on the branch.

The plant at home blooms quite rarely. The flower grows very actively, it is undemanding in care. The crown must be periodically shortened, otherwise the shoots quickly lengthen and lose their appearance and shape.

Variety Tineke

Ficus Tineke is considered a rather capricious variegated variety. The leaves are oval, 25 centimeters long, 15 centimeters wide. Along the edges of the leaves - cream and pistachio edge. The middle of the leaf is green.

Caring for rubber-bearing ficus is practically no different from other varieties of this genus. Compliance with all the rules allows you to grow a strong and healthy flower.

Lighting and temperature

These light-loving flowers also adapt to the shade, but the lack of light slows down their growth. On the day, the plant should be illuminated for at least 6 hours a day. It is best to put the pot on the southwest side. In summer, the plant can be put on the street or a loggia, a balcony, providing it with a slight dimming during the daytime.

In winter, the minimum air temperature should be 15 degrees, and in summer - no more than 29 degrees. A sharp decrease or increase in temperature indicators can lead to illness and death of the flower. The plant does not like drafts, but responds favorably to airing.

In summer, watering is carried out twice a week. In winter, the soil in the pot should be slightly damp. Water the plant during this period should be no more than once a week. Waterlogging of the soil leads to the death of the flower. Excess moisture after watering is drained from the pan.

Ficus adapts to room conditions and dry air, but for good growth, the plant must be sprayed from a spray bottle once every 7 days. Once a month, the leaves are rubbed with a sponge.

Varieties with smooth foliage are cleaned by hand or with a sponge. Hairy leaves are cleaned with a soft brush. Once every few months, the plant can be given a warm shower, after covering the soil with a plastic bag. Dust should not accumulate on the foliage, as it harms the development of the flower.

The soil mixture for growing ficus should contain soddy soil, coarse sand, peat or leafy humus. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay, vermiculite or small pebbles is poured.

You need to feed the ficus twice a month. Nitrogen-containing liquid fertilizers are added to the water and applied after watering. For feeding, you can use the infusion of mullein.

The plant should be repotted in spring or early summer. If the flower is bought in the fall, it is better to transfer the transplant to the spring, since in the fall it will be more difficult for the plant to adapt to new conditions.

Ficus transplantation is needed in two cases when the soil does not retain the soil (depleted land) or the plant has become very large and tall (cramped pot).

A young ficus is transplanted every year, and an adult plant once every 5 years.

Transplantation is carried out as the roots fill the entire earthen clod in a pot. The flower responds well to transplanting into a larger pot and after that it begins to grow more actively. The pot needs to be taken a little more than the previous one (5 centimeters deep and 3 centimeters in diameter). If you immediately take a large capacity, the roots will begin to develop strongly, which will lead to a slowdown in the growth of the ground part of the plant.

Drainage from expanded clay, broken brick, vermiculite (3 centimeters) is laid out in the pot, then there is a mixture of soddy soil, peat, coarse sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. You can take a universal substrate in the store and add river sand to it. The flower is set in the center of the pot and covered with soil. After falling asleep, the soil around the flower is compacted and watered. During the crescent, the plant gets used to the new conditions, while it can shed its foliage, and then begins to grow.

Ficus rubber care: video

You need to cut the plant in early spring, if necessary, limit the growth of the flower. First time this procedure carried out when the plant reaches a height of 1 meter. For pruning, a sharp, alcohol-disinfected knife is used. The upper and side shoots are shortened.

To give volume and contain the plant in the right sizes shaping pruning required. It is produced by exposing the lower part of the plant. best time for formation is considered the end of winter. If you cut only upper part escape, the plant will not branch, only one of the uppermost buds will awaken. For a voluminous bush with many branches, 6-9 upper internodes are cut off by 10-15 centimeters.

If the buds or shoots are inward rather than outward, they are removed. Otherwise, the crown will be thickened and sloppy.

The best time for breeding ficus is summer. Ficus propagates by pieces of a stem with 1 leaf or apical, lateral cuttings with leaves.

Apical cuttings (9-15 centimeters long) remaining after pruning the plant can be rooted.

To obtain lateral shoots, the ficus bends as much as possible to the ground and is fixed. In this position, the lateral kidney becomes the dominant kidney, as it rises above the others. The top of the plant stops growing, wakes up and a lateral bud begins to develop. After that, the flower can be returned to its original position. The young shoot (stalk) can be cut off for further rooting.

Cuttings can be rooted in damp sand or vermiculite. Cuttings cut at an angle are washed under a stream of warm water from the milky juice. After the sections have dried, they are powdered with a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin or Humisol) and planted in small pots with wet sand or vermiculite. Containers with plants are covered with plastic wrap to create the effect of a greenhouse.

You can also germinate cuttings in water. For this, cuttings with shoots are used. Branches are cut from the trunk at an angle along the internode. Planting material is lowered into a jar of water and is there until the roots appear. Water should be changed every 1-2 days.

Rooted young sprouts are planted in the substrate. The leaves are rolled into a tube and secured with an elastic band so that they do not take extra strength from the plants.

If the ficus has shed its leaves from the bottom of the stem, the flower can be renewed by planting with air layering. It is necessary to make a circular incision, or remove a narrow strip of bark above the layering. Wet sphagnum moss is attached to this area, which is covered with a film. After 1.5-2 months, young roots appear at the cut site under the film. The stalk is cut off under the very roots and transplanted into a pot.

Reproduction of rubber ficus: video

Ficuses are resistant to most diseases and pests. At proper care they practically do not damage the plant.

Signs of diseases: pallor, lethargy of leaves; the smell of rot; falling of the lower leaves; brown spots on the upper part of the leaves, white spots on the bottom; trunk exposure.

Such signs appear at: low or high temperature in the room; excess moisture; drafts, dry air; low light; sunburn.

Regular inspection can identify these signs on early stage. You can easily get rid of the disease in this case.

Ficus rarely, but still can be attacked by shield aphids, spider mites, nematodes, thrips and mealybugs.

When spots, dots and sticky deposits appear on the leaves, this clear sign appearance of shield aphids. The pest can be destroyed with the help of soap and tobacco infusion with an admixture of not a large number kerosene or denatured alcohol. The shields, upon careful inspection of the plant, are removed with a cotton swab dipped in an insecticide.

Thrips on the leaves form holes. They are often introduced with plants purchased from a store or market. New plants should be carefully inspected and placed in quarantine before planting near other plants. These pests are difficult to see with the naked eye. They can be exterminated with the help of Fitoverm, Vertimek, Ankara, Confidor.

If spider mites appear from below the foliage, they begin to multiply rapidly at elevated temperatures and dry air. To remove them, the flower must be washed with warm water (especially from the underside of the leaves). The leaves are treated with a weak solution of tobacco dust and liquid soap (100 grams of dust and 50 grams of soap are taken per liter of water), Dalmatian chamomile infusion, with the addition of soap or Actellik. After treatment, after a couple of hours, the plant is washed with warm water. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 10 days.

The mealybug can be identified by the "wool" on the leaves. Insects are covered with cotton wool. They settle in colonies on the stems, leaves of the flower. The worm is removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. The plant is treated with garlic or onion infusion mixed with soap. After treatment, the plant is thoroughly washed with water.

Nematodes can be recognized by the nodules on the roots when transplanted. Insecticides are used to remove pests.

In the world, there are quite a few signs and superstitions that are associated with rubber ficus. This flower, according to some sources, attracts happiness to the house, while others, on the contrary, say that it cannot be kept in living quarters.
This plant has a special energy and affects its environment. The rubber-bearing ficus absorbs the splashed energy of people and purifies the atmosphere in the house. To increase positive energy, the leaves of the flower should look west. At the same time, the atmosphere in the house becomes more calm, soft and peaceful.

Ficus should not be placed on the north, south and central sides of a house or apartment. These zones do not allow the flower to reveal its energy abilities and contribute to the accumulation of negativity.

Among the signs are the following:

  • If the ficus is in a large room, then this promises happiness;
  • a flower in the corridor keeps the energy of the family;
  • in the kitchen - to well-being, money;
  • in the bedroom - to the birth of children.

A flower can be placed in the kitchen, then no one in the family will starve, and there will be plenty of food.

Ficus growing in the bedroom has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and will facilitate childbirth.
If it is not possible to get pregnant, then the flower is placed at the head of the woman. When a large number of young leaves and shoots appear, the young sprout is planted in a separate pot. You need to take care of him like your own child. The likelihood of getting pregnant in this case increases.

Ficus, according to popular beliefs, is considered a muzhegon. He drives men out of their homes. If it was presented to the newlyweds for a wedding, then this marriage will not last long.

A flower, based on signs, is not recommended for single women and couples. In the first case, a woman will never meet her half. Secondly, the couple will divorce.

On the other hand, this flower attracts money, it is planted by those who want to make good money or get rich quick. The plant is best placed in the office or workplace, it contributes to career growth, salary increases or good deals.

Growing problems

Ficus is considered unpretentious plant, but when growing, you may encounter such problems as: yellowing and falling leaves, growth retardation.

If the leaves wither, then this is a clear sign of soil salinity. The reason for this is hard water. For irrigation, you need to take filtered, clean water.

In bush and ampelous ficuses, shriveled and dry leaves indicate drying out of the soil or dry air in the room. Spraying and proper watering can correct this problem.

At sunburn the edges of the leaves begin to dry and curl. To fix the problem, the plant needs to find another, more suitable place, with less intense lighting.

If the foliage abruptly began to fall on the ficus, the reasons for this are: lack of light; cold drafts; severe drying or waterlogging of the soil.

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