
The mineral composition of oats. Oats - medicinal properties and contraindications. Prescription for the pancreas

It was in the 90s of the last century. After working in the capital, I returned home to my family. Then something incomprehensible happened - I began to feel that my strength was leaving me. Every day my condition worsened: it seemed that it was not the disease that had happened, but the life was gradually leaving me. My friends Lyudmila and Galina literally took me by the arms, exhausted, to take unction. I say to my father:

- Father, I drank chicken broth during fasting, I didn’t even have the strength to walk around the house.

- Did you see the horse? - the father asks in response. I was stumped by this question. “And here the horse,” I think. And he kind of answers my thoughts:

- The horse is stronger than you, even though you have never eaten chicken broth in your life. Get some oats and drink for three weeks. Here you will see that with God's help everything will get better.

And so it happened. By God's blessing and by the father's advice.

From a letter from reader Veronika Ivanovna Zasadskaya

Today I want to tell you about a not very expensive, but effective medicine - oats. Not only the crisis makes people look for alternative ways of treatment. The desire to get closer to nature and reduce the amount of “chemistry” entering the body are powerful motivators to search for really good natural remedies.

Oats- cultivated cereal. It is the chemical composition that explains the unique restorative effect of oats.

Oats contain a lot of protein, as well as fats and carbohydrates, the most valuable methionine, polyphenols, and choline. A large number of trace elements - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, cobalt, manganese, B vitamins (B1, B2), vitamin A, vitamin E, PP.

Eating oatmeal for breakfast is quite common in many countries. Perhaps, the morning meal of oatmeal is associated mainly with Britain. Seeing how rich oats are in essential nutrients, I want to adopt this wondrous tradition.

Medicinal properties of oats

AT traditional medicine oatmeal in the form of a decoction has long been used for depletion of the body in any serious illness.
Oats have exceptional properties to cleanse the body of toxins, so it helps well in the complex fight against eczema, psoriasis, diathesis (if there is no allergy to gluten, which sometimes happens in infants). Helps to cope with obesity by correcting the metabolism.

Decoctions of oats gently envelop the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve inflammation, while saturating the body with vitamins and minerals. The latter help to activate vitality, get rid of fatigue, weakness, exhaustion.

The complex of vitamins and microelements contained in oats allows the decoction of oats to cope with neurosis, insomnia, and resist stress. Just think, oats are successfully used even in children with cerebral palsy, because it contains choline, improves muscle function, and relieves painful conditions in a child.

Oat straw is part of numerous collections for the treatment of diabetes. Oats help with violations of the function of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, with anemia (anemia), with mental and physical overwork.

Oats protect the liver, restore its cells, promote the formation of beneficial high-density cholesterol ( building material for the body) and a decrease in the content of low-density bad cholesterol, which forms atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels - thus. oats even treat atherosclerosis.

Oats have a positive effect on the urinary system: a tincture of green oat grass dissolves and removes sand and small stones from the kidneys.

Oats treats bronchopulmonary diseases: it has an expectorant, mild antitussive and tonic effect. Unripe oats increase potency, increase the content of testosterone in the body - the male sex hormone. Oat products have priceless properties in diet food.

decoction of oats

A decoction or "napar" of oats in folk medicine has been used since ancient times for the depletion of the body.

So, let's look at the list of diseases that are treated with oats:

  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer
  • skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis)
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver (due to the content of methionine), cholecystitis, enterocolitis
  • urolithiasis, nephritis, cystitis
  • obesity and overweight
  • toxic reactions, including after chemotherapy
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer, anacid gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis
  • cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease) and atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocarditis
  • diabetes mellitus (oat straw is used)
  • Parkinson's disease, insomnia, stress, nervous exhaustion
  • Cerebral palsy in children (to improve muscle work)
  • diseases of the spine and joints (arthritis, "crunching" in the legs)
  • tumors, fibrocystic mastopathy, blood diseases, exhaustion
  • in combination with alcohol and nicotine addiction
  • oats in the form of immature grains increase testosterone levels, which is important for men, including those involved in weightlifting and strength training
  • flu, colds
  • alcohol tincture from the green tops of oats (phase of milky ripeness) treats insomnia, neurosis
  • oat products are used in dietary nutrition: and oatmeal is digested better than oatmeal

Contraindication for preparations from oats is an individual intolerance. With caution, people with high acidity of gastric juice should be treated with kvass and decoctions of oats.

To avoid the reflux of bile into the stomach, oat decoctions should be used with caution in cholecystectomy syndrome with a removed gallbladder.

How to cook a decoction of oats

The usual decoction of oats is prepared as follows:

2 handfuls of unpeeled oats are washed, poured with 1 liter of water, brought to a boil, boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. They let it brew, filter.

The course of treatment with prepared oatmeal broth is at least 21 days. When applying, note that oats are slightly weakening.

Healthy Oatmeal Recipes

Recipe for the treatment of the pancreas, anacid gastritis, stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers, colitis:

Rinse 1 cup of unpeeled oats. After that, pour 1 liter of water at room temperature. We send to infuse for the night (12 hours). Bring the resulting mixture to a boil on the stove, cook under the lid on a small fire for half an hour. Wrap in a sweatshirt and insist another 12 hours. After straining, take half a glass. This should be done 30 minutes before a meal 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for treating arthritis with oatmeal straw:

Recipe for the treatment of diathesis in children:

Grind 2 tablespoons of unpeeled oat grains, pour into a thermos. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water there. Insist oats for at least 3 hours. Give children 1/2 cup at least 4 times a day.

Recipe for the treatment of urinary tract:

Grind the green grass of oats in a meat grinder and fill a liter jar with this "porridge" by half. Then pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking daily. We filter the tincture. You can take for those who do not drive vehicles, 30 drops, mixing with water 3 times a day.

I learned the following recipe from my grandmother. As she spoke about him - from all diseases. Maybe not from everyone, but with many ailments it will help - absolutely for sure. It's about steamed oats in milk. Especially useful in pancreatitis and diabetes.

You need to take 2 handfuls of unshelled oat grains, pour them with 1 liter of boiling water. Cook oats until the water volume is reduced to 0.5 liters. Add 0.5 liters of milk to the pan. Then cook for another 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling. We filter the resulting valuable steam and drink about 1/2 cup per day.

This steam lifts even bedridden patients from the bed of illness, gives strength, relieves inflammation in the digestive organs. It is used for bronchopulmonary diseases even in children.

Oats are very often used in phytotherapy recipes. In these collections, it acts as a hepatoprotective, cleansing, vitamin remedy.

Be healthy!

Travnik V.V. Sorokin

Oats are a cereal crop in the cereal family. Everyone knows about the benefits of cereals. Oats stand out among other cereals with special healing properties, has a unique composition of vitamins and minerals, is useful to everyone, with virtually no contraindications. Those who are not familiar with the use of oat grains probably know oatmeal. Oatmeal is one of the most popular cereals due to its huge benefits for the human body.

There are other uses for oats besides regular porridge that you should learn to use. Need to know about oats medicinal properties and contraindications to be healthy using the herbal gift of nature.

Oats are actively used in folk medicine. It contains healing and nutritious substances that benefit and for men, and for women, and for the child.

  1. Vitamins:
  • A (retinol) - good for the skin, antioxidant, prevents premature aging. Prevent oncological diseases. Essential for vision. It is extremely important for the functioning of the immune system.
  • B1, B2, B3 - vitamins of group B - real natural energy and are responsible for human activity.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is indispensable in metabolism.
  • AT 9 ( Folic acid) - is involved in the synthesis of human DNA and cell growth. Especially necessary for pregnant women in the first trimester.
  • C (ascorbic acid) - a catalyst, participates in the absorption of iron, is responsible for the growth of cells of the whole organism. Needed for immunity.
  • E (tocopherol) - has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women. Good for skin and hair. Participates in all processes of the body, rejuvenating it.
  • K (phylloquinone) - is responsible for blood clotting.
  • B4 (choline) - affects the level of cholesterol in the blood, lowering it. Contributes to the fight against obesity, helping in weight loss. It has a positive effect on the human nervous system.
  1. Macroelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  2. Trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium.
  3. Amino acids.
  4. Sahara.
  5. Essential oils.
  6. Proteins fats carbohydrates.
  7. Cellulose.

And this is not the whole list of wonderful ingredients found in oats. Due to its rich composition, it has a strong general strengthening effect on the body. According to traditional medicine, it can even cure a number of diseases.

Contraindications - who should be careful

It is difficult to find contraindications to the use of oats externally and internally, but there is a certain risk group who should use it carefully:

  • kidney failure;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • severe liver disease;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Individual intolerance.

By the way, intolerance is extremely rare. The main thing is to know the measure.

Oats oats - natural oats

The use of oats in decoctions has been preserved since antiquity. Nowadays, jelly, tea are brewed, a decoction is made, using the wonderful properties of the plant for healing.

  1. Crude oats in the husk- saves more useful properties than cereals. Suitable for decoction and kvass.
  2. Green milky oats- a special state of cereals, there is a lot of iron in dairy cereals. Good for decoctions, has a number of unique properties:
  • Antipyretic, sweat and diuretic;
  • regulating metabolism;
  • Favorable for the treatment of skin diseases.

  1. sprouted oats are the most valuable product. Sprouts are actively used in cleansing diets, removing toxins from the body. Contains a wide variety of:
  • Fiber;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • Micro and macro elements.

  1. Oatmeal is a chic dietary remedy, especially useful during recovery from serious illnesses. Biologically active substances reduce the level of lipids and cholesterol in the blood. For babies ground oats indispensable in the development of the gastrointestinal tract system.

Diseases and their treatment

Oats are a versatile product that does an excellent job of solving a variety of problems. We list some indications for treatment with oats, as well as the subtleties of application.

Prescription for the pancreas

For the pancreas - useful oats in the form of:

  • Flour from germinated grains. Why take unpeeled grains without stains, remove the husk, pour boiled warm water. Keep warm for a couple of days until the seeds germinate. Washed, dried. They fall asleep in a coffee grinder and make flour, which is saved in the refrigerator and dissolved in 1 tbsp. per glass of water - boil for 3 minutes, insist an hour.
  • Oatmeal. Prepared with water or milk without salt. Dried fruits and honey are added to the porridge before use. Hercules porridge has a mild laxative effect for constipation. The maximum benefit is achieved if you eat oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Oatmeal Soup. Pour the egg with milk into the broth. Salt to taste.
  • Oat Kissel Izotov: for a large cup of oatmeal, 1.5 liters of water and 0.5 cups of kefir. Insist, insulated, in a dark place for 48-72 hours until bubbles appear. Throw through a colander twice, insist another 24 hours. Use 1 tablespoon per glass of water, cook over low heat until desired consistency. Salt, add oil.
  • Milk jelly: boil 1 cup of oats in a liter of water until thickened. Pour milk, add honey to taste.

For those who want to cleanse the body

To cleanse the body, we qualitatively apply a decoction in milk and water. Take milk and water in equal proportions. For 3 cups of liquid - 1 cup of grains, boil for 3 minutes. Insist half an hour, covered. Strain through cheesecloth folded in three. A decoction of oats is consumed daily in a cup on an empty stomach 2 times a day - half an hour before lunch and 3 hours after dinner. The course is 2 months, then a break of 30 days and another course. Repeat a couple times a year.

Liver Recipe

For the treatment of the liver . Before treating the liver, it is recommended to pre-cleanse the intestines.

  • Apply the decoction described above, with the addition of honey - 1 tablespoon per liter of decoction. Reception regardless of food, half a glass 4 times a day.
  • Decoctions with corn stigmas, birch buds, lingonberry leaves and rose hips. Everyone takes 2 tablespoons to 3 tablespoons of unpeeled oats. Prepare as follows: put buds, leaves, grains in ceramic dishes. Pour four liters of clean water, put under the lid in the refrigerator for a day. Rosehip bring to a boil in 1 liter of water and leave for a day. Boil the infusion of oats in an enamel pan, add the stigmas, simmer for 15 minutes. Cool, mix with rosehip infusion. Drink according to the scheme: 1 day - ¼ cup, 2 day - ½ cup, all subsequent days 2/3 cup. The course is a week.

Recipe for diabetics

For diabetes, we prepare an infusion. Take 100 g of grains and pour 3 cups of clean water, leave for 24 hours. Take half a glass each time before meals. Oat starch contributes to the slow absorption of sugar, which avoids a sharp jump in the blood.

Recipe for weight loss

An oatmeal diet can help you lose weight. Oats contain all the necessary substances, which means that the body is not in danger of exhaustion, while in 7 days it will be possible to lose several kilograms excess weight. Broth: 1 cup of unpeeled grains insist in 1 liter of water for 12 hours. Add a little water if necessary and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. Let cool, strain. Rub the grains through a sieve, mix with liquid, bring to a boil. Store in the refrigerator and consume 1 glass an hour before meals for 2-4 weeks.

The use of oats in the treatment of cancer

With oncology, oats have a beneficial effect on all body systems. The cereal contains protein necessary for tissue repair, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, removes toxins, harmful substances from the body, and improves immunity. This is more than true during and after the treatment of serious diseases, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

For tumors use:

  • Oat stalks tincture. Why crushed stems are poured with water and left in a dark, cool place to infuse for 3 weeks. Reception 30 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • Oat decoction. 1 cup grains to 1 cup boiling water, cook for 1 hour. Insist night. Drink in small sips.
  • Oatmeal compresses. Wrap oats boiled for 5-10 minutes in cheesecloth, apply to a sore spot, wrap cellophane and a warm scarf on top. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours.

Application in baby food

Oatmeal is very useful for children's gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it helps with heat, illness, raises immunity.

  • 1 st. oats;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 l. water;
  • 1 l. milk.

Boil peeled oats in water until the consistency of thick jelly. Add milk and cook again until the same state. Cool, add honey. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Ordinary oatmeal is no less useful for children, delicious with fruits and dried fruits.

The use of oats in cosmetology

Oats are actively used externally in recipes for products and masks for skin and hair. Here are a few of them:

  • Use a decoction of oat grains as a shampoo, rubbing into the roots and distributing along the entire length. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • A decoction with sour cream is an excellent mixture that serves as a mask for oily hair.
  • A decoction of unpeeled grains is applicable for inflammation of the skin and will help for acne.
  • Facial scrub made from softened oatmeal, with water for oily skin and with milk for dry.
  • Mask for loose skin- oatmeal and honey 1 to 1, a few drops of lemon juice, apply for 15 minutes.

It must be remembered that every business is good if you know how to do it right. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using any of the prescriptions.

Regardless of how to prepare cereal - decoction, infusion, porridge, jelly - it is important to store the resulting product in the refrigerator and use it fresh.

It is important to follow the rule of how to drink oats properly in order to get the right effect on the body in each case.

For quick cooking of oats, it is convenient to use a thermos. At the same time, the maximum useful properties of the product are preserved. To cook in a thermos , need:

  • 8 tablespoons of grains are washed in a sieve under running water;
  • Transfer to a container for cooking, pouring 1 liter of water;
  • Boil 5 minutes;
  • Insist in a thermos for 7 hours;
  • Filter.

Drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

Oats are a member of the grass family, but are often described as a cereal grass because of their seeds. The main purpose of growing oats is to obtain edible seeds or grains.

Oats are grown in temperate climates. There are about forty plant species that have slight differences. Due to its healing properties, oats are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

What is the use of oats

Oats are available in different forms, depending on the processing method. Oat groats are called whole grain oats, peeled. Oat shell or bran is also eaten. They are added to muesli and bread.

Oat grains are processed and the result is oatmeal. Cooking time depends on the degree of grinding and pressing of oatmeal. Steamed and rolled whole oat grains need to be boiled. They cook for 10-15 minutes. Instant oatmeal is not boiled, it is enough to pour boiling water over it and steam it for several minutes.

Oat flour is made from oat grains by grinding to a powder. It is used in cooking to give baking useful properties. In folk medicine, oats are used for cooking.

Composition of oats

Whole oats contain vegetable chemical substances, called phenols and which act as antioxidants. It is a source of fiber, including the powerful beta-glucan fiber.


  • B1 - 51%;
  • B9 - 14%;
  • B5 - 13%;
  • B2 - 8%;
  • B6 - 6%.


  • manganese - 246%;
  • phosphorus - 52%;
  • magnesium - 44%;
  • iron - 26%;
  • potassium - 12%;
  • calcium - 5%.

Calorie content of oats - 389 kcal per 100 gr.

Oats can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. In addition, oats improve skin and hair health.

For the bones

Oats are rich in minerals that are essential for bone health. Silicon and phosphorus play a special role in bone formation. Eating oats helps treat postmenopausal osteoporosis.

For the heart and blood vessels

Oats lower blood sugar, especially for people who are overweight or have type 2 diabetes. It improves insulin sensitivity, the reduction of which raises blood sugar levels. This is due to beta-glucan, which delays the emptying of the stomach and the absorption of glucose into the blood.

Avenanthramides in oats reduce levels blood pressure. This dilates the blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Oats are a rich source of magnesium, which relaxes blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. This prevents heart attacks and strokes.

For the brain and nerves

The amino acids and other nutrients in oats help produce melatonin, a sleep-inducing substance. Oats are involved in the production of insulin, which helps nerve pathways to receive tryptophan. This amino acid acts as a sedative for the brain. Vitamin B6 in oats helps to reduce stress and relax. Oats help the body produce serotonin, the happy hormone that reduces feelings of anxiety.

For bronchi

Early introduction of oats into a child's diet can prevent the development of asthma. This respiratory disease, accompanied by cough and shortness of breath, often occurs in children of all ages.

For the gastrointestinal tract

High in soluble fiber, oats increase healthy gut bacteria and increase satiety. It protects against overeating and helps to lose weight. The beta-glucan in oats is essential for the production of a hormone that reduces hunger and protects against obesity.

The fiber in oats normalizes bowel function and prevents constipation. Beta-glucan eliminates digestive problems such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

For the reproductive system

Oats are a rich source of fiber. Increased fiber intake reduces the irritability caused by menopause, so oats are good for women during this period.

For skin and hair

The presence of oats in many skin and hair care products is no coincidence. Oat-based products reduce the symptoms of eczema. It is used to relieve irritation and itching, as well as to additionally moisturize the skin. Oat grains can prevent acne and improve complexion. Oats help protect the skin from harsh pollutants, chemicals, and UV light.

For immunity

Eating oats is beneficial for both men and women, as it reduces the chance of hormone-dependent cancers such as breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer.

Oats are the most important grain forage crop in Russia. It is used for food and feed purposes. Grain is used in the production of cereals, oatmeal, oatmeal, biscuits, coffee surrogate. Due to its good digestibility, oats are also important in dietary and baby food. The protein of oatmeal is characterized by a high content of essential amino acids (arginine, histidine, lysine, tryptophan).

Oat grain is rich in vitamin B1 (thiamine) and Fe, Ca, P compounds. Oats have a high content of protein - 12-13%, starch - 40-45% and fats - 4.5% (the germ is especially rich in them), which determine its nutritional and nutritional value. The composition of fat is dominated by linolenic and oleic acids. Oat grain is an indispensable, valuable food for horses, their young and other types of livestock and birds. According to GOST, 1 kg of grain is equivalent to 1 feed unit. Oat straw and chaff used in animal feed are nutritionally more valuable than the straw and chaff of other cereals. Of great nutritional value is naked oats, which contain much more protein, fat and starch than filmy oats.

Oats are an indispensable fodder plant. It is widely used for green fodder, hay silage. It is the best crop to sow in a mixture with leguminous plants- vetch, peas, rank. Grass mixtures oats + vetch (oats + peas), and others are used as the main components of the green conveyor. Mixed crops of oats with legumes are widely used as fallow crops, as well as the main predecessors of winter crops in areas of sufficient moisture. Hay from these mixtures is of high quality.

In world agriculture, oats occupies the 7th place in terms of sown area (13 million hectares). It is widely cultivated in Europe, USA, Canada. In the Russian Federation, oat areas are concentrated in the Non-Chernozem zone and Siberia, less of it is sown in the Central Black Earth regions, in the Urals and the Middle Volga region. In our country, spring oats are predominantly cultivated, semi-winter, winter forms and two-handled oats are less common. In terms of yield, they are superior to spring oats, but due to low winter hardiness they have not gained distribution.

In terms of yield, oats are inferior to winter cereals, however, high yields were recorded - 40-46 c/ha. The average yield is 12-17c/ha. "Trudovik", Kemerovo region - 76.3 q/ha.

Oats belong to the genus Avena. In plants of the species Avena, the panicle is spreading (compressed). Spikelets 2x-3x flowered, many-flowered. The glumes of oats are membranous, wide, usually longer than or equal to the lemmas.

Oats are represented by a large number of species, approximately 70, among which are perennial and annual species. Of this number of species, only 11 are of practical importance, and in North Ossetia-Alania, oats are represented by 2 species: Common oats (Avena sativa) and Byzantine oats (Avena visantius).

Wild oats differ from cultivated oats by the presence of a horseshoe at the base of the grain, which causes rapid shedding of seeds. In the common wild oat, a horseshoe is present on each grain in the spikelet, in the southern wild oat - only on the lower grain in the spikelet. The floral scales of wild oats are covered with dense hairs, especially in the southern wild oats; on the dorsal part there is a genu- larly curved, spirally twisted awn in the lower part, which, depending on the humidity, twists or unwinds, which contributes to the deepening of the seeds into the soil.

Sowing oats have membranous and naked forms, the membranous forms have 2 or 3 flowers in the spikelet, rarely 4, the naked forms can have 7 or more flowers. Spikelets are awnless or spinous, the awn may be at the lower (first) grain in the spikelet. When separating the spikelet from the panicle twig, the fracture area is straight, almost perpendicular to the long axis of the grain. When the first grain is separated from the second, the stem (the stem of the second flower) remains with the first grain.

Byzantine oats differs from sowing oats in the presence of awns on all grains in the spikelet. When separating the spikelet from the panicle twig, the fracture site is beveled. The lemma is pubescent in the lower part. When separating the first grain from the second, the rod breaks, and part remains with the first grain, part - with the second.

Sandy oats have a fine grain, on each grain - a cranked-curved awn. The apex of the outer lemma is strongly split and ends in spiky points (strigas). When separating the spikelet from the panicle twig, the fracture site is punctate, barely noticeable. When separating the first grain from the second, the rod remains with the first grain.
Sowing oats are divided into membranous and naked forms. The main areas are occupied by hulled oats, and naked oats are not widely distributed in our country due to low yields. Naked oats are more demanding on moisture than membranous oats.

According to the structure of the panicle, oats are distinguished:
1 Spready
2 Compressed
3 Maned

The most widespread in production is oats with a spreading panicle, the branches of which are directed in different directions. In single-maned oats, the panicle is one-sided, the branches are shortened and pressed against the central axis.

Oats are self-pollinating plants. Its flowering is usually closed, but warm sunny weather with intermittent rains contributes to abundant pollen formation and open flowering. Both flowering and ripening of oats proceed gradually from the upper spikelets of the panicle to the lower ones. The largest and heaviest grain is formed in the upper spikelets.

Oats are a long day crop. With the advancement to the north, its growing season is reduced. The duration of the growing season for cultivated varieties of oats ranges from 70-130 days.

Oats grow stronger than wheat, but weaker than barley. The productive bushiness of oats is 1.1-1.3 stems per plant. Oats have a more developed root system than wheat and barley. With the simultaneous emergence of seedlings, oats form secondary roots 6-8 days earlier than barley. Already during the formation of 2-3 leaves, root system oats penetrate to a depth of 70-80 cm, and during the formation and filling of grain - by 1.5-2 m. On oat roots a large number of root hairs, the surface of which is more than 90% of the surface of the entire root system. Such hairs have increased activity, so the oat root system has a high absorption capacity.

In contrast to barley, oats have a longer critical period for the consumption of nutrients and moisture, which covers most of the phases of budding, heading and flowering. In the process of growth and development, oat plants go through the same phases and stages of organogenesis as other cereal crops.

Phases of growth and development
1 seedlings
2 tillering
3 Tube entry (stalking)
4 Heading
5 Bloom
6 Maturation
milkweed ripeness
wax ripeness
full ripeness

Biological features

The biology of a culture is the basis for building its cultivation technology (a set of agrotechnical methods performed in a certain sequence, aimed at meeting the requirements of the biology of a culture and obtaining a high yield of a given quality). With this in mind, you need to know biological features cultivated crop, i.e. its relation to the factors of life (light, heat, humidity, food, air).

heat requirements

Oats are a relatively cold-resistant crop. Seeds germinate at 1-2°C, but a higher temperature is required for germination - 3-4°C. During germination and tillering, the optimum temperature is 15-18°C. Shoots well tolerate short-term frosts -8 ... -9 ° С. In the later phases of development, resistance to low temperatures decreases; in the flowering phase, plants are damaged by frosts of ... -1.5 ... -2 ° С. For flowering oats, the most favorable air temperature is 18-20°C. In the phase of milky ripeness of the grain, oats are more resistant to low temperatures and tolerate short-term frosts down to ... -4 ... -5 ° С. This crop tolerates spring drought better than barley and wheat due to its fast developing root system, but suffers more from summer drought. Oats are subjected to "captures" and "fuses" at a temperature of - 38-40 ° C, paralysis of the stomata occurs after 4-5 hours, while in barley - after 25-30 hours.

The sum of active temperatures from germination to maturation is 1000-1500°C for early-ripening varieties, 1350-1650°C for mid-ripening varieties and 1500-1800°C for late-ripening ones.

Moisture Requirements

Oats are more moisture-loving than wheat and barley. Filmy grain for swelling requires 60% of water by weight of grain, which is 10-15% more than other crops. Transpiration coefficient = 400-600 units. Oats are especially demanding on moisture during the period from the emergence of plants in the tube to flowering (10-15 days before heading). With its shortage, a sharp decrease in yield occurs, since at this time the development of generative organs begins. Oats give high yields during precipitation in the first half of summer, later precipitation causes a pickup and delays ripening, which is why the grain does not ripen before the onset of frost.

Soil Requirements

Oats are less demanding on soils than other spring crops, this is due to a well-developed root system and its assimilating ability. The root system penetrates to a depth of up to 120cm and a width of up to 80cm. Oats can grow and give good yields on sandy, loamy, clay and peat soils, thanks to the root system. Oats grow well in soils with a pH of 5-6. Alkaline soils are not suitable for oats. High yields of oats are obtained on soils of medium and high cultivation with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction of the soil solution (pHsalt not lower than 5.5).

Power Requirements

Oats are characterized by a long period of nutrient intake. Oats are demanding on the content of N (nitrogen) in the soil, especially in the initial period of development. The need for phosphorus is also especially manifested in the first stages of development before the formation of nodal roots, in the future, plants consume phosphorus more evenly. The need for potassium nutrition is the same throughout the growing season. By the beginning of flowering, oats consume: nitrogen - 60%, potassium - 30-45%, phosphorus - 60% and calcium - 55%. At the end of flowering, the supply of nutrients slows down, and by the time the grain is fully ripe, their outflow into the soil begins. In the period of full ripeness, the predominant part of nitrogen and phosphorus is concentrated in the grain, and potassium - in the straw.

Of all the nutrients, for oats, as well as for other cereals, nitrogen is of the greatest importance. With a lack of it, oats grow and develop poorly. Nitrogen fertilizers significantly increase the yield of oats and the protein content in the grain. However, nitrogen fertilizers in high doses with a sufficient amount of moisture can lead to a strong lodging of plants and a decrease in yield.

Oats are especially sensitive to a lack of phosphorus in the early periods of development, when their root system is underdeveloped, and the need for potassium increases with large yields in crop rotations saturated with perennial grasses and industrial crops.

The maximum absorption of potassium occurs during the period of exit into the tube - heading. Sowing oats after peas for grain yields a yield increase of 2-3c/ha.

Nitrogen, especially in the form of ammonia fertilizers, is necessary for plants to form proteins. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, plants develop worse, the tillering process weakens, the leaves turn yellow, then turn red and die.

Plants need phosphorus as a nutritional element and for a more complete absorption of nitrogen, without which protein synthesis is delayed. It promotes better development of the root system, generative organs, accelerates maturation. With a lack of phosphorus, it weakens general development plants and delayed flowering and maturation.

Potassium promotes protein synthesis. It is involved in the formation of carbohydrates, chlorophyll, carotene and other substances, increases the winter hardiness of plants. With its deficiency, plant growth is worse, bushiness decreases, the leaves acquire a bluish-green color with a bronze tint, their edges turn brown and twist. An important role in plant nutrition is played by calcium, especially in carbohydrate metabolism, and microelements (manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, etc.).

Intensive technology of oat cultivation

Intensive technology of oat cultivation should begin with the selection of a predecessor and a plot for cultivation of the crop. Before proceeding with mechanical treatments, it is necessary to examine the site in terms of agrochemical indicators.

Place in crop rotation

Oats in a crop rotation are usually sown as a final crop after other cereals for the same predecessors as barley (winter cereals running on a fertilized bare or busy fallow), but more often on legumes, winter and spring wheat running on a fallow. Good predecessors are row crops, especially potatoes and corn. In flax-sowing areas, high yields of oats are obtained after flax, according to the turnover of the layer. It is not recommended to place it two years in a row in the same field and after beets, as this leads to the spread of a common pest - nematodes. Due to the low sensitivity of oats to soil acidity, in the Non-Chernozem zone, the development of marsh soils begins with its sowing.

Oats themselves, due to the large amount of root debris, can be a good predecessor for other crops. Under the conditions of specialization of crop rotations, when saturation with grain crops reaches - 65-70%, oats perform the functions of a “sanitary” crop, since it has an increased resistance to root rot.

When mixed with annual legumes, oats are among the best fallow crops.


Thanks to a well-developed root system, oats use soil fertility and nutrients left over from their predecessor very efficiently. Oats are more responsive to application mineral fertilizers, especially nitrogen, than spring wheat and barley, and is characterized by a more extended period of nutrient intake and a weak accumulation of mineral nutrients at the beginning of the growing season. The introduction of organic fertilizers under the previous crop has a particularly strong effect on the yield and quality of grain. The removal of nutrients for the formation of 1 ton of grain is: nitrogen - 29-31%, phosphorus - 10-12%, potassium - 32-38%. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied under the main tillage, nitrogen - under pre-sowing cultivation (50-60%), the rest - in the form of top dressing during the tillering period - the beginning of the tube. In areas of insufficient moisture, nitrogen fertilizers are applied completely before sowing for pre-sowing cultivation.

Oats respond well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, the application of N - 20-30 kg / ha, P - 40-60 kg / ha, K - 25-30 kg / ha of the active substance, allows you to get a grain yield of up to 40 kg / ha.


The tillage system for oats does not differ from the tillage system for other spring cereals. The main tillage when placing oats after stubble predecessors is carried out in autumn. It consists of two methods: stubble peeling and plowing. When placing oats after tilled crops, only plowing is carried out.

In the north of the Non-Chernozem zone and in Siberia, where the period from harvesting the previous crop to the onset of stable frosts is less than one month, it is not advisable to carry out peeling, plowing is carried out immediately. Oats respond well to early autumn plowing and deepening of the arable layer, which can increase the yield by 0.25-3t/ha.

Autumn plowing is carried out to a depth of 25 cm. On fields with a danger of wind erosion, non-moldboard processing is carried out to a depth of 12-14 cm. In winter, snow retention is carried out. If the soils are swollen (heavy), then it is better to cultivate with solid cultivators.

Spring tillage includes fallow harrowing to retain moisture in the soil and pre-sowing cultivation. In areas of excessive moisture and in a cold rainy spring, fallow harrowing is not carried out, but only pre-sowing cultivation is performed. In areas of insufficient moisture on light, loose soils, the soil is rolled before sowing for uniform seed placement and the appearance of friendly seedlings.

Seed preparation

For sowing, it is necessary to use seeds of the best zoned varieties. They should be sorted, large enough and aligned. This is especially important for oats, as it is distinguished by extended flowering and grain formation in the panicle. The first (lower) grains, which ripen earlier, are 1.5-2 times larger and heavier. As a rule, they are distinguished by increased germination energy and germination, the yield increase from sowing with such seeds reaches - 0.6 t/ha.

Feature of preparing oat seeds for sowing consists in the division of seeds into 1st and 2nd grains, which differ significantly from each other in the form of fineness. More powerful plants develop from 1 grain of oats. Which bush better and give greater yields than plants grown from 2 grains. Oat trays are usually used to isolate the top grains. To increase the energy of seed germination, especially in the regions of Siberia, the Urals, the non-chernozem zone, artificial heating is carried out in grain dryers at 35-40 ° C or in the sun, under a canopy or with the help of active ventilation.

Before sowing, the seeds are treated with fungicides or 40% formalin - 0.38 l / 1 ton of seeds, not earlier than 3-5 days before sowing. Sowing dates for oats are selected in accordance with the maturity of the soil (2-3°C at the seed sowing depth). This suggests that oats can be sown early.

Etching is carried out in a dry or semi-dry manner. Dry dressing of seeds is carried out 2-3 months before sowing. It provides a stronger effect of the preparation and promotes the preservation of seeds in the spring without reducing germination. However, only seeds with a moisture content of not more than 14% can be processed in advance. At a moisture content above 17%, the seeds are treated 2-3 before sowing in a semi-dry way, while the dose of the disinfectant necessary for treating 1 ton of seeds is diluted in 10 liters of water and the seeds are moistened with the resulting suspension. To increase the efficiency of processing, adhesives are added to the suspension.

Sowing is carried out with seeders of continuous sowing. Sowing is carried out with seeds corresponding to class 1-2.

Sowing dates. For oats, early sowing is favorable. In the European part of Russia, early sowing dates make it possible to avoid the defeat of seedlings by Fusarium and damage by the Swedish fly. Oats are sown at the onset of the physical ripeness of the soil. At the same time, some delay in sowing oats does not cause a sharp decrease in yield, as in spring wheat and barley, which is associated with the rapid formation of nodal roots penetrating to a depth of 1.5 m.

In the forest-steppe and steppe regions of the Trans-Urals, in a dry spring or, if necessary, to provoke and destroy weeds, the sowing dates can be shifted by 2-3 decades of May.

In the subtaiga, foothill and mountain regions of Western and Eastern Siberia with a short frost-free period, the highest yields are obtained when sown early. With later sowing, the yield is sharply reduced and the risk of damage to the grain by frost increases.

In the more arid forest-steppe and steppe regions of Siberia, it is advisable to sow oats in the 3rd decade of May. The advantage of late sowing dates is explained by the fact that such crops use the precipitation of the second half of summer more efficiently, and oats are less susceptible to pupation.

Seeding methods

The uniform placement of seeds has a significant effect on the yield of oats. The uneven placement of seeds during sowing leads to the loss and lodging of plants in the thickened areas of the row, which negatively affects the yield, evenness and grain size.

Seeding methods:
Solid private with row spacing 15cm.
Cross with row spacing 15cm.
Narrow row with row spacing 7-8cm.

Seeding rate

With cross and narrow row sowing, the seeding rate increases by 10-15%. Both in sparse and thickened crops, the yield and grain quality are reduced. Sparse crops are more clogged and damaged by the swedish fly. Optimal seeding rates depend on soil-climatic and agrotechnical conditions. In areas of sufficient moisture, the maximum yield can be obtained by increasing the seeding rate. At the same time, excessive thickening in nitrogen-rich areas leads to lodging of plants, especially with sufficient moisture, due to which not only the yield decreases, but also the quality of the grain deteriorates.

Approximate seeding rates for oats by zones of the Russian Federation:
Non-chernozem zone, Far East - 5-6 million viable seeds/ha
Central Black Earth zone - 4.5-5.5 million viable seeds/ha
Volga region, Southern Urals - 3.5-4.5 million viable seeds/ha
Western Siberia - 5-5.5 million viable seeds/ha
Eastern Siberia - 4-6 million viable seeds/ha
North Ossetia-Alania - 4-5 million units germinating seeds/ha, or 150-170kg/ha.

The given seeding rates are specified in each farm, depending on the fertility and weediness of the soil, the time and method of sowing, predecessors, fertilizers, weather conditions, characteristics of the variety and other conditions.

Seeding depth strongly affects not only the field germination of seeds, but also the subsequent development of plants. Considering the high need of oat seeds for moisture during the swelling process, they must be planted in a moist soil layer. Therefore, in dry areas, seeds are planted to a greater depth than in areas of sufficient moisture. When choosing the depth of seed placement, the granulometric composition, temperature and soil moisture during the sowing period are also taken into account.

On heavy clay soils of the Non-Chernozem Zone, with early sowing and good moisture, the seeds should not be planted deeper than 2-3 cm. On loamy soils of the North-Western, Central and Volga-Vyatka regions, seeds are placed at a depth of 3-4 cm, on light soils - 5-6 cm. In arid conditions of the Central Black Earth zone, the Volga region and the North Caucasus, the seeds are planted in a moistened soil layer to a depth of 6-8 cm. In the regions of the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, the depth of seeding varies between 4-8 cm. On loamy soils Far East the depth of seed placement is 4-5 cm, on sandy loamy soils - 5-6 cm.

In the first days of the early sowing period, when the soil is still slightly warmed up and sufficiently moistened, the seeds are planted shallower than the accepted depth, and in the following days and with a delay in sowing, deeper.

The most common varieties of oats in the Russian Federation: Allur, Argamak, Astor, Valdin 765, Galop, Horizon, Drug, Kirovets, Kozyr, Komes, Los 3, Megion, Metis, Mirny, Orion, Pisarevsky, Skakun, Sprint 2, Taezhnik, Catch, Fakir and others.

Varieties of oats zoned in North Ossetia - Alania: Kuban, Skakun.

Crop care

When growing oats for baby food, pesticides and fertilizers are not used at high rates!!!
Ultimately allowable norms the content of heavy metals in oat grain for baby food is: lead - 0.3 mg/kg; cadmium - 0.03 mg/kg; mercury - 0.03 mg/kg; copper - 10 mg/kg; zinc - 50 mg/kg; arsenic - 0.2 mg / kg.

Crop care activities:
Post-sowing rolling on light and arid soils with ring-spur rollers. Rolling promotes better contact of seeds with the soil, the appearance of friendly seedlings, and a more powerful development of the root system. In areas clogged with annual and perennial weeds, after sowing, the field is treated with the herbicide Simazin-80% w.p. (0.25-0.3 kg/ha). When a soil crust appears before germination, harrowing should be carried out across the crops with light harrows. This operation contributes to the destruction of weeds, the destruction of the crust and increase the access of air to the roots. The length of the sprout during early harrowing should not exceed 1.5 cm, with a longer sprout length, harrowing should be carried out during the formation of 3-4 leaves to avoid damage to the plants.
To increase the protein content in barley grain used for fodder purposes, late feeding is used in the heading phase. Top dressing is carried out with urea - 20-25 kg / ha, at a flow rate of the working fluid - 300 l / ha.
To prevent lodging of oat crops, the retardant TseTseTse 460 should be used - 3-4 kg AI/ha in the tillering phase. If necessary, the processing is repeated.
Weed control. During the growing season, if the crops are clogged with weeds, the treatment is carried out from the tillering phase to the booting phase. The fight is carried out with herbicides: Dialen - 3 l / ha, Ammine salt 2.4D - 1.5-2 l / ha, Lontrelom-300, 30% w.r. (0.16-0.66 l / ha), etc. d.
Disease control. The treatment of crops against diseases is carried out taking into account the economic threshold of harmfulness: against brown, yellow rust and powdery mildew with an average degree of leaf damage of 1%, against stem rust - 0.1% and septoria - 5% of affected plants. Fungicides are used: Bayleton - 25% SP - 0.5-1 kg / ha (wetting powder) - 0.5-1 kg / ha, Tilt - 25% EC (emulsion concentrate) - 0.2-0.5 kg / ha, Fundazol - 0.6kg/ha, etc. - in the tillering phase - exit into the tube. When diseases appear, the treatment is repeated.
Pest control. The processing of crops is carried out in the presence of:
1-5 larvae of the grain beetle/1m² during germination and 1.5-2 in the tillering phase;
grain beetle-kuzka - 3-5 during flowering and grain formation and 6-8/1m² in the phase of milky ripeness;
cereal flies - 30-50 per 100 sweeps of the net during the germination period;
grain leech - 40-50 / 1m² during the tillering period - exit into the tube.


Within the panicle, oats ripen unevenly. Ripening begins from the upper spikelets of the panicle and from the periphery and gradually spreads down and towards the center of the panicle. Oats ripen worse in windrows than spring wheat, therefore, during premature harvesting, grains that are not leveled in ripeness are obtained, and when overgrown, large grains fall first.

Two-phase harvesting begins when the grains in the middle part of the panicle reach wax ripeness, and single-phase harvesting begins at the beginning of the full ripeness of the grain.

Harvest oats with combine harvesters.

Oats are cultivated everywhere as fodder and grain crops. But this plant also has healing properties. In folk medicine, cereals and flour, straw and green stems are used, but most often oat grain is taken as a medicinal raw material.

The seed contains many mineral compounds (phosphorus, silicon, potassium, zinc, copper, boron, selenium, tungsten, manganese, strontium, zirconium, titanium, tin, chromium, iodine). There are also vitamins (E, A, F and an extensive group B), amino acids, starch, sugars, essential oils.

Steroid saponins, glycosides, coumarins, gum, erucolic, malonic and oxalic acids are present in the composition. Oats are a source of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, beneficial to the body. Most of all, cereal is valuable for pantothenic acid, which normalizes the digestive tract and participates in metabolic processes.

The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, diuretic, enveloping, tonic, tonic. Thanks to the substances included in oats, cholesterol in the blood comes to the desired level, and the vessels are cleared of atherosclerotic plaques.

The ability of cereal to influence metabolism makes it indispensable dietary product. Oats are used in folk therapy in several forms and at different stages of development.

A decoction (as well as jelly from it) is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an enveloping agent. Effective at viral hepatitis, helps disperse bile and cure heart disease.

Decoctions are obtained from both grains and cereals. After preparing the porridge, the liquid is drained from it, it is used as lotions, compresses for frostbite and burns. They also make decoctions from oat straw and use the remedy for increased sweating, add to therapeutic baths for neurological diseases. They wash their heads with decoctions of oats to strengthen the strands.

Cereal, not peeled, has all the properties described above to a greater extent than cereals. Decoctions are also made from it, but oat kvass will be more useful. This drink will saturate cell membranes with energy, correct the redox balance in the digestive tract.

The product will help to cope with anemia, contributing to better absorption of iron. Unpeeled oats are also useful for pancreatitis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

There are many useful components in green (milky ripeness) oats. In folk medicine, a young cereal is used in such cases:

  • the seed has antipyretic, diuretic and diaphoretic properties;
  • regulates metabolic processes;
  • thanks to vitamin B3 it gives a good effect in the treatment of skin diseases (diathesis, dermatitis, eczema).

Decoctions obtained from young oats have a strongly pronounced mucous, useful for intestinal atony. Dairy cereals contain a lot of iron, which is very important for anemia.

Of particular value is the germinated seed (but not what is prepared for planting - it is treated with chemicals). The cereal contains a large amount of fiber, vegetable proteins, vitamins, and trace elements. Sprouts are often an effective component of wellness diets, helping to easily cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Sprouted cereal is recommended for diseases of the gallbladder and liver, normalization of the cardiovascular system. Oats give the body energy, allowing you to cope with nervous and physical exhaustion. The product is also useful for the vessels of the brain.

Oatmeal is a complex of biologically active substances that help reduce the level of lipids and cholesterol in the blood. Oatmeal is an excellent dietary remedy during the rehabilitation period after debilitating diseases and operations. Oatmeal helps the normal development of the digestive system in babies. Therefore, flour is an indispensable element in baby food.

Oats are also good because they have a small list of contraindications:

  • in the presence of large stones in the bile ducts;
  • when removing the gallbladder;
  • with renal and heart failure;
  • with individual intolerance to the product.

With cholecystitis and severe liver diseases, oat preparations should not be used without consulting a gastroenterologist. It is desirable for pregnant women to limit the use of a useful product. And excessive passion folk recipes with the use of cereal can provoke severe headaches.

In order for oats to be of great benefit, it is necessary to properly prepare a remedy that will help to cope not only with diseases, but also become in a good way lose weight.

not bad healing agent It turns out a decoction that languishes for a long time. It is better to cook it from whole grains, following this algorithm:

  • 2 cups of the product are poured into a saucepan (not aluminum);
  • pour a glass of cold water;
  • leave overnight to swell;
  • water is added so that the grains are completely covered;
  • cover with a lid and put on a slow fire for an hour and a half;
  • thrown into a colander so that the broth is stacked in another container.

During the cooking process, water should be periodically added to replace the one that has evaporated. Strained broth can be used in this form, but oatmeal jelly from it will be more useful. To do this, the cooled grains are crushed in a blender, poured with broth and boiled again until a thick consistency is obtained.

  • 4 tbsp placed in a sieve and thoroughly washed under running water;
  • after shifting the oats into a saucepan, it is poured with water (0.5 l);
  • put on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • the broth along with the grains is poured into a thermos;
  • insist 7 hours and filter.

The broth itself is used for drinking half a glass four times a day before meals, and the steamed grains are again poured with boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 2 hours. The resulting water is used for washing.

If the thermos is large, you can prepare a decoction for several days and store it in the refrigerator. The required amount of the drink is heated in a water bath (but in no case in a microwave oven).

Cooking an infusion of oats in a thermos: video

From the foregoing, it is clear how extensive the actions of oat products for the body are. To maximize the effect, you should know how to use the tool in each case.

In this recipe, it is necessary to take unrefined grain without black spots. It is separated from the husk and poured with boiled, slightly cooled water. A container with seeds is installed in a warm place and kept for several days. When the grains germinate, they should be washed again, dried and placed in a coffee grinder to be ground into flour.

The resulting raw materials are stored in the refrigerator, using in portions. For the treatment of pancreatitis 1 tbsp. oatmeal is shaken in a glass of water, boiled for 3 minutes and infused for about an hour. The resulting decoction should be drunk in 1 dose.

For problems with the pancreas, you can use the recipe described above. Diet food will also give a good result:

  • after preparing oatmeal, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins) are added to it and seasoned with a small amount of honey;
  • in case of a chronic disease, it is better to cook porridge not in water, but in milk without adding salt;
  • it is recommended to introduce oatmeal soups in the menu; for this, the resulting broth is cooled to room temperature, salted and poured in an egg beaten with milk.

With problems with the pancreas, jelly also helps well. Recipes for its preparation are given below.

Oat diets - The best way lose weight. This is facilitated by the polyphenols included in chemical composition product. As a basis, you can take a decoction prepared according to the recipe described above, or make an infusion. To do this, pour 100 g of oat grains with a liter of cold water and insist 12 hours. After that, filter, and the drink is stored in the refrigerator.

A good effect will give kvass, prepared from 2 tbsp. seeds. They are placed in a glass jar, poured with boiled cooled water (1 l), previously sweetened with sugar (4 tablespoons). The drink is kept for 4 days, then drained. The remaining seeds can be used twice more to make kvass, each time pouring a new portion of water.

Drink drinks (1 glass) half an hour before meals, savoring every sip. During storage, decoctions and kvass thicken, so it is better to take half a glass of the drink in the future, diluting it with water to the desired volume. The course of treatment lasts a month or 2 - depending on the desired result.

If the body takes lactose, you can cleanse yourself with a decoction prepared in milk, diluted with water in equal proportions. For 3 parts of boiling liquid, take 1 part of oat grains and cook for 3 minutes. Then insist half an hour under the lid and filter through gauze (in 3 layers).

You need to drink a cup of broth - on an empty stomach, half an hour before lunch and 3 hours after dinner. The prepared broth is taken daily for 2 months, then they take a break for 30 days and the course is resumed. Cleaning is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year.

Before treating the liver, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines, as toxins will be removed into it. The oatmeal broth prepared according to the above recipe is taken regardless of food. On the day you need to drink 2 glasses, distributing them evenly into 4 doses. Previously, honey is added to the broth - 1 tbsp. for half a liter of drink.

Decoctions can also be prepared with corn stigmas, birch buds, lingonberry leaves and rose hips (2 tbsp each), as well as 3 tbsp. unpeeled oat grains and knotweed. The drink is prepared in this way:

  • washed oats, buds and leaves are placed in a ceramic container;
  • poured clean water(4 l), cover with a lid and refrigerate for a day;
  • rose hips are brought to a boil in a liter of water and also infused for 24 hours;
  • the infusion of oats is poured into an enamel pan, put on the stove and brought to a boil;
  • stigmas and knotweed are added to the broth, simmered on fire for a quarter of an hour;
  • removed from the stove, cooled and mixed with a rosehip drink.

The broth is drunk immediately before meals, following the following scheme: 1st day - ¼ cup, 2nd day - ½ cup, on the 3rd and subsequent - 2/3 cup. Duration of admission - 1 week.

The fact that oatmeal is the main ingredient in the diet of newborns has already been mentioned above. Oats are also recommended for children in other cases:

  • to reduce the temperature during colds;
  • with bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • to improve digestion and metabolism;
  • with iron deficiency anemia;
  • with allergies;
  • for restful sleep.

For children, it is better to cook a decoction with milk. A boiling drink (0.5 l) is poured into 100 g of unpeeled grains. Boil for half an hour, cool and filter. To make it pleasant for the child to drink the broth, it is recommended to add a little sugar or honey to it.

The healing drink is taken for a month in dosages according to age:

  • from 6 to 12 months - 1 tsp. in a day;
  • up to 2 years - 1 tablespoon;
  • up to 5 years - 1/3 cup;
  • after 5 years - a third of a glass per reception.

When giving an oatmeal decoction to a child, one should take into account its laxative properties, despite the sliminess of the product.

Therapeutic kissel from oats

One recipe for making jelly was given above. You can make this healing product in other ways.

  • taking oatmeal (1 cup), pour boiled water (1.5 l) and kefir (0.5 cup);
  • the container is covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm blanket;
  • insist in a dark place for 2-3 days;
  • when bubbles appear, the mixture is filtered through a colander 2 times;
  • the final clot insist in the bank for another day.

To prepare jelly, take 1 tbsp. composition, added to cold water and cook until desired thickness. Before removing from heat, add salt and put a piece of butter.

The recipe for this jelly is quite simple. First, boil oats (1 cup) in a liter of water until the mixture thickens (you must constantly stir). Before removing, boiled milk (half a liter) is poured in and honey is added to taste.

Oats have also found their use in cosmetology. There are many recipes to help women become beautiful:

  • a decoction of oat grains is an excellent substitute for shampoo; the composition is rubbed into the roots and evenly distributed over the strands, kept for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water;
  • if you add sour cream to the decoction, you get a mask for dry hair; for the fatty type, soda is an additional component;
  • oatmeal makes a great scrub, if they are ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with sea salt in a ratio of 5: 1;
  • having brewed a glass of oats with a liter of boiling water, the composition is insisted overnight, and in the morning it is filtered and applied for washing;
  • prepare a nourishing cleansing mask for the face- mix cereal with low-fat yogurt or sour cream; the composition is kept for 15 minutes and washed off;
  • If you add a little lemon juice to this recipe, then whitening effect guaranteed;
  • refresh sagging skin you can use this mask: mix oatmeal and honey in equal proportions, add a few drops of lemon juice; wash off with cold water after 15 minutes.
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