
How to take sage for conception: useful tips. Sage - an effective aid in the treatment of infertility How to drink sage leaves to get pregnant

Sage is considered a unique multifunctional plant. In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it promotes pregnancy. The plant contains natural phytohormones, which are very similar in characteristics to female steroid sex hormones - estrogens. They have great importance in the formation of the egg and the ability to implant. Let us analyze in more detail, how to take sage for conception.

The ancient people did not wide choice treatment, as in modern people, so they turned to the gifts of nature for help. Witch doctors still recommend tea or sage tea to infertile women. In modern gynecology, the seeds of this unique plant are also actively used. Before starting treatment, consult your doctor. Don't forget that ethnoscience not always safe.
The herb can be consumed in the form of:

  • tea or decoction from leaves and seeds;
  • essential oil;
  • in spray form.

The uniqueness of sage:

  • Helps the body naturally align hormonal background.
  • It has antispasmodic and sedative properties.
  • Reduces menstrual cramps.
  • Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Increases libido.
  • Effective in relieving depression and anxiety.

how to drink sage to get pregnant

To prepare a decoction, you can use the seeds or leaves of the plant. They are not expensive, you can buy them without a prescription in almost any pharmacy.
How to drink sage for conception? The course of admission should be started immediately after the end of menstruation and taken before the onset of ovulation. Useful douching decoction before sexual intercourse.

  1. Prepare the container. Pour two teaspoons of seeds into it and pour two cups of boiling water over them. The mixture should be wrapped and infused until completely cooled. It is not necessary to filter, the broth must be stored in the refrigerator. Take it twice a day for a tablespoon. Ideal reception: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening after a meal, before going to bed. Don't miss an appointment. If there is no long-awaited result, then the course should last a maximum of three months. Then, in any case, you need to take a break (about two months).
  2. The mixture can be brewed similarly to the previous method, but drink it hot instead of tea, adding a few slices of lemon or honey.
  3. Crushed leaves (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a bowl with a closed lid for 20-30 minutes. Divide the decoction into three parts, drink portions throughout the day. Use the course for about a month, then take a break for several weeks and, if it does not occur side effects, proceed.

Sage oil when planning a desired pregnancy

Aromatherapy increases the ability of men and women to conceive. Essential oils are highly concentrated, so they are usually diluted with milk or other oils. For these purposes, you can use olive, coconut or grape seed, jojoba or almond oil.
How to use:

  • Massage. For the procedure, a few drops of diluted essential oil are enough. Gently rub and massage the genital area for about 5-10 minutes. Massage should be done daily, preferably with a partner.
  • Relaxing and soothing bath with essential oils sage. Take a shower and cleanse your body. Fill the bathtub with comfortable warm water, add a few drops of oil. You can turn on calm relaxing music.

Side effects

Too often use sage is not worth it. After prolonged uncontrolled use, the result may, on the contrary, be negative. According to studies, the herb provokes the development of an inflammatory process in the genitals. In this case, immediately stop using the tincture and consult a doctor for treatment.
Some women are diagnosed with changes in the physiological plan. For example, the menstruation schedule shifts and, accordingly, ovulation. Many notice an increase in the duration of the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
Sage tea, like other herbal teas or supplements, allergic reaction may cause certain side effects. These include dry mouth, lip inflammation, and vaginal irritation. In case of an overdose, serious health problems can occur: severe pain in the abdomen, dizziness or vomiting. In rare cases, high doses of the herb can cause seizures or liver damage. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any health problems.


Not everyone is recommended to take a decoction or tea from sage for infertility. Use prohibited:

  • the presence of hypertension;
  • thyroid disease;
  • kidney problems;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • during the menstrual cycle;
  • with uterine bleeding.

Sage helps with hormonal infertility. With an excess of estrogen or progesterone, taking the herb, on the contrary, increases the risk of developing endometriosis, thereby preventing implantation and disrupting the menstrual cycle. Therefore, before taking a decoction, you need to find out hormonal indicators. If estrogens have increased in quantitative terms, but conception does not occur, it is necessary to look for another reason. Lack of ovulation is not the only factor in female infertility.
You can use sage to conceive naturally, but if discomfort occurs, it is recommended that you stop taking it for the benefit of your health.

Video: Sage for conception

For a long time, sage has been considered a sacred herb, which is used to treat various diseases. It is distinguished by a large number of useful substances and compounds that positively affect the organs and systems of the body. In addition, sage is known for one invaluable quality - it increases the likelihood of conception.

The benefits and effectiveness of sage in pregnancy planning

Every tenth couple faces the impossibility of conception. There can be many reasons for this.

According to statistics, diseases of a woman cause infertility only in 40% of cases. In 45%, the culprit is a man, and 15% is due to the immunological incompatibility of partners.

In most cases, infertility occurs due to hormonal imbalance and lack of ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, ready for fertilization, from the ovary, which occurs once a month. The female sex cell lives only 24 hours. If during that period she meets with a sperm, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur. Otherwise, menstruation will begin.

Works of Italian scientists from the National Fund scientific research showed that estrogen therapy in women who have difficulty with the growth of germ cells, in most cases, causes the maturation of the egg. During the observation period, 25 patients received estrogen therapy, 9 of them developed follicles up to 18 mm in diameter, 8 ovulated (4 became pregnant and delivered at term), and only 3 did not notice changes.

In the journal "Obstetrics and Gynecology" No. 5 for 2012, an article "Phytoestrogens: what is known today" was published, which covered the research of scientists Science Center Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology and Reproductology. I. M. Sechenov about the effect of sage on the body of a woman with menstrual irregularities. It has been scientifically proven that pain during menstruation disappeared in 75% of patients, and the reproductive phase of life was prolonged in 15%.

The composition and effect of the plant on the body

The properties of sage are explained by the amazing composition of the plant. Its leaves and fruits contain:

  • carotenes;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • phytohormones.

Phytohormones are organic substances that are part of plants and have regulatory functions. Due to their special structure, they have a hormone-like effect and cause an estrogenic effect.

During treatment with sage, positive changes occur in the body of a woman that contribute to ovulation and conception:

  • improves ovarian function;
  • the cycle becomes regular, and menstruation becomes painless (with an irregular cycle, ovulation is impossible);
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina disappear;
  • follicles become stronger, mature in time.

Interestingly, even in the days of ancient Egypt, sage was distributed on the streets to all women after devastating wars in order to speed up the birth of offspring.

In addition, the herb has the following effect:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • hemostatic;
  • reducing frigidity.

It is scientifically proven that the use of sage increases the chances of conceiving twins. This can be achieved by stimulating ovulation, otherwise there is very little chance - only 1 case out of 87. When taking a decoction of the plant, the level of estrogen in the blood increases, the likelihood of the simultaneous maturation of several follicles and, accordingly, multiple pregnancy increases.

The healing properties of sage - video

Admission rules for women

Before starting treatment with sage, women should definitely consult a gynecologist, and men - with a urologist, and undergo the following examinations:

  • gynecological examination;
  • hormone analysis.

To combat infertility, as a rule, an infusion of the leaves of the plant is used. You can prepare it as follows.

  1. One st. l. raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 15-25 minutes.
  3. Filter the liquid through a strainer or gauze.

The infusion is drunk during the day for 4-5 doses at regular intervals. A fresh portion of the drink should be brewed daily.

The treatment regimen depends on the cause of infertility:

  • with irregular menstruation, the grass is taken on the fifth day of the monthly cycle;
  • in the absence of menstruation, the infusion can be started on any day;
  • to stimulate ovulation, the therapeutic fluid is consumed on the first day of the cycle.

Drinking sage is only allowed until the 10-11th day of the menstrual cycle. Then ovulation occurs and pregnancy can occur. If this does not happen, the treatment is repeated monthly. The course of therapy is 2-3 months, after which they take a break for 30 days.

In the event of pregnancy, sage should be stopped immediately, as it can provoke a miscarriage, and also has the ability to disrupt placental circulation, which can cause fetal death.

There are other recipes for making sage that can be used to treat infertility.

  1. Decoction. In water (1 cup) pour 1 tbsp. l. ground leaves of the plant, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After cooling, strain and top up boiled water to the initial volume. The liquid is drunk 3-4 times a day.
  2. Juice. Squeeze 1 tsp from a fresh plant. juice. The portion should be divided into two times, slightly salted before taking.
  3. Seed infusion. 1 tsp brew seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Take according to the standard scheme.
  4. Sage with linden. Linden flowers also contain estrogens, so together with sage, a double effect is created.
  5. Borovaya uterus and sage. Both plants contain hormones of plant origin, which helps to normalize the hormonal balance in the female body. To prepare a decoction, mix 10 g of each herb and pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and filter, drink 3-4 times a day.
  6. One sachet is used in a glass of water and infused for 20 minutes. You need to drink tea during the day for 4 doses.
  7. Douches and sitz baths with sage. They help get rid of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which is very important for the process of conception and the overall health of a woman. To do this, use a decoction or infusion of herbs. The procedure begins on the 5th day of the cycle and is performed before the onset of ovulation. The course can be repeated three times, then you should pause for 1-2 months.

Choice dosage form, dosage and duration of therapy is carried out by a doctor depending on the patient's condition, pathology of infertility.

Treatment of infertility with decoctions and infusions of sage, douching, hog uterus and other methods - photo gallery

Boron uterus, like sage, contains hormones of plant origin Linden flowers contain estrogens, therefore enhance the effect of sage
Sage juice contains a high concentration of phytoestrogens For convenience, sage can be bought in filter bags and brewed in a cup. Dried sage raw materials are used to prepare infusions and decoctions.

Sage for men

In some cases, the culprit of infertility is a man. The reason may be low sexual activity, insufficient sperm count, underdevelopment of germ cells. Sage helps increase testosterone (male hormones), which improves sperm quality. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, the following occurs:

  • destruction of infectious processes in the genitals;
  • microcirculation in the scrotum is normalized;
  • stagnation and obstruction of the seminiferous tubules are eliminated;
  • trophic and metabolic processes in testicles;
  • increases libido, which contributes to increased potency.

It is believed that taking sage during the conception of a baby increases the likelihood of having a boy.

Recipes for a healing drink for men.

  1. Infusion:
    • 2 tbsp. l. steam dry chopped leaves with a glass of boiling water;
    • put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then leave to infuse for about 60 minutes;
    • add boiled water to the initial volume;
    • drink three times a day in equal portions.
  2. Decoction:
    • grind 15 g of grass and pour boiling water in a volume of 440 ml;
    • put on fire and boil for 2 minutes;
    • after 45–60 minutes, filter the broth;
    • take half a glass before meals for a week;
    • if necessary, repeat the treatment next month.

Store the medicinal fluid in a cool place for no more than 24 hours. The next day, prepare a fresh portion.

Male infertility - video

Contraindications and side effects when using herbs

Like any medicine, sage should be used carefully, because instead of the expected benefits, you can cause irreparable damage to your health. The fact is that the herb contains the toxic substance thujone, which has Negative influence on the central nervous system, disrupts memory, attention, creates mood swings.

In addition, there are some contraindications to the use of sage:

  • increased levels of estrogens (their excess causes a failure of the menstrual cycle, as well as the risk of developing endometriosis);
  • low blood pressure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • ovaries;
  • debilitating;
  • prostatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal disease in the acute phase;
  • lactation period - the plant makes it difficult to produce milk.

The rules for taking sage should be strictly observed, since excessive consumption leads to the death of eggs and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman has an increased amount of estrogen, then taking the herb is strictly prohibited. The plant can only help with a lack of hormones, and their excess can lead to breast cancer, menstrual irregularities, and the development of inflammatory diseases.

Some side effects may occur during sage therapy:

  • skin rash;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • hoarseness;
  • sore throat.

It should be borne in mind that with an overdose (using more than 15 g of dried herb) or prolonged use of sage, tachycardia (increased heartbeat), vomiting, tinnitus, and convulsions may occur. In case of occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, the use of the plant should be stopped immediately.

The opinion of doctors and the impact on conception

Opinions official medicine about the treatment of infertility sage divided. The fact is that this problem is not considered an independent disease. It is associated with hormonal disruptions, functioning immune system, health of the reproductive organs. In most cases, doctors do not prescribe the herb because it not only causes an increase in estrogen levels, but also lowers the amount of progesterone. In addition, the plant increases blood pressure.

On the other hand, it has been scientifically proven that the use of sage stimulates the production of reproductive hormones, facilitates menopausal changes in a woman's body, increases the duration of ovulation and promotes pregnancy.

Sage - medicinal plant, which has a diuretic, disinfectant, astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, softening effect. Currently, sage is often prescribed when planning a pregnancy, when a couple has various problems with conceiving a baby. Moreover, this drug is equally useful for both female and male infertility. Therefore, those who dream of becoming young parents, but experience some difficulties in practice, should pay attention to this gift of nature.

Medicinal infusion of sage when planning pregnancy is most often prescribed to women who have problems conceiving a baby. He has various healing properties and is capable of:

  • improve the state of the hormonal background of the female body, as it is an excellent natural substitute for estrogen - the most important female hormone responsible for successful conception;
  • accelerate the growth of the follicle, thereby ensuring the normal functioning of the ovaries;
  • increase the chances of a successful conception if the woman is already aged: that is why sage is prescribed when planning a pregnancy after 45 years;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • reduce the abundance and pain of menstruation;
  • quickly restore and promote the speedy regeneration of the myometrium;
  • increase libido;
  • increase the thickness of the endometrium - the hormonal tissue of the uterus, to which the fertilized egg is attached.

Sage is no less useful when planning a pregnancy for men, as it contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which contribute to:

  • stimulation in the male body of testosterone production (this is the most important male sex hormone);
  • increase in spermatogenesis;
  • being a natural aphrodisiac, sage increases the sexual activity of a man, on which the successful conception of a child also largely depends.

If a medical examination reveals serious violations in the hormonal background of a man or woman dreaming of a child, they are recommended to drink sage when planning a pregnancy in order to increase the chances of a successful conception of a baby. At the same time, the decision to take this medicinal plant on your own can lead to disastrous results due to the mass of side effects and non-compliance with dosages. Sage is a powerful enough mixture of phytoestrogens that can not only help, but also harm if the herb is not properly handled at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Application rules

Only a doctor can determine how to take sage when planning a pregnancy so that it does not harm the body, but, on the contrary, helps to resolve problems with conception. Those dosages and regimens that are usually indicated in the instructions for the pharmacy collection of this plant do not work at this stage. Therefore, without the advice of experts here can not do. The doctor will take into account the age, individual characteristics of patients and the reasons why they cannot conceive a baby. After that, the reception scheme will already be determined. As a rule, it comes down to the following nuances.

  1. From what day should you take sage when planning a pregnancy? Doctors advise doing this immediately on the 1st day, as menstruation ends, for 2 weeks, and then take a break. During this period, it is advisable to do an ultrasound of the ovaries to see the effectiveness or futility of the drug taken.
  2. Where to get raw materials? For this purpose, it is best to use a pharmacy fee - a certified and proven product.
  3. How to brew sage when planning a pregnancy? A tablespoon of the pharmaceutical collection of a medicinal plant is poured with a glass of boiling water (sometimes it is advised to use water not exceeding 80 ° C), covered with a lid on top and left for 20-30 minutes (nothing bad will happen if you extend this time to 3-4 hours), for him to persist. Then filter and cool.
  4. The best option is to prepare a fresh infusion every day when planning a pregnancy.
  5. How to drink sage for a long-awaited pregnancy? You need to take an infusion of 50 ml half an hour before a meal. It is recommended to do this 3-4 times a day, on the advice of a supervising physician (in some cases, it is enough to drink the infusion 1-2 times a day).
  6. The course of treatment is different for everyone: from 1 to 3 months.
  7. In some cases, when the problem with conception is a woman's hormonal imbalance, she may be advised to do douching with sage infusion, and it is recommended to do this immediately before sexual intercourse.

Before deciding to be treated with this medicinal herb, when planning a pregnancy, you must definitely pass. Only with low levels of estrogen (in women) and testosterone (in men) will it be possible to use these folk recipes to fix fertility problems.

As soon as pregnancy occurs, the intake of sage must be stopped immediately, as its active substances can harm the development of the fetus. In particular, cause uterine bleeding, which will end in the loss of a child. In addition, this tool has contraindications that must be observed.


Treatment of infertility with sage when planning pregnancy is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • neoplastic processes of any nature in the uterus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • lactation;
  • lack of progesterone;
  • lack of estrogen deficiency (excessive stimulation often leads to polycystic);
  • allergic reactions;
  • certain systemic diseases (for example, rheumatism, hemoblastoses);
  • hypertension;
  • acute nephritis.

There are very few contraindications, but if they are not observed, various complications may develop, which will only aggravate the situation, and this should not be allowed when planning a pregnancy. Sometimes the use of sage at this stage is fraught with a number of side effects.

Side effects

If the body does not tolerate this medicinal plant well or one of the contraindications was not identified on the eve of the prescription of the drug, one of the side effects of this remedy may develop. It can be:

  • hypothyroidism and other diseases that are caused by an excess of estrogens, with the active use of sage, only worsen, so that the plant is seriously and for a long time able to “knock down” the hormonal background of a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant;
  • this remedy, with an already onset pregnancy, greatly reduces the level of progesterone in the body, which can cause a miscarriage;
  • if there is a lack of progesterone, and the follicles are growing well, sage provokes the formation of cysts.

Now you know how useful sage is when planning a pregnancy for both men and women. However, it should be understood that this drug is not an independent treatment. Most often, it is prescribed as an auxiliary item in the treatment of infertility. And before using it, you must definitely consult with your doctor so that there are no misunderstandings and complications. With the right approach, the effectiveness of this medicinal herb is beyond doubt.

Among women, the treatment of infertility with the help of a variety of folk remedies is quite common. Various infusions are used herbal decoctions and fees, etc. An effective helper for infertility is sage, known for its special benefits for the female body. How to drink sage for conception, application patterns and contraindications - all this is important to consider in order to avoid adverse effects and the opposite effect of the herb.

During gestation, a woman is especially beautiful.

Sage is a plant with a healing effect, which has a pronounced smell. The plant is rich in phytohormones that help the female hormonal background to fully recover, which is important for conceiving a child. In addition, the unique ability of sage is the treatment of female infertility. Also, the herb has antifungal, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory activity in the female genital area.

The plant is able to stop menstrual pain and improve ovarian activity, restore female cycle and eliminate inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. An infusion of the herb has a beneficial effect on the endometrial structure and restores follicular growth, and also helps women become pregnant.

Who is especially shown the plant

Reception of sage decoctions should be carried out carefully, without violating the scheme. Subject to all recommendations, sage leaves for conception will meet expectations, especially in such cases:

  • To thicken the endometrial layer. Often, difficulties with conception arise due to the thinned endometrium that lines the inner walls of the uterine body. When conception occurs, the vascular network in the endometrium increases, the number of glandular structures increases, which in the future will be woven into the formed placenta and will nourish the fetus. The thickness of the endometrial layer determines the degree of its nutritional value and blood supply, which help the embryo to take root in the uterine body. If a woman has a thin endometrial layer, then her menstruation is weak, not intense. To improve the quality and thickness of the endometrium, sage herb is ideal, which helps to increase estrogen levels, which helps endometrial tissues to recover. To do this, it is recommended to brew the leaves of the plant and drink as tea three times a day. Reception starts from the fifth day of the cycle and stops after 10 days;
  • To stimulate estrogen. About 25% of female infertility cases are caused by ovulatory disorders, which are often present in women with irregular cycles. This often happens due to a hormonal deficiency of estrogen, a substance that has a follicle-stimulating effect and ensures the continuity and regularity of the ovulatory period. If the estrogen hormone in the female body is in excess, then the hormonal status is completely lost, the female cell matures prematurely and bursts, which excludes the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, during treatment with sage, it is necessary to periodically examine the hormonal background, i.e., the level of estrogen, and if it is in excess, stop taking sage broth. This is necessary so that the sage helps, and does not lead to the opposite effect.

Additional indications

Before taking the decoction, a doctor's consultation is required.

The plant is also suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes. Douching with a decoction of a plant has an excellent effect on female reproduction, because sage has an anti-inflammatory effect on tissues female organs. It is better to douche in the bathroom, irrigating the vagina with a decoction of a douche, try to keep it there for a while. The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days (from 5 to the ovulatory day of the cycle).

To normalize the cycle, you can safely use a decoction. If the endometrial layer is of sufficient density, there is enough estrogen, then the ovulatory processes normalize and occur on certain days, menstruation stabilizes, the cycle becomes regular. The constancy of menstruation is one of the important fertility indicators of a woman.

The properties of the plant contribute to normal follicular development. For successful conception, the ovarian follicles must develop properly and reach the required size. If the follicular elements are underdeveloped, then the egg does not fully mature, ovulation does not occur, conception becomes impossible. When taking a decoction of sage, follicular growth is stimulated. After a course of treatment of 3 months, the problem with the follicles is resolved.

The benefits of sage for the female body are undeniable, but even the use of plants in treatment requires prior approval from the doctor. In advance, you need to undergo laboratory diagnostics for hormones in order to assess the hormonal status and determine the causes of infertility. If the level of estrogen is too high, then taking sage is unacceptable.

Recipe for medicine

To get the maximum benefit from sage, you need to learn how to properly prepare medicine from it. To do this, the leafy parts of the grass are finely chopped and poured into a glass container, into which a glass of boiling water is then added (per tablespoon of raw materials). Close with a tight lid. You can strain the infusion by keeping it under the lid for 20 minutes. In order for the decoction to help, you need to take the resulting drug before meals for about half an hour.

You can brew weed in the bath. To do this, dishes with a crushed plant, filled with hot water, placed in a container with boiling water and put on gas. In the process of steaming, it is necessary to ensure that the infusion does not boil. Hold in the bath for about 10 minutes, after which the infusion must be filtered. They drink the resulting remedy per day, because it cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the remedy daily.

Herbal tea is very beneficial

You can prepare a medicine from the seeds of a plant, for which a dessert spoon of raw materials is taken per liter of boiling water and kept under a lid until it cools completely. You need to take the infusion in a large spoonful before meals three times a day. Some sources recommend taking the juice of the plant. For this, half a dessert spoon of juice is squeezed out of the leaves and drunk with salt in the morning. A similar amount of juice should be drunk in the evening, 2 doses per day.

To avoid unforeseen complications, it is better to purchase sage herb in a pharmacy. You can collect raw materials on your own only in ecologically clean areas, and you need to be well versed in herbs in order to eliminate a mistake.

How to take for pregnancy

Sage, which helps in solving many female diseases, should be taken according to a strictly defined scheme. They start taking it strictly on the day the menstruation ends and drink the medicine for a 10-day course without interruptions. On the 11th day, the course is completed, because the ovulatory period is approaching. Continue the course at the end of the next menstruation. It also lasts 10 days. Of paramount importance is how to take sage for conception, so as not to harm, but to cure infertility. The resulting amount of medicine should be divided into 4 doses and drunk at regular intervals during the day.

If the patient suffers from pronounced hormonal disruptions and she does not have menstruation, then the decoction can be started on any day of the cycle. But the course also lasts 10 days. Douching with sage broth also has a good therapeutic effect. Douching is carried out according to a scheme similar to the internal reception.

After about 3 months of such treatment, it is recommended to undergo a gynecological examination, ultrasound diagnostics, check the hormonal status to determine if there is an effect from such herbal medicine. In the absence of conception, the course of therapy is repeated again. During treatment, you need to be sensitive to changes in the body. If the decoction causes nausea or rashes, itching and other uncomfortable symptoms, then it is necessary to stop taking it.

Who is contraindicated

If a decision is made to treat infertility with the help of sage, it is necessary to carefully study the information to whom such decoctions and infusions may be contraindicated:

Treatment with sage should be carried out with extreme caution. The finished broth should be kept in the refrigerator during the day, but not more than a day. After 24 hours, the product loses its healing effect. Therefore, the most the best option there will be a daily preparation of a new portion. If no positive dynamics is observed after six months of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a repeated and comprehensive examination, perhaps a mistake was made in determining the cause of infertility.

Doctors' opinion

After conception, it is better to refuse the drink.

Doctors warn that when pregnancy occurs, the use of sage should be stopped immediately. The plant significantly changes the hormonal background, which is fraught with miscarriage. Doctors believe that as an additional therapy, phytotherapy may well be prescribed to women with infertility. But taking sage infusion on your own without the consent of a gynecologist can be dangerous.

In addition, as a result of taking this plant, adverse reactions may occur, such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps and painful discomfort in the uterus, headaches and diarrhea, temperature fluctuations and menstrual irregularities. If any adverse reaction occurs, it is necessary to refuse to take the plant in any form.

Other herbs for conception

If you combine sage with linden blossom, then the therapeutic effect will increase, because linden also contains phytohormone substances that contribute to the treatment of infertility. If you take such a combined decoction, then soon the woman will have long-awaited children. If the causes of infertility are due to excessive levels of prolactin, then it is useful to combine sage grass with backache and hops, which have the ability to normalize prolactin.

It is good to combine sage treatment with boron uterus. This plant also contains phytohormones and has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antispasmodic and immunostimulating effects. Boron uterus is recommended after ovulation, when the use of sage is stopped. Another great addition to sage for infertility treatment is the red brush. It is also a hormonal herb, useful female body, which is often taken in combination with boron uterus and sage.

Phytotherapy can be combined with medications(Utrozhestan or Duphaston), which have the ability to normalize the menstrual cycle and estrogen levels. Sage is considered unique medicinal plant, because it gives spouses a chance of happy parenthood. But herbal treatment must be carried out carefully, after consulting a doctor and observing the dosage.

What could be more beautiful than a little snub nose sniffing on your shoulder? Or those bare feet that slap on the bare floor before bed to say "Good night, Mommy!". Indeed, motherhood is a great happiness, and infertility is a real tragedy. If you have not managed to give birth to a child yet, do not despair, everything will still be fine. Modern medicine does not stand still, new diagnostic and treatment devices can work wonders. How many hopeless couples have found their happiness after 5, 10, 20 years of marriage! In order to manage to get pregnant and bear a child, you need to act on all fronts - to be treated by a competent specialist, to pray to higher powers and supplement the treatment folk remedies. One of the most effective is sage.

Since ancient times, sage has been one of the most effective herbs against infertility. Healers made infusions and potions from this plant for women who could not get pregnant for a long time. Women of reproductive age drank tea with sage in order not to lose their feminine health. In addition, sage has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, perfectly strengthens the immune system, and helps to cope with colds. In ancient times, sage was called a sacred herb, as it was this plant that allowed young couples to become parents.

How does sage affect a woman's reproductive health?

Sage is considered a true phytohormone. His correct application helps the egg to mature, fertilize and attach to the wall of the uterus. This ensures the normal bearing of the fetus. However, sage is used not only against infertility, this herb has a complex effect on a woman's health.

  1. Estrogen. Sage contains a huge amount of the female hormone estrogen. If you have a lot of male hormone testosterone in your body, sage will help you. A sufficient amount of estrogen contributes to the maturation of the egg. In addition, a sufficient amount of estrogen means less body hair, beautiful and elastic skin, strong nails and hair.
  2. Endometrium. Often the cause of infertility is hypoplasia. The walls of the uterus are lined with a thin film called the endometrium. The thickness of this film varies depending on the cycle. If at the right time the film remains thin and does not come to a state of readiness, the fertilized egg simply will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. This leads to the fact that pregnancy never occurs. The thickness of the endometrium may not correspond to the cycle due to hormonal failure. Sage will help restore balance and promote pregnancy.
  3. Ovaries. Regular use of sage helps to improve the functioning of the ovaries. As a result, more healthy and mature eggs are produced. In ancient times, it was believed that sage herb helped to conceive twins.
  4. Menses. Sage is drunk not only for the treatment of infertility. A decoction of sage helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. As a result, menstruation is painless, less abundant, regular.
  5. Inflammation. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is often prescribed for external use. Douching with sage herb allows you to get rid of various inflammations in the vaginal area.
  6. Cervix. A healthy cervix has the ability to attract sperm. With some imbalance, the body loses this ability, which can also be the cause of infertility. Sage enhances the reflex activity of the cervix and restores its functioning.
  7. Frigidity. Often sage is taken by women in the fight against frigidity. This plant helps to improve sexual activity, makes sex more sensual and enjoyable, helps to achieve orgasm. In some countries, sage is considered a real aphrodisiac for women.
  8. Climax. A decoction of sage is also useful for mature women. It relieves the symptoms of menopause. Compensating for the lack of hormones (which become scarce due to age), sage helps to get rid of such manifestations of menopause as sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, headaches, mood swings.
  9. Cessation of lactation. Sage also helps stop production breast milk, when it is necessary. If you decide to stop breast-feeding, you just need to drink as much sage broth as possible. It will reduce the production of milk, and in a few days it will completely suppress the function.

Sage is very effective and useful herb but only in knowledgeable and skillful hands. Under no circumstances should you take sage without consulting your doctor. Sometimes the cause of infertility can be tubal obstruction and other gynecological problems. In this case, sage will not help, but will exacerbate the problem by giving you false hope. In addition, sage, even after the permission of the doctor, must be taken correctly.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion of sage

From the grass, you can prepare both a decoction and an infusion for alcohol. If you are preparing for conception and are planning a pregnancy, it is better for you to drink a decoction, because the alcohol component can be toxic to the unborn child. But the tincture can be drunk to combat hot flashes, to normalize the menstrual cycle (not during pregnancy planning), and also to increase sexual desire. By the way, the tincture has a more pronounced effect, because alcohol draws all the healing juices from the plant.

To prepare a tincture for alcohol, you should take green, freshly harvested sage. To do this, the grass must be cut in a clean area, away from factories and highways. The stems, flowers and leaves of the plant should be washed, dried, crushed and filled with a bottle. Pour the composition with alcohol or vodka. It is better to choose a bottle of dark glass. The tincture is being prepared for at least three weeks. It is necessary to leave the tincture in a dark, cool place and shake it periodically. After 20 days, the tincture should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

A decoction can be prepared both from fresh herbs and from dried pharmaceutical collection. Three full tablespoons of sage are poured into a jar and poured with a liter of boiling water. Then the jar should be tightly closed and wrapped with a towel. The longer the liquid remains hot, the more saturated the broth will be. The prepared broth can be drunk as pure form, and in the form of tea with honey and lemon.

It is very important to understand that an overabundance of some components of the decoction can be harmful. Therefore, it is very important to take a decoction of sage correctly, on the right days of the menstrual cycle.

If you drink sage for infertility, you need to do this very carefully and according to the rules.

  1. You should start drinking sage for 4-5 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. We begin to count the menstrual cycle from the first day of bleeding. If you start drinking earlier, the bleeding can stop, which is fraught with congestion and inflammation in the uterus.
  2. Drinking sage should be before ovulation, that is, until about the middle of the cycle. If your cycle is 28 days (from the beginning of one period to the beginning of another), then you should stop drinking sage at about 12-13 days of the cycle. That is, from 4 to 12 - only 8 days. These days, you should drink half a glass of strong broth three times a day.
  3. Many women are wondering, how to determine ovulation in order to stop taking the decoction after it occurs? This can be done using an ovulation test, which is sold in a pharmacy. In addition, you can determine ovulation by measuring basal body temperature- during ovulation, it rises.
  4. Why can't you drink sage after ovulation? The fact is, sage brings the uterus into tone. After fertilization, the egg remains in space for some time and only then adheres to the wall of the uterus. If the uterus at this time is in good shape (hard, to put it simply), the egg will not be able to hook and attach, pregnancy will not occur.

By doing these simple rules, you can stimulate the growth of the follicle, make it more viable and contribute to the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall. Remember that taking sage should be agreed with your doctor.

It is unique that sage helps to cope with infertility not only for women, but also for men.

  1. Sage is a natural aphrodisiac. A decoction increases potency with long-term course intake. This has a positive effect on sexual desire and erection.
  2. It has been proven that regular intake of sage stimulates the production of more mobile and viable sperm. The chance of conceiving a child increases several times.
  3. Sage resolves various congestions in the vas deferens.
  4. Since the plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, the decoction is used not only inside, but also for external treatment of the genital organs. Sage helps to cope with various infections and inflammations.
  5. In addition, sage stimulates metabolic processes in the scrotum, increases testosterone levels.

It is important to understand that infertility is a common disease. You can not rush with accusations only in the direction of a woman or a man. That is why men should take care of their health no less carefully.

What to drink sage with to get pregnant

Sage itself is a very powerful herbal preparation that can bring the lion's dose of hormones into the body. To make the herb more effective, it is taken in combination with other plants.

If you prepare a collection of sage and linden, you can get a unique composition full of estrogen. This is especially true for women whose infertility is caused precisely by the lack of this hormone. If you mix sage with a hog uterus, you get a very effective medicine for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. This decoction is used for cervical erosion, mastopathy, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Moreover, the correct intake of sage and boron uterus can get rid of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. The “female” plant Red brush has the same properties. Together with sage, this plant restores a woman's reproductive health.

If a woman cannot get pregnant, it is most likely that she has some kind of malfunction in her body. In no case should you aggravate the situation and drink sage at random. Among the side effects of such treatment may be dizziness, nausea, hormonal failure. If you drink sage during pregnancy, it can cause a miscarriage. Sage can help you get pregnant only if you use it correctly - after consulting a doctor.

Video: what herb will help with infertility

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