
How to save space in a small How to save space in a small apartment: some great ideas. Make some holes in your bathroom cabinet shelf and hang your toothbrushes in them.

A great idea to save space is transforming furniture. The simplest and most familiar models of transforming furniture are a sofa bed, an armchair bed, a loft bed with a workspace underneath, folding beds, tables and chairs. But there is more interesting options transformers, for example, “matryoshka” furniture, when chairs, tables or cabinets of different sizes are inserted into each other. We used the items - and again inserted them into the "matryoshka". There are racks where you can discreetly place chairs, and no one will guess about it!

Very popular wardrobe-beds and podium beds, which store many useful items. Functional transforming cabinets change their content due to a change in internal structures - today there are books, tomorrow - toys, and the day after tomorrow - clothes or bedding. In some apartments, beds are pulled out of the ceiling to save space, and these processes can be controlled remotely using a remote control. Many kitchen tables successfully disguised as coffee table, and some invisible tables are so conspiratorial that you can’t immediately declassify them. Transforming furniture in our time is not a luxury, but a severe necessity. At the same time, it is much more convenient than fragile and constantly breaking folding furniture.

A room within a room: the ergonomics of partitions

Partitions for - a real salvation and a unique tool to turn one room into two or more. In order to fence off the bedroom area and create a secluded place for a restful sleep, you can install designs with curtains, having previously thought through the issue of ventilation.

Very convenient for delimiting space through racks, where things are in boxes or baskets. For studios, mobile screens are more suitable, thanks to which you can transform the interior and change the location of various zones at will or due to “production needs”. It is worth taking a closer look at sliding partitions on wheels or rails, radius structures or "accordions" - they are decorated with patterns or prints that match the style of the interior. Glass partitions not only look stylish, but also help to visually enlarge the space in the room, making it lighter and more spacious.

Many owners of apartments with high ceilings build on the second floor for the bedroom, and under it they usually make an office or living room. The staircase to the second floor easily turns into a closet, where each step is a box for storing all sorts of things.

Design tricks in the kitchen

Natalia Titova


“In the kitchen, where you have to cook and gather at the table with the whole family, every centimeter of space is important. Instead of the usual way of opening cabinets, it is best to use hidden hinges and a click-on system that allows you to open the doors with a light touch. Very comfortable and functional drawers that are easy to turn into organizers with the help of special dividers.

The window sill can be used for the needs of the kitchen, turning it into a countertop, under which they usually put a washing or dishwasher. By the way, it is convenient to store household appliances under the dining table - it is compact and very original.

The drawer is modified into a retractable table, and the walls and inner surfaces of the cabinet doors are the most suitable places for stands with cooking tools. Kitchen utensils, which you do not use very often, can be placed on shelves under the ceiling, by the way, this way of organizing space is also useful for arranging other rooms in the apartment. And the narrow gap between the wall and the refrigerator is best occupied by a tall drawer with many shelves, where small jars of jams, pickles, spices and seasonings will perfectly fit. Many designers advise removing doors altogether to save space in a small kitchen or arrange them in the form of an arch. This will free up extra space for more needed items.

How to make a room bigger

small apartment design modern style using various ways saving space solves problems with the placement of necessary things. However, experts advise using additional optical illusions to make the room seem even larger. For example, walls with small patterns push the boundaries of the room, and vertical stripes make it higher. Wallpaper that visually enlarges the space of a room is usually lighter at the top than at the bottom. Contrasts help a lot. One wall can be decorated with wallpaper with a large pattern, and the rest with small ones.

The ceiling is sometimes made lighter for the same reason. Try playing with shades, find your combinations. The colors that increase the space in the room are light and cold, but horizontal borders it is better not to use, as with them the room seems cramped and narrow.

Ivan Strelnikov


“The effect of expanding space is given by photo wallpapers with a perspective, leading the eye to the horizon, for example, a road running away into the distance, mountains or an ocean with sailboats. Magnified phenomena of nature lead to the same effect. Huge fish or corals, lightning all over the wall, a bird with large wings, giant clouds and plants create the feeling that your room is lost in the vast world. Its borders seem to merge with boundless space, so it also seems big, like this mysterious world ... "

From this article you will learn:

    What tips to follow to save room space

    What are some space saving ideas?

    How to save kitchen space

    How to save space in a small apartment

The standard layouts of most Russian apartments cannot boast of significant areas, and in large centers the cost per square meter of housing does not encourage the purchase of spacious apartments. That is why the question: “How to save room space?” Is very relevant today. But not all ways to save will bring you the desired results. After all, I want even a small apartment to have a place for everything you need, and at the same time it would not turn into a warehouse. About whether it is worth giving up comfort and coziness for the sake of household appliances, and without which you can live perfectly, we will consider in this article.

How to save room space and where to start

If you are the owner of a small apartment, you should not be upset, but it is better to pay attention to the positive aspects of such housing. Ultimately, the concept of "small space" is very relative, and other aspects will play a big role here, in particular, the number of meters and people living on them, the location and amount of furniture. Well, the undoubted advantages of a small apartment will be saving utility costs and time for cleaning rooms.

So where do you need to start to act in order to save room space?

Step 1. Stop fighting against the disadvantages of a small space of rooms. Instead, focus on its benefits.

Step 2 Before you start developing a strategy for how to save space in a room, decide on its functional purpose: whether it will be a bedroom, a living room, a nursery or an office.

Step 3 Having determined the purpose of the room, proceed to the choice of the style of its design. Minimalism is best suited for small rooms, in addition, this style is the best way to save space.

Step 4 Next comes the turn of making lists of those things and interior items that you intend to place in the room. Since we are talking about the original small areas, then it is better to forget about overall cabinets and chests of drawers. Pay close attention to transforming models, such as a sofa bed or chest of drawers. They will give you the opportunity not to overload the room, rationally use the space and at the same time save it. At this stage it is important:

    Understand that the interior design of any apartment begins with planning, but it is especially true for small spaces. Therefore, do not be too lazy to draw a room plan with a pencil on a piece of paper, and below write down those furnishings that are necessary for this room.

    When planning the opportunity to save room space, one should not forget about the personal interests of all those living in the apartment.

    Determine which things and objects are used constantly (or at least regularly), and which are gathering dust for a long time without work or are outdated and out of fashion for a long time.

    And finally, you need to draw up a repair estimate, decide on the finances that you are ready to invest in the arrangement of a small apartment. And here it is better to recalculate the resulting numbers several times than to bite your elbows later. In planning small spaces, every detail matters, from the height of the ceilings in the rooms to colors walls and furniture.

How to save space in a small room

1. Choose your light and color wisely. A large role in the correct design of a small space is played by the right color palette. The most suitable for small rooms are gentle pastel colors, for example:


    soft lilac;

    sky blue;

Make sure that the color scheme you choose is repeated not only in the decoration of the room, but also in the details of the situation. All designers agree that light walls and the floor visually increase the space.

By placing numerous light sources in a small room, you will visually make the space larger. It is more economically feasible to install spotlights that give a lot of light, but at the same time consume little electricity. The illusion of space in this case is achieved due to the large number of lamps with low power consumption.

When planning the lighting of a small space, keep in mind that a single chandelier placed in the center of the ceiling will not be able to adequately illuminate the walls. Instead of it (or together with it), it is better to install light sources around the perimeter of the room. However, too much bright light will make your home look like a hospital operating room, so opt for lamps with shades or adjustable intensity.

Think carefully about the choice of furniture in a small room. Do not forget that metal, glass or polished wood reflect light, and, therefore, the illumination of the room will be higher. Add natural light and large windows.

2. If you decide to take a global approach to solving the issue of saving space, you need to start from the stage of repair work.

  • Starting renovations in a small apartment, consider replacing floor covering. If your housing is not located in a new building and repairs were carried out in it in ancient times, first remove the old coating, level the floor with a special screed or cement mortar, making sure that its thickness is no more than 4 cm.

After that, you can proceed directly to laying the floor. It will be better if you cover the entire space of the room with a single piece of linoleum or laminate. Due to its reflective qualities, as well as the integrity of the coating, the latter will help you create a wonderful visual effect and a sense of a single and indivisible space.

  • If possible, you can remove the wall or part of it (but only if the wall is not load-bearing). This will increase the space of the room and add more light.

3. Review the layout and shape of the closet.

For example:

    A great option to help save space in a small room is a horizontal closet located under the bed, in which you can put away seasonal items. However, such a cabinet is quite expensive, since it is made to order. As an alternative, you can consider beds with drawers for storage.

    Another option to save space in a small room would be a built-in closet, combined with one of the walls.

4. If there is an unused wall in the room (and also the kitchen), use it wisely.

In the event that the wall is not a carrier, you can arrange a niche in it for storing books, dishes, small personal items, which will save room space. An example of such a wall is shown in the photo. However, if the wall is load-bearing, the possibility of arranging a niche in it should be discussed with the builders.

5. Use a hanging bed, which, if desired, during your wakefulness will simply “disappear” under the ceiling, freeing up a lot of space.

You can save space in a small bedroom by installing a bed on a podium.

Or by purchasing a bed that will be cleaned in a built-in wardrobe.

6. In a small room (including the kitchen) you can put a sliding door. Such a design will not occupy free meters, and in addition, it will serve as an additional decoration of the room.

In the case when there is no need to install a door, you can make a doorway in the form of an arch. With this solution, you will visually expand the space of a small room.

7. Place, for example, a pantry, a microwave oven, a refrigerator in the built-in niche.

The problem of useful additional space in a small apartment is perfectly solved by built-in furniture. If you have a niche in your room, a built-in wardrobe will fit perfectly into it. If a suitable option you can’t find it in specialized furniture stores, you can always contact companies that manufacture custom-made furniture, or you can make it yourself.

8. Use the space under the sofa for storage.

9. Choose all the items for the room correctly.

Save space small rooms multifunctional pieces of furniture help. Tables, chairs, transforming sofas are not only convenient to use, but also very useful.

For example, in a small bedroom there is no need to buy a massive bed. Having opted for folding sofa, you will get a place to rest during the day and an excellent bed at night. However, when choosing a sofa bed for daily use, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a good orthopedic mattress in it.

An excellent choice would be a sofa, which has an internal niche for storing bedding or personal items.

If you decide to prefer an ordinary built-in wardrobe, stop your attention on compact multifunctional models that save space in the room, but contain a significant amount of things.

Today, in stores you can find a huge number of different shelves, racks and other options for storage systems, which, when installed in even the smallest cabinet, will help you use it rationally. By deciding to use such storage systems in small rooms, you will not only save space, but also correctly distribute things or dishes. In addition, the use modern systems storage helps you quickly and easily create and maintain perfect order.

Starting repairs in a small kitchen, first of all, decide where the main elements will be installed - hob and oven. Today, household appliances are mainly located in the kitchen. After combining furniture and functional details working area you can start arranging the dining area. The space of a small kitchen will help to save a folding table and chairs.

When the family gathers at the table, the set unfolds, and at the end of the meal it can be folded and put away in a niche or in a closet.

An excellent option to help save space in a small dining room can be chairs that can be easily hidden under the table.

To visually increase the space of a small bathroom, do not clutter it up. wall cabinets. Instead, use railings on which you can hang light wicker baskets.

This option is very ergonomic, baskets can be attached directly to the wall, and bright accents will decorate any interior.

And the space above the bathroom door can be used to install an open and very capacious shelf.

10. Use steps as lockers.

11. For a competent arrangement of equipment, install a multi-tiered table.

On such a table, you can easily place the system unit, monitor, keyboard, acoustics. And if you add shelves to the table, then you will have a place to store folders, stationery, discs, etc.

If the room in the apartment is so small that it will not be possible to put computer desk, then significantly save space and rationally use square meters you can by creating a workplace on the windowsill. By expanding it with an MDF sheet, you will build an excellent computer desk.

And by removing the lower shelf in the niche, you will equip yourself with a built-in study.

12. You can use movable walls- they will help you combine different zones in a small room.

13. Always remove things that are not needed. For these purposes, you can use drawers or baskets that can be placed under a table or bed. Remember that a cluttered room always looks smaller.

14. Use a corner hanger.

It is unlikely that you will be able to place two wardrobes in an apartment with a small footage. The problem of a large number of clothes in this case will help to solve an additional corner hanger.

A variety of corner shelving in the hallway or shelves in the room will serve you not only as a spacious storage system, but also as an element of decor, while saving space.

15. Install a large mirror against the wall. This technique will help you visually enlarge the space of a small room.

How to save kitchen space: 10 ideas

  1. Simple shelf for spices.

A good cook cannot have too many different spices. If the space of your kitchen does not allow you to have a separate cabinet or shelf for jars, bottles, use office organizer trays.

If you have a small kitchen, use every square centimeter wisely. For example, a wall is perfect for placing handy hooks for frying pans and other kitchen utensils that are often used in the cooking process.

  1. Organizer for storage.

Conveniently packed products have a significant drawback - in most cases they are very inconvenient to store. To solve this problem, you can use organizers for storing shoes, which will take their rightful place in your pantry. These organizers are perfect for packaging juice or milk, canned food, seasonings and other packaged products, thereby saving pantry space.

Do not lose sight of the possibility of using free walls for food storage.

With the help of small magnets, you can easily place such a shelf directly on the refrigerator, thereby saving space and ensuring that spices are at hand.

Zoning a room to save space

Having become the owner of your own living space, are you upset that it is small in size? This problem is perfectly solved by combining interior zones that help save space in the apartment. To do this, you can resort to the help of an experienced interior designer or show your creativity and come up with a project yourself.

For those who have never encountered such a problem, it seems that a small apartment and comfortable living for all family members are incompatible. However, the competent layout of certain zones does an excellent job of expanding the space of small rooms.

In this case, we are talking about the possibility of obtaining additional space as a result of creating separate functional areas in one room. With such a reconstruction, doors and ceilings are not provided, which also visually increases the space of the rooms.

If you remove the ceilings and doors, then you will be able to move from one area to another easily and quickly. For example, after preparing dinner in the kitchen area, you set the table in the dining room. And at the end of dinner, just a few steps separate you from the relaxation area.

Probably, the main arguments against such a combination will be filling the room with different smells in the process of cooking. However, the presence of a modern powerful hood that operates almost silently can completely solve this problem.

You can achieve harmony when combining different zones in one room different ways, including using contrasting tones or, conversely, using the same color palette. It all depends solely on the preferences and wishes of the owners of a small apartment.

By contacting a professional designer who specializes in arranging small apartments, you can get very bold, original and at the same time practical space-saving solutions that will cause admiration and delight.

Zoning tools can serve as:

  1. Screen.

Pick it up to your liking - bright or pastel colors, plain or patterned - and it will serve you not only as a zoning tool, but also as a decor item. In addition, there is now a huge selection of the most variety of options, including screens equipped with rollers, which simplifies the process of moving them around the room. Well, it will not take up much space, even when folded, even in working order.

  1. Rack.

Zoning with shelving will help solve two pressing problems at once - the division of the room and the availability of additional storage space, which also saves space.

  1. Wallpaper.

You can clearly define the boundary between zones in one room by decorating the walls. different wallpapers. This idea is easy to implement using the remnants of wallpaper from a previous repair, which will also significantly save the budget.

  1. Niche.

Niche is perfect for placement bed, reading nook or workspace. You can separate it from the rest of the room with a screen or curtains. In a shallow niche, it is best to place a closet or shelves for storing something.

  1. Podium.

If you are a lover of open spaces and are not ready to divide it with furniture or the room is so small that it is simply impossible to place a partition in it, in this case the podium will help to solve the problem with space zoning. It can be used to arrange a bed, in addition, the space under the podium is great for storing various things.

  1. Large format mirror.

By choosing a mirror that suits you in shape and size, as well as a place where to place it, you can visually enlarge the space of a small room.

  1. Curtains.

You can zone the space of a room not only with the help of screens and shelving. Curtains can do just as well with this task. Their main advantage is that, if necessary, combine the space, the curtains can be easily moved.

  1. Mini partition.

With its help, you can divide the room, while maintaining the feeling of open space. In addition, the mini-partition perfectly lets light and air into the room.

  1. Houseplants.

Women who love houseplants, can adopt this method of zoning space. By creating a hedge from flowers, you can turn your room into a garden of Eden.

  1. Headboard.

A convenient, interesting and functional solution would be the design of the head of the bed in the form of a mini-partition. The only difference between them is the location - it is not installed in the middle of the room, but is part of the bed.

Note that you can significantly save the space of a small apartment by combining the kitchen and living room. Especially if you replace the dining table on the kitchen island with a bar counter. When implementing such a design decision, it is worthwhile to clearly consider the distance to which a part of the rack will be extended so that it is comfortable to sit behind it, and, in addition, so that it does not interfere with the passage.

Final tips for saving space when zoning a room:

    If less than four people live in the apartment, then the bar counter will be a good option to save space. You can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by decorating walls and floors with light-colored materials, as well as built-in light furniture.

    You can save space in small rooms by opting for a minimalist style. Combining the living room with the dining area in this way, you will achieve lightness, brightness and diversity of the interior. For example, white brick walls beautifully set off furniture and decor items.

Similar design solutions when combining these two zones, they make it possible even for small apartments to look great. Such rooms are not cluttered with furniture, but at the same time are equipped with numerous places for storing things.

    The problem of storage in small rooms is solved by built-in furniture, and by supplementing it with open shelving and shelves, you visually add lightness and airiness to the headset. For the kitchen-living room, for example, warm-woody shades are perfect.

    You can save space in small apartments by using various options zoning. A professional designer will delimit the premises not only into the usual ones - living room, kitchen, dining room - zones in one room, but will also help to equip a full-fledged office.

In a long and narrow room, you can use a TV console as a desktop. Using light Decoration Materials and furniture, complemented by pendant or built-in lamps, you can create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

    Avoid glass surfaces. Designers quite often resort to using glass transparent and matte surfaces in the interior of small rooms. Unlike the bulky wooden furniture, with the help of glass it is much easier to achieve the lightness and weightlessness of the space of the room.

    If you want your room to look harmonious, pay attention to the fact that modern household appliances, decor elements, furniture and finishing materials combine and complement each other. To date, you can find a huge variety of options for various combinations of zones, with which you can save the space of a small apartment.

The hostess tells: "life story" about how they managed to save space in the "Khrushchev" room

Every hostess dreams of her apartment being spacious and functional. In order to achieve this, it is not at all necessary to have a design education.

Recently my husband and I visited our new neighbors. The result of this visit was our desire to modernize our own apartment. Proper organization of space in the house and the placement of spacious storage systems in it is not an easy task, especially when it comes to small apartments. However, ingenuity and a non-standard approach will help to determine its own place for each thing.

When choosing a system for storing clothes, decide on the number of things and the area that you can allocate to them. For example, if you rarely wear jeans, it is much easier if they are stored folded on a closet shelf. However, if you have a lot of them and you wear them almost daily, then it will be more practical to purchase special hooks and clothespins for storing them, which will allow you to save space as much as possible.

    In order not to be puzzled by the question: “Where are the keys?” Every time before leaving the house, it is enough to purchase self-tapping hooks that can be mounted directly to the wall or installed in beautiful frame. In this case, in addition to the key holder, you will get an interesting interior detail.

    If you have a lot of scarves, shawls and other similar accessories, store them with special rings (but regular shower curtain rings can also be used). And if at the same time weave “pigtails” out of them, you will not only be able to save space, but also make it easier for yourself to find the right option.

    An impressive collection of handbags is best stored on special shelves, some of which are attached to the wall, others are floor-standing. In addition to more expensive metal options, you can find affordable plastic ones.

When arranging the kitchen, not only the beauty of the interior and the brand of equipment are important, but also the practicality of this large mechanism and a special place in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance how to save space in the kitchen so that each family member, being on its territory, always feels comfortable and convenient. "Dream House" will help to realize all your ideas, while maintaining the style and rationally placing all kitchen objects.

Why you need to save space in the kitchen

There can be several motivations for saving space in the kitchen, and they are all objective:

  • firstly, in order for food to be cooked with pleasure, everything should be at hand and, at the same time, the space where quick morning snacks take place or the whole family gathers at dinner should be free;
  • secondly, there should be enough space to implement any plans, for example, to install a soft sofa, or organization;
  • and, thirdly, every centimeter is simply dear to someone for a reason.

It is necessary to decide how you will save space at the stage of planning the kitchen itself. In order for everything to work out successfully, it is worth sketching out a plan for arranging the kitchen on paper, and then putting it into practice.

How to save space when installing furniture and large appliances in the kitchen

You can get more free space by correct distribution the main components of the kitchen - a headset and large household appliances.

The most common and winning option in order to save space is to install kitchen cabinets and technology with the letter "G". For an elongated kitchen more practical option- layout along two opposite walls, it is also parallel.

If the kitchen has a niche, then it is better to use it under the refrigerator than for small items.

The dense arrangement of furniture and appliances saves space well, but it is important to remember here that appliances with different temperature regimes cannot be installed side by side. Also, all appliances, unlike furniture, should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the wall. In order not to lose these centimeters on both sides, many install appliances on one side, and furniture along the other.

The above rules can not be observed when installing built-in appliances, such as washing or. Here you will get double space savings - due to the absence of gaps between adjacent elements and the need to take the distance to the wall, since the built-in appliances are ventilated from below. In addition, the appliances built into the furniture can be grouped as you like. These ergonomic systems are a match for styles such as modern or.

True, when installing built-in appliances in the kitchen, there are also disadvantages: rearrangement is excluded, and in the event of a breakdown of a piece of equipment, it may be necessary to replace part of the headset.

So that such appliances, like a microwave oven, which are an integral part of any kitchen, do not take up space on the surface of cabinets, they are installed on corner brackets, or mounted in upper part kitchen corner by type of built-in appliances.

Storage options for kitchen utensils - save space

In order to save space, instead of swing cabinets, the kitchen set is equipped with various drawers, for example, multi-level drawers, corner modular cabinets that fit a large number of variety of kitchen utensils. With their help, you will free the work surface and nothing will interfere with you to accomplish culinary masterpieces. If the lower tier of the furniture cabinet consists of hinged compartments, then their doors can be equipped with shelves for storing jars or bottles.

To save space in the kitchen, for food products and utensils use more hanging drawers and shelves, and above work surfaces - to store many small items. True, some stylistic trends, such as minimalism, “do not like” too many things in plain sight. In these cases, do not overdo it with open shelves and rails. And, on the contrary, the option of open storage of dishes and various accessories will only emphasize. Mounted systems will free up space for the implementation of larger ideas.

Small and cozy kitchen - save space

Rational arrangement of modern kitchen

Any kitchen, even the smallest, should be spacious and with all amenities. To do this, when arranging it, you need to properly organize the entire kitchen space. Here are a few interesting ideas and tips:

  1. You can save a few centimeters due to the window sill, which increases in width to the level of the lower row of the kitchen set. Thus, the place near the window can be used as a work surface, a table for eating or a sink.
  2. In order to save space in the kitchen, the usual swing door at the entrance can be replaced by sliding or folding doors, of which there are plenty of types now. Another option is to do without a door at all, but in this case you have to take care of a powerful one, which, by the way, can also be retractable.
  3. A little more free space will appear in your kitchen if you put a dining table with a special design: folding, folding or roll-out. BUT round table with tightly retractable chairs will help not only optimize the space, but also set kitchen interior some creativity.
  4. You can save space in the closet for items that are needed more often than others by installing a soft corner with storage boxes instead of chairs. Modern products decorate the interior, perfectly fulfill the role convenient location for sitting and are a multifunctional storage for things.
  5. And finally, if you want to enjoy space and freedom in your own kitchen, pay attention to the shades that will prevail in the room. We are talking about light colors, with the help of which, of course, it is impossible to save specific centimeters, but visually they increase any area.

Open shelves for storage - an idea to save space in the kitchen

Modern kitchen - how to save space

Many of us are familiar with the inconveniences that are typical for small apartments. And the main problem is the forced saving of space.

Every corner must be used wisely so that there is enough space for all the necessary things. And you want to make your home comfortable and beautiful!

We share with you the most original tricks that will help save space in a small apartment. Get inspired!

11 ingenious creative ideas for a small space

1. Spices

Every self-respecting housewife keeps tons of different bottles and jars with aromatic spices in the kitchen. Where can they be placed compactly? Try to adapt a place behind the refrigerator for small jars: both beautiful and hidden from prying eyes.

2. Fruit

Placing a lot of everything useful and necessary in a tiny kitchen is not an easy task. For example, where to put a fruit bowl so that it does not take up half a table?

But hostesses have so many other things… How do you like the idea of ​​a hanging fruit basket?

3. Wine

If you are a big connoisseur and collector of wine, you will definitely need a lot of space to store bottles.

This compact and spacious wine cabinet will fit perfectly into the interior of a small kitchen.

4. Laundry

This room is easy to adapt to the needs of good housewives. Try to play with the space between the dryer and washing machine: you can store washing powder and other detergents here.

If you install a countertop above the washing machine, it can be used as an ironing area.

5. Ironing board

This necessary subject rarely finds a worthy place. Most often, ironing boards are stored on the balcony, as they take up too much space in the room.

Try to allocate a part of the free wall for mounting the board. This design will not take up much space, and ironing will turn into a more enjoyable process.

6. Clothes dryer

This item will not take up much space if you attach it to the ceiling.

7. Dirty things

Another good advice housewives: dirty laundry can be stored in drawers that are lined up.

Label each drawer with the color of the laundry and the desired water temperature. This is how you can easily save both your time and space in the house.

8. Space under the stairs

Many people store unnecessary things under the stairs, using this place as an additional pantry.

Why not transform the space into a compact closet or bookshelves? And this place can serve as a cozy corner for relaxing and reading.

9. Shelf for shoes

In a large family, there is always a problem with storing shoes. A specially designed high shelf can be a great place to compactly store your favorite shoes.

10. Garage

Most of us think of the garage as a warehouse for unnecessary things. If you really need extra storage space outside the home, set up a comfortable space in the garage.

For example, car tires, tools and other useful items can be stored on hooks on the walls.

11. Drink crates

Not enough space to store drinks crates? Make a simple rack for them: it will save space and look spectacular.

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: Do you want to place so many things in your bedroom, but there is absolutely not enough space? Calm down, don't panic...

small bedroom- not a sentence, but a reason to rationally plan the available space. So many things you want to place in your bedroom, but there is absolutely not enough space? Calm down, don't panic.

Competent interior design works wonders! And I, as always, am ready to throw a couple of very effective solutions just for such cases. To be exact - as many as eleven!

1. Stop Vacuuming Under Your Bed - Raise It to New Heights

Placement of the bed on the podium - a truly brilliant idea, especially in a small bedroom. A high podium becomes not just an additional place for storing all sorts of little things, but acts as a full-fledged alternative to a chest of drawers or even a closet. Most often, drawers are built into the podium, divided into sectors, but it's up to you to store bed linen, seasonal clothes or precious canned tomatoes there.

Advice: A small podium 10-15 cm high is just decorative element and no more. In order for it to bring real benefits, it is necessary to raise it at least to a height of 50 cm. You can often find meter-long podiums, but in this case you will need to build steps or take care of the stairs.

2. Make the irrelevant relevant

If it was you who became the victim of architectural sophistication and the “happy” owner of an irrational recesses in the wall, then this advice will be useful to you like no one else. Just complete this ridiculous education shelves from floor to ceiling(as if it was intended from the very beginning). In addition, you must agree: there is no extra space for storing things!

Advice: To determine the material of the shelves and the height between them, you should at least roughly estimate what exactly you are going to store there. Too thin shelves can bend under heavy weight, but very massive ones should not be purchased without special need. Firstly, they visually load the interior, and secondly, they will simply cost more.

3. Find a niche and take advantage of it

Sometimes we inherit the recesses in the walls, sometimes we make them ourselves. Say, in small and narrow bedrooms, they are absolutely justified. Thoughtful niches are a great additional storage space for, for example, books.

See what library fits into this shallow built-in shelving in the photo, and imagine how many cabinets it would take to fit the same volume!

4. Continue window

If in your bedroom the height from the floor to the window sill is 75-80 cm, then it's time to replace this useless "receptacle of flowers" with an excellent wide tabletop that will allow you to get a full-fledged workplace. Not only will you get a lot of usable area as a result, but you will also work in the rays of natural light - isn't that happiness?

But you can go even further and extend the countertop to the entire length of the wall, and place various drawers, niches in the resulting space, or even use this place as a TV cabinet or game console.

A low window sill is absolutely not suitable for creating working surface, but you can arrange a great place to relax, as well as incredible relaxation while reading your favorite book.

It is important to remember that the optimal height from the floor to the windowsill in this case should be about half a meter.

And if the bed is located near the window, then the newly made sofa can be made its logical continuation. Of course, you will have to re-equip the window sill for these purposes, but, in my opinion, it's worth it.

Advice: Sometimes it is difficult to find a company that will fulfill such an insignificant order, and it will come out expensive. Therefore, it will be easier and cheaper to order a modified window sill as a load for some furniture - for example, a closet or chest of drawers.

5. Hang the pedestal

Clear the floor and make the bedside table hanging- a wonderful solution for those who want to unload the sleeping area and make it more compact.

But in order not to drill the wall, you can cheat even more and instead of a massive pedestal, get a light stand on thin, almost invisible legs.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to limit your appetite to only one small shelf.After all, you can hang two of them at once, or even as many as three!

Even so, you'll get extra storage space while still feeling airy and uncluttered.

6. Find "space-saving" fixtures

Bedside table without a lamp - money down the drain, but how much space does a table lamp take up!

To save space, there are several options.

  • First, this hanging lamp from the ceiling, which looks extraordinary, but at the same time perfectly copes with all the tasks.

  • Second solution - wall sconce.

But no matter which option you choose, in any case, the glow of the warm light of the lamps will elegantly decorate your bedroom, and the free space on the bedside table will be a great bonus.

If funds allow and a suitable two-in-one lamp comes across - of course, take it. Alas, the offer of such options on the market is limited, and you will not always find a model that is interesting in shape and design.

7. Use furniture with “storage”

There is no desire to “build” a podium and start repairs - a bed on a platform with ready-made built-in containers will do.

Advice: Choose models where the drawers are located not only on one side of the bed, but around its entire perimeter. So you will have more branches, and access to them will be easier.

8. Complete the wall

And again we move to the window opening. Although the idea of ​​​​building a closet around it and thereby filling the entire wall is not at all new, it is incredibly effective and saves a lot of space. In addition, we will not spend money on slopes, since the sides of the cabinet will act as their role. And the place of the window sill can be arranged with the same cozy sofa, where you can wonderfully relax and admire the marvelous view from the window.

Advice: Don't get carried away by the depth of the closet, because the larger it is, the less natural light will enter your bedroom, and this is not good!

It is not necessary to build a closet around the window. Most often, around the bed, we are used to seeing either a pair of bedside tables, or some small table with ornate legs, while the entire wall behind the bed remains empty or is covered by some kind of picture. But wouldn't it be wiser to put all this unused space to good use?

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