
What is the use of cabbage for weight loss and what kind of cabbage can you eat on a diet? Fresh, stewed and sauerkraut for gastritis: dishes and recipes Fresh cabbage for the stomach

For many years, cabbage with gastritis has been effective tool to prevent this disease. Vitamins, which are part of its composition, have a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The benefits of it for people with pathologies of the digestive system are recognized in medicine. With gastritis, doctors recommend drinking fresh cabbage juice, and taking the vegetable itself cooked.

Is it possible to eat with gastritis?

White cabbage with pathologies of the stomach can be eaten in moderation. You need to eat it only in boiled, stewed or pickled form. A raw vegetable, due to its high fiber content, can damage the lining of the stomach or intestines. This can lead to quite painful discomfort and even heartburn. At the same time, it is a valuable repository of nutrients that are necessary for people with digestive problems.

The vegetable contains a large number of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium). Methylmethionine-sulfonium is able to act on the gastric mucosa, healing damage and restoring protective mucus. Scientists call vitamin PP a medicine. It is able to remove excess cholesterol from the body, cleansing the body of harmful atherosclerotic plaques. Improves blood circulation and promotes the process of metabolism of nutrients.

With gastritis, it is better to eat cabbage that has succumbed to any processing.

With gastritis, it is advisable to eat cabbage that has succumbed to any processing, for example, sauerkraut, you can not eat fresh. This is a diet food. This method of cooking does not harm many of the beneficial substances that are in the vegetable. Boiled will only benefit in case of relapse. If there are discomfort after eating, it should be excluded from consumption altogether.

It is not recommended to eat this dish during the acute phase of gastritis. However, during remission, cabbage is an excellent tool for prevention. With a reduced level of acidity in the body sauerkraut increases appetite and activates the secretory function of the secretion of digestive juice. People with high acidity are allowed to eat sauerkraut in small portions and only in remission.

When stewed, it is unique in that it retains almost all useful vitamins. With a reduced level of acidity, it can produce a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, it is also useful for increased rates. Improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, helps to reduce the load on the muscular work of the digestive system. Removes various inflammations. In remission, it will be an excellent prophylactic against exacerbation of the disease. With pathologies of the digestive system, it is allowed to eat stewed and sauerkraut cauliflower, Peking, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, white cabbage and other types of cabbage. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

Cabbage is valued for its rich vitamin composition, thanks to which it has a positive effect on the gastric microflora. Medical science has officially recognized the benefits of cabbage for patients with digestive pathologies. And with gastritis, it is recommended not only to eat vegetable crop but also drink freshly squeezed cabbage juice.

What kind of cabbage can be eaten with gastritis of the stomach with low and high acidity?

How to take juice?

For any gastritis forms, patients are advised to take freshly squeezed cabbage juice, because it has a unique therapeutic effect.

  • Freshly squeezed juice effectively copes with symptomatic manifestations such as heartburn and flatulence, as well as nausea reactions.
  • Juice contributes to the normalization of acidity in the stomach cavity and has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.
  • Cabbage juice has an analgesic and antihistamine effect, it regenerates and accelerates healing on the gastric mucosa.
  • A freshly squeezed drink provides an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect on the gastric mucosa.

There are no contraindications for drinking cabbage juice. It is equally useful to drink it with any acidity, because it is able to neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid. Useful juice and low acidity.

To get the maximum benefit from cabbage juice, drink it without cooling. It is forbidden to store the product, so it is taken immediately after preparation, three times a day, before meals, ½ cup. When constipation is common among patients, it is best to avoid this drink due to its ability to increase gas production.

With gastrointestinal pathologies, many cabbage varieties are useful, and freshly squeezed juice helps in the treatment and prevention of gastritis.

When preparing a vegetable, you can use the most acceptable type of heat treatment in accordance with the rules of diet therapy. In general, any cabbage is useful, the main thing is to cook it correctly.

It is impossible to combine cabbage with pepper or salt, lemon or vinegar and other acidic foods. It is also unacceptable to use sauerkraut with alcohol, because such a combination can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis.

Only proper consumption of vegetables in the diet will help to avoid gastritis exacerbations and even ensure the prevention of gastrointestinal cancers.

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the walls of the stomach, which can develop due to malnutrition, bad habits, chronic stress, and taking certain medications. Gastritis also may occur due to bacterial infection.

Acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa usually has pronounced symptoms. A person may experience pain and heaviness in the epigastric region, nausea, heartburn, general malaise,. Chronic gastritis is sometimes asymptomatic and may not manifest itself for years.

Diet therapy plays an important role in the treatment of gastritis.- restriction or complete rejection of products that cause irritation of the inflamed mucosa. Is it possible to include stewed cabbage in the patient's diet? This question worries many lovers of this primordially Russian vegetable.

Benefit and harm

Braised cabbage is tasty and healthy dish, in which, after heat treatment, most of the minerals and biologically active substances contained in the vegetable are preserved.

Usually they are used for stewing, but other varieties of it can also be used: colored, Brussels sprouts, broccoli.

During stewing, the structure of cabbage changes: from a coarse, difficult-to-digest food, it turns into a well-digestible dietary product.

This favorite vegetable is rich in vitamins, it is considered the champion among garden crops in terms of vitamin C content. It also contains mineral salts, proteins, polysaccharides, and carotene.

Cabbage juice is a well-known remedy that has been used for centuries in folk medicine. This natural "medicine" perfectly heals wounds, including festering ones.

Its application has proven effectiveness in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach. However, with enterocolitis, increased intestinal motility and a tendency to intestinal spasms, this product should not be consumed.

Cabbage dishes contain a lot of fiber, and therefore can be successfully used for the prevention of constipation. Regular use of the "folk" vegetable activates digestion, improves metabolism, helps cleanse the body of decay products.

Is it possible to eat stewed cabbage with gastritis?

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Stewed cabbage with gastritis in the acute stage is a prohibited product, just like all other vegetables. Coarse fiber, which is found in abundance in the vegetable, will irritate the inflamed mucosa.

However, after the acute manifestations of the disease subside, cabbage can and should even be included in the diet of the convalescent. It satisfies hunger well, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, stimulates gastric motility, is a good remedy from constipation.

Cabbage can be eaten either stewed or boiled.

It is forbidden to fry the product: crispy cabbage crust will irritate the walls of the stomach.

You can not add a lot of salt, vinegar and spices to cabbage, otherwise from dietary product it is easily "reclassified" as dangerous.

Very it is undesirable to use cabbage as a filling for pies: in combination with yeast dough, it will cause fermentation in the stomach.

You can add lean meat or poultry, potatoes, cream, some fresh or dried herbs to the dish.

With increased acidity

Stewed cabbage with gastritis with high acidity can be eaten, but with some restrictions:

  • the dish should be well boiled / stewed;
  • the components that make up the dish cannot be fried;
  • cabbage is stewed with the addition of water or milk, vegetable broth better not to use;
  • butter can be added to the finished dish.
  • you can not eat stewed cabbage too often.

In the stage of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, stewed cabbage cannot be eaten. After the onset of remission, one should also try to limit the use of this vegetable, as it causes an increase in gastric secretion and can cause discomfort to the patient.

With reduced

Stewed cabbage with gastritis with low acidity is a permitted product at all stages of the disease, except for the exacerbation stage. This dish activates the secretion of gastric juice, improves gastric motility, increases appetite.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

You can add any permitted vegetables or lean meat to cabbage. With gastritis with low acidity in stew, you can even eat. The main thing is to rinse it thoroughly before cooking to remove excess salt.

For gastric and duodenal ulcers

Stewed cabbage with peptic ulcer can be used only in the stage of stable remission with the permission of the attending physician.

Since this dish stimulates the secretory function, it should be consumed very sparingly.

The head of cabbage should be cut as small as possible. You need to stew the vegetable with the addition of water or milk. At the end of cooking, you can add butter.

It is better for people suffering from peptic ulcer to give preference, since it has a softer fiber structure compared to white cabbage.


Before sending the product to the stove, it must be properly prepared.

  1. Wash the head of cabbage thoroughly, remove the top spoiled leaves from it.
  2. Then finely chop it and knead it a little with your hands until the juice appears: this way the dish will be cooked sooner.
  3. Then you can cook the product according to the classic recipe (taking into account dietary restrictions) or add additional permitted components to it.

Diet version of the classic recipe

For dietary option classic recipe stewed cabbage will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 1-2 medium onions,
  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 teaspoons tomato paste (no vinegar)
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Chop the head of cabbage into small strips, onion - into half rings. In a cauldron or frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, lower the onion and fry it a little until transparent (not until crusty).

Add tomato paste, carrot. Mix everything well and fry for another 2-3 minutes. until soft. Put cabbage. Pour in 1 ½ cups hot water.

When the mass boils, you need to reduce the heat and simmer the contents until soft. This will take 40-50 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, the dish needs to be salted.

With chicken breast

To prepare stewed cabbage chicken breast you will need the ingredients:

  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 0.5 kg chicken breast fillet,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of tomato paste
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sunflower oil,
  • salt.

Cooking method: Finely chop the head of cabbage, cut the meat into small pieces, cut the onion into half rings. In a thick-walled dish, heat vegetable oil, lower the onion and fry it until transparent. Add meat and continue to fry for another 2-3 minutes.

Do not allow the formation of a crust on the products.

Then add tomato paste, mix and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Put the cabbage, pour 1 cup of hot water. Bring contents to a boil. Turn down the fire.

Simmer the dish for 40-50 minutes. Add salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Braised cabbage in milk

Cauliflower stewed in milk will require ingredients from you:

  • 450 gr. cauliflower (you can use frozen)
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons,
  • ½ st. low fat milk,
  • ½ st. cabbage broth,
  • salt,
  • ground nutmeg.

Wash the cabbage, divide into inflorescences, boil and chop in a blender. Add cabbage broth and milk to the resulting mass, bring to a boil. Salt the dish, add butter and a pinch of nutmeg to it.

Proper nutrition is the basis for the prevention of gastritis. But in order to completely eliminate the risk of this disease, other preventive measures must be observed:

  • to minimize
  • stop smoking,
  • try to avoid stressful situations
  • do not prescribe yourself medications which can cause stomach irritation.

And if suddenly unpleasant symptoms make themselves felt - immediately consult a doctor.

There are many good diets to reset excess weight. Today, many people are interested in the benefits of cabbage for weight loss, since this herbal product served at an affordable price and completely safe for health.

Does cabbage help you lose weight?

You may notice that after a few days of eating on a cabbage diet, body weight decreases. True, experts believe that weight becomes less not against the background of fat burning, but due to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues. But that's not bad either. Sometimes diet food poor in nutrients, so cabbage is most welcome in a limited menu.

The product contains vitamin A to maintain the good condition of nails, hair and skin. Despite the fact that cabbage does not burn fat, it still helps to lose weight, as it helps to cleanse the body, improves digestion, and inhibits the activity of free radicals. Due to the content of phosphorus in the product, bones are strengthened, and this is the prevention of fractures.

It should be noted that the cabbage diet gives a temporary effect, if you do not support it with training and constant the right diet. When a person stops limiting himself in nutrition, often the lost kilograms return with an additive. Therefore, after the cabbage diet, you should not lean on heavy food. It's better to stop at proper nutrition to keep in shape.

Types of cabbage for weight loss

sea ​​kale

Natural kelp is a product for healthy eating which helps to lose weight. There are only 24.9 kcal per 100 g. The product perfectly saturates, removes excess fluid, nourishes with vitamins and minerals. Seaweed is good for the thyroid gland, improves the functioning of the endocrine system.


Calorie content of cauliflower - 30 kcal per 100 g. The product is well suited for diets and helps to reduce weight. Cauliflower improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, is stored for a long time without loss of useful properties.

Chinese cabbage

Thanks to the use of Chinese cabbage, you can quickly satisfy your hunger and reduce your appetite. The product improves digestion and has a calorie content of 32 kcal per 100 g. It contains trace elements important for health and valuable fiber. According to the content of vitamin C, Chinese cabbage leads against the background of leaf lettuce and white cabbage. When eating Beijing cabbage, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed more slowly.

White cabbage

Ordinary white cabbage is filled with useful substances that improve metabolism, help to quickly clear harmful deposits in the body. The calorie content of the product is 25 kcal. Cabbage contains fiber. The product protects against atherosclerosis and stool disorders. It contains potassium, which tones the muscles and rids the body of excess fluid.


Of course, it is useful to eat sauerkraut on a diet, as it regulates fat metabolism, helps to remove harmful substances, and improves digestion. After eating, a pleasant feeling of satiety appears, which is very valuable on a diet. The product is rich in fiber, which means that the body spends a lot of energy on its processing, burning calories.

pickled cabbage

Pickled cabbage can be added to salads on a diet. The product gives an interesting taste. The marinade retains the properties of fresh cabbage and in most cases is good for health. Pickled cabbage is not suitable for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. The calorie content of the product is 47 kcal per 100 g.

cabbage perfectly saturates, contains many vitamins and helps to lose weight

Cabbage diet options

Cabbage diet for 3 days

The three-day cabbage diet is relatively safe. As drinks, they use 1.5-2 liters of water daily and drink unsweetened green tea. For snacks between meals, you can also use cabbage, preferably fresh cabbage dishes. It is permissible to eat fruits to make the diet more varied and boring. Any type of fruit is suitable, with the exception of bananas.

The diet menu is extremely simple. Instead of breakfast, you need to drink tea. Lunch should be a salad of fresh cabbage. good to use different varieties- Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbages, white cabbages, Peking and red cabbages. If you don’t feel like making a salad, you can cook soup or cook a stew, supplementing it with chicken or vegetables.

The ideal dinner for such a diet is a fish dish. For one meal, 210 g of fillet is enough. A good substitute for fish would be kefir or meat. For dinner, be sure to eat a salad with the addition of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage. So that on a cabbage three-day diet the feeling of hunger does not torment, it is recommended to eat cabbage soup whenever you feel like eating more than normal.

If there is no desire to eat fresh cabbage, you can choose sauerkraut. The norm per day is 1.5 kg of the product in combination with rye crackers. There are 5 such meals in total. The result of the cabbage diet is minus 3 kg.

Cabbage diet for 7 days

The weekly diet is quite tough, cabbage fills most of the diet. The use of salt and sugar is not welcome. All varieties are eaten, but the most successful is white cabbage. In addition to it, a suitable food is low-calorie vegetables. After the diet, you need a break of 2 months, at which time you need to eat right without overeating. The main dish of the diet is cabbage soups. sample menu for a diet by day:

  • 1 - cabbage soup and fruit nutrition (apples, melons, oranges are suitable);
  • 2 - cabbage soup and eating vegetables, for example, boiled potatoes without salt;
  • 3 - cabbage soup, vegetable and fruit dishes (exception - banana, potato);
  • 4 - soup soup and bananas;
  • 5 - 250 g of lean meat, cabbage soup, tomatoes (4 pcs);
  • 6 - meat dishes, cabbage soup, any amount of cabbage;
  • 7 - vegetable soup based on cabbage, buckwheat or brown rice.

From drinks, non-carbonated mineral water and green tea are better. For the morning hours, good coffee without cream and sugar is preferable. It is recommended to cook without seasonings.

cabbage diet for 10 days

The ten-day cabbage-poor diet is popular today, but potentially dangerous. Do not practice this diet more than once a year. According to other sources, you can sit on such a diet several times a year, taking breaks for 2 months. The diet promises a loss of 10 kg of excess weight.

Any variety of cabbage is suitable for nutrition, and the more different types, all the better. For example, the calorie content of kohlrabi is only 42 kcal, Brussels sprouts are 44 kcal, and color is even less - 32 kcal. Of course, white cabbage is good in terms of usefulness, availability and low calorie content, it contains 26 kcal. The absolute leader is sauerkraut - 19 kcal. The data are given for 100 g of the product. Try eating sauerkraut instead of regular sauerkraut every 3 days to diversify your menu.

On a ten-day cabbage diet, hunger attacks often occur when you want to eat everything you see. This problem can be dealt with if you eat cabbage leaves, there are no restrictions on this product. Like green tea and water. Drink coffee in the morning to speed up your metabolism. Salt and sugar, confectionery products, flour products, and alcoholic beverages are banned.

A sample meal plan for the day is as follows:

  • in the morning, that is, for breakfast, you need to drink water without gas, coffee or green tea (all drinks are unsweetened, this is important);
  • you need to dine with boiled beef, fish or chicken (for one meal up to 200 g of meat or fish), it is also recommended to make a salad during the day (fresh cabbage, butter, carrots);
  • for dinner, let's take the same salad with cabbage, an egg (quail or chicken), a favorite fruit, but not a banana;
  • the last meal will be a glass of low-fat kefir, usually they drink it, pausing for 2 hours before going to bed.

There is also a diet for a month, this is the most extreme way to lose up to 24 kg of weight. Everyone decides whether to go for it or not. Of course, it is much better to exercise and eat right, it is safer.

Unloading day on cabbage

If you can’t limit yourself to food for several days, but you need to put yourself in order and cleanse your body, become lighter, then spend a fasting day. It doesn't pose any danger. The rules are quite simple: 1.5 kg of cabbage is taken per day. The variety can be any, the choice is huge - kohlrabi, Brussels, colored, broccoli, Savoy, white cabbage. It is permissible to cook it in different ways, for example, boil, eat fresh or stew, make steam dishes.

It is better to divide the entire volume of cabbage and make several equal meals during unloading day. The total calorie intake is from 400 to 500 kcal. In just a day, you can say goodbye to 1.5 kg of weight.

The unloading cabbage day menu may look like this:

  • stewed cabbage (or stewed cabbage with apple) is breakfast;
  • borscht or cabbage soup is lunch;
  • salad with fresh cabbage with lemon and olive oil- this is an afternoon snack;
  • boiled cauliflower or broccoli (can be replaced with cabbage hodgepodge - 300 g) - this is dinner.

Good drinks for a fasting day are the same as on a diet. That's as much unsweetened tea as you want and pure water.

Cabbage recipes for weight loss

Dishes from cabbage for weight loss

cabbage soup


  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • celery - 5 stalks;
  • carrots - 6 pcs;
  • tomatoes in juice - 1 pack;
  • onions - 6 feathers and 6 onions;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs;
  • greens - parsley.

Volume ready meal- 6 l. You can put a little salt, pepper and add boiled brown rice at the end. You just need to cut all the products and cook until softened.

Cabbage salad


  • cabbage - 100 g;
  • seaweed - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • beets - 100 g;
  • apples - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 g;
  • prunes - a few berries.

Peel all vegetables, grate coarsely, season with juice, add chopped prunes. Dish without salt.

Stewed cabbage


  • white cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • pepper, salt, olive oil.

Grate carrots and tomatoes, chop other vegetables. Grind the fillet and fry in a small amount of oil. Combine meat with vegetables, pour a little water, simmer for 1 hour on slow heat. Put greens in stewed cabbage.

cabbage decoction


  • cabbage - 150 g;
  • water - 3 glasses.

Boil the cabbage for about 15 minutes, then filter the broth. No need to salt and pepper this drink, drink warm. It is advisable to take a decoction of cabbage an hour after dinner. In extreme cases, you can replace dinner with broth.

The prevalence of white cabbage makes this vegetable one of the most beloved, and the number of dishes prepared from it can hardly be enumerated. It is not surprising that the question of whether it is possible to eat cabbage with gastritis and in what form is of interest to a huge number of people, because today this disease is considered perhaps the most widespread. White cabbage for gastritis is indeed one of the products whose benefits and harms are approximately in parity, so special attention should be paid to the study of this issue.

The first thing that lovers of this product need to understand is that salads and other dishes in which raw cabbage appears should be forgotten. The reason is simple - it consists of too coarse fiber, which is digested very poorly, and with an inflamed mucosa, such solid food has an irritating effect on the epithelium, which already has a hard time. As a result, instead of treating gastritis, we get a deterioration in the condition, instead of healing the areas of the epithelium affected by inflammation, the further spread of inflammatory processes continues.

So, regarding the raw product, the issue can be considered closed. At least until the patient reaches a state of remission, but even then it is better not to provoke your digestive tract with too coarse food.

But this does not mean that this vegetable should be permanently excluded from your menu - that would be really cruel.

Braised cabbage for gastritis

As is usually the case, there is a way out, and it consists in the heat treatment of this wonderful vegetable. Perhaps, in terms of popularity, stewed cabbage can give odds to raw cabbage, because it is used not only as a side dish. But is it possible to eat stewed cabbage with gastritis? The answer will be positive, because during quenching, the solid fibrous structure of fiber is destroyed and becomes soft enough not to pose a danger to the mucosa affected by inflammation. Unlike aggressive frying, braising is a processing process in which the product is not exposed to extreme temperatures, in close contact with frying surface. Braising involves cooking in a more gentle way. temperature regime but for a long time. This provides a less destructive effect on the composition of the prepared product. Cabbage with this method of processing practically does not lose components useful for the body. This means that it is not only allowed, but may well be considered as an additional therapeutic and healing agent for gastric pathologies.

And yet, stewed cabbage with gastritis is not recommended, since it contains substances that can activate the secretory activity of epithelial glands, provoking an even greater increase in acidity. What it threatens with gastritis - no need to explain. But on the other hand, with low acidity, all questions about whether it is possible to eat stewed cabbage with gastritis disappear by themselves - you can, and this applies to white cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts along with broccoli.

The benefit of eating this vegetable in a stew is to improve the regenerative abilities of the epithelium, which accelerates the healing process of foci of inflammation and erosion. Stewed cabbage It also has an analgesic effect, eliminating many unpleasant ones and at the same time satisfies hunger well. For motor dysfunction digestive tract improves peristalsis of the stomach and duodenum.

During the period of exacerbation, stewed vegetables should also not be consumed - with such a complicated condition of the stomach, the issue of choosing permitted foods must be approached very strictly and responsibly.

Sauerkraut for gastritis

Certainly in fresh vegetable by definition, it contains the maximum amount of useful substances, but even after sourdough, the benefits of cabbage for problems with the gastrointestinal tract practically do not decrease.

Only 200 g of the product prepared in this way is enough to provide the body with a daily need for vitamin C. This means that a product rich in ascorbic acid is recommended for hypoacid gastritis. It is also useful for patients suffering from diabetes: sauerkraut does an excellent job of increasing the acidity of the gastric environment, while lowering blood sugar levels.

On this beneficial features the product does not end: the pickled vegetable has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the digestive tract, also helping to improve its peristalsis (facilitating the transport of food through the gastrointestinal tract). During the period of remission, this dish can be used to prevent exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer, to stop short-term dyspeptic manifestations.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut with gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid? Most gastroenterologists are convinced that no - even a slight deterioration in the condition is enough for weeks of treatment to go down the drain. Why risk such complications? Of course, properly cooked sauerkraut should not contain spices - in this case, an irritating effect on the mucous membrane cannot be avoided.

Sauerkraut is usually cooked with pepper, so this dish should definitely be excluded from the menu.

Treatment of gastritis with sauerkraut consists in eating a small portion of this vegetable 30-40 minutes before the main meal for 2-4 weeks. If at the same time heartburn appears, further consumption of the dish should be discarded.

Chinese cabbage for gastritis

This vegetable is considered salad because of the more delicate structure of its leaves. It contains many useful substances:

  • a large mineral group (selenium, cadmium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, magnesium);
  • vitamins representing groups A / K / B / PP / C);
  • amino acid complexes;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids.

Like the white counterpart, with gastritis, this vegetable is not recommended to be eaten raw due to the presence of a high concentration citric acid. But in a stewed and boiled form, it may well become useful for the body if you consume about 150 grams of a vegetable every two days.

Attention! Chinese cabbage with gastritis is not recommended even after prolonged heat treatment, this product is forbidden to be combined with dairy products - this threatens gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia and even exacerbation of gastritis.


Cauliflower for gastritis - a frequent guest on the menu

The fiber of this variety of cabbage is much more digestible, and this vegetable is popular due to its low calorie content.

Cauliflower for gastritis is a product often included in the diet menu, since it contains a considerable amount of substances that benefit the body:

  • extensive vitamin complex(groups A/C/E/PP/U/B1/B2/B6);
  • an equally large number of trace elements;
  • easily digestible protein;
  • fatty acids of organic origin;
  • antioxidants;
  • starch.

Note that, as for most other relatives, with gastric inflammation, use cauliflower in its raw form, no doctor will advise. But in a stew, baked, boiled or steamed, it is capable of much.

You should not use cauliflower for gastritis with high acidity, and during an exacerbation of the disease in the first few days, they generally adhere to diet No. 1a, which includes only a few dishes, and even those are presented exclusively in liquid form. After switching to diet number 2, cauliflower becomes a permitted product, but the methods of its use and dosage must be agreed with the attending physician.

There are certain contraindications in which the question of whether it is possible to eat cauliflower with gastritis will be answered in the negative:

  • recent abdominal surgery;
  • food allergy to vegetable components;
  • gout;
  • gastritis.


In terms of its composition (vitamins, minerals), broccoli is not much different from the more common white cabbage. But this variety contains magnesium, which is not found in the popular relative. This substance has the ability to help improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, and carotene is considered a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents free radicals from settling on the walls of the stomach. Is it possible to eat raw broccoli with gastritis? The answer will be the same as for all other representatives of this species. But in a stew, it is recommended to eat it at least once every two days.

Brussels sprouts

This vegetable is an infrequent guest on the tables of our compatriots, but in Europe they pay a lot of attention to it. And the reason is simple - it is considered the champion among representatives of the leaf cabbage species in terms of the amount of vitamins (for example, vitamin C in Brussels sprouts is three times more than in white cabbage). Due to the excellent digestibility of proteins, which form the basis of the fiber of this vegetable, it is included in many diets. Cultivated wild Mediterranean cabbage of the highest grade can be used to treat cardiovascular pathologies and diabetes. This product has a laxative effect, hematopoietic effect, stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration, has a diuretic / choleretic effect.

Brussels sprouts for gastritis are also useful in that they have an anti-inflammatory effect, contributing to the speedy healing of the affected areas of the mucosa. Contraindications to its use are the same - a form of gastritis with high acidity of the gastric secretion, as well as exacerbation of the disease, regardless of their form.

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