
Indian oracle divination online. Ancient solitaire - online fortune-telling. Indian card meanings

Indian solitaire is a very interesting and unique divination, which is very popular today.

fortune telling Indian solitaire in laying out cards, special symbol cards.

The laying out of Indian solitaire is as follows. Picture cards are laid out in rows of five pieces. Each of them has its own meaning, and the meaning is vital. In the scenario, any symbol must match, and then its meaning is already considered.

The picture matches, its meaning is read. For example, according to Indian solitaire, a horseshoe is happiness, a heart is love, a castle is some problems.

Before fortune-telling and the layout of Indian solitaire, it is recommended to focus on desire, on a period - for example, for the next six months, so that nothing distracts during fortune-telling.

Next, you need to shuffle the entire deck of cards for Indian solitaire well, reshoot half the deck of cards, then you can start playing solitaire. And then see what the pictures matched. If possible, some cards can be rotated around the axis to match.

Very important in this fortune-telling - Indian solitaire - is that guessing and laying it out no more than once a day, and the values ​​of the resulting pictures themselves must be correlated with the pictures around.



Indian solitaire has a second name - omguru. There is also the Omguru portal, which contains a variety of collected divination, including Indian solitaire.

Let's analyze the main meanings of pictures-symbols that are in Indian solitaire.

For example, a bow is a symbol of a person’s intimate life, a glass is worth waiting for an invitation to visit someone. If a symbol fell out - hair - then this is for family meetings, feasts, common holidays.

Scales symbolize the resolution of the issue, and in the right direction for a person. The tree is a symbol of a business meeting, communication, negotiations. If a woman is guessing, and a girl falls out to her, then this is a symbol of gossip, and if a man is guessing, then a symbol interesting meeting, new relationship.

When a ship falls out, it symbolizes the road, travel, and money - finance. Indian solitaire and a castle may fall out in a layout - this is a temporary difficulty.

Stars or the moon in Indian solitaire - new acquaintances, friends. When the key falls out, it symbolizes the solution of problems and difficulties, and the crown - success in business. Rings are a symbol of love, marriage. The heart in Indian solitaire is a symbol of not only love, but also harmony in all respects.

Sometimes a skull can fall out - this is a symbol in the Indian solitaire of health problems.


Tragos is also a Russian portal that includes various divination and solitaire games. And, of course, Indian solitaire.

According to this divination, it is possible to predict both the near future - a couple of days in advance, and three to four months. It is very important to just focus on the time before you start Indian Solitaire.

Sometimes a match falls out in the layout, but it is torn by a card between the picture. This also needs to be paid attention to when reading and explaining the meaning of symbols.

All sources of divination for the Indian alignment claim that it is often impossible to guess on it.

It is Indian solitaire that will help to guess the future, look into the next two or three months, and sometimes several weeks.

The main thing in it is to correctly decompose, and then read everything correctly and decipher all the resulting picture symbols.

For example, when playing Indian solitaire, a rainbow falls out. This is a symbol of good mood, joyful time, good changes.

Sometimes a heart with a knife inside can fall out. This is for separation, the loss of a loved one. Possible depression treatment. Especially at this moment, you need to look at the cards nearby. For example, a broken necklace, a bed in a hospital are all negative signs. If the heart is with an arrow, then this is love, but unrequited.

If the sign of the sun falls in Indian solitaire, then this is a good and auspicious sign. I want to live, enjoy life. It is also important here to look at the cards nearby to find out the reason.

In Indian solitaire, there are also such signs as a flag, which symbolizes a change of place of work or even residence. If the clock falls out, some event is waiting very soon. What exactly awaits, neighboring cards can answer this question. According to the cards located nearby, the information of the sign is also read - an arrow. This sign promises surprise, and what exactly is in the cards nearby. Candles are a symbol of sadness, loneliness, and the fallen sign and the snail symbol are the achievement of one's goals.

The House of the Sun is a portal that contains a huge collection of divination from around the world, including Indian solitaire. Indian solitaire came to us from distant India, this is a very ancient divination.

Previously, the drawings on the cards were drawn by hand, but now they can be purchased at any specialized store.

You can also make Indian solitaire yourself. Prepare thick paper in advance, draw all those symbolic drawings, in accordance with the basic rules of solitaire. Then charge with special energy, you can guess. It is believed that those cards that are created by one's own hands have a special power, they cannot be transferred to anyone, only one can guess.

Madame Recamier became famous and entered the world of magic and esotericism by creating a special solitaire, especially for girls.

She took Indian solitaire as the basis of fortune-telling, with all the rules, the main values. She invented all the meanings on her own, more for fun. But over time, people began to understand that everything coincides.

Here, as in Indian solitaire, you need to focus on the question, then start playing solitaire. And then decipher all the values.

In any case, both in this solitaire and in Indian solitaire, you cannot guess very often, ask and disturb your fate with questions. It is believed that frequent questioning can only anger and confuse higher powers, so this will not lead to anything good either in the present or in future fortune-telling.

One way or another, each person decides for himself whether or not to believe in Indian solitaire, in the meanings of his hands.


When it comes to fortune telling on cards, mysterious Tarot cards or just ordinary playing cards immediately come to mind. However, few people know about cards that are ideal for divination. We are talking about unique Indian maps - pictures.

The deck includes twenty-five cards, which depict fifty different items. At the same time, the pictures are not completely drawn, since each card is divided into four parts. On each of these parts is a half of the whole item. So, in order to fold one drawing, it is necessary to put two such cards next to each other, the halves of the objects on which, when they touch, will form one whole. It seems that the whole deck was originally solid, and then was cut into pieces, dividing the pictures in half.

Features of divination using Indian cards

Fortune telling on Indian cards is considered one of the most accurate at home, especially regarding the timing of the predictions. During divination, the cards are laid out in five rows of five pieces each. It is believed that such solitaire predicts events for the next one or two months. Each row is responsible for the events of 7-10 days.

Simply put, the first row predicts what will happen next week, the second row predicts what will happen a week later, and so on. Thus, the cards predict events for the next 35-50 days.

What if you need to tell fortunes for a shorter or, conversely, longer period? In this case, you will have to mentally imagine the period for which you are going to guess. Each row will be responsible for twenty percent of this period.

Interesting! There are so-called annual cards - a coffin and a wedding ring. The events predicted by these two cards come true within a year, even if they were guessing for a shorter period.

Indian too often, preferably no more than once a day. It is also important to remember that when fortune-telling to get an answer to a certain question, the predictions received during the first scenario are correct. Subsequent predictions on this issue are unreliable.

How to play Indian solitaire

One of the basic principles of any divination is concentration. Think about the goals of fortune telling, decide on a question, set a time period. If you are guessing for another person, think about him. It is even possible to try to mentally imagine him as a person at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go and ask the cards for help.

  1. Shuffle the deck. Remember, Indian cards cannot be shuffled like ordinary playing cards, because not only the order matters in them, but also the sides. It is better to put them on the table and mix them with your hands.
  2. Take the cards in hand and ask a question. If you are guessing for someone, let him hold them.
  3. Take the deck in right hand, face down, and start laying out the cards. They should lie in five rows, five pieces in each.
  4. When everyone is on the table, see which of the symbols matched. If necessary, you can rotate the cards around its axis in order to match the patterns, however, you cannot swap them.

Important! If a balloon fell out during the deal, this means that the cards are trying to deceive you. In this case, it is necessary to play solitaire again. If the ball reappears, it is better to postpone fortune-telling for the next day.

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Decoding and interpretation of Indian solitaire

When deciphering Indian solitaire, it is important to pay attention not only to the existing pictures, but also to those that did not match. Such a solitaire can be read both vertically and horizontally, but for a correct prediction it is necessary to look at the entire layout. At the same time, it is worth remembering that even mismatched drawings can give a lot useful information.

Indian card meanings

  • hospital bed- speaks of a possible illness and deterioration in health. Sometimes it means problems in intimate life.
  • Jack- a young man who acts as a true friend and, at the same time, has romantic feelings for you. Depending on the cards that matched nearby, you can draw conclusions about his personal qualities or your relationship. If Jack did not work out, then relations with a friend are deteriorating, possible cause can be searched on the map between the two halves.
  • Wreath- one of the best cards. By association with a laurel wreath, it means success in any business, glory and honor.
  • Camel is a good card. Means wealth, perhaps an unexpected influx of money.
  • scales- may talk about the need to weigh the pros and cons before making any important decision. The pictures next to it will tell you what to be careful about. For example, Camel means that this is a decision of a material nature. Torn Libra can talk about wrong decision.
  • Question mark- speaks of an existing problem or an unresolved issue that haunts. The symbols next to it will tell you what the question is about and how to solve it.
  • Penguin- speaks of a timid and indecisive person, of cowardice. If there are torn positive cards nearby, then about missed opportunities.
  • Scissors- can talk about the possibility of resolving a difficult situation with the help of decisive action. Much depends on the surrounding characters.
  • Lock is a serious problem that has not yet been resolved. If the Key lies nearby, then the issue will be resolved, if there are bad cards nearby, the situation will worsen.
  • Bed with a heart- a picture associated with intimate relationships. If there is a Bonfire or a Ring nearby, everything is fine. If the nearby symbols are negative, it indicates problems in the relationship.
  • Two heartsmutual love. If the image is torn, this may warn of a deterioration in relations.
  • Glass- separately can predict an invitation to visit. If Jack is nearby, perhaps your lover is prone to alcohol addiction.
  • Scull- speaks of severe fatigue and stress. The symbols lying nearby may suggest the causes of this condition.
  • Wedding ring- can mean a marriage proposal, but if there are negative cards around, something can interfere with marriage. If already dropped married woman she talks about the strength of marriage.
  • Envelope- expect important news.
  • Bonfire- symbolizes the all-consuming flame of love. He talks about possible love.
  • Coffin- denotes unexpected news of someone's death within a year.
  • burning candles- a positive card, symbolizes optimism, hope, faith in a brighter future. Can talk about the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the white one.
  • Heart pierced by a dagger- a strong blow that will lead to stress. Often associated with unsuccessful love.
  • Clock- a card warning that you should not rush, especially with important decisions.
  • Broken necklace- a sad card, speaks of missed opportunities. Sometimes, by nearby cards, you can understand what chance was missed.
  • Crown is a good card. It portends success in business, the achievement of a goal, the fulfillment of an old dream.
  • Parachute- a decisive step that will lead to a positive result. A torn parachute may indicate indecision to take a responsible step.
  • Buttoned necklace- an unpleasant event that awaits, a stab in the back, however, it is possible to prevent it if you start acting in time. Nearby symbols will help you understand the nature of the problem or the necessary actions to prevent it.
  • Queen of Spades- someone experiences negative emotions for you - envy, jealousy, hatred.
  • The sun- a good card, speaks of an unexpected surge of vitality.
  • Moon and Stars- a very rare and positive card. Predicts major changes in life, while the prediction is usually exactly fulfilled in time. Depending on which symbols are nearby, the changes can be positive or negative.
  • Pigeon- You have a true true friend.
  • stones- indicate obstacles in your way.
  • Key- a way to solve existing problems.
  • Rainbow- a harbinger of the carefree, happy days.
  • crying eye- troubles, failures, experiences.
  • Snake- someone spreads gossip about you.
  • Box- a good card, means money, unexpected profit.
  • Lightning- sudden troubles.
  • Anchor- a period of stagnation in business.
  • Bell- good news.
  • Letter in the ring- the long-awaited news that came too late.
  • goldfish- a big quarrel, an unpleasant conversation.
  • Road- portends a pleasant journey, but if there are bad symbols nearby, the trip can turn into trouble.
  • Sail- like the Penguin, denotes an indecisive person.
  • House- noticeable changes in life, can be both bad and good.
  • King- an important person who can help in solving any issue.
  • Glasses- there is a two-faced person nearby. Nearby cards will tell you who it is.
  • Stairs- talking about career growth and career advancement.
  • Queen of Hearts- a good friend who is nearby.
  • Heart pierced by an arrow- unrequited love.
  • Horseshoe- means good luck, a dream may come true.
  • Eagle- a new acquaintance, a patron who will help and support. If the card is broken, then you had a fight with the person who plays this role in your life.

As can be seen from the description of the cards, most values ​​should be considered taking into account the symbols nearby, which is why in Indian solitaire it is so important to look at the whole layout as a whole. With this approach, it will definitely be possible to decipher true predictions.

Of course, one of the most curious ways to find out your fate is fortune telling with the help of Indian solitaire. Another name is Omguru. These are special cards that have no analogues and are completely different from ordinary ones, it is very interesting to guess on them. If you could not find them, you can conduct fortune-telling online on one of the Internet sites dedicated to esotericism.

Feature of Indian divination

In Indian divination, cards are used that display certain symbols that are associated with human life. As a rule, the layout of these cards is able to predict the future for the next few months.. But if it is necessary, for example, to decompose solitaire into relationships, you can guess a certain period - at least a couple of days.

It is believed that Indian solitaire is able to feel the state of emotions of the person who lays out the cards, while he also develops logic, as well as the intuitive abilities of the latter, since the fortuneteller himself will have to collect symbols from pictures piece by piece.

History of the Indian layout

Maps appeared in ancient India. The oldest deity with the head of an elephant - the god of wisdom Ganesha (or Ganapati) - made a gift to people in the form of a fortune-telling ceremony on Omguru cards.

The people of India themselves describe it as a country of five S.

  1. S - sun, sun.
  2. S - sea, sea.
  3. S - sand, sand.
  4. S - stars, stars.
  5. S - sex, sex.

The differences between the Indian layout of Omguru and all other card layouts (for example, classic or gypsy) are in the symbols that are depicted on the cards.

With the help of this Indian alignment, you are given the opportunity to know the future that awaits you in the near future, and quite accurately. In addition, these cards will give you a hint on what to do in order to improve your position if the cards came out not the most positive.

They are also able to give you an answer to a question that really interests you, but which you might not even have guessed. There are no accidents in Omguru solitaire, and any matched picture is the answer of higher powers to, perhaps, even a question you have not expressed.

How to tell fortunes on Indian cards

This solitaire presents itself as a deck of pictures rather than cards with the most different characters, which will have to be collected manually with the help of your intuition. There are only twenty-five cards in the deck.

In order to guess, you need:

  • lay out five rows with cards (back up), five cards in each of the rows;
  • when laid out, open all the cards in turn from top to bottom, while imagining the time period or question that interests you. When you open them, try not to concentrate your attention and not look at pictures that are not yet ready;
  • after all the Indian cards have been revealed, rotate the intuitively different cards in different directions, around their axis, in order to add up the complete pictures. Far from all the cards and pictures will match, in the end it may turn out a little, but it is the finished full drawings that will be your prediction. You cannot swap cards, in which case the alignment will be incorrect;
  • when you interpret the resulting drawings into a prediction, pay attention to which cards lie next to you, so the prediction of your future will be the most accurate;
  • you may also come across torn symbols - the pattern matches, but after several cards (one or two pieces). They are also worth paying attention to, since all this has its own meaning in the Indian alignment.

Important Points in Omguru Solitaire

Incredibly important during this divination is the fullest possible concentration on the issue that interests you. Only after fully concentrating on the question is it worth doing a layout, this will allow the cards to give the most accurate answer.

The question, by the way, should also be given not blurry, but on the contrary, as accurate as possible.. Many people, as a rule, do not know exactly what answers they want. In this case, the cards will also not know for sure which answers to give.

In addition to all this, if you play Indian solitaire too often, then the possibility of getting the right answers will decrease. Thus, it is undesirable to engage in this layout more than once or twice during the time period that you are thinking of.

Meaning of Matched Drawings

After you have formulated the exact question, laid out the cards, folded the drawings yourself, you need, as in any other fortune-telling, to correctly interpret the symbols that you have dropped out. Here are the meanings of the drawings that you could match:

  • Bow. This picture represents intimate relationship soon. Perhaps the partner will be new, or maybe not.
  • Glass (or goblet). Inviting you to visit in the near future, some holiday is likely (birthday, wedding, etc.).
  • Hair (bun or curl). This picture reflects either a meeting with relatives in these couple of months. Perhaps these are your parents or the family that you created yourself.
  • Scales. Soon you will need to make an important decision that will affect your life, and perhaps not only yours. Everything is worth it, without rushing to think it over.
  • Tree. A business meeting is waiting for you. Be attentive to other cards, as this business meeting can turn out for you in any way.
  • Girl (on some cards they depict a classic card lady). If a woman is guessing, then this picture displays the likely gossip around her, but if a man is guessing, then she shows a new love in the near future, the outcome of this love, by and large, will depend on the fortuneteller, although it will not hurt to pay attention to other cards.
  • Money (pack or bag). Everything is simple here. This picture means cash flow to you in the near future.
  • Lock. This symbol indicates the presence of a problem in your life, the solution of which is beyond your power. Just let go and it will go away on its own.
  • A crescent moon and a sky covered with stars. A new acquaintance will soon take place in your life, other cards will show you what it will be like. Of course, you should not rely only on them, a lot depends on you.
  • Ship (ship). You are waiting for a trip or a change of residence.
  • Cross. If you get this picture, then it can only mean that you are trying too hard to control everything around you, and in order to solve certain problems you just need to let go of this desire for control.
  • Arrows in a quiver. In the near future, experiences on the personal front await you. Be careful and don't let your emotions consume you.
  • Key. The solution to the problem that has been haunting you for a long time will be found very soon.
  • Book. A routine awaits you, perhaps working with papers in the literal sense.
  • Ring (or rings). It is possible that you will get married soon, or just a strong, mutual love awaits you.
  • Crown. Success on the business front awaits you. This symbol also means good luck, all conceived plans will turn into success.
  • Burning bonfire. Extremely unstable emotional state. Be careful in making decisions, otherwise you risk only worsening the situation.
  • Swan. This picture displays the devotion towards you of a certain person. This can be either your close friend or spouse.
  • Tall buildings (skyscrapers). Big changes await you in the near future. Do not rush to make plans, as the whirlpool of events that awaits you, most likely, will not allow you to bring them to life.
  • Knife. Expect a quarrel or scandal. You could hurt or offend someone, in order not to get worse, try to understand the person and not react.
  • Letter. The news you've been expecting for a long time.
  • Letter in the ring. The news that you have been waiting for so long will come soon, but this will not change anything.
  • Horseshoe. A happy future awaits you. You're lucky.
  • Guy (or classic card jack). The meaning is the same as in the case of a lady, just the opposite. For a man - gossip, for a woman - a new love.
  • Chamomile flower. Your feelings for someone will go unanswered, at least for the time period you are guessing.
  • Field under the sun. Look forward to a romantic date. The outcome is up to you.
  • The sun. Good sign. A good period awaits you, relations with people will become clearer. If you want to start your own business, then this is the time.
  • One arrow. Events await you that you did not expect at all. The card closest to this one will help to give a hint about specific events.
  • Candle (or several candles). Soon you will be alone. Do not despair.
  • Heart. You will make a declaration of love. If at the time of fortune-telling you cannot decide on this act yourself, but would like to, then this is a sign that you should not be afraid of being rejected. Decide on an action.
  • Sultan (or classic card king). You will come across an influential person.
  • Tram (or train). A pleasant trip or even a whole trip awaits you.
  • Telephone. Everything is pretty straightforward here - an important telephone conversation awaits you.
  • Snail. Your cherished desires will come true in the near future.
  • Flag (or flags). Soon you will change the type of your occupation. Perhaps you will be fired from your job or you will find something better and leave the old place yourself.
  • Veil. Expect an invitation to a lavish feast.
  • Chain. Problems will sneak up on you and strike from where you do not expect them at all.
  • Clock (or dial). Some events are waiting for you, and which ones will be indicated by the symbol closest to the map.
  • Damn (devil). Serious trouble awaits you, be careful. Extremely bad card.
  • Scull. Also a bad card, denotes illness. Watch your health better, otherwise a tragic outcome cannot be avoided.
  • Anchor. Your business will stop. Perhaps you just need a rest.

Indian fortune-telling is an exciting pastime that makes it possible to lift the veil of the future. Elementary symbols depicted on special Indian fortune-telling cards will delight true lovers of solitaire and magic layouts.

In the article:

Indian fortune-telling: a universal alignment

The layout scheme is the same for any topic of divination. These are five rows of five cards, laid out from left to right. The pictures are laid out face up after being shuffled on the table for a few minutes. In the process of mixing cards, you need to calmly and concentratedly ask a question of interest.
You can rotate the map in all directions to get a complete image. Sometimes one card can coincide with two different halves, in which case the fortuneteller makes his own choice: which symbol to add and which to ignore. You can combine images as you lay out cards or analyze the whole picture.

Panoramic view of the future

Indian fortune-telling shows a picture of the events of the next two months. Each row contains information for a period of 7 to 10 days. According to this principle, it is very easy to calculate the approximate date of the event that the symbol that has fallen prophesies.

There are a couple of images that have a longer spacing - these are Wedding ring and Coffin . These cards are valid for a whole year. Picture Moon and Stars valid for 28 days, so add another month to the estimated date.

If you want to tell fortunes for the distant future, you must clearly state the time interval. It must be divided into five equal parts, which will correspond to one row. Thus, it is very easy to find out what awaits you in the next 10 years.

How to see prospects in love with the help of Indian solitaire?

It is generally accepted that Indian. Most of the symbols depicted on the cards are directly related to this bright feeling. To get a complete picture of love and even intimate relationships, the question should be formulated for 10 minutes, immersed in your feelings.

Mutual love predicts double heart , tells about falling in love and the beginning of a new relationship Arrow in the heart , and hot passionate meetings prophesy Bed . The best symbol in the deck for women is, of course, the Ring. For unmarried girls - a sure sign of the prospect of creating a family within a year, for family ladies - a prophecy of a stable and happy marriage.
When playing solitaire for the first time, you should carefully consider not only the existing symbols, but also neighboring pictures. They have great importance. Sometimes a good positive sign radically changes the meaning under the influence of negative cards that have fallen nearby.

You can guess for love only once during daylight hours. Indian maps and night are incompatible things.

Work, business, income: Indian fortune-telling - an interesting forecast

The most interesting thing is that not a single such fortune-telling gives such a detailed picture of events in business area. Ups and downs in a career, fatigue from work or a surge of new strength, profit prospects with an indication of the source - a small part of the information that the ritual reveals. The layout always contains tips for difficult life situations, a warning in case of danger or encrypted advice.

Before solitaire, you should qualitatively work out the wording of the question. You can not ask about everything and expect specifics. the universe understands simple shapes and gives similar answers. You need to remember about the time interval, it is desirable to declare it in the question.

Few people have such a developed intuition to easily recognize hypocrisy, envy, greed and many other human vices. And these feelings can push a person to betrayal, meanness, to play behind his back. The layout of business prospects will bring to the surface the secret machinations of enemies, and sometimes the unexpected deceit of friends.

Of the many well-known and secret rituals that predict the future, this one is the most popular among successful people. Probably because each image has a familiar, natural meaning. And a careful analysis of the layout in search of matches becomes an excellent training for vision and memory. A good acquaintance with this ritual will be.

Indian cards are picture characters.

Lay out 5 pictures in a row.

It is very easy to interpret these cards. Matching halves form a pattern, which is a prediction. Cards are read vertically and horizontally. If several pictures matched, it is necessary to take into account their relationship. So, if a lock falls out in the scenario (an unsolvable problem) and a key (solution) is nearby, then the problem that worries the fortuneteller will be resolved in his favor.

Mentally concentrate, shuffling the cards, imagine the period for which you will be guessing (for example, for the next three months or six months or for the coming year). Try not to be distracted by anything, get rid of extraneous thoughts. Focus only on what awaits you for a given period.

Having thoroughly mixed the cards, put them on the right palm with the pictures down and shoot them in the direction of the heart. Start laying out the cards in order, starting with the topmost one, five in a row from left to right, after finishing a row, start laying out the next one under the first row and so on until the last card. You will have four rows. Then carefully look at which symbols you have matched, if necessary, rotate the cards, connecting the halves of the images together. Remember, symbols can coincide not only horizontally, but also vertically, and they must be interpreted in combination with each other.

The cards are laid out in this way three times.

You can guess no more than once a day.

Symbol meanings

Bow- intimate relationship

Wineglass- invitation to visit

Hair- family relations, meeting with relatives

scales- making an important decision

Tree- business meeting

Young woman- for a woman it symbolizes gossip squabbles, for a man - a new love

Money- cash flow

Lock- unsolvable problem

Starry sky and moon- new acquaintance

Ship- travel, travel

Cross- rely on fate, it favors you

Quiver with arrows- heart feelings

Key- solution

Book- paperwork

Rings- mutual love

Crown- success in business, good luck

Bonfire- excitement

Swan- devotion

skyscrapers- change of life

Knife- quarrel, scandal

Letter- expected news

Horseshoe- happiness

Guy- for a woman it symbolizes a new love, for a man - gossip, squabbles

chamomile- unrequited love

sunny meadow- romantic date

Sun- flourishing of life, luck, clarification of relationships

Arrow- unexpected events (which ones the nearest symbol shows)

Candles- sadness, loneliness

Heart- declaration of love, harmony in relationships

Sultan- influential patron

Tram- Trip

Telephone- telephone conversation

Snail- fulfillment of desires

Veil- celebration, holiday

Checkboxes- change of type of activity, profession

Chain- shock, unexpected problems

Clock- events in the near future (which ones the nearest symbol shows)

Crap- trouble

Scull- illness, business problems

Anchor- stop in business or rest

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