
Uninterruptible power supply for stakes. Online (on line) UPS for gas heating boilers. Suggested AGM batteries for boiler UPS operation

Modern boilers for heating is no longer just a unit for burning fuel. These are quite complex and technologically advanced systems, most of which can only work if there is power in the mains. And the point is not only that the circulation of water in the system is provided by pumps, but also that the boilers have automation, control devices that not only consume electricity (albeit a little), but are also very demanding on its “quality”.

In order not to depend on the availability of electricity, there are several ways:

  • Make the heating system non-volatile. Not the most attractive option in the sense that such systems are not efficient enough and consume more fuel than their counterparts with automation.
  • Have two heating systems: one with automatics, and as a backup - non-volatile. The idea is good, but expensive - one system costs a lot of money, and two - and even more. But in some cases - with severe winters and frequent and prolonged power outages, this may be the only way out.
  • Make your own system more energy independent with sources uninterruptible power supply- UPS (or UPS in the English version).

These devices are familiar to many: almost all owners of stationary computers have such uninterruptible power supplies, but they are not quite suitable for boilers. Their tasks are different: for a computer uninterruptible power supply, the main task is to provide you with time to properly shut down the system. This is a maximum of 5-15 minutes. For boilers, the situation is different - operability is required for a long time - until the power supply is restored.

The requirements for the form of power are also different: UPS for computers often do not give out a sine wave (which is required by boiler automation), but pulses with a cut top, more reminiscent of rectangular ones. It is the correct sinusoidal shape that is important for the operation of the boiler automation. Phase matching is also required, which is unimportant for a computer. Only with such power, the automation and the boiler itself will function for a long time. At least that's what the manufacturers say. Operating experience confirms this. In general, as an emergency exit, an uninterruptible power supply for a computer is suitable, as a permanent one - hardly.

What are UPS

Uninterruptible power supplies are divided into two classes: on-line and off-line. Cheaper off-line class UPSs, because due to the peculiarities of their work, they are structurally simpler: as long as the mains voltage is present and does not differ much from the specified parameters, they pass the power supply in transit. In the event of a power failure or when one of the parameters reaches the threshold value, the network is turned off, the rechargeable batteries. What is the downside? The fact that the voltage supplied to the automation input is not ideal either in form or in nominal value. This, of course, is better than nothing, but does not guarantee trouble-free operation.

Uninterruptibles for the on-line class boiler are constantly connected, they constantly convert the mains voltage and “equalize” the characteristics. To do this, the voltage is converted twice:

  1. the input voltage of the network is transformed into a constant - 12 V,
  2. then it is again converted to alternating 220 volts and a frequency of 50 Hz.

This two-stage conversion is necessary to stabilize the power supply parameters: the output of such a UPS is always 220 V, 50 Hz and a perfect sine wave. In addition, in these devices, the batteries are connected in buffer mode (constantly recharged).

Which is better for the boiler

Using uninterruptible power supplies is necessary not only for the operation of the system during a power outage. According to the assurances of organizations servicing heating boilers, the most common breakdown is precisely the failure of automation due to power failures. Moreover, the damage is such that they either require a complete replacement (and this is at least $ 100-150) or replacement of microprocessors, which can be even more expensive (together with replacement work).

To extend the period of uninterrupted operation of automation and the boiler as a whole, a stable voltage is required, close in shape to an ideal sinusoid. Unfortunately, our electrical networks give out such characteristics that most of the equipment quickly starts to fail and fail. Therefore, the use of a UPS for a boiler that has automatic control, highly desirable. It is the on-line class that provides the required power supply parameters, therefore this option can be considered the best, both for, and for, x or.

It is advisable to buy a UPS for an off-line class boiler if you have a general power supply stabilizer for your home, or a portable one will be installed directly in front of the uninterruptible power supply. Then the voltage is “levelled” on the stabilizer, and then it is transmitted through the UPS, which, if necessary, will connect the power supply from the battery.

We determine the power of the UPS and the capacity of the batteries

The choice of a UPS for a gas boiler does not end with the definition of the device class. More power needs to be added. To do this, it is necessary to sum up the power of all devices that ensure the operability of the heating system (pumps, automation and gas removal turbines, if any). In principle, this is the desired power, but for peak loads during system start-up, a margin of the order of 20-30% or more is required.

Although boilers for heating are energy-dependent equipment, they consume very little electricity: the average power consumption of a boiler with a pump is up to 150 watts. To ensure the operation of such a boiler with one pump, a 300 W UPS is required. If there are two pumps in the system, you already need a device for 400-500 watts.

To ensure long-term operation of the boiler in case of an accident on the power line (1-2 hours), a certain amount of batteries is required. It is clear that the larger the battery capacity, the longer the guaranteed operating time. But the choice of battery capacity is influenced by such a UPS parameter as the power of the charger. To determine what capacity your uninterruptible battery will charge, multiply the charge current by 10. If the charge current is 7.5 A, then the capacity of the battery being charged can be 75 A / h.

Large batteries can also be charged, but then their charge will be incomplete, which will lead to their faster failure. Charging less powerful batteries with high currents is also undesirable: their service life is reduced. Therefore, the use of large-capacity batteries does not always give a good result: a situation may even arise when the boiler from the uninterruptible power supply does not work. Most likely, due to insufficient charging current, the battery does not charge, therefore, power is not supplied.

What else you need to decide - with the type of battery. They can be helium or liquid (normal). Helium - more reliable and durable, but cost 2-3 times more expensive (service life and reliability are far from proportional to the price). Regardless of the type, they must be airtight, unattended, as they will be used in a residential area or close to it. In principle, it makes more sense to buy conventional car maintenance-free batteries - it is much cheaper even taking into account their more frequent replacement (compared to helium).

To make it easier to determine how long the operation of the equipment will be guaranteed depending on the power consumption, battery capacity and number, see the table.

Qty\Load Power 90 W 200 W 300 W 400 W 500 W
12 V 60 Ah 1 PC 4 h 3 h 2 h 1.4 h 1 hour
2 pcs 8.9 h 6 h 4 h 2.8 h 2 h
12 V 75 Ah 1 PC 5.2 h 3.5 h 2.5 h 1.8 h 1.3 h
2 pcs 10.6 h 7.2 h 5 h 3.5 h 2.6 h
12 V 100 Ah 1 PC 6.7 h 4.9 h 3 h 2.4 h 1.5 h
2 pcs 13.4 h 9.8 h 6.6 h 4.8 h 3 h

Some UPS models and their differences

UPS "Phantom" or Phantom for heating boilers - a product of a Ukrainian company. Refers to the class of on-line devices. It has an infrequent, but useful function - an economical "Eco" mode, which allows you to extend the battery life without recharging. The presence of an intelligent charger is also announced, which extends the operating period of the battery.

UPS "Phantom" for heating boilers

Inverter "Calm" PS12-300A - has a very long term service - 30 years, can charge a large number of batteries, provides a safe and reliable battery connection. This device was designed for cars, but the output parameters are stable enough to ensure the performance of power-sensitive equipment.

Issues "Calm" and uninterruptible power supplies on-line type, but calls them ABP - uninterruptible power supplies. The power of the units is 150-400 W, two 12 V batteries are optionally supplied. This device has one very interesting function - switching to the “bypass” mode in case of overload.

UPS "Shtil" for heating boilers

UPS "Bastion"- on-line class devices, provide a stable sine wave at the output (distortion less than 5%), are produced with a power of 500-800 watts. They have good reviews, they are distinguished by increased reliability.

UPS "Bastion" for heating boilers

UPS Luxeon for the boiler. The Luxeon UPS-500LU model - the reviews are briefly as follows: after turning off and recharging, it does not “remember” the previous state and turns on spontaneously, which will eventually lead to the failure of the boiler. Another drawback is the squeak during battery operation, in addition, when switching to battery operation and back, the boiler often gives an error and does not work. There were no reviews on other UPS models from this manufacturer, but this particular model can hardly be recommended for use.

In this video you will see a test of some UPSs that have recently appeared on the market. This material allows you to objectively assess how the real characteristics correspond to the declared ones.

How to make an uninterruptible boiler

Is it worth it to assemble a UPS with your own hands? Maybe. It all depends on how much you understand electrical engineering. But even the best do-it-yourself devices are very often inferior in terms of reliability and quality to industrial counterparts. What could be the savings? If you assemble a UPS from ready-made blocks, then you can save about 30% of the cost, if you do everything yourself - about 60-70%.

Here is an example of a homemade high power UPS that can provide uninterrupted operation of a large number of electronics and household appliances. The maximum power of all devices is 1 kW, the principle of operation is on-line, i.e. switched on permanently, the output voltage is a sinusoid.

What is needed for a UPS

  • Switching power supply with high efficiency and power, namely 28.8 V at 50 A. This voltage makes it possible to connect the batteries directly without adapters and ensure their full and constant charge (the circuit has been operating for 8 years and there have been no problems).
  • Two lead car batteries for 12 V and 200 Ah.
  • An inverter that outputs a square wave of 310 V and a duty cycle of 1.
  • Power resonant filter of higher harmonics. It will have to be made by yourself.

You buy all the components on the market or in stores, connect them as shown in the diagram, and the UPS is ready with your own hands, and it supports the operation of not only the boiler and pump, but also the computer, lighting, the operation of the water supply pump, etc. The main thing is that the total power does not exceed the maximum allowable. But, of course, the lower the load, the longer the devices will work. Although, at low loads, this particular UPS has a low efficiency: at idle, it drains the batteries in 35 hours.

The main difficulty in the whole circuit is to assemble a resonant filter of higher harmonics, which will allow you to get an alternating voltage of 50 Hz and a shape close to a sinusoid at the output. Its scheme is simple. The main thing is the calculation of parameters. The elements of the circuits are calculated and manufactured in the same way, only then they are assembled differently - one circuit is serial, the second is parallel, but both are tuned to a frequency of 50 Hz.

Capacitors were taken non-polar per microfarad. It can be assembled from two 50 uF phase-shifters by connecting them in parallel.

Next, you need to calculate the parameters of the inductors for the core that you have available. To get the desired inductor, you will need to make a gap in the core (if you need a gap of 1 mm, the gasket in the W-shaped core should be twice as thin - 0.5 mm).

Here are the formulas for calculating the parameters:

  • (Gap, mm) = 1.257E-3 * (Maximum possible current, A) * (Number of turns)
  • (Number of turns) \u003d 1.257E6 * (Maximum possible current strength, A) * (Choke inductance, H) / (core cross-sectional area, mm 2) - we round the resulting value up
  • For a parallel circuit(Maximum possible current, A) \u003d 1.4 * 220 V / 28 * (Signal frequency, Hz - 50Hz) * (Choke inductance, H)
  • For serial circuit: (Maximum possible current, A) \u003d 1.4 * (Load power, W) / 220 V.

Calculation example is given below

Batteries should be connected in parallel at a short distance from the UPS - to reduce voltage drop when working under load. Make all connections thick stranded copper wire, since peak currents can be up to 100 A. Make connections as reliable as possible, Special attention pay attention to the places where the wires are connected to the battery terminals. These compounds will need to be checked periodically as they often oxidize, increasing resistance and degrading system performance. From Maintenance you just need to regularly monitor the level of electrolyte in the battery.

Modern heating boilers endowed with complex electronics necessary to control the operation of individual systems and control individual modules. This increases their efficiency and functionality. But they have one big minus - when the power is turned off, their work is suspended. As a result, neither heating nor supply work. hot water. A UPS for a gas boiler will help solve this problem by providing the equipment with backup electricity stored in batteries.

In this review, we will look at:

  • The main types of backup power sources;
  • Varieties of uninterruptible power supplies;
  • Scheme for calculating the battery life;
  • The most popular UPS models.

After reading this review, you will be able to purchase the most suitable UPS for the boiler.

How to feed the boiler when the light is turned off

The abbreviation UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. This is a small device that provides any equipment with pre-stored electricity when the mains is turned off. Many gas boilers today are volatile units. They contain numerous sensors, a circulation pump, a fan for the forced removal of combustion products (for models with a closed combustion chamber), a three-way valve and many other components powered by electricity.

If you use a heating scheme with natural circulation of the coolant and a non-volatile boiler, then of course you do not need a UPS.

When the power is turned off, such gas boilers will not be able to continue their work. Here the circulation pump will turn off, the burner and various electronic modules will stop working. If the electricity goes out for a few minutes, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the shutdown is prolonged, there is a risk of freezing. And it’s hard enough to live without hot water in the house - neither wash the dishes, nor go to the shower. So UPS in autonomous heating systems is an indispensable device.

A power outage can be:

  • Temporary - the "light" turns off for a few minutes, after which it turns on again;
  • Long-term - as a rule, this is done to carry out repair work what consumers are warned about through the media and other channels;
  • Fan - when the electricity is turned off every day, at a strictly defined time, for several hours.

Rolling blackouts are not practiced today - this way of saving electricity is not the most effective.

UPS for a gas boiler will allow you to keep working heating system for a period of several minutes to several hours - it all depends on the power consumption and the capacity of the batteries used. Let's see how it is generally possible to implement autonomous power supply for gas boilers.

Not only the boiler, but also other electrical appliances can be connected to one diesel or gasoline generator.

Diesel and gasoline generators can provide electricity to a large number of consumers. They have a power from 0.5 to several tens of kW. The simplest generators are built on two-stroke engines without a power control circuit. They have one big drawback - their gluttony does not depend on the number of connected consumers, so they cannot be called economical.

When choosing a UPS for a boiler, and for the whole house as a whole, you should pay attention to compact low-noise inverter generators. They are endowed with systems for adjusting the speed of the motor shaft, which allows them to smoothly adjust the power, depending on the intensity of electricity consumption. When the gas boiler is turned off, the generator will idle. As soon as the heating unit turns on, the generator will increase speed, focusing on the power of the connected equipment.

Generators used as UPS for gas boilers have one drawback - they take time to start. On sale there are also automatic units that run independently, but they are quite expensive. The advantages include the absence of batteries - it is enough to have the necessary supply of fuel on hand (can be purchased at any gas station).

Solar panels

Autonomous solar power plant AS-12/220-0.3/1.2/0.5

UPS for gas boilers with an external battery connection can be built on the basis of a solar battery. To do this, there are kits ready for launch and operation that are suitable for these purposes. A vivid example of this is the backup system AS-12/220-0.3/1.2/0.5, the price of which is 27-29 thousand rubles. Here are its characteristics:

  • Automatic power switching to battery at night;
  • Power - 300 W;
  • The maximum battery life is up to 6-10 hours.

The kit includes solar battery, a charge control unit and a converter, as well as a 100 Ah battery. This system does not require a connection to the mains at all, since the gas boiler is powered only by solar energy.

In addition, these solar power plants can serve as a UPS for any other electrical equipment.

Battery UPS

This category includes all uninterruptible devices for heating boilers that give a pure sine wave at the output. Depending on the capacity of the battery, they provide power to the boilers for 0.5-10 hours. Most often, such UPSs use maintenance-free batteries suitable for operation in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. Consider the main advantages of uninterruptible power systems with external batteries:

Battery uninterruptible power supplies, in comparison with the options discussed above, do not require much space for their installation.

  • Can work in unventilated areas - modern gel-type batteries do not emit any hazardous gases;
  • Do not require the use of gasoline or diesel fuel - unlike generators;
  • Automatically switch to battery power when the mains voltage fails - battery UPS for gas boilers do not need user intervention;
  • Suitable for any type of boiler - that is, a UPS for a solid fuel boiler used for a heating pump will be the same as for a gas unit.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Batteries require periodic replacement - their service life is not unlimited;
  • A capacious UPS for a boiler is characterized by a high cost - it does not make much sense to buy devices with small batteries, as in computer UPSs.

The disadvantages are not the most pronounced, you can not pay much attention to them.

UPS requirements for gas boilers and their characteristics

When choosing a UPS for a boiler, you should familiarize yourself with their varieties. They are represented by two main types - these are offline and online UPS. Offline systems are the most simple devices uninterrupted power supply. They do not know how to stabilize the voltage, switching to batteries only when the voltage drops below a certain value - only in this case a stable 220 V appears at the output (the rest of the time, the UPS works as if in bypass mode).

Choose a UPS with a smooth sine wave, this will contribute to a more stable operation of your heating equipment.

The UPS for the online type boiler performs double conversion of electricity. First, 220 V AC is converted to 12 or 24 V constant voltage. Then the direct current is again converted into alternating current - with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. In order to reduce losses, high-efficiency inverter converters are used in their design.

Thus, a UPS for a boiler is not always a stabilizer, while heating equipment likes a stable voltage. It also likes when the output is a pure sine wave, and not its rectangular counterpart (a square wave or a stepped approximation of a sine wave). By the way, cheap computer UPSs with a small capacity battery give a stepped sinusoid shape. Therefore, they are not suitable for powering gas boilers.

Now we will look at battery requirements. When you come to the store to choose a good UPS for a gas boiler, do not forget to purchase a model with a plug-in type battery - it must be external, not built-in. The thing is that external batteries have a higher capacity, up to several hundred Ah. They have impressive dimensions, so they are not built into the equipment, but stand next to it.

Let's see how to choose a UPS for a gas boiler, focusing on the maximum battery life. Considering that accidents on the lines today are eliminated very quickly, and the maximum time for carrying out preventive work is no more than one working day, then 6-8 hours of battery life is enough for us. In order to calculate how long an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler will work on a full charge, we need the following data:

  • Battery capacity in ampere/hours;
  • Battery voltage (can be 12 or 24 V);
  • Load (indicated in the passport for the gas boiler).

Let's try to calculate how long the uninterruptible power supply for the boiler will work with a power consumption of 170 W from a battery with a capacity of 75 A / h and a voltage of 12 V. To do this, multiply the voltage by the current and divide by the power- (75x12) / 170. It turns out that the gas boiler will be able to work from the selected UPS for more than 5 hours. And if we take into account the fact that the equipment operates in a cyclic mode (not constantly), then we can count on 6-7 hours of continuous power.

Table for selecting the battery capacity of an uninterrupted battery, depending on the power of the boiler.

When using low-power gas boilers and two batteries with a capacity of 100 A / h each and a voltage of 12 V, the battery life will be about 13-14 hours.

When planning to buy an uninterruptible power supply for a boiler, you need to pay attention to such a characteristic as charging current. The thing is that it should be 10-12% of the battery capacity. For example, if the battery has a capacity of 100 A / h, then the charge current should be 10%. If this indicator is less or more, then the battery will last less than it should.

Maintenance-free batteries can be charged at lower currents, but the time for a full charge will be quite long.

Choosing a battery

Let's see how to choose a battery for a gas heating boiler (or rather, for our uninterruptible power supply). First you need to see what kind of batteries the purchased UPS supports (remember the charge current). In accordance with this, we proceed to the selection of batteries. They are divided into two types:

  • Serviced - they require periodic topping up of water or electrolyte;
  • Maintenance-free - use a gel electrolyte, so they do not need any maintenance.

Maintenance-free batteries do not need to fuss with electrolyte and water, do not emit dangerous gases (hydrogen) into the air. Therefore, they can be safely placed in unventilated rooms. But serviced batteries in the UPS can only be used when they are installed in technically ventilated rooms (for example, basements where you can put the gas boiler itself).

Please note that serviced batteries are nothing more than car batteries - with a voltage of 12 or 24 V.

When installing an uninterruptible power supply for a gas heating boiler, care should be taken to save money. We do not recommend buying two batteries of 50 Ah each, as it is more profitable to choose and purchase one battery for a UPS with a capacity of 100 Ah. And if you want to save money and buy a battery for 75 Ah instead of 100 Ah, then it is better to give preference to the last battery, since the difference in capacity will be minimal.

Homemade UPS

Let's see if it is possible to assemble an uninterruptible power supply unit for a heating boiler with our own hands. Here we highlight two ways to solve the problem:

  • We assemble a home-made UPS for a gas boiler from individual parts;
  • We assemble a UPS for the boiler with our own hands based on ready-made modules.

Homemade UPS will always be inferior in reliability to factory ones.

The first option is available for people with knowledge of electronics and electrical engineering. They can easily assemble an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler with their own hands. To do this, you need to find a suitable circuit, purchase the necessary parts and batteries, check the performance of the system, carefully check its technical characteristics. Disadvantages of such self-assembly UPS for gas boilers:

  • Low reliability - whatever you say, but factory equipment works much more stable;
  • Difficult to Assemble – Advanced circuits for maximum efficiency are built from hundreds of parts;
  • Difficulty in setting up - in order to ensure the correct operation of the circuit, measuring equipment is needed.

The easiest way is to assemble a UPS for a gas boiler from separate modules. To do this, you will need a charge controller, converter and batteries. You can buy these modules in specialized stores. It also implements charge control circuits designed to work with solar panels.

Connecting the UPS to a gas boiler

In order to ensure safe shutdown electrical equipment, install circuit breakers on the output wires.

If you have already purchased an uninterruptible power supply unit for a heating boiler, you should proceed with its installation. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary cables and a small electrical panel. The UPS output for the boiler is connected to the 220 V connection terminals of the heating unit - look at the technical data sheet and see where these terminals are located.

Next, we connect the charge controller to the electrical network by selecting wires of a suitable section. The connection is made through circuit breakers (they can be placed in the same panel with the circuit breakers that are installed on the output). Next, we connect the batteries, turn on the power and wait for the batteries to be fully charged - it takes about 10 hours. Then we turn off the external power and see how many hours a gas boiler powered by a UPS can “stretch”.

If the gas boiler is under warranty or you are poorly versed in electrical engineering, entrust the connection procedure to specialists.

Popular UPS models for gas boilers

In this section, we will look at the most popular UPS models for gas boilers. Our micro-reviews will help you make the right choice.

Before us is the simplest UPS for gas and any other heating boilers. It has an extremely simplified design and is devoid of any adjustments. The UPS produces a pure sine wave at the output, making it ideal for gas boilers and any other electrical equipment. Connection to the network is carried out by a euro plug, a socket is provided for connecting consumers on board. The battery is connected via a screw terminal block.

Advantages and characteristics of the model:

  • Output power - 200 W;
  • Efficiency - more than 82%;
  • Charge current - 1.35 A;
  • Built-in deep discharge protection;
  • Battery capacity - from 26 to 100 A / h.

If you do not need fine adjustments and other functions, pay attention to this UPS for gas boilers - at a cost of 10-11 thousand rubles, it will be an excellent solution for powering boiler equipment with a maximum power consumption of up to 200 W.

The presented UPS for gas boilers has excellent technical characteristics. It contains protection against high-frequency interference and other interference, complete galvanic isolation from the network, overload protection. The device can be used to protect computer networks and telephone lines. There is no built-in battery on board, it is purchased and connected separately. The efficiency of the device is 95%, this is a very high figure.

The switching time to battery power for this UPS is from 3 to 6 ms, a gas boiler will not notice anything in such an insignificant period of time. The battery is fully charged in 6-8 hours, the charge current is 6 A. Two standard sockets are provided for connecting consumers. Control of network parameters and output voltage is provided with the help of an informative LCD display. The optimal capacity of the connected battery is 45-60 A / h, but more is possible.

This UPS is suitable not only for powering gas boilers, but also for any other electronic devices sensitive to the quality of the supply voltage. The cost of the model is about 7000 rubles. - A great uninterruptible power supply for home use.

Before us is the ultimate accurate UPS, which can be used not only with gas boilers, but also with other devices. It provides power from the mains with impressive input voltage fluctuations - from 138 to 300 V. That is, this is a typical UPS stabilizer. The output voltage is 220, 230 or 240V (user selectable) with an accuracy of only 1%. It is also possible to work in bypass mode. Other features and characteristics:

  • Switching to batteries without power interruption;
  1. What is a UPS and why is it needed?
  2. The main types of uninterruptible power supplies
  3. How to choose and connect a UPS
  4. Rating of popular models and owner reviews

Modern gas boilers are crammed with sophisticated electronics that require a constant and high-quality power supply. In the event of a power outage or power failure, your heater just stop working and you'll be left freezing in your private country house. To prevent this from happening, the owners use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for gas boilers.

In this article, we will talk about why you need an uninterruptible power supply and what types there are, how to choose the best one and connect it yourself correctly. In conclusion, we will consider the models of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) most in demand among consumers and give some feedback from the owners about their work.

What is a UPS and why is it needed?

We all know the situation when the electricity suddenly disappears, the lights go out and you have to light candles. If you live in a house with central heating this is half the trouble - sit for a while by candlelight without a TV and a computer.

Photo 1: Uninterruptible power supply with connected battery

It is a completely different matter when you live in the countryside in a private house and use a volatile gas boiler for heating. Without power, it will stop working and soon you will start to freeze.

To avoid similar situation from the owner country house there are several ways out:

  1. Use a non-volatile gas boiler in the heating system, in which all automation works mechanically and does not require power supply. There are similar models on the market, but their efficiency is much lower than those controlled by modern electronics.
  2. Connect a non-volatile boiler to a gas boiler with an electronic control unit. This option is certainly good, but expensive. costs will be required to purchase a second boiler and connect it to the heating system.
  3. Completely abandon gas or install a solid fuel backup heater, for example, such as. A two-boiler system will also be very expensive, and heating a house with wood and coal has its own significant drawbacks.
  4. Buy and install an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler, which will allow the heating device to continue to function until the mains voltage appears again. This option is most preferable both for ease of installation and for financial reasons.

Let's see what a UPS is, what main blocks it consists of and how it works. Uninterruptible power supply includes:

  • inverter

    The inverter for the heating boiler plays a very important role. It converts the 12V DC voltage from batteries into AC 220V with an ideal sinusoid shape, which is necessary for the correct operation of the gas boiler automation and heating system.

  • Voltage regulator

    In order to bring low-quality power supply to the level and type necessary for the correct operation of the electronics, it is used. There are both implementations in one block with an inverter and separate devices.

  • Rechargeable batteries

    One or more built-in or external batteries accumulate charge and, in the event of a power outage in the main network, serve as a power source for the gas boiler and other devices of the heating system.

Photo 2: Connecting an uninterruptible power supply to a gas boiler

The principle of operation of an uninterruptible power supply is quite simple. In normal mode, the gas boiler is powered by the mains and in parallel charges the UPS batteries. At that moment, when the power supply suddenly disappears, the uninterruptible power supply switches to battery operation until the mains voltage reappears. When the power supply is restored, the uninterruptible power supply returns to normal operation from the network and the battery charge.

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The main types of uninterruptible power supplies

It seems that the UPS operation scheme is simple and clear, but there are various options its implementation. From which route the voltage from the mains enters the gas boiler or other device of the heating system, there are several main types:


Offline type UPSs are quite simple. They consist of a battery pack, a rectifier, an inverter and a switching relay. The rectifier converts the 220V alternating voltage into a 12V direct voltage from which the batteries are charged. The inverter, on the contrary, from a constant voltage of 12V makes an alternating 220V with an ideal sinusoid shape, which is great for powering a gas boiler.

Photo 3: Scheme of operation of an offline type UPS with a gas boiler

As long as the voltage in the network is at the proper level, it is supplied directly to the load and to charge the batteries. When the power supply in the network disappears or falls below the permissible values, the relay switches to the battery pack and the load is powered by them.

The main advantage of uninterruptible power supplies of this type is the relatively low price. However, they also have disadvantages, such as the lack of voltage stabilization and the delay in switching the relay. When using offline uninterruptible power supplies, the system should be additionally equipped with a voltage stabilizer.

Line-interactive (Line-interactive)

In their structure, they completely copy the offline-type UPS, but with one significant advantage - a voltage stabilizer is installed at the input. Thanks to this refinement, the number of switching from the network to the battery and vice versa is reduced.

Photo 4: The principle of operation of the linear-interactive power supply source

Line-interactive models last much longer than offline models. However, at the moment of switching the relay, albeit a very short one, the gas equipment remains without power. This shortcoming is deprived of the following type of BP sources.

Online (On-line)

In online-type uninterruptibles, everything happens a little differently. The mains voltage passing through the UPS is subjected to double conversion. At the first stage, the rectifier converts the 220V AC voltage to 12V DC, which is supplied to the battery charge and to the inverter. The inverter does the reverse conversion and an ideal sine wave of 220V is supplied to the input of the gas boiler.

Photo 5: The principle of operation of an uninterruptible power supply online type

The main advantages of uninterruptible power supplies of this type are the ideal form of the output voltage, as well as instantaneous switching to battery operation. The only disadvantage of such devices is the high price.

For gas boilers, it is better to use an online type UPS, because. it is they who are able to provide it with the voltage of the required quality, but their price is quite high. As budget option it is worth considering line-interactive UPS or offline-type devices with an external stabilizer.

So, we have decided on the type of uninterruptible power supply, you can proceed to the choice according to specific parameters.

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How to choose and connect a UPS

What parameters should you first of all pay attention to when choosing an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler? Let's look at them all in order. Let's start with the most important:

  1. We calculate the power of the UPS

    In order to determine this parameter, you need to add up the electrical power of all devices that will be powered by it: a gas boiler, circulation pumps, etc. It should be noted that starting currents can be 3 times higher than the rated ones, so the power consumption of each pump must be safely multiplied by 3. We multiply the resulting amount by 1.2-1.3 as a result and get the required power of the uninterruptible power supply.

  2. Determining the required battery life

    Remember how often your power goes out and how long it takes? In accordance with these data, we plan the maximum battery life and purchase the appropriate number of batteries.

  3. Choose the type of battery

    For gas boilers, batteries made using AGM and AGM GEL technology are suitable. Many people ask, is it possible to connect car batteries to the UPS for a gas boiler? The use of starter car batteries is highly discouraged. They are designed for short-term load to start the engine. With a long stay in working condition, they will quickly fail, plus they are afraid of deep discharge. Another disadvantage is that the electrolyte is in a liquid state and there is a high probability of evaporation, which is highly undesirable in residential premises.

So we have chosen a suitable UPS and the required number of batteries for it, now we can safely proceed to connecting the entire set to a gas boiler. The installation of the uninterruptible power supply must be carried out in a clean, dust-free room away from sources of moisture. Bespereboynik should not be covered with anything, so as not to interfere with the operation of its cooling system.

Photo 6: Serial connection three batteries to the power supply source

If there is one battery, its positive terminal is connected to the positive UPS, negative to negative, respectively. If there are several batteries, they are connected in series: the plus of each battery is connected to the minus of the neighboring one, the free terminals on the battery are connected to the corresponding uninterruptible power supply connectors.

Modern gas boilers are good because, under normal operating conditions, they work completely autonomously. Human intervention is usually required only to adjust the parameters. But for stable operation, they need a certain pressure and quality of gas, as well as high-quality and constant power supply. The last task is handled by an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler. Their choice and parameters will be discussed.

What is a UPS for?

In our country in winter time heating is indispensable. Moreover, heating is desirable without failures and stops - in severe frosts, the system can be defrosted. When organizing the system, it must be remembered that most modern boilers are controlled by automation, and the movement in the system is provided by circulation pumps. All of this equipment is powered by electricity.

Given that power outages are not uncommon in winter, additional measures must be taken to create a redundant power supply. In most cases, they install a UPS - an uninterruptible power supply. Its task is to supply power from batteries in the event of a power outage or “sag” in the network.

Features of choice for gas boilers

An uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler must be selected in such a way that it supplies voltage of the correct form - as close as possible to an ideal sinusoid. In this case, phase synchronization of the sinusoid is also important.

All these requirements are necessary to ensure the normal operation of the control unit. In most imported gas boilers, automation is assembled on the basis of electronics, and it is demanding on the quality of the power supply. To assess how important this requirement is, it is worth saying that, according to the statistics of service centers, about 40-55% of gas boiler breakdowns are associated with the failure of the control board. At the same time, boards are almost never repaired. They simply need to be replaced.

It is also worth remembering that the failure of the control board due to unstable power is a non-warranty case (almost all manufacturers). So the cost of the board and its replacement has to be paid out of your own pocket. Moreover, many boards are delivered "on order", and this is a few weeks of waiting. How to heat the house at this time is an interesting question ... If you also remember that the cost of the board is about 40-50% of the cost of the unit, you involuntarily think about purchasing a high-quality and reliable uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler.

The good news is that you can “drive” the rest of the equipment that requires high-quality and guaranteed power supply to one UPS of sufficient power, or you just want to ensure its uninterrupted operation. Most often, these are computers, televisions and a couple of emergency lighting bulbs.

Types of uninterruptible devices

Today, the distribution network offers three types of UPS:

  • off-line (on-line);
  • on-line (off-line);
  • Line-Interactive (line-interactive whether line-interactive).

Types of UPS for gas boilers and block diagrams for their connection

Offline UPS (redundant type)

These are the simplest and cheapest uninterruptible power supplies. Off-line can be translated from English as “not in line”, which reflects the principle of operation of this device. In an uninterruptible device of this type, the upper and lower voltage limits are set, at which the boiler operates normally. As long as the network parameters are within these limits, power is supplied directly from the line.

If the voltage becomes more or less, the switching relay is activated, power is supplied through the UPS from the batteries. When the network parameters return to normal, the relay operates again, turning off the uninterruptible power supply. For a gas boiler, such protection is, of course, better than nothing, but when turned on / off, significant power surges are observed in the network. So the stabilization in this case is not complete - there are no big dips or peaks, but the supply voltage is far from ideal. The second disadvantage of offline uninterruptibles is that they cannot correct the shape of the sinusoid.

Therefore, off-line uninterruptible power supplies for gas boilers should be used only if you already have a stabilizer installed on a scrap or apartment. It produces an ideal voltage, and the UPS in this circuit simply connects the batteries in the absence of voltage. This scheme is expensive, but creates normal conditions for the operation of equipment that is demanding on the quality of the power supply.

On-line UPS (permanent type)

This type is also called uninterruptible power supply units with double conversion. All because of the principle of operation:

  • The input AC voltage is converted to DC and used to charge the batteries connected to the device.
  • The DC voltage is converted into AC with an ideal sine wave shape.

It turns out the power supply is converted twice. This guarantees voltage stabilization and an ideal sinusoid shape.

Online uninterruptible power supplies are connected to break the power circuit. While the voltage is normal, the linear power is converted, when the voltage is low, its deficiency is replenished by charging the batteries, in the absence of power supply is supplied from the battery.

The disadvantage of this equipment is the high price and rapid discharge of batteries, which is due to the fact that it is spent on straightening surges. However, if you need best source uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler - buy online type equipment.

Line-Interactive (line-interactive)

The properties and characteristics of uninterruptible power supplies of this type are not as good as those of online models, but not as bad as those of offline units. There are all the same batteries and a switch that, when the voltage drops, connects the UPS. But to stabilize the voltage, there is a special unit - an automatic voltage regulator (AVR in the figure above).

The disadvantage of line-interactive uninterruptible power supplies for a gas boiler is the non-instantaneous switching when the voltage changes. But it is much less than in offline devices, but the voltage is maintained constant (within certain limits). This equipment is the best choice, as it guarantees good results at a relatively low price.

UPS sizing

Determining what type of uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler you need is not all. You need to know at least two more parameters: the power of the UPS and the capacity of the batteries that it can charge.

How to determine the power of an uninterruptible

To determine what power you need an uninterruptible power supply, look for the line “power consumption” in the gas boiler passport. On average, it is 150-170 watts. If there is a second circulation pump in the system, its power consumption must be added to this figure.

In order for everything to work without problems, a power margin of at least 20-30% is required. If possible, when choosing a UPS, the result can be doubled - just in case. Sooner or later, you will want to add a couple of devices to the load, as it is really convenient - when at least something works for you in the absence of electricity. This will be the minimum power of an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler.

Determining battery capacity

Many models of uninterruptible power supplies have built-in batteries. In this case, you don't need to count anything. If the batteries are connected separately, you need to find in technical specifications line "maximum charge current". We multiply this figure not by 10, we get the capacity of the battery that this UPS can charge. You can connect larger batteries, but in this case they will not be fully charged, which reduces their service life.

How to choose a UPS with built-in batteries? By the battery life you need. The dependence of the operating time on the battery capacity and power consumption is shown in the table. According to it, it is not difficult to select an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler.

Criteria for choosing a UPS for a gas boiler

From all of the above, we can deduce the following requirements for an uninterruptible power supply for a gas-fired boiler:

The requirements are not the most stringent, but it is desirable to adhere to them. When connecting an uninterruptible power supply, observe the phasing (the UPS phase must be connected to the boiler phase, zero and minus to the corresponding conductors). Otherwise, the boiler will not work. Checking the correctness of the phasing is simple: pull the boiler plug out of the network. The boiler must continue to operate. If the flame goes out - check the correct connection, the operability of the ground. If everything is normal, but the boiler still does not work, then your UPS is built without a "through zero". To start the boiler, you need to connect the N (zero) neutral terminals on the uninterruptible power supply at the input and output. For most boilers, this alteration solves the problem. But there are some brands of boilers, for example - Buderus (Buderus), which need to install resistance between the PE and N (ground and zero) inputs with a nominal value of 1 to 10 MΩ (Buderus even offers to buy their proprietary resistor).

Actually, this is all about choosing and even connecting an uninterruptible power supply for a gas boiler.

Posted by the author - , - October 15, 2018

Modern gas heating boilers are “smart” devices, the sophisticated electronics of which allow maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house with high efficiency. The presence of a control panel and circulation pumps makes such systems highly dependent on high-quality and uninterrupted power supply.

An uninterruptible power supply for a private house heating system must meet a number of mandatory requirements that will allow your boiler and circulation pumps to work correctly, reliably and without errors:

  1. Availability pure sine wave output, which is critical for pumps. This means that conventional computer UPSs (APC Back-UPS, IPPON Back Office, etc.) with a square wave/approximated sine wave output are not suitable.
  2. Availability through neutral for the correct operation of the flame sensor of phase-dependent boilers. In this regard, many European brands are not suitable.
  3. Availability powerful charger(from 5A), which allows you to connect external batteries necessary to ensure long-term battery life in the event of a power outage.
  4. power reserve the device has at least 40% in relation to the amount electrical capacities automation of heating and circulation pumps.

There are three types of heating boiler solutions on our market:

  1. Off-line sources without voltage regulator. Most popular: Teplocom, .
  2. Uninterruptible type line-interactive with primitive relay stabilization. Popular brands , .
  3. on-line UPS with high precision double conversion stabilization. Brands: , (Inelt).

How to choose the right type of UPS for a heating boiler?

  • If you have : firstly, a simple wall-mounted boiler without complex automation; secondly, the voltage in the village is stable(does not jump sharply, there are no “blinks” and subsidence); third, Requires battery life up to 10-12 hours, then in order to save the budget, you can pay attention to the first or second type of UPS. [ Important!In the event of sudden power surges, output noise and distortion in the operation of the built-in relay stabilizer can cause an error and even damage the sensitive electronics of your boiler.] Please note that for the first type off-line, it is necessary to buy a separate electronic / inverter voltage stabilizer. Examples of ready-made solutions:

Budget kits for wall-mounted boilers

100W for 2 hours 40 minutes 100W for 9 hours 100W for 14 hours
Price: 13 700 rub. Price: 20 500 rub. Price: 26 000 rub.
  • In all other cases, we recommend using on-line uninterruptible power supplies.(See detailed), which save the owners of boilers from all possible problems with power supply.

Uninterruptibles of this class provide:

  1. Instant voltage stabilization with an accuracy of 1% (line-interactive has 10 times lower accuracy, switching windings with a relay can cause an error in automation)
  2. Protection against mains interference (EMI) and power surges
  3. Uninterrupted power supply with switching to battery operation in 0 sec. (line-interactive switches in 20ms with noisy output waveform)
  4. Ideal "sine" output with distortion (THD) less than 3%
  5. The presence of a through neutral for the correct operation of phase-dependent boilers
  6. Output power 800W (1000VA) and above

Buderus boiler with sophisticated control automation

Rating of the best UPS for gas boilers of the on-line type

The top is based on sales statistics, the number of service cases and the expert opinion of our specialists.

I. UPS with one external battery (12V)

Models with connection of one external battery, we recommend using with small heating boilers with a maximum load of up to 300-400W for short or medium battery life. There are 2 significant models on the market:

1 place. ~18900r.

This uninterruptible power supply, adapted by our engineers to Russian conditions, manufactured by Helior Corporation ( has been consistently ranked first in sales reports for more than a year. Reasons for popularity in addition to affordable price:

  • Most low level fan noise among analogues (rotation speed depends on the load)
  • There is a special mode of operation from the generator (the permissible range of the input frequency is expanded)
  • Compact dimensions and the ability to operate in two positions
  • Sufficiently high reliability when working with heating systems

Weaknesses include:

  • A relatively narrow range of acceptable input voltage values ​​that the source can “pull out” without switching to the battery.
  • Average charge current, which allows you to connect batteries with a capacity of 30 to 150Ah.

2nd place. ~21 450 rub.

A new model in the Monolith line from Inelt. A product of the Chinese factory Kehua Tech (, adapted to the Russian market.

Advantages of UPS:

  • A good range of input voltages is 110-300V without switching to a battery.
  • Charging current 12A, which is relevant when connecting a battery with a capacity of up to 250Ah.

The disadvantages include:

  • High price for the device
  • New 12V model for the manufacturer

II. The best 24V UPS for two external batteries

Models with the connection of two external batteries proved to be more stable for a long battery life under high loads. Serial connection to 24V allows you to halve the load current both on the batteries and on the source inverter, which has a positive effect on reliability under conditions of increased load and the presence of inrush currents.

1 place. ~20 800 rub.

The first line in our ranking of the best UPS is occupied by Stark Country Online 24V, which is produced at the largest Taiwanese enterprise Voltronic Power ( Note that back in 2017, only 36V models were supplied to Russia. In 2018, the model was updated, which is now designed to connect two external batteries.

We highlight the following benefits:

  • Minimum number of service cases
  • High and customizable charge current up to 16 amps for connecting large capacity batteries
  • Attractive front panel design
  • Wide input voltage range from 110 to 300V.


  • Limited display information
  • Average noise level
  • High price

Uninterruptible Stark Country 1000 online 16A is recommended for houses with a heated area of ​​200-400 sq.m. with the need for an average and long battery life (8-16 hours). So, for example, complete with two 200Ah batteries, it is able to autonomously feed a gas boiler with pumps in a cottage with an area of ​​350m for ~ 13 hours. Available for sale are single-phase models with a capacity of 2kVA, 3kVA, 6kVA and 10kVA - for uninterrupted power supply of an additional load or the whole house.

2nd place. / ~18 650 rub.

Hiden and 2 Delta 100Ah batteries

The second place is occupied by a product under the Salt / Hiden brand of the Kstar plant, which widely entered our market in 2018 and has since proven itself remarkably well as a reliable and optimal solution in terms of price / quality. This model could also take first place in our 24V rating due to its advantages:

  • the quietest in its class, thanks to a well-thought-out cooling system and intelligent control of the cooling fan speed
  • charge current adjustable in a wide range (1-12A)
  • display remaining battery life
  • work in a wide range of input voltage without switching to batteries
  • ABM (smart charge) technology extends battery life
  • compact size and modern design


  • the need for initial configuration of the UPS for correct operation

If the task is to uninterrupted power supply of a gas boiler and pumps with a power of 150-400W for up to 8-10 hours, then the choice of this UPS will be one of the most successful.

3rd place. ~17 400 rub.

The 24V model inherits all positive and weak sides models for 12V, but allows you to connect a battery bank increased by 2 times. As a result, Helior Sigma 1KSL is the best option for uninterrupted power supply of the boiler and pumps of an average cottage (200-350 sq.m.) with low or medium autonomy (up to 6-8 hours). The manufacturer's line includes a model with built-in batteries for autonomy up to 30 minutes - we recommend if you have a generator with automatic start.

4th place. (out of production)

The 4th place is occupied by two completely identical sources with different designs front panel produced by the international concern K-Star ( UPSs serve in the homes of thousands of our customers throughout Russia. The positives include:

  • Acceptable price
  • High charging current that allows you to connect high-capacity batteries for extended backup time
  • Wide range of input voltages - from 110V to 290V.
  • Good reliability under correct operating conditions
  • A large number of parameters to display on the display


  • You can connect batteries starting from 55 Amperes (high charge current)
  • Average noise level

Consideration should be given to Zenon and Tieber if it is necessary to ensure a long battery life (more than 10 hours) with a low quality of the mains supply. At the end of 2016, the source received an update and is now available for order. If the power of the boiler and all circulation pumps exceeds 600W, you should pay attention to sets with a power of 2000W (1600W) or even 3000W (2700W).

Top 36 volt uninterruptibles with 3 batteries

Kit with 3 x 100Ah batteries for long battery life

36V uninterruptibles were the first to appear on our market. 3 external batteries allow you to provide the maximum possible battery life and reduce the load current on the batteries and the inverter, which has a positive effect on reliability, including loads close to maximum.

1 place. ~16 400 rub.

  • Informative display
  • High resistance to load problems
  • Democratic price


  • Unstable availability in the manufacturer's warehouse in Russia
  • Low charge current - 6A.

This UPS model is optimal for reliable and long-term backup power. Note that single-phase high-power models (3, 6 and 10 kVA) have proven themselves well for backup power supply of medical and household equipment.

2nd place. (out of production)

Once the most popular source for connecting external batteries from the Chinese factory Kehua Tech (, adapted by Russian engineers from Inelt for the Russian market. Pros:

  • High reliability
  • Average input voltage range 120-295V
  • outdated design
  • Low charge current 5A
  • Uninformative display

In the rating, this UPS is presented as a tribute to the high level of reliability. The lack of timely modernization, low charge current and the importer's high price policy led to the loss of a once very significant market share by this device. In 2016, the INELT 1000 24V model with 6A charge current appeared in the product line, the sales and operation experience will show the quality of this product in the future.

Before buying and installing a UPS for a boiler, read the manual:

P.S. In our top of the best uninterruptible devices for heating boilers, we presented brands known to a wide range of market professionals. Much of what is on the market and not presented in this article is a product from the same plants under different names. We hope this rating will help you with your choice. the best option, but the engineers of our company are also at your service, who will help you select and install the best uninterruptible power supply for gas boilers.

  • Ready kits
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