
Time machine: myths and real facts about the possibility of time travel. A self-taught physicist from the Kursk region knows how to build a time machine Time machine construction scheme

Sensational photographs, videos, and eyewitness accounts pop up again and again on the Internet, which are immediately accepted as irrefutable evidence of the existence of time travelers. The ten most ridiculous arguments of those who are trying to justify the possibility of traveling to the past and the future are collected in this article.

On the back cover of this "watch" supposedly there is an engraving "Swiss"

In December 2008, Chinese archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb. The tomb in Shanxi province, they believe, remained untouched for 400 years.

Before archaeologists could open the coffin, a strange metal object resembling a ring was discovered in the ground next to it. Upon closer examination, it turned out to be a tiny gold clock, the frozen hands of which indicate five past ten. The case back was engraved with the word "Swiss" ("Made in Switzerland"). A watch of this model cannot possibly be more than a hundred years old. So how did they end up in the ground above a sealed tomb during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644)? Is there really a traveler from the future involved here?

Perhaps the Chinese archaeologists just wanted to draw a little attention to their hard and underestimated work, and just in time they found an ordinary ring that has a funny resemblance to modern watches. It remains only to take a couple of photos, carefully avoiding the angle from which the coveted back cover with the “Swiss” engraving will be visible, and trumpet about the sensational discovery of the media.

Moberly-Jourdain incident

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from 1774 to 1792, met by time travelers from 1901

Time travel reports are, of course, not limited to the modern era. Descriptions of such cases periodically occur over the course of many decades. One of them is dated August 10, 1901.

Two English teachers, Charlotte Mauberly and Eleanor Jourdain, who were on holiday in France, decided to visit the Petit Trianon castle, but were not familiar with the surroundings of Versailles. Having gone astray, they finally reached their destination... 112 years earlier.

Travelers recall seeing a woman shaking a white tablecloth out of a window and an abandoned farm in the distance before something strange began to happen.

“Everything around suddenly became unnatural, unpleasant,” writes Jourdain. - Even the trees have become as if flat and lifeless, like a pattern on a carpet. There was no light, no shadow, and the air was perfectly still."

After some time, Moberly and Jourdain ran into a group of people dressed in the fashion of the late 18th century, who showed them the way to the palace. And on the steps of the palace they met the French queen herself, Marie Antoinette.

Somehow, the travelers managed to return to their 1901 rented apartment. Taking pseudonyms, they wrote a book about their adventure, which was received very ambiguously by the public. Someone considered their story a hoax, someone - a hallucination or a meeting with ghosts.

There are also more mundane versions: Mauberly and Jourdain witnessed a historical reconstruction, or simply wrote a fantastic story inspired by H. G. Wells' Time Machine, published in 1895.

Pilot's journey to Scotland of the future

Illustration for the film "The Night I Die", in which an official predicts a plane crash

The life of Marshal of the Royal Air Force Victor Goddard was full of strange inexplicable cases. For example, one day his plane crashed exactly as in a dream that one of his acquaintances had told him about shortly before. This incident formed the basis of the film The Night I Die. And in 1975, Goddard published a photo in which you can allegedly see a ghost.

Long before the release of the film and gaining fame among fans of mysticism, Goddard was an ordinary Air Force pilot who went through the First and Second World Wars. He has also lectured in engineering at Jesus College, Cambridge and Imperial College London. In 1935 he was appointed Deputy Director of Intelligence for the RAF. Apparently, the British government considered Goddard to be a completely sane person without the slightest hint of paranormality, but in pop culture a different opinion has developed.

In his book Time Travel: New Perspectives, the Irish writer D. H. Brennan recounts a strange incident that supposedly happened to Goddard while inspecting an abandoned airfield near Edinburgh in 1935. The airfield was dilapidated and dilapidated; Grass was breaking out from under the asphalt, which was chewed by local cows. On the way home, Goddard got into a storm and was forced to return. On approaching the abandoned airfield, he was surprised to find that the storm suddenly stopped, and the sun came out, and the airfield itself was completely transformed. It was repaired, mechanics in blue overalls scurried along it, and four yellow aircraft of an unknown model to Goddard stood on the runway. The pilot did not land and did not tell anyone about what he saw. Four years later, the RAF began painting planes yellow and mechanics began to wear blue uniforms, just like in his vision.

It is a pity, after all, that Goddard did not land at the airfield of the future and did not bring any artifact from there. Then, perhaps, there would be at least some reason for believing his words.

An unknown artist's fantasy of what the secret Philadelphia experiment might have looked like

The US Navy is known for its interest in dangerous futuristic technologies, from mind control and psychological weapons to robots and time travel. The legend of the Philadelphia Experiment says that on October 28, 1943, they conducted a secret experiment, codenamed "Project Rainbow", during which the destroyer Eldridge was supposed to become invisible to enemy radars, but instead went 10 seconds into the past.

Reports of this experiment are somewhat vague and the US Navy has never confirmed that it actually took place, but of course no one believes the US government and the rumors continue to circulate.

Some argue that the ship experiment is based on the unified field theory developed by Albert Einstein. Allegedly, in accordance with this theory, a special electromagnetic field was created around the ship, which caused the "bending" of light, and with it the entire space-time continuum, due to which the ship became invisible and moved in time. But for some reason, everyone forgot about this amazing technology immediately after the experiment. Including the sailors who served on that destroyer, unanimously claiming that some crazy person invented this whole story.

Montauk Project

Frightening-looking radar in Montauk leads locals to believe that secret experiments are being carried out somewhere nearby.

And again about the secrets of the American government, distrust of which among the people for last years only increased because of the story with Edward Snowden. Project Montac, like Rainbow, is highly classified and involves electromagnetic fields. Frightening experiments, including time travel, are allegedly being conducted at the Camp Hero air station in the city of Montauk near New York.

The founder of the legend is the American writer Preston Nichols, who claims that he managed to restore his memory, which was erased after his participation in time travel experiments. According to his own words, Nichols holds a degree in parapsychology. He dedicated a YouTube video to his experience of time travel, and it must be said that it is rather strange.

Let's try to be as unbiased as possible given the above facts. Nichols claims that the U.S. government is conducting secret mind control experiments, and this may be true if you think about Project MK Ultra, a secret CIA program aimed at finding ways to manipulate the human mind with the help of psychotropic drugs.

That's just one thing drugs and interrogation methods, and quite another - electromagnetic fields and time travel. The influence of electromagnetic fields on human consciousness or the space-time continuum has not yet been proven anywhere and by anyone.

The Large Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator built on the border between France and Switzerland.

There are very few real experts at the Hadron Collider. Why, most people can't even pronounce its name correctly. And yet everyone has their own opinion about what researchers at CERN do. Some are convinced that a time machine is being built there - what else can all these complex devices be needed for, if not for the realization of our fantasies inspired by science fiction films?

To date, the LHC is the most complex experimental facility in the world. It is located at a depth of 175 meters above the ground. In the “ring” of the accelerator, which is almost 27 thousand meters long, protons collide at a speed close to the speed of light. Both scientists and the press are concerned that the operation of the collider could create black holes. However, after several launches of the installation, nothing of the kind has happened yet, but in 2012 the Higgs boson was discovered. It was because of him that the rumor began that the LHC was the first step towards building a time machine.

Physicists Tom Weiler and Chui Meng Ho of Vanderbilt University suggest that in the future it will be possible to detect another particle - the Higgs singlet, which has incredible properties that violate causal relationships. According to the hypothesis of scientists, this particle is able to move into the fifth dimension and move in time in any direction, into the past and into the future. "Our theory may seem presumptuous," Weiler says, "but it doesn't defy the laws of physics."

Unfortunately, it is difficult for an ordinary person, far from physics, to check whether this is really so. We have to take the word of the authors of the theory.

Mobile phones in old movies

This elderly woman, who can be seen in the additional materials for the film Charlie Chaplin's "The Circus", seems to be talking on mobile phone(1928)

The Internet user community is the greatest detective mind in history. Reddit users have been investigating the Boston bombing in 2013, another group of volunteers are looking for scammers online, and everyone else is busy looking for evidence of time travel in the most unlikely places. For example, attentive detectives found an interesting fragment on the DVD edition of Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus", which they immediately uploaded to YouTube. When the film's extras show the crowd gathered for the opening night at Grauman's Chinese Theater in 1928, a woman can be seen in the background talking on a mobile phone.

Or rather, with this quality of the video, we can only say with certainty that she really holds something near her ear. Historians cooled the general ardor, saying that this may be one of the first models of the Siemens hearing aid, but this version did not seem convincing enough to conspiracy theorists. They found another video, this one from 1938, of a girl talking on a mobile phone, who would hardly need a hearing aid. Still, it's not very convincing. Maybe we need more old videos of people holding something to their ear and talking.

And in the following excerpt from the 1948 film, our contemporaries stubbornly see the iPhone at 18 seconds. Have you ever wondered how people traveled in carriages without GPS? It turns out they had to use smartphones! In fact, the actor in the video is holding an ordinary notebook, and Internet detectives should look for something more convincing.

Immortal Nicolas Cage

Double Nicolas Cage from the XIX century

It's hard to imagine anyone taking this seriously, but it's quite popular on the internet to search for vintage photographs and portraits of people who look like modern-day celebrities. Here, for example, is a copy of Nicolas Cage from the 19th century. The uninformed compilers of the textbook in which the photo appeared claim that it depicts Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico. How could they not notice such a striking resemblance to the actor from National Treasure and Ghost Rider?

Of course, this case is far from the first and not the only one. Widely known portraits of Keanu Reeves in 1570 and 1875 and a photograph of John Travolta from 1860.

Keanu Reeves with a "double" from the past

John Travolta - Vampire or Time Traveler?

Opinions differ regarding such coincidences. Someone claims that all these actors are immortal vampires, and someone considers them to be time travelers. Cage himself on the David Letterman show denied the version of his vampirism, so only the second option remains.

Apparently, Hollywood has a secret time machine at its disposal specifically to help actors better prepare for roles in historical films. But irresponsible actors perceive it as an additional vacation: they take pictures, they rule Mexico ... Well, what kind of people.

John Titor

One of the drawings of John Titor, with which he tried to explain the device of his time machine

It turns out that on the Internet you can find not only evidence of time travel, but also the travelers themselves. Today, however, we all fall into this category: one has only to look at the news feed for five minutes, and three hours are gone.

At the beginning of the noughties social networks weren't that popular. In those days, people communicated on the so-called boards - forums that look rather unusual for us today. To start a conversation, you had to start a new topic. The author of one of the popular themes was a certain John Titor, who claimed that he arrived from the year 2036, and cited a number of predictions to support his words.

Some of them were rather vague, some more specific. Titor claimed that America of the future was on the verge of destruction due to a nuclear attack, after which it broke up into five regions. Most other countries have ceased to exist. He also posted blueprints for his time machine, but no one ever tried to build something from them. None of his predictions have come true so far.

What can I say, on the Internet you can really be anyone. I wonder why no one pretends to be a time traveler today? Is pretending to be a celebrity more interesting?

Leakage of information from the future

The researcher is waiting for the appearance of messages from the future on the Internet

And again about the Internet. John Titor and others like him simply could not leave the people of science indifferent.

Robert Nemirov and Teresa Wilson of Michigan Technological University have been scouring the web for years for traces that time travelers might have left. To do this, they use special Google magic to look for references to certain events that are dated earlier than these events actually happened, for example, information about the comet C / 2012 S1 that appeared before 2012, or the phrase "Pope Francis" that appeared somewhere or until March 2013, in which Francis was elected pope. It is assumed that if time travelers use the Internet to communicate, then somewhere their phrases must be found that do not correspond to their date. Agree, the idea is quite interesting. So what did the researchers find? - you ask.

Nothing. There are no information traces of time travelers on the Internet. As if comforting those whose hopes have been shattered, the scientists write: “Although the study did not confirm that there are time travelers from the future among us using the Internet to communicate, it is also possible that they simply cannot leave any traces of their stay in the past, even intangible . In addition, discovering information about them may be impossible for us, since this would violate some of the laws of physics known today. Finally, time travelers may not want to be found and carefully cover their tracks.”

It turns out that time travelers exist, they are just invisible, hiding and cannot leave any traces! Very convincing, isn't it?

Time travel is not as mysterious as it seems. Theoretically, it is enough just to accelerate to a speed exceeding the speed of light, and you will find yourself in the future. But no one knows yet how to do it. There is another problem: you will not be able to return, because this would violate the causal relationship. Therefore, as Stephen Hawking said: "Time travel is possible, but useless."

"Time Machine"

super development

MB prototyping:

Early morning March 1989. When the experiments dragged on well after midnight, which was a common occurrence, in order not to oversleep for work, I set the alarm for 5.59 in the morning and turned the network radio volume knob all the way. If I don’t wake up from the alarm clock, and this is also a common occurrence, then exactly in a minute the radio will scream at the top of its lungs, which then, in the late 80s, started its work at 6 in the morning ... And one morning I woke up from the Anthem playing on the radio Soviet Union. I didn't want to get up. Chronic lack of sleep plus a cold room made the idea of ​​not getting up mentally to speculate on the topic - why the call of the most accurate electronic alarm clock was not heard very tempting. A few hours earlier, I placed it, along with other clocks, in a laboratory setup and once again changed the mode of operation of the generator in the hope that on the 110th attempt it would be possible to slow down the clock by at least two seconds. Since the alarm clock did not ring, it means that it has broken, and again you will have to fork out. I got really tired of getting up, so I had to listen to the latest news on the radio through my drowsiness. And then ... the alarm clock rang! The dream was gone! Maybe yesterday the alarm clock started at the wrong time? I lift the lid. No, everything is correct ... Lord, yes inside all the clocks have the same time - 5.59 - one minute to six! Maybe this radio started its work earlier?! This makes no sense! In reflection, a minute or two passes, the radio announcer announces: "Moscow time is 6 hours 5 minutes." All clocks are 6.01, and they are all 4 minutes late!..

Of course, everything described above looks like a fantastic story. Maybe. I don’t know how at the moment when you will read these lines, but at the moment when these lines were written, the topic of creating a time machine was still a fantasy. And the last thing I want to do is talk about this fantastic theme in the language of a fictional story. But I'm afraid that without additional explanations, without prehistory and afterword, our story will remain like that - fiction ... So, a short background.

In many ways, the experiments had absolutely no analogues, and much, almost everything had to be invented, invented on the go. About more early works Kozyrev did not know anything then, and it is not our fault that some of his experiments and conclusions had to be repeated anew... Nevertheless, it would be unfair to assert that our own experiments with physical Time and attempts to create MB arose "out of nothing" and had no predecessors, indirect and immediate parents.

Since 1967 at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Ordzhonikidze, under the guidance of Professor Phoenix Yuryevich Siegel, and until 1987 (when Siegel was already ill), studies of man-made UFOs were carried out. Due to this, when performing work on the open state budget topic “Preliminary studies of anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere”, a whole array of disparate and classified information about this phenomenon was accumulated. A number of talented Mayev colleagues, among whom was my future scientific supervisor, Professor Evgeny Fedorovich Kamenkov, in the 70s were engaged in calculating the dynamic, strength, energy and other characteristics of UFOs. They were confused by the almost complete disregard of the laws of inertia by UFO pilots: why did these objects instantly accelerate, decelerate, or change their trajectory at a right or any other angle? And although from the point of view of the then physics it was impossible to explain many of the observed oddities in the behavior of UFOs, everyone hoped that science was about to announce a new discovery, but the engineers would not let us down, and drawings of UFOs of such devices were already looming in the minds of the designers. Yes, and statistical reviews of observations of strange alien celestial ships seemed so complete that the issue of creating similar aircraft seemed only a matter of time ...

This turned out to be a matter of Time - both literally and figuratively. In the sense that at some point we began to guess that all or most of the UFO "tricks" are somehow connected with the curvature around the object of the Space-Time field. Example? If physical Time is stretched inside the aircraft, then instead of a moment of monstrous, deadly G-forces, the crew will feel only a few minutes of quite acceptable accelerations, although for external observers this will still look like an instantaneous turn or acceleration. Just for the sake of trying to gain the ability to perform such maneuvers, it was worth studying this version closely ... And since 1987, our first attempts to model cause-and-effect relationships and physical processes occurring with UFOs began, all processes that were reliably recorded during the study of traces, debris, as well as film, photo and telemetric images of these objects. Omitting intermediate calculations (this is a topic for a separate discussion), we can immediately go to the conclusions. The data obtained also allowed us to assume that, at least for some of these objects, it is not something, but their shell that influences the pace and direction of the course of Time...

But trying to unravel the mystery of UFOs is not the only way to comprehend Time. The second way is to try to find some analogies in known and unknown works in this area (unfortunately, due to lack of information, we did not have to rely on this method, although an excellent database has accumulated over the years). And finally, the third and main way to solve the problem is to try to create a time machine absolutely on your own, without anyone else's help. In the end, you should not give in to this question, all problems seem insoluble for those who do not try to solve them! Let's just follow the course of logical thought, and it is possible that you will quickly and independently imagine what it took us years to invent and comprehend ...

So, the main thing is to solve the problem of how to influence Time. In those years, we knew from textbooks that Time can be affected by the speed of a body and gravity, but we could not bring either one or the other to the required huge values. In the 80s there were rumors (for the first time I learned about this on the train Tallinn - Moscow from an article by G. V. Talalaevsky) that the rotation of the flywheel could affect Time. At the same time, they wrote about some gravitational vortices (no one clearly explained what it is). In addition, we ourselves guessed that Time changes at the micro level in the course of chemical and physical atomic reactions (later it turned out that such an influence chemical reactions Kozyrev wrote much earlier). But neither chemical reactions, nor the rotation of flywheels, nor gravitational vortices - none of the six methods listed above promised great prospects, because in all these processes the impact on Time was very limited, and the impossibility of quickly controlling these processes called into question their use in advanced transport funds. We needed a different, 7th way ...

As for controllability problems, the most optimal and fastest system is always the one that is controlled by electromagnetic waves(faster than them, i.e. faster than the speed of light, we don’t have anything yet). Only in such a system could we not only quickly manipulate all physical quantities subject to our influence, but also have every opportunity to improve the quality of workmanship, minimize dimensions and weight, and change for the better many other tactical specifications, including the rate of change of Time. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine a time machine based on almost uncontrolled chemical reactions. At best, one can imagine a laboratory installation on a similar principle, working, but not having the opportunity for qualitative, quantitative growth. The flywheel cannot be quickly started, stopped, changed direction; on the other hand, the electromagnetic field is switched on, switched off or reversed by one movement of the switch. The flywheel cannot be accelerated above a certain speed; but there are practically no restrictions for power, intensity of electromagnetic fields... If only we could control Time with the help of electromagnetic fields!

Electromagnetic waves- a rather strange phenomenon, unless, of course, one reads a physics textbook, which "knows everything", but thinks about some "children's" questions. Unlike all other processes in the universe, electromagnetic waves (again, with the exception of the specified "special" cases) always move at the same speed. As if the waves are tightly “soldered” with the Time surrounding them. It can be said that if the speed of the waves slows down, then the Time slows down (more precisely, when the Space-Time is bent, the waves slow down).

The first "childish" question. If we slowed down the speed of the wave, then by doing so... would Time slow down?! Another “childish” question: if we change the speed so much that it becomes with the opposite sign, will we change the direction of the flow of Time? It is believed that it is impossible to do such a trick with waves, waves are (according to textbooks) an irreversible process. Again, in contrast to almost all natural phenomena, the actions of which are considered reversible (for example, not only water can decompose into hydrogen and oxygen, but water can also be synthesized from the same or other oxygen and hydrogen, having received it as a result of an oxidation reaction). All processes on Earth are reversible, that is, they can occur in both directions, but the waves are irreversible and can, “have the right” to be only divergent or flat.

Imagine a flat surface of a pond where you are experimenting with different types of waves. You throw a stone into the water and get diverging circles, you will get the same if you create waves, causing the end of the stick lowered into the water to tremble and vibrate. The resulting picture is the circular diverging waves. Even if we see these waves not in dynamics, but frozen in the photograph, we still confidently imagine that these waves diverge and the source of the waves is inside the circles ... Throw not a stone into the water, but an even stick (necessarily flat), and at a short distance from the floating stick you will notice flat parallel waves. If you photograph them, then it is often impossible to tell from a fragment of the photograph where the wave is moving. But a plane wave is only a special case of divergent waves, and at some distance from the fallen stick the plane waves actually round off so much that they can no longer be distinguished from circular ones. After that, from the picture you can again confidently say where the source of the waves was located ... And it never happens otherwise in nature, the circles on the water never move inward towards the center. It cannot be otherwise - otherwise the "golden" physical rule, the principle of causality, is violated. It remains to add that the one-sided direction of the wave disturbance - and all that has been said - applies not only to the vibrations of the water surface, but also to sound, air waves, and electromagnetic vibrations. In the case of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, physicists believe that the picture of ordered converging waves is especially absurd.

However, there are ways to artificially simulate these most converging waves. To do this, just throw a round hoop on the surface of the water. From the outside of the hoop, normal divergent waves will go in all directions, but inside - inside, everything is the other way around - the waves converge towards the center. If you shoot internal waves so that the hoop does not get into the frame, and then roll the film in the opposite direction, then not a single person will notice the catch - for everyone our simulated waves will be the most common, the most ingenious will even say: the source of oscillations that causes waves is not visible because it is under water. No one will say that we have created "abnormal" waves. In fact, it is, we have the most normal, even standard waves, only moving "abnormally with respect to our Time." On the flat surface of the pond, we have just seen a model of the action of the fields of the time machine ...

From a water visual model - one step to an electromagnetic emitter of converging waves. Obviously, now in order to obtain the same effect not on a flat surface, but in the volume of space, we will need to make the hoop already voluminous. What we need is a sphere, each estrus of which radiates (creates waves) in all directions, first of all - inside the sphere.

According to the working theory proposed by the author of these lines, Time is like physical phenomenon explained under certain conditions by the manifestation of already familiar electromagnetic forces. From this it followed that with the help of such forces, Time could be influenced; made on the basis of this theory, MB can have easy control and higher technical characteristics ("Technique of Youth", 1993, No. 4, pp. 28-31).

Construction of the first laboratory facility began in the summer of 1987 and progressed, as it seemed then, extremely slowly (later, after the change in economic conditions in the country, it turned out that it was possible to work more slowly). To create the installation, a lot of voluntary assistance was provided by specialists from the Moscow Aviation Institute. Ordzhonikidze, plant them. Khrunichev, NPO Salyut, NPO Energia, some other organizations and individual inventors and specialists in various fields. It is necessary to make a reservation right away - not everyone knew the ultimate goal of the work, and, as a rule, enthusiasts helped to introduce a new “rocket engine attachment”, a new “heavy duty omnidirectional antenna”, etc. In any case, thanks to those who knew, and for those who still don’t know what story they got involved in ... The first MB Lovondatr model was completed on April 7 at about 7 o’clock, it started working on April 8, 1988, at the same time the first, more than modest, results were obtained. Needless to say, this date says little to the vast majority of Muscovites? For more than 2 years, not a single line was written about the work itself, although the first notes were sent to scientific journals almost immediately (was it any wonder the reaction of the editors?) ... So the first highly popular "report from the scene" was soon published by the MAI newspaper, it happened on the day of the 30th anniversary of the first manned flight into space and on the day of the mysterious Sasov explosion that became famous.

Experiments to change the pace of Time. USSR 1988-1990

Goals of the experiment, as we thought, were quite simple: to find a connection between Time and electromagnetic waves; with the help of experiments on slowing down and accelerating physical Time in a small closed volume, check the effect of electromagnetic fields on the space-time continuum...

Installation design for such an impact, it was a lenticular or spherical body with a plurality of electromagnets mounted on it, connected to each other in series and in parallel. In various experiments, from 3 to 5 such surfaces, called electromagnetic working surfaces (ERPs), were used. All ERP layers of different diameters were mounted sequentially in each other (like a matryoshka doll). The outer layer was attached to the power shell, or at the same time it itself was such a shell. The size of the maximum EFA in the first installation was about 1 m, the diameter of the minimum (internal) EFA was 115 mm, which turned out to be sufficient to place control sensors and experimental animals inside (used different kinds insects and laboratory mice), which tested the effects of exposure to converging spherical electromagnetic waves. All devices that look like UFOs necessarily included: a closed spatial structure with special electromagnetic properties, a control unit, a power supply unit and measuring equipment, and other systems were separately tested on some modifications. In total, in 5 years, 4 experimental MB installations of varying degrees of complexity were made (the following are currently being built) ...

Operating mode of installations was selected after theoretical calculation and experimentally. The desired configuration of electromagnetic fields was created by electromagnetic working surface(ERP) - layers of flat electromagnets, twisted in the form of ellipsoids, nested into each other according to the nesting doll principle. The operating mode set by the control unit could be the most diverse, for each MB model it was possible to select entire areas of favorable ratios of frequencies, intensity and switching mode, among which, of course, there were the most optimal ...

Measuring the pace of time was carried out by all possible modern methods of measuring time: all types of electronic, quartz, mechanical, atomic clock; as well as specially made duplicated quartz oscillators (in which the frequency readings of the measuring and reference spaced heat-insulated oscillators were compared); light guide diodes (in which a change in the speed of passage of a light beam of a given section of the light guide was recorded) and other methods. Before and after the experiment (and less often during the experiment), the course of the measuring clock was periodically compared with the reference clock and the exact time signals by radio. Although for some types measuring instruments, for example, on a quartz watch, other physical factors had a side effect, but the duplication of measurement methods made it possible to significantly reduce the measurement error ...

The result of the first experiments we were both upset, and pleased, and puzzled. Under certain modes of operation of the installation (not always predicted), a change in the speed of the flow of Time (what Professor N. Kozyrev called the density of Time t / to) was achieved on the order of fractions of a second in a reference Earth hour. Is it a lot or a little? For real MB, it is negligible, for a start - a lot. And only in one of the experiments, for reasons not yet fully understood, the slowdown was -4 minutes in 8 hours (30 s / h). In other experiments, a slowdown in the rate of Time to -1.5 s/h and an acceleration to +0.5 s/h were recorded and explained from the point of view of the working theory. If we accept our usual terrestrial "reference" Time as to=+l, then it will become clear that we are still studying the range of the speed of Time +0.99< t/to < +l,01. Следовательно, предметы и животные, помещенные внутрь, при любом режиме работы (замедлении или ускорении) в любом случае двигались в Будущее (с «плюсовой» скоростью) медленнее или быстрее окружающих.

New dimensions involuntarily had to invent and run in as experiments were carried out. At first, they used the measurement units “s/day” (with “plus” or “minus”), then “s/h”. As the efficiency of MB grows, it is likely that dimensions such as “s / s”, “min / s”, “h / k”, “day / k” and even (it’s scary to think!) “year / k” and etc. Perhaps not all of these names will take root, but any one, for example, the dimensionless “s / s”. For simplicity, in experiments, we measured the difference in the readings of the clock “inside” and “outside”, which could be figuratively called the “Time difference” - a value showing how many seconds we slow down (accelerate) the Time inside the MB for 1 second of the “outboard” reference time. In real MB, it may be more convenient to use the concept of a dimensionless value of "Time velocity" (or "Time density", which is one and the same, although it is difficult to imagine "negative densities"). This value already shows the relationship between the course of internal and external (outboard) Time and is measured in "real seconds", or in short "secreals". For those who are especially corrosive, I will explain that at high speeds of Time, the difference between this concept and the concept of a difference in Time seems to disappear, this difference with might and main affects only at low speeds (small differences) of Time.

Let's explain with an example. In relation to our experiments, we can say that the maximum (alas, the only) 4-minute result can be written as follows: Time difference t-to = -30 s/h = -0.5 s/min = -0.008333 s/s, and speed or real time Tr = t/to = (+l -0.008333)/+1 = +0.9917/+1 = +0.9917 secrets (real seconds). Imagine now an MB, within which the payload ages by 1 hour in 1 second, it is easy to calculate that the Time difference will be t-to = +3600 - (+1) = +3599 s/s, and real time Tr = t/to = +3600/+l = +3600 secrets. So for ultrafast MBs the concepts of time difference and velocity will be very close, but so far in experiments (and on slow flying MBs) these concepts will have to be distinguished in order to avoid confusion...

Curvature of the Time-Space field, i.e. simply a difference in Time, was observed not only inside the MB, although, of course, the maximum value of the changed Time was set inside the smallest matryoshka. During the experiments, as expected, the change in Time was fixed even outside the MB setting, only such a change with the opposite sign was approximately an order of magnitude lower than the internal one (quite in accordance with geometric laws - inversely proportional to the cube of the distance). In other words, the MB affects not only its internals, not only the payload, but also environment. It is very reminiscent of a jet way of movement, only not in Space, but in Time ...

Scheme of one of the experiments.

, i.e. what was directly intended for transfer in Time-Space (the term PN was introduced by analogy with the term in astronautics) included the above-mentioned devices and experimental animals (not always). The volume of the payload compartment, located in the center of symmetry MB, in all machines did not exceed the volume of a soccer ball. That is why the services of the traditional pioneers of new modes of transport - dogs - had to be abandoned, and such an honor went to more modest mice. The first experiments with the movement of insects and mice into the past Time ended in failure for the experimental subjects (almost no one survived the difference of 1.5 seconds, alas); those who had the imprudence to be near the MB developed painful symptoms similar to those described in the Eldridge experiment (they will be discussed later). Only after the finalization of the scheme, the "testers" transferred the relocation procedure. It can also be added that mouse number seven was the first to successfully endure the experience of slowing down Time. The good news is that after completing a series of experiments, she "on a well-deserved retirement" lived the rest of her mouse age, which gives some hope for a safe outcome of the future experiment on moving a person in Time ...

Conclusions from experiments, while they cannot be considered complete, it is certainly more correct to call them only preliminary. So, in the experiments it was found that the processes of slowing down and speeding up Time differ sharply in their nature and consequences. Thus, the deceleration occurred much more smoothly and steadily; during acceleration, sharp jumps in readings were observed, the course of this regime was characterized by general instability and dependence on any external factors. In particular, the instability of acceleration consisted in the fact that at a fixed power, the value of the speed of Time depended on the time of day and the location of the Moon, and possibly on other reasons, including the presence of an operator nearby. Even a small external impact, such as mechanical shaking, led to a change in the speed, including a significant one.

Despite the small magnitude of the change in Time, even such a small acceleration can be called a kind of "journey into the Future", but a slowdown of less than -1 h/h cannot be considered a "journey into the Past". That is, the physics of the Future Time is fundamentally different from the physics of the Past Time. The present is a transition, the transformation of a multi-variant easily changeable Future into a single-variant and unchangeable Past. It follows from this that flights to the Past (with a "negative" density-velocity t/to) and to the Future will indeed take place in different ways; to some extent, they can be compared with the movements of an ant along a tree: from any point in the tree (from the Present), only 1 path down (to the Past) and many paths up (to the Future) open for the ant. However, among all the paths to the Future, there are undoubtedly the most probable options for the development of the Future, improbable and almost improbable. The movement into the Future will be the more unstable and energy-intensive, the less probable this variant of the Future turns out to be. In accordance with this “tree crown law”, a return to the Present is possible only if, while staying in the Past, the traveler does not interfere in what is happening around and does not change the course of past History, otherwise the chrono-traveler will return to the parallel Present from the Past along a different branch of History . Penetration into the Future from the Present is difficult by choosing the branch of movement, but returning from any version of the Future to the Present is possible under any scenario of behavior. If you do not suddenly find yourself merging different options Stories...

The next stages of experiments with the prototypes of the Time Machine. Only at the third stage (below) is it supposed to move to the movement of people in Time.

Experiments have also confirmed that Man and Time have a strong influence on each other. The influence of the operator on the course of the experiment has been identified, but not fully investigated. It was also found that it is not the process of moving in Time that produces a harmful effect on the body, but the difference in the rate of change of Time in different parts of the body. It was also fixed inside laboratory installations that Time can change with some inertia. Areas of space with different Time have vague, fuzzy boundaries between them. With a sufficient difference in the rate of change of Time, the human eye can see another Time as a white fog, with an even greater difference - as a luminous haze, which in itself can serve as a kind of danger signal. It can be assumed that chrono travel is possible, and (after experiments with mice and other observations) there is some reason to think that they will be safe for travelers, subject to certain rules. It should be specially emphasized that travel in Time, due to the open properties of Time, cannot affect the Past and change our past History. All the so-called paradoxes of time travelers (when they "meet themselves in the past" or "kill their grandfather as a child") are perfectly resolved in 3D Time. It can be considered indirectly proven that Time has more than one dimension, that is, the theoretical calculations of O. Bartini, who believed that Time has three dimensions, are confirmed. Consequently, our earthly world can be considered 6-dimensional, where the dimensions are respectively: length, width, height, age or date of Time, a variant of history or blurring of Time, density or speed of Time. The concept of the “Arrow of Time”, therefore, is completely absent in the 4th dimension (the date of Time), but is included as a special case in the concept of the sixth (the speed of Time), with which physical concepts gravity and energy. The concept of "Einstein-Rosen bridge", introduced in 1916, or "worm moves", introduced into scientific use by John Wheeler in the late 50s, is thus associated with movement in the 5th and 6th dimensions. The "classic" time travel, first described by the science fiction writer H. G. Wells, will thus occur when various options travel in the 4th, 5th, 6th, i.e. in all dimensions of Time.

Consequences of experiments were completely unexpected for us. Late in the evening of March 18, 1990, during tests of the installation of an improved modification, a huge UFO with three "marking lights" appeared and began to describe circles in the sky above the MB. The summoned brigade of the program “Good evening, Moscow” managed to film the “three-star” on videotape. Later, despite scrupulous repetition of the previous experiment, the mysterious alien did not appear. There was an assumption that this UFO reacts only to the first experiment.

Similar examples have already happened in history. At the beginning of the 20th century, every time when signalmen tried out a new radio band, mysterious messages invariably appeared in the receivers, over which decoders are struggling to this day. As soon as the numbers of signals and the magnitude of the echo delay were placed along the axes of the graph, strange tables and star maps appeared before the astonished eyes of the researchers (“TM”, 1977, No. 5, pp. 58-61).

A picture of the curvature of the Space-Time field during experiments with prototypes of the MW.

The encrypted radio echo appeared only during the first transmissions on the new radio wave; according to the hypothesis, the transmitters were echoed by some unknown spacecraft monitoring our technological progress. By the way, if this is really an alien probe, then he did not hide his homeland, the constellation Leo and the star Theta Leo were clearly highlighted on the star maps. Perhaps even now the pilots of this “messenger of the lions” are only curious about the first experiments.

When a new modification of the MB was launched on April 30, 1991, from the very beginning its mode of operation was modulated in such a way as to transmit a coded message to those who could receive it. At the end of the transmitted text there was a request to confirm the fact of receiving the transmission in 5 minutes. In a second, our old acquaintance appeared at the zenith... (YuT, 1992, No. 1, pp. 30-31).

It is not yet clear if the mysterious aliens use their MB for communication (and why not). But already now, experiments have confirmed the possibility of using an open circuit MB to create lift in UFO-like vehicles: a 400-gram model showed a thrust of 10 g.

In real aircraft In the future, it will be enough to build only one multilayer ERP shell, and then in flight only switch it to work in the MB mode or in the field engine mode to create thrust. It is also possible to combine both modes of operation, bringing the frequency of such switching to several hundred per second. The shell will have to be made using molecular (atomic) technologies based on new composite materials with layers of electromagnets from Little's promising filamentous superconducting polymer (working temperature is expected to be up to 2400 Kelvin) or from another hot superconductor.

I got excited about the idea of ​​experimental research that would provide practical answers to questions about time travel. But before moving on to experiments, it is required to develop a theoretical justification for the possibility of overcoming the time between the past and the future. What exactly have I been doing in the last few days. The study is based on Einstein's theory of relativity and relativistic effects, while also touching on quantum mechanics and superstring theory along the way. I think I managed to get positive answers to the questions posed, examine in detail the hidden dimensions and along the way get an explanation of some phenomena, for example, the nature of wave-particle duality. And also consider practical ways transmission of information between the present and the future. If you are also concerned about these questions, then welcome under cat.

Usually I do not do theoretical physics, and in reality I lead a rather monotonous life dealing with software, hardware, and answering the same type of questions from users. Therefore, if there are inaccuracies and errors, I hope for a constructive discussion in the comments. But I couldn't get past this thread. Every now and then new ideas appeared in my head, which eventually formed into a single theory. Somehow I'm not eager to go myself into the past or the future in which no one expects me. But I guess it will be possible in the future. I am more interested in solving applied problems related to the creation of information channels for the transfer of information between the past and the future. And also concerned about the possibility of changing the past and the future.

Traveling into the past is associated with a large number of difficulties that greatly limit the possibility of such a journey. At this stage in the development of science and technology, I think it is premature to take on the implementation of such ideas. But before we can figure out if we can change the past, we need to decide if we can change the present and the future. After all, the essence of any changes in the past comes down to changing subsequent events relative to a given point in time to which we want to return. If we take the current moment of time as a given point, then the need to move into the past disappears, as well as a large number of difficulties associated with such a movement. It remains only to find out the chain of events that should happen in the future, and try to break this chain in order to get an alternative development of the future. In fact, we don't even need to know the full chain of events. It is necessary to reliably find out whether or not one specific event will come true in the future (which will be the object of research). If it comes true, it means that the chain of events led to this event coming true. Then we have the opportunity to influence the course of the experiment and make sure that this event does not come true. Whether we can do this is not yet clear. And the point is not whether we can do this (the experimental setup should allow doing this), but whether an alternative development of reality is possible.

First of all, the question arises - how can you reliably know what has not happened yet? After all, all our knowledge about the future always comes down to forecasts, and forecasts are not suitable for such experiments. The data obtained during the experiment must irrefutably prove what should happen in the future, as about an event that has already occurred. But in fact, there is a way to obtain such reliable data. If we properly consider Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, then we can find a particle that can link the past and the future into one timeline and transmit the necessary information to us. The photon acts as such a particle.

The essence of the experiment comes down to the famous delayed-choice two-slit experiment, which was proposed in 1980 by physicist John Wheeler. There are many options for implementing such an experiment, one of which was given. As an example, consider the delayed choice experiment proposed by Scully and Druhl:

In the path of the photon source - the laser - they put a beam splitter, which is a translucent mirror. Typically, such a mirror reflects half of the light falling on it, and the other half passes through. But photons, being in a state of quantum uncertainty, hitting the beam splitter will choose both directions simultaneously.

After passing through the beam splitter, the photons enter the downconverters. A downconverter is a device that receives one photon as an input and produces two photons as an output, each with half the energy ("down-conversion") of the original. One of the two photons (the so-called signal photon) is directed along the original path. Another photon produced by the downconverter (called an idler photon) is sent in a completely different direction.

Using fully reflective mirrors on the sides, the two beams are brought back together and directed towards the detector screen. Considering light as a wave, as in Maxwell's description, an interference pattern can be seen on the screen.

In the experiment, it is possible to determine which path to the screen the signal photon chose by observing which of the down-converters the idler partner emitted. Since it is possible to obtain information about the choice of the path of the signal photon (even though it is completely indirect, since we do not interact with any signal photon) - observing the idler photon causes the interference pattern to be prevented.

So. And here the experiments with two slits

The fact is that idler photons emitted by down converters can travel a much greater distance than their signal partner photons. But no matter how far the idler photons travel, the picture on the screen will always match whether the idler photons are fixed or not.

Let us assume that the distance of the idler photon to the observer is many times greater than the distance of the signal photon to the screen. It turns out that the picture on the screen will display in advance the fact whether the idle partner photon will be observed or not. Even if the decision to observe an idle photon is made by a generator of random events.

The distance that an idle photon can travel has no effect on the result that is displayed on the screen. If we drive such a photon into a trap and, for example, force it to repeatedly spin around the ring, then this experiment can be stretched for an arbitrarily long time. Regardless of the duration of the experiment, we will have a reliably established fact of what should happen in the future. For example, if the decision about whether we will "catch" an idle photon depends on tossing a coin, then already at the beginning of the experiment we will know "how the coin will fall." When a picture appears on the screen, it will be a fait accompli even before the coin toss.

An interesting feature emerges that seems to reverse the causal relationship. We may ask - how can an effect (which happened in the past) form a cause (which must happen in the future)? And if the cause has not yet occurred, how can we observe the effect? To understand this, let's try to delve into Einstein's special theory of relativity and figure out what is really happening. But in this case, we have to consider the photon as a particle, so as not to confuse quantum uncertainty with the theory of relativity.

Why is the photon

This is exactly the particle that is ideal for this experiment. Of course, other particles, such as electrons and even atoms, also have quantum uncertainty. But it is the photon that has the limiting speed of movement in space and for it does not exist the very concept of time, so it can seamlessly cross the time dimension, linking the past to the future.

Picture of time

To represent time, it is necessary to consider space-time as a continuous block stretched in time. The slices that form the block are moments of present time for the observer. Each slice represents space at one point in time from its point of view. This moment includes all points in space and all events in the universe that appear to the observer as occurring simultaneously. Combining these slices of the present, placing one after the other in the order in which the observer experiences these time layers, we get a region of space-time.

But depending on the speed of movement, slices of the present will divide space-time under different angles. The greater the speed of movement relative to other objects, the greater the angle of cut. This means that the present time of a moving object does not coincide with the present time of other objects relative to which it is moving.

In the direction of movement, the cut of the present time of the object is shifted into the future relative to stationary objects. In the opposite direction of movement, the slice of the present time of the object is shifted into the past relative to stationary objects. This is because the light flying towards the moving object reaches it earlier than the light catching up with the moving object from the opposite side. Max speed movement in space provides the maximum angle of displacement of the current moment in time. For the speed of light, this angle is 45°.

Time slowdown

As I already wrote, for a particle of light (photon) does not exist concept of time. Let's try to consider the reason for this phenomenon. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, as the speed of an object increases, time slows down. This is due to the fact that as the speed of a moving object increases, the light needs to cover an increasing distance per unit of time. For example, when a car is moving, the light of its headlights needs to cover a greater distance per unit of time than if the car was parked. But the speed of light is the limiting value and cannot increase. Therefore, adding the speed of light with the speed of the car does not lead to an increase in the speed of light, but leads to a slowdown in time, according to the formula:

where r is the duration of time, v is the relative speed of the object.
For clarity, consider another example. Take two mirrors and place them opposite one above the other. Assume that a beam of light will be repeatedly reflected between these two mirrors. The movement of the beam of light will occur along the vertical axis, with each reflection measuring the time like a metronome. Now let's start moving our mirrors along the horizontal axis. As the speed of movement increases, the trajectory of the movement of light will tilt diagonally, describing a zigzag movement.

The greater the speed of movement along the horizontal, the more the trajectory of the beam will be inclined. When the speed of light is reached, the considered trajectory of motion will be straightened into one line, as if we had stretched a spring. That is, the light will no longer be reflected between the two mirrors and will move parallel to the horizontal axis. This means that our "metronome" will no longer measure the passage of time.

Therefore, for light there is no measurement of time. The photon has neither past nor future. For him there is only the current moment in which it exists.

Space compression

Now let's try to figure out what happens to space at the speed of light, in which photons reside.

For example, let's take an object 1 meter long and accelerate it to about the speed of light. As the speed of the object increases, we will observe a relativistic reduction in the length of the moving object, according to the formula:

where l is the length, and v is the relative speed of the object.

By "we will observe" I mean a motionless observer from the side. Although from the point of view of a moving object, stationary observers will also be reduced in length, because the observers will move at the same speed in the opposite direction relative to the object itself. Note that the length of an object is a measurable quantity, and space is a reference point for measuring this quantity. We also know that the length of an object has a fixed value of 1 meter and cannot change relative to the space in which it is measured. This means that the observed relativistic length contraction indicates that space is shrinking.

What happens if an object is gradually accelerated to the speed of light? In fact, no matter can be accelerated to the speed of light. It is possible to get as close as possible to this speed, but it is not possible to reach the speed of light. Therefore, from the point of view of the observer, the length of a moving object will decrease indefinitely until it reaches the minimum possible length. And from the point of view of a moving object, all relatively stationary objects in space will shrink indefinitely until they are reduced to the minimum possible length. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, we also know one interesting feature- regardless of the speed of the object itself, the speed of light always remains the same limit value. This means that for a particle of light, our entire space is compressed to the size of the photon itself. Moreover, all objects are compressed, regardless of whether they move in space or remain motionless.

Here you can see that the formula for relativistic length contraction unambiguously makes it clear to us that at the speed of light, all space will be compressed to zero size. I wrote that the space will be compressed by the size of the photon itself. I believe both conclusions are correct. From the point of view of the Standard Model, the photon is a gauge boson, which acts as a carrier of the fundamental interactions of nature, for the description of which gauge invariance is required. From the point of view of M-theory, which today claims to be the Unified Theory of Everything, it is believed that a photon is a vibration of a one-dimensional string with free ends, which has no dimension in space and can contain folded dimensions. I honestly don't know by what calculations superstring theorists came to such conclusions. But the fact that our calculations lead us to the same results, I think, suggests that we are looking in the right direction. Calculations of superstring theory have been rechecked for decades.

So. What have we come to:

  1. From the point of view of the observer, the entire space of the photon is folded up to the size of the photon itself at each point of the trajectory of motion.
  2. From the point of view of a photon, the trajectory of movement in space is reduced to the size of the photon itself at each point in the space of the photon.

Let's take a look at the conclusions that follow from what we've learned:

  1. The current time line of the photon intersects the line of our time at an angle of 45°, as a result of which our measurement of time for the photon is a non-local spatial measurement. This means that if we could move in the space of a photon, then we would move from the past to the future or from the future to the past, but this story would be made up of different points in our space.
  2. The space of the observer and the space of the photon do not directly interact, they are connected by the motion of the photon. In the absence of movement, there are no angular divergences in the line of current time, and both spaces merge into one.
  3. A photon exists in a one-dimensional spatial dimension, as a result of which the movement of a photon is observed only in the space-time dimension of the observer.
  4. In the one-dimensional space of a photon, there is no movement, as a result of which the photon fills its space from the initial to the final point, at the intersection with our space giving the initial and final coordinates of the photon. This definition says that in its space a photon looks like an elongated string.
  5. Each point of the photon space contains a projection of the photon itself in time and space. This means that the photon exists at each point of this string, representing different projections of the photon in time and space.
  6. At each point in the space of a photon, the full trajectory of its movement in our space is compressed.
  7. At each point in the observer's space (where a photon can reside), the full history and trajectory of the photon itself is compressed. This conclusion follows from the first and fifth points.

Photon space

Let's try to figure out what the space of a photon is. I admit, it is difficult to imagine what the space of a photon is. The mind clings to the familiar and tries to draw an analogy with our world. And this leads to erroneous conclusions. To imagine another dimension, you need to discard the usual ideas and start thinking differently.

So. Imagine a magnifying glass that gathers in focus the whole picture of our space. Let's say that we have taken a long ribbon and placed the focus of the magnifying glass on this ribbon. It is one point in photon space. Now let's move the magnifier a little parallel to our tape. The focus point will also move along the ribbon. This is another point in the photon space. But how are these two points different? At each point there is a panorama of the entire space, but the projection is made from another point in our space. In addition, while we were moving the magnifying glass, some time had passed. It turns out that the space of a photon is somewhat similar to a film film taken from a moving car. But there are some differences. The space of a photon has only length and no width, so only one dimension of our space is fixed there - from the initial to the final trajectory of the photon. Since the projection of our space is recorded at each point, there is an observer at each of them! Yes, yes, because at each point, simultaneous events are recorded from the point of view of the photon itself. And since the initial and final trajectories of a photon are located in the same time line, these are simultaneous events for a photon that affect it at different points in its space. This is the main difference from the film analogy. At each point in the space of a photon, the same picture is obtained from different points of view, and reflecting different points in time.

What happens when a photon moves? The wave runs along the entire chain of the photon space when it intersects with our space. The wave attenuates when it collides with an obstacle and transfers its energy to it. Perhaps the intersection of the space of a photon with our space creates an angular momentum of an elementary particle, also called the spin of the particle.

Now let's see what a photon looks like in our world. From the point of view of the observer, the space of the photon is folded into the dimensions of the photon itself. In fact, this most folded space is the photon itself, vaguely resembling a string. A string built from symmetrical projections of itself from different points in space and time. Accordingly, the photon contains all the information about itself. At any point in our space, he "knows" the whole path, and all the events of the past and future, concerning the photon itself. I believe that a photon can certainly predict its future, you just need to set up the right experiment.


1. There are still a lot of questions, the answers to which are difficult to obtain without experimentation. Despite the fact that similar experiments with two slits have been carried out many times, and with various modifications, it is very difficult to find information about this on the Internet. Even if you manage to find something, there are no intelligible explanations of the essence of what is happening and analysis of the results of the experiment. Most of the descriptions do not contain any conclusions and come down to the fact that “there is such a paradox and no one can explain it” or “if it seems to you that you understood something, then you did not understand anything”, etc. Meanwhile, I think that this is a promising area of ​​research.

2. What information can be transferred from the future to the present? Obviously, we can convey two possible values ​​when we are or are not observing idlers. Accordingly, in the current time we will observe wave interference or accumulation of particles from two bands. Having two possible values, you can use binary encoding of information and transmit any information from the future. To do this, it will be necessary to automate this process properly, using a large number quantum memory cells. In this case, we will be able to receive texts, photos, audio and video of everything that awaits us in the future. It will also be possible to receive advanced developments in the field of software products and it is even possible to teleport a person if they send instructions in advance on how to build a teleport.

3. It can be seen that the reliability of the obtained information refers only to the photons themselves. Knowingly false information may be sent from the future, leading us astray. For example, if a coin was tossed and tails fell, but we sent the information that heads fell, then we ourselves are misleading. It can only be reliably stated that the information sent and received do not contradict each other. But if we decide to deceive ourselves, then I think in time we will be able to find out why we decided to do this.
In addition, we cannot determine exactly from what time the information was received. For example, if we want to know what will happen in 10 years, then there is no guarantee that we sent the answer much earlier. Those. it is possible to falsify the time of sending data. I think to solve this problem, cryptography with public and private keys can help. This will require an independent server that encrypts and decrypts data, and stores pairs of public-private keys generated for each day. The server can encrypt and decrypt our data upon request. But until we have access to the keys, we will not be able to falsify the time of sending and receiving data.

4. It would not be entirely correct to consider the results of experiments only from the point of view of a relatively theory. At least due to the fact that SRT has a strong predetermination of the future. It is not pleasant to think that everything is predetermined by fate, I want to believe that each of us has a choice. And if there is a choice, then there must be alternative branches of reality. But what happens if we decide to act differently, contrary to what is displayed on the screen? Will a new loop arise, where we also decide to act differently, and this will lead to the emergence of an infinite number of new loops with opposite decisions? But if there are an infinite number of loops, then we should initially see a mixture of interferences and two fringes on the screen. This means that we could not initially decide on the opposite choice, which again leads us to a paradox ... I tend to think that if there are alternative realities, then only one of the two possible options will be displayed on the screen, no matter what we do such a choice or not. If we make a different choice, we will create a new branch, where initially the screen will show another option out of two possible ones. The ability to make a different choice would mean the existence of an alternate reality.

5. There is a possibility that once the experimental facility is turned on, the future will be predetermined. There is such a paradox that the installation itself predetermines the future. Will we be able to break this ring of predestination, because everyone has freedom of choice? Or will our “freedom of choice” be subject to cunning algorithms of predestination, and all our attempts to change something will eventually add up to a chain of events that will lead us to this predestination? For example, if we know the number of the winning lottery, then we have a chance to find this ticket and get a win. But if we also know the name of the winner, then we can no longer change anything. Maybe even someone else was supposed to win the lottery, but we determined the name of the winner and created a chain of events that led to the predicted person winning this lottery. It is difficult to answer these questions without conducting experimental experiments. But if this is the case, then the only way to avoid being predetermined is to not use this attitude and not look into the future.

Writing down these conclusions, I am reminded of the events of the film "Hour of Reckoning". It is striking how accurately the details of the film match our calculations and conclusions. After all, we did not strive to get just such results, but simply wanted to understand what was happening and followed the formulas of Einstein's theory of relativity. And yet, if there is such a level of coincidence, then it seems that we are not alone in our calculations. Perhaps similar conclusions were already made decades ago ...

I got excited about the idea of ​​experimental research that would provide practical answers to questions about time travel. But before moving on to experiments, it is required to develop a theoretical justification for the possibility of overcoming the time between the past and the future. What exactly have I been doing in the last few days. The study is based on Einstein's theory of relativity and relativistic effects, while also touching on quantum mechanics and superstring theory along the way. I think I managed to get positive answers to the questions posed, examine in detail the hidden dimensions and along the way get an explanation of some phenomena, for example, the nature of wave-particle duality. And also consider practical ways to transfer information between the present and the future. If you are also concerned about these questions, then welcome under cat.

Usually I do not do theoretical physics, and in reality I lead a rather monotonous life dealing with software, hardware, and answering the same type of questions from users. Therefore, if there are inaccuracies and errors, I hope for a constructive discussion in the comments. But I couldn't get past this thread. Every now and then new ideas appeared in my head, which eventually formed into a single theory. Somehow I'm not eager to go myself into the past or the future in which no one expects me. But I guess it will be possible in the future. I am more interested in solving applied problems related to the creation of information channels for the transfer of information between the past and the future. And also concerned about the possibility of changing the past and the future.

Traveling into the past is associated with a large number of difficulties that greatly limit the possibility of such a journey. At this stage in the development of science and technology, I think it is premature to take on the implementation of such ideas. But before we can figure out if we can change the past, we need to decide if we can change the present and the future. After all, the essence of any changes in the past comes down to changing subsequent events relative to a given point in time to which we want to return. If we take the current moment of time as a given point, then the need to move into the past disappears, as well as a large number of difficulties associated with such a movement. It remains only to find out the chain of events that should happen in the future, and try to break this chain in order to get an alternative development of the future. In fact, we don't even need to know the full chain of events. It is necessary to reliably find out whether or not one specific event will come true in the future (which will be the object of research). If it comes true, it means that the chain of events led to this event coming true. Then we have the opportunity to influence the course of the experiment and make sure that this event does not come true. Whether we can do this is not yet clear. And the point is not whether we can do this (the experimental setup should allow doing this), but whether an alternative development of reality is possible.

First of all, the question arises - how can you reliably know what has not happened yet? After all, all our knowledge about the future always comes down to forecasts, and forecasts are not suitable for such experiments. The data obtained during the experiment must irrefutably prove what should happen in the future, as about an event that has already occurred. But in fact, there is a way to obtain such reliable data. If we properly consider Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, then we can find a particle that can link the past and the future into one timeline and transmit the necessary information to us. The photon acts as such a particle.

The essence of the experiment comes down to the famous delayed-choice two-slit experiment, which was proposed in 1980 by physicist John Wheeler. There are many options for implementing such an experiment, one of which was given on Habré. As an example, consider the delayed choice experiment proposed by Scully and Druhl:

In the path of the photon source - the laser - they put a beam splitter, which is a translucent mirror. Typically, such a mirror reflects half of the light falling on it, and the other half passes through. But photons, being in a state of quantum uncertainty, hitting the beam splitter will choose both directions simultaneously.

After passing through the beam splitter, the photons enter the downconverters. A downconverter is a device that receives one photon as an input and produces two photons as an output, each with half the energy ("down-conversion") of the original. One of the two photons (the so-called signal photon) is directed along the original path. Another photon produced by the downconverter (called an idler photon) is sent in a completely different direction.

Using fully reflective mirrors on the sides, the two beams are brought back together and directed towards the detector screen. Considering light as a wave, as in Maxwell's description, an interference pattern can be seen on the screen.

In the experiment, it is possible to determine which path to the screen the signal photon chose by observing which of the down-converters the idler partner emitted. Since it is possible to obtain information about the choice of the path of the signal photon (even though it is completely indirect, since we do not interact with any signal photon) - observing the idler photon causes the interference pattern to be prevented.

So. And here the experiments with two slits

The fact is that idler photons emitted by down converters can travel a much greater distance than their signal partner photons. But no matter how far the idler photons travel, the picture on the screen will always match whether the idler photons are fixed or not.

Let us assume that the distance of the idler photon to the observer is many times greater than the distance of the signal photon to the screen. It turns out that the picture on the screen will display in advance the fact whether the idle partner photon will be observed or not. Even if the decision to observe an idle photon is made by a generator of random events.

The distance that an idle photon can travel has no effect on the result that is displayed on the screen. If we drive such a photon into a trap and, for example, force it to repeatedly spin around the ring, then this experiment can be stretched for an arbitrarily long time. Regardless of the duration of the experiment, we will have a reliably established fact of what should happen in the future. For example, if the decision about whether we will "catch" an idle photon depends on tossing a coin, then already at the beginning of the experiment we will know "how the coin will fall." When a picture appears on the screen, it will be a fait accompli even before the coin toss.

An interesting feature emerges that seems to reverse the causal relationship. We may ask - how can an effect (which happened in the past) form a cause (which must happen in the future)? And if the cause has not yet occurred, how can we observe the effect? To understand this, let's try to delve into Einstein's special theory of relativity and figure out what is really happening. But in this case, we have to consider the photon as a particle, so as not to confuse quantum uncertainty with the theory of relativity.

Why is the photon

This is exactly the particle that is ideal for this experiment. Of course, other particles, such as electrons and even atoms, also have quantum uncertainty. But it is the photon that has the limiting speed of movement in space and for it does not exist the very concept of time, so it can seamlessly cross the time dimension, linking the past to the future.

Picture of time

To represent time, it is necessary to consider space-time as a continuous block stretched in time. The slices that form the block are moments of present time for the observer. Each slice represents space at one point in time from its point of view. This moment includes all points in space and all events in the universe that appear to the observer as occurring simultaneously. Combining these slices of the present, placing one after the other in the order in which the observer experiences these time layers, we get a region of space-time.

But depending on the speed of movement, slices of the present will divide space-time at different angles. The greater the speed of movement relative to other objects, the greater the angle of cut. This means that the present time of a moving object does not coincide with the present time of other objects relative to which it is moving.

In the direction of movement, the cut of the present time of the object is shifted into the future relative to stationary objects. In the opposite direction of movement, the slice of the present time of the object is shifted into the past relative to stationary objects. This is because the light flying towards the moving object reaches it earlier than the light catching up with the moving object from the opposite side. The maximum speed of movement in space provides the maximum angle of displacement of the current moment in time. For the speed of light, this angle is 45°.

Time slowdown

As I already wrote, for a particle of light (photon) does not exist concept of time. Let's try to consider the reason for this phenomenon. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, as the speed of an object increases, time slows down. This is due to the fact that as the speed of a moving object increases, the light needs to cover an increasing distance per unit of time. For example, when a car is moving, the light of its headlights needs to cover a greater distance per unit of time than if the car was parked. But the speed of light is the limiting value and cannot increase. Therefore, adding the speed of light with the speed of the car does not lead to an increase in the speed of light, but leads to a slowdown in time, according to the formula:

where r is the duration of time, v is the relative speed of the object.
For clarity, consider another example. Take two mirrors and place them opposite one above the other. Assume that a beam of light will be repeatedly reflected between these two mirrors. The movement of the beam of light will occur along the vertical axis, with each reflection measuring the time like a metronome. Now let's start moving our mirrors along the horizontal axis. As the speed of movement increases, the trajectory of the movement of light will tilt diagonally, describing a zigzag movement.

The greater the speed of movement along the horizontal, the more the trajectory of the beam will be inclined. When the speed of light is reached, the considered trajectory of motion will be straightened into one line, as if we had stretched a spring. That is, the light will no longer be reflected between the two mirrors and will move parallel to the horizontal axis. This means that our "metronome" will no longer measure the passage of time.

Therefore, for light there is no measurement of time. The photon has neither past nor future. For him there is only the current moment in which it exists.

Space compression

Now let's try to figure out what happens to space at the speed of light, in which photons reside.

For example, let's take an object 1 meter long and accelerate it to about the speed of light. As the speed of the object increases, we will observe a relativistic reduction in the length of the moving object, according to the formula:

where l is the length, and v is the relative speed of the object.

By "we will observe" I mean a motionless observer from the side. Although from the point of view of a moving object, stationary observers will also be reduced in length, because the observers will move at the same speed in the opposite direction relative to the object itself. Note that the length of an object is a measurable quantity, and space is a reference point for measuring this quantity. We also know that the length of an object has a fixed value of 1 meter and cannot change relative to the space in which it is measured. This means that the observed relativistic length contraction indicates that space is shrinking.

What happens if an object is gradually accelerated to the speed of light? In fact, no matter can be accelerated to the speed of light. It is possible to get as close as possible to this speed, but it is not possible to reach the speed of light. Therefore, from the point of view of the observer, the length of a moving object will decrease indefinitely until it reaches the minimum possible length. And from the point of view of a moving object, all relatively stationary objects in space will shrink indefinitely until they are reduced to the minimum possible length. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, we also know one interesting feature - regardless of the speed of the object itself, the speed of light always remains the same limit value. This means that for a particle of light, our entire space is compressed to the size of the photon itself. Moreover, all objects are compressed, regardless of whether they move in space or remain motionless.

Here you can see that the formula for relativistic length contraction unambiguously makes it clear to us that at the speed of light, all space will be compressed to zero size. I wrote that the space will be compressed by the size of the photon itself. I believe both conclusions are correct. From the point of view of the Standard Model, the photon is a gauge boson, which acts as a carrier of the fundamental interactions of nature, for the description of which gauge invariance is required. From the point of view of M-theory, which today claims to be the Unified Theory of Everything, it is believed that a photon is a vibration of a one-dimensional string with free ends, which has no dimension in space and can contain folded dimensions. I honestly don't know by what calculations superstring theorists came to such conclusions. But the fact that our calculations lead us to the same results, I think, suggests that we are looking in the right direction. Calculations of superstring theory have been rechecked for decades.

So. What have we come to:

  1. From the point of view of the observer, the entire space of the photon is folded up to the size of the photon itself at each point of the trajectory of motion.
  2. From the point of view of a photon, the trajectory of movement in space is reduced to the size of the photon itself at each point in the space of the photon.

Let's take a look at the conclusions that follow from what we've learned:

  1. The current time line of the photon intersects the line of our time at an angle of 45°, as a result of which our measurement of time for the photon is a non-local spatial measurement. This means that if we could move in the space of a photon, then we would move from the past to the future or from the future to the past, but this story would be made up of different points in our space.
  2. The space of the observer and the space of the photon do not directly interact, they are connected by the motion of the photon. In the absence of movement, there are no angular divergences in the line of current time, and both spaces merge into one.
  3. A photon exists in a one-dimensional spatial dimension, as a result of which the movement of a photon is observed only in the space-time dimension of the observer.
  4. In the one-dimensional space of a photon, there is no movement, as a result of which the photon fills its space from the initial to the final point, at the intersection with our space giving the initial and final coordinates of the photon. This definition says that in its space a photon looks like an elongated string.
  5. Each point of the photon space contains a projection of the photon itself in time and space. This means that the photon exists at each point of this string, representing different projections of the photon in time and space.
  6. At each point in the space of a photon, the full trajectory of its movement in our space is compressed.
  7. At each point in the observer's space (where a photon can reside), the full history and trajectory of the photon itself is compressed. This conclusion follows from the first and fifth points.

Photon space

Let's try to figure out what the space of a photon is. I admit, it is difficult to imagine what the space of a photon is. The mind clings to the familiar and tries to draw an analogy with our world. And this leads to erroneous conclusions. To imagine another dimension, you need to discard the usual ideas and start thinking differently.

So. Imagine a magnifying glass that gathers in focus the whole picture of our space. Let's say that we have taken a long ribbon and placed the focus of the magnifying glass on this ribbon. It is one point in photon space. Now let's move the magnifier a little parallel to our tape. The focus point will also move along the ribbon. This is another point in the photon space. But how are these two points different? At each point there is a panorama of the entire space, but the projection is made from another point in our space. In addition, while we were moving the magnifying glass, some time had passed. It turns out that the space of a photon is somewhat similar to a film film taken from a moving car. But there are some differences. The space of a photon has only length and no width, so only one dimension of our space is fixed there - from the initial to the final trajectory of the photon. Since the projection of our space is recorded at each point, there is an observer at each of them! Yes, yes, because at each point, simultaneous events are recorded from the point of view of the photon itself. And since the initial and final trajectories of a photon are located in the same time line, these are simultaneous events for a photon that affect it at different points in its space. This is the main difference from the film analogy. At each point in the space of a photon, the same picture is obtained from different points of view, and reflecting different points in time.

What happens when a photon moves? The wave runs along the entire chain of the photon space when it intersects with our space. The wave attenuates when it collides with an obstacle and transfers its energy to it. Perhaps the intersection of the space of a photon with our space creates an angular momentum of an elementary particle, also called the spin of the particle.

Now let's see what a photon looks like in our world. From the point of view of the observer, the space of the photon is folded into the dimensions of the photon itself. In fact, this most folded space is the photon itself, vaguely resembling a string. A string built from symmetrical projections of itself from different points in space and time. Accordingly, the photon contains all the information about itself. At any point in our space, he "knows" the whole path, and all the events of the past and future, concerning the photon itself. I believe that a photon can certainly predict its future, you just need to set up the right experiment.


1. There are still a lot of questions, the answers to which are difficult to obtain without experimentation. Despite the fact that similar experiments with two slits have been carried out many times, and with various modifications, it is very difficult to find information about this on the Internet. Even if you manage to find something, there are no intelligible explanations of the essence of what is happening and analysis of the results of the experiment. Most of the descriptions do not contain any conclusions and come down to the fact that “there is such a paradox and no one can explain it” or “if it seems to you that you understood something, then you did not understand anything”, etc. Meanwhile, I think that this is a promising area of ​​research.

2. What information can be transferred from the future to the present? Obviously, we can convey two possible values ​​when we are or are not observing idlers. Accordingly, in the current time we will observe wave interference or accumulation of particles from two bands. Having two possible values, you can use binary encoding of information and transmit any information from the future. To do this, it will be necessary to properly automate this process, using a large number of quantum memory cells. In this case, we will be able to receive texts, photos, audio and video of everything that awaits us in the future. It will also be possible to receive advanced developments in the field of software products and it is even possible to teleport a person if they send instructions in advance on how to build a teleport.

3. It can be seen that the reliability of the obtained information refers only to the photons themselves. Knowingly false information may be sent from the future, leading us astray. For example, if a coin was tossed and tails fell, but we sent the information that heads fell, then we ourselves are misleading. It can only be reliably stated that the information sent and received do not contradict each other. But if we decide to deceive ourselves, then I think in time we will be able to find out why we decided to do this.
In addition, we cannot determine exactly from what time the information was received. For example, if we want to know what will happen in 10 years, then there is no guarantee that we sent the answer much earlier. Those. it is possible to falsify the time of sending data. I think to solve this problem, cryptography with public and private keys can help. This will require an independent server that encrypts and decrypts data, and stores pairs of public-private keys generated for each day. The server can encrypt and decrypt our data upon request. But until we have access to the keys, we will not be able to falsify the time of sending and receiving data.

4. It would not be entirely correct to consider the results of experiments only from the point of view of a relatively theory. At least due to the fact that SRT has a strong predetermination of the future. It is not pleasant to think that everything is predetermined by fate, I want to believe that each of us has a choice. And if there is a choice, then there must be alternative branches of reality. But what happens if we decide to act differently, contrary to what is displayed on the screen? Will a new loop arise, where we also decide to act differently, and this will lead to the emergence of an infinite number of new loops with opposite decisions? But if there are an infinite number of loops, then we should initially see a mixture of interferences and two fringes on the screen. This means that we could not initially decide on the opposite choice, which again leads us to a paradox ... I tend to think that if there are alternative realities, then only one of the two possible options will be displayed on the screen, no matter what we do such a choice or not. If we make a different choice, we will create a new branch, where initially the screen will show another option out of two possible ones. The ability to make a different choice would mean the existence of an alternate reality.

5. There is a possibility that once the experimental facility is turned on, the future will be predetermined. There is such a paradox that the installation itself predetermines the future. Will we be able to break this ring of predestination, because everyone has freedom of choice? Or will our “freedom of choice” be subject to cunning algorithms of predestination, and all our attempts to change something will eventually add up to a chain of events that will lead us to this predestination? For example, if we know the number of the winning lottery, then we have a chance to find this ticket and get a win. But if we also know the name of the winner, then we can no longer change anything. Maybe even someone else was supposed to win the lottery, but we determined the name of the winner and created a chain of events that led to the predicted person winning this lottery. It is difficult to answer these questions without conducting experimental experiments. But if this is the case, then the only way to avoid being predetermined is to not use this attitude and not look into the future.

Writing down these conclusions, I am reminded of the events of the film "Hour of Reckoning". It is striking how accurately the details of the film match our calculations and conclusions. After all, we did not strive to get just such results, but simply wanted to understand what was happening and followed the formulas of Einstein's theory of relativity. And yet, if there is such a level of coincidence, then it seems that we are not alone in our calculations. Perhaps similar conclusions were already made decades ago ...

A scientist from the city of Miass created a time machine. Engineer-inventor Viktor Bulaev is recognized in the scientific community. From his house he made a mini-laboratory. Two of his installations are located in an ordinary apartment, where he conducts scientific experiments.

The participant of the experiment from Chelyabinsk Natalia - the third time in a time machine. The prototype of the installation was the invention of special mirrors by the Russian scientist Vasily Kozyrev.

“Measuring the biofield is already a standard procedure. It is required before entering the installation. You need to know your biofield, ”says Svetlana Tikhonova, a correspondent for the First Regional.

Restoration of the biofield turned out to be side effect, and now found a similar method practical use in medicine, and the work of the brain during a session in the installation gives an idea of ​​the past and the future. Both a positive impact on health and a prophecy in fate were experienced by a participant in the experiment.

“The pictures that I saw last time are unreal, but it is starting to come true,” said Natalia, a participant in the experiment.

It is not believed, but it is a fact confirmed by many years of scientific research.

“The closer to the north, the greater the effects of information manifestation. This is especially good in the Dixie area, where the northern lights are. The atmosphere must be ionized. But, nevertheless, at our latitude, we got the effect of obtaining information from the past and from the future, ”says Viktor Bulaev, head of the Center for Radiation and Biological Safety of the Ural ROSE.

Viktor Bulaev, an engineer-inventor and author of patented installations, is known in the world of scientists. Films have been made about his research. The author explains: to understand the effect of the time machine is possible only by accepting the world in another dimension. His colleague Konstantin Golodov decomposes the space around us into holograms.

“Any event leaves a trace in the form of a hologram, and not only does it leave this trace, this trace will never disappear,” said engineer, psychologist Konstantin Golodov.

Information, even in the form of thought, is material. This explains the ability of psychics and clairvoyants. Therefore, the attitudes, as the practice of the scientist shows, can reveal such a gift to some people.

Now the Miass scientist is developing two more machines. They, like the current ones, Viktor Bulaev hopes, will bring practical benefits both in medicine and in bioenergy.


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