
Edelweiss legends and myths. Legend. Edelweiss is a silver flower. Detailed description of the plant

Flowers with a strong aroma and beautiful long flowering are a real decoration of the garden and backyard flower beds. Recently, fragrant plants have also become especially popular and are widely used for home and interior decoration.

Popular garden flowers with a strong scent

For giving, fragrant annuals and pleasantly smelling perennials can be used. To get a spectacular and fragrant flower bed for a long time, you need to know which are the most unpretentious garden plants form a fragrant flower.

The most fragrant garden flowers

Garden fragrant flowering crops can be annual and perennial, which allows you to create attractive compositions:

  • sweet peaannual plant with a pleasant pronounced smell. It is distinguished by a variety of coloring, which helps to create front gardens or planters in different styles and colors. Varieties and hybrids of bush type look spectacular in flower beds and discounts;

  • flowers Alyssum or sea lobularia smell like honey and are not afraid of spring frosts, so they are ideal for growing in cold regions;
  • undersized Lily of the valley grows well in the shade. This is perennial forms small flowers, and goes well with peonies and carnations;
  • the most common daffodils white-colored and yellow-colored varieties have a very delicate and very refined aroma, which new varieties and hybrid forms are deprived of;
  • spring hyacinths especially popular in early flower beds and flower beds. The plant is represented by numerous varieties with all kinds of flower colors, which allows you to choose best option for registration;

  • shade-loving violas it is best to sow before winter, which improves resistance to negative weather factors. This is an ideal solution for decorating difficult-to-cultivate areas and tree trunks of garden plantings;
  • many varieties carnations distinguished by flowers with a persistent aroma that can effectively repel mosquitoes and many plant pests. The most unpretentious species include lush, gray-blue and feathery carnations.

No less popular with gardeners are lilies, roses, chrysanthemums and peonies that bloom profusely with fragrant flowers.

Flowers that smell at night

The flower, fragrant in the evening, is popular in the design of home gardens and flower beds located in close proximity to the house. Night flowering plants or ornamentals that smell amazing at night:

  • tropical annual Mirabilis able to bloom profusely throughout holiday season, and forms delicious-smelling delicate white, pink, red and yellow inflorescences that open in the evening;
  • evening relatively small fragrant flowers tobacco not only attractive, but also very fragrant. The category of the most popular varieties includes winged, forest and jasmine;
  • title Mattiola known to many amateur growers. This annual opens flowers to smell in the late afternoon and does not tolerate sunny areas, so it is sown in flower beds and flower beds in shading of lilac or dahlia;

  • blooming Levkoy is a relative of matthiola, but a significant difference is represented by magnificent flowers that have many shapes and colors;
  • garden Mignonette fragrant especially highly valued by landscape designers for the beautiful shape of the leaves and the pleasant unusual aroma that persists at night;
  • night violet or female hesperis - the most common decorative type of violets in home gardening, characterized by abundant flowering and a characteristic pronounced aroma.

annual flower Moonflower is best suited for evening garden decoration, and the delicate aroma intensifies after sunset. The plant is best suited for areas with hot and sunny climates.

Fragrant flowers for the garden (video)

Spicy herbs and fragrant plants

Spicy-aromatic fragrant plants with characteristic healing properties, are widely cultivated in most regions of our country. The most popular plants include:

  • Peppermint, long-leaved, curly, garden and apple is perfect for growing in garden plots, and is a valuable ingredient in salads, soups, meat dishes, various drinks and homemade cakes;
  • Melissa officinale is a popular perennial essential oil herb called lemon mint, due to the pleasant smell of lemon that persists in the plant even when dried;
  • Kotovnik or catnip - the culture is not only useful, but also very decorative, thanks to purple or lilac flowers, as well as grayish-blue leaves;

  • Oregano or oregano refers to beautiful ornamental plants with a very pleasant aroma that is enhanced on sunny days. The flowers have an attractive pale lilac or pinkish color;
  • ordinary, creeping or lemon Thyme known as thyme or Bogorodskaya grass and has a delicious smell, as well as a spicy taste;
  • Hyssop or St. John's wort refers to semi-shrub spicy plants with a tart taste, blooming with attractive spike-shaped blue inflorescences;
  • essential oil and decorative Monarda or garden bergamot refers to medicinal and spicy-flavoring plants, and cut bright red, pink, white or purple flowers are great for composing.

  • medium-sized spicy-aromatic lovage it has very beautiful pinnately dissected leaves and can become a real decoration not only for garden beds, but also for flower beds;
  • perennial spicy Fennel has bluish-green split leaves and a characteristic, very pronounced smell of anise, due to which it is widely used in soups, vegetable, fish and meat dishes;
  • Tarragon known to many as tarragon. The leaves of this medium-sized plant are widely used in a variety of fish dishes in French cuisine and in the preparation of poultry.

No less popular among domestic gardeners and gardeners are such spicy and aromatic crops as dill and basil.

Fragrant flowers for indoor breeding

In the conditions of modern indoor floriculture not only highly decorative, but also fragrant plants with a long flowering period:

  • Madagascar jasmine or Stefanotis belongs to semi-shrub vines, and prefers good lighting. Star-shaped white flowers have an exquisite aroma, but the perennial requires the use of support and careful regular care;
  • capricious fragrant Gardenia needs good lighting, warmth and moisture, therefore it is most often grown only by experienced flower growers;
  • exotic Amazonian lily or Eucharis It has a very pleasant and delicate fragrance. The bulbous perennial is distinguished by large dark green foliage and umbellate exquisite inflorescences;
  • Hoya or wax ivy forms flowers with a strong sweetish smell, which intensifies in the late afternoon. Liana is unpretentious and drought-resistant, and also has attractive leathery leaves and long shoots.

Features of growing eucharis (video)

Any parts of the following indoor ornamental crops have a pleasant pronounced aroma:

  • coniferous plant Araucaria often grown at home and is characterized by a pleasant coniferous smell, and is also able to saturate the air with useful phytoncides;
  • room mint or Plectranthus highly valued by indoor flower growers due to unpretentiousness in care and decorative attractiveness of foliage;
  • evergreen perennial Myrtle has leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers collected in short racemose inflorescences.

When placing fragrant plants in the house, you need to remember that fragrant crops are not recommended for growing in the bedroom and children's room.

Fragrant ornamental shrubs and trees

This category of decorative fragrant crops is very much in demand in the design of the backyard landscape. Many fragrant ornamental shrubs and trees go well with beautifully flowering and decorative deciduous annuals and perennials. Particularly popular in the decor of the backyard territory are:

  • tall decorative witch hazel, which in early spring forms a huge number of yellow-orange flowers with a characteristic almond smell;
  • Unusually attractive Mahonia Biel it has a pronounced lily of the valley aroma, and reaches a height of two meters;
  • undersized ornamental shrub Daphne ordinary blooms in early spring, immediately after the main snow mass has disappeared and resembles garden lilacs with its aroma;
  • Tall unpretentious Japanese cranberry reaches a height of 6-7 meters and is distinguished by early spring flowering with nondescript flowers that have a characteristic smell of cinnamon, vanilla and caramel;

  • Medium-sized spikelet corylopsis blooms in early spring with attractive yellow flowers with a slight smell reminiscent of primrose;
  • Tall and widespread bird cherry blooms with abundant and large white inflorescences in the last decade of spring;
  • undersized shrub Fothergill mountain has a strong honey smell exuded by white May inflorescences;
  • Medium height Japanese skimmia distinguished by white flowers with a relatively subtle lily of the valley scent;

  • Common lilac and Chinese forms inflorescences of various sizes and colors with a rich lilac smell;
  • Tall Rhododendron yellow has a sweet smell that comes from golden inflorescences that bloom in the last decade of spring;
  • A characteristic strong smell has a medium-sized and unpretentious ornamental shrub. Mock orange crown;

  • Popular honeysuckle honeysuckle characterized by long shoots and yellow flowers with a pleasant honey fragrance;
  • A spicy and very pronounced smell has a profusely flowering medium-sized garden plant.
    Calicant brownish red blooming;
  • A long-term and very abundant flowering with a spicy aroma has a backyard plant Buddley David, which often exceeds a couple of meters in height.

Perhaps the most popular and widespread in landscape decor is still fragrant viburnum with fragrant pink flowers.

Despite the fact that almost all fragrant flowers are among the unpretentious ornamental crops, they must be fully cared for to maintain their attractiveness and abundant flowering. Among other things, it must be remembered that crops with a very pronounced plume aroma cannot be planted under the windows of a bedroom or kitchen.

A garden is not only a kingdom of bright colors and a variety of forms, but also a magical accumulation of the most diverse aromas that wrap us in the lightest cloud of subtle nuances with every walk or enchant us in freshly cut bouquets. At the mention of fragrant plants, many first of all remember roses and charming flower beds, and the most traditional shrubs - lilac, jasmine, mock orange. Meanwhile, among the trees and shrubs, many can boast of a unique aroma that is noticeable even at a distance. Shrubs and trees with the most fragrant flowers wrap the whole garden in a charming cloud. And it's not just about spring flowering: among the largest garden dwellers there are many plants that can boast of a strong aroma, but at the same time bloom in various seasons. And if you want to make your garden not only blooming, but also filled with notes of charming smells, a kind of fragrant kingdom, pay attention to the best fragrant shrubs and trees, many of which are also very original.

The splendor of fragrant shrubs begins long before the "official" start of the garden season. Of course, in those countries where severe frosts prevent winter flowering, amazing shrubs release flowers only in February - March, but in other regions they can be enjoyed already against the background of the first snow. Among the winter-flowering shrubs, which can be found only in regions with a mild climate, the magnificent December witch-hazel stands out with its elegant fragrance. Like a magical vision, its delicate filigree flowers dot the bush densely, exuding an almond scent and filling the garden with the crackle of seed pods. To replace it, with the approach of spring, a wolfberry resembling lilac in smell, but not at all similar in appearance to it, blooms, decorating February with its bright branches. In regions with severe winters, both shrubs bloom much later, in particular, the wolfberry blooms only in April.

Following the most fragrant "winter" shrubs, a real parade of spring aromas begins. The unique intoxicating smells of spring reveal all the richness of the palette of nuances and halftones. Charming corylopsis, Japanese skimmia and bird cherry-antipka bewitch with a sweet light smell, magonia and willow with honey viscous aromas, and decorative viburnum with vanilla aromas. Magonia, if the end of winter is very mild, can bloom as early as February, attracting early bees with an amazing lily of the valley aroma. In the spring, you can find any aroma in the garden in saturation, because the main tone of the most fragrant crops is supplemented by no less sweet, albeit not so original, flowering of fruit bushes.

At the beginning of summer, honey aromas become even more intense due to the exotic flowering of honeysuckle, the sweet-sweet tone of mock orange, the tart notes of ornamental cherries and the completely irresistible fragrance of himonanthus and calicanthus. The legendary honeysuckle, with its thick honey scent, reveals its full aroma only after sunset. Charming with beautiful flowers, it massively attracts nocturnal insects, so it is better not to plant honeysuckle too close to places of evening rest. Mock orange looks and smells very similar to jasmine, but unlike the original culture, it is winter-hardy. On calm, calm days, the original aroma of calicanth instantly attracts attention. But the thickest smells among trees and shrubs can be offered, perhaps, by June lilacs and Chinese wisteria. With the advent of July, completely different plants enter the garden scene: tart and very fragrant buddleia and gaultheria, caryopteris, gradually changing to almond tones of clematis, the sweet obsessive smell of hydrangeas and the very rich aroma of cletra. If you prefer spicy shades of aromas, then pay attention to the Mediterranean beauty buddley, whose long brushes of inflorescences attract flocks of butterflies. Of the fruity notes in any garden, Japanese Quince stands out with its richness. Yes, and numerous rhododendrons can make their fragrant contribution to the overall picture of a fragrant garden. One of the most fragrant shrubs are representatives of the Kalina genus. Many of them smell very unusual, in particular, fragrant viburnum is characterized by an almost almond aroma. In regions with a warm climate, it blooms only in November, reaching its peak of flowering by March and April.

It is far from always that flowering shrubs and trees are fragrant. In many plants, the aroma is not exuded by inflorescences or fruits, but by leaves. Such unique cultures include karyopteris, St. John's wort, gaultheria and even boxwood. The most striking of the scents will offer its owners a charming crimson, which is valued primarily for the unique changes in the bright color of the foliage. In autumn, this shrub is enveloped in a cloud of subtle aroma, reminiscent of a large pastry shop with the smell of freshly baked goods.

The 15 shrubs and trees with the strongest odor are:

- witch hazel - a three-meter giant blooming from January to March with flowering in a yellow-orange palette and almond aroma;
– Mahonia Bealei (Mahonia bealei), blooming from February to April, with a lily-of-the-valley aroma, up to 2 meters high;
- Common wolfberry, blooming in March and April, only up to 1 meter high with a lilac-like aroma;
- Japanese crimson up to 7 meters in height with leaves smelling of cinnamon, vanilla and caramel and inconspicuous April flowering;
– Corylopsis spikelet up to 2 meters high, whose yellow bloom in April and May is accompanied by a cloud of light aroma reminiscent of primroses;
- bird cherry with a bitter smell and a height of 10 to 15 meters, blooming with white large inflorescences in April - May;
- Fothergilla mountain with a strong honey aroma, characteristic of white May inflorescences, up to 1 meter high;
- Japanese skimmia up to one and a half meters high, also white-flowering with a lily-of-the-valley aroma;
- Common lilac and its "sister" Chinese lilac up to 6 meters high with purple blooms and a thick, typical rich aroma;
- Yellow rhododendron up to 2 meters high with a very sweet smell of golden flowers that bloom in May;
– Crown mock orange with a characteristic strong smell, up to 3 meters high;
- Honeysuckle honeysuckle, the long shoots of which bloom in May - July with yellow flowers, twining the garden at night with a honey aroma;
- brown-red Calicanth blooming, up to 2 meters in height with a spicy very strong aroma of flowers appearing in June and July;
- Buddleya David, blooming all summer, up to 3 meters high with an equally strong smell with spicy notes;
- Aroma viburnum, the aroma of pink flowers which resembles a mixture of violets and almonds, up to 3 meters high, blooming from September to April.

Like other flowering crops, fragrant shrubs and trees reveal their aroma more fully not during the day, but in the early morning or late evening. It is no coincidence that for essential oils jasmine petals or lavender are harvested only in the wee hours. If you want to fully enjoy the aroma of shrubs, take a walk in the evening garden.

Picking fragrant shrubs and trees so that they fill the garden with aromas all year round is quite simple. Of course, for this one should take into account the individual intolerance of individual odors, their tastes, climatic conditions and the timing of flowering of each shrub. In order for the garden to always be filled with strong aromas, the plants should be chosen so that they bloom in turn, picking up the aromas of each other. Be sure to take into account the requirements of plants for illumination, soil characteristics. When choosing a landing site, keep in mind that in order to fully enjoy their aroma, it is better to place fragrant crops near places of rest, paths, terraces, arbors. But at the same time, do not place two fragrant plants side by side: their aromas, intertwining, will create a thick, heavy aroma. Be sure to plant one less odorous plant for each fragrant plant.

People born under the sign of Edelweiss are sensible, calm and independent. They are not always consistent in their actions, but they never bring the situation to a critical one. Edelweiss do not recognize the routine, they strive to know the unprecedented expanses, for them there are no prohibitions and rules.

Edelweiss has romance in his blood. Their freedom-loving disposition does not allow them to enter into long-term relationships, Edelweisses are not the most faithful partners, and the thirst for new adventures draws them from one partner to another.

Only having formed and calmed down, Edelweiss is able to create a strong family.

Photo from

Capricorns of the first decade have a very purposeful character.

They are distinguished by a quick reaction and an operational mind, as well as the desire to make a career. People of this type organize and coordinate their actions well, they are able to resolve emerging contradictions. They are distinguished by self-control, vitality, dynamism, in case of failures they do not lose heart and start all over again. They are equally good at defensive and offensive strategy. Capable, prudent, systematic. They light up with global ideas and become their active carriers and distributors.

They are bold, but modest, and therefore often cannot provide themselves with sufficient scope for action. Falling in love, they become shy, timid and reserved. They never have enough money, so they work hard, earning a living by the sweat of their brows. Their progress on the social ladder is slow, but usually in adulthood they achieve strong well-being. Multi-talented.

Photo from www.

Leontopodium- the scientific name of the flower, which in translation means "lion paw" from Greek words leon - lion and podion - paw).

The Russian generic name Edelweiss in German means noble white . (Transliterated from German Edelwei, from German edel - noble and German wei - white.)

According to legend, edelweiss originated from a young lady who found her husband dead on the slope of an alpine mountain.

In desperation, she decided to stay there forever. A white Edelweiss flower was born from her body.

This romantic legend could also explain his handsome, fragile appearance, similar to the white sculpture of Mother Nature, and its vitality.

In France edelweiss is called alpine star for the fact that the rocks on which it grows seem to be strewn with stars, in Italy - the silver flower of the rocks .

In the Carpathians the locals call the plant silk flower because the flower is smooth and silky to the touch. Modern research shows that this silkiness is an adaptation that ensures survival in the harsh conditions of the highlands.

The reason is the tiny hairs covering the perianths, the thickness of which is close to the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the radiation that is detrimental to the plant is completely absorbed, while the visible spectrum necessary for photosynthesis is passed through by the natural filter without hindrance.

The amazing vitality of the plant causes respect and admiration. A fragile flower is able to withstand daily temperature fluctuations of tens of degrees, from night frosts to daytime sunshine. He does not care for rarefied air and hard ultraviolet radiation.

Edelweiss is also called "Promethean flower" . According to legend, Prometheus was chained precisely to those rocks on which edelweiss grows.

It grows in the mountains among the snow,
Where the cold of the gorges is cruel.
People in Promethean color
An inaccessible flower calls.
Because the flower flame
Great, like good news
For what is forever rooted
chained to the mountains edelweiss

Photo from

Alpine edelweiss is distributed in a very limited area, only within the Carpathians, and the number of known locations has recently decreased to 4.

Alpine edelweiss can vary significantly. For example, plants that propagate by seeds differ, which do not grow in similar places, not at the same height above sea level. In many representatives of this species, inflorescences differ in the shade of flowers.

Edelweiss dwarf is common in China, Central Asia, in the Himalayas. It grows at an altitude of 3000-5000 m.

Edelweiss is covered with a halo of various poetic legends, various magical properties are attributed to it.

Among the inhabitants of the mountains of various countries, edelweiss is considered a flower of happiness, courage, love, a symbol of the mountainous region .

The legends about edelweiss are many and varied.

The ardent hearts of two lovers could not live without each other.

But fate decreed otherwise - they had to part forever.

The thought of the impending separation filled both of them with horror. The only way, as it seemed to them, to stay together forever is to die.

A young man and a girl decided to die together by throwing themselves off a cliff than to live without each other.

After their death, the rocks hid themselves as a sign of the solemn and sad victory of love over fate with the snow-white flowers of edelweiss...

Animals born under this sign have all the qualities of a good friend. First of all, it is reliability and loyalty.

These animals are distinguished by a calm temperament, independence and a desire for independence. Cats of this sign do not tolerate any restrictions and regulations regarding their personal lives. They lead life on their own schedule.

They do not like closed spaces. The best way for them, it is life in the village, where you can jump out of the gate at any moment and check how things are going on the next street. Life on the chain of such dogs is depressing.

You need to walk a lot with them, Edelweiss dogs are very energetic and this energy needs to be put somewhere, otherwise, in your absence, the dog will find something to do that you may not like very much. If possible, it is better for cats to walk on the balcony.

They are touchy, they should not be treated rudely and harshly.

Among the shortcomings of Edelweiss, periodic bouts of laziness can be noted.


Translated, it means "lion's paw" (from the Greek words leon - lion and podion - foot). White edelweiss stars grow high in the mountains - almost at the very sky. To climb to the edelweiss on the sheer cliffs, courage is sometimes required. In the image of edelweiss, all the romance of mountain climbing was embodied. And not only. They say that edelweiss smells like honey. About a romantic flower, many regions compose their own legends. For different peoples mountain edelweiss means the same thing: love, devotion, courage.

The most common legend about edelweiss. Once upon a time there was a certain intractable princess. She agreed to marry, but only for the one who gets a rare flower. Numerous applicants set off for the mountains - but the edelweiss was as impregnable as the princess herself. Someone died, crashing on sheer cliffs, someone returned empty-handed, someone got scared. Only years later, a young man was found who picked a flower. He was accompanied by unprecedented luck in his risky campaign. The happy princess finally said yes. But the young man, smiling, did not agree. After all, the capricious beauty had become an old woman by that time. And the young man, extracting a flower, together with him gained endurance and courage for many years.

Since then, many young men have been striving to give their beloved an edelweiss flower as a sign of their high feelings. Or at least a flower-shaped decoration, because edelweiss is now protected not only by impregnable rocks, it is forbidden to pick it in many countries.

Another legend about edelweiss is even more incredible.

As if on high impregnable rocks, fabulous beauties live with long hair and claws, with which they easily move over the peaks and stones, even at night. These fairy-tale creatures in female form scatter and carefully care for edelweiss flowers, zealously keeping the secret of their existence from people. Plucked flowers do not wither, and dried ones remain in their original form for a long time, preserving their fabulous beauty. The daredevils who want to steal their beautiful silver stars from the beauties are mercilessly thrown into the abyss. And only those whose urges to pick edelweiss are inspired by sincere and devoted love for their only one, they allow them to do this and stay alive, giving lovers a flower - a talisman of love. They say whoever can reach the edelweiss will gain courage, and luck will never leave him.

Another legend about edelweiss lives among the peoples of the mountains. The two lovers were to be eternally separated, but they could not imagine existence without each other. They decided to die together and threw themselves off a cliff. And the mountains were covered with beautiful snow-white flowers as a sign of sorrow, sadness and the triumph of love.

The legend of the Snow Queen and edelweiss.

A long time ago, on the highest peak of the Alps, there lived a beautiful fairy, whom everyone called the Snow Queen. Mountain dwellers and shepherds climbed to the top to admire it, but they all fell off the cliff and crashed into the gorge. Fate so decreed that no mortal could marry the Snow Queen. But, despite this, many daredevils tried to talk to her, hoping that they would be able to achieve her. Each petitioner was allowed to come to the majestic ice palace with a crystal roof, where the throne of the Queen stood. But at that moment, when he began to talk about his love and asked for her hand, thousands of goblins appeared, grabbed him and threw him off a cliff into a bottomless abyss. The Queen calmly watched this scene, her icy heart unable to feel.

The legend of the crystal palace and the beautiful heartless queen has reached the farthest alpine villages and the home of the fearless hunter. Fascinated by this legend, he decided to try his luck. Leaving his valley, he walked for many days, climbing the peaks covered with snow and ice, against the piercing wind. More than once it seemed to him that everything was lost, but the thought of the beautiful Queen gave him new strength and forced him to move on. Finally, after many days of conquering the summit, he saw before him an ice palace sparkling in the sun. Gathering the last of his strength, the young hunter entered the Throne Room. He was so shocked by the beauty of the Snow Queen that he could not utter a word. The queen silently watched and thought, since he does not ask for her hand, then there is no need to call the goblins. But then, to her great amazement, she found that his behavior touched her heart. She realized that she liked this brave hunter, who was younger and more beautiful than the previous applicants for her hand.

Time passed and the Snow Queen, although she was afraid to admit it, would gladly marry this young man. Meanwhile the goblins watched their mistress; at first they were very surprised, and then they became more and more upset. They were very afraid that their Queen might break the law, and this would bring the wrath of Fate to the Mountain People. Seeing that the queen was in no hurry to give the order to get rid of the hunter, the goblins decided to take the initiative into their own hands. One evening, when it got dark, they jumped out and grabbed the young hunter. And they threw him off the cliff. The Snow Queen saw all this through the window, but could not do anything. But the icy heart of the beautiful and cruel fairy melted, and she became a simple loving woman.

A tear fell from her eyes, the first in her life. The Snow Queen's tear fell on the stone and turned into a small silver star. It was the first edelweiss - a flower that since then grows only in the highest, most inaccessible peaks of the Alps, on the edge of the abyss.

Edelweiss has become not only a symbol of mountains, but of love, courage and courage. There were many legends and legends about the wonderful silver flower growing high in the mountains. Yes, he himself became, in a sense, a legend.

One of the many legends about edelweiss that are told in the Carpathians. In the vicinity of Mount Petros, a Hutsul family once lived. One summer they were visited by acquaintances with their twin sons. The Hutsul had a beautiful daughter. In long conversations, it turned out that the children in both families were born in the same year and day. After this visit, the girl and the young men often met, walked in the picturesque surroundings of Petros.

The young men fell in love with the daughter of the Hutsul, and the girl also liked the guys - one was better than the other. For a long time, the guys were tormented by indecision, but nevertheless, each secretly from his brother explained to the girl his feelings. Parents did not oppose a possible wedding, only the girl herself had to decide who to give preference to. But it was difficult for her to make a choice. Finally, she said to the brothers: “Whoever of you brings me a silk flower as a gift, I will give my heart and hand to him.” For a long time, the guys walked through the mountains in search of a silk flower (as edelweiss is called in the Carpathians). Climbing up the meadow, they met an old shepherd and told him about their worries.

The shepherd pointed to the steep slopes of the three-headed mountain: “There grows a silk flower. Only the bravest and strongest guy can get it. Climbing rocks is not easy. In addition, the flowers are guarded by very beautiful magical girls. They will give them to you if you stay forever in their mountain kingdom. Otherwise, they will throw you off the cliffs into deep gorges.” It didn't scare the guys. Love gave strength. The road to the mountains was difficult and long. On an impregnable cliff, they finally saw one flower. Ahead of each other, the brothers in a hurry climbed the sheer cliffs. Everyone wanted to be the first to pick a flower. One of the guys managed to get to the edelweiss. But then the magical girls appeared, inviting the young men to stay among them. The brothers disagreed. And the mountain women got angry: “You will not see happiness in life!” Under the feet of the guy who reached out first to the edelweiss, the rock collapses, he breaks down and, falling, knocks his brother into the abyss. The girl waited a long time for the boys. Without waiting, she went to the mountains in search. On the meadow, the old shepherd told her about the meeting with the guys, showed the rocks to which they had gone. The girl rose to the cliffs and saw traces of a terrible misfortune. The daughter of the Hutsul could not bear the grief and threw herself off the cliff into the abyss.

In France, edelweiss is called the Alpine star because the rocks on which it grows seem to be strewn with stars, in Italy - the silver flower of the rocks.

Edelweiss is also called "Promethean flower". According to legend, Prometheus was chained precisely to those rocks on which edelweiss grows.

An amazing flower, shrouded in legends of eternal love and devotion, has been decorating flower beds for a long time. country houses true flower lovers. This miracle is called edelweiss. Having descended from the mountain slopes, he is not afraid of severe frosts, strong winds and summer heat. Its delicate buds with silk villi endure natural hardships, remaining unchanged in their beauty. It is for this reason that the flower has become a symbol of such valuable qualities as fidelity, love and devotion.

To date, there are many different legends associated with this persistent mountain flower. They reflect the amazing properties of this wonderful plant.

Edelweiss - persistent mountain flower

This lovely plant is found on the uplands and slopes of the Alps, the Carpathians, the Himalayas and even in the Far East. It successfully develops among the destroyed rocks and rock fragments. The flower can be found in narrow gorges where the winds do not blow and the remains of snow and rain are stored. Where edelweiss grows, there is always enough light, because they tremblingly reach for the sun with their delicate petals.

At first glance, the flower may not seem very attractive. But having got to know him better, many appreciated him and began to grow them in their front gardens. Edelweiss got its name because of its resemblance to the back of a lion's paw. That is how its name sounds in Latin - "Leontopodium". Indeed, when the buds bloom and are covered with an abundance of delicate villi, they resemble a cat's paw.
The edelweiss flower shown in the photo in the wild is a true proof of this similarity.

The inhabitants of Switzerland consider this flower a symbol of their country and call it the "Queen of the Alps". If you want to create a piece of Switzerland in a flower bed, plant this particular flower.

Detailed description of the plant

Many gardeners are well aware of what an edelweiss flower looks like in its natural environment. Therefore, do not be afraid to grow it in your summer cottages. Looking closely at the plant, you can see that it consists of the following elements:

  1. Single erect shoots about 25 cm high.
  2. A basal rosette of lanceolate leaves lying on the soil.
  3. Delicate buds of white or yellow color, abundantly pubescent with silk pile.

Edelweiss blooms in the middle of summer, when the last echoes of low temperatures fade into oblivion. It decorates the flower bed for about 20 days, like the mountain slopes of the Alps in Switzerland. Its inflorescences consist of several original baskets in the form of twisted white or yellow buds. Around them are linear leaves, covered with an abundance of delicate villi. Thanks to this combination, an artsy asterisk inherent in edelweiss is formed.

The petals of the buds are also abundantly pubescent, so it seems that they are poured from wax. These miniature lumps seem to be peeking out from under the snow lying on star-shaped leaf plates. Such beauty leaves no one indifferent, so many like this mountain flower of love.

As a result of successful pollination, cylindrical achenes containing many seeds are formed on the peduncles. They can be used to propagate this wonderful flower.

Popular types of edelweiss

Before you start growing this legendary plant, you should get acquainted with its popular species. To date, biologists have about 40 of them. various options. Let's consider some of them.


In its natural environment, this type of edelweiss is found on open limestones, rocks or steep slopes. Small bushes (about 25 cm high) consist of several curved shoots that emerge from the rosette. During the flowering period, buds collected in baskets framed by star-shaped leaves appear. Due to the thick layer of villi, it seems as if white snow lies on the leaves. Truly an amazing sight!


In nature, such edelweiss grows in the mountains at an altitude of 5000 m. However, it is also successfully grown at home. It will grow only up to 10 cm. It has lanceolate leaves forming a rosette, in the center of which an inflorescence of 5 buds appears.

This miniature white edelweiss is best grown in rock gardens using draining soil. It can be propagated by spring cuttings or autumn sowing of seeds.


Plants of this type form large bushes with large shoots and a leaf plate. buds white color look original against the background of glossy dark green leaves. This variety is known under the name "Pilibina" and is very similar to Alpine edelweiss. The difference is only in the size of the inflorescences. In its natural environment, it is found in the mountainous and steppe regions of Eurasia, as well as on the Korean Peninsula.

Growing edelweiss on suburban area, it should be remembered that the plant loves permeable soil with a high lime content.


The flower grows only up to 15 cm in height. Its amazing inflorescences, 5 cm in diameter, are wonderfully combined with dark green foliage of a linear nature. Around the buds there are about a dozen rays, which are covered with white felt fibers. Kuril edelweiss begins to bloom in the middle of summer and only by autumn forms an achene in the form of a cylinder. The flower is used to form stony, where it occupies a special place among plants.


The original variety of edelweiss is striking in its artsy beauty. Its low bushes up to 35 cm consist of basal pubescent leaves and erect shoots. When the time comes for flowering, buds of white and yellow shades appear on them. Each of them is framed by leaf arrows of different lengths. This combination gives the plant a spectacular appearance and attractiveness.

Since edelweiss naturally grows in open areas, it should be grown in areas with good access. sunlight. In the shade, the plant may die.

The legend of edelweiss - video

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