
Potassium humate fertilizer application. Potassium humate is a universal fertilizer for crops and soil fertility. Spraying fruit and berry crops

potassium humateimportant element, which can significantly improve fertility, as a result you will get more yield, better development of our plants.

Let's take a closer look:, methods and features of the use of humate, how to properly use potassium humate.

Probably everyone has heard such a word - humate. The fertile soil layer is called humus, which consists of various substances, including humic acids and fulvic acids. Salts of these two acids are called humates.

What is potassium humate?

Humate- a biologically active substance that allows the plant to better absorb the necessary nutrients by increasing the activity of the plant's root system.

What is the advantage application of humates for plants, in combination with mineral fertilizers or just in pure form, under the root with irrigation water or spraying on the leaf, soaking the seeds? All these methods are applicable to humates.

It happens that plants experience stress after transplantation, adverse weather conditions, the root system freezes in the cold - therefore, biologically active substances force root system work and better assimilate nutrition from the soil.

Humate is a natural healer, it allows hard-to-reach plant nutrients to be converted into a chilate form (an easily digestible form). It helps the plant, conveys ready-made, processed organic elements.

And therein lies invaluable value of potassium humate, because the fertilizers we introduce into the soil are mainly absorbed by 30-60%, the rest of them go into the soil that is hard to reach for plants, is washed into the depth of the soil during rain or irrigation (the roots can no longer reach) and evaporates from the surface (this applies when fertilizing with ammonia, liquid manure, ammonium nitrate).

Thanks to humate increased absorption of nutrients plants by 15-20%, if you have poor soil fertility, then this is noticeable.

The use of humates improves soil structure(root watering), foliar spraying metabolism is activated especially at elevated air temperatures.

It should be understood that humates are different, so the thoughtless use of humates can harm plants.


Never use sodium-based humates on your vegetables (it prevents potassium from being absorbed by plants), always use potassium humates.
-- It is important to know on the basis of what the humate is obtained. There are natural humic acids - humates obtained from the processing of peat, leonardite, charcoal. The biological activity of such acids is much higher than artificially obtained humates. We advise you to choose humates created on a natural basis.

How to use potassium humate correctly?

You can water under the root, spray on the leaf and soak the seeds. When feeding, it is undesirable to overdose, always follow the instructions on the package.

Optimal Concentration to dilute humate in dry form 1-3 grams per liter of water, the humate solution should not be dark brown (you can burn the plants), it is better to let it be lighter.

Humates are available in dry and liquid form.

Dry potassium humate- black powder or small crystals. It is cheaper and the composition is reliable for use.

Dry humates are stored longer.

If you take liquid humate, then hydrolysis is observed there after a while, someone may make a mistake with the concentration. But there are also high-quality liquid humates.

First, dissolve the required amount of humate in a small amount of warm water (there are humates that dissolve very poorly), mixing thoroughly. Then add the right amount of water and you can feed the plants under the root.

Top dressing with potassium humate it is necessary to carry out 2-3 times during the growing season with an interval of up to 20 days.

The use of humates works well when transplanting plants, soaking seeds, watering rooted seedlings.

Using potassium humate for indoor plants

It's obvious that potassium humate has a positive effect on the development majority indoor plants.

Promotes early and abundant flowering;
-- in winter time improves the decorative properties of plants;
- when transplanting or planting, it increases the survival rate;
-- contributes to the rapid development and growth of the root system, the aerial parts of plants (an excellent growth stimulator);
-- prevents the deposition of salts in the soil;
- in heat and cold, it ensures the resistance of plants to high temperatures and lack of moisture in the soil;
- enhances plant immunity to various diseases.

Excellent fertilizer for all annual and perennial flowers, ornamental plants.

Video - What is humate and what does it give the soil?

Potassium humate is a fertilizer with a high content of humic acids. It is used to accelerate the growth and development of plants. The action is aimed at reducing the acidity of the soil, as well as increasing its general indicators. Increases yield growth and also improves the health of garden flowers.

Potassium humate contains peptides, sodium, growth stimulants, amino acids and antibiotics. Potassium humate stimulates the metabolism of plants, and also participates in biochemical reactions in the soil. Humate was bred at the end of the 18th century. Nowadays, potassium humate is produced from peat, sapropel, brown coal and lignosulfate.

In appearance, humate resembles a dark dry powder, but it also happens in liquid form. The use of the product is aimed at treating seeds, seedlings or cuttings before planting. Even mature plants can be processed. The use of humate is prohibited in combination with other fertilizers that contain phosphorus, calcium nitrate and sodium. Humate is used first, and after 3-5 days other fertilizers are applied.

Humate in liquid form

Humate in liquid form is very popular with gardeners. The fertilizer is made from peat and has a dark color. Useful trace elements are extracted from peat, which are part of the fertilizer. The liquid type of fertilizer is convenient to use, and also has high efficiency.

The product is a concentrate which is bred in cold water. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. For tillage, take 0.1-0.2% of the total volume of fertilizer.
  2. Plants are treated with 0.01% humate of the total volume.

Liquid fertilizer may be used in combination with organic or nitrogen formulations.

Humate in powder form

Powdered fertilizer is used to enhance plant immunity. The tool accelerates the growth and ripening of fruits. The powder is diluted in water according to the instructions:

  1. For seed treatment, use a teaspoon of powder per liter of water.
  2. The soil is treated with 10 liters of water containing 1 tablespoon of powder.

Potassium humate has a positive effect not only on the ground part of plants but also strengthens the roots.

Fertilizer accelerates the development of positive microflora in the soil. The microflora accelerates the formation of humus, which increases the yield.

Humate contributes to the removal of heavy metals from the earth. After treatment with the agent, the soil will not lose its characteristics. It will become richer and more fertile.

The benefits of a humate prompter are known to many agronomists. Fertilizer is applied 2 times a month. The first feeding begins in March and ends in September. From October to February, fertilizer is applied once a month . The prompter is obtained by extraction of trace elements from humic sapropel. Humic sapropel is a deposit in fresh water bodies, which are found in the territories of the entire CIS. Therefore, there is enough material for the production of prompter humate.

The treatment solution is diluted immediately before being applied to the soil. Fertilizer after long storage in a diluted state shows poor results. Seeds must be treated only with a fresh solution.

The benefits of humate

The main property of top dressing is to stimulate growth. Fertilizer awakens and strengthens the roots. Strong roots allow the plant to provide vital elements.

The tool has the following useful properties:

  • Fertilizer does not pollute the environment.
  • Improves the soil, raising its nutritional characteristics.
  • Accelerates the ripening of fruits and seeds.
  • The yield increases up to 50%.
  • Plant immunity is greatly enhanced, and the risk of disease is reduced.
  • Reduced need for nitrates.
  • Increases the shelf life of the crop.
  • The plant tolerates low temperatures more easily.

getting divorced different ways depending on usage. To soak the seeds, you need 0.5 g of potassium humate per 1 liter of water. Seeds are placed in such a solution for a period of 8 hours to 2 days. The cuttings are placed in the solution for 2/3 of the length of the stem. It is necessary to soak the cuttings for 14 hours.

Plants are sprayed with a light solution, which is 3 grams of potassium humate per 10 liters of water. To process seedlings, one tablespoon per 10 liters of water is enough. Top dressing is especially necessary during the flowering period.

Processing vegetables

Vegetables are processed immediately before planting, as well as during the flowering period. The use of fertilizer on vegetable crops is from 2 to 6 times per season. For irrigation use 50-100 ml of potassium humate per 10 liters of water. Cabbage, beets, carrots and zucchini are processed four times a season. Top dressing of cucumbers and tomatoes occurs 3-4 times per season.

Before planting, potatoes need to be soaked. Potato solution is made from 100 ml of potassium humate and 1 liter of water. Before planting seeds placed in the solution for 24 hours, and the bulbs for ten.

green processing

Cultures of this type are processed from 2 to 6 times during the season. For processing, a solution of 100 ml of potassium humate per 10 liters of water is used. Three liters is enough to irrigate one square meter of land. Compliance with the ratio of 3-10 liters per 1 meter of land allows you to maintain the saturation of the taste of crops. It also increases the growth rate of greens and increases yields.

Treatment with potassium humates allows you to save plants from various kinds of diseases that appear under the influence of the environment.

Processing of fruits and berries

It is desirable to fertilize together with herbicides and pesticides. Top dressing occurs in early spring. When the fruits are just beginning to form, fertilizer is applied. To prepare the solution, 50-100 ml of liquid humate per 1 liter of water is used. Seeds before planting berry crops are soaked in a solution for 10 hours. For irrigation, a solution is used that contains 100 ml of product per 10 liters of water. Fertilizer costs for spraying a garden plot range from 1.5 to 3 liters per 100 square meters earth.

Color processing

Flowers are processed in the spring, when flowering is just beginning. After the first treatment, subsequent treatments occur every 2-3 weeks. Seeds must be soaked overnight before sowing. The solution for soaking seeds is made from 100 ml of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. Flowers are watered with a solution. containing 100 ml of humate per 10 liters of water. To increase the concentration of the active substance, it will be enough to reduce the amount of water from 10 liters to 3.

Processing of indoor plants

Potassium humate is used for fertilizer not only garden crops, but also houseplants. Well suited for processing flowers that need to be replenished with potassium and sodium. Top dressing ensures healthy growth of indoor flowers, and also provides improved plant immunity. Fertilizer is applied when the plant is in the active growth phase. Fertilize 1 time in 10 days. Flowers at rest are fed once a month. Most often, house flowers go dormant from October to February.

Features of the use of potassium humate

Potassium humate is a natural fertilizer. This top dressing does not pollute the soil and plants. The use of fertilizer accelerates growth plants, as well as improves health and provides an increase in yield up to 50%.

The agent does not affect the soil. After its application, the earth does not lose its characteristics. Humate improves plant resistance to pests, unlike other fertilizers. However, it should be noted that fertilization in poor soil will be useless. Fertilizer only improves soil characteristics, but does not make unsuitable land suitable for planting. Before fertilizing the soil, it is advisable to treat it with compost, loosen it and weed it out from stones. The earth should not be dry, and also in the form of lumps. Only after pre-treatment of the soil does it make sense to apply fertilizers.

Fertility indicators directly depend on the content of humus in the soil. In order to replenish the norm of organic nutrients in the soil, modern gardeners willingly use the popular potassium humate fertilizer. For the production of this tool, the use of environmentally friendly safe materials(peat, coal, manure, silt, unutilized vegetation residues). The demand for potassium humate is due to its wide spectrum of action, ease of application (this can be seen by reading the instructions for use).

Useful, popular fertilizer

Potassium humate liquid is a nutrient composition, 80% of which is humic acid. The remaining percentage is given to amino acids, peptides, enzymes, antibiotics, growth activators. The use of the drug becomes the key to the rapid development of strong, healthy plants, obtaining high yields. With the help of potassium humate it is possible:

  • improve physical, chemical soil indicators, restore the nutritional functions of the earth;
  • lower ground acidity, enhance the effect of organic matter;
  • halve nitrogen fertilization;
  • increase the effectiveness of the use of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, neutralize their toxic effects on crops;
  • grow healthy crops (environmentally friendly), improve taste, external fruit characteristics;
  • increase the resistance of planted crops growing in adverse conditions (for example, negative temperatures);
  • strengthen the root system, restore damaged roots;
  • improve soil microflora;
  • strengthen plant immunity;
  • to improve the quality of fruits - their shelf life is extended, they are better amenable to transportation.

Attention! Thanks to the introduction of potassium humate, it is possible to reduce the content of harmful substances in the soil and crops (heavy metals, hazardous impurities).

Features of the use of the drug

The correct use of potassium humate directly depends on the study of the instructions for use. It contains a list of specific instructions for the gardener, gardener.

Attention! The efficiency of potassium humate applied to the soil of the greenhouse significantly exceeds the indicators for open ground.

Owners of plots with sandy, heavy clay, alkaline, calcareous soil containing iron in a small amount can count on achieving the maximum result. On black soil, lands rich in nutrients, the effectiveness will be minimal. Dilution of the drug should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for use in water at room temperature.

Important! It is unacceptable to exceed the concentration of potassium humate specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for use - this can harm crops.

Proper use of potassium humate allows you to solve diverse agrotechnical problems, to achieve solid yields. This type fertilizer will show excellent results in a small garden plot, in a large farm. Its use is guaranteed not to harm environment. Potassium humate is characterized by affordability, convenient forms of release, ease of use.

What crops did you use this fertilizer for?

Potassium humate: video

Even a novice gardener knows that it is impossible to get a rich harvest without fertilizers. Especially if we are talking about a long-cultivated soil, which can no longer live without constant replenishment of nutrients.

There are many proponents of both organic and any method, but many still agree that natural plant supplements are often more beneficial. At least due to the fact that they completely decompose in the soil. One such fertilizer is potassium humate. In this article, we will look at how to use it.

What is it all about?

Humat fell in love with our gardeners and gardeners for a very long time. It is easy to use, and the effect of using this natural supplement is extremely good and noticeable even to the naked eye.

It is obtained from completely natural natural ingredients. Potassium humate is produced from the remains of vegetation; extracts from peat, manure or even lake silt are also used for this. In some cases, natural humate components act as a raw material and have a pronounced stimulating effect. So, with the preliminary soaking of seeds, the degree of their germination sharply increases. If you process cuttings with it, then the chances of their rooting increase significantly.

Fertilizer is equally useful for flowers and fruit trees and potted plants. Simply put, it is universal. Contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. But potassium humate is richest in humic acids. It is their action that helps to get really clean products in the face of ever-increasing environmental pollution.

Does it suit all cultures so well?

Experienced gardeners know that truly universal fertilizers do not exist. So is this remedy as good as we have just talked about it? We will assure you right away: today there are no such crops that would react negatively to humate. Almost always, the effect of its use is closely related to the characteristics of the soil on which your garden stands.

Note that fertilizers of this type are extremely useful on soils that contain very little iron. In addition, feeding with potassium humate is useful on alkaline soils (especially on them), saline ones, and it is pointless to pour a solution of the product on black soil, since you still won’t notice a special effect. In addition, agronomists have identified several crops that are particularly responsive to the introduction of this substance into the soil:

  • All nightshades (including potatoes and tomatoes), as well as beets (and fodder, too), respond well.
  • Almost all cereals show a significant increase in yield.
  • Legumes practically do not change the performance.
  • Sunflower and pumpkin under normal conditions do not react to potassium humate, its use is impractical.

It was no coincidence that we emphasized that the latter types of plants do not give growth under “usual” conditions. If the year was bad, or if you planted them on low-quality soil, then humic acids can work wonders! In a word, you should experiment yourself, making sure of the effectiveness (or inefficiency) of this tool in your garden.

Thus, potassium humate is still universal. Its use can be recommended in almost all cases. You can read about when not to use it at the end of our article.

What is the effect of its use?

Plants acquire a healthier and stronger appearance, the growth and development of their leaves and root system improves. In vegetable and fruit crops, the taste qualities of fruits are sharply improved. In addition, humic acids can significantly reduce the content of nitrites and nitrates in fruits. They largely revive and contribute to the development of beneficial soil microflora.

How to use it for soaking?

How to use potassium humate correctly? For soaking seeds, it should be taken at the rate of 0.5 grams per 1 liter of water. Everything is simple, but how can such an insignificant amount be measured in domestic conditions?

To make your work easier, let's say right away that about three grams of humate fit in an ordinary teaspoon. Thus, we take a third of a spoon to dilute its contents in two liters of water. The easiest way is to use ordinary plastic bottles to prepare the solution.

Flower bulbs in it can be kept for about eight hours, and it is better to increase the exposure time of seeds to a day. If it comes to carrot seeds, then they can be kept for two days at all. The cuttings are soaked for approximately 12-14 hours, lowering them into the fertilizer solution for 2/3 of their length.

We use humate as a fertilizer

We continue to study potassium humate. Instructions for using it as a "classic" fertilizer will be somewhat different. First, you need to take a much lower concentration. Despite its natural origin, you should definitely not forget about the sense of proportion. Excellent humate is suitable for which is carried out by conventional spraying of horticultural or horticultural crops. This method is extremely good, because through the leaf blades of plants, the fertilizer almost instantly reaches the "addressee".

Spraying and watering

This method is good because you do not have to rush around with a bucket among the beds, and the consumption of the solution is reduced. You only need to walk around the garden with a sprayer. For ten liters of water in this case, no more than three grams of fertilizer is required. Important! Carefully filter the water, as it may contain many small particles of peat, which at once clog the spray nozzles of the same "Beetle".

As for watering, they are carried out three times with an interval of two weeks. The treatment period should coincide with the time of intensive growth. First, at least half a liter of solution should fall on one plant, and then the volume is adjusted to a liter (for the third treatment).

For convenience, it is better to water the seedlings immediately after planting them in open ground, then repeat the treatment during the setting of buds, and the plants should be watered a third time during their flowering. In this case, the concentration should be increased: a tablespoon of the substance is taken per bucket of water (ten liters). Here is how to apply potassium humate.

How to properly dissolve?

It is better to dissolve it in a warm liquid. First, it is better to pour some water with a temperature of about 50 ˚С into a bucket, pour the required amount of humate into it, and then stir thoroughly. When no clearly visible lumps remain in the solution, the volume of liquid can be brought up to ten liters.

Everything would be fine, but it is not very convenient to dilute significant amounts of fertilizer in an ordinary bucket all the time. And if you have a large garden that requires several hundred liters of humate solution? Therefore, it is better to immediately prepare its concentrate. To do this, take a dozen tablespoons of fertilizer, after which it is dissolved in a liter of warm water. If the resulting solution is poured into ordinary plastic bottle, it can be used for a whole month.

As it is easy to figure out, 100 ml of such a mixture is equivalent to a tablespoon in which fertilizer is located. Potassium humate in this form is extremely convenient to use. Half a glass of solution is enough for a bucket of water. This is the dose for root dressing. If you want to spray your plantings, then for the same ten liters you will need to measure 50 milliliters already. Attention! Do not forget about filtering: we already wrote above that the smallest lumps can be in the water. During storage, humic acids often precipitate, so that the likelihood of blockage of sprayer nozzles increases dramatically.

Issue price

By the way, how much does potassium humate cost? The price per liter of liquid is about 130 rubles (but it is better to cook it yourself). The cost of dry powder does not exceed 30 rubles for 25-30 g.

Improving the structure of the soil

If you want to improve the characteristics of the soil on your site, then simply scatter 50 grams of this wonderful fertilizer on ten square meters. To ensure uniform distribution over the area, the powder should be mixed in advance with ordinary river sand. Then all this should be thoroughly mixed by walking around the place with a rake. If you mix humate with ash, it is better to scatter it in early spring. So you will not only speed up the melting of snow, but also ensure excellent soil fertility before planting.

Composts are everything

Surely every more or less experienced gardener knows how good organic compost is as a fertilizer. There's just a problem: hard parts perennials, as well as weed seeds rot for an extremely long time, sometimes “pleasing” garden owners even after a few years. A feature of humic acids is their ability to destroy the rigid cellulose of dead plants. We suggest you take advantage of this property.

In addition, humates sharply increase the activity of saprophytic microflora, which also contributes to the acceleration of compost maturation and a significant increase in its quality. In order to obtain high-quality fertilizer, about three months before applying to the soil (at the end of spring, for autumn plowing), it is useful to irrigate the humus with a solution of humates, and the dose of fertilizer is calculated based on the need for about 10 grams of humic acids to decompose ten kilograms of compost.

Humates are potassium or sodium salts that are obtained from humic acid. Humate and acid are the main components of the soil, its concentrate is humus. In turn, humus is responsible for almost all biochemical processes occurring in the soil. The formation of humus occurs as a result of the decomposition of organic substances, and humates are obtained from it under the influence of water, oxygen and microorganisms. One of the varieties is potassium humate - this is a universal organic fertilizer that helps to increase the level of soil fertility.

Potassium humate: description and composition

Potassium humate is a fertilizer with a large amount of humic acids (above 80%), its application accelerates the growth and development various kinds plants. The action of humate is aimed at reducing the acidity of the soil, as well as increasing its overall indicators of effective influence on plants - vegetables, fruit crops, garden and home flowers. Potassium humate, in addition to humic acids, includes peptides, natural growth stimulants, antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids.

Humates stimulate metabolic and biochemical processes in the soil; they are components of peat, coal, silt, and some types of soil. At the end of the 18th century, the scientist Achard Franz isolated pure humate from peat. Humates are now being produced from soil, peat, sapropel, brown coal, and lignosulfates. Appearance- dry powder of dark brown color, there is also a liquid concentrate.

The use of humate is in the treatment of seeds, cuttings, seedlings, as well as various parts of adult plants.

Important! Potassium humate is not a "panacea" for plants, yet it is top dressing. At the same time, the best results from its use should be expected after using the basic techniques of growing plants, and it is also important that the soil is alkaline and podzolic, but not acidic.

Potassium humate is not used at the same time with fertilizers, which contain phosphorus, with calcium nitrate, because in this case insoluble compounds are formed. First, in about 3-5 days, humates are introduced into well-moistened soil, after that - fertilizers.

Potassium humate will not have the expected effect in fertile soil - chernozem.

Types of potassium humate

Potassium humate is a natural and ecological fertilizer produced from peat-rich minerals. Most often, gardeners and gardeners use potassium humate in liquid form, it is the most convenient to use, and also received the highest ratings and reviews, for example, from the well-known TV presenter of agricultural programs Oktyabrina Ganichkina.

This fertilizer has a dark brown color, is made from peat by extracting useful substances and trace elements. Easy to use, popular for its effectiveness.

Potassium humate in liquid form- this is a concentrate, it is diluted in cool water, depending on the purpose of use, instructions for its use are as follows:

  • To improve the general condition of the soil, take 0.1-0.2% of the total volume of liquid potassium humate.
  • For fertilizing plants by spraying, watering, soaking seeds, you need to take 0.01% of potassium humate from the total volume.

Important!Humate promotes the removal of pesticides and nitrates from plants and their fruits.

Liquid potassium humate can be used together with organic or nitrogen fertilizers.

Dry potassium humate used for general strengthening of plant immunity, accelerating their growth and ripening of fruits: the powder is also diluted in water, instructions for use are always on the packaging of the fertilizer. The positive effect of potassium humate on the development of the root system of plants, as well as on the amount of chlorophyll and vitamins in different cultures, has been proven.

The use of dry potassium humate for the soil accelerates the development of microflora in the soil, respectively, the formation of good humus occurs faster, thereby increasing the yield by up to 50%, and fruit ripening occurs earlier. The soil does not lose its characteristics, but becomes more fertile, and heavy metals are removed from it.

Did you know? One kilogram of potassium humate in powder replaces one ton of humus.

Potassium humate "Prompter"

This type of potassium humate with trace elements is obtained from humic sapropel (bottom sediments of fresh water bodies). Potassium humate "Prompter" is universal. Top dressing with this complex fertilizer should be applied twice a month from March to September, and from October to February - once every one and a half months. The solution of this potassium humate is prepared immediately before use, it is better not to store it for future use.

Useful properties of potassium humate for plants

The main property of potassium humate can be called its growth-stimulating effect for various plant species. Fertilizer mainly affects the root system, encouraging it to develop and thereby strengthening the entire plant as a whole.

Potassium humate has the following useful properties:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • restoration and improvement of soil characteristics;
  • acceleration of ripening of seeds and fruits (for 1-2 weeks);
  • increase in yield;
  • increase in germination;
  • strengthening the root system;
  • increase plant immunity and disease resistance;
  • reducing the need for plants in nitrates and their amount in fruits;
  • increasing the duration of the storage period of the crop;
  • improvement of plant resistance to low temperatures;
  • positive impact on any culture.

How to breed potassium humate, instructions for use for different crops

Depending on the purpose of use, potassium humate is diluted in different ways, the instructions for use vary.

For soaking, dilute 0.5 g (about a third of a teaspoon) of potassium humate per 1 liter of water. Seeds or bulbs of plants are placed in the solution for a period of 8-12 hours to 2 days, while the cuttings are lowered by two thirds of the length for about 14 hours.

Spraying the leaves is done with a weaker solution- 3 g of potassium humate is diluted in 10 liters of water.

The preparation of fertilizer for irrigation is as follows: 1 tablespoon of potassium humate is dissolved in 10 liters of water - it is used for seedlings, and it is also appropriate to use it at a time when the plant is flowering, or its buds are just appearing.

Important!Potassium humate is also used after treatment with pesticides for the purpose of detoxification. To do this, 50 g of dry powder fertilizer is mixed with sand or ash and scattered over 10 square meters.

For vegetable

vegetable crops are treated with potassium humate before sowing, as well as during the growing season - the application varies from two to six times. For irrigation, take 50-100 ml of fertilizer per 10 liters of water and consume 3-10 liters per square meter, depending on the type of plant. Sprayed with the same solution, one and a half to three liters per 100 square meters.

Beets, cabbage, zucchini, carrots will require treatment with potassium humate 4 times per season. Potatoes need to be soaked or sprayed before planting. Potassium humate for feeding cucumbers and tomatoes is used 3-4 times.

Seeds are soaked at the rate of 100 ml of liquid humate per liter of water for 24 hours, tubers and bulbs - for 10-12 hours.

For the green

These crops need to be processed two to six times throughout the season. A solution (50-100 ml of potassium humate per 10 liters of water) is used as irrigation - from three to ten liters per square meter. As a result, the saturation of taste is preserved, the germination rate increases, the level of resistance to adverse environmental factors and diseases in green crops increases.

For fruit and berry

Potassium humate for this type of crop is used in the treatment of seedlings, roots and other parts of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants (by spraying). It is better to apply fertilizer along with the use of pesticides and herbicides.

Fertilizing with humate is carried out in early spring before the flowering period, when the fruit ovaries are formed, as well as during the ripening period.

Did you know?Potassium contributes to the accumulation of sugars in fruits, so fruits and berries become sweeter when using such top dressing.

A solution is prepared (50-100 ml of liquid potassium humate per liter of water), the use of which consists in soaking seeds for a day, bulbs, tubers - for 10-12 hours. When watering, the same amount of humate is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and 3-10 liters per square meter are consumed. Spraying is carried out at the rate of one and a half to three liters of the indicated solution per 100 square meters.

For garden flowers

Garden flowers are recommended to be fertilized with potassium humate in the spring, when the growing season begins for perennials, and for annuals - in the phase of full shoots. Then carry out from three to six dressings every two to three weeks. Seeds are soaked for a day before sowing, bulbs and tubers - for half the time. The solution is prepared as follows - take 50-100 ml of humate per liter of water.

The same amount of potassium humate is used for irrigation (3-10 liters per square meter) and spraying (1.5-3 liters per 100 square meters), but based on 10 liters of water.

For indoor plants

It is very important to use potassium humate fertilizer for houseplants, because humus is not formed in the limited space of the pot. Top dressing with this fertilizer stimulates growth and high-quality flowering in house plants. It is carried out during the period when plants have active growth, which occurs in March-September: fertilize 1 time in 10-15 days. During the dormant period from October to February, top dressing is carried out once every one and a half months. Spray with a solution at the rate of 5-100 ml of potassium humate per liter of water, making sure that the leaves are completely moistened. Watering is carried out with the same solution, moistening the soil well.

Benefits of Using Potassium Humate for Plant Growth

Summing up, we can say about potassium humate that thisnatural fertilizer with proven effect, such as increasing yields, increasing plant growth, improving soil characteristics.

Potassium humate has a positive effect on various crops and is used to process vegetables, cereals, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, garden trees and even ornamental plants. The area in which potassium humate finds its application is quite wide - it is the treatment of seeds and tubers, cuttings before sowing or planting, spraying already germinated plants, supporting them during the flowering period, feeding the root system by watering. In addition, fertilizer has an effect on the soil, increasing the level of its fertility.

Potassium humate improves plant resistance to various diseases and pests, promotes adaptation to the characteristics of the external environment and weather conditions.

In combination, using potassium humate with fertilizers containing nitrogen, you can increase their efficiency and thereby reduce the amount, which will lead to financial savings and improve the quality of the crop.

The use of potassium humate, which contains humic acids, contributes to the removal of pesticides, herbicides, radionuclides and other pollutants. AND this allows you to save the main qualities of the products, which are grown on their site - this is safety and naturalness.

Important!The popularity of this fertilizer has led to the fact that it is made by a large number of manufacturers, which complicates the choice. Novice gardeners are interested in how humates differ from each other, for example, potassium humate grade B. This fertilizer is very concentrated, which is convenient if you need to use it for a large number different crops at different stages of their vegetation, as well as during the harvesting of seeds and preparing them for planting.

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