
What manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose? Manufacturers of stretch ceilings - which company is better? Which company of fabric stretch ceilings is better

All canvases are made in modern equipment in accordance with EU requirements and have quality certificates of the Russian Federation, confirming the safety of products.

We are pleased to present you the trademarks of recognized leaders in ceiling production:

Stretch ceiling DEXFORT - the most economical way on the market to finish the ceiling space made in China.

Stretch ceilings of an average price segment from PVC of a film of the Belgian production. A combination of practicality, beauty and affordable prices.

ARRIDEL stretch ceilings embody the most modern technologies. They are beautiful, durable, safe - what more could you want for your home or office?


Premium stretch ceilings ECOFOLE - a revolutionary product and the embodiment of the most advanced achievements in the field of processing PVC materials such as: BIOtech, ExtraWidtch, Bizacoustic.

An innovative product that delighted a huge number of customers. Their main advantage is the possibility of "cold" installation, without the use of a heat gun and heating.

Stretch ceilings have recently become more and more widespread in our country. This is primarily due to the global reduction in the cost of PVC film production processes. Suppliers now stretch ceilings can offer a variety of ceilings, of the most varied quality. Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and China trade with us. In addition, domestic manufacturers are not asleep either: Russian stretch ceilings are now very widely represented.

GENVIK assortment: brands and models of stretch ceilings

Now on the Russian market there is a wide range of stretch ceilings from a variety of manufacturers. There are absolutely different models stretch ceilings, which differ in the material of manufacture and special properties. So, Switzerland specializes in the production of fabric stretch ceilings, which have great strength and durability. Germany is famous for the manufacture of high-strength PVC films, and Russian manufacturers delight customers with a good combination of cheapness and quality.

About brands of stretch ceilings

In many ways, the quality of stretch ceilings depends not only on the country of production, but also on the manufacturer. A lot also depends on the brand of stretch ceilings. German ceilings in the GENVIK company are represented by such well-known brands as: ECOfole and Cool Stretch. Famous French brand - Arridel. The most famous Chinese stretch ceiling brand is Dexfort.

When starting repairs in an apartment or house, you should Special attention pay attention to the decoration of the ceiling, which is the most important detail of any interior. The ceiling surface catches the eye from the very threshold.

The coating should not only be beautiful, but also have certain performance characteristics. There are a lot of finishing options, however, stretch ceilings, in recent years, have firmly established themselves at the top of the rating.

Let us consider in detail what products are offered by the main manufacturers.


They have gained popularity due to their excellent appearance, ease of installation and excellent properties that remain unchanged for many years. , which lasts only a few hours, there is no debris left. The surface to be closed does not require preparation, all communications and possible defects will be hidden by the material.

It is a canvas and a frame (baguette), made of plastic or duralumin, for its installation.

The canvas can be made of fabric (polyester) or PVC.

Read also:

Comparison of woven and film types:

Material, characteristics Film Textile
Size, m 1,2 — 3,2 Up to 5.5
Room temperature Not lower than +5 degrees. Withstands negative temperatures.
Mounting Warming up with a gun, after installation, a smell is possible for some time. No warm up.
  • moisture resistance and moisture resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • the possibility of reuse;
  • resistance to odors and chemicals;
  • can be washed;
  • easy do-it-yourself installation;
  • the ability to mount complex structures.
  • resistance to damage;
  • you can not create complex forms;
  • do not cope well with leaks;
  • re-assembly is not possible;
  • seamless installation;
  • vapor permeability.
  • poor resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the presence of a seam.
  • a small selection of colors;
  • complex installation;
  • poorly cleaned of dirt.
General UV resistance, fire safety, environmental safety, service life of 10 years. Coatings perfectly hide possible defects
price, rub. 300-2000 700-1500

The variety of models presented on the market allows you to choose a coating for any interior.

Film ceilings are presented by manufacturers in a wide range various shades and textures: glossy, with metallic and mother-of-pearl effects, satin and marble, perforated (imitating the starry sky when the light is off), plain and printed. A translucent film may be used for the illumination device.

Photo printing can be applied to order using eco-solvent, ultraviolet, latex methods. The cost of such a service ranges from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. behind square meter.

The ceiling, made of fabric, can only be matte. However, it can be painted with acrylic dyes, and if you are tired of coloring, repaint it.

When choosing the type of ceiling covering, you should pay attention to the purpose of the room and your own wishes for decorating the surface. Having studied the performance characteristics of both types of ceilings, you can choose the right option for your room.

Consider what the best manufacturers of these products represent in Russia.

Leading manufacturers

Important! Products offered on the domestic market must be certified in accordance with the regulatory standards of the Russian Federation.

The most famous and reputable are French companies. Their products have excellent quality, long service life and excellent appearance. Moreover, the very technology of the ceiling covering device has long been called "French stretch ceilings".

Determining which manufacturer is better is quite difficult. You should focus on the proposed textures and colors, properties, some installation nuances, as well as your own wallet.

Ceilings from France

Several large companies supply their products to the Russian market.

The best of them:

  • Barrisol

Normalu, which produces its products under the Barrisol brand, has been in production for almost 50 years. During this time, constantly improving production technologies, she received more than 80 patents.

Their collection exceeds 200 shades. Films used by Normalu have M1 flammability index according to French requirements. Its thickness is only 0.17 - 0.18 mm.

The product line is characterized by a large selection of standard models, as well as acoustic, light, perforated ceilings. Photo printing allows you to create a luxurious and unique image.

The price for the products of this company is 1200 - 1400 rubles / m2.

  • CTN (Creations et Techniques Nouvelles)

This French brand has been on the market for 30 years. Its factories are also located in Belgium, Spain and the UK. CTN film has the highest category for environmental safety "A+".

Suggested coating textures:

  1. glossy
  2. matte;
  3. satin

Multi-colored films with suede effect are in great demand.

The width of the paintings is 1.4 and 2.2 m and cost between 500 and 1100 rubles / sq.m.

  • Extenzo

The production of ceilings has been established at this enterprise for about 30 years, and the products have proven themselves on the Russian market from the best side. Very durable (tensile strength 120-150 kg / cm2), resistant to various influences, the canvas will decorate the interior for several decades.

With the help of the unique Extenzo fastening system, it is possible to take care of the height of the room. Structures can be installed only 3 cm from the base surface.

  1. The color scheme includes over 100 options, several textures are also produced: matte, glossy, satin, “under the skin”, “under the suede”, metallic.
  2. With antibacterial impregnation.
  3. Film thickness: 0.15 - 0.2 mm.
  4. The width of the canvas is 1.3 - 2 m.

The average price is 900 - 1900 rubles. per square meter.


Manufacturers from Germany have also been producing successfully for a long time, their products are no less popular.

  • Pongs (Decor)

The concern has been in production for more than 40 years.

Available in 130 shades of glossy and matte materials. The width of the sheets: 1.5, 2.2 and 3 m. The thickness of the film is 0.18 mm.

Fabric materials have a small cell, they are smooth to the touch. The collection contains an interesting texture called Alupigment. Thanks to the applied metallic sequins, the fabric plays interestingly when the light is on.

Ceiling "Alupigment"

Prices start from 1000 rubles.

  • Lackfolie

The company was founded in Germany, but after 12 years of existence, the production of PVC films was transferred to the Czech Republic.

  1. Glossy canvases have a width of 1.3 m, matte counterparts are supplied in a two-meter version. Thickness 0.16 - 0.18 mm.
  2. A layer of antiseptic can be applied to the canvas, which eliminates the possibility of mold or fungus.
  3. The price of the canvas starts from 500 rubles.
  • Renolit AG

The concern has been manufacturing for 70 years, has more than 30 enterprises scattered around the world. The company's assortment includes more than 200 types of colors and textures.

The ceilings of this German manufacturer look expensive and noble. They are made from a super strong, breathable, anti-static, safety film.

The cost of 1 sq.m starts from 700 rubles. and reaches 2000 rubles.

From Switzerland

  • Clipso

Clipso can be called the ancestor of the production of fabric fabrics.

  1. This manufacturer can also be attributed to the line of French enterprises. Since the film used in the production of ceilings is produced in France.

  1. A distinctive quality of these ceilings is the ability to use them for re-installation. The polyester in the canvas is impregnated with polyurethane, which allows to increase its water resistance.
  2. The line includes acoustic models, light-transmitting, antibacterial fabrics.
  3. Clipso products have been awarded the A+ environmental category.
  4. For installation, a baguette is used, during the installation of which a plinth is not needed, since a strip of no more than 4 mm remains in the visible area.

Cloths are produced up to 5.1 m wide. The price can vary from 700 to 1500 rubles.

  • Cherutti ST

The reliability, safety used in the production and installation of the fabric, and high quality components, as well as the muted color of the fabrics, will delight you for a long time. They are completed with a patented plastic profile that prevents the possibility of sagging of the web, as the instructions for its installation promise:

Thanks to the double-sided impregnation of fabrics with polyurethane, as well as the application of a layer of varnish, the moisture resistance of the material is achieved.

Comparison of textures of three fabric manufacturers:

  1. By appearance the material resembles a satin PVC texture. Mostly painted in pastel shades.
  2. The most important indicator of Cherutti products is environmental safety. It is possible to install in children's and medical institutions.
  3. Separately, I would like to mention the acoustic models of the Italian manufacturer, which provide excellent sound insulation due to the foamed sound-absorbing layer.

  1. Available in widths of 2, 3.6, 4, 4.4 and 5 meters.
  2. The price exceeds 950 rubles. per 1 sq.m.

Products from Belgian manufacturers

Belgian manufacturers offer products at a more budgetary price compared to French ones.

  • Polyplast (Polyplast Trading & Manufacturing Company (PTMC))

The company produces film and fabric types. The width of the canvases ranges from 3.2 to 5.5 m.

It should be noted that the film supplied by this manufacturer is made in China or Argentina, where the concern has factories, but it cannot be said that it is of poor quality. The price of a kit from the manufacturer Polyplast: an average of 800 rubles per square meter.


  • Malpensa S.R.L.

The company has been manufacturing for only 10 years, but managed to establish itself in this market. The product line includes glossy, satin and matte finishes.

The width of the film is 2.2 m, its thickness is 0.13 - 0.22 mm. The cost of the film: 270 - 450 rubles / sq.m.

From Holland

  • Alkor Draka

The manufacturer has been producing PVC film and ceilings for 60 years, constantly improving technologies. Production plants are located in Holland and France.

In the collection of materials, in addition to standard models, you can find marble, moire or suede textures. Film width: 1.5 m. The cost per 1 sq. m is quite high: 1400 - 1800 rubles.


Chinese ceilings are increasingly being introduced into our market. Often these films do not differ in quality and durability, but there are several factories whose products can compete with European ones.

  1. Web width: up to 5.1 m.
  2. Film thickness: 0.17 - 0.18 mm.
  3. The film is made from environmentally friendly plastic, has an antibacterial coating.
  4. The products have been certified according to ISO, received the category “A +” for environmental safety, and were assigned the class “KM1” for resistance to fire.
  5. MSD manufactures glossy, matte, mirror, pearlescent, translucent and printed film.
  6. The cost starts at 300 - 350 rubles / m2. There is currently an upward trend.

The plant of this company produces film for many well-known concerns, it has excellent characteristics.


The technologies and quality control introduced at the plant make it possible to produce ceilings that fully comply with European standards.

  1. Fabrics up to 5.6 m wide are produced. The choice of textures is quite diverse: glossy, satin, matte.
  2. Cost: from 500 rubles/sq.m.
  3. But not everything is rosy with the quality of Chinese products. Often, suppliers offer Chinese counterfeit products from European factories.

If you do not know how to determine the manufacturer, then you should look for markings along the edge of the canvas. Europeans usually put it there. When there is no European stamp on the canvases, most likely the film was made in China.

Also, if there is a European stamp, and the width of the PVC sheet exceeds 3 m (which is not found among manufacturers from Europe), this may mean the supplier is dishonest.

Important! The marking of German manufacturers is often applied to Chinese products.

Counterfeit products, which are presented as products of well-known concerns, are difficult to distinguish visually. However, over time, after installation, a fake will make itself felt.

Russian companies

  • Saros design

The company has been manufacturing since 2000. Currently, products are manufactured at 8 factories.

The technology makes it possible to produce canvases up to 5.5 m wide. Several textures are offered to customers: glossy, matte, satin. Technologies have been mastered for the production of variants with the effect of a starry sky, as well as acoustic products.

The cost, depending on the type of invoice, varies between 670 - 900 rubles / m2.

  • simplex
  • Vipsiling

The plant has been in production for a little over 10 years. The production of film and fabric canvases has been launched. The price of coatings starts from 550 rubles.

Appeared not too long ago new technology, which combines the advantages of film and fabric materials.

  • cool stretch

Ceilings made using this technology are devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in film coatings:

  1. film installation is carried out without the use of heat guns;
  2. operation is possible at temperatures down to minus 30;
  3. lack of smell;
  4. the width of the canvases reaches 3.6 m, which allows finishing without seams in not too large rooms.

With the advent of this technology in country cottages and on the loggias, you can use the finish more economical material. It is worth noting that the Russian manufacturer "Simplex" offers similar seamless PVC ceilings produced using ICE technology. Cost: 600 - 700 rubles. per sq.m.

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It is difficult to immediately answer the question of which manufacturer of stretch ceilings is better. There are giants on the market: French, Germans and Swiss.

Their products are time-tested, but quite decently worth it. They are breathing down their backs from Chinese and Russian companies that have been producing not so long ago, but are gradually bringing the quality of products to European standards.

In order not to have to repeat the finishing process over time, you should carefully study the characteristics of each brand, familiarize yourself with the certificates and consult with experts.

In Russia, film manufacturers for stretch ceilings from France, Italy, Germany and China are popular. We have compiled a selection of proven companies that have certificates confirming environmental friendliness, safety and quality. Of course, the premium options remain the best. They have a large number of colors and textures, environmental friendliness, the ability to withstand floods and not absorb dust.

Films from popular manufacturers in Russia

Manufacturers from Europe do not have canvases wider than 3 meters, which means that the installation will only be with seams. Only the French ClipsO has released a unique line up to 5 meters wide for seamless mounting without a heat gun.

Below in the table are the most popular French suppliers of PVC film for stretch ceilings in Russia:

Manufacturer ClipsO (France-Switzerland) Barrisol Extenzo
Price, rub per sq. meter 1200-1500 1500 2000
Web width, cm up to 510 200 130-200
Thickness, mm 0,15-0,18 0,17-0,18 0,15-0,2
Range There are acoustic, translucent options, fabrics with an antiseptic 200 colors and 5 textures 120 color options, suede, leather and metallic textures
Withstands water Up to 120 l/sq. meter
Flaw Cost, use of heat guns (except ClipsO)
Advantage Extra-wide blades; they can be reused after flooding; installation is done in a convenient dry way on clip-latches; installation does not require a plinth Reusable, can create acoustic, light and perforated ceilings Keep the height of the premises (clearance up to 3 cm from the ceiling) and very durable (breaking force 150 kg / sq. cm)

As you can see, the "French" can be reused after repair (removed and re-mounted), but the prices "bite". Often, Russian consumers choose French ceilings because of the suede texture.

Chinese manufacturers have wide canvases up to 5.5 meters, allowing you to mount ceilings without seams, the assortment has different textures (including acoustic options, printed films), as well as a budget price, up to 1000 rubles per square meter. meter (more often - 700-800 rubles).

Now most of the certified manufacturers from China supply good materials. The only supplier that does not rely on quality is Longway film for stretch ceilings. They have a low price, but a high percentage of defects.

Of the popular Chinese manufacturers, it is worth highlighting MSD - it was he who was highly appreciated in Europe and is the leader in sales in Russia.

Film MSD (China)

MSD is a conscientious Chinese manufacturer of premium stretch ceilings. Their products are certified according to European standards. Due to the fact that the quality is high and the price is reasonable, MSD ceilings have become the bestseller among film manufacturers in Russia.

The plant confirmed the quality by obtaining certificates for its production of films for stretch ceilings:

  • ROHS - confirms that the film contains no heavy metals, phosphorus, benzene;
  • EN71-3 - indicates that the products are safe for children;
  • REACH - confirms that the requirements of the European Union for the safety of human health are met.

By the way, certification for sale in Russia is not required by law, but the manufacturer passed it anyway, which is only a plus for his reputation.

Important! Many Russians want European quality, but fall for fakes: for 1,000 rubles per linear meter, they are sold Chinese ceiling film of unknown origin. Therefore, if you cannot find a reliable supplier, then it is better to give preference to MSD - it will be China, but tested and certified in Europe.

White MSD (MSD) film for stretch ceilings is closer to blue in shade. The raw material for the film is produced in Taiwan and China with environmentally friendly DOFT plasticizer and does not contain chalk. It is odorless, fireproof and can suppress noise (1 m² ≥ 2500). Durable: withstands soldering, does not tear at the seam.

Below in the table - specifications MSD films.

german film

German film for stretch ceilings is not the widest: most often up to 1.8 meters, sometimes - 2.7 m. Lackfolie has matte and satin lines up to 2 meters wide, and Pongs - up to 3.25 m.

Warning: in German film, the width of 3.25 meters is the maximum! Anything wider is fake. Therefore, German ceilings are mounted mainly with seams (without seams - rooms up to 8 square meters).

We have selected three popular in Russia German manufacturer: their films are flame retardant, waterproof, environmentally friendly, in about the same price category. The minimum lowering of the ceiling is 3 cm. Due to the water resistance, the ceilings "breathe" worse, so you need to ventilate the rooms. But it reliably protects the repair from flooding by neighbors.

Producing country Germany
Lackfolie (Czech Republic-Germany) Renolit Pongs ("parent" Lackfolie)
Price, rub/sq. meter 900-1200 900-1200 1000-1200
Web width, cm 130-180, matte and satin - 200 150-200 150-300
Thickness, mm 0,16-0,18 0,18-0,3 0,18
Range 5 textures and their combination, 150 colors 200 colors and 5 textures. 130 colors, textures - gloss and matte
Withstands water 100 l/sq.m
Flaw Almost always mounted with seams, installation requires heating with heat guns.
Advantage Suitable even for pools and saunas, as they are not afraid of fungus and mold (with an antiseptic coating) Do not crack from heat, so you can mount it in the kitchen. The material is finely cellular, therefore smooth. There is an "alupigment" texture - it glows when the light is turned on.

Italian film

Italian stretch fabrics are famous for their aesthetics and often belong to the elite class. Despite the European standard, they are also available in wide versions. For example, Cerutti refers to seamless ceilings up to 5 meters wide - mounted using the "stretching of an artistic canvas".

If you want European quality and seamless installation, then Italian canvases will give you this opportunity. In Russia, in addition to Cherutti ST, the manufacturer Malpensa is also popular.

Producing country Italy
Cherutti ST Malpensa S.R.L.
Price, rub/sq. meter From 1500 500-1500
Web width, cm 200-500 220
Thickness, mm 0,18 0,13-0,22
Range Cloths of pastel, muted colors. Color printing with the most complex patterns. There are acoustic options. 130 colors, texture - satin, glossy and matte.
Withstands water 100 l/sq. meter
Flaw The plant works only on pre-order. Expensive. Only 3 invoices.
Advantage Doesn't sag thanks to special technology. Waterproof due to double impregnation with polyurethane and varnish - suitable for swimming pools. Suitable for use in children's and medical institutions. Simple options are quite budgetary. Ideal ceilings for a classic interior.

If you want quality, but more a budget option, then you should look at MSD, Malpensa, Lackfolie or Renolit. For those who need to protect the ceiling from harsh operating conditions (high humidity, the constant threat of flooding) or want special interior solutions, you can order Cherutti or Extenzo.

Below - reviews on the film MSD, Cerutti and Barissol for stretch ceilings.

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