
How to make a flower bed out of car tires. Crafts for the garden: beautiful flower beds made from tires. What can be made from old wheels

To decorate your site with beautiful flower arrangements, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive outdoor flowerpots. Unique frame for flowers various shades and forms you can make with your own hands. We decorate the dacha with flowerbeds made of tires: interesting ideas and options for making flowerpots will help make your garden plot unique and inimitable.

Features and Benefits

By making a flowerbed from a tire, you can realize almost any creative idea. Make one like this a budget option Framing flowers on the site is quite simple - you just need to show a little imagination and make a little effort. Flower beds made from tires have a number of advantages:

  • tires are durable;
  • tires tolerate temperature changes well;
  • Almost any paint fits well on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend money on material: almost everyone has an old tire;
  • You can use improvised items as decorative elements.

Due to the fact that rubber is a fairly pliable material, the tire can be given a wide variety of shapes. The product can be painted in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, small seedlings can be planted in such flowerbeds.


You can make a flower garden according to ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. To complement finished design You can use any available materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a flowerpot is often not completed after cutting and painting the tire. A product of complex shape in the form of an intricate figure must be supplemented with decorative elements. When decorating a flower garden you may need the following materials:

From several flower beds you can form bright compositions. A combination of multi-level flower beds of various shapes looks more impressive.. A popular option is a composition of flower beds in the shape of cups and a teapot. To decorate it, you don’t have to turn the tire inside out and cut out patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange several tires of different sizes, form handles from pieces of rubber and paint the finished products.


In a children's play area, flower beds in the shape of animals or fairy-tale characters would be appropriate. You can make a turtle from a tire and tread:

  • the tread must be cut into four equal parts;
  • you need to make 4 cuts in the tire under the turtle’s paws;
  • Pieces of tread are inserted into the holes and secured with staples.
  • the tail is made from a small piece of rubber, secured with wire staples;
  • The turtle's neck can be made from a polymer pipe.
  • A head made of crumpled paper is attached to the neck using tape.
  • All structural elements are painted in appropriate shades.

Other materials can be used to make the turtle's head, neck, paws and tail. The product can be decorated with additional items (for example, put a small hat on the turtle’s head and glasses on its nose).


Near the house, flower-shaped flower beds will look good. Before you start making such a flowerpot, you need to decide on the shape of the petals. Petals can be in the shape of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wavy. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and wide at the edges.

The outline of the petals is drawn on the outer surface of the tire. To apply markings, you can use chalk or a felt-tip pen. Using a shoe knife or jigsaw, cut out the petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and in quality cutting tool a knife will be used; during the cutting process, it is recommended to periodically dip the blade in soapy water.

Holding the edges of the cuts, you need to carefully turn the tire inside out. The finished product needs to be painted. Flower-shaped flower beds look more attractive if you use different shades of the color palette when painting them.

On a leg

From a solid wheel (tire with disc) you can make a magnificent flowerpot on a leg.

The workflow for creating such a flower bed consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the tread with a cutting tool, petals of the desired shape are cut out;
  • then turn out the top and bottom parts of the tire (there is no need to take out the disk - it will be the leg of the flowerpot);
  • the upper part is painted in rich colors, the lower part will look like a stem if it is painted green.


One of the most common options for a flowerbed made from tires is a product in the shape of a swan. Such a flowerbed is made in the same way as a flowerpot in the shape of a flower. The only difference will be more complex cutting. You can use a ready-made diagram that shows the lines of the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan for drawing on the tire.

After applying the markings to the tire, the swan shape itself is cut out. Next, you need to turn out the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber or any other comfortable material, paint it with orange paint and attach it to the head using self-tapping screws. The swan's eyes can be made from pieces of electrical tape.

Usually the figure is painted in White color, but no one forbids using other shades (you can make multi-colored plumage).

See below for a master class on making a swan from tires.

Required Tools

To start making a flower bed from tires, you need to prepare necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, grinder). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be sharpened well. It is worth considering that cutting thick rubber with a knife is quite problematic. To make your work easier, The blade must be lubricated with grease before cutting. If the knife will not be used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can be useful for making small cuts.

Use as a cutting tool electric jigsaw will be the most the best option. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting tires, the ideal option would be a high-quality steel blade with a reverse tooth. Cutting a tire with a grinder is much easier than with a knife or jigsaw. The disadvantage of this tool is that the rubber along the edges of the cut will melt, and the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant, pungent odor.

If you need to cut the protector to make a flowerpot, it is better to do it with a grinder.

Then you need to decide on the type of paint for the flowerbed. Almost any paint fits well on rubber. The following types are mainly used:

  • aerosol;
  • oil-based enamel;
  • nitroenamel;
  • auto enamel.

If necessary, to paint the tire, you need to prepare a brush. For work you will need gloves; they will protect your hands from paint or other possible contaminants.. To apply the markings you will need chalk, marker or soap. When making complex figures, some elements will have to be made from scrap materials. To fasten additional parts to the main tire figure, you will need staples and screws.

How to do it?

Making complex shaped flower beds from tires is a labor-intensive process that requires patience and some physical effort. Whatever shape you want to give to a flowerbed made of tires, the procedure for making a flowerpot will always be almost the same. Here step-by-step instruction, according to which you can independently make a figured flowerbed from tires:

  • Choosing a tire. To ensure that working with rubber does not cause unnecessary trouble, you need to take tires that can be easily trimmed (old, heavily worn, thin winter or imported).
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the tire.
  • Deciding on the form. It is necessary to mark the cutting line with chalk or a marker. The marks on the tire must be made as carefully as possible to facilitate the process of cutting out the figure in the future.
  • Cut along the drawn line, then remove the top part. You can use a high-power jigsaw.
  • Turn the tire inside out (you need to grab the cut edge with your hands, first step on the middle of the tire and forcefully pull the rubber towards you).
  • We sand the cut edges and treat them with gasoline.
  • At the end, the flowerbed should be painted, dried well and, if necessary, decorated with additional elements.


All flowerpots made from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. The most simple option The flowerbed of tires is a tire in its original form. Ennoble appearance You can make such a flowerpot using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or they can be made into a multi-level structure.

A multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of a pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires of different diameters and install them on top of each other. The difference in tire diameter should be at least 20 cm. Hanging flower beds will become more interesting solution. Hanging flower bed can be placed along a wall or a blind fence. The shape of such a flower bed can be very diverse.

The inner space of the tire must be filled with soil. A mixture of small stones and sand can be used as drainage. When making a hanging flower bed, you need to make several small holes in the tire so that excess moisture can drain freely. Flowerbeds in the shape of plants, animals or mythical creatures are more labor-intensive, but look quite impressive.

With the help of a tire and a cutting tool, you can realize any original idea.

In addition to the division into two main types, there is an additional classification of flowerpots made from tires. Flowerbeds are divided by size and shape as follows:

  • tall;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • round.


The ease of making the flower bed, as well as its appearance, will depend on the material chosen. When choosing tires, you need to consider the following features::

  • the process of making a flower bed will be easier from old tires, worn rubber is more pliable;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic ones and are easier to cut;
  • winter tires are more flexible than summer tires;
  • Tires with metal cords are more difficult to cut;
  • If, when making a flowerpot, it is necessary to turn the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the most worn tread.

A flower bed can be made from wheel rims or solid (rims with tires) car wheels. This material is used much less frequently than conventional tires, but flowerpots made from wheels look no less attractive. Whatever material you choose to make a flower bed, it must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt. This can be done using a garden hose.

Clean material will make the process of making a flowerpot easier and will not damage cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for making a flower bed from tires, it is important to know some of the subtleties of its placement on the site. It is better to place the flower bed in a well-lit and relatively flat area. On large areas, multi-tiered structures will look better. Having decided on the location, it is necessary to make a container from boards or other solid material for the base of the flowerbed.

It is important to prepare good soil for flowers. The soil mixture should not be too oily so that moisture can easily pass to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which can be made from expanded clay or gravel. To retain moisture in the soil and make it easier to care for plants, the area around the flowerpot should be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

It is better to paint the wheels in light colors: This will avoid overheating of the soil in the summer. When painting you should also consider the following:

  • Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. You can treat rubber to remove grease stains with solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • It is advisable to paint the tire in several layers. A thin layer of paint can quickly wear off or crack. You should not apply many layers, this will lead to rapid peeling of the paint. It would be optimal to paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant bright flowers in a flowerbed, it is better to paint the tire in delicate light colors. It is better to plant light, small flowers in flowerpots of bright colors.
  • It is acceptable for the shade of the flowers to echo the color of the flower bed.
  • It is worth painting the flowerbed not only from the outside. If you paint the inner edges, the flowerbed will look more voluminous.
  • The flowerpot does not have to be painted in a single color; interesting patterns of a different color can be applied to the tire.

To apply the pattern, you can use pre-made cardboard stencils.

Car tires have long and firmly taken their place among garden design materials. No wonder. For the reliability of vehicles, the highest quality rubber is used, which is not afraid of aggressive influences. environment, it is plastic and durable. Craftsmen learned to build entire sports towns, artificial reservoirs from this simple material, and carve various figures. Car tires are also used to create flower beds. This article will talk about how to unscrew such universal material like a tire for a flower garden to create original flower beds on a leg. Recommendations will be supplemented with a visual video at the end of the text.

To make a flowerpot on a leg, you will need a whole wheel with a disk. Not everyone has a large assortment of used wheels on their site, however, and not all of them are easy to use for this purpose.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

For the first trial option, you should choose a wheel taking into account the following nuances:

  • old domestic rubber is hard and unyielding, it turns out worse than modern ones, especially imported ones;
  • tires with heavily worn tread are thinner and softer, making them easier to work with;
  • winter tires are more pliable than summer tires and, accordingly, are better suited for this craft.

If you don’t find a suitable wheel among the available stocks, you can go to the nearest tire shop, where they will be very happy to give away a few of your choice for free. Before starting work, the wheel must be cleaned of dirt and dust. This procedure is necessary not so much for aesthetic reasons, but to ensure that the sand does not dull the instruments.

We take the desired tire and make markings on it

The work of making a flower bed on a leg includes several stages:

  • marking lines for patterns;
  • pattern of the workpiece;
  • directly turning the tire out;
  • artistic design of the product.

Marking lines

To make the flowerpot neat and even, you need to draw lines for future cuts. To do this, you need to lay the tire horizontally and draw zigzag lines from the disk to the periphery. Externally, the design should resemble flower petals. The petals can be made sharp or rounded, thin or thick - in general, to your taste. You just need to take into account that the openwork edge will be important not only for the future bowl, but also for the leg.

You can draw lines with a marker or even chalk. There is a significant drawback when working with chalk: it is easily erased, and it may happen that during the work the markings disappear, and accordingly, cutting inaccuracies may occur, so it is safer to make the outline with a marker.

The video below demonstrates how to make a flowerbed from a tire:

Figured cutting on the tire

Many high-quality tires, for reliability of use for their intended purpose, are reinforced with metal reinforcement - metal cord. This metal wire makes the turning process much more difficult. But there is a little trick: you can make cuts with a grinder on the outside of the tire to cut the metal cord, but at the same time preserve the integrity of the future flowerpot. Incisions should be made every ten centimeters.

This procedure should be performed carefully so as not to cut through the rubber. The fact that the metal cord has been cut will be indicated by light metal dust on the tire, smoke and sparks in the cut area upon contact with the grinder. Having seen these signs, you should not deepen the cut further, so as not to make a hole in the vase, the goal has already been achieved.

The picture shows in detail how to cut and then turn out the tire

The operation of cutting out the flowerpot pattern is carried out with a knife. The knife should be very sharp, then the vase will turn out smooth and neat. Top part The wheels must be completely separated from the bottom along the lines of the applied markings. This creates a bowl with a lid. The cover is held on the disk side. The result was a champignon mushroom turned upside down. This is clearly visible in the video.

Turning the tire out

The main and most labor-intensive process in the work. It requires a certain amount of physical training and rough male power. A woman is unlikely to cope with such a task. It is more convenient to do this part of the work together. It is necessary to turn the product over with the cut side down (place the champignon on the stem). Grasp the edge of the tire with a strong object, such as a crowbar or a pry bar, and begin turning the tire inside out.

Raw material for flower beds

At this time, it is necessary to firmly press the wheel disk to the floor. As soon as you manage to turn out a small area, the process will go faster. After half of the tire is turned out, you need to press on the sides of the tire, bringing its shape closer to the oval, this will allow the second half to quickly turn out without additional effort. The video at the end of the article will help you visualize the process. In a global sense, the flowerbed is ready.


A black rubber flower vase has an unpresentable appearance and is unlikely to become a garden decoration. In order for it to become a beautiful flowerbed, you need to paint and decorate it. There is no need to delay painting, since immediately after production the rubber is shiny and clean, which will allow you to decorative finishing smooth and durable.

Before painting, it is necessary to treat the vase with a degreaser. You can choose a universal degreaser or a special one for rubber. Various paints are suitable for applying color: enamels, oil and nitro paints. Car paint will also work. Painting with a spray or can will be more uniform and accurate.

Our raw version of the flower garden can be decorated like this

Pro tip: flower beds made in light colors look more impressive. But the choice of color and further decoration depend entirely on the imagination of the master and the wishes of the owner of the flowerbed. You can use multi-color painting, as in the video, and also use glass, pieces of ceramics and other materials to decorate such a flower bed.

After the paint has dried, drainage and soil are placed in the flowerpot. That's it, you can plant flowers! Vegetables will also look original in such flowerbeds, thus creating a small impromptu vegetable garden. This technique will allow you to combine business with pleasure, especially in a small area. Or, conversely, flowerpots with flowers are easy to fit into a vegetable garden with beds, since the undoubted advantage of such decorations is mobility.

The video clearly demonstrates how to make your own flowerbed from tires, including turning out and decorating the finished flowerpot:

Do interesting flower bed You can even make it with your own hands from a car tire. Crafts made from tires have long been popular for decorating the garden, and today we will tell you how to make a simple mini-flower bed from an old tire.

DIY tire flowerbed

The easiest option is when you use the entire tires, placing them in the chosen place and filling them with soil. But before this, a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or organic mulch must be placed under the rubber.

Such a mini-flower bed looks good from large tires, when the usable area is wide enough and allows you to place several rows different plants, creating an interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for planting unpretentious flowers- tall zinnias in the center; marigolds, ageratum or cineraria - along the edge.

If you make the flower bed higher by placing tires one on top of the other, this will create additional convenience when caring for it. In this case, you can plant petunia or lobelia along the edges to cover the appearance of the cracked cord.

If you are using small car tires, then to increase the area of ​​the mini-flower bed, cut off the top with an electric saw or a special knife.

However, black tires themselves look gloomy and banal. Take it a step further - paint them in bright color. And you will see the flower beds, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and fun.

How to paint tires for a flower bed

In order for an old and cracked tire to take on a bright color well, degrease the rubber with acetone or white spirit, paint it first with white or yellow paint, and only then apply bright paint. Then the color will not fade and will last a long time.

Good advice: do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rain and frost it will fall off in pieces.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and covers cracks and depressions well, but it is quite expensive. Feel free to use old enamel or oil paint, which remained from the last renovation.

Spray paint will also work - it is even preferable, as it penetrates well into cracks and is applied in a thin layer. With this spray can you can make any pattern on a painted surface, and without much difficulty you can get a multi-colored base for a flower bed.

Paint tires in different colors and place them side by side or one above the other, or place them in a chaotic manner throughout the garden, or group them in one place - and your garden will noticeably liven up.

For those who know how to create crafts from tires using a special knife or saw, you can cut out flower beds with your own hands, figurines of animals, birds or flowers. If you need ideas and ways on how to make beautiful and complex flower beds from tires, I recommend reading another yu.

Photos used by rlibunao, Jules.

Very often, gardeners accumulate things on summer cottage, which would be a pity to throw away, but what to do with them so that they serve a second life is unclear. However, it’s worth imagining a little, and the garden plot will be decorated beautiful flower beds from tires and other available materials. And old tires that have already served their useful life can help in decorating flower beds.

How to make beautiful flower beds from old car rubber tires and how to paint them will be discussed below.

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be soft after a long period of use and will be easier to shape into the desired shape. You can ask for tires from neighbors - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, since they would otherwise simply be thrown into a landfill. And if you have the opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. Because tires from foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it’s easier for them to give different shapes, turn them inside out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned of as much dirt and sand as possible. After all, it’s more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of the knives will become dull faster when working with tires dirty with dirt and sand.

Before making a flowerpot or flowerpot from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the shape of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flowerbed, whose edges will be cut off by waves, or a vase in the shape of a flower with petals and fringe.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it usually always comes in the form of a “pan-lid”: the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. The contours of the cut can be easily drawn with ordinary chalk.

If from old tire The owners decided to make a flower bed in the shape of a flower, then along the edge of the product they should draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each petal should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, it will be impossible to turn the tire out, and the shape of the flowerbed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then the tires need to be cut along the grooves in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, first turn the tire inside out. Many gardeners don't get this right the first time. In fact, it is not easy to turn a tire out this way.

Metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. This saw cuts rubber smoothly. Cuts are made across the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then can you start turning the tire out. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire; then it will be much easier to turn out the product.

How to make a flower bed from tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a shoe knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It’s great if you can use a jigsaw to cut the coatings. Using this tool, you can cut out various shapes and crafts from wheels.

To cut metal discs, you need to use a saw – a grinder.

Tires can be cut in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or cut off only the top part.

However, it is not enough to give old tire unusual shape. After all, black or dirty-gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheeled ramps.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paint:

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will lie evenly on it, and will last on the tires for more than one season. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use aerosol cans of paint for painting work. In this case, you can paint all the prepared flower beds from car tires in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paint when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only outer part tires However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire on the inside (at least its upper part).

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds made from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of different paint colors.

You can combine different colors and shades. Moreover, you can paint the lower part of the flowerbed with a darker paint, and the upper part with a lighter one. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting the tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outer part of the flowerbed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles onto the petals of tires, creating the effect of dew.

The right combination of colors when painting flowerbeds made from car tires, which is “in tune” color scheme Plants planted in such flower beds will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden made from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you shouldn’t hold back your imagination. After all, from old tires you can build not only flower beds, flowerpots and flower bowls. Tires can be used in manufacturing garden swing, armchairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden plot, hedges and much more.

  • Tires can be cut in half and dug around a flower bed or along a path, separating the flower planting area from garden path. These tires can be painted in various colors and can also be decorated with flowers or ladybugs, for example.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out in the upper part on a pedestal of several tires placed on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Flowerpots made from tires, mounted on legs like stools, look original. You can install a smaller tire on the lower tire filled with soil, and plant flowers around the circumference in the lower tire, and in the upper one place flowers throughout the entire space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen carve from tires various birds or animals, planting flowering plants in the interior of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden plot is small, then it is more appropriate to place flower beds made of car tires, carved in the shape of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large lawn, flower beds made in several tiers or structures made vertically will look better.

Slides made from waste tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Small slides made from several tires look beautiful, installed in a checkerboard pattern on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires you can plant various varieties colors.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden either the same way or by combining shades.

What flowers to choose for planting in a tire flower garden

Plant in flower beds made from car tires better flowers, which will delight you with their blooms all season long. Flowers planted in a tire garden are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of different heights and shades of flowers. You can use climbing flowers.

These can be the following plants:

The free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with fir cones - this decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

Combining different kinds and varieties of flowers, you can create unusually beautiful compositions in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends only on what colors the gardener wants to see on his site.

Old car tires can be perfectly used to improve the overall interior of your garden. Most often they are used specifically for decorating flower beds or flower beds. And here everything depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flower beds from old tires.

This site provides material on making a car wheel. The result is an original and beautiful product, but bad luck, the number of wheels at my disposal is limited. But much more waste tires have accumulated over the course of automotive history. It's time to recycle them. Since there are a lot of tires, I decided to try to speed up the process of converting them into flower beds; cutting a dozen tires with a knife is still a labor-intensive task. Then how to cut car tire? A hand jigsaw was used for cutting. I want to say right away that when working with two different units, the best result was shown by a jigsaw with a power of 800 Watts; the more powerful, the better. So below is the answer to the question of how to quickly make a flowerbed from a tire.

The procedure for making flower beds from tires

1. Choosing a tire, of course, if there is a choice. The recommendations are simple. We choose the lightest ones with maximum tread wear - this will greatly facilitate subsequent turning out.

2. Preparing the tire. If the tire is heavily contaminated with sand and soil, clean it. Blades on dirty tires become dull faster.

3. Marking Use a felt-tip pen to cut places, such as petals. Here it is convenient to use ready-made sector markings on some domestic tires. The petals should not be more than 12-15 centimeters, otherwise the flowerbed will not be round in shape, and the rubber will not bend in these places.

4. We cut through in the place where the knife cuts the tire for inserting a jigsaw file.

5. We attach the file in a jigsaw. As mentioned above, a jigsaw for cutting should be taken with the maximum available power. When cutting I used various files. All work approximately the same. It is convenient to cut with a shape saw, but they often break if sawing errors occur. We clamp the file, insert it into the cut and begin sawing.

6.We saw, in places where the rubber thickens, feeding is very difficult; to speed up the work, you can round off the petal in the thin part of the side surface of the tire. Approaching the base of the petal, it is necessary to cut until it bends, or better yet, until it reaches the tread plane - this will make it easier to turn out. Having cut out one petal, you can move the jigsaw in the opposite direction for sawing, or if you have a figured file, also make a rounding at the base of the petal. So we cut out all the petals sequentially according to the markings.

7. We cut it out the reverse side, you can also cut out the petals or, reducing your work, cut off part of the side wall and make radial cuts on the remaining part of the side surface. Important, the cuts to the tread from the side of the petals must correspond to the cuts from reverse side, if this is not observed, then when turning it inside out there will be unevenness in these places. Experience has shown that even a very hard tire can be turned out if you completely cut off the side wall of the tire opposite the petals.

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