
What wallpaper is better to glue in the hall. Wallpaper for the hall: photos, how to choose, combine and match with furniture Beautiful wallpaper in the hall

To decorate the walls of the hall, wallpaper is most often used, the most affordable and easy-to-use material. But regardless of taste and advantages, you should follow a few rules for choosing wallpaper so that the end result will please and not disappoint you. With our help, you will be able to orient yourself in a huge range of wallpapers, choose the most suitable ones for yourself in all respects, and avoid the mistakes that are most often repeated when gluing them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall

  • paper. The most popular in the last century. However, at that time they were the only ones. Now they are in demand only because of their cheapness and huge selection. Can be glued in rooms with low humidity.
  • vinyl. Due to their qualities, they are most often used in the corridor and in the kitchen. They are rarely used in the design of the hall due to the small assortment and poor breathability. A variety - silk-screen wallpaper, in the upper vinyl layer of which a silk thread is added.
  • non-woven. Most Popular modern wallpaper. They are used as independent wallpaper and as a basis for painting. The perfect combination of price and quality. Read more about!
  • acrylic. An alternative for the price of paper. And at the same time stronger and more moisture resistant.
  • textile. Double layer wallpaper. A natural fabric is applied over a paper or non-woven base: linen, cotton, silk. Today there are two types of textile wallpaper - filament and solid canvas. There are several varieties of textile wallpaper: jute; silk; linen; velor; felt.
  • photo wallpaper. An ideal option to make any room individual and inimitable. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, they solve many design problems in the visual editing of space imperfections.
  • metallized. Appeared as protection against electromagnetic radiation. Reliably shield radiation from television, radio devices, cell phones behind the wall, neutralize the radiation of power lines. They consist of two layers - the lower paper and the upper aluminum foil.
  • liquid. Wallpaper of the future. Initially, they have a powder or liquid form. Get divorced water-based paint and applied to the walls with a spray gun or roller. Created on the basis of cotton, cellulose, textiles.

Below is a table of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of wallpaper

Types of wallpaperAdvantagesdisadvantages
PaperCheap, easy to stick, large selection, hide small flaws in the wallQuickly erased, do not wash, fade in the sun.
VinylDurable, embossed, moisture resistant, have very interesting decorative qualitiesExpensive, heavy to glue, airtight, have a specific smell that can be felt for several days after gluing.
Affordable price, environmentally friendly, "breathe", easy to clean, can be painted, hide cracks in the wallSmall assortment, transparent, medium sound and heat insulation
AcrylicEco-friendly, breathable, practical, washableSmall assortment, afraid of moisture
TextileNatural, good sound and heat insulation, antiseptics, very beautiful, no jointsVery expensive, require professional gluing, dust collectors, strongly absorb odors, dry cleaning only
Wall muralLarge assortment of images, original, universal. Acceptable priceRequire professional gluing, do not hide wall imperfections
MetallizedHigh level of sound and heat insulation, protection against electromagnetic radiation of television and radio devices, easy to clean, resistant to water, detergentsVery expensive, do not "breathe", do not tolerate mechanical damage
Environmentally friendly, high noise insulation, do not fade; lack of seams and jointsExpensive, small selection, can not be washed

The choice of wallpaper, taking into account the design of furniture

If the furniture is light

The choice of wallpaper in this situation depends on your imagination. You can play with color and texture. Focus on contrasts. Wallpaper with a large pattern looks very impressive and original.

The photo above is an example of a room with light furniture.

If the furniture is dark

Wallpaper should be lighter and not "flashy". The choice of wallpaper with a large pattern is undesirable. You can add an accent element that matches the color of the furniture in color.

The photo above is an example of a room with dark furniture.

If the color of the furniture is very rich and bright

The wallpaper should tone it down a bit. If you are a supporter of bright contrasts, use wallpaper in a complementary color to the color of the furniture. Then they will reinforce each other.

If the furniture is two-tone

Often furniture makers use two colors in their designs. For such furniture, a neutral color of the wallpaper, lighter or matched to the color of the facades is suitable. The contrasting color of the furniture body will create an interesting effect, showing only the contours in the merging color of the facades and walls.

If the furniture has more than two colors

In this case, the most best option neutral grey colour wallpaper, as the emphasis in the room is supposed to be on the furniture itself. It is desirable that the drawing be small and discreet, or completely absent.

The choice of wallpaper, taking into account the styles of the interior


Not always the area of ​​​​the hall allows you to create there classic interior in his textbook understanding. And in this case, they come to the rescue, which will become accents in the decor and will not make us doubt that we are in the classics. After all, they are distinguished by bright colors and unusual patterns: monograms, damask, royal lilies, floral ornament.


Warm, pastel shades of wallpaper in the Art Nouveau style fascinate with the plasticity and grace of the lines of their ornaments. The most common themes: plants, waves, swans, wind.


The French style, named after the province, is distinguished by its simplicity and modesty. Wallpaper in the Provence style of light, warm colors with a floral pattern reminiscent of old chintz. Along with the uncomplicated composition of all kinds of bouquets and flowers, there is naturalness and similarity with the original. They are characterized by an abundance sunlight and cheerfulness.


Translated from English, this style means attic. The purpose of wallpaper in this style is to create an atmosphere of old walls, contrasting with modern furniture. Necessarily in the room is the presence of an unplastered part of the wall or its successful imitation in the wallpaper. The wallpaper itself imitates natural plaster.


A style of simplicity and nostalgia for simple village life. And they do not differ in pretentiousness and complexity of the pattern. Light pastel colors in a cage, stripes, a discreet geometric pattern or a modest flower.

Japanese style

Location to everything natural in Japanese style also determined the material from which the wallpaper is made. This is rice paper, silk. The depicted drawings are always traditional, characteristic only of Japanese culture: fire-breathing dragons, cherry blossoms, cranes or hieroglyphs. The color scheme, like life itself, is calm, peaceful, conducive to peace.

Wallpaper color selection

Choice colors wallpaper for the hall should be given special attention. After all, each color has its own influence on perception and, if chosen incorrectly, it can visually change the space or make the stay in the room not very comfortable.

Therefore, before deciding on the color of the wallpaper, please familiarize yourself with each of its meanings:

White is an active life-affirming color, a symbol of purity and chastity. Causes peace, tranquility. Rarely used in its pure form. It has all sorts of shades, warm and cold. In the interior, it is used as a neutral color when the emphasis is on furniture.

Black is a complex color, a symbol of power. Infinity symbol. Excess black in the room causes drowsiness. More appropriate in the bedroom than in the hall. It is allowed to combine black with another color for a bold decision and space breakdown.

Gray is a neutral, universal color, consonant and harmonious with any other. Himself can be very interesting if you make a mix of several of its shades or textures. Of all the colors, it has, perhaps, the largest number shades. Can be a link between several incongruous colors.

Red is the color of energy, momentum. Quickly tires and causes anxiety, palpitations, increased blood pressure. A very hot color, considered a symbol of passion. The interior is a sign of wealth and luxury. It is recommended to use red and all its spectral shades in fragments, as the strongest accent.

Orange is the most dynamic, cheerful. The effect is the same as from red. More suitable for youth.

Violet color is depressive, evokes melancholy, acts depressingly on the nervous system. Pure purple is considered the color of loneliness. But this does not mean that you should abandon it in interior design. Shades of purple are wonderfully combined in bold solutions with other colors that are more balanced and life-affirming.

  • yellow - cheerful, optimistic, stimulates vision and the nervous system. A good medicine for predisposition to phobias and low self-esteem.
  • green - calms, relaxes, suggests rest. The most neutral color, the most pleasing to the eye. When yellow is added, it becomes joyful and life-affirming;
  • blue is a cool, phlegmatic color. Relieves stress and blood pressure levels. The color of peace and tranquility.

The combination of several colors also has its own meaning. Combinations are poorly perceived by the eyes:

  • Blue with white
  • Black with yellow;
  • Black with red;
  • Red with yellow;
  • Orange with white.

The dependence of the color of the wallpaper on the side of the world:

  • In rooms oriented to the north, preference is given to colors from a warm range. Warm colors will not only create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the room, but also visually make the room larger. Decorate your room with yellow, gold, coffee or orange wallpaper, and you will immediately feel that the room has become 5-7 degrees warmer.
  • In the southern rooms, where there is already a lot of heat, it is worth diluting it with cold shades of the color palette. These are all shades of blue and blue, gray. This rule should be followed in rooms facing east, southeast and southwest. It is also important in such rooms with non-fading wallpaper.

Visual perception is very important for a person. Sometimes he is guided only by him in order to make an impression, cheer up or increase his efficiency. People have long noticed that in a room with warm and light walls even in very cold weather it seems warmer, and in the summer heat it is more pleasant to hide in a room with cold colors. The temperature is the same, but the eyes are cooler.

Each color, like a person, has its own psychotype. There are extrovert colors: yellow, orange. They give their energy. And there are introverts. Blue, green are a source of potential energy. Only with the right color of the wallpaper you will feel comfortable in the room.

Sometimes the color corresponding to the psychotype of the owner of the room enhances his dominant qualities. In the yellow room, a sanguine or choleric person can become more emotional, and concentrate poorly. A melancholic or phlegmatic person in a blue or green room will plunge into depression and despondency. Therefore, sometimes it is worth applying the law of physics that opposite charges attract, and compensate for emotionality with blue calmness, and the tendency to daydreaming with yellow love for life.

Combined wallpaper for the hall

Some interior styles require the use of combined wallpaper. In the Victorian style, for example, the walls are covered with horizontal stripes of two matching types of wallpaper, separating them with a border tape.

Combining several types of wallpaper today is a great option to show your personality and show off your taste. AT modern design you can see combinations of not only different colors, but also textures, patterns.

The most successful of them, according to professional designers, are presented in the table:

Sometimes wallpapers are combined in such a way as to make one wall or part of it accent. And the rest cover neutral color wallpaper. There are two options here:

  • Accent wallpapers differ from the rest in a rich pattern. The base color is the same;
  • Accent wallpapers contrast with the rest. In this case, to achieve a stronger effect, you need to take complementary colors. The table below shows pairs of a complementary base color, but derivatives can also be considered complementary:

When using complementary colors, you should be careful, otherwise you can get a very rich interior that quickly tires the eyes. Designers often use derivatives of primary colors.

The most popular types of wallpaper combinations
Plain wallpaper of the same color, but its different shadesThey bring zest to the interior for lovers of plain walls and lack of decor
Plain wallpaper with patternedIt is used if you want to decorate a room with a large panel or if there is a large pattern on the wallpaper. What is unacceptable in small spaces
With various patternsThe most complex type of combination. Usually two types of wallpaper are taken with a different pattern, but a consonant background color. Most often they use geometry in combination with abstraction, a floral ornament with a strip
Wallpaper in different colorsThe main rule is that one color should be neutral.
Horizontal division

Bottom - striped wallpaper, top - in a small pattern;

Bottom - plain or in a small pattern, top - stripes, large pattern;

Bottom - large pattern, top - plain

What wallpaper to choose in Khrushchev

The hall in Khrushchev performs at least two roles - a guest room and a gathering place for the whole family to spend time together. And therefore it should be as comfortable as possible for the household, have an appropriate view for receiving guests. First of all, so that the hall does not seem cramped when there are several people in it, you should choose the right wallpaper for its decoration. There are several rules by which you can visually enlarge the room, add air and space to it:

  • light shades of wallpaper;
  • cold color;
  • small drawing;
  • horizontal stripes expand the room, vertical ones raise the ceilings;
  • combining several types of wallpaper with accents that break up the space.

Don't be upset that small rooms Khrushchevs in many ways limit the flight of your imagination in their design. As they say, the spool is small, but expensive, from a small hall you can make an ultra-modern room, cozy for the residents of the house and pleasant for guests.

Fashionable wallpaper for the hall in 2017

Consider several aspects by which the fashion for wallpaper is determined:

Colour. Usually, the accent in the colors of a certain year is guided by the color of the eastern calendar. This year is the year of the blue horse, and therefore blue color to a greater or lesser extent should be present in the wallpaper. It doesn't have to be pure blue. After all, there are colors created on the basis of blue. Green, for example.

Picture. As never before, drawings with floral ornaments are fashionable.

Texture. Volumetric pattern protruding above the wallpaper canvas. Smooth surfaces are long gone.

Wallpaper with a thematic image, photo wallpaper. Apart from ready-made wallpaper, with the theme proposed by the manufacturer, you can purchase original ones at companies that apply drawings to order. Now wallpaper with the image of portraits has come into fashion. It can be famous personalities, just beautiful faces, or an image of one of the successful photos of family members.

Wall mural

Wall mural very quickly won the favor of people. This is due to their huge range. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to stick. It only takes a little effort and accuracy for a panel with all kinds of images to appear on the wall. In addition, photo wallpapers do a good job of visually expanding the space and correcting it. Today you can order photo wallpapers according to an individual sketch, or photographs.

In addition to the already familiar paper ones, whose life expectancy is not as long as we would like, and the quality of the joints leaves much to be desired, there are non-woven and vinyl photo wallpapers on sale. They are printed on dense material with all sorts of textures: sand, stone, plaster, canvas. To continue the life of photo wallpapers, in order to avoid rubbing and soiling, a special varnish or laminating film is applied to their surface. Film application is best left to a professional. This is a rather difficult job and requires certain skills.

How to glue wallpaper correctly to avoid defects

If your choice fell on paper or non-woven wallpaper, you can stick them yourself by watching the video course.

If you have purchased metal, textile wallpaper, then it is better to contact a specialist. For their gluing, you will need certain skills and abilities.

The choice of wallpaper for the hall is always a very exciting and interesting process. One has only to remember that in a roll and on the wall they can look completely different. And therefore, if possible, try to deploy at least two rolls side by side in the store in order to understand how harmoniously the drawing looks in the canvas, and not on a narrow strip a little more than half a meter wide. If the wallpaper you like seems to be a bit overloaded with a pattern, it doesn’t matter. You can always combine them with others that are consonant in texture or color. This is even better - no one will certainly have a hall with such a wall design.


The hall, also known as the living room, in an apartment or house plays a special “strategic” role and therefore, as a rule, it is given increased attention, trying to arrange in such a way as to present the home favorably to the guests. Starting repairs in the hall, along with the general design style, the owners are wondering about choosing the right wallpaper.

The choice and purchase of wallpaper should be approached with all responsibility, since the mood of everyone in the room directly depends on their design and quality, as well as the general impression of the owners of the apartment / house, their life preferences, tastes, character.

In addition to purely aesthetic qualities, wallpaper for the hall should have such qualities, as:

  • practicality,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • resistance to fading in the sun.

When choosing wallpaper for the hall, also pay attention to their type, while keeping in mind its inherent advantages and disadvantages. There are several main types of wallpaper in wide practice: these are paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpapers. As an original addition (usually so, but sometimes as a main one) they use wallpapers such as textile, foil and natural materials like rice paper, straw or bamboo. Liquid wallpapers stand apart, which we will not consider today, and in general they cannot be called wallpaper in the strict sense, rather, they are an original finishing material.

The most popular and widespread, of course, paper wallpaper, as the most affordable. In addition, they are very environmentally friendly, they are simply glued and combined with each other and with other types of wallpaper, they have a very wide variety of designs, but they are unstable to ultraviolet radiation (burn out in the sun) and are relatively short-lived (although, how to say: they stand until the next repair) .

Vinyl wallpapers are a little more expensive than paper ones, and, unlike them, they don’t “breathe” (choose wallpapers with perforations), but they are much stronger, more practical and durable, there is a very large range of colors and patterns on the market.

Despite the emergence of new technologies in interior decoration, wallpaper remains the most understandable and affordable way to decorate walls. Further in the article, we will take a closer look at what wallpapers for the hall are and the latest trends in the field of interior solutions.

Wallpaper for the hall - trends of 2019

For several years now, solid colors have been in trend, and 2019 was no exception. Moreover, it can be both natural colors and a bright catchy range. First of all, designers are advised to take into account the proportions of the room and its location. For small space perfect light color. In a larger hall, on the contrary, it is necessary to place accents with bright combinations. Exclusive printed options will remain trendy, which will bring a fresh touch or zest to the interior. Still, minimalism will not lose its relevance. Soft shades and natural ornaments will allow you to create unique interiors where you can feel at one with nature.

Wallpapers that go with a wide panel are much more versatile, and gluing them is easier and more convenient. Docking connections will be much less, and appearance more holistic.

Wide wallpapers are good for the absence of joints

How to choose wallpaper material in the hall

Used for manufacturing various materials. A large assortment allows you to realize any design solutions. Before buying, you should study the specifics of the texture and choose the best type for yourself.


Paper wallpapers have a huge range, are easy to glue and are budget option. However, they are not characterized by wear resistance and long service life. In this price segment, you can find better analogues and in most cases, designers for the living room do not recommend them. Therefore, the demand for paper webs is declining.


This is the most sought after and well-established species. There are foamed, smooth, hard and silk-screened options. The vinyl texture is durable and harmless to health, as well as easy to clean with special concentrates. With the help of a vinyl coating, you can hide the roughness and minor flaws in the walls. Financially, this is one of the available options.


This material is valued for its good soundproofing performance and the ability to pass air. The canvas is obtained by combining paper and interlining. A layer of linen or silk is applied to the front side, depending on the choice of texture and material. A significant disadvantage is that they are difficult to clean, and wet cleaning is not suitable for this purpose. They are also susceptible to sun exposure, quickly erase and fade.

Glass fiber

One of modern species are glass fiber. They are easy to stick and maintain, have fire properties and allow air to pass through the walls. However, the color range of wallpaper is quite scarce.

Liquid wallpaper

This is an environmentally friendly material that is applied like plaster and more like painting. The composition can be either one-color or have blotches and sparkles. After application to the surface, there are no butt joints left, which is indisputable advantage compared to other types. Liquid wallpaper will help you quickly make repairs on your own and in a short period of time.

Liquid wallpaper is an eco-friendly material that is applied like plaster and more like painting

Color solutions

The collections of eminent designers are often dominated by bright positive colors: yellow, pink, chocolate, turquoise. The priority is a complex color scheme: shades of olive and green, eggplant, sea ​​wave. Floral and floral motifs are also very popular. However, if earlier they used a small pattern with wild flowers or roses filling the entire space, then judging by the photo of 2019, the design has changed, and wallpapers began to be produced with more voluminous floral patterns. For adherents of conservative classics, light pastel-colored canvases remain relevant in the interior. Wallpapers are selected for specific household items with a similar texture. Also, wallpaper can be combined with tulle, accessories and flooring.

Wallpaper for the hall in different styles

3D wallpaper

Today, few people can be surprised by a picture with a 3D effect. Such wallpapers are durable, durable, environmentally friendly and high cost. There are also fluorescent backlit canvases. For the hall, it is better to choose options with geometric volumetric figures that make up complex compositions. However, 3-D wallpapers are used only as decoration, but as an unusual finish. Therefore, it is desirable to paste over with them no more than one wall in the room.


The name neoclassic is often understood as any of the historical modern styles. Wallpapers are designed to emphasize the geometry of interior forms, their functionality and conciseness. Much is borrowed from the ancient Greeks and Romans. Distinctive feature is the use of wallpaper with a classic pattern, made of modern materials. For example, a metallic design is done with a foil backing, and adds glamor and luxury to the finish. The following designs are popular:

pale drawings on textured wallpaper; stripes; monochrome colors - light, cream and pale colors; imitation of decorative plaster; ornate lines; ornaments stylized as palace painting.

Photo wallpapers with landscapes

Thanks to their uniqueness and durability, photo wallpapers are gaining their popularity again. You can add coziness to the living room using images of a fireplace and fire. Imitation of a bookcase will add sophistication and aristocracy. Canvases with floral motifs are in demand. They are used to transform the premises into a corner of the wild. The most current trend of 2019 is bamboo thickets in bright green-yellow shades. In a small room, wallpaper in a small flower looks good. But for a spacious living room, large flowers are suitable in combination with plain wallpaper.

High-tech wallpaper

High-tech wallpapers symbolize progress, modern developments and have a penchant for minimalism. The surface authentically imitates metal, glass, plastic and other breeds. The color scheme is usually sustained in cool colors. Gray, steel, white, beige, graphite, black are popular. They are usually made of interlining with a vinyl textured layer.

Loft interior options

It is rather problematic to choose wall decoration for such an interior, since the loft does not involve the use of wallpaper. When buying material, you should pay attention to the following features.

Loft assumes a maximum of free space, therefore the best option for this purpose, there will be wallpapers of light shades. It would be appropriate to look like an imitation of an outdated finish. Walls can be decorated with wallpaper depicting brick blocks, wood, plaster. With the help of wallpaper in vertical stripes, you can achieve the effect of "high ceilings". Transverse stripes, which, although they make the room harmonious and more proportional, are not recommended for lofts. A loft-style room performs several functions at once. It is convenient to make zoning of the room due to wallpaper of different shades. Patterned wallpapers may be present. It is desirable that they do not occupy the entire surface in the room, and the color of the floor and ceiling does not merge with the wall. In large lofts, bright inserts can be used, but in limited quantities.

Additional Information!

A loft-style living room will look more stylish and harmonious if each wall is decorated in its own way.

Options for ethnic interiors

This area includes exotic design options.

Afghan. Most often, these are light canvases with bright patterns or photo wallpapers with images of animal skins.

Egyptian. Allows you to give the living room a sense of luxury and wealth, in which the ancient pharaohs lived. Wallpaper is made in the form of frescoes, ornaments and other elements.

Egyptian style allows you to give the living room a sense of luxury and wealth, in which the ancient pharaohs lived.

Indian. Vinyl textured canvases with thematic ornaments, as well as walls imitating expensive fabrics, are suitable.

Arab. It has a variety of colors. Wallpaper decorated with:
complex arabesques;
silhouettes of mosques;
oriental grills and cucumbers;
· illustrations resembling carpets.

Eco design wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is made from environmentally friendly and proven raw materials:
· paper;
· traffic jams.

Fancy wallpapers in 2019

More recently, the Scandinavian style has come into fashion, and with it “knitted” fabrics. Their distinctive features were spied on in the homes of the inhabitants of Scandinavia, where they like to use soft, cozy knitted textiles. They look like a close-up of a coarse knit.


Wallpaper with glitter and a concrete base not only visually expands the room, but can also become the most memorable element of the hall.

For a maximalist design, it is better to take wallpapers with large flowers and ethnic pictures. The design in the form of splashes of a pair of catchy colors spilled on a snow-white base will look exclusive. Another trend is the blurring of outlines. The wallpaper looks like it's being looked at through water. They create a trance effect and are appreciated by admirers of the hippie culture.

The combination of wallpaper in the hall

When combining wallpaper, you need to choose the right wall, which will focus more attention. Usually this is a favorite place for all households near the sofa or behind it. In this way it is convenient to level the small imperfections of the room. For example, it could be wiring or pipes that look out of place. It is important to take into account the parameters of the room and its illumination. Consider the popular options for combined wallpaper for hall design in 2019.

Combination of shades of wallpaper

To begin with, designers are advised to choose a palette, and only then proceed to think about geometric shapes and patterns. So, a cold gamma visually increases even small area, and warm makes it more lively and dynamic. For docking, it is better to choose close colors or, conversely, diametrically opposed. The pasting of each of the walls in a different tone in order looks spectacular. You can create an incremental gradient, such as from dark to white, including shades in between. Ornaments should not shout over each other.

The combination of plain wallpaper with printed canvases

One of simple methods of emphasis is the use of companions. It would be ideal to purchase wallpaper from one manufacturer so that the density and quality features do not visually differ. Combined ways of wallpapering and design of living rooms 2019 are shown in the photo. It is better to apply printed canvases only on one wall, and for the rest choose one-color types. The print can be either from nearby colors to plain wallpaper, or from contrasting ones. A wall completely pasted over with a print will look like a huge poster. It is better to stick a wallpaper of a fixed size and cut a frame around the edges. There are several combination methods:

Horizontal. It consists in the use of strips. For this method, it is better to choose contrasting materials with a bright pattern. So, to give the room retro motives, it is recommended to paste over the lower part of the room with wallpaper in a vertical strip, and decorate the upper border with a border.

Vertical. The combination of vertical stripes of different colors and textures will create the effect of higher ceilings. In this way, you can select individual zones and make changes to the lighting. A lighter material is pasted over areas where sunlight does not fall.
Patchwork. In this case, pieces of wallpaper are combined into a single panel.

Photo selection: modern wallpaper in the interior of the hall

The design of the main room in the house allows you to judge the taste, lifestyle and prosperity of the owners. The atmosphere and the overall impression of the house depends on the thoughtfulness of the interior. The most interesting wallpapers for the design of the hall are presented in a selection of photos of 2019.

The living room is a room that acts as the center of all events taking place in the family. Family celebrations are held here, guests are welcomed, so the design of the premises must be given special attention. Most often, for wall decoration I use wallpaper, which, due to its variety of colors, patterns and textures, allows you to embody any design ideas. In our article, we will consider different types of wallpaper for the hall and the possibilities of their successful combination.

The choice of wallpaper great importance the material from which they are made. Unlike ordinary paper canvases that were pasted over walls several decades ago, today's canvases have many interpretations. For the premises of the hall, which does not experience special climatic changes, the main factor will be the practicality and aesthetic appeal of one kind or another. To date, there are such types of canvases:

- Paper wallpaper - the simplest type, which has a low cost, therefore, does not lose its popularity to this day. Such wallpapers do not have high rates durability, but have a huge selection of colors;

- Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are the most practical coatings that can be considered the standard of value for money. Non-woven fabrics often have a relief surface, can have their own color scheme or be designed for painting. Vinyl wallpapers are also non-woven fabrics, but covered with an additional decorative layer. Both of them get along well in any conditions, have a long service life;

- Natural - contain several types of wallpaper: textile, bamboo, cork, leather. Any of these coatings has excellent aesthetic qualities, but the high cost of materials allows them to be introduced into the interior only as accents;

- Fiberglass wallpaper - the most environmentally friendly and durable type of embossed wallpaper, designed for painting;

- Liquid wallpaper - in fact, they are decorative plaster, both composition and method of application. A wide range of colors and free-flowing decorative additives allow you to create a unique interior design. They provide high sound insulation and do not have joints;

– Metallized wallpaper - canvases that can effectively protect against the radiation of various electrical appliances, provide good heat and sound insulation, are incredibly durable and beautiful;

- Stereoscopic - wallpaper with a three-dimensional image. They are made of polyester, on which a pattern is applied in layers in a certain sequence of tones, which ultimately creates the illusion of volume.

In the interior of the hall, you can perfectly combine different types of wallpaper, which is often used in the design of individual functional areas. For example, in the area special attention there is, as a rule, a wall with a television screen, which can be decorated with stereoscopic or printed fabric wallpaper. It is better to place more practical non-woven or vinyl sheets on the walls of the dining area.

How to choose the color of the wallpaper for the hall

The choice of palette for the living room depends on both excellent preferences and the size of the room, but in most cases, light colors are still used, which give the room more lightness and spaciousness. It is also worth considering the direction of the world, which the windows of the hall face: for the north, warm colors are preferred, which will emphasize the comfort and warmth of the home environment. For the south, cold halftones are assigned, which will somewhat cool the sunny interior.

White color is rarely used in full measure in the interior of the hall only in cases when it creates a background, where the furniture is the main accent. More favorable - beige color. It can be found in various styles. It creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility, harmonizes perfectly with any palette, especially with brown, white, golden tones.

No less aesthetically pleasing in the living room look blue and green tones, which have a large spectrum of shades. Saturated colors set you up for a calm, measured conversation, while bleached ones create an airy, carefree atmosphere.

Yellow color is cheerful, it makes the room both light and warm, invigorates and uplifts. At the same time, a large presence of its bright colors can quickly get boring and irritable, so it is better to choose colder tones for the living room and combinations with other colors.

The red palette looks best in its dark burgundy and wine undertones, creating respectability, richness of the atmosphere. The scarlet palette can also be present - it creates an amazing sense of celebration, but its amount should be limited.

The colors of the wallpaper can be combined in the conditions of one room, both on a related basis and on a contrasting basis, highlighting accents and adjusting the geometry of the space. For example, decorating one of the walls in a dark color will significantly highlight it and at the same time bring it closer. To visually align a narrow room, you can decorate short walls with dark wallpaper, and long walls with lighter ones.

Features of wallpaper with patterns

It is rare to find a room decorated with plain wallpaper - such an interior may seem rather boring and monotonous. Unless you are an avid adherent of excessive minimalism, the lack of patterns will need to be compensated with decorative elements.

To date, there are many wallpapers for the hall with various ornaments - these can be large and small floral prints, geometric lines, damascus-style patterns with large plant elements of unusual shapes arranged in a vertical order. Depending on the design concept, the choice can fall on checkered or striped canvases, which is often found in rustic directions, or have a lattice pattern, as in a classic living room. When choosing wallpaper with a pattern, pay attention to some features that may affect the visual perception of space, namely:

- A large picture is able to "bring" the wall, so most often these wallpapers are used to create accents or in large spacious rooms where it is necessary to arrange the situation;

- Small print gives dynamics to the interior, gives lightness and grace;

- The vertical arrangement of patterns or straight lines is able to "raise" the ceiling surface, while horizontal images contribute to the expansion of the walls.

In the interior, you can create accents and highlight areas by combining wallpapers with different patterns or plain canvases. Combinations of floral elements with stripes, geometric lines with abstraction look harmonious.

A special kind are photo wallpapers that can decorate and change the interior beyond recognition, fill it with excellent floral, landscape paintings or panoramas of megacities. Cloths can be paper, non-woven or self-adhesive, have a smooth or textured surface, reminiscent of decorative plaster.

Wallpapers and interior styles

When choosing wallpaper for the hall, pay attention to the fact that they must correspond to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe style direction that you have chosen for decoration. Each design style has its own character traits, the neglect of which will create confusion in the environment. To illustrate, here are a few examples:

- Hall, made in classical style, will look luxurious with damask patterns, floral ornaments, gilding and monograms. Here is the place for fabric canvases framed with gypsum moldings;

- Provence will fill the interior with warm light colors, floral patterns associated with old chintz, photo wallpapers with floral images are often used;

- A living room in a loft design will not do without wallpaper that imitates unplastered wall fragments, brickwork;

- For a high-tech living room, the use of abstract drawings, stereoscopic wallpapers, metallized canvases is typical;

— In minimalism, one-color design is more common, but not without the possibility of being diluted with discreet patterns on the accent wall.

Wallpaper for the hall - photo

At the end of our review, we invite you to look at our photo gallery, which contains many examples demonstrating the design of halls with wallpaper. Happy viewing!

The main room in any house is the hall. In it, a person spends most of the time, gathering with the whole family to watch TV or receive guests. Starting repairs, everyone faces a difficult choice, what kind of wallpaper to choose for the hall, because not only the appearance, but also the comfort and coziness of the household will depend on this. Therefore, before buying wallpaper, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics various kinds, which may differ in properties, colors and composition. Pay attention to the bright colors of the living room interior in the photo:

The wallpaper in the hall needs to be chosen more carefully, as they must be endowed with some features, so that they can last for quite a long time.

Wallpaper selection criteria

Wallpaper must be selected according to the following parameters:

  • burnout resistance. Usually the hall is the largest room in the house with big windows and bright lighting, and so that the wallpaper does not burn out from sunlight, it is advisable to choose a material that is resistant to fading;
  • practicality. Wallpaper should not be easily soiled and resistant to abrasion;
  • environmental friendliness. An important point is a microclimate, so oxygen saturation depends on whether the wallpaper is breathable.

Which canvases are better to choose for the living room in Khrushchev can be seen in the following photo:

Types of wallpaper

Paper - the most common type of wallpaper, quickly fade and have a short life, but still in demand because of the low price and ease of sticking. Such wallpapers, as a rule, are used in ordinary Khrushchevs. Example paper wallpaper shown below in the photo, but as you can see, it looks aesthetically pleasing:

Vinyl - thanks to its relief structure, they hide the imperfections of the walls. Much more practical than paper, but almost do not let air through. These wallpapers are also better suited for Khrushchev, because in such apartments the walls are often uneven, and you want to hide this. The photo shows a well-chosen wallpaper.

Non-woven - modern wallpaper, which is very popular. Durable, not subject to fading, moisture resistant. They can be repainted at any time. Correct value for money. In the photo below you can appreciate the competent design of the hall:

Acrylic - have good performance data and are known for their resistance to fading, abrasion, they can be washed using detergents and also they have excellent breathability. Quite suitable for small apartments such as Khrushchev. Pay attention to the proposed photo of the living room below.

Textile - a two-layer material consisting of paper base and natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen). They are environmentally friendly, resistant to fading and pollution. An excellent example of such wallpaper is shown in the photo:

Metallic or foil wallpaper- consist of a paper and foil layer, endowed with heat and sound insulation qualities, protect from radio and electrical radiation. Waterproof but not breathable. The photo shows the most elegant option.

Liquid - modern and very popular wallpaper for the hall. Sold as a dry powder or ready mix. Dry diluted with water and applied to the surface with a roller. Made from natural materials. Environmentally friendly. Can be used in Khrushchev, inexpensive and not a pity. The simplest option is shown below.

Wall murals - with their help, you can create an original and original living room interior and embody bold design ideas. Check out the photo below:

Choice of colors

Of course, when choosing a design for the walls, one of the main criteria is the color scheme. First of all, everyone is guided by their own tastes and preferences, but there are nuances that must be taken into account. An important circumstance, of course, is the size of the hall and its features.

At the same time, in a room that is located on the north side, it is better to choose wallpaper in warm colors that create comfort. Suitable peach, strawberry or apricot colors. Photos can serve as a great example for you:

When choosing a color scheme, it is imperative to take into account the mental and emotional state of family members, since too toxic colors can cause an aggressive state.

The spacious hall gives more opportunities with the choice of color, and saturated colors have properties to stimulate activity. This is possessed by bright orange, green and lilac.

If the hall is small in size, and in Khrushchev it is exactly like that, then even the most beautiful wallpaper, which has bright or dark colors, will produce a feeling of pressure. A large pattern in a small room will not look good, it will make the room much smaller. To visually enlarge it, you should choose a calm light color that expands the space.

The design of the hall in a vertical and horizontal combination allows the choice of bright and calm shades of wallpaper.

Pattern selection

An important role in the design of the walls of the room is played by a pattern or image on the wallpaper.

An ornament consisting of horizontal or vertical stripes visually changes the size of the hall: horizontal stripes visually expand, while vertical stripes stretch upwards.

The pattern, consisting of leaves and various greenery, gives the hall color and light. Wallpaper with such an ornament is best suited to a room with low lighting.

The geometric pattern on the walls with the right color selection looks very stylish. During the purchase, it is advisable to hold your eyes on it for a while, as they tend to cause ripples in the eyes. The photo below shows an interesting example.

Matching with furniture

Light furniture will contrast in an original way with dark walls and large patterns. Not bad for the hall in Khrushchev wallpaper in bright colors.

Dark accessories are combined with light wallpaper and a medium-sized pattern.

Furniture bright colors should be muted by lighter shades of the walls, but if you want saturation, you should complement the interior with a suitable color to match the shade of the furniture.

Two-tone furniture is combined with neutral lighter colors or a tone that matches the main part of the furniture.

The multi-color should leave an accent on itself, so a neutral gray color of the walls will do.


Classic. Decorating a room in a classic style may not allow the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall, but if you still have a desire, pastel colors with monograms, lilies or any other floral pattern can come to the rescue.

Modern. pastel shades, by the way, will suit this style in the hall. It can be graceful and plastic lines in the form of waves, plants, swans, wind.

Provence. A style that speaks with its simplicity and modesty of the French province. Wallpaper in the style of Provence - sunny and cheerful, warm, light colors made to look like old chintz.

Loft. With this style, you can create interesting interior hall in which modern furniture should contrast with the old walls. Wallpaper under a plastered wall is better combined with any non-plastered part of the wall.

Country. Rustic simplicity in your living room. Light shades of wallpaper in a small flower, stripe or cage. It is better to choose ornaments discreet and modest.

Japanese style. First of all, Japanese-style wallpapers are made from natural materials such as silk and rice paper. The drawings are traditional in this culture: cranes, hieroglyphs, sakura, dragons. Shades should be calm, conducive to peace and meditation.

Combination methods

Sometimes you really want to create something individual and unforgettable in the interior of the hall. This is not difficult, but it is important to determine what the goal is. Very often a person is guided by a visual assessment and makes an impression about the room on his feelings. Combined wallpaper for the hall:

For a visual change in the room, a combination of vertical or horizontal way. Possible combinations of patterns - stripes and flowers, geometry and abstraction.

A horizontal division will look good in the Khrushchev hall - the bottom is striped, the top is in a small pattern; the bottom is a plain or small pattern, the top is a stripe or a large pattern; the bottom is a large pattern, the top is plain.

It is better to highlight any zone with the help of inserts or niche design. This will allow you to properly arrange the space of the hall in Khrushchev.

Combining wallpaper patches will help to diversify the interior. The photo shows it very clearly.

The combination for the hall of plain wallpaper or with a pattern is used to create a panel.

The combination will be successful if you correctly combine the pattern, color and texture of the wallpaper.

The combination of textures - glossy and matte, smooth and rough surfaces.

The choice of wallpaper for the hall is a very interesting and entertaining process. Among the huge variety of wallpapers, it is not enough just to choose, the roll must be unfolded and compared with several colors of other rolls. This is necessary to compare colors and ornaments. Carefully try to choose wallpaper for the hall, and below is a video that shows how to do it right:

When choosing wallpaper, the main thing is not to be afraid of experiments. Guests will be pleasantly surprised by the design abilities of the hosts. Just follow your taste.

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