
What is the best container for a flower pot? How to choose the right pot for indoor plants? How to choose a pot for a plant

If you decide to breed indoor plants, then in front of you, in addition to choosing a plant, you will immediately have a choice of a flower pot and, possibly, a planter. How to choose the right flower pots in size, why we need flower pots will be discussed in this article.

Immediately after purchasing a new plant, you will need to transplant that plant into a new flower pot. Those containers in which plants are sold are just containers for transportation.

Yes, and the soil needs to be changed, because instead of the soil needed for this plant, the container contains, most likely, high-moor peat. It dries very quickly, becomes corky and does not retain water. You can often hear: there was a flower in the store, so beautiful, but for some reason it disappeared at home. Therefore, in order not to start immediately with mistakes, buy a flower pot for your pet.

Almost all indoor plants feel great in small flower pots. Before you go to the store for a flower pot, decide on the choice of a houseplant.

If the plant is old enough and tall, for example, like indoor maple, clerodendrum, or it has large massive leaves, like monstera, some types of ficus, in this case you will need large flower pots. And indoor plants such as peperomia, saintpaulia, pelargoniums, gloxinia and many, many other small plants with lush foliage feel much better in small flower pots.

When choosing a flower pot, you need to pay attention to its height and diameter. If you choose a flower pot according to the height of the plant. It is this parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a pot for alocasia or zamiokulkas. Your choice will be correct if the height of the flower pot is one third or a quarter of the height of the plant. If the plant is tall, about 1 meter, then the height of the pot for it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

If, when choosing a flower pot, you are guided by the diameter, then you should know that the wider the crown of a houseplant, the wider the pot should be. For example, a pot with a diameter of about 20 cm is suitable for plants with a height of 30 cm to one meter. The ideal flower pot maintains proportion: the diameter of the pot is 2/3 of its height, this must be remembered when choosing a pot for Elwoodi cypress. When choosing a pot for a tall plant with a wide spreading crown, such as an adult common myrtle, pay attention to the diameter of the base: it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

What material should flower pots be made of?

Probably the most ecological - clay and ceramic flower pots. Plants are very comfortable in them, especially home rose. However, they are quite fragile, with one careless movement the pot will fall and break. Also, when reusing a clay or ceramic flower pot, disinfection is needed, and preferably soaking for a day or two in a disinfectant solution containing chlorine.

If the plant is very large and stands on the floor, then you should not buy a ceramic pot for it, but rather use a plastic one. After all, it is much lighter than ceramic, and therefore it will be easier for you to move it.

In addition to the decorative function, the pots can also perform others: for example, if the air temperature in the room is +25 ° C and higher, excess water from the pots can evaporate themselves, increasing the humidity of the air and thereby preserving the decorative appearance of the plant. Therefore, planters can be used to increase air humidity in winter. It is good to put moss between the walls of the pot and the planter. It immediately absorbs excess water after watering, and then gradually evaporates moisture. If you are using a pot to increase humidity, then the diameter of the pot should be 3-4 cm wider than the diameter of the pot.

If the plant is tall, with a spreading crown, then the pots need to be chosen large enough and stable, with a wide base. For additional stability of high or climbing plants in the space between the walls of the pot and the planter, you can install a decorative support, root system plants are not harmed at all.

The cache-pot is able to completely transform the interior of the room, set a certain tone, and also collect all indoor plants into a single ensemble.

How to choose a pot?

- classic strict flower pots in neutral or pastel colors, which can not only emphasize the beauty of plants, but also make you forget about all the tricks that we resort to for successful growth and flowering.

- bright original planters , able to push plants into the background. However, when creating compositions from ornamental non-flowering plants, bright planters can dilute a solid green mass.

- plain flower pots will bring a certain style to your interior, help to avoid a cacophony of color. But you also need to remember that a strict selection of pots in one color can be monotonous and boring.

In a wide range of flower containers, you can choose a pot for a houseplant according to the material from which it is made, as well as in shape, volume and color. It is very important that this container is not only beautiful and fashionable, but also suitable for this plant, taking into account its needs.

One of the main purposes of a flower pot is to protect the root of the plant from drying out and contact with environment, which can adversely affect this part of the flower. But at the same time, it is necessary to choose a container from such a material in which the roots of the plant can breathe freely. Most the best way- These are pots made of clay or other porous material. Although containers made of other materials, such as plastic, metal or ceramics, are also great for some plants.

The difference between clay and plastic pots is in the location of the drainage holes and in the variety of color shades. In a clay pot, the hole is located in the center of the base, and in plastic containers there are several such holes and they are located around the circumference of the bottom. If we talk about choosing a container by color, then plastic pots are presented in a wide range of colors, which cannot be said about clay pots.

  • A container for a houseplant must necessarily have a drainage hole to regulate the moisture in the soil and prevent stagnant water in it.
  • The volume of the container should correspond to the amount of substrate required for a particular plant, since it is the main source of nutrition for the plant. The amount of moisture and essential nutrients received by the plant depends on the volume of the soil mixture.
  • The dimensions of the flower container must correspond to the dimensions of the root part. indoor flower. With a branched root system, the plant should be comfortable and convenient, and not cramped in a container. The development of the roots of the plant, and, therefore, the life of the indoor flower as a whole, depends on the size of the pot.
  • The flower pot or container should be stable, and its shape and size should only help, and not interfere with sufficient light and the full development of the houseplant.

When growing even several indoor plants, it is necessary to select pots that, first of all, are ideal for this plant, and they must also fit into the interior of the room.


A planter is a decorative container without drainage holes, in which you can place the most ordinary plant pot. They are made from the most various materials: metal, glass, ceramics, plastic. Wicker planters look very nice in the interior of the room. They may be the most various forms and colors and are able to disguise an ordinary unremarkable flower pot.

One of the positive qualities of the planter is that it does not have a drainage hole, which makes it possible to calmly water the plant, which is located along with the container in it. After all, water will definitely not spill on furniture or carpet on the floor. What must be taken into account in this case is the timely (about fifteen minutes after watering) removal of excess water from the pots. A plant with a container that has been in a container of water for a long time may begin to rot the root.

When buying a pot, you must consider the size of the indoor flower. The depth of the pot is selected individually depending on the type and variety of this plant, as well as on the shape and volume of its root system.

Most often, when choosing a pot, you need to pay attention to the diameter of its upper part. The height of the container and the diameter should be approximately the same.

The volume of the purchased container or container for an indoor flower that needs to be transplanted should be oriented to the volume of the plant's root system. If the root occupies the entire space of the container or even grows into drainage holes, and even more so wraps around the entire earthen ball, then a new pot should be chosen two to three centimeters larger in diameter.

A flower container, which in volume far exceeds the size of the root part of the plant, can harm a pet. Moisture will stagnate in such a container, and this is dangerous for the development and growth of the roots and the whole plant. Tanks of such volumes are recommended only for growing fast-growing plants in which the root system is branched and powerful in size.

Use of flower containers

Containers for flowers and plants are used:

It is important to remember that a properly selected pot will ensure the healthy growth and development of your plant or flower in the house.

- an element of the interior, it doesn’t always occur to us to think about this when equipping a house after repair, but if you match flower pots to both the interior and the color of indoor plants, you will see that flower pots can very well support the primary colors your interior and re-arrange the accents.

This article is about how to choose flower pots to enhance the beauty of your interior and houseplants.

Interior element

I would like to start with this wonderful example. See how the pots fit well into the interior. The yellow carpet is supported by a) yellow daffodils on the dining table b) yellow pots on the windowsill. At the same time, yellow daffodils are placed in white pots so that the rhyme is not too intrusive.

Another example of excellent selection in the interior. Pictured above is the interior. classical style, to which the flower pots are matched in the same style, with the floor one more pretentious, and the smaller one more concise.

Also pay attention to the selection of indoor plants themselves for this flirty interior. The plant on the floor is large, but has the same graceful shape as everything around, and on the table lives an orchid, an exquisite and whimsical houseplant, perfectly suited to the feminine character of the interior.

So, in order to beautifully fit flower pots into the interior, we have two simple rules:

  • flower pots with their color should support some element of the interior;
  • must match the style of the interior

In the photo above you see an excellent example of such a selection - two palm trees in glossy black and white modern streamlined pots fit perfectly into a modern achromatic interior.
Everything is very harmonious.

pot shape

Here is another simple rule that is well illustrated by the photo above:

- if several identical flowers are in a row, then you need to use flower pots of the same shape for them

At the same time, as you can see, they can be of different colors, but all colors must be combined with each other, as in the photo above and in the photo below.

Flower pots come in a simple shape and neutral colors, and are bright and unusual. When choosing an accessory for a flower, be guided by the following rules.

It is advisable not to leave a flower pot of an unusual shape or bright colors alone - it will look like it accidentally fell into the interior. Use two or three.

Bright and unusual flower pots look better in the interior when there are two or three of them..

Bright ones look better when there are several of them, but at least two. In the photo on the right you see a good example - three elements in the Gzhel color stand in a row, and three identical callas are planted in them, blooming in different colors. It even looks beautiful in the photo, but even better in real life.

Design Rules

So - if you have the same plants and you intend to put them in a row, then your actions can be as follows:

  • choose for them flower pots of the same shape and the same color;
  • choose for them flower pots of the same shape and different, but always matching colors (best of all from one color palette);
  • put them in the same bright or unusual flower pots.

With this design of indoor plants, they will not only look good on their own, but will also become a stylish accent in the interior, a small touch that will work on the overall impression of harmony.

Bright flower pots have another feature that you need to consider. It is desirable that the color is not brighter than the color of the houseplant.. That is, if the plant is flowering, then its flowers should not be dimmer than the color of the base, and if the plant is not flowering, then the leaves.

In the photo above - an unsuccessful example of selection. Here, a bright color "interrupts" the beautiful soft color of the flowers, does not help this beauty to manifest itself, but drowns it out.

The photo below is more successful examples- plants with similar flower colors are placed in soft pots and look better.

However, this by no means means that bright flower pots cannot be picked up for bright plants. On the contrary, it can very favorably shade a bright flower, you just need to carefully choose the colors.

The combination of the color of the pot and plant

One of the best partners for hot pink, crimson, coral, cyclamen, fuchsia is bright blue or bright blue.

red and yellow flowers almost all fit bright colours, as you can see in the photo above - the accessories have a very bright color, but they go well with bright flowers, it turns out a very cheerful picture. Please note, however, that the main background was prudently left neutral so as not to make the picture too bright - I will talk about this in more detail below.

Above, I said that almost all bright flower pots are suitable for red and yellow flowers. Almost because red flowers do not suit poison green and grass green- oddly enough, but the dense green color of the grass, which would seem to be organic for any plants, definitely conflicts with the bright red color, in addition, it is difficult to match it with the greenery of a particular flower. In the photo above, you see a good anti-example - the bright green color "clogs" both the dark green color of the foliage and the red color of the flowers.

When choosing a flower pot for your houseplant, make sure that its brightness does not overshadow the color of the plant's flowers. If it is too bright and colorful, as in the photo, then even bright flowers will not be able to compete with him and as a result will look too faded and sad.

In the photo you see an eloquent anti-example - the clover-pink color of the flowers definitely loses to the flashy colors of the pot, but it was worth making it a little less bright, and the picture would be much more fun.

All plants look great in flower pots neutral colors - white, gray, terracotta, brown, chocolate, khaki, sand. If you do not know what color they should be chosen for your interior, then feel free to take one of these colors.

chocolate color

If it’s hard for you to choose from this list, then take either chocolate or white.

Chocolate flower pots go with almost any interior and all indoor plants.

Universal white

Sometimes the chocolate color is not suitable, then take it white flower pots - they are absolutely versatile, suitable for all indoor plants and all flowers.

Various types of interior

Follow only the form - it should match the style of your interior, as you can see in the photo above and in the photo below. Interior with country motifs, Provence, coastal style, cottage style flower pots of traditional shape and in the form of jugs are well suited, modern interior- concise, angular or streamlined shape. Exquisite interiors retro and shabby chic- perforated with imitation of lace and cutwork. Classic interiors- classical forms.

Maintaining any color of your interior is always good. In the photo, an interesting example is a photo wallpaper with the image of roses, on their background the same roses in the same flower pots that support the main colors of the photo wallpaper. Please note that everything is done exactly according to the rules that I wrote about above.

The final picture looks somewhat, for my taste, cloying, but if the owners like it, then ok. At least in terms of design, there is nothing to complain about.

Two good examples rhymes with interior elements in the photo below.

The golden terracotta flower pots in the photo on the left support the embroidery on the pillow, and the red color of the flowers rhymes with the color of the table and tile. In the photo on the right, the dark red color of the pots supports the color of the pillows.

Matching shape and size

When choosing a flower pot, also pay attention to matching its shape and size to the shape and size of the flower. Flowers growing with “grass” (calendula, carnations, marigolds, etc.) look good in oblong low ones, as in the photo. Flowers growing in a "bush" (petunias, kalanchoe, roses, begonias, etc.) - in traditional pots. Flowers growing with an “arrow” (orchids, callas) - in flower pots of stable squat forms, cubic ones are especially good. Compare two pictures:

A flower pot of a traditional shape is not very suitable for an arrow-shaped orchid - the picture loses its stability, it seems that the orchid is about to fall. In the photo on the right, the arrow-shaped flower grows in a squat flower pot, and the picture looks very harmonious and elegant.

In size, they correspond to the visible part of the flower - not very beautiful when the pot is much smaller or much larger than the flower. You can see a common mistake in the photo on the right - here small Kalanchoes are planted in large flower pots, much larger than them. Everything seems to be fine - and the color rhymes with flowers and sofa cushions, and the same plants stand in a row in the same pots, but due to the fact that they are too large, some absurdity appears in the final picture.

Unusual flower pots

Well, at the end of the article I will amuse you a little. Pots now come in so many different types and shapes that, perhaps, a separate review will have to be written about unusual flower pots. They are luminous LED, electronic, combined with a radio and just funny.

Perhaps, it is unlikely that a more popular plant will be found today than a ficus. These flowers are often planted both at home on the windowsill and in office spaces. Found everywhere different types ficuses: Benjamin's ficus and even rubber-bearing ficus. They look pretty nice, besides, they are very unpretentious in their care. But in order for them to please you, you need to follow some rules. One of them - suitable pot for ficus. In this article we will tell you which pot is needed for ficus, and how to choose the right one.

If you plan to plant a small plant, then a standard pot is selected for it. More carefully, you need to select a pot for a ficus that has already been growing with you for some time (or if you purchased an adult copy in a flower shop).

In fact, pots of standard sizes, in which the diameter is equal to the height, are perfect for planting ficuses there. For example, for ficus Benjamin (one of the most popular varieties of this home plant), such a pot is ideal - you can safely place it in such a container. For Ficus Rubbery, also select a standard-shaped pot.
If you are planning to plant and grow a tree according to the technique, it is worth changing the approach a little. In this case, when picking up pots, make sure that they are flatter. For example, from the Benjamins, a beautiful bonsai tree will be quite simple, and such ficuses will perfectly decorate your home. For them, it is recommended to pick up beautiful pots in the form of a bowl or a small container that will fit perfectly into any interior. Plants planted without using this technique do well in standard shaped pots.

In addition, you can choose not only a pot, but also independently build a high planter for ficus. Fortunately, today the Internet contains enough information on how this can be done.

How to choose the size for the plant

What should be the size of ficus pots? We choose the size, paying attention to the degree of development of the root system of your pets. Again, if a small, standard-sized pot is suitable for newly planted babies, then with older specimens, you must consider how long their roots are.

Also remember that these plants need timely. For example, rubber ficuses transplanted once a year, because their root system grows very quickly (like their "relatives"). When the roots completely fill the entire space and braid the earthen ball, choose a pot, the size of which will be several times larger than the previous one. If appropriate measures are not taken at the right time, the flower may gradually wither.
In general, any ficus - Benjamin or Rubber - will need more and more space as it grows. Therefore, when choosing a small container for them before planting, think that in a couple of years they will grow well and they will need large “houses”. But don't overdo it! The situation will not change for the better if you pick up too free capacity. You should pick up a pot only slightly larger than the previous one, so that after some time the roots completely fill the free space.

But if at the moment you are just starting to plant this plant, you can limit yourself standard size pot. We calmly put the baby in a small pot - the planted ficus will feel great in a new place.

Material suitable for the pot

In principle, this plant cannot be called too picky about the materials from which its “house” will be made. However, in order to know exactly which pot to plant this lovely flower in, several aspects must be taken into account.

The first of these is the toxicity of materials. It is no secret that among the current manufacturers there are enough of those who want to save on materials. Therefore, they can make flower pots from materials that are not very beneficial for the health of the flowers. So pay attention to the quality of the materials that were used in the manufacture of the container.

Further, it should be said that for such flowers, pots made of clay and plastic, as well as ceramic, can be selected. Even planting flowers in tubs made of wood is allowed - among other things, they have an excellent appearance and decorate any room.

Naturally, preference should be given to containers made of natural materials. If you plan to master the bonsai technique, then in this case you should approach the task more responsibly by choosing bowls or containers made of clay. In addition, it is better to choose containers without a characteristic glossy sheen.

Be sure to ensure that there are drainage holes, otherwise the root system can easily rot, which in turn will lead to the death of your pet.

In general, as you can see, this flower is very unpretentious in choosing its “house”. The requirements for choosing a container are minimal, and it will not be difficult to comply with them in practice. Since manufacturers can always please us with a huge variety of flower containers, you can easily choose the right pot for your pets. In addition, you should not have any problems with the fact that the flower does not fit into the interior. And this is undoubtedly another plus in favor of this pretty green plant.

Video "Ficus Care and Transplantation"

From this video you will learn how to care for and transplant ficus.

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