
Interior decoration of a block house: installation and photos. Block house for interior decoration: room design ideas Interior decoration of a house block house ideas

The issue of finishing a house is no less important than the construction of its supporting frame. Ultimately, improper finishing can harm not only the appearance of the home, but also cause damage to load-bearing structures. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology and sequence of work.

Currently, in the wake of a “return to nature,” there is great demand for this type of home finishing, such as blockhouse cladding, which consists of planks that are rounded on one side and flat on the other.

To decorate the facade, they often use not wooden, but vinyl or steel blockhouses that imitate wooden surface. For interior work, only natural materials are used.

Blockhouse classes and sizes

When purchasing a wooden blockhouse, you must pay attention to its quality.

Based on this feature, all panels are divided into 4 classes:

  • “Extra” class – products without a single defect or knot;
  • class "A";
  • class "B";
  • class "C".

All panels are produced on the same equipment, and sorting by quality is carried out after production. Defects are considered chips, dents, cracks, black (falling out) knots. A class “C” product may have several defects per linear meter. “Extra” products are very expensive and are used mainly for finishing luxury facades and interiors. The most popular materials are class “A” and “B” slats.

As for the dimensions, the width and thickness of the panels are regulated quite strictly, and there are no special requirements for the length. Therefore, each consumer can choose a blockhouse of the length that is most beneficial in terms of waste when decorating his particular home. The width of the panels can be 140, 170,190, 195 mm, and the thickness is 20, 27, 28, 36, 40 mm.

Products from different manufacturers may differ from standard sizes, therefore, when covering it is better to use planks from the same manufacturer, which will fit perfectly together.

For interior decoration, narrow panels are usually used, while wide ones look better on the facade.

The cost of the material is greatly influenced by the type of wood from which it is made. Larch and cedar are quite expensive, while spruce and pine are much cheaper. There is also material on sale made from hardwood, which is used for the interior lining of saunas and baths. Coniferous material is good for exterior and interior decoration of a residential building, as it is resistant to moisture and improves the microclimate of the home due to its high content of resinous substances.

House interior cladding

In order for the result of the cladding to be pleasing to the eye, you need to immediately resolve the following issues:

  • How will the planks be placed on the walls - vertically or horizontally? If the ceiling height is small, then it makes sense to direct the paneling vertically - then the rooms will seem higher.
  • It is necessary to determine whether the walls are smooth and whether the diagonals of the room are maintained. If the walls are smooth and the dimensions of the room are strictly maintained, then the blockhouse can be mounted directly on the walls, without a frame. If the walls are uneven and the corners of the room deviate from 90 degrees, then you will have to align all the parameters of the room using wooden frame, otherwise the result of the work is unlikely to please you.
  • It is necessary to immediately mark all exit points of switches, sockets, distribution boxes. This is done so that you can make neat cutouts in it before installing the slats on the wall.
  • Before work begins, the blockhouse must lie indoors for at least 2 days. This is necessary so that its temperature and humidity are equalized in accordance with the microclimate of the house. This reduces the likelihood of the planks warping after fastening and the appearance of unnecessary cracks on them.

  • It is better to immediately purchase all the necessary elements for the complete finishing of the room: baseboards, external and internal corners - they will be needed for joining the planks in the corners.
  • Wood absorbs water well and is susceptible to rot, so it is better to immediately buy material treated with an antipyretic and an antiseptic (now there are two-in-one formulations). Otherwise, you will have to do the processing yourself, after which it will take time to dry the material.
  • It is also advisable to immediately decide what fasteners will be used: nails, screws, clamps. Of these, the greatest preference is given to self-tapping screws and clamps, and nails are an option for the lazy.

To cover the walls with a blockhouse you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • building level;
  • circular saw or hacksaw;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • rubber mallet (used to fit the upper board onto the tenon of the lower one).

The installation technology itself is simple:

  • If there is a need to install a frame, then the first thing to do is install it. For the frame they are used wooden blocks 30-40 mm thick.
  • If the blockhouse is located horizontally, then the wall cladding starts from the bottom. The first board must be placed level, then as work progresses, the horizontality of the planks is checked every 3-4 rows. If the planks are installed vertically, then you can start work from any corner of the room.
  • The board is positioned with the groove down and the self-tapping screw is screwed into the tenon at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. The second fastener is screwed closer to the groove. It is advisable to drill holes for self-tapping screws in the planks in advance - this will prevent them from splitting.
  • The next board is put on the tongue of the previous one with a groove and fastened in the same way.
  • Upon completion of the work, the visible sockets where the screws are located are filled with varnish or special decorative plugs are inserted into them.

Some time after the work is completed, the blockhouse is sanded (if necessary) and coated with varnish, which will protect the material from moisture, dirt and greasy fumes, if it is a kitchen.

Blockhouse cladding can be installed on walls made of any materials. It is only important that the wall is dry before starting work. Preparation for cladding involves cleaning the facade from dirt, old plaster, and mold.

To install the cladding, there are no options here, you will have to install a frame, especially if the house needs insulation.

The work order is as follows:

  • First, a vapor barrier layer is installed. It is needed in order to protect the insulation from moisture contained in the wall material.
  • Then a frame made of wooden blocks is installed, designed to level the surfaces of the walls and install insulation. In this case, the thickness of the frame bars must correspond to the thickness of the slabs or rolls of insulation.
  • The insulation (usually mineral wool boards) is fixed between the frame posts using glue or umbrella dowels. It should fit snugly to the wall surface.
  • Then a special film is attached with a construction stapler - a wind barrier, which will protect the insulation from the effects of air currents.
  • Through the film, a counter-lattice is attached to the frame - slats 20 mm thick, which serve to create free space between the wind barrier and the blockhouse, which is necessary for ventilation of the facade. Small vents should be left at the bottom and top of the wall for air circulation.
  • Next, the first facing board is installed with the groove down. For the facade part, this is especially important - this way the water will roll down without lingering in the grooves of the wooden cladding. The boards are fastened in the same way as for sheathing. interior walls. To work on the facade, it is better to use galvanized self-tapping screws, which do not rust and cannot subsequently decorate the wall with red streaks.
  • The next board is placed with a groove on the tenon and fastened in the same way.
  • To give the facade visual appeal, the joints between the planks are covered with decorative slats or special joining elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing a house with a wooden blockhouse

Although the façade of a house can be covered with vinyl or steel blockhouses, which are more durable than wood, natural cladding still has its advantages.

The advantages include:

  • Wooden blockhouse is quite durable, and thanks to impregnations, it is also resistant to environmental influences.
  • Damaged finishing elements can be sanded, puttied and covered with stain or varnish so that the defect is not noticeable.
  • Thin panels are light in weight and do not put too much strain on the foundation.
  • The material is environmentally friendly.
  • Having low thermal conductivity, wood paneling serves as additional insulation for the house.

The disadvantages include:

  • Quite a high cost of wooden planks.
  • Fire hazard, although with appropriate impregnation it is significantly reduced.
  • The need to periodically treat the panels with varnish, which increases the moisture resistance of the material.

For adherents of ecology and simply a rustic style, finishing the interior walls with a wooden blockhouse is simply ideal, and the high cost of the material here is fully justified by its positive qualities. If we talk about finishing the facade, then it is necessary to proceed from the size of the budget. If it's limited, then it might be better to use vinyl siding“under the tree” than to buy a cheap low-quality wooden blockhouse, which will quickly lose both appearance and functionality.

Interior and exterior decoration of blockhouse

It is difficult to overestimate the capabilities of such a material as a block house. Its main advantage is that it is an environmentally friendly, natural material, specially treated wood. And everyone knows about the properties and characteristics of wood. Here's how you can use a block house, photos of rooms and houses in the decoration of which a block house is used, design options for rooms and other premises, and there will be a real review.

A block house is not an ordinary, familiar board with smooth surfaces. It has several varieties that differ in appearance. The front side can have a cylindrical surface (imitation log), or it can be flat; usually such a block house is called imitation timber. What a blockhouse is, the photo below allows you to see in detail for both options.

As can be understood from the presented data, the block house does not differ in variety of forms. Visually, imitation timber and lining, block house are somewhat similar to each other - a photo of imitation timber is presented above, and a photo of wooden lining below, and you can compare them yourself.

However, these are different materials, although each of them serves for surface finishing. Lining is currently used mainly for finishing premises (interior), but the block house, in addition to internal premises, is also used for cladding facades.

Application for finishing block house facades

Previously, lining was also used for cladding external walls, but in lately Most often, a house is clad with a block house; a photo of such a house is given below as an example.

This change in materials for cladding facades is due to differences in their properties. During production, the block house is subjected to deep drying in chambers, due to which it acquires additional strength and resistance to fungi. And it is thicker than lining and better resists external influences. And the house, lined with a block house, the photo of which can be seen below, takes on the appearance of being cut from a log.

However, using such boards for finishing exterior surfaces has other advantages besides changing the appearance of the house. When installing the finishing of the facade of a block house, a photo of how this is done is given below, insulation is carried out, which provides additional comfort.

Do not forget about one of the main purposes of a block house - to protect the walls of houses. It is the ability to achieve several goals simultaneously when using this material that provides it with such wide application.

And it must be honestly noted that the impression left by a house in which a block house is used to decorate the external walls is completely different from that of an ordinary house. Just watch how it changes appearance block house, photos of houses for example are given below:

Block house in interior decoration

In fact, such a board serves universal material, equally successfully used for all types of finishing (internal and external). How you can use a block house to decorate premises, a photo of the interior, for example, is given below.

It should be noted that the block house itself is quite an expressive material, but in addition, it combines perfectly with others - stone, glass, as well as finished products– lamps or forged iron decorative parts. For an example of how a block house is used in the interior - photo possible options this is given below.

This use of block house panels helps to realize a variety of stylistic finishing options. As a result, the interior of a blockhouse can resemble the decor of a noble or merchant's house, or it can help reproduce the atmosphere of a hunting lodge or organically combine with high-tech design.

Moreover, such finishing can be done not only in residential premises, but also in any others. This is what decorating a room with a block house might look like, a photo of a children's playroom is shown below.

Using block house panels for interior decoration seems to be the most correct solution if the exterior decoration has already been made from such material. In this case, it will be possible to maintain a single style of decorating the house, which will be perceived more organically than finishing different parts structures. As an example of such finishing, you can see what a room from a blockhouse looks like, the photo of which is presented below.

Other options for using a block house

In addition to using the board for exterior decoration and decorating the living rooms of the house, it is also used for decorating auxiliary rooms. One of these possible objects are baths or saunas; you can see how they are decorated with a block house, the photo below will allow you to see in maximum detail.

Interesting options arise when a block house is used to decorate the landscape surrounding the house in the desired style. Here it would be appropriate to use a block house to build gazebos or a fence, for example, as in the photo below.

All the examples discussed do not cover the possible uses of a block house. The properties of this material, like real wood, make it possible to realize the most ambitious plans for decorating a house, giving it a new, modern and fashionable look.

For several years now, finishing a house with a block house, both inside and outside, has been breaking all records in its popularity and demand. It allows you to give a building an elite look, even if it is built from the most ordinary and nondescript raw materials. In addition, covering a house with a block house makes it possible to increase its heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Compared to other finishing options, block house panels have a number of advantageous advantages.

  • The block house is completely non-toxic and extremely environmentally friendly. During its production, drying is carried out naturally, the wood is not impregnated with harmful chemical compounds.
  • Cladding a house with a block house is technologically very simple. Thanks to the “groove-tenon” system, installation can be carried out even by a non-specialist.
  • The material is light in weight, so even balconies and loggias can be finished from the inside with a house block.
  • Block house panels can be perfectly combined with different materials, so that the widest range becomes available design ideas. The block house looks especially advantageous with textured plaster, stone (natural and artificial) and glass. If you prefer wallpaper, choose options with an embossed pattern.

House exterior cladding

However, like any other material, block house also has a number of disadvantages. The most significant are:

  • Low fire safety. The panels are made from wood, which is highly flammable. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally treat them with fire retardants.
  • Insufficient vapor permeability. Because of this, during operation, fungal and mold colonies may form under the block house. This can be avoided by treatment with bactericidal compounds and high-quality ventilation equipment.
  • The need for subsequent maintenance of the block house: it will periodically have to be opened with varnish or paint.

However, all these disadvantages do not discourage developers from using panels: the advantages of a block house are much more attractive.

On the question of choice

If you decide to decorate your house with a block house, first decide whether the cladding will be internal or external. Finishing materials intended for facade works, have a large width (usually 23 cm). To cover the inside of the premises, a narrower house block, 7-12 cm wide, is produced. This is due to the visual effect: thin planks visually increase the space, making the room “promising” and airy.

It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the wood. For external cladding, it is better to take panels as thick as possible, 4.5 cm. For interior decoration, a minimum thickness of 2 cm is sufficient.

Now about the type of wood from which the block house is made. For interior decoration, panels made of pine, spruce or cedar are recommended - they maintain a unique microclimate in the house and have an elegant texture. However, if the room being finished is a bathhouse or steam room, coniferous wood should be avoided: when heated, this wood releases resins that are not beneficial to the body and becomes very hot, causing discomfort. For a steam room, it is better to prefer linden, alder or aspen.

As for quality, block house panels have several classes. The elite grade is very expensive and is used exclusively for finishing top-class houses. Grade A is used for cladding residential premises (outside and inside), grade B is suitable for decorating steam rooms and baths (only from the inside; it will quickly fail during external work). Class C house block is used only for finishing utility rooms.

Metal block house

In addition to structures made of wood, the construction industry offers consumers vinyl and metal panels. However, we note that both of them are suitable only for facade cladding. Moreover, metal building material is used mainly for finishing industrial premises - comfort and elegance residential building he doesn't give it. And vinyl material has installation features that only a professional builder can handle. Therefore most people prefer finishing material made from natural wood.

Materials and tools

To upholster a house with a block house you will need:

  • Wooden bars with a cross-section of either 30x40 or 40x50 mm. They are needed for lathing equipment. If desired, you can also buy metal structures.
  • Actually a block house. It should be purchased with some reserve, in case some of the elements are damaged during installation. It is not recommended to purchase additional finishing materials later: they may not match the shade of the main part.
  • Wood impregnation agent. It is already provided with standard protection at the enterprise, but additional processing will not be unnecessary.

  • Paints, varnishes or stains for final finishing.
  • Decorative corners for decorating corners; for internal work - skirting boards, for external work - platbands.
  • Fasteners (screws, clamps or nails, which must be treated against rust).
  • Hacksaw for dividing a block house into proportional elements.
  • Drill, stapler, hammer (or mallet), brushes, tape measure, plumb line or building level. You may also need a sander.

If the block is covered with a house façade, you will need more waterproofing film, a vapor barrier (often kraft paper with a layer of foil is used) and insulation. The last point is not mandatory, but usually finishing a block house is combined with additional thermal insulation.

Internal lining

Before upholstering the walls of a block house, it needs to be “adapted” to the operating conditions. Purchased for this purpose building materials are removed from the packaging and left for several days in the room where they will be used. Then the wood should be treated with an antiseptic (and preferably a fire retardant) and wait until the composition dries. The installation itself consists of the following steps.

  • If the walls have old finishing, it is dismantled.
  • In adjacent corners, two planks are leveled and fixed.
  • A cord is stretched between the slats - it will help simplify the placement of other sheathing slats, since it will eliminate the need to check each of them for level.
  • The remaining lathing strips are installed at a distance of 50-60 cm from one another. There is no need to level the walls to accommodate it: the curvature is leveled by placing wooden scraps under the bars.
  • If desired, insulation can be placed in the cells of the sheathing.
  • The first board of the house block is set strictly horizontally (control the level). Fixation can be done using any fastener, but clamps are preferable - they do not leave holes. Correct location elements - spike up. Thanks to this position, condensation will not accumulate in the grooves.
  • Each subsequent plank is placed in the groove with a tenon. For a tighter fit, it should be beaten with a hammer with a rubber attachment or a wooden mallet. However, the elements should not fit end to end: a gap of 1-2 mm is left between them, since the wood “breathes,” either increasing or decreasing in volume.
  • The internal corners are joined with decorative overlays. The openings of windows and doors are closed with special strips.

When all the walls are tiled, you can go over the block house with a sanding machine. The last step will be to open the surfaces with stain or varnish. If varnish is used, apply at least two coats.

DIY block house

Exterior works

When covering the facade with block house, the material also needs to be acclimatized. To do this, the packaging is removed from it, and the panels are laid outdoors in such a way that they are isolated from precipitation - under a canopy or covered with construction polyethylene. Impregnation with bactericidal compounds is carried out in the same order as for interior finishing of a block house. The old finishing is also dismantled in the same way if the house is not a new building.

The installation sequence is as follows.

  • If the house is made of wood, the walls are covered with a water-repellent primer. If they are stone or concrete, they are covered with a hydro-vapor barrier film. All joints are taped with construction tape.
  • A sheathing is placed over the insulation. The step between its slats is half a meter. The sheathing elements must also be treated with an antiseptic before installation.
  • Mounted thermal insulation material, which is covered with moisture and wind protection on top.
  • A ventilation gap must be left between the insulation and the block house. To equip it, a counter-lattice is installed, stuffed on top of the original structure.
  • The panels themselves must be installed from below. The first house block is set according to level; strict horizontality is verified every 2-3 elements. The location of the panels is the same, with the groove down. The breathing gap increases to 3 mm.

For inexperienced finishers, difficulties when facing a block house are usually caused by finishing the corners. Experts recommend removing both joining walls and closing the joint either with purchased decorative corner, or a carriage board.

After completion of the work, the walls lined with block houses are sanded and coated with varnish (necessarily wax-based or water-repellent) in several layers. Platbands and linings on doorways are installed last. Depending on the circumstances, fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or nails. There is also the option of installing the overlays with glue.

A properly laid house block will provide comfort in the house and its aesthetic appearance for many years. It will only be necessary to update the varnish coating once every 5-6 years.

If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid of spoiling the purchased building materials, or do not have enough time to carry out the work, contact specialists. Your home will be transformed in a matter of days.

We all give a different assessment of the environment, which fully applies to the environment in which we feel comfortable. At the same time, we can highlight special types of interior decoration that evoke similar associations among many people. In this case, we mean the use of wood in the interior design of the house. And one of the popular materials is considered to be a block house, thanks to which the designer has the opportunity to realize many of his ideas and plans.

What is attractive about a block house?

This material itself looks like an ordinary board, which made in the form of a cylinder and has a groove and a ridge on the ribs. But still, the interior of a house, which is decorated using a block house, looks somewhat different than when using traditional materials. Photos of the interior will tell you best about the interior decoration of a block house.

Deserves special attention block house characteristics, which in many ways made it a popular material for use in interior decoration:

It is equally important that this seemingly ordinary board material can look effectively against the background of other elements of the room’s design, including beams, brickwork, forged parts. And, judging by the photo of the block house, everything is exactly like that.

Draws attention to yourself and unusual appearance this material, which is associated with walls cut from logs. A house decorated with a block house creates a feeling of warmth that does not leave a person even for a minute. Therefore, photos are the best way to learn more about decorating a room with a blockhouse.

Choosing a block house for interior decoration

Although at first glance one may get the impression that there is nothing complicated here, nevertheless, here, as in the case of any other material, there are some nuances, which should be kept in mind.

Having decided on the type of board that will be used to decorate the rooms inside the house, you can think about choosing the actual material itself. To make the walls of the room look most impressive, it is recommended to use a block house, presented in the form of narrow and rather thin boards, the width of which should not exceed 150 mm. A material with such a profile will create a relief surface, which will not lead to a reduction in the usable volume of the room.

In addition, attention should be paid special attention quality of board manufacturing. It should be noted that different manufacturers take their own approach to this issue. For some, the reference point is the requirements of the domestic GOST, for others - the standards in force for European countries and the USA, and for others - their own standards, which in the vast majority of cases are more stringent than the norms of the usual GOST.

Although all these requirements may vary greatly from each other, it is still necessary to use a high-quality blockhouse to decorate the rooms inside the house, which will be indicated no cracks, traces of tools, rot and blue. Then you can be sure that the owner will get exactly the result he expects.

Features of internal installation of a block house

In each case, the blockhouse used to decorate the house can be mounted on surfaces made of different materials. However, regardless of this, the presence of sheathing is a mandatory requirement for it. It is made using bars reaching a thickness of 30-40 mm. The finished bars are mounted to the wall, placing them at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, making sure that they are aligned in height. This reveals an additional advantage of this method of finishing a room: by using a block house to decorate a house, there is no need to level the walls before carrying out work.

Installation technology

According to the facade finishing technology, before installing a blockhouse, you must first perform thermal insulation. But if this work is carried out inside the house, then nothing bad will happen if the owner decides to ignore this recommendation. First of all, this applies to premises that are built of brick and wood. However, you need to think about this before you start. sheathing installation work. The fact is that if you include insulation in the list of necessary works, this will require increasing the thickness of the bars. The presence of free air space between the wall and the cladding has a certain positive effect, which ensures better noise protection of the house.

Regardless of which side of the room the block house is attached to, this work is carried out horizontally along the vertical sheathing. However, sometimes you can resort to the method vertical installation. First of all, this applies to those premises where mode high humidity . Therefore, this approach should be used for saunas and baths. By acting in this way, you can prevent water from accumulating in the grooves of the board and avoid destruction of the wood.

If we talk in more detail about the technology of such installation, then it is especially important here that the tenon of the first and subsequent boards is located in the direction of the light source. Thanks to this, it will be possible to hide the joint of the boards as much as possible. This solution is as effective as gluing wallpaper overlapping. However, this installation method is resorted to in rare cases. Most often practiced block house fastening method horizontally, where the tenon is located at the top and the groove is at the bottom of the board.

Another important feature of the finishing works with the use of a block house is that the wooden material must lie unpacked for several days indoors. Such exposure will allow the block house to acquire environmental humidity.

As a starting point for installing a block house, you can choose the upper or lower boundary of the house wall. In this case, most often, nails or self-tapping screws are used to fasten the material, which are driven into the tenon at an angle. For such an installation scheme, it is most preferable to fasten the material from below, since this eliminates many inconveniences. Instead of traditional blockhouse fastening elements, they can be used special staples and clamps. In this case, it is possible to ensure high quality and reliability of fastening the material, although this leads to an increase in its cost.

Having finished finishing the room, it is recommended to take care of its protection from negative effects from such factors as:

  • dust;
  • dirt;
  • moisture.

Solving this problem is quite simple, given that today the market offers many relevant products, primers, varnishes and stains. However, it is advisable to opt for varnish or wax. Then all that needs to be done for this is to remove the dust from time to time, using a vacuum cleaner as equipment, or removing it with a damp sponge. But from the use of abrasive materials and aggressive detergents must be abandoned, since their use risks damaging the material.


Block house is the most attractive option for finishing a house among all available materials made from wood. As a result of use modern technologies, it allows you to give the room original and aesthetic appearance while providing protection from negative factors. However, for this it is necessary to strictly fulfill the requirements for its installation. Every owner can cope with this task, because this material is not only affordable, but also does not create problems in use.

To decorate bedrooms in a house, they usually use plaster mixtures or vinyl wallpaper. However, recently widespread received natural materials. For example, panels made of bamboo and cork began to be used. As an alternative, various draperies, plasterboard, and MDF panels are used. If the room is designed in a minimalist style, then you can use soft wall panels.

Finishing with fabric draperies is often used to decorate bedrooms designed in classic style. To decorate a bedroom, you can use fabrics such as linen, silk, velvet, tapestry or chintz. Suede can be an alternative. This fabric is easy to glue and is not afraid of moisture.

The sequence of finishing a bedroom in an apartment with fabric:

  • Spread the adhesive solution onto the surface. It is recommended to use specialized furniture glue.
  • Secure the top fabric of the canvas with a nail.
  • Place the fabric on the surface and iron it. Do not forget to stretch the fabric well first, otherwise after repair work defects may appear.
  • Iron the drapery 2-3 times.
  • Cut off excess fabric with a knife.
  • If bubbles form on the surface, remove them.

Decorating a bedroom with a block house: features and interior

Many people began to use a block house to decorate their bedrooms. It consists of rounded lamellas made of natural wood. Coniferous trees are predominantly used.

Before starting the repair, you need to remove the slats from the packaging and let them lie in the room for several days. This is necessary so that the material expands a little and does not deform after installation.

The finishing of the bedroom with a block house is carried out in the following order:

  1. Prepare the surface for installation. Remove whitewash, plaster and other finishing materials. If necessary, apply a primer coat to the base surface.
  2. Cover the surface with a special impregnation with deep penetration. This will prevent wood from rotting.
  3. Install the frame from wooden beam 30 mm thick. If desired, install an additional vapor barrier layer on the sheathing. Remember that the optimal moisture level for timber is 15-20%.
  4. Attach the starting bar using self-tapping screws.
  5. Cover the sheathing with lamellas. Adjacent blocks are secured to each other using a tongue-and-groove system.
  6. In places corner connections install special moldings.

Soft materials for finishing the bedroom

Soft wall panels– a good finishing material that fits into the interior of any bedroom. Numerous examples and reviews have shown that, in addition to beautiful view, such panels allow you to achieve good sound insulation of the room.

The following materials are used as filler for these panels:

  • Foam rubber. Panels with this filler are used mainly when decorating a child's bedroom.
  • Sintepon. With this filler you can create a perfectly flat surface, since the low specific gravity padding polyester eliminates the possibility of panel deformation.

Soft panels do not require careful preliminary preparation. Moreover, this material allows you to hide defects in the base surface.

Technology for decorating a bedroom with soft panels:

  1. Apply one primer coat to the surface.
  2. After this, mark on the surface where the soft panels are attached.
    Apply glue to the underside of the soft panel.
  3. Cover the entire surface with soft panels.
  4. Remove any remaining material using a hacksaw.

Inexpensive bedroom finishing options

If you are looking for inexpensive options for finishing ceilings and walls in the bedroom, you can use MDF panels. They fit well into any design, are environmentally friendly and inexpensive. In addition, MDF panels can be easily mounted on almost any surface.

Remember that the basis of MDF panels is sawdust, so this material is fire hazardous. If you plan to run wiring in the ceiling space, be sure to insulate it with corrugation.

Stages of installing MDF panels on the ceiling or walls:

  • Mark the surface using a laser level.
  • Install the starting profile and additional hangers.
  • Attach guide profiles around the entire perimeter of the wall or ceiling. Fixation is done using self-tapping screws or dowels.
  • Insert intermediate profiles into the guide profiles.
  • After the sheathing is done, make holes in the MDF panels for lamps or a chandelier.
  • Cover the frame with panels. Adjacent panels are fastened together using a tongue-and-groove system.

Also, if you have a limited budget, you can decorate your bedroom using acrylic paints. This material is applied to a thoroughly cleaned surface in several layers. Before painting a wall or ceiling, be sure to apply a layer of putty to the surface.

Decorating a bedroom with natural materials: a step-by-step guide

If you prefer natural materials, then you can use cork to decorate a separate bedroom. This material is moisture resistant, environmentally friendly and reliable. In addition, cork is not prone to rotting, reduces the level of electromagnetic radiation and improves the sound insulation of the room.

The cork is installed on a clean and prepared surface, so before starting finishing work, level and prime the surface. Also, do not forget to repair cracks and chips.

Cork surface covering technology:

  1. Apply markings to the surface using a plumb line and a building level.
  2. Place the panel on the surface and outline it along the entire contour.
  3. Apply adhesive solution to the surface.
  4. Glue the cork.
  5. Glue the remaining panels in the same way.
  6. Roll over the material. Don't forget to align the joints.

Bamboo stems are also good natural materials. Special wallpapers are made from them, which are widely used in decorating bedrooms.

Decorating the bedroom with bamboo is done in the following order:

  • Cut the bamboo sheet using a hacksaw.
  • Apply the adhesive solution to the wall using a notched trowel.
  • After the glue has dried a little, apply a bamboo sheet to the surface.
  • Level the wallpaper using a rubber roller.
  • Cover the entire wall in the same way.
  • After a few hours, smooth the wallpaper again using a roller.

Decorating a bedroom in a house (video)

Exists large number building materials with which you can decorate the bedroom in the apartment. To decorate bedrooms, it is recommended to use exclusively natural materials, for example, bamboo wallpaper, a block house made of coniferous trees or cork. If you have limited financial resources, then MDF panels will do just fine, acrylic paints or soft panels.

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