
Calculation of the truss system of a gable roof. Draft truss system for a gable roof Roof structure plan

Payment truss system should be done not after the construction of the box at home, but even at the stage of manufacturing the building project. It must be remembered that for very responsible and prestigious buildings, it is recommended to order such work from professional architects, only they will be able to perform correct calculations and guarantee the duration and safety of the operation of the facility.

Although it is one of the most simple types systems for residential buildings, there are several types of construction. Diversity allows you to increase the options for using roofs in the construction of houses according to standard or individual exclusive projects.

Type of truss system gable roof Architectural features and brief description

The most commonly used option has two completely identical rectangular slopes. The loads between the individual elements are distributed evenly, regardless of their location. The number of additional stops is not limited, a specific decision is made depending on the plans for the use of attic space. Calculations can be done using free programs hosted on construction sites.

The skate is shifted to one of the sides of the house or slopes with different angles of inclination. The roof truss system is more complex for calculations. If in a simplified version one slope can be calculated and the data obtained automatically applied to the second, then this option cannot be used for an asymmetric truss system. Advantages - original appearance. Disadvantages - the complexity of calculations and installation and a decrease in the used attic space.

Most often used during the construction of attic spaces, it allows you to significantly increase the volume of attic spaces. Calculations on complexity belong to the middle category. Rafter system with an external break. Rarely there are systems with an internal break, except for the original appearance, they have no advantages.

Structural elements of the truss system

We will give a list of all the elements that need to be calculated for each specific case.

The simplest element of the truss system can be made from timber 150 × 150 mm, 200 × 200 mm or boards 50 × 150 mm and 50 × 200 mm. On small houses, it is allowed to use paired boards with a thickness of 25 mm or more. Mauerlat is considered an irresponsible element, its task is only to evenly distribute point forces from the rafter legs along the perimeter of the facade walls of the building. It is fixed to the wall on a reinforcing belt using anchors or large dowels. Some truss systems have large bursting forces, in these cases the element is calculated for stability. Accordingly, the optimal methods for fixing the Mauerlat to the walls are selected, taking into account the material of their masonry.

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They form the silhouette of the truss system and perceive all the existing loads: from wind and snow, dynamic and static, permanent and temporary.

They are made from boards 50x100mm or 50x150mm, they can be solid or extended.

The boards are calculated according to the resistance to bending, taking into account the data obtained, the species and types of wood, the distance between the legs, and additional elements to increase stability are selected. Two connected legs are called a truss, in the upper part they may have puffs.

Puffs are calculated for stretching.


One of the most important elements of the gable roof truss system. They are calculated for maximum bending forces, they are made of boards or timber of the section corresponding to the loads. A ridge run is installed at the highest point, side rails can be mounted on the sides. Run calculations are quite complex and must take into account a large number of factors.

They can be vertical and inclined. Inclined work in compression, attached at right angles to the rafters. The lower part rests against floor beams or concrete slabs, options for resting on horizontal beds are acceptable. Due to the stops, it is possible to use thinner lumber for the manufacture of rafter legs. Vertical stops work in compression, horizontal stops in bending.

lying down

They are laid along the attic, rest against several load-bearing walls or interior partitions. The purpose is to simplify the manufacture of a complex truss system, the creation of new points for transferring loads from various types of stops. For beds, beams or thick boards can be used, the calculation is made according to the maximum bending moment between the support points.


The type of crate is selected taking into account technical parameters roofing and does not affect the performance of the truss system.

What crate is needed for corrugated board? When to mount wooden, and when metal? How to choose the right step of the crate and what factors should be taken into account?

Prices for building boards

Building boards

Stages of calculating a gable roof

All works consist of several stages, each of which has a great influence on the stability and durability of the structure.

Calculation of the parameters of the rafter legs

Based on the data obtained, the linear parameters of lumber and the truss pitch are determined. If the loads on the rafters are very large, then vertical or angular stops are installed to evenly distribute them, the calculations are repeated taking into account new data. The direction of the impact of forces, the magnitude of torque and bending moments change. During the calculations, three types of loads should be taken into account.

  1. Permanent. These loads include the weight of roofing materials, lathing, insulation layers. If the attic is in use, then the mass of all finishing materials of the inner surfaces of the walls should be taken into account. Data on roofing materials are taken from their specifications. The lightest of all metal roofs, the heaviest of all are natural slate materials, ceramic or cement-sand piece tiles.

  2. Variable loads. The most difficult to calculate efforts, especially at the present time, when the climate is changing dramatically. For calculations, data are still taken from reference books of SNiP of an outdated model. For his tables, information was used fifty years ago, since then the height of the snow cover, the strength and the prevailing direction of the wind have changed significantly. Snow loads can be several times higher than those in the tables, which has a significant impact on the reliability of calculations.

    Moreover, the height of the snow changes not only taking into account the climatic zone, but also depending on the location of the house on the cardinal points, the terrain, the specific location of the building, etc. Data on the strength and direction of the wind are just as unreliable. Architects have found a way out of this difficult situation: the data is taken from outdated tables, but a safety factor is used in each formula to ensure reliability and stability. For critical roof systems on residential buildings, the standard is 1.4. This means that all linear parameters of the system elements increase by 1.4 times, and this increases the reliability and safety of the structure operation.

    The actual wind load is equal to the figure in the region where the building is located, multiplied by the correction factor. The correction factor characterizes the features of the location of the building. The same formula is used to determine the maximum snow load.

  3. individual loads. This category includes specific efforts that affect the gable roof truss system during an earthquake, tornado and other natural disasters.

The final values ​​are determined taking into account the probability of the simultaneous action of all the above loads. The dimensions of each element of the truss system are calculated using a safety factor. According to the same algorithm, not only rafter legs are designed, but also lintels, stops, stretch marks, girders and other roof elements.

It is difficult to imagine a building without a reliable roof over it. Any roof is the basis, the main guarantor of the inviolability of things in the house, the safety of property. She is the main protector from rain and snow, wind. After its construction, you can proceed to the next stage, which involves internal work. Having made this part unreliable, one cannot speak of a full-fledged dwelling. A do-it-yourself gable roof is the simplest and most functional option among other types of roofing.

There are several options for roofs, one of which is gable. The construction does not require a lot of talent, since this type of roof is the simplest. The housing element consists of the parts shown in the figure:

The design consists of the following parts:
Skate. Top part, which will connect 2 slopes.
Rack. An installation that serves to redistribute weight from the top to the bottom of the roof. It must be made from quality materials.
Sill. Bar located horizontally. Connects the rack and load-bearing wall.

Struts. These boards are fixed at a slight angle. They serve to redistribute the weight from the rafters to the supporting elements below.

Rafter leg. These elements form a visible outline in the shape of a triangle. Serve to hold roofing. The heavier it is, the more often it is necessary to lay the rafters.
Filly. Boards that extend the rafters. Needed to create an overhang with gable roof, on building codes which must be at least 0.5 m.

Difference between rafters
a gable roof and a drawing is quite realistic to do on your own. There are several ways to construct all elements. The difference is the truss system used for construction. There are the following types of rafters:

The systems are used in many dwellings, the quality of both is sufficient for comfortable use. When erecting mansard roof are used together. In this case, the hanging and inclined type of rafters are combined. It is worth creating drawings of rafters that will show the location of each element of the roof, erected by oneself, so that there are no incomprehensible moments. It will help to calculate the amount of materials needed.
Any element of the house must be created, understanding how all this will look like as a result. For clarity, a drawing is created, and so that everything fits perfectly, it is calculated in advance. The plan takes into account the length of the roof along the ridge, the length of the slopes, and the length of the plumb lines is shown separately. The angle of inclination of the roof is determined. The angle is determined taking into account the following points:

  • With strong winds in the construction area, the angle is made around 10-12o so that the roof is not torn off.
  • With significant winter precipitation, the slope is within 30-40o. snow will slide off easily. There are no difficulties in the calculations, but if the roof is made with a complex shape, this will make it difficult to calculate the required values.

Roof construction

After making the calculations and acquiring the necessary parts, the Mauerlat is installed. After that, a crate is created. The element is the basis for a do-it-yourself roof, made of pine or other coniferous wood. The material is strong and light, capable of spreading the weight of all elements over the entire plane. It is placed along the roof slopes, between the rafter legs, the top of the walls.

In order for the element to last longer, an insulating layer is needed between the wall and it. Suitable for this ruberoid. Mauerlat can be fixed using any fasteners that are convenient.
To build a roof, you must follow the plan:

  • Fixing rafters. If hanging ones are used, they must be assembled in advance, using fasteners to stiffen this part. First, the extreme elements are made, after the internal ones. With a layered system, a bed is first created, where the supports will be installed. If the length of the elements is insufficient, you can add it using the installation of filly.

Lathing installation. Any materials can be used for construction, but it is important to get rid of the bark from the boards in order to increase the service life of the elements. If you plan to use soft roof, the crate is made continuous. It requires a rigid base so that there is no deformation during operation. Lattice system

Roof laying. There are many coating materials, each of them involves the use of different coating methods. Do not neglect the recommendations of the manufacturer of the material. It is important to make a small overlap between the elements. The structure must not be broken so that there are no leaks.
Do not forget that a reliable roof built by yourself is a guarantee of the safety of property in the house. Do not neglect its construction, so that later you do not have to make complex repairs.

A rafter is a load-bearing roof structure that rests on load-bearing walls and is a support for the installation of roofing materials. Roof rafter drawings are designed taking into account the requirements of strength, rigidity - taking into account temporary and permanent loads.
Continuous loads are: the weight of the roof structure; periodic are: snow cover pressure, wind loads, people's weight during roof repair. When arranging the roof, the weight of building materials is taken into account. The weight of the truss systems should not greatly increase the load on the wall and foundation. Strict requirements are imposed on the quality of rafter materials.
The composition of the truss system:
Documentation for rafters - drawing, defines the structure of the roof, presents a visual image, helps to estimate the cost of materials. When designing a roof with an attic, the interior space is planned using the drawing. The rafter system includes:
I. The basis of the structure is Mauerlat: a beam that is strengthened along the walls of the building and holds the rafters.
II. Beams that determine the slope of the slope, and fix the structural elements - rafter legs.
III. Bars laid perpendicular to the rafter legs, which transfer the load from the roof and serve to lay the coating material - the crate.
IV. Retaining elements that serve to stiffen the structure:
a) racks;
b) ties;
c) struts;
d) lying down;
e) runs, etc.

Rafter plan drawing:
To bind the truss system to the load-bearing walls, the axes of the building are applied. Depending on the distance between the main walls, the design of the system is designed. Pipelines and ventilation ducts, chimneys are applied to the plan, with markings of the location relative to the racks. A device is drawn on the plan with incoming elements, connection nodes and dimensions that determine the relative position of the parts. The drawing indicates: the location of gables, attic windows, roof ribs, skates, etc.
Form of roof structures
I. Flat.
II. Shed.
III. Gable - consists of two inclined planes. From the end it has the shape of a triangle.
IV. Four-pitched: hip, half-hip, tent.
V. Vaulted.
VI. broken line.
VII. Pyramidal.
When building a building in areas with strong wind loads, it is used hip design roofs. Instead of the vertical walls of the pediment, there are triangular slopes, the other two slopes are trapezoidal: this is how rafters hip roof. Blueprints are created on the basis of calculations of the characteristics of the system. Calculated:
a) the height of the skate;
b) the length of the ridge beam and rafters;
c) the angle of the rafters;
d) roof area;
e) overhang extensions.
When designing buildings no more than 3 floors, a gable roof is used. Projects on the site gable roof rafter drawing, for different types buildings.

The erection of the roof is one of the most important stages of construction. The durability of the building itself and the level of comfort of living in it directly depend on the reliability of the "umbrella" from above, on its resistance to precipitation and any external influences.

Of all the variety of roof structures, gable can be attributed to the most popular, simply because of the relative simplicity of its construction. However, behind this "simplicity" lies a lot of different nuances, the need to carry out certain calculations and follow technological rules. However, this publication has the main task: to show that installing the rafters of a gable roof with your own hands is a completely doable task, even for a novice builder.

Let's walk through the process of installing rafters for such a roof together, from the basics of preliminary design to an example of practical implementation.

General arrangement of a gable roof

Basic concepts

Structural elements of the gable roof truss system

Let's make a reservation right away that this scheme, of course, cannot reflect the entire possible variety of designs, but the main parts and assemblies on it are shown quite clearly.

1 - Mauerlat. This is a board or beam that is rigidly attached to the upper end of the external load-bearing walls of the building. Its purpose is to evenly distribute the load from the entire roof system to the walls of the house, creating conditions for reliable fastening of the rafter legs at their lower fulcrum.

2 - rafter legs installed in pairs. They become the main load-bearing parts of the entire roof system - it is the rafters that set the steepness of the slopes, will be the basis for attaching the batten, roofing, and if the roof is planned to be insulated, then the entire thermal insulation "pie".

For the manufacture of rafter legs, high-quality boards or timber are used, and round timber can also be used. About the section of lumber, which will be sufficient to ensure that all possible loads can be guaranteed, will be discussed below.

The rafters may end on the Mauerlat, but more often they go beyond the perimeter of the walls of the house, forming a cornice overhang. However, lighter parts can also be used for this - the so-called "fillies", with which the rafter legs are increased to the required width of the overhang.

To form a cornice overhang, the rafters are extended with “fillies”

3 - skating run. It can be a beam, a board or even a composite structure. The run runs along the entire line of the ridge and serves to securely connect the upper points of paired rafter legs, connect all rafter pairs in order to impart overall rigidity to the entire roof structure. IN various options roofs, this run can be rigidly supported by racks, or tied only to the connection node of the rafter legs.

4 - puffs (contractions, crossbars). Horizontal details of the reinforcement of the system, additionally connecting paired rafter legs to each other. Several puffs located at different heights can be used.

5 - floor beams, which will serve as the basis for mounting the floor in the attic and the ceiling from the side of the room.

6 - and this beam simultaneously performs the role of a bed. This is a beam that runs along the entire length of the roof, which is a support for installing additional reinforcement parts for the truss system. The bed can be installed as shown in the figure (like a floor beam), or it can be rigidly laid on a capital partition inside the building.

7 - racks (headstock) - additional vertical supports of the rafter legs, preventing their deflection under the influence of external loads. Racks at the top can rest against the rafters themselves, or against an additional run, longitudinally connecting the rafter legs at a certain height.

8 - braces. Often, with a large length of the rafter legs, their bearing capacity is not enough, and reinforcement only with racks does not provide the necessary strength. In these cases, diagonal reinforcing elements are used, resting on the bed from below, creating an additional point of support for the rafters. The number of struts and the place of their installation can vary in roofs of varying degrees of complexity.

Some differences between hanging and sloping gable roof systems

Gable roofs can be divided into two types of structures - with layered and hanging rafters. In addition, combined systems are widely used, in which both principles of construction are combined. What is the fundamental difference?

Laminated rafter system

This design of the truss system is characterized by the presence of support on the internal capital partition in the building. On the upper end of this partition, a bed is mounted, on which drains are supported, supporting the ridge run. Thus, the rafter legs are “leaned” on a vertical support, which makes the entire system as strong as possible.

This scheme is the most popular because of its reliability and relative ease of implementation. If it is possible to create an additional point of support in the center, then why not take advantage of this? True, if it is planned to place a living space in the attic, then vertical racks can sometimes become a hindrance. However, their presence is also sometimes “beaten up”, using, for example, an internal light partition for mounting.

Depending on the number and placement of internal partitions, the design of the layered truss system may vary. Some examples are shown in the illustration below:

Fragment “a” shows the simplest option, which, by the way, on short rafter lengths (up to 5 meters) may not even have struts shown - a row of central racks under the ridge run is enough

With an increase in the width of the building, the system naturally becomes more complicated, and additional reinforcing elements appear - puffs and struts (fragment "b").

Fragment "c" clearly demonstrates that the internal main wall does not have to be located exactly in the center, under the ridge. Such an option as shown in the illustration is also quite possible, but with the condition that the displacement of the lying relative to the ridge does not exceed one meter.

Finally, fragment "d" shows how the rafter system can be supported in a large building, but with two main partitions inside. The distance between such parallel beds can reach up to a third of the width of the building.

Hanging rafter system

Graphically, this roof scheme can be depicted something like this:

It immediately catches the eye that the rafters rest only on the lower part, and then are connected to each other on the ridge. There is no additional support in the center, that is, the rafter legs seem to “hang”, which predetermines the name of such a system. This feature imposes certain restrictions on the use of hanging rafters - usually such a scheme is practiced with a distance between the bearing walls on which the Mauerlat is fixed, no more than 7 meters. Installed puffs only partially relieve the load from the external walls.

The illustration below shows several options for a hanging system. However, some of them already, rather, can be classified as combined.

Fragment "d" - hanging rafters are interconnected by a screed at the level of the Mauerlat or fixed to a powerful floor beam, forming a triangle with it. There are no other reinforcing parts. A similar scheme is permissible with a distance between walls of up to 6 meters.

Option "g" - for the same size house (up to 6 meters). The puff (bolt) in this case is shifted upwards, and is often used for filing the ceiling of the attic.

Options "e" and "h" are designed for a span between walls up to 9 meters. Multiple puffs may be used (or top puff in combination with bottom floor beam). Another approach is to install racks under the ridge run, by analogy with a layered system. Only as a lower point of support, it is not a bed on the main partition that is used, but the racks are supported by a puff or a floor beam. To call such an option purely “hanging” is already difficult, since here is clearly a combination of parts from both designs.

To an even greater extent, such a combination of two schemes is expressed in the "and" variant, which is designed for large spans, from 9 to 14 meters. Here, in addition to the headstock, diagonal struts are also involved. Often, such trusses are generally assembled on the ground, and only then they are lifted and set in place, connected to each other, thereby forming the entire roof frame.

So, in preparation for the construction of a gable roof, it is necessary to study the principles of the device of a particular system, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, choose the best one for your conditions and draw up a graphic working diagram. It will also be needed when purchasing. required material, and for the production themselves installation work. However, drawing up a drawing should still be preceded by some calculations.

Calculation of the basic parameters of the gable roof truss system

Let's take another look at circuit diagram gable roof devices to highlight those parameters that need to be calculated.

So, in the process of calculation, we need to decide on the following values.

The initial data is the length of the side of the house along the gable part (highlighted in blue - F), and the length of the house along the ridge ( purple– D). It is assumed that the owners have already decided on the type of roofing in advance - since there will be certain restrictions on the steepness of the roof slopes. (angle a).

  • The height of the ridge above the Mauerlat plane (H - green), or, conversely, determine the angle of the slope, starting from the planned height of the ridge.
  • The length of the rafter leg ( blue color- L), and if necessary - and elongation of the rafters to form a cornice overhang of the required width (l).
  • Calculate the total loads that fall on the truss system in order to determine the optimal section of lumber for the manufacture of rafters, their installation step (red - S) and the allowable span length between the support points. All these parameters are closely interconnected.
  • When these calculated values ​​\u200b\u200bare on hand, it is already easy to draw up a graphic diagram, determine the need and optimal arrangement of reinforcement elements, and calculate the amount of material for their manufacture.

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We calculate the steepness of the slope and the height of the ridge

The slope angle of the slopes can be determined by the owners according to various evaluation criteria:

  • For purely aesthetic reasons - when the appearance of the building becomes "at the forefront". Many people like roofs with a high ridge, but at the same time, one must not forget that the wind load increases sharply on such a roof. Yes, and materials for the manufacture of a high roof will go immeasurably more. At the same time, on steep slopes, the snow load is reduced to almost zero - it is possible that for "snowy" regions this assessment parameter may become decisive.
  • For reasons beneficial use attic space. With a gable roof scheme, in order to achieve the maximum attic area, it is necessary to build slopes with a very steep slope, that is, with the same consequences as mentioned above.

  • Finally, there may be a completely opposite approach - for reasons of economy, make a roof structure with a minimum height in the ridge. But in this case, you will have to focus on the minimum allowable slope angles for a particular type of roofing. To reduce the steepness below the indicators recommended by the manufacturer is to “plant a bomb” in your roof, both for reasons of its strength and durability, and from the standpoint of the waterproofing qualities of the coating.

It is not difficult to calculate the height of the ridge above the floor plane (Mauerlat). At the heart of the vast majority of nodes, any roofing system lies a triangle, which, in turn, obeys strict geometric (more precisely, trigonometric) laws.

So, in our case, the width of the roof along the gable line is known. If the roof is symmetrical, then the ridge will be located exactly in the middle, and for calculations, you can simply divide the width F by two (the base of the triangle f=F/2). With asymmetrical slopes, you will have to project the top of the ridge onto line F, and measure the distances f1 and f2 from it to the edge of the triangle (to the Mauerlat) on each side. Naturally, in this case, the slope of the slopes will be different.

H =f × tga

In order not to force the reader to look for the values ​​​​of tangents and carry out calculations manually, a calculator is placed below, in which the necessary tabular values ​​\u200b\u200bare already entered.

When designing a house, attention should be paid to the truss system. A so-called rafter plan is necessarily drawn up, which includes all the features of the structure, the pitch of the rafter legs and other points necessary to build a reliable and durable roof that can withstand the calculated loads.

Rafter system design

Drawing up a plan of rafters for hipped roof, gable or for another design - the process is complex and responsible at the same time. That is why a special program is used to draw up the drawing, it is required to take into account the calculations of snow, wind loads, weight roofing material, the dimensions of the house itself. The plan is drawn up by a specialist who has the necessary experience in performing such work. When drawing up a rafter plan, parameters such as:

  • material for the construction of the roof (it can be wood or metal);
  • type of roof, its features;
  • roof pitch;
  • section of rafter legs;
  • if the listed data are available, you can proceed to the implementation of the plan of the truss system.

The design scheme of the rafter legs depends on:

  • shape of the future roof;
  • the length of the floors and the space to be covered;
  • the presence of internal supports.

The plan of the rafters should be drawn up taking into account all the parameters. For the construction of the roof, layered and are used. The leg structure can be triangulated to provide maximum rigidity and strength. If the farms will be used complex, then you will additionally have to purchase:

  • struts;
  • crossbars;
  • puffs;
  • additional racks;
  • truss beams.

Laminated rafters are used for houses where the middle one is taken as a load-bearing wall. includes 2 rafter legs, a power plate on which they rest from below, and a ridge run for support from above, as well as racks. Racks are attached to the bed, it is placed on the inside bearing wall, which makes it possible to correctly distribute all the loads. If internal walls are absent, then the support falls on poles or columns, the step between which is 6.5 m.

Hanging rafters are used when internal supports or walls are completely missing. In this case, the rafter legs will only rest on the outer walls.

The structure includes the rafter legs themselves, a horizontal beam in the form of a stretch. The lower ends of the bars rest on a special Mauerlat over the wall, which allows you to distribute the load evenly. Such rafters can provide an overlap of space of 7-12 m. Crossbars are used for reinforcement.

The production of hanging rafters is more complex than layered ones, which is why the latter are used much more often. The cost of hanging rafters is higher, but in some cases only they can be used. Combined systems can be used to reduce costs. This makes it possible to make construction easier and more economical.

What does a truss system plan include?

The drawing is made using a special program. When drawing up a drawing, the following actions are performed:

  1. Modular coordination networks are applied first, they allow you to link all the data on the design of the truss system to the main walls of the future house.
  2. The plan draws all the channels of the ventilation and smoke systems, pipelines, which during the construction process will go through the truss system.
  3. A plan is being developed for the future chosen form of the roof. When drawing up a sketch, it is required to take into account the location of the walls.

The diagram must indicate such elements that the roof has: roof ribs, valleys, skates, and so on. Be sure to take into account what shape the slopes will take, the direction and angle of the slope. The drawing indicates the location of gables, dormer windows, if any.

Using the plan of the roofing system, builders will build a solid and robust design. The following parameters must be indicated on the plan:

  • rafter beams;
  • Mauerlat;
  • rafter legs;
  • puffs and filly for fastening legs;
  • racks with longitudinal struts, guaranteeing the spatial rigidity of the entire truss system (in the drawing, such elements must be displayed as a dashed line).

If it is planned to build a metal roof truss system, i.e. special galvanized beams, it is necessary to use completely different programs designed for design. Only a specialist can do this, otherwise, if the calculations are incorrect, the roof will not withstand the loads. The step of the rafter legs is calculated taking into account building material, loads from the heater. For example, for a four-slope roof, which is constructed from wood, the rafter pitch can be:

  1. In the manufacture of rafter legs from beams, the step is 150-180 cm.
  2. In the manufacture of rafter legs from edged board the step is 100-120 cm.

It is important that the ventilation outlets of the pipes are displayed on the plan, as structural reinforcement may be required.

In some, in order to pass the pipe, it is necessary to cut the rafter leg, and install the remaining ends on special wooden jumpers, which will be located between the adjacent legs. For fasteners in this case, washed down. Scheme of the truss system.

Technology rules

For a hipped roof or other configuration, small dormer windows are provided in the gables to provide proper ventilation attic space, especially in the warm season. For example, for a four-pitched roof, it is necessary to display diagonal slanted rafter legs on the rafter plan, and the sprigs resting on them. It is important not to forget about the dormers, which will be located on the hips.

If it is planned to build an attic living space, then the upper beams for tying the walls should be displayed on the plan. They will serve as a support for the rafter legs of the entire structure, providing the necessary strength and reliability of the roof. The design scheme is always carried out simultaneously with the development of plans for all structural sections of the building. This allows you to connect them together, to ensure correct and clear design. As a result, each node will be clearly connected with the rest, the design will be stable and reliable.

The project must have the affixed values ​​​​of the axes of all elements of the building and the structure of the truss system. Wall thickness data is attached to the axial parameters, dimension lines are applied to the project, which are performed to determine the step for the beam. Inside, the distances between the individual racks are indicated, chimneys. Be sure to enter the value of the cross sections for each element.

Drawing up a plan for a hipped roof or any other is a prerequisite during the design of a house. The truss system is one of essential elements Houses. It depends on how correctly the drawing is drawn up and the calculations are carried out, whether the structure will be strong and reliable. Therefore, it is best to entrust the preparation of such a plan to specialists, and not rely on one's own strength in the absence of proper experience.

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