
Roof truss installation technology. How to make a gable roof truss system with your own hands. Video: installation of rafter legs of a layered roofing system


The roof has great importance for the integrity of the whole house. Therefore, many are interested in how to properly assemble the rafter system so that it is reliable and does not have to be repaired soon. There are many types of roofs, some of them can be seen in the photo, but single-pitched and double-pitched structures are the most popular. Let's figure out how to make the truss system correctly.

Roof types

Before moving on to how to make a truss system, you need to figure out what the common types of roofs are.

Shed roof - the simplest, even a person who does not have much experience in construction can handle its creation. However, this type of roofing is mainly used in the construction of outbuildings. For residential buildings, gable or mansard (broken) roofs are usually made. These designs are more complex, but you can easily deal with them on your own if you know how to make rafters. gable roof and follow all the recommendations of specialists (read: "").

The most reliable roofs are hip ones, they can withstand even huge loads. They are recommended to be done in regions where there is a lot of snow and strong winds often blow. But their design is also very complex, so it is better to entrust their construction to professionals.

A hipped (four-pitched) roof is used in the construction of square buildings; in its design, it is a kind of hip roof.

The most complex roof is a cross. During its construction, complex structural elements are used - valleys (grooves). These diagonal auxiliary rafters are installed as additional elements. During the construction of such complicated roof haste is unacceptable. Most of the snow accumulates in the area of ​​​​the grooves, and the reliability of the roof depends on how to make rafters in these places.

Each type of roof consists of rafters and roofing. The rafters are the load-bearing part of the roof, and the roof surface is the enclosing part.

Types of rafters

Before you put the rafters, you need to learn about their design features and decide on the installation option.

There are two types of rafters: layered and hanging .

hanging rafters - these are inclined beams mounted on supports with different heights. The support can be the outer walls of the house (in the case of a shed roof) or both the inner and outer walls (in the case of a gable roof). Rafter legs do not have to be laid in the same plane opposite the slopes. They can be mounted alternately on the ridge run. Alternate laying of rafters in the ridge area makes it possible to create a truss truss. To this end, all parts are interconnected into a single rigid structure.

Materials for rafters

As for the rafters from the boards, they are not heavy, and they are convenient to install. You can easily work with this material on your own without resorting to outside help. Many experts do not advise making connections with nails - it is better to use self-tapping screws. If the work will be carried out with the help of nails, do not forget about the lining and liners.

As for how to build a truss system, it is better to use cuttings to connect racks with a run or a bed.

Installation truss system with your own hands, in detail on the video:

Rafter system connection options

The rafter system can be connected in three ways:

  • struts;
  • racks;
  • at the same time struts and racks.

How to properly make the rafters depends on the span between the outer walls. A beam of 10x10 centimeters is used to create a ridge run. Lezhen and Mauerlat can be made from logs, hewn them into two edges, or by taking a beam of 10x10 centimeters.

When making a ridge knot, it is necessary to nail special clamps made of steel strip to the Mauerlat and run with large nails, taking into account. May or may not be used steel clamps, but then twists of thick wire with a diameter of 6 millimeters are needed.

Regarding how to make a brick or stone house, then a Mauerlat must be laid on the masonry. For its reliable fastening, it is recommended to place a piece of log or timber about 50 centimeters under each rafter leg. Then they are attached with clamps to metal hooks that were previously installed 30 centimeters below the Mauerlat.

Many people have a question about how to make rafters on the roof wooden houses. rafters in wooden buildings laid on the top crown of the wall. A plank truss truss can be created using a crossbar or with spans (6-8 centimeters). Its structural elements are arranged as follows. Make a single puff with the help of boards, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the rafters. For double tightening, thinner boards are used (thickness from 40 millimeters). For the crossbar and overlays, 30 mm parts are taken.

How to determine the cross section of the rafters

Before you properly lay the rafters, you need to decide on their cross section.

This parameter depends on:

  • span dimensions;
  • expected load (wind force, weight of snow cover and roofing material);
  • step and angle of installation of rafters (roof slope).

There is a dependence of the cross section of the rafters on the length of the rafter leg.

It is expressed as follows:

  • with a step of 300 centimeters, bars with a section of 10x12 centimeters or boards with a section of 6x14, 8x14 or 4x18 centimeters are used;
  • with a step of 400 centimeters, bars with a section of 10x16 centimeters or boards with a section of 6x20, 8x20 centimeters are used;
  • with a step of 500 centimeters, bars with a section of 10x20 centimeters or boards with a section of 8x22 centimeters are used.

Roofing must be selected taking into account the slope of the roof. Also, the choice of material for the roof depends on financial capabilities. The greater the angle of the roof slope, the more funds will be required to create the roof - this is due to the increased consumption of materials. However, steep roofs are better rain water and snow, so they are more reliable and will last longer. But given the huge selection of roofing materials on the market, there will be no difficulties with this.

Creating a truss system for a bath

As for how to make rafters for a bath, it is better to choose a gable roof - then there will be an attic in the building, which can be used to store brooms and other bath accessories (read: ""). Thus, it is desirable to create a truss system for a gable roof, it is easier and more practical.

The truss system is the roof frame, which is the basis for the roofing decking.

The rafter system is designed to withstand the load of the roof, taking into account natural loads: winds, snow, rain.

The roof option is approved at the design stage.

The purpose of the roof includes several functions: warmth in the house, protection of the premises from natural phenomena, therefore truss system must be given Special attention.

You can read how to calculate the truss system.

It is customary to classify truss systems so that the task of choosing a variant of the future roof is easier to solve:

  • Shed. The most simple. More suitable for utility rooms, baths, small private houses, gazebos. Provides for the inclined position of the structure at a slight angle (no more than 25°);
  • gable. Used for small houses and country buildings. They look like a triangle, in which the rafters are connected by a beam and are at a certain angle;
  • Gable broken lines. They have two slopes with a fracture, thanks to which it is possible to increase the area of ​​the attic;
  • Tri-slope (semi-hip). They have two trapezoidal slopes, which are connected by one end triangular slope (hip);
  • Four-slope (hip). Used for residential buildings require a significant amount of labor. They have two end triangular slopes and two trapezoidal;
  • Tent. Used for square buildings. They consist of four triangular slopes, the upper corner of which is connected in the center of the roof;
  • Multi-forceps. Consist of trapezoidal or other slopes different forms, interconnected.

The most suitable designs for - and broken gable. There are others, but they are less common and not as practical as those listed above.

Rafter structures are also classified into:

  • Hanging. With this type of roof frame due to the lack of load-bearing walls in the room;
  • Layered. Rafter installation option, providing support on a load-bearing internal wall or support in a building.

The calculation of the material for the roof frame when designing a building is based on the intended configuration and load. Do-it-yourself rafters are not difficult to do, it is important to approach the matter wisely.

Rafter systems of layered and hanging type

Calculation of the load on the rafters

To correctly calculate the load on the rafters, it is necessary to take into account many factors that can affect the severity of the structure.

Important metrics to consider:

  • Constant load: includes a mass of roofing cake, covering material;
  • Temporary load: constant and maximum amount of snow, rain, intensity of wind gusts, and in areas with high seismic activity - the action of storm winds, tornadoes, hurricanes.

In addition, you should keep in mind the mass and strength of the rafter legs, as well as pay attention to the fastening of the rafters. gable roof and mounting options.

Scheme of truss systems

The distance between the rafters of a gable roof and the thickness of the rafters

The rafter pitch of a gable roof is the empty space between the rafters. The functionality of the roof depends on the correct calculation of the step. As a rule, the step is about a meter.

For a more accurate calculation of the distance between the rafters, there is a certain calculation scheme:

  1. Determine the length of the slope.
  2. The length of the slope is divided by the distance between the rafters.
  3. To determine the number of rafter boards, one is added to the resulting value and rounded up. This determines how many boards are needed per slope.
  4. The length of the slope is divided by the number of boards, get the distance between the rafters.

This calculation is not always final.

Additionally, you should take into account the load of the roofing (its mass), the thickness of the rafters, as well as the dimensions of the rafters for a gable roof.

The thickness of the rafter board largely depends on the covering material:

  • . Boards are used with a section of 5x20 cm at a step of 60 to 90 cm with a decking of a batten with a section of 4x5 cm;
  • . Rafter boards - 5x15 cm, step - from 60 cm to 95 cm;
  • . The cross section of the board is 6x18 cm or 5x15 cm, the distance between the bars is from 80 cm to 130 cm;
  • . The cross section of the rafter is 5x15 cm, 5x10 cm with a step of 60 cm to 90 cm;
  • . The cross section of the beam is the same as on the corrugated board with a step of 60-80 cm.

All indicators should be taken into account and the thickness of the rafter should be accurately calculated so that there is no excessive load on the foundation.

Incorrect calculation of the length of the gable roof rafters, as well as incorrect calculation of the pitch indicators, can lead to sagging of the roof.

Do-it-yourself installation of gable roof rafters requires taking into account the weight of the rafter board and all additional structural fasteners.

What is the truss system

Rafter construction - a complex system and installing a gable roof truss system is not an easy task. truss system consists not only of rafter boards, but also of other additional elements:

  • Mauerlat. An element that distributes the entire load evenly on the supports;
  • Run. Boards fastening the legs of the rafter: at the top - a ridge, on the side - a side run;
  • Puffs. Connecting beam, which prevents the divergence of the rafter legs;
  • Struts, racks. Bars that fix the stability of the rafters, resting on the bed;
  • . Lattice of bars, which is superimposed perpendicular to the rafters. Transfers the load of the covering material to the truss frame;
  • . Connecting beam, which serves as a union of roof slopes;
  • Filly. If the length of the rafter legs is insufficient, they are mounted to form an overhang;
  • Roof overhang. Goes beyond the bottom line of the slope to prevent precipitation from falling on the walls.

The rafter system implies rafters, stretch marks, braces and racks located in the same plane. They are located in such a way that the main load roof structure falls vertically on external load-bearing walls. Therefore, the manufacture of gable roof rafters is a very important process.

What is the gable roof truss system

Installation of a rafter system with layered rafters

A layered rafter system is used when the span does not exceed 6.5 meters.

In the presence of load-bearing structures inside the building, it is possible to install additional racks.

The main support of the rafter legs is the Mauerlat.

Mauerlat installation

Before mounting the Mauerlat, it is necessary to install an armored belt. It consists of a formwork in which reinforcement is laid and poured with concrete. At the base, with concrete that has not yet hardened, studs are installed, to which the Mauerlat is then attached.

Mauerlat - a beam that is laid on a support (bearing wall) and is the base of the truss frame. A layer of waterproofing material is preliminarily laid. If the length of the beam is not enough for the length of the wall, then it is increased.

  • Check if the diagonals are equal. A discrepancy of a few centimeters can lead to a frame conversion;
  • Fix the corners of the Mauerlat;
  • Attach the Mauerlat with studs or wire. The studs are tightened in two stages, having previously drilled holes for them.

The stability of the roof structure depends on how firmly the Mauerlat is installed.

Therefore, it is necessary to take seriously the fastening of the Mauerlat to the bearing support.

Mauerlat installation


After the Mauerlat has dried (after 5 days), the installation of the bed is marked on the Mauerlat beam: its axis should be with the same indentation on each side of the Mauerlat beam. The bed is attached to a two-layer waterproofing layer with anchor bolts. To the wall from the inside, the bed should be fixed with twists of wire or staples. Next, markup is made for installing the rafters.

Installation of a gable roof truss system

The anchor points of the layered rafters are the walls and racks inside the frame. The rafters are mounted with hinged attachment points. When using sliders for fastening, a slight lowering of the roof frame is ensured in the first years of the roof's service life.

This installation method is necessary to prevent distortion, as in the early years the building settles a little.

Rafter beams should be fixed either by installing them in prepared grooves and strengthening with fasteners, or by attaching plank linings.

Installation of rafters

ridge knot

The rafters are joined end-to-end, cutting off the edge of the bar so that the angle when connecting opposite beams corresponds to the angle of the slope. Hammer the rafters under the ridge with nails. A variant is possible in which the beams are connected by bolts, a nail or a hairpin, that is, they overlap.

If necessary (if provided by the project), a cut is made in the rafter beams for attaching the ridge beam (purlin).

ridge knot


Racks are attached with a short span - in the center, on the sides and center - with a wider roof base. Fastening is carried out vertically from the ridge to the inner wall.


Run - a connecting beam for fixing rafter legs. Fastens with bolts or brackets to the rack.

Filly installation

The final step in the installation of the layered system is the installation of filly with a short length of rafter legs for overhang. To install the visor, it is necessary to install additional small rafter boards.

Installation of a rafter system with layered rafters

Do-it-yourself gable roof truss system: installation with hanging rafters

truss system, equipped with hanging rafters, is a triangular structure, where the sides are rafters, and the base is a puff connected to the lower heels of the rafters.

Installation of a hanging-type truss frame can do without installing a Mauerlat: a board that is fixed on a two-layer waterproofing can replace it.

If the structure has a large span, then struts, headstocks, crossbars are attached to it.

Racks in the hanging system are not provided.


The puff is the longest beam of the roof frame. To prevent it from sagging, it is necessary to fasten headstock - boards that are attached to the top of the structure on one side, and to the puff - on the other. Fasten with bolts or overlays made of wood. The slack can be adjusted using the threaded collars.

The device of the truss system

Installation of strut beams

The headstock can be supplemented with strut beams, forming a rhombus, where two struts are the lower sides, and the rafters are the upper ones, the upper corner is the ridge. Thus, the struts rest against the headstock, distributing the load.

Strut beams


Rafters of a hanging structure are mounted like a layered one. When installing attics, the puff is installed closer to the ridge, providing more space under the ceiling. The tightening in this case is fastened by cutting with bolts.


When installing a hanging system, a prerequisite for installation is the accuracy of calculations and the strength of the rafters and puffs.

The presence of errors leads to the displacement of the axes of the elements of the system, which provides a distortion of the structure.

How to install rafters for a gable roof will tell you this photo:

Rafter installation

hanging rafters

How to strengthen the rafters of a gable roof

It is necessary to reinforce the rafters of a gable roof when the load calculation is incorrect or frame defects are found.

Strengthening can be done with:

  • Balok, which are installed in order to transfer the load to them;
  • Strut mounting with an inclined mount with an emphasis on lying down;
  • Overlays of double-sided rails;
  • Increase in the section of the rafter beam in the place of supports on the strut by applying planking from boards with nails or bolts;
  • board wall, which are attached to the rafters in places where snow is expected to accumulate to increase the bearing capacity of the rafters.

You can resort to strengthening the Mauerlat beam and the base of the rafter beam. Due high humidity and reduced ventilation, these parts of the frame are more prone to decay, therefore, when arranging the roof special attention needs to be paid

When building your house, you will definitely face many difficulties. First you need to draw up a project, then prepare the material, and then proceed to the construction of the building. Each stage has its own characteristics and difficulties, if you do not get acquainted with them in advance, then construction can easily be delayed. For example, the installation of a truss system. The durability of the whole house depends on the correct implementation of this stage. And how to do it right?

At the beginning about the design itself

Installation of the truss system is carried out in a certain sequence. To know how to do the job, you must first get acquainted with the design itself. The roof truss system consists of the following main elements:

  • The Mauerlat serves as the lowest "tier" of the truss system. It is a wooden beam located around the entire perimeter of the building. Mauerlat serves two purposes. Firstly, it evenly distributes the load from the rafter system to the walls of the house. Secondly, the Mauerlat allows you to align the base horizontally;
  • Rafter pairs are the main element of the entire system. It is he who takes on all the loads, and also connects other components;
  • Run. It is a wooden beam. Most often, it is installed up, at the ridge and connects the rafters. Also, in some cases, a bottom run is installed. In this case, it serves as an additional fastening element of the rafter legs;
  • Puff. It is mandatory to use it in . The puff fastens the lower ends of each pair together. In some cases, the element may be in the upper part of the rafter triangle;
  • Struts, racks. The elements serve as additional support for the rafter legs;
  • Filly. Additional element. Mounting the filly is necessary in order for the overhang.
  • The truss system has both mandatory and optional components. For example, Mauerlat. It is used almost always, with the exception of houses from wooden beam. Here you can do without an element. In this case, the role of the Mauerlat will be performed by the upper beam.

    Some specialists also include a crate in the truss system. This structure serves as a support for the roofing material. In some cases, a solid, and in others, a discharged crate is required. The first option is used for soft roofing.

    System types

    Rafters are the basis of the entire roof structure. It is they who take on all the loads and transfer them to the walls. If it's about gable roof, namely this option is used most often, then the truss system itself can be made in two main versions:

    • . Such truss systems are used in cases where the house has a small width. The length of the span should not exceed six meters. The hanging system implies the emphasis of the rafters only on the Mauerlat or directly on the walls. From above, the pairs simply connect to each other, there is no ridge run. From below, the rafters are additionally attached to each other, in pairs, with stretch marks;
    • . Such a rafter system is used if there is a bearing wall or column. They serve as a support for the installation of the ridge run. The layered truss system is used in the construction of wide houses.

    Often used and combined option. For example, it is used in the construction of gable roofs. In this case, extensions depart from the main building at a right angle. The main house is covered with a roof using a layered truss system. Side extensions, since they are usually not wide, can be “covered” with a hanging structure.

    Installation order

    The correct installation of the truss system is carried out in a certain sequence. Much depends on the characteristics and type of roof. The simplest option is flat roof. In this case, special skills are not required. It is enough just to lay the beams, creating the necessary slope, and install the battens and roofing materials on them.

    The second most difficult is considered a gable roof. It is about her and will be discussed. Knowing the sequence in the case of a gable roof, you can easily navigate in other options.

    The sequence of actions when installing the truss system is as follows:

    At the end of the installation of the truss system, the installation of the crate is carried out. The waterproofing material must first be laid. If this is not done, then the wooden elements will get wet and quickly fail.

    There are some features of installing a truss system on a house built of wood. Firstly, Mauerlat is not used in this case. Secondly, the rafters themselves are attached to the upper crown of the walls without fail in a sliding way. This is necessary due to the nature of the wood. It starts to dry out over time. If the rafters are fixed in a rigid way, then the entire system will definitely lead and the roof will simply collapse.

    Features of installation of different types of roofs

    There are many options for roofing. Each owner chooses according to his preferences and tastes, the features of the house itself are also taken into account. Depending on the type of roof, the installation of the truss system is carried out with some differences, namely:

    gable and shed roof you can build yourself. To install the truss system, you need little skills in carpentry and a clear calculation and planning of your actions. All calculations can be easily done using special programs on the Internet. You can also find installation instructions there.

    For other roofing options, quite a lot of experience is required. That is why their construction is most often trusted by professionals. Of course, in this case, the cost of the roof will increase significantly. But you will have a guarantee that everything is done correctly. And this means that the house will be reliably protected from external influences and will stand for more than a decade.

The service life of a house directly depends on how well all parts of its structure are made. And the roof is no exception here, because it is it that protects the floors from atmospheric precipitation and sunlight. In addition, the roof allows you to remove excess moisture from the walls of the building. If you decide to make rafters with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of their construction.

Today, many types of roofs are known. Despite the variety of structural features, they are all attached to the frame of the house with the help of rafters - wooden beams, which can be installed either directly or at a certain angle to the walls. Subsequently, wooden elements are mounted on the beams, on which, in turn, the roof is laid. Before you make rafters, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic design features different types roofs

Types of roofs and features of their construction

The easiest to set up with my own hands are single-pitched or double-pitched roofs. These are the most commonly used in construction. country houses. At the same time, shed structures are mainly erected during the arrangement of outbuildings: sheds, temporary huts and other utility rooms. In the construction of residential buildings, broken or gable roofs are used.

There are also the following types of roof structures:

  • hip;
  • tented (four-pitched);
  • cross.

These types of roofs consist of complex structural elements, so if you need to manufacture them, it is better to seek help from specialists.

If we talk about rafters, they are also divided into two types and can be layered or hanging. As a support for hanging rafters, external or internal walls building. The upper end of the beam is attached to the ridge run. The lower parts of the beams rest against the extreme supports, which are the walls of the house.

When installing hanging rafters, it must be remembered that this species structure has no internal fulcrum. Incorrect installation can cause the pressure of the roof elements on each other to become too high, which can cause the walls to topple over or collapse.

To prevent this from happening, all elements of such a design must be firmly connected to each other. To do this, a tightening belt is equipped in the lower part of the truss system, which makes it possible to exclude the expansion of the construction truss. The assembly of a hanging truss structure can be carried out both on the house and on the ground. In the second case, in order to raise the roof on the building, you will need to use a truck crane.

Unlike a hanging structure, layered rafters are attached not only to the ridge run, but also to the internal support, which makes the process of erecting this system quite simple and does not require the use of special mechanisms and equipment.

Materials required for arranging the truss structure

Before you make rafters for a gable roof, you should decide what materials will be used to make them.

Here it is also necessary to focus on the recommendations of experienced builders. For example, many craftsmen do not recommend using logs for beams, due to their large weight. In addition, it is desirable to use not nails, but self-tapping screws as fastening material. In both cases, the use of overlays and inserts will be required.

The amount of materials that are needed to make roof rafters also depends on the rafter assembly option. Today there are several of them:

  • using racks;
  • using struts;
  • using both racks and struts.

Taking into account all of the above factors, the following materials and tools will be required for arranging the structure:

  • boards or timber from coniferous wood with a thickness of 40 to 100 mm;
  • timber with a section of 10x10 cm for the roof ridge and the manufacture of a bed and Mauerlat;
  • clamps made of steel strip;
  • nails or screws;
  • staples;
  • axe;
  • inclinometer or laser level;
  • hammer or screwdriver.

Before carrying out work, it will be necessary to calculate the difference between the walls of the building for the slope of the roof. This can be done using the following formula:

In this case, W is the distance between the walls of the house, L is the angle of the roof, H is the difference between the walls.

Determining the cross section of a beam or board for arranging a truss system

Or boards that will be used for the manufacture of elements of the truss structure, completely depends on their length. So, with a rafter height of 3 m, material with a cross section of 8x14 cm to 10x12 cm can be used. The height of elements of 4 m will require the use of boards or timber with a cross section of 8x18 cm to 10x10 cm. A beam or boards with the largest section of 8x22 cm or 10x20 cm should be used when the length of the roof rafters is at least 5 m.

Carrying out work on the arrangement of the truss system

In order to make the rafters correctly, you first need to install the Mauerlat. This term refers to a roof element, usually made of logs or timber. It is in the Mauerlat that every detail of the truss structure is installed. Thanks to this element, the load from the weight of the rafters is distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The number of Mauerlats depends entirely on the number of pairs of rafters, since the lower end of each rafter element is fixed in a groove cut in the Mauerlat.

Mauerlats are installed on the walls and the building under construction. At the same time, on both sides, its extension outside the walls of the house should be from 40 to 60 cm. The extensions should have the same value along the entire length. Several methods can be used to mount the Mauerlat: fixing with staples, winding with wire, fastening with long nails, etc.

In the places where the rafters are attached to the Mauerlat, we make grooves that must fully correspond to the spike at the end of each rafter. The grooves should be located at the same distance not less than 6-8 cm from the end of the beam or log.

When the required number of Mauerlats of the same length is installed on the walls of the house, you can start installing the truss system. The design is made taking into account the step between the rafters of no more than 2 m. If the thickness of the beam or board is minimal (about 40 mm), the step can be made smaller.

In order for the rafters for the roof to be folded at the right angle, based on the calculations using the above formula, a template is made from the boards. According to this template, all the necessary distances are measured and a spike is cut out corresponding to the groove in the Mauerlat. Based on the prepared template, spikes are made at the bottom of all truss elements.

At the upper end of the elements, grooves are sawn at a certain angle for attaching the ridge run. The value of the angle depends on the angle of the roof and the size of the beam for the ridge. The skate can be mounted above the center of the rafters or, conversely, under them. The use of a ridge increases the rigidity of the truss structure.

It is possible to fasten the rafters without a ridge run: this method is usually used in the construction of small buildings whose roof span is less than 4.5 m. In this case, the upper ends of the elements of the rafter system are cut at a certain angle so that each pair has a groove and a spike, which will be securely fastened to each other.

Prepared rafters rise to the base of the roof and are mounted in grooves on the Mauerlats. Each rack can be fixed with either staples or long nails. In the case when a ridge run is used, it is desirable to install additional posts under the rafters, which will exclude the possibility of their sagging. The columns are installed from a board, the section of which is smaller than the section of the rafters, and are fixed on the Mauerlat.

When the rafters for the roof are installed, it is necessary to prepare the crate for attaching the roof. The type of lathing depends entirely on which roof will be laid on the roof elements. For example, a crate with a step of 10 to 50 cm is suitable for fastening metal tiles, slates and sheet roofing materials. A crate, the distance between the elements of which will be no more than 1 cm, will be required for roll materials, sheet slate or soft roofing.

If you need to make a truss structure with your own hands, you can use the above recommendations. If the work is done carefully and accurately, the roof of the house will be reliable and will last a long time.

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